RIVER CITY REALTOR R E A LT O R ® T H E V O I C E F O R ® Passing good laws and defeating ba starts with your voice in this build R E A L E S TAT E I N ™ T H E G R E AT E R L A C R O S S E A R E A JANUARY 2015 • VOL. 36, NO. 4 MARK YOUR CALENDAR MN Department of Commerce – Mandated 7.5 Hours Offered & Attorney Brad Boyd, Instructor, will join us on February 19 to present 7.5 hours of Department of Commerce required MN CE. We will offer, “Financing Issues Module” and “MN Disclosure Module” for a total of 7.5 hours. The course offered in the a.m. will satisfy the 1-hour Broker Module Requirement. See enclosed flyer for all details. Please mark this date on your calendar and sign up today! ® GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI Are You Signed Up? TM W isconsin REA LT ORS ® A ssociatio n REALTOR® Government Day is on March 11, 2015. Agenda: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Registration 1:00 – 1:15 p.m. Welcome 1:15 – 1:45 p.m. Gov. Scott Walker (invited) 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. Issues Briefing 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. Move to Capitol 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Capitol Hill Visits 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Reception New Member Orientation The next new member orientation has been scheduled for Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Association Office – 111 6th St. S., La Crosse. Passing good laws and defeating bad ones Golf Outing Date Chosen starts with your voice in this building. The Golf Outing is scheduled for Monday, July 20, 2015 at Cedar Creek. The Committee is scheduled to meet soon and will share more details as soon as they become available. Mark your calendars and plan on having a fun filled day! Save money and register today. The first 300 REALTOR® member registrants are FREE! Register online at www.wra.org or call 800.279.1972 & ® GOVERNMENT DAY It’s your chance to take a stand on issues that impact YOU! Check out the insert in this issue! March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI INSIDE THIS ISSUE Association Executive Message. . . . . . . 2 Announcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Members on the Move. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tour Boundaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 RPAC Thank You. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Supra Hot Tip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Dates to Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fair Housing Corner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Holiday Social Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 TM W isconsin REA LT ORS ® A ssociatio n “Success hinges on what we advocate.” www.wra.org “Dear PAST: thank you for all of the life lessons Dear FUTURE: I’m READY NOW!” - anonymous 2 Executive Report It’s An Exciting Time for New Goals RIVER CITY REALTOR® by Char Glocke, Association Executive Happy 2015! As the Holiday Season comes to an end, reality sets in and we have a new fresh year ahead of us. We will make new goals! We will experience accomplishments and failures! It is all about our positive attitude to make 2015 a spectacular year. The 2015 Code of Ethics is now available. It is posted on our website at www.larawebsite.com. Print a copy and post it. Make sure you are familiar with every article. As the new biennium unfolds, the WRA is busy getting all the Courses for CE approved. Once the courses are ready and they have been approved for MN Credit, I will set the dates and we will offer all 18 hours live right here in La Crosse. Watch future editions of the newsletter for more details. Our Association is geared up and ready to go. Please thank our Leadership when you see them for all the volunteer hours they will and have invested in the Association. They are listed in the box to the right. I want to thank the 100 members that have volunteered to serve on committees. We so appreciate your time and talent. Thank you. The River City Realtor® is published by the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association 608-785-7744 • 866-425-7744 www.larawebsite.com EDITOR Char Glocke 785-7837 • [email protected] EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Kent Gabrielsen 608-784-9930 [email protected] President Elect Chuck Olson 608-784-9930 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Dave Snyder 608-782-2300 [email protected] Congratulations to Mike Pietrek and his Committee! We surpassed our RPAC goal collecting $17,186/143.22% of our goal. 49.39% of our members contributed! Hurray! What an accomplishment! Past President Cindy Gerke-Edwards 608-784-2100 [email protected] Make sure that you sign up for REALTOR® Government Day that will be held on March 11. See attached flyer for more details. Government Day is FREE to the first 300 registrants. This is your opportunity to advocate for issues that impact the real estate industry in Wisconsin. LOCAL DIRECTORS Marv Leisso 608-783-6700 • [email protected] Jeff Pralle 608-797-5097 • [email protected] Have a great month! Kathy Johnson 608-792-9902 [email protected] Co-Listing with Non MLS Members Properties that are listed with both a Participant and Non-Participant of the Greater La Crosse MLS Corporation may be submitted for publication to MLS provided that the Non-Participant is a member of another REALTOR® MLS, and provided he or she agrees in writing to abide by the Greater La Crosse MLS Corporation. A completed and signed MLS Co-Listing Agreement must accompany the listing submitted prior to the listing being entered for publication. If you would like a copy of the Co-Listing Agreement, go to www.larawebsite.com and hit the MLS tab. L77131 Kevin Ryan Char LARA Website [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.larawebsite.com Donna Proudfit 608-386-7161 • [email protected] Jim Orlikowski 608-779-3079 [email protected] Scott Ryan 608-792-4122 [email protected] Advertising rates for the River City Realtor ® are $6.00 per column inch payable in advance. All new advertising or changes in ads should be delivered to the Association Office, camera ready, by the 15th of the month prior to publications. Make checks payable to the La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association. Frequently Requested Phone Numbers: WRA Legal Hotline • 608-799-4468 DSPS • 608-266-5511 Zip Forms Support • 1-800-383-9805 Metro MLS Helpdesk • 1-800-490-3731 River City Realtor® Announcements Agent Code Sorry to…. Shane Peterson for missing his Agent Code in last month’s newsletter! Call the Association Office if you find yours in this month’s issue and you will win a free dinner at the next General Membership Meeting! 2015 Code of Ethics Now Available The NAR 2015 Code of Ethics is now available at our website at www.larawebsite.com. How Well Do You Know The Realtor® Code of Ethics? Duties to Clients and Customers: Article 9 REALTORS, for the protection of all parties, shall assure whenever possible that all agreements related to real estate transactions including, but not limited to, listing and representation agreements, purchase contracts, and leases are in writing in clear and understandable language expressing the specific terms, conditions, obligations and commitments of the parties. A copy of each agreement shall be furnished to each party to such agreements upon their signing or initialing. (Amended 1/04) ® Have You Updated Your flexMLS Profile Lately? Your profile in flex reflects the information that appears on your listings in flexMLS. If you see that your phone number, email address, or website information on your listings is incorrect, this means that it is incorrect in your profile. To check your profile: • Log on to MLS • On the left side click on “Preferences” • Click on “My Profile” You will see several options for information in your profile. Click on what you would like to change and enter the new information. If you have any questions, please call or email the Association Office. Member Updates • Congratulations to Lance Dembraski on the birth of his daughter. Dad, mom and baby are doing well. • Congratulations to Dax Connely on the new addition to his family – newborn Sloane Marie, born on New Year’s Day. Membership Letter As per Article 5, Section 3 (A) of the by-laws, you are hereby notified that the following people have submitted applications for the class of membership indicated: REALTORS®: Amy Lovejoy – BHHS Lovejoy Realty Sandra Knutson – Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS Ralph Johnson – Farm-Urban Realty Lance Ott – Farm-Urban Realty Tara Jaeger-Olson – Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS Ryan Nordstrom - Homestead Realty Inc. Wi #2 AFFILIATES: Dax Connely – Town N’ Country Title LLC Lynn Iverson – River Valley Title Group Should you have any comment in regard to the application of these individuals, submit them in writing prior to January 31, 2015 to the Association Office. It has been determined by the Membership Committee that the above applicant has applied for the appropriate class of membership. Chuck Olson, Secretary/Treasurer La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association Need a REALTOR® Pin? If you have lost or misplaced your REALTOR® pin, stop by the Association Office and we will give you a replacement for free. President is Spokesperson for the Organization It is important in creating the best public impression of the Association that any statements regarding the activities of the Association or its public positions come from an official source in the Association. This allows for coordination and clarity in the Association’s message. Our policy is to have the Association President, or someone specifically designated by the President in particular situations, as the only spokesperson for the Association. Our Presidents have spokesperson training and an understanding of the entire Association and how its parts fit together. If you are contacted by anyone, including the media, for any report on the Association or its activities, refer them to the Association office and arrangements will be made to respond. Vol. 36 No. 4 • January 2015 3 4 Members on the Move Transfers: • Brenda Fisher from US Bank to Altra Federal Credit Union • Tina Scharmach from Coldwell Banker River Valley REALTORS to Castle Realty, LLC • Kevin Sullivan from Flat Fee 15 Realty to La Crosse By Owner, LLC • Michael Dougherty from Flat Fee 15 Realty to La Crosse By Owner, LLC • Renee Dettman from Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS to Results Realty The following Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS agents have transferred from the La Crosse location (118 7th Street South La Crosse, WI) to the new Onalaska location (2511 East Main St., Suite 102 Onalaska, WI): • Steve Betthauser • Becky Chrisinger • Ken Gorman • Renee Hammes • Tika Herritz • Jillian Hugo • Katie Lawton • Dawn Levandoski • Roger McDowell • Laurie Noelke • Terry Herbst Inactives: • Lisa Frazier from Assist-2-Sell, Homes For You Realty to inactive • Robin Shepler from Homestead Realty Inc. Wi #2 to inactive • Kaylee Siber from Cindy Gerke & Associates to inactive • Tom Henchen from Cindy Gerke & Associates to inactive • Melody Arquillo from Cindy Gerke & Associates to inactive • Dennis Labus from Viking Realty to inactive • Lori Gertsch from Gertsch Real Estate to inactive • Mary Strang from United Country - Oakwood Realty LLC to inactive • Ong Moua from Century 21 Affiliated to inactive • Sheri Rochester from Castle Realty, LLC to inactive • Sara Kappauf from Castle Realty, LLC to inactive • Kaitlyn Gullikson from Castle Realty, LLC to inactive • Debbie Wickland from GerrardHoeschler, Inc to inactive • Dorothy Beyer from GerrardHoeschler, Inc to inactive • Laura Franzini from GerrardHoeschler, Inc to inactive • Colin Dagnon from GerrardHoeschler, Inc to inactive • Marilyn Hinman from La Crosse By Owner, LLC to inactive • Fatima Tano from Century 21 Affiliated to inactive • Christopher Sund from Nextage Assured Realty to inactive • Teri Johnson from Hoppens Realty to inactive • Kao Xiong from Kao Xiong Realty to inactive • Mark Purcell from Appraisal Resource to inactive (MLS only) • James Engen from Appraisal Resource to inactive (MLS only) Office Changes: New Branch Office: • Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS 2511 East Main St. Suite 102 Onalaska, WI 54650 Coldwell Banker River Valley, REALTORS – Onalaska replaces the Sparta branch office (Sparta office is now closed) New Office: • Results Realty 207 S. 7th St. #2 La Crosse, WI 54601 Phone: 608-792-7683 Broker: Renee Dettmann New Address Location: • River Valley Title Group 2511 East Main St. Suite 102 Onalaska, WI 54650 (Affiliate: Lynn Iverson) Offices Closed: • Gertsch Real Estate 10679 Echo Rd Sparta, WI 54656 (Broker - Lori Gertsch) • Flat Fee 15 116 14th Ave North Onalaska, WI 54650 (Broker: Kevin Sullivan) • Kao Xiong Realty 1726 Wood St. La Crosse, WI 54603 (Broker: Kao Xiong) New Address & Change of Ownership: • La Crosse By Owner, LLC W4109 Ceresa Dr. West Salem, WI 54669 • Former Owner/Broker: Marilyn Hinman • New Owner/Broker: Lance Dembraski Updated Phone: 608-519-1055 Updated Fax: 845-559-1055 Affiliate Membership to inactive: • Guaranteed Rate: Karen Giese; Bonnie Oliver • Citizens Community Federal: Chris Ryder) NAR’s it’s Information for Central you 1-800 874 6500 River City Realtor® Member News Tour Information The deadline to submit tour information for listings already entered in flexMLS is Tuesday by 3:00 p.m. However, if it is a new listing, you must submit it by Tuesday by 9:15 a.m. to be included in the tour for that day. We accept tours by: • Phone at 785-7744 • Email to Ryan at mls@ larawebsite.com • Fax at 785-7742 My WRA at WRA.org As a WRA Member, you have the ability to track your education (if taken from WRA Instructors), WRA Committee involvement, WRA membership information, RPAC dollars contributed and much more. Check it out at www.wra.org. 5 MLS Tour Boundaries The current dividing line between the North and the South Tour is I-90. Exceptions: • Holiday Heights and Mayfair Addition are North Tour • Burns, Bangor, Hamilton, and Monroe County are North Tour • Washington and Barre are South Tour • French Island is South Tour • Dakota and Dresbach are North Tour • La Crescent and Hokah North/South are South Tour Dividing Line is I-90 Legal Updates Available at WRA.org At www.wra.org you can search legal updates for the topic of your choice. This publication is emailed to all members on a monthly basis. Important information is covered in these updates. It’s a great resource and benefit of membership for you. Are You Our Facebook Friend? You can find our fan page anytime by logging to the official LARA website, www. larawebsite.com, and clicking on our Facebook link, searching for “La Crosse Area REALTORS Association” within Facebook’s search function, or entering the following address into your web browser: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ La-Crosse-WI/La-Crosse-Area-REALTORSRAssociation/263652751459 Mortgage rates are LOW! Call us or apply online. NAR’s Information Central it’s for you 1-800 874 6500 Vol. 36 No. 4 • January 2015 Tina Mueller (608) 779-8294 (608) 790-0442 Cell [email protected] merchantsbank.com/tmueller Member FDIC Subject to credit approval. * Dawn Garms (608) 779-8222 [email protected] merchantsbank.com/dgarms 3140 Market Place • Onalaska, WI 54650 (608) 779-8200 • www.merchantsbank.com 6 RPAC Works for You Graduate, REALTOR® Institute When the letters “GRI” appear after an agent’s name, clients can count on getting the best service available! REALTORS® who hold the GRI designation are: • Nationally recognized as top performers in the real estate industry. • Professionally trained. • Knowledgeable. • Dedicated to providing quality service. A Huge Thank You! We did it! Not only did we meet our RPAC goal...we surpassed it! Our 2014 goal was $12,000. We collected, drum roll please, $17,186.00. A total of 39.94% of Association members contributed and our average per-capita was $49.39. The designation is obtained by completing an intense series of classroom instruction (a minimum of 90 hours), covering subjects in contract law, professional standards, technology, sales and marketing, finance and risk reduction. The subject matter has been chosen to educate practitioners about local, state and national real estate practices that affect them and their clients. GRI courses are taught by leading real estate professionals from around the country. Upcoming courses: GRI Course 3: Feb. 11-12 / Mar. 24-25 You truly made the best investment you can make for your business. A huge thank you to each of you that contributed! In February, The Legislative/RPAC Committee will be meeting to set our 2015 goal and discuss the issues that will before our Association in 2015. This four-day course includes CRS 202: Effective Buyer Sales Strategies so you can earn required education credits toward your CRS designation while earning your GRI. The CRS 202 course is co-sponsored with the Wisconsin CRS Chapter. Instructors: Chandra Hall, CRS, and Tom Lundstedt, CCIM Course location: Madison (live) / live classroom webcasts to Appleton, Eau Claire, Milwaukee and Mosinee. Submitted for 6 hours of 2015-2016 elective CE credits. – Source: www.wra.org Every transaction has a life of it’s own. Handling the ordinary to the unexpected for over 135 years. The Title Company, Inc. | 500 2nd St. S., Suite 102 La Crosse, WI 54601 | www.TITLECO.com | 1-800-78-TITLE La Crosse 608-791-2000 | Eau Claire 715-838-2800 | Viroqua 608-637-3700 | Prairie du Chien 608-326-7330 River City Realtor® Information is supplied by seller and other third parties and has not been verified. Copyright © 2007 by Multiple Listing Service, Inc. See FBS copyright notice. La Crosse County Sold & Active Listings – December 2014 7 PRICE-CLASS/TYPE SOLD/ACTIVE RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS CURRENT ACTIVE LISTINGS 0-2 3 4+ TWO CONDO TOTAL SINGLECONDO BDRMSBDRMS BDRMS FAMILY CO-OP UNITS FAMILY CO-OP 29,999.99 and under 30,000 - 39,999.99 40,000 - 49,999.99 50,000 - 59,999.99 60,000 - 69,999.99 70,000 - 79,999.99 80,000 - 89,999.99 90,000 - 99,999.99 100,000 - 119,999.99 120,000 - 139,999.99 140,000 - 159,999.99 160,000 - 179,999.99 180,000 - 199,999.99 200,000 - 249,999.99 250,000 - 299,999.99 300,000 - 399,999.99 400,000 - 499,999.99 500,000 and over TOTALS AVERAGE MEDIAN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 5 0 0 0 6 9 1 2 2 0 0 0 4 13 3 1 1 3 1 0 6 25 1 2 3 1 0 0 6332 05 1 1 0 7 52 2 1 7 2 01 1138 1 0 9 2 0 1 1222 1 0 3 3 0 0 6 14 2 1 4 4 1 0 1040 7 0 1 2 0 1 4 32 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 33 2 0 0 10 0 1190 0 0 1 0 0 1 18 1 1140 24 3 3 81 362 27 95,082149,252222,067 151,917 202,667 165,548 219,238 200,856 89,000 1519,000 189,900 134,000 165,000 152,500 159,900 199,900 Unit Sales by Time on Market Unit Sales by Financing Type DAYS RESCONDO 1 - 30 31 - 6027 25 13 2 0 61 - 90 17 0 91 - 120 5 0 Adj Rate Mtg Assumable FHA Assumable VA Cash Conventional 15 Conventional 30 Federal VA FHA 15 121 or over 181 TOTAL SALES 78 3 TYPE Property Type Residential RESCONDO 0 0 0 10 2 53 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 FHA 30 Other Owner Fin Private State VA USDA Loan WHEDA TOTAL SALES TYPE Volume Median Sold Price RESCONDO 2 7 0 1 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 12,801,350152,000 Condo608,000165,500 All 13,409,350 152,500 Have You Looked for Your Agent Code in this Issue? If you find your number, call the A ssociation Office at 785-7744 to claim your free dinner at the next Association activity / meeting! Try these great marketing tools today! MLS Listing Internet Sites MLS Listings are presently on two websites. Check out your listings at the following sites: http://www.wihomes.com http://www.realtor.com Single Family / Condominium If you have any questions, call Char at 785-7837. Title Insurance • 1031 Exchange • Search & Hold • Lender and Cash Closing Servicing La Crosse, Trempealeau, Vernon and Monroe Counties 2850 Midwest Drive, Suite 103, Onalaska, WI 54650 Phone: 608-784-8888 Fax: 866-816-9620 E-mail: [email protected] Vol. 36 No. 4 • January 2015 Order online at: www.wisconsinfirstam.com 8 Supra Hot Tip Manual Updates If you do not have access to your DisplayKEY cradle to perform an eSYNC, you can manually update your key by obtaining an update code from the KIM website or voice access system. NOTE: If you manually update your DisplayKEY, showing activity Reasons that NAR is Indispensable to Your Business • • remains in your key until the next time you perform an eSYNC. To obtain an update code from the KIM website, do the following: 1. Go to wwwsupraekey. corn. 2. Select Log on to KIM. 3. Select the name of your association or MLS from the dropdown list. 4. Enter your DisplayKEY serial number and four-digit PIN code. 5. Click Login. 6. Select the Update Code link in the left column of your screen. The update code displays. • • • To obtain an update code from the KIM voice system, do the following: 1. Call KIM at 1-888-968-4032. 2. Enter your three-digit area code. 3. When prompted, enter your DisplayKEY serial number and PIN code into the phone, followed by the # sign. 4. KIM reads a list of options. Press 1 on the phone for an update code. • • To enter the update code into your DisplayKEY, do the following: • I. 2. 3. 4. • Press Enter to turn on your DisplayKEY. Scroll to the INPUT UPDATE OR CBS option and press Enter. Press to select INPUT UPDATE. Enter the update code using the keypad and press Enter. Four quick beeps indicate that the operation is successful. Advocacy: NAR represents you and your customers before Congress and federal agencies Brand Advantage: NAR offers you an Identifiable, marketable brand identity Research Intelligence: NAR produces market research unavailable elsewhere Professionalism and Cooperation: NAR Advances your industry through standards of professionalism Education: NAR helps you increase your professionalism through degree-, designation-, and certification – granting programs and through continuing education credit Member Benefits: NAR offers special pricing and value-added products and services from major providers Networking: NAR creates opportunities for you to extend your referral partners nationally and internationally Legal Assistance: NAR supports you, your brokerage, and your association on legal matters Safety: NAR urgently gets resources to help you operate your business safely - Source: www.realtor.org FINANCING GENERATIONS OF HOMEOWNERS For more than 150 years, Associated Bank has focused on making good loans. Our responsible approach to lending reflects the values of our organization and the customers we serve in the La Crosse area. We’re strong and ready to lend. Kyle Christopherson 450 N. Holmen Dr. | 608-793-3824 | NMLS: 108866 David Jones 605 State St. | 608-793-3832 | NMLS: 523764 Jacob Martin 127 Sand Lake Rd. | 608-793-3836 | NMLS: 523832 *The Wisconsin’s #1 Mortgage Lender designation is based on information gathered from the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data compiled annually by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. The results of the data were obtained through RATA Comply, October 2014. • Loan products are offered by Associated Bank, N.A., Member FDIC and Associated Banc-Corp. Loans involve interest and other costs. Please ask about details. All mortgage programs are subject to credit approval and property evaluation. Property insurance and flood insurance, if applicable, will be required on all collateral. Equal Housing Lender. Equal Opportunity Lender. (12/14) 6960 River City Realtor® Dates to Remember January February SMTWT F S 1 2 3 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 1 Happy New Years LARA Closed 7 Open House Deadline 3 pm South Tour 14 Open House Deadline 3 pm North Tour 19 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 21 Open House Deadline 3 pm South Tour 28 Open House Deadline 3 pm North Tour 31 Chinese New Year 2 Groundhog’s Day 4 Open House Deadline 3 pm South Tour 11 Open House Deadline 3 pm North Tour 14 Valentine’s Day 16 President’s Day 18 Open House Deadline 3 pm South Tour 19 Required MN CE 7.5 Hours 9 SMTWT F S 1234567 8 9 1011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 Passing good laws and defeating ba starts with your voice in this build 25 Open House Deadline 3 pm North Tour January is National Book Month February is Black History Month REALTOR® Government Day Scheduled Mark your calendar and plan to attend REALTOR® Government Day on March 11, 2015. See attached flyer for more information. Join REALTORS® from all over the State as they meet with their Legislators to discuss important issues that are so vital to our business. ® & GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI TM W isconsin REA LT ORS ® A ssociatio n Birthdays - January 1 Karla Frank 2 John Sheppard 3 Fran Noffke 5 Stefanie Rud 6 Cody Spears 6 Doug Willer 8 Debra Barker 9 Stephanie Tidquist 10 Dave Snyder 10 William Vaughn- Favre Birthdays - February 10 Michael Glassmaker 10 Kristi Fry 12 Michelle Grimm 13 Rich Grams 13 Corry Van Aelstyn 16 Marty Vinson 17 Terry Schmidt 19 Joshua Genz 19 Melissa Oates 19 Quinton Schaitel Vol. 36 No. 4 • January 2015 21 23 23 27 28 29 29 29 Kory Scholze Julie Neitzel Richard Bryne James Gross Matt Rude Isaak Owen Melissa Schroeder Ashley Lacenski 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 Mark Etrheim Judy Ditton Andy Maravelas Garrick Olerud Ray Wrobel T.J. Walker Jon Schuster Tom Walker John List Wendy Pertzsch Kathy Appleman Daniel Reinsvold 9 Anastasia Gentry 12 Susan Brooks 15 Lori Love 15 Melissa Warren 16 Pam Eilertson 17 Angela Greene 18 Kari Hoyum 18 Tegan McClain- Wise 18 Dan Veglahn 19 Melissa Sample 20 Cathy Fox 21 25 25 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 Leroy Holm Beth Pendleton Tom Kress Dennis O’Malley Warren Evans Brian E. Benson Pete Peterson David Fredrickson Connie Mumm Amy Steiger Fair Housing Corner 10 BUILDING A NATION OF NEIGHBORS If I take my home off the market, how long do I have to wait before I can market it again? Key Points Withdrawal of property is a technique frequently used by sellers or lessors when confronted with an unwanted offer from a minority homebuyer. This type of activity usually leads to suspicions of fair housing violations and will often trigger “testing” by non-minority homebuyers. Sellers have the right to remove their property from the market and re-list it whenever they want. Try to find out the reasons why the seller wants to take the property off the market. Its removal may be necessary due to changes in an anticipated career move or due to illness. Areas of Liability You will be exposed to charges of discrimination if you become involved in removing the property from the market to frustrate a sale from a member of a protected class. A delay in re-listing the property might help “cover up” illegal discrimination, but it doesn’t excuse the seller from liability or any broker or sales associate who participates in the strategy. If you re-list the property when the reasons the property was initially withdrawn from the market still apply, you and the seller could be charged with discrimination. Actions to Take • Carefully examine the reasons why the property was removed from the market, especially if the seller received an offer from a minority homebuyer. Document the circumstances and have the seller confirm your documentation even if the property is being withdrawn for non-discriminatory reasons. • Advise sellers of the legal risks involved in taking a property off the market and urge them to talk to an attorney. • Insist that the seller honor all rights and compensation provided by the listing agreement. • Don’t try to explain or justify the withdrawal of the property to the person making the offer. • Tell the seller that you will direct the homebuyer to him or her for an explanation. Face-to-face meetings between the seller and the minority homebuyer are valuable for several reasons: • You are relieved of the problem of explaining the reasons for the withdrawal. • The minority homebuyer can see that it is the seller, not you, who has made the decision. • You can maintain your objective role. • The possibility of a direct confrontation may discourage the seller from withdrawing the property. • Before accepting a re-listing, have the seller confirm, in writing, that the reasons the property was initially withdrawn from the market no longer apply. Advertising and Promotion • Actions taken to market a listing or your firm must be in accordance with fair housing laws. The Fair Housing Act makes it unlawful to: make, print or publish, or cause to be made, advertisement with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or nation origin. • It is important to note that the phrase “indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination” means violation of the law can occur without intent. It is the perception of the reasonable reader that determines whether the notice, statement or advertisement violates the law. Marketing decisions must not be based, in any way, or have any direct correlation to, race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin or such composition of a neighborhood or community. From a practical perspective you should be very careful when using target marketing techniques and when developing the content of promotional material including the comments for a listing in the MLS. • Three areas to pay attention to: 1. Marketing strategies that limit exposure to less than the entire market 2. Words used. 3. Human Models used. • River City Realtor® “High Roller” Holiday Social 11 Thank you for Joining Our “High Roller” Holiday Social Thank you to everyone who attended this year’s LARA “High Roller” Holiday Social at Cedar Creek....the attendance was OUTSTANDING – nearly 120 LARA members and guests came out for a night of casino games, prizes, laughs and fun! We can’t overstate it – without the generosity of the following Holiday Social sponsors this event would not be possible. Please remember to thank these folks/companies when you have an opportunity as they are the ones that make this happen: Altra Federal Credit Union American Mortgage & Equity Consultants, Inc. (AMEC) (Onalaska) American Mortgage & Equity Consultants, Inc. (AMEC) (La Crosse) Associated Bank Bremer Bank Citizens State Bank Community Credit Union Coulee Bank Dependable Title of Wisconsin, LLC Firefighters Credit Union First American Title Insurance Company Horizons Home Inspection, LLC Marine Credit Union Merchant’s Bank New Castle Title of La Crosse, Inc. Professional Home Inspection River Bank River Valley Title Group Scholze Home Inspection Schubert Bros. Pest Control State Bank Financial The Title Company Town N’ Country Title LLC Tri-State Home Inspections Wells Fargo Congratulations to Marty Holub of The Title Company for winning the Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest and a thank you to Jackie Gerke-Edwards and Jamie Berry (both of Cindy Gerke & Associates) for their ongoing sponsorship of the ugly sweater contest and fantastic gift basket prize. Additionally, thank you to The Title Company who sponsored the Jelly Belly contest and congratulations to Jim Johnson (Homestead Realty # 2) for placing the closest guess – he got to keep the Jelly Belly’s, the jar and the beautiful poinsettia from Bittersweet Market. Hats off to the Holiday Social Committee for all their hard work in bringing us an extraordinary event: Kathy Johnson – Chairperson (Homestead Realty Inc. WI #2) Brenda Fisher (Altra Federal Credit Union) Dawn Garms (Merchant’s Bank) Anastasia Gentry (Cindy Gerke & Associates) Amber Iverson (Castle Realty, LLC) Mary Pasch (The Title Company) Their willingness to volunteer their time and effort is remarkable. Thanks to all of you for helping to make this year’s Holiday Social a success. It was so gratifying to see so many smiling faces, hearing the laughter, and all of the comraderie. Enjoy the photos on this page and the next! Looking for a lender that can deliver? Same day Preapprovals!! Close on Time!! Local Loan Officers that know the market!!! Rehab loans, Manufactured homes, LOW credit scores ZERO to Low Down‐payment loans FHA, VA, USDA Rural, WHEDA & Conventional Loan programs all available. Todd Cejka – (608)783‐0860 Jeff Thompson – (608)781‐0710 Call today to see how AMEC can help you close more sales faster!! American Mortgage & Equity Consultants 114 N 2nd Ave, Onalaska, WI NMLS Todd 251574 Jeff 256028 Branch 844359 Company 150953 Vol. 36 No. 4 • January 2015 12 Holiday Party La Crosse Area REALTORS® Association 111 6th Street South, La Crosse, WI 54601 River City Realtor® REQUIRED FOR ALL MN LICENSEES February 19, 2015 7.5 Credit Hours ATTENTION MN LICENSEES ALL Residential Real Estate Licensees must complete the 7.5 hour CE Modules consisting of: Financial Issues Module: This course will help real estate licensees better understand trust account requirements and issues relating to the earnest money. Information will also be shared on the Mortgage Act and Practices (MAP) rule, the Real Estate Settlement and procedures Act (RESPA) and the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB). Financing topics to be covered include Contract for Deed sales and new FHA loan limitations (This Module Also Satisfies the 1-hour Broker Module Requirement). Learning Objectives: Real Estate salespersons and brokers to attend this course will learn rules for the deposit of earnest money, release of trust funds and record keeping requirements for trust accounts; Learn Mortgage Act and Practices (“MAP”) rules and the penalties for noncompliance; Review Predatory Lending activities; Be updated on dues and responsibilities imposed under RESPA rules and become informed on new financing issues and FHA loan limits in MN. MN Disclosure Module: This course will provide in depth details on numerous real estate licensee disclosure requirement issues. Curriculum also includes the proper disclosures required by sellers, including property “as is” and the liability sellers can incur for non-compliance. Learning Objectives: Real Estate salespersons and brokers who attend this course will receive detailed information on real estate licensee disclosure requirements; review seller disclosure requirements including waiver conditions and cautions; Become informed on special disclosure requirements such as environmental, predatory offender and other disclosure considerations; Learn disclosure rules related to manufactured homes and Common Interest Communities. Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015 Instructor Bio: Schedule: 8:00—8:30 8:30—12:15 12:15—1:00 1:15—5:00 Place: Address: Cedar Creek 2600 Cedar Creek Lane Onalaska, WI 54650 Instructor: Brad Boyd (See Instructor Bio) Cost: $83.00 Brad Boyd received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Minnesota Law School and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with honors from Augustana College, in Sioux Falls, SD. After clerking for the Chief Judge of Juvenile Court, Brad developed his legal advising skills as an attorney in a small boutique law firm focusing on real estate, business and estate planning. During this time, Brad became a licensed real estate broker, and founded and successfully operated a flat-fee real estate brokerage. He subsequently opened his own law practice and in 2006 he merged his practice with Thomsen & Nybeck, PA. Registration, Rolls, & Coffee Financing Issues Module Lunch Served MN Disclosure Module Cost includes MN CE (7.5 hrs plus exam), Coffee, Assortment of Bagels and English Muffins & Lunch. $10 late fee if registering after Friday, February 13, 2015. No refunds or cancellations after Friday, February 13, 2015. Please be on time. Class begins promptly at 8:30a.m. Those arriving late will not be given CE credits. No exceptions. Brad currently serves as General Counsel for the Minnesota Association of REALTORS®, and is lead attorney for the MNAR Legal Hotline. Brad has also taught community education courses, served on the Minnesota Association of REALTORS® Forms and Governmental Affairs Committee as the Chair and on other various industry workgroups. Mail, Fax, or Bring form & check or credit card to: La Crosse Area REALTORS Association., 111 S. 6th St., La Crosse, WI 54601, Fax 608-785-7742 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minnesota DOC 7.5 Hours CE Required Course 2015 NAME:_________________________________________________ FIRM NAME________________________________________ AMT. ENCLOSED: $_______________________________ Check #___________________________________ To pay by credit card, you must complete & sign below (We accept MasterCard, Visa, and Discover): Card#: ___ ___ ______ - ___ ___ ______ - ___ ___ ______ - ___ ___ ______ Exp: _____/_____ Street Address: __________________________________ Zip: _________________ Signature (required for charges): __________________________________________ [ ] SPECIAL SERVICES. CHECK HERE IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL SERVICES TO ATTEND & OR HAVE SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS. PLEASE ATTACH A DESCRIPTION OF NEEDS. Passing good laws and defeating bad ones starts with your voice in this building. & ® GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI TM W isconsin REA LT ORS ® A ssociatio n www.wra.org ® & GOVERNMENT DAY March 11, 2015 | Monona Terrace | Madison, WI “Success hinges on what we advocate together.” Program REALTOR® & Government Day is your opportunity to help shape the laws that impact you and your real estate business in Wisconsin. Through lobbying efforts at the state Capitol, you’ll meet with state lawmakers and have a unique opportunity to advocate for issues that impact the real estate industry in Wisconsin. Industry success requires advocacy from every REALTOR® in the state. Wisconsin lawmakers saw an impressive demonstration of REALTOR® strength in 2014 with the WRA bringing more than 300 REALTORS® to Madison. With your support, REALTOR® & Government Day 2015 will be a day to remember. Agenda 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. 1:00 – 1:15 p.m. 1:15 – 1:45 p.m. 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. 2:30 – 3:00 p.m. 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Registration Welcome Gov. Scott Walker (invited) Issues Briefing Move to Capitol Capitol Hill Visits Cocktail Reception Registration Fees Contact Information Payment Information Member First 300 registrants At the door Nonmember Name _______________________________________________ Company name _______________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ FREE $25 $25 City / State / Zip _______________________________________ Work phone __________________________________________ Home phone _________________________________________ WRA member # _______________________________________ Enclosed is a check payable to the WRA Charge my VISA/MasterCard (circle one) Card # _________________________________ Exp. date ______________________________ Register by mail: WISCONSIN REALTORS® ASSOCIATION | 4801 Forest Run Road, Suite 201 | Madison, WI 53704 Register by phone: 800-279-1972 | 608-241-2047 Register by fax: 608-241-2901 | Online registration: www.wra.org
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