Bulletin - Holy Spirit Lutheran Church

Holy Spirit Lutheran
February 8, 2015
Welcome to Holy Spirit Lutheran!
Welcome to our worship today. Whether you are a member, a regular
visitor or a newcomer, we are happy to have you with us. We pray that
you enjoy your time with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and with our
church family. You are invited to join us for refreshments after the
service. If you would like to know more about our church and our
faith, please visit the Hospitality Center. We invite you to please sign
the Pew Pad when it comes by. If we can be of service to you, please
make a note on a yellow message card and place it in the offering
plate or call the church office.
provided close to the church. Please obey
the signs and leave these spaces available
for those who need them. Juno Beach
Police will ticket violators $250.
Everyone who believes that Jesus
Christ is truly present in the
sacrament and sincerely wishes to
commune with Him is welcome to
participate in the celebration.
Children may come forward for
a blessing.
When you receive the wafer, you
may dip it into the wine (red) or
grape juice (white).
If you would like to participate in the
sacraments but are unable to come
forward, please inform an usher and
communion will be brought to you.
AVAILABLE this morning for infants and
one year olds in the Learning Center
Building, room 103.
CONNECTION for 2-3 year olds meets at
9:30 in the Learning Center Building room
104. See the ushers for assistance.
worship service. Please ask the ushers for
a bag. At the end of the service, return it
to the usher so a child at another service
can use the Bible Bag. The bags are
provided as a gift from Thrivent.
have a gift for you to remember us by
and to learn more about our
congregation. Please stop by the
Hospitality Center on the patio and pick
up your gift!
available for use at the beginning of each
service. These devices will help amplify
the sounds of the service to a comfortable
level for the hearing impaired. An assisted
hearing device would allow you to move
out of the sanctuary and not miss one
word. Please go to the sound booth to
check one out!
REFRESHMENTS out on the patio.
Please take a moment to share greetings
and joy with one another. Make some
new friends by introducing yourself to
Welcome to Worship
February 8, 2015
8:00 & 9:30 AM Worship Services
We encourage you to be fully present in our worship service this
morning by joyfully singing in praise to God!
Opening Music
*Greet One Another
*Opening Songs
“You’re Worthy Of My Praise”
“Open The Eyes Of My Heart”
Bible Reading
Matthew 16:13-18 (NIV)
Giving Back To God (Offering)
“Be The Center”
(Pass Pew Pads)
“The Church Is Our Partner In Fishing”
Pastor Frank Wagner
*Prayer of Confession
*“Lord’s Prayer Song”
Celebration of Holy Communion
Communion Song
(8:00 only)
“Revelation Song”
(8:00 only)
*Closing Prayer
*Closing Song
“Lord Reign In Me”
* The congregation will please stand
requests for this week by
using a yellow message
card found in the chair
back. Pastor will include
your request in today’s service. All
prayer requests will be prayed for by
our staff and the HSLC Prayer Chain
during the week and included in next
week’s worship bulletin.
2/9 ~ Daniel Plan 7:00 PM
2/12 ~ Basics of Our Christian Faith 7 PM
2/18 ~ Ash Wednesday 12 & 7 PM
2/21 ~ WAY Afternoon Tea 12 PM
2/22 ~ Blood Drive 8:30 AM
3/7 ~ Winter Residents’ Progressive
Luncheon 11:00 AM
care is available 24 hours a day,
7 days a week by calling the church
office at 624-9663 or after hours call
JoAnn at 308-9206.
9:30 ~ Sunday School
PreK— 6th Grade
9:30 ~ Adult Sunday School
All classes held in the Learning Center.
If you would like to take notes
during today’s sermon, there
is green paper in the back of
the chair in front of you.
Listen to our Sunday sermons.
Get info on upcoming events.
Check us out on:
Last Sunday’s Souper Bowl
Fundraiser raised $720 which will go
to the Community Food Pantry.
Thank you to
everyone who
made or
purchased soup!
The ALTAR FLOWERS are given by Bill Hertzig in
memory of Dee’s birthday. “Miss you.”
February 18
Services at NOON & 7:00 PM
Childcare provided for 7:00 PM Service
During the Lenten season this year, Pastor Frank will be leading
worship at the noon and 7:00 pm services. The theme of his
sermon series will be “What Is Wrong With Me?”. Childcare will
be provided for the 7:00 PM service.
Friends Eating And Socializing Together
Feast Groups are Full of Fun and Fellowship!
If you would like to get to know some of the wonderful people of HSLC
sign up today to be in a FEAST Group. The group you are assigned will meet for dinner
in each others’ homes, in a park, at the beach or in a restaurant as many times as your
group wants to and whenever your group wants to - you set the date. It can be twice, 4
times or whatever your group decides. Some groups that were formed in 2010 are still
meeting! There are usually 6-8 people in a group.
When meeting in someone’s home, each person or couple brings something to share for
dinner (salad, dessert, side dish). The host provides the main course. The same 6-8 people
meet until each person or couple has had a chance to host their group. There is NO
agenda, except to make friends. Sign up at the Hospitality Center and we will contact you.
Weekly Small Groups, Studies, and Fellowship Meetings
Lutheran World
Relief Quilts
Mondays at 10:00 AM in the Learning Center. No experience
necessary. Barb Antonelli 845-667-1567.
Women’s Group
With Pastor Frank, Tuesday Mornings at 7:30 AM
in the Learning Center.
Prayer Ministry
Small Group
Tuesdays at 6:30 PM in the Learning Center. Debby Weeks,
630-913-0980. Current study: “Before Amen” by Max Lucado.
Women’s Walking
Tuesdays at 8:00 PM at Downtown at the Gardens. Meet in
front of Whole Foods. Erica Mardis, 850-510-4397 or
[email protected].
Wednesday Morning
Men’s Group
With Pastor Frank, Wednesday Mornings at 7:00 AM
in the Learning Center.
Bridge Small Group
Wednesdays 1:30-3:30 PM in the Learning Center.
Pam Wohlschlegel, 561-776-2814. Social Bridge is played.
Wednesday Evening
Men’s Group
With Pastor Frank, Wednesday Evenings at 6:00 PM
in the Learning Center.
Prayer Shawl
Thursdays @ 1:00 PM in the Learning Center. Ilse Miller,
561-746-0859. Knitting and crocheting. Beginners welcome!
Beginner Bridge
Small Group
Fridays at 6:30 PM in the Learning Center.
Kirt & Rhonda Danielson, (561) 575-2556.
New experienced players are welcome to join us.
Sundays @ 9:30 AM in the Learning Center.
Contact Cheryl Scott 561-622-5069.
Adult Sunday School
Contact the Church office for more information at 561-624-9663 or [email protected].
ADULT CLASS: The Basics of Our Christian Faith
Class continues Thursday evenings February 12, 19, & 26 from 7:00—8:30 PM upstairs
in the Learning Center. The class is taught by Doug Wessel. Everyone is invited to
attend, even if you missed the first session. There is no cost for the class. Please
contact the church office with any questions at 624-9663.
February 12 Salvation
February 19 The Church
February 26 Worship and the Sacraments
BRIDGE PLAYERS NEEDED: Join the wonderful people on Wednesday afternoons
starting at 1:30 PM to play bridge. All levels welcomed. There is no obligation to play
every week. Contact Pam Wohlschlegel at 561-776-2814.
First Communion Classes for 5th graders and older will
begin in the Learning Center, Sunday February 22 from 9:30 10:30 am. If a child is younger than 5th grade, they may also
participate in the class after one of their parents has a discussion
with Pastor Frank. Instructors are Sue and David Thiemann.
The Celebration of First Communion will take place during the Maundy Thursday
Service, April 2 at 7:00 PM. Please contact the church office to participate at 624-9663.
2015 Medical Mission Trip to Haiti
There is still time to respond to the letter you recently received
from our Haiti Ministry Team explaining this year’s exciting
Medical Mission trip to Haiti which begins on February 21st. Your help in supporting
this team is greatly needed. Hundreds of people will receive much needed medical care
during the week-long trip. Through your generous contribution you can help provide
the medicines and medical supplies needed by the team. Return your contribution in
the envelope enclosed in the letter OR go to our website: hslcfamily.com and click on
“Haiti Fundraiser” to donate electronically. “TOGETHER” we can make a difference!
Winter Residents Progressive Luncheon
Pastor Frank and Martina Wagner invite you to join them and other Winter Residents
for a Progressive Luncheon
Saturday, March 7
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
6-8 people will meet at each home for one luncheon course and then everyone will meet
back at Pastor Frank & Martina’s home for dessert.
Sign up at the Hospitality Center. For more information contact JoAnn Hayes at
561-624-9663 or [email protected].
Holy Spirit Lutheran is committed to helping those in need.
It is part of our mission! Ways in which YOU CAN HELP:
Donate Items ~ Leave Items in labeled bins in Patio Classroom
Community Food
See flyer on church bulletin board; collection basket in the patio
classroom. Also, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, peanut butter,
jelly, canned meat, pasta sauce, plastic & paper grocery bags.
Community Clothes
Used or new clothes and shoes (baby, youth, & adult); cell phones,
eye glasses & belts
For the Homeless
Family Promise
Men’s items: jeans (Sizes 28-36), white t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts,
short sleeve dress shirts, belts and shoes, small soaps, shampoos &
lotions, washcloths, perfumes, talcum powder, sun block, bug spray.
Laundry Detergent, Pine Sol, Windex, Shower Cleaner, and XL
Latex gloves
SANDWICHES FOR THE HUNGRY: Sandwiches and hard-boiled eggs are needed every
Wednesday before 8:00 AM; please leave in church refrigerator. Help make sandwiches for St.
George’s the first Saturday of each month starting at 8:30 am in the sanctuary.
Food Pantry and Clothes Closet: We need peanut butter, jelly, pasta, dry beans, rice,
clothes, shoes, hats, blankets, pillows, and men’s pants.
St Ann Homeless Center: There is a critical need for men’s belts, bug spray, towels, tennis
shoes, back packs, and bikes. Drop off in the Patio classroom. Contact Harry at 601-8211.
Want to help Children Smile, Grow in Character and Pride? Help them with their
homework, reading, math and recreation. Contact Ellen Lowe at [email protected]
Gardener Needed: We need adult leadership in the Lake Park garden.. Contact Harry Drier
at [email protected] or 601-8211.
Padding for Food Pantry Floor: The Food Pantry needs 280 feet of 3 ft wide rubber
padding to cover the concrete floor. If you know someone who sells it and might give us a
discount, please contact at Ron [email protected] .
WAY Cook books will be on sale at the Hospitality Tent every Sunday.
They contain fabulous "tried and true" recipes and make excellent gifts.
The cookbooks make great presents! Proceeds will go to the Women
About Youth Ministry's Reading Program.
Soulfire is a time
for fun, fellowship
and service.
Middle school and high school youth
meet together every Sunday from
11:00 am to 1:00 pm unless a
special event at a different time is
specified in the bulletin. For
information, contact Shawn Shapton
at [email protected] or
Middle School Mondays! Youth in 6th 8th grade are invited to join us each
Monday at 6 pm upstairs in the
Learning Center. This is a time for
learning and discussion.
High School Wednesdays! Youth in 9th
- 12th grade are invited to Oceanview
Methodist in Juno Beach each
Wednesday at 6 pm.
Both meetings include food, fun and
bible study. Friends are welcome!
Join us today after the 9:30 service to go over to Ocean Cay for a BBQ and
games! Parents are always welcome! We'll be back at HSLC at 1:00.
Next week: Soulfire will not have an event on Sunday due to our scheduled ski
trip in North Carolina. If you are coming on the ski trip, please make sure to
watch your email for the waiver and packing list!
Feb. 22nd: Scavenger Hunt! We'll use an app called Goosechase to keep score!
FUN for all!
Come with us on Saturday, March 7th for a mega-amazing event! "Celebrate
the 2nd" is a multi-youth group all day event from 7:30 am to 3 pm. This is a day
of community service (gleaning with CROS ministries) and tons of fun! We will
have most of our events at Trinity United Methodist in Palm Beach Gardens.
(where we play summer volleyball) Free t-shirts to commemorate this
event... Don't miss it! RSVP to [email protected] as soon as
possible to help with food and t-shirt planning!
The 2015 sign ups are available for the Altar Flowers and Eternal
Light. Your donation of $35 towards each bouquet or $10 towards the
eternal light is a wonderful way to honor someone special or give glory to God while
helping to defray the expense to the church! The flowers are delivered to those who are
unwell and unable to attend church or you may take them home after the 11:00 service.
All activities are open to everyone —members, visitors and friends!
BOY SCOUT TROOP 701: 7:00 p.m. upstairs in the Worship Center. E-mail King
Wekenmann at [email protected] or call 746-9269.
WOMEN’S HOPE CIRCLE: Every 3rd Monday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in the
Learning Center. All women welcome for Bible study and fellowship.
CHAIR & MAT PILATES: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. (chair) & 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. (mat),
upstairs in the Learning Center. Contact Barbara Saltzgiver at 743-8195.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: 6:30 p.m. open meeting in the HSLC Sanctuary.
MEN’S FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST: meets Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. at
Hurricane Café on US 1, just north of Donald Ross Road.
WOMEN’S ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: 10:30 a.m. in the Learning Center.
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Open meeting.
The Nurse Support Group meets at 6:30 p.m.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Open meeting.
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Open meeting.
The Nurse Support Group meets at 6:30 p.m.
Father, Hear Our Prayer
Please pray for the people on our prayer list. You don’t need to know them or why they are on our prayer list, God knows.
Names will remain on the prayer list for three weeks. Please notify the church office of additions or corrections.
The Agostonelli Family (Diance Coakley)
Carol Alexander (Doc & Jean Murphy)
Mikey Armand & his Family
The Barley Family (Cindy & Hal)
Aiden Bartholomew (Delores Wible)
Martha & Cosmo Beakes (Komara’s)
John & Kimberly Becker (Erica Mardis)
Dave Birdsey (Diane Coakley)
Dick Bonard
The Bosso Family (Cindy & Hal)
Jed Brownie (Richard & Susan Van Lindt)
Bryan and Jane (Carol Entrekin)
Patti Jean Charkof (Sandy McNulty)
Sharon Christman (Komara’s)
Colleen (Tana Howard)
Lori Cote (Karla)
David Crawford (Robert Ullom)
John Crews (Jean Swedberg)
Betty Crompton (Jean Dempsey)
Daisy & Ray
Derrick (April)
Diane and Family (Cindy & Hal)
Jerry Dillard (Bill & Peggy Pizer)
Family & Friends of Ali Dore
Alice Flynn (Bill & Peggy Pizer)
Bob Gibson (Susan & Richard Van Lindt)
Mason Glassgold & Family (Marian Davis)
Red Goebel (Kitty & Larry Adkins)
Bernadette Gur (Donna Hamilton)
Bill Hertzig (Kirt Danielson)
Warren Hiltz (Patty Cherry)
Sandy Holmes (Kirt Danielson)
Jake (Dot Sisco)
Jason, Sheila, Talon & Bella (Dinah)
Patti Jean (Sandy McNulty)
Emilie Jerauld
Ada Kamerer (Paula Mason)
Don Kempel
Hannah Kino & Family
Sue LaRock (John & Barb Booth)
Liggio Family (Carol Entrekin)
Cindy Lindgren (Karen Hudson)
Larry Liss (Komara’s)
Terri Lowe
Woodrow Lowe (Ellen M. Lowe)
Lucky & Wally (Rosemarie Lamp)
Mitzi & Rich Manthey (Karla)
Bob Martens (Bill & Peggy Pizer)
Paula Mason
Penny & Mike McCaffrey (Vicki Glaesner)
Lynn McCraken
Faith Michelle (Sandy McNulty)
Eleanore Miller (Joann Swift)
Doc & Jean Murphy
Red Newton
Olsen Family
Orelus Family (Robert Ullom)
John Ormond (Nancy Anderson)
Don & Sherry Penn-Crawford
Mallory Privett (Rick & Heidi)
Terry Reid (Nancy Reid Elliot)
Gayle Retkowski (Jean Dempsey)
Rick (John & Barb Booth)
Ron & Family
Tom Schwartz
Edwina Scofield & Family (Patti Thompson)
Kristin Seal (Robert Ullom)
Debbie Shackley (John & Barb Booth)
The Shelton Family
Mort Siegel (Rick & Heidi)
Mary Smith (The Booths)
Harry Soistman (Al Soistman)
Jonathon Sousa
Jim Stanley (Cal Ernst)
Lucky & Delores Stikes (Chip & Barb Antonelli)
Rosie Stilwell (Paula Mason)
Toni Szczepanski
Dylan Sweeney (Dan & RoseMarie Waters)
Juanita Tarpley (Sandy McNulty)
Robert Teske (Linda)
Mike & Heidi Thom (Erica Mardis)
Shirley Thompson (Jean Dempsey)
Bonnie Rock Tognacci (John & Barbara Booth)
Brian Traft (John & Barb Booth)
Harry Waldron (Walt & Cindy Shinn)
Wanda (Vicki Glaesner)
Wayne & Family
Dan & Debby Weems (Vicki Glaesner)
Jim & Judy Weems (Vicki Glaesner)
Linda & Robert Weigner (Jean Dempsey)
Emily Whiteside (Karen Hudson)
Shirley Woodcum (Cindy & Hal)
Luke 11:4
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.
Frank R. Wagner, Lead Pastor
Jim Stilwell, Visitation Pastor
8:00 AM ~ Contemporary Worship with
Holy Communion offered each week.
13301 Ellison Wilson Road
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Phone: 561-624-9663
Fax: 561-624-9664
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.HSLCFamily.com
JoAnn Hayes
Director of Volunteers/Assistant to the Pastors
Business Manager
Glen Weeks
Office Manager
Stephanie Ovdiyenko
Office Assistant
Mary Ann Williams
Matt Brown
Finance Manager
Shawn Gelnett
Facilities Manager
Dave Nelson
Music Director (Contemporary) Jason Brian
Music Director (Traditional)
Jamie Bryan
Director of Youth & Families Shawn Shapton
Audio Engineer
Rudy McNeil
Sound Tech
Alain Smith
Nursery Attendant
Debbie Keating
Kids’ Connection
Rachel Martinez
9:30 AM ~ Contemporary Worship with
Holy Communion offered the first Sunday
of the month.
11:00 AM ~ Traditional Worship with
Holy Communion each week.
9:30 AM ~ Sunday School, PreK—K
Learning Center Room #102
Preschool Phone: 561-624-4410
Preschool email:
[email protected]
Jenna Junco
Preschool Director
Pam Walsh
Administrative Assistant
Preschool Teachers:
Teresa Barca, Ashley Blow, Joe Oakley,
Robin Champlin, Lori Harrison, Barb McGloin
Preschool Teacher’s Assistants:
Catherine Pemberton, Madeleine Loh, Elisa
Bartalini, Florencia Fornasari, Heather Mueller,
Christine Gosh, Jason Gosh, Morgan Miller
9:30 AM ~ Sunday School, 1st—6th grade
upstairs in the Learning Center
9:30 AM ~ Adult Sunday School, upstairs in
the Learning Center
(SEE PG. 2)
Julia Soistman and Cindy Shinn
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church will intentionally
and deliberately seek out and welcome all people,
churched, unchurched and members, and assist
all in becoming fully devoted followers of Christ.