First Fruits February 1 Philippians 2:1–11 Footwashing, Welcome, Gethsemane The Angel Choir (Ages 4 through 1st grade) sings February 8 Mark 14:17–25 The Last Supper The Bethlehem Choir (Grades 2 through 5) sings Scout Sunday February 15 Mark 16:1–8 The Empty Tomb Dear Friends, While I realize that we may long ago have passed the time for making New Year’s resolutions, I have claimed some goals for 2015, goals I wish to share with you. These goals I shared recently with the wonderful staff of First UMC: To have the ministries of FUMC become more visible in this community To strengthen our connection with local schools To see our attendance in worship grow To see participation in Small Group Ministries grow To see us at FUMC strengthen our claim upon our Mission and Vision I’m not sure what your goals for this year may be; but, as you consider your service to God and the vows you have made to support the ministries of this church, I pray your goals may stand in close company to mine. First UMC. We build this center fully trusting that God is using our efforts to fulfill his Mission entrusted to us: To live as an Uptown church Where are all welcome Where all worship Where all serve To the Glory of God. February 22 Exodus 31:18–32:20 Moses Receives God’s Commandments Joyful Noyze sings, First Hand Experience Puppet Team performs. Daniel has a BA in organ from Salem College and a MM in organ from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts where he won the Bright and Annie Lee Fitzgerald-Sink Award for Excellence in Piano and Organ. Daniel has been serving multiple church- February Music Calendar Feb 1 – Angel Choir sings at the 11 am Service, No afternoon rehearsal for Joyful Noyze (Super Bowl) Keith Feb 9 – Children’s Choir Valentine parties during regular rehearsal time As I work with you to fulfill these goals, I do so as one who is very excited about the construction of the Uptown Ministry Center of Feb 16 – No Children’s Choir (President’s Day Holiday) to attend the noon service, the service will only last about 45 minutes. closeness of Jesus; in this season, we see again how much God loves us. I don’t know if there is a more powerful season in the church year then this season of Lent. In this season, we hear the call of Jesus to follow him; in this season, we know the I look forward to walking with you in this holy season. Let us follow Jesus together. Keith es in North Carolina as both organist and organist/choir master. Many folks have been working for many months now to make this transition. Beth Chapman has done yeoman’s work in providing music at both services as well as accompanying the Chancel Choir. It is my understanding that Becky Smith has put her retirement on hold for what I believe is now 13 months. Many thanks go to the members of the search committee: Keith Ritchie, Janet Lewis, Corky Corcoran, Ed Dietrich, Erin Givens, and Anne Moore. Please keep Daniel and the Music Ministry in your prayers as we all transition to a new normal! Music Notes Feb 8 – Bethlehem Choir sings at 11 am Service Ash Wednesday Service– February 18 I hope you will participate in one of the Ash Wednesday services to be held at First UMC on Wednesday, February 18. Services will be held in the sanctuary at noon and 7 pm. These services will offer the imposition of ashes and the Lord’s Supper. If you plan I know that you will want to join me in welcoming Daniel Johnson to FUMC Martinsville! Daniel will be our new organist. His first rehearsal with the Chancel Choir will be Wednesday, February 4, and his first Sunday “on the bench” will be February 8. Grace and Peace to you in Christ our Lord, February 18 Ash Wednesday services noon and 7 pm First Fruits Welcome to Daniel Johnson, Our New Organist! February 2015 First United Methodist Church Our Worship Schedule for February as we continue our series “Witness of the Windows: Stained Glass Stories” is as follows: Page 2 Feb 18 – Ash Wednesday Service at 7 pm (Chancel Choir sings) Feb 22 – Joyful Noyze sings at 11 am Service Mark Your Calendars!!! present “The Secret of My Success” by Celeste Clydesdale at 6 pm in the Sanctuary. June 8-12 – FUMC Children’s Choir Camp / “Sermon on the Mound” Palm Sunday (March 29) – Chancel Choir and orchestra present Joseph Martin’s “Rose of Calvary” at 6 pm in the Sanctuary. Sunday, May 3 – Children’s Choirs District Finance Training at First Church Finance Training is being offered in February and March. deadline to register is February 17. February 10 is in the chapel @ 7:00 pm. This training is primarily directed to treasurers and finance secretaries. The deadline to register is February 3. February 24 is in the chapel @ 7:00 pm, with the focus on stewardship and endowed giving. The Please register with Sandra at the District Office (638-2688). March 10 is in the chapel @ 7:00 pm. This training is primarily directed to finance committee chairpersons and members. The deadline to register is March 3. February 2015 Page 3 The God We Can Know Then, as we gather for worship during the Sundays of Lent, the material that guides our conversations on Tuesday nights will help shape our services of worship. Please share in The God We Can Know in this holy season. Further information about this series is found at Feb. 24 March 1 Chapter 1 Knowing the Great “I Am” I Am the Bread of Life John 6:27-59 March 3 First Fruits Endowment Report from the Trustees Central to the Lenten journey this year will be the use of material titled The God We Can Know. This is a study for children, youth, and adults. We are encouraged to take part in this study each Tuesday evening beginning February 24, from 6:30–8pm. Annette Huckfeldt will lead the study for children, Maegan Mitchell for youth, and Pastor Keith for adults. Page 4 Chapter 2 “I Am the Bread of Life”: Knowing God’s Satisfaction March 8 I Am the Light of the World John 7:2, 14:8–12 March 10 Chapter 3 “I Am the Light of the World”: Knowing God’s Guidance March 15 I Am the Good Shepherd John 10:1–10 March 17 Chapter 4 “I Am the Good Shepherd”: Knowing God’s Care March 22 I Am the True Vine John 15:1–8 March 24 Chapter 5 “I Am the True Vine”: Knowing God’s Power March 29 I Am the Way, the Truth, & the Life John 14:1–7 During 2014 our Church has been the recipient of three very gracious bequests. plemental to annual operating funds, to enhance and support programming and participation. March 31 Chapter 6 “I Am the Way, the Truth, & the Life”: Knowing God’s Way The first was from the estate of John Redd Smith, Jr. in the amount of $109,000. John Redd designated that the funds be used by the Trustees for capital improvements. April 5 “I Am the Resurrection & the Life John 11:17–26 April 7 Chapter 7 “I Am the Resurrection & the Life”: Knowing God’s Possibilities The third and most recent bequest was $375,000 from the estate of Laura Jane Holsinger. Laura designated that her bequest establish the Holsinger Endowment Fund. Half of the income generated by the fund is to be used for scholarships for the benefit of students whose families are members of the church and who are enrolled in degree granting, accredited colleges or universities. The remaining half of the income generated by the fund is to be used at the discretion of the Trustees for maintenance and capital needs of the church. Those in italics are Sundays. The second gift in the amount of $100,000 was from the estate of Bernie and Virginia Becker. Their children, Kathryn, Mark, and Mary, are following through on their parents' wish that this amount be given to First United Methodist Church. Half of the bequest is to be used for the Uptown Ministry Center project, specifically the naming of the Food Pantry. The remaining $50,000 is to create a new endowment fund for Youth Ministries. Beginning in 2016 and each year thereafter, 6% of the invested fund balance will be made available to our Youth Ministries, sup- Planned Giving to First UMC can ensure your continued support of your church long after your passing. It can support ongoing or new ministries, memorialize a loved one, or leave a legacy to the Church and our community. If you have questions or desire information on the many ways to approach Planned Giving, please see Don Holsinger, Chairman of the Planned Giving Committee or me. Larry Ryder Chairman We are truly blessed by the thoughtfulness and generosity of these saints and families. As Trustees, we will strive to invest these funds wisely and continue the legacy of these faithful individuals. Worship Food Bank Update The Food Bank of First UMC has long been a ministry at the heart of the missions of this church. For the past several years, Winston Whitmore provided diligent and faithful leadership to this ministry. It was not unusual to see Winston come to the church several times a week, delivering foods to be distributed by way of the Food Bank, making sure everything was in order for the foods to be distributed on the third Saturday of the month. Because of his efforts, many have been blessed over many years. Thank you for your faithful servant leadership, Winston. Beginning in January, Lee Smith will take over Winston’s duties. Thank you for the leadership you bring to this ministry, Lee! You are continuing to bless many at FUMC and beyond by sharing your gifts and giving your time so that this church may live its mission to serve to the glory of God. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his Hands.” Psalm 19:1 The night sky proclaims to us the vastness of God’s creativity and power. Looking up puts us in a state of wonder at its enormity and our smallness. This state of wonder is perhaps why Jesus encourages us to have the faith of a child. Children are full of wonder. Worship is the way we keep ourselves open to the wonder of God. We can discover the nature of God that we might not see alone. In bringing our thanks for the things and opportunities that God has provided, we are given the opportunity to offer praise to the CREATOR of ALL THINGS. Worship has the effect of showing us that God is big and we are small. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun…. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; Nothing is deprived of its warmth. Psalm 19:4b-6 If our CREATOR is so great in creating the sun and stars that send light from millions of miles away, then he must have wisdom that we need in our own lives. In worshiping God, we gain the humility to open our hearts and souls to what God is offering us. Worship gives us the opportunity to listen to God’s words of wisdom in awe of all the great things he does. As you travel to church, notice the wonderful things God has created for mankind and enter his house with awe for all the great things he has done. From the book Over Flow written by Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Tom Berlin February 2015 Page 5 Children’s Corner Kids, pack your bags and get your passport ready! We are going to the Holy Land! As part of our Lenten study this year, children will have the opportunity to travel to places where Jesus lived out his ministry. This study will be offered on Tuesday nights (6:30 – 8:00 p.m.) beginning on February 24 through April 7. In addition to this time, other parts of this study will be used during Children’s Church time on Sunday mornings (between February 22 and April 5). In order to complete our 7-week study during Lent, we WILL have children’s church on the first Sunday of March and April. “The God We Can Know” lessons will take the children on a “trip” to places from the Bible that explain the “I AM” sayings of Jesus. This study will include: The Great I AM – Moses hears God speaking from a burning bush in Midian. I Am the Bread of Life – at the place where Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes. I am the Light of the World – in Jerusalem at the Feast of Booths. I am the Good Shepherd – we go to a pasture to see Jesus as the Good Shepherd. I Am the True Vine – we go to a vineyard to see Jesus as the vine. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – Jesus gives us travel instructions. I am the Resurrection and the Life – we go to Bethany to hear about a resurrection. JAMZ will meet on Sundays February 8 and 22 from 5:00 until 7:00 pm. We will also have a special Game Night on Saturday, February 7 from 6:00 until 9:00 pm. Page 6 Newsletter Title Youth News Calling All Youth! Fusion Youth Retreat Friday, Feb. 27–Sunday, March 1 Youth Group - All are invited on Sunday evenings from 5-7pm as we gather together for fun and fellowship while learning more about each other and who we are as Christ’s church. Supper is provided! Youth Small Group – All are invited on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm, starting February 24th for our youth small group. We will be experiencing Lent and Jesus’s time in the wilderness in a new way as we learn together from the study, “The God We Can Know.” Cost - $25, All meals and lodging provided All youth are invited to the Fusion Youth retreat at Eagle Eyrie. This retreat is for the Danville, Farmville, and Lynchburg district youth. The Fusion Retreat features a guest speaker, a praise and worship band, small group time, youth group time, great worship, good food, a mission project, and much more. This year’s theme is ‘ECHO’ – we will be exploring what it means to be the echo of Christ. Come out and enjoy the fun!! RSVP to Maegan by Thursday, February12 ALL ARE INVITED to the Souper Bowl of Caring lunch, sponsored by the FUMC youth group, on Sunday Feb. 1, following the 11 am service. There will be many delicious soups, breads, and desserts available for lunch. All proceeds will be used to benefit and serve those hungry and in need in our community. No ticket purchase is needed; simply make a donation at the door. ‘Souper Bowl of Caring’ uses the energy of the Super Bowl to engage young people in service in order to help others in their local community who are hungry and in need. THANK YOU to all who are helping to make Souper Bowl of Caring a great success at First UMC. The FUMC youth thank the many wonderful servants who are donating their time and talents to prepare soups, decorate, and serve at the meal. Blessings to you! First Hand Experience Adult Puppet Team The (ADULT) First Hand Experience Puppet Team will perform at Marc Workshop and Stanleytown Healthcare in February. The “Y NOT TODAY” tour continues! Please keep our puppeteers in your prayers and pray for the people at these facilities who will see our show. Adult puppet team members: Kim Snyder, Emily Parker, Margie Eason, Gail Vogler, Rebecca Crabtree, Cathy Philips, Christopher Philips, Betsy Holsinger, Martha McGhee, Annette Huckfeldt, and Susan Hodges. We will become more faithful witnesses for God by providing spiritual guidance, a moral compass, and a place of welcome and comfort to all of God’s children. We will do this by being aware of the needs in our community, listening for God’s calling, and responding with our time and talents. Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7 First Fruits Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 112 Martinsville, VA 24115 FEBRUARY 2015 Sun Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Souper Bowl 2 3 4 5 6 of Caring Wesley Guild Children’s Choir & Puppets Bible Study—12 pm Choir & Hand& 7 pm bells 7 8 Joyful Noyze 9 Children’s Choir & Puppets 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Food Bank Youth/Jamz Joyful Noyze Youth Mon Jamz Game Night 6:30 pm First United Methodist Church 146 E. Main Street Martinsville, VA 24112 Return Service Requested Phone:276-638-8733 Fax: 276-638-8598 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Put label here Bible Study—12 pm Choir & Hand& 7 pm bells Pancake Dinner Faith Dev. Team 5:30 pm Ash Wednesday 12 pm & 7 pm Choir at 6 pm No Handbells Worship Team 1 pm Seniors Unlimited & Clothes Closest 5-Talent Academy Tri-District Youth Retreat 22 Joyful Noyze Youth/Jamz 23 Children’s Choir & Puppets 24 25 Bible Study—12 pm Choir & Hand& 7 pm bells 26 27 Announcements 28 Stephen Ministers will meet on Thursday, February 12 and 26 at 5:30 pm for Small Group Supervision. We will discuss Chapters 1 and 2 of Christian Caregiving- A Way of Life as part of these sessions. Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays Owen Lange Mark Flint Lindsay Hawks Zach Ryder Gail Vogler Carl Smith Shawn Corcoran Laura Doyle Ray Tillery Charles Gunter Emily Parker Amy Greer Parker Gunn Hayden Bassett Harry Fisher Glenn Powell Sarah Klingman 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/6 2/6 2/7 2/7 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/12 2/13 2/13 Amy Smith Susan Childress Jill Wingfield Cherie' Spivey Nancy Bryant Vee Gross Megan Withers Jeff Corcoran Hugh Gerlach Cheryl Rigney Martha Smith Elizabeth Garcia Hayden Shackett Barbara Baron Melissa Schroeder Lillie Cate Sapp Andrew Christensen Hanna Lyle Bailey Showalter 2/15 2/16 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/18 2/18 2/19 2/19 2/19 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/25 2/26 2/26 2/27 Frances Fishel Gray Givens Harrison Klingman Abi Lange Nathan Garcia 2/27 2/27 2/27 2/28 2/29 Anniversaries John & Linda Adams Douglas & Lewis Riddle Don & Dawn Howe Glenn & Mary Cathey John & Judith Clark Danny & Martha Smith Woods & Phyllis Carter 02/01 02/03 02/15 02/17 02/24 02/24 02/26 The Faith Development Team will meet on Tuesday, February 17, from 5:30 – 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall. Please bring an idea to share with the group regarding a small group study for April/May. The Food Bank is still collecting tuna for the month of February. We are still taking pictures for our pictorial directory. If you have not had your photo made yet, there is still time! Contact Annette to arrange a time before it’s too late and the directory goes to press! Directories should be ready for distribution in March. Seniors Unlimited will meet Thursday, February 19, at noon in the fellowship hall. The program will be Bob Vogler speaking about Joseph Martin. The menu will be pasta casserole, salad, dessert. $3.00 for the meal unless supplying a dish. Remember annual dues! Seniors Unlimited will meet Thursday, February 5, at 10 am at the Sirloin House for breakfast. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day February 17 at 6 pm The Fellowship Committee will begin serving "all-youcan-eat" hot cakes and sausage at 6 pm SHARP and continue until all are fed. Menu Hot Cakes w/butter and syrup Sausage Coffee (Regular and Decaf) Milk Orange Juice Apple Juice
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