Bennis Buzz - Brandon Valley High School

A Note from the Principal
Secondly, our parent teacher conferences will
be held in early February. This means a 1:00
dismissal time. The middle school conferences will be held on Feb. 9th and elementary
& high school conferences will be on Feb.10th .
We will be using the same appointment schedule we used for our fall
conferences. There will be no school on Friday, Feb. 13th and Monday, Feb. 16th.
February is a important month for both parents
and students. First, this is the time of year when we register our new class of kindergarteners for the fall term.
So, if you, or someone you know , has a child who will
be 5 years old on or before Sept 1, 2015, please call our
office at 582-8010 to register. Our kindergarten screening will be held on March. 2 and March 3.
It is great to see so many of our students in the proper cold weather
gear. I would like to remind you to label your child’s
winter attire so it is easily identifiable. It seems that
our lost and found table grows bigger every day.
Please stop by to see if you recognize any of the
clothing during a visit to the school or during your
conference time.
Time to Order Yearbooks!
Order forms for the Robert Bennis Elementary 2014-2015 yearbook were sent home
with students on Thursday, Jan. 29th.
Cost for a yearbook is $13.00. All yearbooks MUST be preordered.
Deadline to return order forms is Friday,
Feb. 21st.
We are in the process of accepting registrations for the 2015/2016 kindergarten screening. Any family who has a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1,
2015 will be eligible to start kindergarten next fall. Screening will be held the week of
March 2, 2015. Please call the proper attendance center to register.
Robert Bennis Elementary
Fred Assam Elementary
Brandon Elementary
Valley Springs Elementary 582-2948
Dates to Remember
Monday, Feb. 9th
2 Hour Early Dismissal
Middle School Conferences
Tuesday, Feb. 10th
2 Hour Early Dismissal
HS & Elem Conferences
Friday, Feb. 13th
NO SCHOOL - Inservice Day
Monday, Feb. 16th
Thursday, Feb. 16th
PTA Carousel Skate Party
School will be in session
on March 13, 2015 as this
snow day was used on
January 7th.
We try to get outside whenever we can. We check Keloland’s weather listing throughout the day,
so we may be in one recess and out the next.
We are so thankful most of the students are bringing their winter gear and ready to go outside when
we can. They enjoy playing in the snow and we are glad they can stay warm and dry. Thank you
parents, for making sure your children have all their winter gear at school. Please continue sending
it so they are always prepared.
Winter Gear: coats, snow pants, boots, hats , gloves or mittens.
Remind your children to check the lost and found. We have lots of hats and gloves.
Elementary Parent / Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015
School will dismiss on Monday, Feb. 9th and Tuesday, Feb. 10th at 1:00pm.
Parent - Teacher Conference Reminder slips have been sent home with your child. This
slip has the time that your conference has been scheduled for. Please contact your
child’s teacher if you did not receive this.
RBE Dates to Remember
Monday, February 9:
Classes dismiss 2 hours early (Elementary 1:00). Middle School Conferences
Tuesday, February 10:
Classes dismiss 2 hours early (Elementary 1:00) Elem. & High School Conferences
Thursday, February 12:
Valentine Parties will be held the last hour of the day(2:00 pm)
Friday, February 13:
No School—Teacher Comp Day
Monday, February 16:
No School—President’s Day
Thurday, February 19:
RBE Carousel Skate Night 6:30-8:30
March 2015
Monday, March 2:
Kindergarten Screening at Robert Bennis Elementary
Tuesday, March 3:
Kindergarten Screening at Robert Bennis Elementary
Monday, March 9:
Elementary Science Fair
Tuesday, March 10:
1st Grade Vocal Music Program at PAC @ 7:30
Thursday, March 12:
End of 3rd Quarter
Monday, March 16:
Combined 5th and 6th Grade Band Concert /7:00pm/High School Auxiliary Gym
Thursday, March 19:
No School (if snow day unused)
Friday, March 20:
No School / Teacher in service day
Thursday, March 26
Brandon Health Fair at High School
Friday, March 27:
PTA Bingo Night
Judy Thompson, a professional
watercolor artist and teaching
artist was our Robert Bennis Elementary Artist in Residence
the week of January 12th.
Thank you to the RBE PTA with
support provided by the South
Dakota Arts council for giving
the RBE students this opportunity.
Notes from the Band Room
The 5th grade band is off to an excellent start of our second semester. I have
been very pleased with their diligence in practicing over the Winter/Christmas
break! Many of them came to their first lesson after the break very well prepared. It is exciting to see the student’s enthusiasm for instrumental music!
As we continue to work together during January and February, we will be focusing the majority of our time on fundamental techniques found in our ‘Tradition
of Excellence’ book. The individual practice time is very important in reinforcing these new
concepts, so please continue to encourage your child with his/her practicing.
Combined 5th/6th Grade Band Concert!!
We are excited to remind you to put Monday, Mar. 16, on your calendars! The students from
our 5th and 6th grade bands will be joining forces to perform a combined concert for you.
Each band will perform a few individual selections and then will join together to perform
two works. This will be an exciting collaboration between our young players and we are
looking forward to learning the new music for this concert. The performance will take place
in the High School Auxiliary gym at 7:00pm that evening. Please mark your calendars for
this fun evening of instrumental music!
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress. ([email protected])
Until next month, keep practicing…..
Mr. Hubers
Our orchestra students are continuing to learn new skills on their instruments. The fourth grade students are working hard on bowing and creating a good sound on the instrument. This is a skill that takes a good
bit of work! A little bit every day makes a big difference in the progress.
Fifth grade students are learning new bowing styles as well as new literature.
Both groups will perform at the Performing Arts Center on May 18. Keep practicing!
Patti Nelson
Brandon Valley District Elementary Orchestra
(rubeola, hard measles, red measles)
South Dakota Dept. of Health - Office of Disease Prevention - 605-773-3737 (1-800-592-1861 SD only)
This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical care. We are not able to answer personal medical questions. Please see your health care provider concerning appropriate care, treatment or other medical advice.
What is measles?
Measles is an acute, highly contagious viral disease capable of producing epidemics. Measles is more common in winter and spring.
Who gets measles?
Although measles is usually considered a childhood disease, it can be contracted at any age. Generally, preschool children, adolescents, young adults and inadequately immunized individuals comprise the majority of
measles cases in the United States.
How is measles spread?
Measles is spread by direct contact with nasal or throat secretions of infected people or, less frequently, by
airborne transmission. Measles is one of the most readily transmitted communicable diseases.
What are the symptoms of measles?
Measles symptoms generally appear in two stages. In the first stage, the individual may have a runny nose,
cough and a slight fever. The eyes may become reddened and sensitive to light while the fever consistently
rises each day. The second stage begins on the third to seventh day and consists of a temperature of 103105OF, and a red blotchy rash lasting four to seven days. The rash usually begins on the face and then spreads
over the entire body. Koplik spots (little white spots) may also appear on the gums and inside of the cheeks.
How soon do symptoms appear?
Early symptoms like fever usually appear 10 days after exposure (range 7-12 days) and rash appears after 14
days (range 7-21 days).
When and for how long is a person able to spread measles?
An individual is able to transmit measles from four days before onset of rash and until four days after rash onset.
Does past infection make a person immune?
Yes. Permanent immunity is acquired after contracting the disease.
What is the treatment for measles?
There is no specific treatment for measles.
What are the complications associated with measles?
Pneumonia occurs in up to 6 percent of reported cases and amounts for 60 percent of deaths attributed to measles. Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) may also occur. Other complications include middle ear infection and convulsions. Measles is more severe in infants and adults.
How can measles be prevented?
Maintaining the highest level of immunization against measles is the best preventive measure. Measles vaccine (MMR) may be given at 12-15 months of age. The second dose of MMR is given at 4-6 years of age. The
vaccine is highly effective and two MMR shots usually produce lifelong immunity.
Parent Teacher Conference Schedule
Between Building & Part-Time Teachers
Elementary & High School conferences are Tuesday Feb. 10, 2015 from 1:30-5:30 and 6:30-9:00
Middle School conferences are Monday Feb. 9, 2015 from 1:30-5:30 and 6:30-9:00
Berg, Shelly
Brandsrud, Teresa
MS-HS- Orchestra
Feb. 10
HS 1:30-5:30
Feb. 9
MS 6:30-9:00
BE-MS Speech
BE 1:30-9:00
Mary Erickson
HS-MS-BE Librarian
HS 1:30-5:30
MS 6:30-9:00
Fode, Jeff
RBE-MS Music
RBE 1:30-7:00
MS 7:00-9:00
Jensen, Terri
BE 1:30-9:00
Naser, Shelly
VSE-FAE Speech
Gibbons, Randy
VSE 1:30-5:30 FAE 6:30-9:00
RBE 1:30-5:30 FAE 6:309:00
Gordon, Paula
VSE 1:30-5:30 FAE 6:30-9:00
Gullickson, Terry
MS-HS Vocal
MS 6:30-9:00
Hubers, Del
Miller, Jesse
HS 1:30-5:30
RBE 3:30-5:30 BE 1:30-3:15
FAE 6:30-9:00
VSE 1:30-4:00 HS 4:305:30/6:30-9:00
BE 1:30-5:30 1/2 time employee
MS 1:30-5:30
Ackerman, Jodi
BE & VSE Music
Waterbury, Brenda
District Gifted Ed.
Rieff, Erin
BE - VSE Art
BE 6:30-9:00
VSE 1:30-5:30
Megard, Randy
District Adpt PE/PE Tchr.
BE 1:30-9:00
Mork, Dianne
District PT
FAE 1:30-3:45
Mutschelknaus, Amy
District OT
BE 1:30-5:30; RBE 6:30 - 9:00
Murtha, Christine
District ESL
Nelson, Patti
RBE-FAE-BE-VSE Orchestra
FAE 1:30-9:00
FAE 1:30-5:30 VSE 6:309:00
RBE 3:30-5:30 FAE 1:30-3:15
VSE 6:30-9:00
Klenner, Pamela
RBE, VSE, FAE Librarian
Ralston, Annlee
District OT
Rozier, Danylle
VSE-RBE-BE Computer
Gile, Mary
FAE-BE Computer
BE 6:30-
FAE 1:30 - 3:45
VSE 1:30-5:30 RBE 6:309:00
BE 1:30-5:30
FAE 5:309:00
Rauk, Roxie
VSE & FAE Title
VSE 1:30-5:30 FAE 6:30-9:00
Rus, Elizabeth
FAE-VSE Guidance
VSE 1:30-5:30 FAE 6:30-9:00
Sewell, Marta
HS 6:30-9:00
MS 1:30-5:30
Chambers, Anne
HS 6:30-9:00
MS 1:30-5:30
VanHorn, Lila
RBE 1:30-5:30 VSE 6:30-9:00
Thompson, Lorelei
District PT
BE 1:30-9:00
February 2015
Early Dismiss
Early Dismiss
NAEP Testing
for 4th Grade
Comp Day
Carousel Skate
President’s Day