THE MESSENGER First United Methodist Church Loving Christ, Loving others, Serving God WEB PAGE: Email:[email protected] IGNITING HEARTS to worship CONNECTING LIVES to serve DARAJA Children’s Choir of Africa Sunday, January 25 6:00 PM, First United Methodist Church The choir will give a preview of their performance at both services on Sunday morning. They will come back that night to lead evening worship at 6 p.m. Please bring desserts for a reception in the fellowship hall following evening worship. Come out and support these godly young people! Daraja means “bridge” in Swahili, and the Choir, made up of 23 children from Uganda and Kenya, serve as a bridge to connect the people of Africa and America. This is a life-changing opportunity for these children to learn and experience American culture, as many of them have never experienced life outside of their own countries. At the same time, Americans have the opportunity to step into the lives of these children by hearing their testimonies and experiencing traditional African song and dance. YOUTH CALENDAR SUNDAY, January 25 6:00 PM-DARAJA Children’s Choir of Africa MONDAY, January 26 3:30 PM-Jr. High Boys Mancave Monday, Activities Building 6:00 PM-Sr. High Boys Mancave Monday, Travis Carpenter’s 6:00 PM-Sr. High Girls’ Covenant Group, Activities Building WEDNESDAY, January 28 6:00 PM-Jr. High Girls’ Covenant Group, Activities Building FUMC children, check out some of Ms Jane Seale’s previously donated books in the church library, such as Jesus and the 12 Dudes Who Did (C MAC). All children’s books are located in section C of our library. THANK YOU Thank you for the wonderful support you gave Daddy and our family during Daddy’s long illness and recent death. Your prayers, presence, cards, and gifts were extremely comforting and eased the burden of our long distance care greatly. We especially appreciate the delicious luncheon you provided to our family and guests after the funeral; your love and care made a difficult time much brighter. You are a terrific church family, and Mother and Daddy loved you all. We thank you, Cele Carothers, Becky Meacham and families. LIBRARY NOTE Why do we do the things we do? Why do we go to church…because we think God needs it? God wants our hearts, not the meaningless rituals. SUNDAY is a short film with communications that really speak to us - compact, portable, and concise dvd. (Section 2 33) WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We welcome Tony Jones into the membership and fellowship of FUMC. Tony comes by transfer from another denomination. We welcome Sue Evans Lobrano Womble back into the membership and fellowship of FUMC. Sue comes by transfer from St. Matthews UMC in Madison. MORNING WORSHIP “Change of Mind, Heart and Life” Mark 1:14-20 Ed Temple EVENING WORSHIP Daraja Children’s Choir of Africa Happy Birthday PRAYER REQUEST January 22-Cole Flint, Bateman Greenlee, Leighton Lea Thomas, Meg Woods January 23-Tracy Dulin January 25-Krista Davis, Brannon Poland, Brett Rivers, Ginger Robey, Davis Smith January 26-Vicki Archer January 27-Henry Heafner, Eric Moake, Ashley Hasseltine Sadler, Charles Wright January 28-Cathy Vinson Clark, Eric Dawson, Bill Stubblefield, III Happy Anniversary January 22-D/M Tommy Wren January 24-M/M Ellis Byrd January 28-M/M Michael Milam January 25-Nursery Workers Divonia Miles, Dorothy Jones January 25-Acolytes 8:45 A.M. 10:55 A.M January 25-Ushers 8:45 A.M. 10:55 A.M. Bob Wadsworth/Clint Fisher Monroe Pointer/Joel Rice Dave Billingsley/Josh Vick Chic Savage/Fred Graves SYMPATHY We express our Christian sympathy and love to Sara McCullough and family at the death of her brother Phillip Rose of Chicago who passed away on Tuesday, January 13. We express our Christian sympathy and love to Don Parnell and family at the death of his uncle Jerry Parnell of Chattanooga, TN who passed away on January 8. TRI-LAKES: Marguerite Nabors BAPTIST DESOTO REHAB: Doris Mason MEMBERS: Leigh Anne McGovern, Sheila Pounders, Steven Keville, John Bailey, Lady Embry, Marguerite Nabors, Flora Cobb, Miles “Jelly” Mitchell, Bill Holloway, Laverne Briscoe, Joe Reid, Elane Westfaul, Dora Ciener, Christopher Baker, Monroe Harrison, Mary Jane Chapman, Sarah Jane Holloway, Slick Willingham, Hilda Holt, Clint Williford, Kim Bickerstaff, Betty Flint, Jackie Sergi, Rosemary Woodall, James Hardy, Bill McKenzie, John Green, Mary Haberman, Genie Mothershed, Margie Carson, Dale Moore, Diana Green, John Mothershed, Doc Meacham, Soren Bowie, Mary McCullar, Hudson Still, Margie Williams FRIENDS: Paul Anglin, Bertha Walwyn, Mike Cook Family, Hardy Graham (son-in-law of Dottye Langhofer), Family of Jessica Chambers, Gerald Owen, The Overbay Family, Stan Holcomb, Beverly Burkhalter Evans, Scott Anderson, Tiffany Hysten, Raymond and Staci Toole, The Family of Tommy Reeves, Donald Nardozzi, Dale Hathcock, Bob Chambers, Keith Morris family, Chris Beall Cobb, Margaret and Bobby Russell, Craig Shideler, Ann Haynes (Kelly Magee’s mom), Autumn Cobb, Karen Cummins, Runt McMinn, Mildred Harper, Victoria Floyd, Susan Pattridge Berryhill (friend of Donna Magee), Mike and Lisa Ceolla, Tiffany Hodge, The Family of Aaron Belk, Bernice Brooks (Ellis Byrd’s sister), Heather Breckenridge, Cayden Anderson, Judy Ledbetter, Pam Franklin (Chris Franklin’s mom), David Daleke, Ava Roten, George Martin, Betty Rowsey, Whit Crowley, Steve Brown (Roxanne Broome Brown’s husband), Nancy Edwards, Terry Carr, Steve Durr, Taylor McDowell (Ann McDowell’s granddaughter), Diane Stewart, Sheryl Moffatt (friend of Beth Garner), Bob and Jennie Myers, Elaine Bost (Julie Ferguson’s mom), John & Priscilla Dollar (friends of Mitzi Still) Patricia Ousley, Jane Keating Rodriguez, Phillip Keating, Johnny Roberson (Jamie Roberson’s dad), Ruby Rose, Jane Broome (Barbara Broome’s sister-in-law), Annie Ruth Criswell (Ann McDowell’s mom), Martha Fortner (Marilyn Moake’s mom), Nannette Sissell, Frances Smallwood, Spence McCulloch CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesday, January 21 8:00 A.M.-Exercise Class, Activities Building 3:30 P.M.-Wonderful Wednesday 5:00 P.M.-Youth Game Night, Gym 5:30 P.M.-Handbells 6:45 P.M.-Chancel Choir Thursday, January 22 12:00 P.M.-Explorer’s Bible Study Friday, January 23 8:00 A.M.-Exercise Class Sunday, January 25 8:45 A.M.-Early Morning Worship 9:45 A.M.-Sunday School 10:55 A.M.-Morning Worship 6:00 P.M.-DARAJA Children’s Choir of Africa Monday, January 26 8:00 A.M.-Exercise Class 1:30 P.M.-Prayer Shawl Ministry 3:30 P.M.-Jr. High Boys Mancave Monday, Activities Building 6:00 P.M.-Sr. High Boys Mancave Monday, Travis Carpenter 6:00 P.M.-Sr. High Girls’ Covenant Group, Activities Building Tuesday, January 27 9:00 A.M.-Staff Meeting 9:00 A.M.-Friendship Quilters, Activities Building 7:00 P.M.-Explorer’s Bible Study, Fellowship Hall Wednesday, January 28 8:00 A.M.-Exercise Class, Activities Building 3:30 P.M.-Wonderful Wednesday 5:30 P.M.-Handbells 6:00 P.M.-Jr. High Girls’ Covenant Group, Activities Building 6:45 P.M.-Chancel Choir Financial Report for January 18, 2015 Report Not Available at Press Time 2015 Budget $953,891.00 Budget Amt. Needed Weekly 18,344.06 Budget Amt. Needed to Date 36,688.12 Budget Amt. Offering 10,698.18 Budget Amt. Rec’d to Date 28,589.18 Good Samaritan 0.00 Parsonage Loan 0.00 Refreshing Conference “ that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19). Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 9 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall Batesville First United Methodist Church 119 Panola Avenue Batesville, MS 38606 Speakers: Rev. Martin Case & Marni McKenzie Pre-registration needed to plan for lunch and childcare. Call 563-4534 or email [email protected] $5 per person/scholarships available Approved for .5 CEU by the Center for Ministry at Millsaps College Our most important preparation for this conference is prayer! If you are willing and able to join us in this, please save these four dates and join us: 3-4 p.m. at the McKenzies' home, 147 Faith Drive, Batesville, on these Thursdays: Jan. 22, 29, and Feb. 5. “Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth.” (Deuteronomy 8:18) Attendance for January 18, 2015 Sunday School Morning Worship 8:45 A.M. 10:55 A.M. Nursery 186 292 165 124 3
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