SUPERVISOR William A. Smith, Jr. COUNCIL MEMBERS Jared C. Lusk, Deputy Supervisor Mary Gehl Doyle Karen W. Green Matthew J. O’ Connor TOWN BOARD AGENDA Town Hall – 11 S. Main Street, Pittsford Tuesday, February 03, 2015 6:00 PM Call to Order Public Hearing Local Law #1 – Calkins Road Speed Change Minutes January 20, 2015 General Meeting Date Change 02-17-15 Legal Matters Set Public Hearing for Sewer District Extension (SWBC-48) Financial Matters February Surplus February Transfers Investment and Procurement Policy Review Discussion Operational Matters Personnel Matters Hiring Recommendations Conference Attendance Recreational Matters Spring 2015 Recreation Programs Other Business Public Comment Adjournment RESOLUTION To: Town Board Members From: Robert Koegel & Paul Schenkel Date: February 3, 2015 Regarding: Local Law #1 - Town Code change setting a 40 mph speed limit on Calkins Road from Clover St. west to the Henrietta-Pittsford town line. For Meeting On: February 3, 2015 Ladies and Gentlemen: The Town Board has previously received proposed Local Law #1 of 2015, which would establish a 40 mph speed limit on Calkins Road from Clover Street west to the Henrietta-Pittsford town line. A Public Hearing on the proposed Local Law has been scheduled, as indicated above. Attached is the proposed Adoption Resolution, enacting Local law #1 of 2015. Recommendation is hereby made that the Town Board approve the proposed Local Law. RESOLUTION I move the adoption of Local Law #1 of 2015, amending §145-3 of the Code of the Town of Pittsford to set a 40 mph speed limit on Calkins Road from Clover Street west to the Henrietta-Pittsford town line, as set forth in the proposed written Adoption Resolution. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, New York held at the Town Hall, Pittsford, New York, on the 3rd day of February, 2015. PRESENT: William A. Smith, Jr., Supervisor Jared C. Lusk, Deputy Supervisor Mary Gehl Doyle, Councilwoman Karen W. Green, Councilwoman Matthew J. O’Connor, Councilman ABSENT: None ____________________________________________________ In the Matter of THE ADOPTION OF PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 1 of 2015: AMENDING §145-3 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PITTSFORD TO SET A 40 MPH SPEED LIMIT ON CALKINS ROAD FROM CLOVER STREET WEST TO THE HENRIETTA-PITTSFORD TOWN LINE. ____________________________________________________ Adoption Resolution WHEREAS, true and correct copies of proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2015: Amending §145-3 of Pittsford Municipal Code to set a 40 mph speed limit on Calkins Road from Clover Street west to the Henrietta-Pittsford town line, were placed upon the desks of all members of the Town Board of the Town Board, New York, more than seven (7) calendar days, exclusive of Sunday, prior to the 3rd day of February, 2015; and WHEREAS, there was duly published in a newspaper previously designated as an official newspaper for publication of public notices, and posted upon the bulletin board maintained by the Town Clerk pursuant to § 40(6) of the Town Law, a notice of public hearing to the effect that the Town Board would hold a public hearing on the 3rd day of February, 2015, at 6:00 P.M., Local Time, at the Town Hall, 11 South Main Street, Pittsford, New York, on said Local Law No. 1 of 2015; and WHEREAS, the said public hearing was duly held on the 3rd day of February, 2015, at 6:00 P.M., Local Time, at the Town Hall, Pittsford, New York, and all persons present were given an opportunity to be heard, whether speaking in favor of or against the adoption of said Local 1 Law No. 1 of 2015; and WHEREAS, the proposed action is a Type 2 Action in accordance with §617.5(c)(16) of the SEQRA Regulations; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the closing of said public hearing, and after all persons interested had been heard, the Town Board considered the adoption of said Local Law No. 1 of 2015; and WHEREAS, it was the decision of the Town Board that said Local Law No. 1 of 2015 should be adopted. NOW, on a motion duly made and seconded, it was RESOLVED, that Local Law No. 1 of 2015: Amending §145-3 of the Code of the Town of Pittsford, be adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, New York, to read as annexed hereto; and it was further RESOLVED, that within twenty (20) days subsequent to the 3rd day of February, 2015, there shall be filed with the Secretary of State one certified copy of said Local Law No. 1 of 2015. Said matter having been put to a vote, the following votes were recorded: William A. Smith, Jr. VOTING Jared C. Lusk VOTING Mary Gehl Doyle VOTING Karen W. Green VOTING Matthew J. O’Connor VOTING The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. DATED: February 3, 2015 _________________________________ Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk I, LINDA M. DILLON, Clerk of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared a copy of the resolution as herein specified with the original in the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford and that the same is a correct transcript thereof and the whole of the said original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ___ day of February, 2015. _________________________________ Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk 2 Minutes of the Town Board for January 20, 2015 DRAFT TOWN OF PITTSFORD TOWN BOARD JANUARY 20, 2015 Proceedings of a regular meeting of the Pittsford Town Board held on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. local time in Pittsford Town Hall. PRESENT: Supervisor William A. Smith, Jr.; Councilpersons Mary Gehl Doyle, Karen W. Green, Jared C. Lusk, and Matthew J. O’Connor. ABSENT: There were no Town Board members absent. ALSO PRESENT: Staff Members: Paul J. Schenkel, Commissioner of Public Works; Gregory J. Duane, Finance Director; Jessie Hollenbeck, Recreation Director; Robert Koegel, Town Attorney; Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk. ATTENDANCE: There were nine (9) members of the public in attendance. Supervisor Smith called the Town Board meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. and Councilman Matt O’Connor led in the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag. Roll Call was taken by the Town Clerk immediately thereafter. PUBLIC COMMENT Upon agreement of the Board, the Agenda was adjusted to allow for Public Comment to be given at this time during the meeting to allow for the Presentation to the Board from Peter Webster, on behalf of Historic Pittsford. PRESENTATION TO TOWN BOARD FOR HISTORIC PITTSFORD - BY PETER WEBSTER Peter Webster addressed the Town Board on behalf of Historic Pittsford regarding the Cass-Smith-Snyder Barn currently located at 1733 Calkins Road. This is an historic (circa 1850-1860) 40 x 60 gable barn, whose owner has received a demolition permit. Historic Pittsford recognizes this historic structure and has received the owner’s permission to dismantle the barn for storage until an appropriate location to reassemble can be found. Historic Pittsford is proposing that the Town consider this historic structure for preservation, by paying for the dismantling of the barn and to temporarily store in the Town-owned Schuyler Barns on West Jefferson Road. Their proposal notes that the Town may be able to utilize and reassemble the barn in the park location that recently received grant money for the nature preserve along the Erie Canal. MINUTES OF JANUARY 6, 2015 MEETING APPROVED A Resolution to approve the Minutes of the January 6, 2015 Town Board meeting was offered by Councilwoman Green, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the January 6, 2015 are approved. LEGAL MATTERS PUBLIC HEARING SET: PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 2015 – AMENDING SECTION 145-3 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PITTSFORD TO SET A 40 MPH SPEED LIMIT ON CALKINS ROAD FROM CLOVER STREET WEST TO THE HENRIETTA-PITTSFORD TOWN LINE A written Resolution to set a public hearing to hear comments regarding Proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2015 which would amend Section 145-3 of the Code of the Town of Pittsford was moved by Supervisor Smith, and seconded by Councilwoman Doyle, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. 1 Minutes of the Town Board for January 20, 2015 The Resolution was carried as follows: RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held on the 3rd day of February, 2015, at 6:00 P.M., Local Time, at the Town Hall, 11 South Main Street, Pittsford, New York, on the question of the adoption of said proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2015; and be it further RESOLVED, that a Notice of Hearing and a copy of said proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2015, or a summary thereof, be published in a newspaper previously designated as an official newspaper for publication of public notices, not less than five (5) days prior to said hearing; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk shall post certified copies of both this resolution and said proposed Local Law No. 1 of 2015, or a summary thereof, on the bulletin board, maintained by the Town Clerk pursuant to § 40(6) of the Town Law, for a period of not less than five (5) days prior to said public hearing. BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF PITTSFORD NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS: LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 2015: AMENDING §145-3 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF PITTSFORD TO SET A 40 MPH SPEED LIMIT ON CALKINS ROAD FROM CLOVER STREET WEST TO THE HENRIETTA-PITTSFORD TOWN LINE Sec. 1 Title This Local Law shall be known as “Local Law No. 1 of 2015: Amending §145-3 of The Code of the Town of Pittsford to set a 40 mph speed limit on Calkins Road from Clover Street west to the Henrietta-Pittsford Town line.” Sec. 2 Amendments to Existing Law The Code of the Town of Pittsford, Chapter 145, Article II, shall be amended to revise §145-3 to read as follows: § 145-3. Speed limit zones Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speed for compliance with § 145-2B, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle in the Town at a speed in excess of the speeds listed below: Name of Street Maximum Speed (mph) Barker Road Brightford Heights Road Calkins Road 35 35 40 Canfield Road 45 East Street Golf Avenue Linden Avenue Linden Park Marsh Road Mendon Center Road 35 35 35 35 35 40 Mill Road 35 Location Entire length Entire length From Clover Street west to the Henrietta-Pittsford Town line From West Bloomfield Road west to Mendon Center Road Entire length Entire length Entire length Entire length Entire length From the Pittsford-Mendon Town line to Calkins Road Entire length 2 Minutes of the Town Board for January 20, 2015 Sec. 3 North Wilmarth Road Railroad Mills Road Reeves Road Stone Road 35 35 35 40 Stone Road 35 Thornell Road Tobey Road Tobin Road Van Voorhis Road West Bloomfield Road West Bloomfield Road 35 35 35 35 35 40 Willard Road 35 Entire length Entire length Entire length From Clover Street west to Henrietta-Pittsford Town line From Mendon Center Road and Mendon Road to Clover Street Entire length Entire length Entire length Entire length From Mendon Road to Thornell Road From Thornell Road to the Pittsford Town Line Entire length Severability If any clause, sentence, phrase, paragraph or any part of this Local Law shall for any reason be adjudicated finally by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder of this Local law, but shall be confined in its operation and effect to the clause, sentence, phrase, paragraph or part thereof, directly involved in the controversy or action in which such judgment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that the remainder of this Local Law would have been adopted had any such provision been excluded. Sec. 4 Effective Date This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. FINANCIAL MATTERS GENERAL RESERVE APPROPRIATION FOR 2015 AUTHORIZED A Resolution to Authorize a General Reserve Appropriation for 2015 was offered by Deputy Supervisor Lusk, seconded by Councilwoman Green, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that $200,000.00 be appropriated from the General Reserve and transferred to the General Fund to offset the costs of capital purchases scheduled for the FY2015. Be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to permissive referendum. JANUARY 2015 VOUCHERS APPROVED A Resolution to approve January 2015 vouchers was moved by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that January 2015 vouchers No. 118001 through No. 118319 in the amount of $1,056,494.35 are approved for payment. OPERATIONAL MATTERS HARLADAY HOTS, INC. AND Z BEST FOODZ, INC. FOOD VENDING PERMITS AUTHORIZED 3 Minutes of the Town Board for January 20, 2015 A Resolution to authorize Food Vending Permits for Harladay Hots, Inc. and Z Best Foodz, Inc. was offered by Deputy Supervisor Lusk, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk, and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the proposed Food Vending Permit for Harladay Hots, Inc. for a vending unit on Town owned property, located at 10 N. Main Street, from May 1, 2015 through November 30, 2015, Monday through Sunday, 10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.; and that the Town Supervisor is authorized to issue the Permit, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the proposed Food Vending Permit for Z Best Foodz, Inc., for a vending unit at Thornell Farm Park, from May 1, 2015 through November 30, 2015, from 3:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., and that the Town Supervisor be authorized to issue the Permit. CONTRACT FOR 2015 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE AUTHORIZED A Resolution to authorize the Grounds Maintenance Contract to Town and Country Enterprises, Inc. was offered by Councilwoman Green, seconded by Deputy Supervisor Lusk, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board accepts the Contracted Grounds Maintenance bid submitted by Town and Country Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $70,064 and authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to sign the maintenance contract for the period April 1, 2015 through December 1, 2015. ALL SEASONS COUNTY/TOWN WORK AGREEMENT WITH THE MONROE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZED A Resolution to authorize an All Seasons County/Town Work Agreement with the Monroe County Department of Transportation was offered by Supervisor Smith, and seconded by Councilwoman Doyle, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute the All Seasons County/Town Work Agreement with the Monroe County Department of Transportation for a one-year period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION PLAN BID AWARDED A Resolution to award the Active Transportation Plan bid to Ingalls Planning and Design was offered by Deputy Supervisor Lusk, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Town Board awards the Active Transportation Plan bid to Ingalls Planning and Design for $74,997.50 of which up to $70,000 will be reimbursed by the Genesee Transportation Council and that the Town Supervisor is authorized to execute the contract pending approval of the Town Attorney and Genesee Transportation Council staff. DESIGNATION OF PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO VOTE, ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN, ON ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS RESOLUTIONS APPROVED A Resolution to designate Supervisor Smith and Town Attorney Koegel as delegates to authorize them to vote on proposed Resolutions at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association of Towns in February was offered by Councilwoman Doyle, seconded by Councilwoman Green, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: 4 Minutes of the Town Board for January 20, 2015 RESOLVED, that Supervisor Bill Smith be designated as the delegate to represent and vote on behalf of the Town of Pittsford at the Annual Business Meeting of the Association of Towns on February 18, 2015 and that Town Attorney, Robert Koegel, be designated as the alternate delegate for the Town of Pittsford. TRAINING ATTENDANCE AUTHORIZED A Resolution to authorize an Environmental Board member to attend training sessions at Monroe Community College was moved by Supervisor Smith, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by the members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that Environmental Board member, Grace Soong, be approved to attend the 2015 Land Use DecisionMaking Training Programs offered by the Monroe County Department of Planning and Development at Monroe Community College in March at a total cost of $120 for 3 sessions ($40/per session). FIELD UPDATE Deputy Supervisor, Jared Lusk, updated the Board on the progress and reviewed the latest draft of the plans for the Athletic Field Improvement Project, noting that LaBella Associates will be starting on the final plans and are interested in any additional comments by the Board before proceeding. Tim Weber, from LaBella Associates, was present to accept comments and answer any questions from the Board. There was discussion regarding the placement of the restrooms for the Hopkins Park. Deputy Supervisor Lusk and Tim Weber indicated that other location options were explored, but were not recommended due to the grade. However, the plans will include additional vegetative and tree screening for this building, to minimize the view of the building for nearby residents. The Town Board also recommended that the latest plans be shared with these neighbors, informing them of the efforts to mitigate their concerns. PUBLIC COMMENTS The Supervisor opened the meeting to public comment again, offering opportunity for anyone present to speak, if they so desired. No other public comments were offered. EXECUTIVE SESSION As there was no further business, the Supervisor moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss real estate matters, seconded by Councilwoman Green, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that Town Board adjourns to Executive Session to discuss real estate matters at 6:47 P.M. RETURN TO REGULAR MEETING A Resolution to adjourn Executive Session was moved by Supervisor Smith, seconded by Councilwoman Doyle, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: RESOLVED, that the Executive Session was adjourned at 7:37 P.M. EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR CASS-SMITH-SNYDER BARN APPROVED A Resolution to approve an expenditure for the purpose of acquisition, dismantling and transportation for storage of the Cass-Smith-Snyder barn was offered by Supervisor Smith, seconded by Councilman O’Connor, and voted on by members as follows: Ayes: Smith, Doyle, Green, Lusk and O’Connor. Nays: none. The Resolution was declared carried as follows: 5 Minutes of the Town Board for January 20, 2015 RESOLVED, that expenditure in an amount not to exceed $19,120 be and hereby is approved, for the purpose of acquisition, dismantling and transport for storage of the structure known as the Cass-Smith-Snyder barn currently sited at 1733 Calkins Road, in contemplation of incorporating the barn into the Town’s proposed canalside nature preserve or for other appropriate Town use, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to enter into an appropriate contract for professional services for the stated purpose. Having no other matters to discuss, the Supervisor adjourned the meeting at 7:47 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda M. Dillon Town Clerk OFFICIAL BOARD MINUTES ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 6 RESOLUTION To: Town Board From: William A. Smith, Jr. Date: January 26, 2015 Due to anticipated calendar conflicts it would be advisable to reschedule the Town Board Meeting for February 17, 2015. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board meeting of Tuesday, February 17, 2015 be rescheduled for Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Lower Level Meeting Room of Pittsford Town Hall. MEMORANDUM To: Town Board Members From: Robert B. Koegel and Doug DeRue Date: January 27, 2015 Regarding: Sewer District Extension (SWBC-48) For Meeting On: February 3, 2015 Ladies and Gentlemen: Al Dimaria Properties, LLC is seeking approval for the creation of a 3-lot subdivision of 8.381 acres of land located at 1733 Calkins Road for the construction of two new houses and the retention of an existing farmhouse. As part of this subdivision plan, it is proposed that the new and existing homes be hooked up to Town Sanitary Sewers, necessitating a Sewer District Extension. The Department of Public Works has received a Petition, signed by the owner of the property, for the proposed Sewer District Extension. It is recommending that the Town Board set a public hearing to consider this matter. Attached is a proposed “Order for Public Hearing”, together with the Petition, which includes the legal description, map and Entrance Fee Schedule for the requested Extension. Also attached is a Site Plan for the homes. The proposed date for the public hearing is March 3, 2015, as is set forth in the proposed Order. In the event that the Board determines that a Public Hearing should take place on the proposed Sewer District Extension, I suggest the following Resolution motion: I move that a Public Hearing be set for March 3, 2015 at 6:00 P.M., local time, to consider the approval of Sewer Extension SWBC-48 to the Pittsford Consolidated Sewer District, on lands located at 1733 Calkins Road. At a Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, New York, held at the Town Hall, in the Town of Pittsford, New York, on the 3rd day of February, 2015. PRESENT: William A. Smith, Jr., Supervisor Mary Gehl Doyle, Councilwoman Karen W. Green, Councilwoman Jared C. Lusk, Councilman Matthew J. O’Connor, Councilman ABSENT: NONE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF PITTSFORD In the Matter of Extension SWBC-48, 1733 Calkins Road Subdivision, to the PITTSFORD SEWER DISTRICT Tax Account #177.01-2-2 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF MONROE ORDER FOR PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, a Petition, signed by the sole owner of the proposed “Extension SWBC-48” to the Pittsford Sewer District, has been presented to the Town Board of Pittsford, Monroe County, New York, the said proposed Extension being located, in general terms, on the south side of Calkins Road, east of the intersection with Rollins Crossing and west of the intersection with Delancey Court, Pittsford, New York, all as is more particularly set forth in the Petition; and WHEREAS, no public monies are proposed to be expended for the Extension of the District; and WHEREAS, the anticipated Sewer Entrance, Connection and other County Fees to be paid by the owner of each unit within the Extension, in the first year following the proposed Extension, are in the aggregate amount of $548.55; NOW, ON MOTION duly made and seconded, it is RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a public hearing be held before the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, at the Town of Pittsford Town Hall, on the 3rd day of March, 2015 at 6:00 o’clock P.M., Local Time, to consider the said Petition and to hear all persons interested therein, and for such other and further action on the part of the Town Board with relation to the said Petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises; and it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a copy of the within Order be duly published in the Brighton-Pittsford Post, which paper is designated as the official paper for such publication, and a copy of the said Order be posted on the bulletin board of the Town Clerk of the Town of Pittsford, New York, maintained pursuant to Section 30 of the Town Law, not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days prior to the date of the said hearing. Said matter having been put to a vote, the following votes were recorded: William A. Smith, Jr. Mary Gehl Doyle Karen W. Green Jared C. Lusk Matthew J. O’Connor VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING VOTING The Order was thereupon declared duly adopted. Dated: February 3, 2015 TOWN CLERK CERTIFICATION I, Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk of the Town of Pittsford, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared a copy of the Order as herein specified with the original in the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pittsford, and that the same is a correct transcript thereof and the whole of the said original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ____ day of February, 2015. _______________________________ Linda M. Dillon, Town Clerk MEMORANDUM To: Town Board From: Greg Duane Date: January 28, 2015 Regarding: Surplus Inventory For Meeting On: February 3, 2015 Attached is a list of equipment for the Town Board to declare surplus in order for it to be removed from the Town’s inventory. Be it resolved, that the attached list of equipment be declared surplus/junk and be removed from the Town’s inventory. FEBRUARY 2015 SURPLUS INVENTORY LIST Asset # Year Description 10097 1925 3 Shelf Cabinet 14388 2012 Time & Date Stamp 11264 11266 15937 1996 1996 2007 Conference Chair Conference Chair Washer Machine Department Cost Disposition ACO $20.00 Junk Town Clerk $492.46 Junk Sewer Sewer Sewer $211.00 $211.00 $324.00 Junk Junk Junk $1,258.46 January 27, 2015 Budget Transfer Be it resolved that the following budget transfer is approved: That $ 19,120.00 be transferred from 1.1990.4000.1.1 (Contingency – Expense) to 001.1620.2000.1.1 (Building – Capital Improvements) to cover the costs associated with the purchase of a barn. MEMORANDUM To: Town Board From: Greg Duane Date: January 28, 2015 Regarding: Investment & Procurement Policies For Meeting On: February 3, 2015 Both our Procurement and Investment Policies call for an annual review by the Town Board. Our Investment Policy was updated to accept Federal Home Loan Bank Letters of Credit in 2014. The Procurement Policy was last updated in 2012, when credit card use language was added. At this time, I am not recommending any changes to either policy. If the Board would like to make any changes, please let me know and I will draft changes to the policy for review at the February 17, 2015 meeting. If the Board decides that no changes are needed I would request the minutes reflect that the two policies have been reviewed. Upon review of the Procurement and Investment Policies by the Town Board, it has been determined that no changes are recommended at this time. Town of Pittsford Procurement Policy WHEREAS, Section 104-b of the General Municipal Law (GML) requires every town to adopt internal policies and procedures governing all procurement of goods and services not subject to the bidding requirements of GML, §103 or any other law; and WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from those officers of the town involved with the procurement; NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED: That the Town of Pittsford does hereby adopt the following procurement policies and procedures: Guideline 1. Every prospective purchase of goods or service shall be evaluated to determine the applicability of GML, § 103. Every town officer, board, department head or other personnel with the requisite purchasing authority (hereinafter Purchaser) shall estimate the cumulative amount of items of supply or equipment needed in a given fiscal year. That estimate shall include the canvass of other town departments and past history to determine the likely yearly value of the commodity to be acquired. The information gathered and conclusions reached shall be documented and kept with the file or other documentation supporting the purchase activity. Guideline 2. All purchase of a) supplies or equipment, which will exceed $20,000.00 in the fiscal year or b) public works contract over $35,000.00, shall be formally bid pursuant to GML § 103. Guideline 3. All estimated purchases of: • • Less than $20,000.00 but greater than $5,000.00 requires a written request for a proposal (RFP) and written/fax quotes from 3 vendors. To be approved by the Town Board except where purchases have been previously approved as part of the budget. Less than $5,000.00 but greater than $1,000.00 requires a written request for goods and quotes from 3 vendors. All estimated public works contracts of: • • Less than $35,000.00 but greater than $5,000.00 requires a written RFP and fax/proposals from 3 contractors. To be approved by Town Board except when items have been previously approved as part of the budget. Less than $5,000.00 but greater than $1,000.00 requires a written request for goods and quotes from 3 vendors. H:\Word\Procurement Policy\2014 procurement policy.docx Any written RFP shall describe the desired goods, quantity and the particulars of delivery. The Purchaser shall compile a list of all vendors from whom written/fax/oral quotes have been requested and the written/fax/oral quotes offered. All information gathered in complying with the procedures of this Guideline shall be preserved and filed with the documentation supporting the subsequent purchase or public works contract. Guideline 4. The lowest responsible proposal or quote shall be awarded the purchase or public works contract unless the Purchaser prepares a written justification providing reasons why it is in the best interest of the town and its taxpayers to make an award to the other than the low bidder. If a bidder is not deemed responsible, facts supporting that judgement shall also be documented and filed with the record supporting the procurement. Guideline 5. A good faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations. If the Purchaser is unable to obtain the required number of proposals or quotations, the Purchaser shall document the attempt made at obtaining the proposals. In no event shall the inability to obtain the proposals or quotes be a bar to procurement. Guideline 6. Except when directed by the Town Board, no solicitation of written proposals or quotations shall be required under the following circumstances: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Acquisition of professional services; Emergencies; Sole source situations; Goods purchased from agencies for the blind or severely handicapped; Goods purchased from correctional facilities; Goods purchased from another governmental agency; Goods purchased at auction; Goods purchased for less than $1,000.00; Public works contracts for less than $1,000.00. Guideline 7. The Town Board recognizes that the use of a credit card is necessary for the purchase of goods from vendors with whom the Town of Pittsford does not have accounts, on C.O.D. items, on-line purchases or travel expenses. The Town of Pittsford will have two separate major credit card accounts. These cards will be in the possession of the Director of Finance and the Information Services Manager. The Town Board also recognizes that certain vendors require “store credit” accounts. These store cards are the responsibility of the Department Head for the department to which the cards were issued. H:\Word\Procurement Policy\2014 procurement policy.docx Credit card expenditures will be charged to the appropriate budget codes and original receipts will be forwarded to the Finance Office for all charges. Failure to submit original receipt for charges may result in the officer/employee being personally liable for the undocumented charges. All other procurement policy guidelines will be followed in the use of the credit card. Guideline 8. The Town Board of the Town of Pittsford shall establish by resolution at its Organizational Meeting those employees who are responsible for making purchases and authorized to approve vouchers for payment. This will be in accordance with GML § 104-b (2) (f). Guideline 9. This policy shall be reviewed annually by the Town Board at its organizational meeting or as soon thereafter, as is reasonably practicable Revised Reviewed 3/20/2012 2/19/2013 H:\Word\Procurement Policy\2014 procurement policy.docx MEMORANDUM To: William A. Smith and Town Board From: Jessie Hollenbeck, Recreation Director Date: January 27, 2015 Regarding: Spring 2015 Recreation Programs For Meeting On: February 3, 2015 The attached list of programs constitutes the list of spring 2015 programs we anticipate offering. In the event the Town Board determines that the proposed action should be taken, the following oral Resolution language is suggested: I move that the Town Board approve the Recreation Department’s 2015 spring programs and authorize the Town Supervisor to sign instructor contracts as required. Town of Pittsford – Recreation Department Spring 2015 New Programs Graduation Photo Album Pat Miller Got photos in boxes? Graduation just around the corner? Let's get that graduation album done at a relaxed pace! You will finish 18 beautiful 12 x 12 album pages ready to pop those pictures in for display at the graduation party! Class includes all the designer series paper, cardstock, journaling pens, ribbon, embellishments, and bling you will need! There will be plenty left over for you to complete additional pages of the graduation ceremony! Dynamo Sports: Spring Training! Mary Slaughter Join the other kids for the best line-up of Spring sports just perfect for preschool-aged athletes! We will focus on individual skill-building for individual-sports like Track & Field and Tumbling, with lots of running and jumping! We will also play team-sports of Lacrosse and T-Ball to learn catching, throwing, scoring, sportsmanship and most importantly, teamwork! Skills will progress throughout the sessions with the June classes to include a real T-ball game and minitriathlon just for FUN! Journey Dance Virgina Monte Journey Dance is a dynamic conscious dance form that combines freestyle and structured movement to inspire you to get out of your mind and into your body. The Journey Dance Flow leads participants on a ritual journey of physical and emotional transformation through breath, sweat and expression; you gain a palpable experience of yourself as pure powerful energy. In Journey Dance, we dance without mirrors to release judgment of ourselves and others. Journey Dance is not about learning steps; it’s about revealing, recovering and re-discovering your natural intuitive movement. We activate imagination, and utilize diverse forms of freestyle improvisational dance, yoga, ritual, theater and shamanism to a soundtrack of inspiring world music, creating a barefoot ecstatic celebration of human spirit. Intro to Modern & Jazz Dance Sarah Coolidge Students will be introduced to modern and jazz dance styles and vocabulary. Improvisation and creative movement exercises are incorporated to encourage the development of artistic expression. Dancers are required to wear leotard, tights or leggings, ballet or jazz shoes, and hair securely pulled back and out of the face. Creative Movement Sarah Coolidge This class playfully explores the elements of dance using improvisation and structured exercises. Dancers are required to non-restrictive clothing, hair securely pulled back and out of the face, and bare feet. Skirts and socks are not allowed. Beginner Irish Dance Maeve Willis This class will teach dancers the basic technique and movement of Irish dance such as forward and back "1-2-3's", dancing "sevens" to the side, hops, skips, and partner dancing. All movements will be led to traditional Irish music, teaching children how to clap to the beat, count the music and learn when to start dancing, and how to conduct their movements on time to the music. We achieve this with a mixture of games, dance instruction, and music time which creates a fun, interactive class that can easily be tailored to meet each individual child's learning style and needs. Instructor is a champion Irish dancer and AmeriCorp volunteer with a very strong background in teaching and working with children. Preventing Anaphylaxis and Reducing Anxiety Syed Mustafa This informational session from The Allergy Advocacy Association, a local nonprofit organization, will provide an evidence-based approach to identifying, diagnosing, assessing, and managing anaphylaxis to prevent death from severe allergy reactions. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout the session. A Trilogy of Irish Books by Local Authors Michael E. McCarthy Elizabeth Osta Dierdre McKiernan Hetzler This interactive program will highlight three local authors who have written inspired works about the Irish experience. Author Michael E. McCarthy from Penfield will start the program with stories from his two Irish books: From Cork to the New World: A Journey for Survival and Flight of the Wretched: a Journey to the New World. Dierdre McKiernan Hetzler, daughter of Dr. Eoin McKiernan, details her father’s life and success in founding the Irish American Cultural Institute, including his association with Grace Kelly. The final book in this series, Jeremiah’s Hunger by Elizabeth Osta tells a tale of starvation, rebellion, and survival after the famine in Ireland. Spanish Lessons at Your Own Pace Lourdes de la Colina-Scofield Learn Spanish at your own pace in a relaxed and fun atmosphere with a native Spanish speaking instructor. You will expand your vocabulary and learn according to your level. Tutoring is offered for all levels of Spanish. Feel free to sign up for more than one session! Beginning Spanish Lourdes de la Colina-Scofield This class is a fun and relaxed way to learn Spanish! In the group lesson, led by a native Spanish speaking instructor, you will learn basic skills and start building your vocabulary starting with the first class! Mother and Son Bowling Night Recreation Staff Bowl the night away at our first ever Mother and Son Bowling Night! Boys may bring their mother or a special someone such as a grandmother or aunt as their guest. Fee includes use of rental shoes and balls, 2 hours of bowling and cheese pizza and a beverage for dinner! Each individual who will be attending the event must be registered. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time for check in & equipment rental. Estate Planning and Tax Saving Ideas Thomas Mulford Case Studies are used in this session to provide you with some ideas to maintain your Estate value increase your Estate and/or provide Tax-Free Deferred Income. 1) Cost Basis from Term Life insurance premiums can be used to provide Tax-Free annuity income. 2) Survivorship or Joint Life products can be used to increase Estate value when financed by placing qualified money in variable products and using Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to finance the Joint Life Policy efficiently. 3) Combination Life Insurance Long Term Care products can leverage your cash to give a benefit or return all premium if not used. Tax, Investment, Estate Planning Update-In an Hour! Dale Rehkopf II With rules, regulations, and strategies constantly changing, here’s your chance to hear the latest news from a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Financial Planner and an Estate Planning Attorney. We will highlight important changes and provide you with the information that will help you today and tomorrow. The presentation will consist of three 15 minute sections with ample time for individual questions and answers. Essential Oils for Women's Health Kate Western Ladies let’s face it, our systems a bit more high maintenance than our male counter parts, but don’t worry, we can use essential oils to keep us healthy and balanced! The goal of this class is to empower women to take control of their health naturally, and this will be achieved through discussing the use of essential oils for the following: healthy skin, anti-aging, toxin free beauty products, PMS, balancing hormones, reproductive health, digestion, weight loss, libido and mood management. This class is ideal for all types of women and each participant will be able to create their own 2oz healing body oil infused with the essential oils of their choice. Town of Pittsford – Recreation Department Proposed Programs for Spring 2015 Program Instructor Adventure & Nature Family Orienteering and Navigation Megan Patridge & Jake Kwapiszeski Aquatics Parent & Tot Swim Aquatics Staff Parent & Tot Swim Plus Aquatics Staff Group Swim Lessons Aquatics Staff Private Swim Lessons Aquatics Staff Stroke Clinic for Advanced Swimmers Aquatics Staff Lap Swim for Senior Citizens Aquatics Staff Family Open Swim Aquatics Staff Water Yoga Penfield Sport & Fitness Arts & Crafts All Occasion Card Series Pat Miller Fabulous Furnishings Peggi Heissenberger Antiques and Collectibles Price Prazar Preschool Picassos & DaVincis! Mary Slaughter Sculpting, Stories & Scripts! Mary Slaughter Athletics Sporty Sprouts Catherine Downs Tiny Sprouts Catherine Downs Tumbling Tigers Mary Slaughter Soccer Shots for Youth Soccer Shots Staff Happy Feet Soccer Happy Feet Staff Adult On-Course Golf Lessons Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Men’s’ Senior Golf Camp Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Ladies’ Senior Golf Camp Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Score Like the Pros: Short Game Clinic Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Junior Golf Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Adult Beginner Golf - Intro to Golf Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Adult Advanced Golf Dan Cordaro, Eagle Vale Golf Cheerleading Mary Christine Doggett Men’s Adult Softball League Recreation Staff Coed Adult Softball League Recreation Staff Women’s Soccer League Recreation Staff Youth Soccer League Recreation Staff Family Basketball Recreation Staff Drop-In Pickleball Recreation Staff 25+ Drop-In Basketball Recreation Staff Parent & Tot Open Gym Recreation Staff Introduction to Pickleball Larry Shearer QuickStart Tennis Camps Peggy Schuster Indoor Junior Tennis Jeff Wagstaff Adult USA Tennis Sue Bloch Indoor Tennis Instruction for Juniors & Adults David Strebel Fencing for Youth Rochester Fencing Club Staff Fencing for Teens and Adults Rochester Fencing Club Staff Mini-Musketeers Rochester Fencing Club Staff Fencing Camp Rochester Fencing Club Staff Horseback Camp for Kids Park Place Farms Pittsford Triathlon Clinic Towpath Bike Shop Cards & Games Bridge: Defense Part 2 Mary Lyke Bridge: Two Over One Practice Mary Lyke Bridge Basics I: Now Let’s Play Mary Lyke Dance Chinese Dance Company of Rochester Annie Begley Pittsford Ballet Pre-Ballet Karen Hanson Pittsford Ballet School Karen Hanson Rochester Dancesport Academy Michelle Madore Teeny Tiny Tap and Ballet Shirley Reback Tiny Tap and Ballet Shirley Reback Belly Dance Deborah Robinson Education How to Protect Yourself from Your Computer Marc-Anthony Arena Puppy K and Teen Puppy Obedience Class Fran Schoenfeld Defensive Driving Cindy St. George Cemetery Tour Audrey Johnson & Vicki Profitt Family & Youth The After School Program Recreation Staff Sunrise Club-Before School Care Recreation Staff Kindergarten Wrap Program Recreation Staff Game Show Mania: Fun Camp Day Recreation Staff Fun Camp Day Recreation Staff Spring Break Camp Recreation Staff Birthday Parties Recreation Staff Parents Night Out Recreation Staff American Red Cross – Babysitter’s Training Domenic Danesi Safety First for Children Domenic Danesi First Aid for Kids EPIC Trainings Social Networking Safety EPIC Trainings Finance & Business College Assistance Plus Jim Conti Medicare and the Affordable Care Act Mike Chabalik & Patrick Kelly Savvy Social Security Planning for Boomers Mike Chabalik & Patrick Kelly DIY Retirement Planning Workshop Thomas Mulford Long Term Care Planning Seminar Thomas Mulford Women and Wealth Gregory Herbison Downsizing in Today’s Market Robert Opett How to Buy Your First Home Robert Opett Fitness, Health & Wellness Zumba Michelle Medina Boot Camp Penfield Sport & Fitness Debbie McVean Aerobics Debbie McVean Yoga for a Healthy Back Alicia Barnes Yoga for Kids Marie Quinton Martial Arts for Youth-Introductory James Creighton Martial Arts for Youth-Advanced James Creighton Martial Arts for Adults James Creighton Little Ninjas Karate James Creighton Total Body Fitness James Creighton Martial Arts for Women Tracy Maggio & Debbie McIlhagga Youth Circus Arts Jennifer Dovidio Story Time Trampoline Jennifer Dovidio Meditation and Health Usha Shah QiGong Exercises for Optimum Health Usha Shah Busy Mom’s Guide to an Organized Life Rubiena Duarte Discover Your Human Design Bonnie Schwartzbauer Managing High School with A LOT Less Stress Paula Bobb There’s an Oil for That! Kate Western Detox Your Home Kate Western Pittsford Nautilus Andrew Schuler Home & Garden Color, Style, and Home Interiors Artichoke Design Instructors Remodeling Your Kitchen Peter Rees Music & Theater Private Piano Lessons Beth Werner Preschool Melody Kids Brenda Lincoln Preschool Adventures Sherry Murray
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