Irish Society of Community and Public Health Medicine

Irish Society of Community and Public Health
Honorary Officers 2013/2014
In- Vice Pres:
Out Vice Pres:
Hon Secretary:
Hon Treasurer:
Dr Brett Lynam
Dr Darina Fahey
Dr Darina Healy
Dr Brídín Cannon
Dr Kathryn Chambers
Annual Scientific Meeting, 23th and 24th October 2014.
Westbury Hotel, Dublin.
Thursday 23th October 2014
Registration and coffee: 9.00-9.30
Welcome: 9.30-9.40 Dr Darina Fahey, Incoming president ISCPHM
Opening address: 9.40
!0.00-10.40: Supporting parents manage children’s emotional and behavioural
problems-a guide for community and public health practitioners.
Dr John Sharry, Founding director of Parents Plus, Principal Social
Worker, Mater Hospital CAMHS.
10.40-11.20: STIs in young people.
Dr Fionnuala Cooney, Specialist in Public Health, Dr Steeven’s
11.20-11.30 short break
11.30-12.20: Childhood Obesity - The Pandemic.
Dr Sinead Murphy, Director of Paediatric Education, UCD
School of Medicine, Children's University Hospital, Temple
St, Dublin 1
12.20-13.00 Patterns of Breastfeeding in Ireland: Evidence from the Growing Up in
Ireland Cohort Study.
Professor Richard Layte , ESRI and Professor of Sociology, TCD.
14.00-14.20 Attended poster presentation
14.20-15.05 Medical Anthropology: what can it offer?
Dr Beth Ann Roche, Consultant in Public Health, Kilkenny
15.05-15.50 Dilemmas and Decisions for our own Healthcare Dr
Andrée Rochfort, Director of ICGP Doctor’s Health
AGM: 16.00
Friday 24th October
Registration and Coffee: 8.30-9.00
Addressing the Irish TB epidemic
Professor Joseph Keane, St James’s Hospital and TCD
9.45-10.30 Description and Control of a Prolonged Outbreak of Invasive Meningococcal
Disease in an Extended Irish Traveller Family
Dr Lois O Connor, Specialist Registrar in Public Health, HSE East.
10.30-10.45 break and coffee
10.45-11.30 Stroke Prevention/Atrial Fibrillation: ‘Feel the beat…Prevent a
Dr Breda Smyth, Consultant in Public Health Medicine
11.30-13.00 Developmental issues in light of “Progressing Disability’ title tbc
Dr Louise Gibson, Developmental paediatrician and Senior lecturer in
Paediatrics, University College Cork.
Lunch and Close