Building partnerships STOP PRESS

VOL 43 No. 2 | 5 February 2015
Good mates certainly make it
easier during the early days of
the school year.
Building partnerships
Dear Members of the Terrace Family,
I hope that your week has been
productive. From a school’s perspective
the week has provided an excellent
opportunity to meet a large number
of parents at the information nights. It
was pleasing to see so many parents
at these evenings and I thank-you for
taking to time to say hello. I also wish to
thank the large number of staff who were
involved. The importance of a strong
PARTNERSHIP between home and
school can never be underestimated. I
also wish to acknowledge and thank
the Terrace Ladies Group for their
work in ensuring the social aspect of
the information nights also was very
Tomorrow, the College will hold the
2015 Induction Mass at the University
of Queensland. This is an important
celebration for the community and in
particular for the Year 12 students and
their parents. I have been very impressed
with the Year 12 students thus far and
tomorrow’s Mass is an opportunity to
officially acknowledge their leadership
journey for 2015.
Continued on page 2.
– Fax:
– Fax:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Victoria Street will be closed to
all traffic from noon tomorrow
(Friday) while work continues
on the Spring Hill campus.
The Centenary Building also
will be out of bounds from noon.
While traffic in the area after
school should be lighter due to
the Opening Mass and Year 12
Induction at UQ, please ensure
you take extra care around the
College and adhere to pick-up
guidelines in Rogers St.
A list of available tutors and
timetable is now available on
the Parent Lounge or click
here: (Staff tutoring list)
Building partnerships (cont’d)
Last weekend I visited a number of sporting
venues. It was wonderful to meet so many
parents at the various weekend activities.
I was most impressed with the level of
sportsmanship displayed by the students.
I also was pleased to witness the school
spirit on display, particularly at the Cricket,
where the rowers formed a cheer squad
for the cricketers. This strong school spirit
needs to permeate all that we do in 2015.
Congratulations to all competitors on the
positive start to the GPS sporting program
for 2015.
On Tuesday the first of our Spirit Assemblies
was held for Cricket and Volleyball. I wish all
players the very best for the 2015 season.
Congratulations to the following students
on their appointments as Sports Captains:
Volleyball Captain:
James Avis
Volleyball Vice Captain: James Brannigan
Cricket Captain:
Lachlan Kirk
Cricket Vice Captains: Andrew Ingram
Edward Burns
Edward Burns
I believe that the boys have commenced the
year well. As we approach the end of Week
2 it is important that good routines have been
established in and out of the classroom.
The students need to be adhering to their
study timetables, ‘logging’ their hours in
their school diary and ensuring homework
and classwork are being done well. There
are a number of different tutoring options
available for students throughout the week
and I would encourage students to make
use of these services.
Similarly, routines around uniform are
important to establish. I remind students
that hats are to be worn, shirts tucked in
and socks pulled up when travelling to and
from the College. The Terrace Gentleman
is on display and it is important that our
young men set a high standard with respect
to uniform and behaviour. The support of
parents on this issue is vital.
In recent communications, I have provided
some details regarding the storm repairs. I
am pleased to say that progress continues
to be made with repairs now isolated to
the lower end of the school. This work
will continue for the next few weeks but
should pose minimal impact to the normal
operations of the College. I thank everyone
for their patience during this time.
My final comment pertains to the “pick-up”
of students in the afternoon. I have been
out in Rogers Street over the last couple
of weeks and I thank the large number of
parents who are following the process. My
priority, as is yours, is the safety of students
at this busy time of the afternoon. I would
ask that all parents display the highest level
of road safety awareness when driving on
the streets near the College. The boys exit
via the main gate in Rogers Street so please
do not park across this driveway. Please do
not do U-turns in Rogers Street or simply
stop in the middle of the road and wait for
your son. Dean of Students Mr Damien Fall
and myself will be directing traffic to ensure
the safe exit of the students and I do ask for
your support by ensuring road safety rules
are followed and consideration given to all
parents present in the afternoon. It is an
intense 15 to 20 minutes and your support
and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
I look forward to meeting more parents over
the coming weeks as we journey together
in 2015.
God Bless,
Michael Carroll
Business as usual with a packed
Primary Quad at morning tea.
College Dean, Mr Chris Ryan
GTOBA Mass - A marvellous aspect of
the Terrace Family is the passion and
commitment to friendship of our Old Boy
community. Their camaraderie, generosity
and storytelling are wonderful gifts to the
College. The annual GTOBA Mass will be
held in the Chapel this Sunday
followed by the Annual
General Meeting and
morning tea. All
A marvellous aspect of
Old Boys are most
the Terrace Family is the
Communication with staff - Parents are
most welcome to contact teachers via
phone or email. Of course, our teaching staff
is engaged in teaching for most of the day
but a call to main reception on 32145200
will have you put through to the required
person. Often, a more efficient means
of contact is email. All staff may be
contacted via email using the
following formula:
we have a co-ordinated and beneficial
model where all can share in the both the
labour and fruit of the vine! The Cardinals
sponsor a significant number of our
academic staff in completing post-graduate
studies across Religious Education,
Leadership and Counselling and the staff
greatly appreciates their patronage. Their
first meeting of the year takes place next
Tuesday evening.
Staff Name: eg Chris Ryan
Make the name one word
and add it to the address.
Thus, my email is:
The Terrace Ladies Group - For many
decades, this dynamic group has been a
key aspect of the backbone of College life.
Thank-you to Mrs Andrea Splatt, Mrs Sam
Conry and all mothers of the TLG who have
already done so much to build community
in our 140th year. After all of the Parent
Information Evenings this week and the
great hospitality of the Year 11 parents at
the Year 12 Induction and Opening Mass
tomorrow. Next Friday, 13 February, our
TLG community will gather in the Chapel at
9.30am to share in the Eucharist and enjoy
a morning tea afterwards. All welcome.
passion and commitment
to friendship of our Old
Boy community.
[email protected]
Please be patient and give staff
reasonable turn-around time as they
field many emails and have limited time
for administrative tasks outside of their
classroom responsibilities.
The Cardinals Another
peak body group
at Terrace is The
Cardinals which support
the College through creative
methods of fundraising. In particular,
this group facilitates the Art Union that all
of our sport, cultural and other supporters’
groups such as The Terrace Timor Network
support. We find that through this combined
focus of fundraising and community building
Dean of Students, Mr Damien Fall
This week, we have enjoyed a number of We have a wonderful Year 12 group and on 24 February. We would be delighted to
gatherings that have helped to reinforce we look forward to their ongoing strong see a large number of our Year 7 mums in
the concept of community, which is so contribution as leaders of our school in attendance with their sons and I encourage
you to take up the offer to attend what
important in our relationship-based context. 2015.
should be a memorable evening.
Information evenings for a number of year
levels have been an opportunity for parents Next Friday, we hold our first Inter-House
to gather, hear important messages and event for the year, the annual swimming Please contact the school if you have any
meet key staff. These gatherings continue carnival. The emphasis of the event is queries.
into next week. At our first Spirit Assembly on participation and enjoyment. While
This week, I spoke with all students
for the year, we recognised those
Our College Captain led a rousing war
about the need to stay safe when
young men involved in Cricket
cry and I can only imagine how impressive
travelling to and from school. In our
and Volleyball.
that must seem to a new Year 5 student
inner-city environment, road safety
experiencing it for the first time.
is critical. Students have been
Our College Captain led a
rousing war cry and I can only imagine how competition between Houses is strong, asked to ensure they only cross roads at
impressive that must seem to a new Year winning is not the most important thing on designated crossing areas. I ask parents to
reinforce this important message.
5 student experiencing it for the first time. the day.
They also experienced a lunch-time war
cry practice and a Staff v Student Volleyball I look forward to all boys participating with A reminder also that wearing the College hat
match, all designed to build the sense of enthusiasm and in the right spirit. Please to and from school is compulsory. I hope
note that safety is of paramount importance. the year has started well for everyone and
spirit and pride.
Hats and sunscreen are essential and all that strong routines have been established.
One of our significant events for the year students must wear a sunshirt during every
As always, please make contact with us
is the Opening Mass and Induction of the event. We look forward to a great day.
if you have any questions or concerns
Senior cohort. For parents, pinning the
Senior badge on their son’s blazer is a Mothers and/or other significant women regarding your son.
highlight and symbolizes the partnership in the lives of our Year 7 students should
have, by now, received an invitation to a
between home and school.
mother/son event to be held at the College
Dean of Studies, Mrs Julie Quinn
With our first week behind us, I hope that hinder the learning within the classroom
all of our new students managed to find if incorrectly used. I outlined the process
their way from classes to lunch areas to students where each week I receive a
report on the tracking of the use
to lockers. I would like to commend our
of the BYOD. I meet with
Senior students in the way that they
any students who
welcomed and cared for their
are highlighted in
buddies. Making students feel
All students were
this report where
welcomed and included is the
issued with assessment
first step to producing best
calendars last week.
follow. My hope
results in any venture, be it
These calendars are
is that good
in the class room or in the
the “road map” for
habits with this
sporting or cultural arenas.
directions throughout
device in the
the term.
During the first two days of
of the year will
last week , Years 5, 7 and 8
form the required
students were given a session
practice for the year.
to prepare their laptops and Ipads
for the Terrace environment. During this
session I emphasised the importance of All students were issued with assessment
two things- the first being that this device calendars last week. These calendars are
is merely a tool to enhance learning; we the “road map” for directions throughout
still expect students to write in exercise the term. This information linked with
books with pens and pencils. As such their the information on Moodle will give clear
laptop or Ipad is not required to be used in instructions on both expectations and
all classes. My second point of emphasis resources for the term’s assessment.
was the possible misuse of these devices.
These devices have the ability to greatly As indicated on the Parent Lounge,
students in Years 7 to 11 are able to attend
Study Hall. This takes place from Monday
to Wednesday afternoons and is designed
to offer an uninterrupted environment for
homework and study to be done. This is
supervised by external facilitators and as
such, a fee is attached. This is a service
offered for students who may find it difficult
to complete homework and study upon
returning home. There is also a Study
Group operating for Year 12 students from
Monday to Friday afternoons from 3.155.30pm. This is facilitated by past students
and is funded by the College. Staff tutoring
also is offered outside school hours. The
times for these sessions are posted on the
Parent Lounge. My thanks to our staff who
continue to provide opportunities so that
our boys can achieve their very best.
I hope that boys have logged their hours of
study throughout their first week and they
are proud of their commitment to date.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence
then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle
St Joseph’s College
9.30 - 11AM
T U E S D AY 1 7 F E B R U A R Y
The Book Event is a social occasion for parents to meet other
families and be inspired about how reading can support their son's learning.
Guest speaker - Author Mary-Rose MacColl
Teacher librarians will speak about Library services at Terrace
Dymocks will review good reads and have a book display for purchases
A pop-up library where parents can borrow a book for their son
Morning Tea will be provided. No cost, but bookings are essential.
Middle School, Mr Russell Cooper
The new students to Terrace, and indeed
those returning, are hopefully beginning
to settle into the daily routine of the school
and are making friends within their House
and Year group.
Mrs Quinn has addressed the Middle School
boys about the importance of beginning the
term as they’d like to end it, so now is most
definitely the time to begin to implement the
many strategies and study habits that the
school promotes.
Some notable events occur this week
including Years 5-6 and 7-8 Parent
Information Evenings, the Year 7 Magee
Camp and Retreat, and the Opening Mass
and Induction of Seniors to be held at UQ.
Certainly the term is now in full swing
and these present another wonderful
opportunity offer all students to again
engage with the Terrace Community.
A reminder that uniform needs to be of
the highest standard and that if you are
collecting your son directly from the Mass
an email needs to be sent to Student
Dean of Identity, Mr Peter Finnigan
This week the boys celebrated their first Spirit Assembly in which contributions in a range of activities from building and construction
those who participate in Cricket and Volleyball for the College to community health and social welfare.
were acknowledged before the student body. The word spirit
is an interesting one and can be used in many ways. We often Familiar names among Catholics across Australia on the list
included former Federal Minister
refer to school spirit, team spirit or
Four Queenslanders are among
and current Liberal Party Federal
community spirit. The word actually
Catholics recognised for their
originates from the Latin spiritus
contribution to their communities on President, Richard Alston, Mark
meaning breath. We can easily this year’s Australia Day Honours’ list. Bouris and Therese Temby.
make the connection that it is our
breath, which brings us life. In our Christian tradition this breath In our Terrace Family this week:
of the spirit is also the life giving breath of God that permeates our
community and brings it and us to life. This is the theme one of our • The Terrace Ladies Group held their first meeting for 2015;
well-loved traditional hymns O Breathe on me Breath of God draws
• Student photographs were taken;
upon. There was certainly spirit at every level in our Assembly as
we celebrated the life these two sports give to our Terrace Family.
• Years 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 Parent Information and Welcome
Evenings were held;
Four Queenslanders are among Catholics recognised for their
contribution to their communities on this year’s Australia Day • Year 7 Magee boys had their camp and retreat at our Maroon
Outdoor Education Centre;
Honours’ list. They were among 50 Catholics recognised nationally
on the list. Robin Murphy of Sinnamon Park, Brisbane, Bernadette • The Terrace Old Boys held their first meeting for the year.
Lane of Mermaid Beach, Valerie Rose of Junabee and Michael
Cosgrove of Cooranga, North Queensland were appointed as
Members of the Order of Australia. They were recognised for their
Running Club
Starts Thursday, 7.20am Vic Park tunnel
with Mr Coman / Mr Hayward
Ideal pre-season fitness for any sport
2k or 4k loops, timed and recorded
Weeks 1-4 before the Xcountry season begins
Director of Culture, Mr Matt Cocking
Settling into routines can be daunting.
Terrace has so many different groups to join
that ensuring you give each area adequate
consideration and time can sometimes
pose a logistical nightmare for every family
member. Last minute changes of event and
venue can mean that some students miss
practice, the bus or the event.
not only the College’s Facebook
also the Cultural Twitter page @GTCulture: .
In that vein, the Gallipoli fund-raising event
has been moved from the advertised
calendar date to Friday 20 March. The
event will be held at Terrace in the Primary
Quad with a theme of Trivia & Tunes. Please
come along and support our Gallipoli choir.
Further information will be coming via the
usual methods however please update
your College calendars with this new date
As we announced last year, our College
has been asked to participate in a second
Gallipoli tour in 2015 - in August. The
students who auditioned last year will
know by now and we congratulate the nine
Terrace Gentlemen who will once again
represent our College on the international
The April Gallipoli tour is looming ever closer
with our students practising every Monday
afternoon in the College Chapel. As with
previous tours, there will be a Blessing prior
to the tour. This year, the Blessing and
short service will be held in the All Hallows’
Chapel on Monday 16 March at 6pm. The
entire College community is welcome to
join our choir and families at this event.
Choir members please note the final parent
information session will be held in The
Claver Theatre after the Blessing. We will
have representatives from the Department
of Veterans’ Affairs in attendance.
The Terrace Chess Club already has
started training and will kick off the season
with a Simul to be held next Monday 9
February in the Campbell Centre during
lunchtime. For those who are new to the
College and Chess, a Simul is when one
person plays multiple games against a
number of opponents. This year, our 2014
Senior College Champion – Hughston
Parle – and 2014 Junior College Champion
– Wen Zhang – will take on 10 players
each. Simuls are exciting to watch as they
are very fast paced. Last year more than
300 boys watched from the gallery.
Information will have been sent to the
students and parents in the Chapel Choir
and Liturgical Band regarding the Induction
Mass on Friday. If you do not have the
information, please contact the Music
Department as soon as possible.
Cultural Date Claimers:
Monday 9 February
Chess Simul, lunchtime
Campbell Centre
Friday 13 February
Debating Round 1 v TSS at Terrace
Monday 16 February:
Debating Support Meeting at 6pm in
the Rush Room
Terrace Performing Arts Meeting at
7pm in the Callan Centre
For more calendar events see Music on
p. 7
Year 8s Madden Curran and
Ethan Mounter getting in some
study while they wait outside
the Library.
Music, Mr Brad Esbensen
We have almost reached the end of
the second week of term and by this
stage most ensembles and instrumental
lessons should be in full swing. Students
and parents should have received some
contact from teachers as well as copies of
timetables by this stage. If you have any
questions or concerns, please contact the
Music Department asap music@terrace.
Congratulations to the SWE (Symphonic
Wind Ensemble), conducted by Mr Craig
Dabelstein, on their rousing performance of
The Men Of Harlech (better known to our
community as Terrace To The Fore) at the
College Welcome Assembly last week. The
band sounded very secure and we have
been receiving many favourable comments
from the Terrace Community. Next week,
the Waterford Soloists, under the direction
of Ms Domenica Kelly, will feature on
Scholars’ Assembly.
As the year begins and we are all getting
focused on establishing good habits and
regular routines, it is timely to highlight
some information about recent research
on how musical activity affects the brain.
The following link,
com/watch?v=R0JKCYZ8hng, will take
you to a TED Talk about how playing an
instrument engages the participant’s brain.
The talk discusses some of the benefits of
playing a musical instrument including the
way disciplined and structured practice in
playing music, can allow students to apply
that discipline in other activities. As part
of a well-rounded education, the study of
music provides students with an activity
that will assist their development across
many disciplines and provide them with an
interest they can pursue for many years to
This week, we welcome two new staff
members to Terrace Music, Miss Anna
Kho and Mr Zach Brankovich, who will be
working with our percussion students. They
will be in touch shortly to arrange lessons
and also will be directing some of the
percussion ensembles.
is currently being updated, contains
information on the days and times for
ensemble rehearsals as well as an
information booklet outlining policies and
procedures. If you have any questions
or concerns, please contact the music
department ASAP [email protected].
Coming events
Callan Strings, Workshop and Concert,
Sunday 8 February, 9am-3pm, Edmund
Rice Theatre, Waterford Place
Red and Black Big Bands & Drumline,
workshop and concert, Sunday
Various performers, Chamber Music
Concert, Thursday 5 March, 6-8pm,
Edmund Rice Theatre, Waterford Place
Ensembles TBA, Terrace Open Day,
Wednesday 11 March, 4-7pm, various
The Terrace Music web page, which
St Agatha Patron Saint of Breast Cancer Feast Day 5 February At each of the Masses at St Agatha’s Parish on the weekend of the 7th & 8th of February, we will pray for those who have breast cancer, those who have died of breast cancer, those who have survived, their family and friends. Please join us in this very special blessing. St Agatha’s Parish Mass Times Saturday 7 February: 6pm Sunday 8 February: 7am, 9am & 5.30pm Sports in print will take on a new look
this year with The Locker Room to
be published twice per term.
The publication, looking at the term’s
sporting activities at the halfway
mark and end of term, will take the
place of 110 per cent.
It also means an abbreviated look at
sport in the weekly Terrace News.
The change has been brought about
in part by responses, more than 450,
to the Communications survey sent
out to families last month.
Cultural activities will continue to be
covered in Terrace News.
Information Technology, Ms Elice Probst
2015 can be coined as a year of
transformation for Terrace. It will be a year
that starts with new opportunities, new
students and a new College Leadership
Team. We will see stirring movements in the
integration of technologies at the College
and a solidifying of what we do best;
providing quality and pertinent teaching and
The BYOD program was successfully
implemented last year with positive
feedback provided by teaching staff, parents
and students. This year we will be looking at
ways to further build Higher-Order Thinking
skills into learning activities with technology
at the forefront of this endeavour.
Staff will be working systematically to review
the ways in which we can successfully
and effectively engage students in the
learning process and enhance the learning
experience for all involved.
As students move out of holiday mode and
into the classrooms, it becomes imperative
that they start off on the right foot with the
use of their devices both at school and at
home. Students have been reminded of the
expectations surrounding BYOD and with
the support of the Terrace Community, we
can establish a culture-based on quality
learning where technology is used as a tool
to enhance the learning environment and
not distract from it.
Here are some strategies to help establish
a productive home routine with the use of
student devices:
1. Establish set times for homework and
assignment completion.
3. Have regular conversations with the
child to reinforce expectations around
appropriate use.
4. Ensure devices are left in a shared area
after a certain time at night so that they are
not tempted to use it when they should be
5. Consider “Device-Free Time” during predetermined times of the day; for example,
during dinner time and the hour that follows.
If you would like to view the College’s
expectations surrounding BYOD, please
visit this link:
2. Ensure the devices are used in a shared
space; for example, the dining room where
an adult can still monitor the situation.
Captains Corner, Vice Captain, Reuben Wall
With the beginning of the second week
and everything in full swing, first week
nerves and uncertainty seem like distant
memories. This early part of the term is the
time for goals to be set and good habits
and routines engrained in the academic,
sporting and cultural environments to kick
in. This is crucial so that when the work and
competition start to pile up the systems and
techniques are in place and results can be
The weekend past was an example of
the success that comes as a result of
hard work. The 1st XI cricketers won,
our champion volleyballers played a trial
against Craigslea and the Rowing Shed
came a very promising third at the first
regatta of the season.
In amongst the success and copious hours
of study something very special also took
I’ll set the scene: Saturday afternoon,
Tennyson main field, second innings, 11th
over, a balmy 30 degrees that felt like 40.
The Terrace cricketers have two men in the
middle racking up the runs with Churchie
on the back foot. There is a rustling in
the grass on the northern boundary, the
rowers have arrived back at the shed after
a successful day of racing and arrive in
numbers to cheer the cricketers on. This
army of support joined the already present
Cricket supporters, and the ever passionate
Darcy Moreland, who led the loudest chain
of war cries to have been heard this year…
so far.
This spirit of the rowers and cricketers
combined epitomises what 2015 is about,
supporting your mates in the red and black till
the end. As Terracians we have something
more than just red blood pumping through
our veins, there is something else that
finds its way into every part of the body. It
is what carries the spirit, determination and
courage, what Terracians are made of…it
is the black.
These colours combined are what bring us
together as brothers, who will bleed the red
and black for each other.
Shout outs to this weekend’s sport?
Please Note:
Student ID Cards will no longer be accepted in the Terrace Shop
[email protected]
7.30AM - 3.15PM
(07) 3214 5258
It has been a very busy start to the year with our welcome functions at the beginning of the
week, and the Senior Induction Mass at the end of the week. Thank-you to all the wonderful
Years 9 and 11 parents who have helped at these functions.
Our first TLG meeting for the year was very well attended and we enjoyed hearing from our new
Principal Dr Michael Carroll.
Our next function is the TLG Welcome Mass in the Chapel of the Holy Family next Friday at
9.30am. All mothers are welcome and we invite you to join us in the Founders’ Room for Morning Tea afterwards.
Date Claimers
Thursday 5 February – Year 10 Welcome Function (Waterford Place)
Friday 6 February – Year 12 Induction Mass (UQ)
Friday 13 February – TLG Welcome Mass, 9.30am
Monday 2 March – TLG Meeting GT 125, 9am
Friday, 27 March – Cookbook Launch, Tennyson
Chris Watt :
[email protected]
The Terrace Family
The Terrace Family is asked to continue to pray for the welfare of: Mr Simon Davidson (GT 1987), Mr Robert Maitland
(GT2000); Mr Barry Bobart, Director of Music and father of Ryan (GT 2011) and Linford Hulin-Bobart (12U); Mr Brian Cahill,
grandfather of Darcy (GT 2014) and Lachlan (10M) Rhodes, Nicholas Vilgan (11R), stepfather of Mark Vilgan (GT 1977)
The Terrace Family is asked to pray for the repose of the souls of:
Mr Noel EVANS , grandfather of D’Arcy Newton (Year 11) and Fergus Newton (Year 9).
Mr Paul Leslie James BULLOCK (GT 1968-73).
Mr Christopher Stephen COOK (GT 1962-65).
Mr Timothy Noel HOWES (GT 1967-69).
Performing Arts
Meeting is on 16 February in the Callan Centre (staff Room) from 7 pm. Would love to see any new
Performing Arts parents as well as our current families as we plan our big year of activities.
Drinks and nibbles always provided.
Movie Club News
The second Marigold Hotel ... Don’t miss this sequel to the very, very popular film set with a backdrop of
India and starring Helen Mirren, Dev Patel, Maggie Smith and more of our favourites.
Sunday 8 March from 3pm. Tickets available soon.
TERRACE social events
Year 10 Welcome Function - WATERFORD PLACE, THURSDAY FebRUARY 5 2015
2015 Senior Induction Mass and Commissioning of College Principal Dr. Michael
Carroll - UQ Centre, University of Queensland, FRIDAY FebRUARY 6 2015
2015 Cricket Season Launch - Tennyson - Rogers Pavillion , Saturday, Feb 07 2015
Krispy Kreme Donut Day - Duhig Place - Outside Campbell Centre, THURSDAY 12 MARCH,
Further information AND REGISTRATION FOR social events VISIT
Sport, Mr Damian Wright
Rowing - Brisbane Grammar School
hosted the opening regatta of the 2015
season at the recently establish Wyaralong
Dam, now the long-term home of Rowing
in Queensland. The underdeveloped
site posed a number of logistical issues
however the venue was greeted
with great excitement producing
entertaining racing.
The pre-regatta message was
simple, consistent speed. Many
crews were able to achieve this
as they came through the fading
boats of their competitors to
snatch a number of places in the
dying metres of racing. This new
approach in 2015 also saw the Year
10 6ths (Stroke: Jacob Stocker,
Three: Will Cook, Two: Nick
Castley, Bow: Luke McDonnell,
Cox: Max Schroder) and Year
10 7ths (Stroke: Hugh Schroder,
Three: Oscar Bradford, Two:
Nick Bradbury, Bow: Fergus
Gregg, Cox: Oliver Corroon)
start the season on a high with a
win each. Terrace finished 3rd and
4th overall in each round of racing
- a great effort by all.
Swimming - Last Friday evening
the Swimming program kicked off
in style at Chandler with a large
contingent of swimmers racing the
clock. It was a great opportunity for
all the boys to finally have a hit out
over the distance and gain some
valuable racing after so much
Congratulations to Louis Townsend who
recently broke two College records:
Under 16 100 FS (time 52.60) breaking
Olympian and silver medallist Nicholas
Sprenger’s 2001 record.
Under 16 50 FS (time 24.28) breaking 2014
senior Liam Osborne’s record.
Two other Terrace swimmers competed
in the Queensland Swimming Titles
and we didn’t mention them last week.
Congratulations to Lachlan Bell who swam
PBs in the 12yo 100 Free and 100 Breast
and Nicholas Egan who swam a PB for the
100 breast.
This Friday we are at Nudgee College
competing for The Br Miller Shield.
Parents – Please remember to sign up to
Swimming through the Parent Lounge and
receive Swimming information by following
@terraceswimming on Twitter.
Magnus will travel to Thailand in April
Please note that there will be a supporters’
group meeting next Tuesday 10 February.
All parents welcome.
Cricket - This Saturday we play Brisbane
Grammar School, with supplementary
games against ACGS and Nudgee.
Batting congratulations to Max
Mikkola 57no, Max Law 65,
Bowling congratulations to Darcy
Jennings 4/11, J Theile 4/37,
H Forster 3/6, T Burns 3/18, M
Schoutrop 3/16, C Ballenden
3/23, L Ford 3/22. With the
inclusion of Twenty20 cricket,
these milestones will become
increasingly rare. There were a
large number of other boys who
played significant roles within their
teams and these achievements
are no less important to the
success of the program.
Charlie Wright competed in the 2015
U15 State Track Titles at Chandler
Velodrome on the Australia Day long
weekend. All up he won four medals gold for the sprint, silvers for the 5km
scratch race and points race and bronze
for the 500m time trial. As a result he
has been chosen in the state team to
contest the nationals later this month.
Volleyball - It’s been a busy time for
Terrace Volleyball beginning with a tour to
Melbourne in December 2014. The tour
was an astounding success in preparing
teams for the upcoming season.
The First VI has a new coach in Mr Brendan
Garlick who has an enormous wealth of
experience as a player and coach. On
behalf of Terrace Volleyball I’d like to thank
Mr Martin Rogalski for his tireless work over
the past 10 years and wish him all the best
for the future.
A special mention to Year 12 student,
Magnus Murray-Douglass for being
selected in the Australian Junior Men’s
Volleyball team.
The Terrace Cricket season
launch occurs this Saturday night
at Tennyson. A celebration for
all Terrace cricketers and their
families. We honour the boys who
have played 50 games for the
College with the presentation of
special caps which along with the
annual Ron Oxenham Medal are
highlights of the night. Last year
more than 350 people attended.
1st XI: The 1sts played ACGS
at Tennyson and recorded a
great victory after going in as
the underdog. The team played with
composure and passion for hard-fought,
four-wicket victory. A steady start by ACGS
was interrupted by spearhead Connor
Ballenden who claimed two wickets in
two balls to get Terrace into the game with
ISACGS eventually dismissed for 142.
Chasing is never easy and after a strong
start, wickets fell at a steady rate until Ed
Burns and Daniel Schmidt combined to
take control for the red and black. Man of
the match, Ed Burns finished on 43no and
claimed two wickets in a hostile spell of