Checklist for LVR Forms Please fill out the enclosed forms for each camper attending LVR from your family. Make sure you fill in ALL blanks and highlighted areas! Liability Consent Form Medical and Dental Care Consent and Media Release Form LVR Permission and Endorsement Form LVR Health History Form Team Initiatives Program Waiver Lutheran Valley Retreat Trail Rides & Riding Program Kansas District Camp Covenant A Doctor signed Physical from the past 16 months ALL FORMS HAVE TO BE TO THE LVR REGISTAR BY MARCH 31ST. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GET ALL YOUR FORMS TO YOUR CHURCH’S COORDINATOR BY THEIR DUE DATE SO THEY CAN PASS THEM ALONG. PHYSICALS ARE DUE ON MARCH 31ST AS WELL. YOU CAN USE LAST YEAR’S PHYSICAL FOR THIS IF IT WAS WITHIN 16 MONTHS OF THIS YEAR’S CAMP. ANY PARTICIPANT WHO DOES NOT TURN IN ALL OF THEIR FORMS AND HAVE THEM COMPLETED BY MARCH 31ST WILL RECEIVE A $25 PENALTY. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH – MISSOURI SYNOD KANSAS DISTRICT – YOUTH MINISTRY LIABILITY RELEASE FORM Name of Participant: ____________________________________________________________________ I understand that the Kansas District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for which this medical Consent and Liability and Activity Release Form is being given is described as follows: All calendared and registered events for the Kansas District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod for youth and adult leaders for calendar year 2015. The events include, but are not limited to, Kansas District Youth Gathering (DYG), Junior High Rallies, Lutheran Valley Retreat Camp (LVR), Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF), Council of Lutheran Youth Fellowship Representatives (CLYFR), Teen Leadership Retreat (TLR), National Youth Gathering (NYG), and Youth Ministry Academy (YMA), these events may include, but are not limited to, mass plenary events, smaller group interest center workshops, service projects, fellowship and experiential learning activities. I hereby consent to participation of myself (or of my child) in the above-described Kansas District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod events. I have read the informational materials regarding the planned activities. I am aware that in addition to activities such as Bible study, Worship, sight-seeing, using public transportation, and meal functions, the participant also may choose to participate in various recreational sports activities or service projects that may involve additional risks, such as: jumping, running or other physical movements during sports activities; or using tools or ladders or other equipment while taking part in the community service projects. I understand that I have the duty to provide primary accident and medical insurance for myself (or for my child) and I declare that I am (or my child is) covered by primary accident and medical insurance. I RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARE THE KANSAS DISTRICT OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH – MISSOURI SYNOD, IT AGENCIES, AND ____________________________________ (NAME OF HOME CONGREGATION), THEIR AGENTS AND SERVANTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CAUSES OF ACTION EITHER AT LAW OR IN EQUITY THAT I MAY HAVE AS A RESULT OF MY [OR MY CHILD’S] PARTICIPATION IN, ATTENDANCE AT, AND TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE EVENTS. FURTHERMORE, I DO HERBY EXPRESSLY STIPULATE, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD FOREVER HARMLESS THE KANSAS DISTRRICT OF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH – MISSOURI SYNOD, ITS AGENCIES, AND ________________________________________ (NAME OF HOME CONGREGATION), ITS AGENTS, AND SERVANTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, OFFICERS EMPLOYEES, AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES AGAINST LOSS FROM ANY AND ALL PRESENT OR FUTURE CLAIMS, DEMANDS OR ACTIONS IN LAW OR IN EQUITY THAT MAY HEREAFTER BE MADE OR BROUGHT BY ME OR MY CHILD, BY ANYONE ON BEHALF OF ME OR MY CHILD, OR BY ANYONE ELSE ON THEIR OWN BEHALF FOR DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE REMEDY ON ACCOUNT OF ANY INJURY, ILLNESS, PHYSICAL CONDITION, INCONVENIENCE OR LOSS SUSTAINED BY ME OR MY CHILD DURING THE GATHERING OR TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE SAME. I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I have read the foregoing, understand its contents, and have signed the same as my own free act and deed. FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER AGE 21: ___________________________________ __________ _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian of Participant Date Adult, Non Relative Witness to Parent/Guardian Signature THE LUTHERAN CHURCH – MISSOURI SYNOD KANSAS DISTRICT – YOUTH MINISTRY AUTHORIZATION TO CONSENT TO MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE This form must be completed and signed by parent/guardian of participants under 21. A parent/guardian signature is needed for participants to take part in any activities. (I) (We), the undersigned parent(s) and/or natural guardians(s) of ___________________________________ (Dependant’s Name), a minor, do hereby authorize my child’s congregational Family Group Adult Leader, (and/or any other adult appointed or designated by him/her) to (i) consent to medical, surgical and dental care for such minor child, (ii) consent to any diagnostic tests, medical, surgical or dental procedure or treatment as may be considered therapeutically necessary by the physician, surgeon, dentist or other health care personnel providing care for such minor child, and (iii) on (my) (our) behalf, to (a)employ physicians, surgeons, dentists, nurses, and other care personnel as may be deemed necessary for such minor child, (b) admit such minor child to any hospital, clinic, emergency room, laboratory or other health care or diagnostic facility for examination, treatment, surgery or care, and (c) sign all necessary consents and authorizations. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of the occurrence of any condition or situation which would necessitate any such medical, surgical, or dental care being required but is given to provide authority to obtain such care if it should be required. I fully understand the consequences of the foregoing statements and sign the AUTHORIZATION TO CONSENT TO MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE knowingly, freely and willingly. This authorization shall continue for such time my child is participating in the Kansas District LCMS events and during travel to and from the Kansas District LCMS events. ________________________________ __________ _____________________________ _________ Parent/Legal Guardian Date Parent/Legal Guardian Date KS District LC-MS YOUTH MEDIA RELEASE CONSENT FORM Permission for Publishing of Youth Likeness in Pictures and Video We understand that my daughter or son’s likeness or picture may be selected by a staff member of the LC-MS Kansas District or representative from the District Youth Ministry Team, to be used to record, promote, celebrate and publicize our church ministry in many different venues including, but not limited to, our KS District website, slide shows, congregational publications/registrations, social media sites (including Facebook, Twitter), etc. NO LAST NAME, HOME ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBERS WILL APPEAR WITH THE LIKENESS/PICTURES. We hereby consent and grant permission to the Kansas District or the District Youth Ministry Team to publish, post and use likenesses, pictures and videos described above and we hereby release the KS District and its agents representatives and employees from all claims, demands and liabilities of any nature whatsoever in connection with the above. Date: _______________________ Youth/Minor Name (printed): ________________________________________________________________ Other Youth in Family: ________________________________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (printed): ___________________________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________ LVR PERMISSION AND ENDORSEMENT FORM Circle Date of Camp Session: June 14-19, 2015 or July 19-24, 2015 Name _______________________________________ Birth date ___________________ Circle M/F Address _____________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________ Parent Name __________________________________ Home Phone Number _________________________ Place of Employment ___________________________ Work Phone _________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________________ Parent Name __________________________________ Home Phone Number _________________________ Place of Employment ___________________________ Work Phone _________________________________ E-Mail _______________________________________ Cell Phone __________________________________ Emergency Contact Name _______________________ Other than Parent Emergency Contact Address ______________________ Relationship to Camper _______________________ Family Medical Insurance Company ______________ Insurance Phone ____________________________ Insurance Address______________________________ Insurance City/State/Zip______________________ Emergency Contact Phone _____________________ Parent Permission & Endorsement This health history is correct so far as I know & the child herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed activities including, without limitation, climbing/rappelling, equine, low and high ropes courses, rafting, and walking or riding in camp vehicles, except _____________________________________________________________________. I understand that many of these activities are limited to 11 year and older youth. I hereby assume the risk of all injuries to the person herein described & I release and discharge Lutheran Valley Retreat, its agents and employees from any and all liability that results from injury to the person herein described. Insurance protection is my responsibility. I give permission for the camp to administer medications as it deems necessary to this child, including medications sent with my child or nonprescription medications available at camp. In the case of an emergency, I know every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission for the medic selected by the camp director to hospitalize and secure proper treatment for my child. I assume financial responsibility for actions that may cause damage to property. If the staff deems it necessary for my child to be removed from camp, due to disciplinary or other problems I will respond by promptly picking up my child from camp. Signature of Parent/Guardian _____________________________ Date______________________ Please copy front and back of participant’s/cardholder’s insurance card in the space below: Medical Card Copy Front Medical Card Copy Back LVR HEALTH HISTORY FORM Circle Date of Camp Session: June 14-19, 2015 or July 19-24, 2015 Height: ________________ Camper Name__________________________ Weight:_________________ Current Medication: Please note, all prescription MUST be prescribed to this individual, within expiration date, and in their original packaging Name of Medication Reason Dose/Schedule ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Health History Conditions Health History Conditions Anxiety/Depression No / Current / Past Frequent Colds No / Current / Past Epilepsy No / Current / Past Stomach or Intestinal Trouble No / Current / Past Ear/Nose/Throat Trouble No / Current / Past Diabetes No / Current / Past Eating Disorders No / Current / Past Frequent Ear Infections No / Current / Past Recurrent Headaches No / Current / Past Dizzy Spells/Fainting No / Current / Past Asthma No / Current / Past ADD or ADHD No / Current / Past Disease or injury to Joints or back No / Current / Past Bed Wetting No / Current / Past Heart Disease or Problems No / Current / Past Home Sickness No / Current / Past High Blood Pressure No / Current / Past Allergies Describe Reaction Food Yes / No ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medication Yes / No ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Environment (insect/animal/etc Yes / No ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Yes / No ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary Needs Limitations Vegetarian Yes / No ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gluten Yes / No ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lactose Yes / No ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Immunizations (Fill out OR attach copy of immunizations chart) Vaccination Most Recent Date Vaccination Most Recent Date Date of last Tetanus ______________________________ Vaccination Most Recent Date Vaccination Most Recent Date Vaccination Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Hepatitis A HIB Chicken Pox (or had the disease) Influenza Diphtheria/Tetanus (DPT) Hepatitis B Polio Other Other Most Recent Date The camper is under the care of a physician for the following condition(s):__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other health, behavioral, social, or any other concerns to be aware of: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Official Use only (camp staff only to be determined on site): The camper appears to be healthy and free of contagious disease and capable of active participation for all camp activities. Circle one Yes No ___________________________________ __________ _____________________________________ Parent/Guardian of Participant Date Adult, Non Relative Witness to Parent/Guardian Signature LUTHERAN VALLY RETREAT (LVR) TEAM INITIATIVES PROGRAM (T.I.P.) PARTICIPANT RISK INFORMATION AND WAIVER Youth’s Name __________________________________ Church __________________________________ City __________________________________ Please do not participate in this program if you believe it to be PERFECTLY safe. IT IS NOT, NOTHING IS! While your facilitators are skilled and experienced, they are unable to guarantee total protection from all risks. You MUST pay close attention to and follow safety guidelines, take responsibility for avoiding or minimizing risks, and develop a questioning attitude. This program takes place outdoors. T.I.P. will involve activities outside. It is highly likely that you may get scraped or cut during your activity. By paying close attention to the facilitators’ safety instructions throughout your experience you should be able to avoid any major injuries. Outdoor settings present some inherent danger which may result in accidents. You should be aware of what you are committing yourself to in this program. If in doubt, please ASK! LVR is 45 minutes from professional medical assistance and in 15 minutes Flight For Life can arrive from Colorado Springs. With each activity, there are many associated dangers (hazards). These dangers may include, but are not limited to, sharp rocks, temperature extremes, adverse weather, lightening, equipment malfunctions and human misjudgment. Certain safety procedures are taken to provide some protection against risks. These procedures may include, but are not limited to: using safety equipment such as ropes and helmets, teaching of spotting techniques, providing opportunity for participants to make known medical information (recent operations, pregnancy, weak/damaged lower backs, etc.) allowing participants to ultimately have the choice in their challenge, facilitator spots, ability of group to decide to modify how members participate (within the metaphor boundaries) in an element and/or abort an attempt. Nonetheless, ACCIDENTS ARE ALWAYS POSSIBLE! Participants must realize that potential accidents may include, but may not be limited to cuts, bruises, scrapes, strained muscles, broken bones, back injuries, and death. Participants must also do everything possible to help reduce the potential for accidents. Accidents occur when human and environmental dangers combine at the same time. Any participant in a T.I.P. program such as this has the fundamental responsibility to act in a safe and alert manner to prevent the combination of dangers and thus avoid accidents. I understand that the Team Initiatives Program sponsored by Lutheran Valley Retreat, Inc. is: Name of Event: 2015 Kansas District Senior High Summer Camp Date of Event: June 14-19, 2015 To Include: √ Low Element Challenges or July 19-24, 2015 (Please circle the camp you are attending) √ High Element Challenges √ Climbing and Repelling on Natural Rocks I hereby consent to participation of me or my child in the above-described LVR-T.I.P. program. I have read the above information and understand the risks involved in the planned activities. I understand that I have a duty to provide primary accident and medical insurance for myself (or for my child) and I declare that I am (or my child) covered by accident and medical insurance. I RELEASE AND FOREVER DISCHARGE LUTHERAN VALLEY RETREAT (LVR) AND THE LUTHERAN CHURCH-MISSOURI SYNOD (SYNOD), THEIR AGENTS AND SERVANTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, OFFICERS EMPLOYEES AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CAUSES OF ACTION EITHER AT LAW OR IN EQUITY THAT I MAY HAVE AS RESULT OF MY (OR MY CHILD’S) PARTICIPATION IN, ATTENDANCE AT, AND TRAVEL TO AND FROM THE TEAM INITIATIVES PROGRAM. FURTHERMORE, I DO HEREBY EXPRESSLY STIPULATE, AND AGREE TO INDEMNIFY AND FOREVER HOLD HARMLESS LVR AND SYNOD, ITS AGENTS AND SERVANTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, DIRECTORS, TRUSTEES, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND OTHER REPRESENTATIVES AGAINST LOSS FROM ANY AND ALL PRESENT OR FUTURE CLAIMS, DEMANDS OR ACTIONS IN LAW OR IN EQUITY THAT MAY HEREAFTER BE MADE OR BROUGHT BY ME OR MY CHILD, BY ANYONE ON BEHALF OF ME OR MY CHILD, OR BY ANYONE ELSE ON THEIR OWN BEHALF FOR DAMAGES OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLE REMEDY ON ACCOUNT OF ANY INJURY, ILLNESS, PHYSICAL CONDITION, INCONVENIENCE OR LOSS SUSTAINED BY ME OR MY CHILD DURING THE TEAM INITIATIVES PROGRAM OR TO AND FROM THE SAME. I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I have read the foregoing, understand its contents, and have signed the same as my own free act and deed. SIGNATURE OF PARTICIPANT (IF 18 & OLDER) OR PARENTING/GUARDIAN OF CHILD PARTICIPANT (IF UNDER 18) ______________________________________ _________ ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Adult, NonRelative Witness to Parent/Guardian Signature Lutheran Valley Retreat Trail Rides & Riding Program a program of Lutheran Valley Retreat, Inc. RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT - ALL ADULT HORSEBACK RIDERS, 18 OR OLDER, OR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS OF ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18, MUST READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY: I have carefully read and understand this Release, have had the opportunity to ask questions about this Release and all such questions have been fully answered. With full knowledge of its contents, I hereby sign this Release voluntarily. Name of Camper________________________________________________________Age____________ (Please Print) Last, First, MI (As of Date of Arrival at LVR) Signature of Camper_____________________________________________________Date___________ Signature of Parent______________________________________________________Date___________ (Signature of parent required if camper is under 18 years old) Section A. Protective Attire. + I am hereby advised to wear a well-fitted helmet, hard hat, or similar protective head gear, fastened securely under the chin, while working around or riding horses, to prevent injuries. + I am hereby advised to always wear hard-soled, fully enclosed shoes or boots and socks to protect feet, and long pants to protect legs while working around or riding horses. Section B. The Nature and Physical Character of the Horse. 1. I am advised that while domesticated, well-trained horses are usually obedient, docile, and often affectionate, it is important to understand that their survival instincts are what has allowed the horse to survive from prehistoric times to the present day. 2. I am advised that horses are unpredictable by nature, with minds of their own, as are all animals both domestic and wild. The horse is often somewhat high strung or nervous by nature. Horses are physically powerful and extremely heavy, weighing from 600 to 1,300 pounds on the average. These characteristics deserve a human being’s utmost respect. 3. I am advised that when a horse is frightened, angry, under stress, or feels threatened, it is his instinct to jump forward or sideways, to run away from perceived danger at a trot or gallop at speeds up to 35 miles per hour. 4. I am advised that if a horse is frightened or feels threatened from behind, it may kick straight back, sideways in either direction, or even forward with either of its hind legs with tremendous force. 5. I am advised that if a horse is frightened or feels threatened from above or to its back, it may hunch its back and buck in away that could throw a rider to the ground with tremendous force. 6. I am advised that if a horse is frightened or feels threatened from the front, it may naturally react by rearing up with its front legs, strike with one or both front legs, bite with its teeth, throw its head up or from side-to-side, or run directly over whatever it fears in front of it. 7. I am advised that a human must always approach a horse calmly, quietly, and cautiously, preferably from near its shoulder or lower neck, talking soothingly to it. I am advised that loud and/or sudden or unexpected movements, dropping of objects near a horse, approaching vehicles or animals or people, ill-fitting equipment or physical pain can provoke a domesticated horse to react according to his natural protective instincts. 8. I am advised that the first signs of danger or fear in a horse are the sudden tensing of the muscles of the body, possibly laying its ears flat back against its head, or quickly tossing or raising its head, or sudden snorting through the nostrils accompanying at least one other warning sign. 9. I am advised that a horse can see independently with each eye, actually looking in one direction with one eye and another direction with the other eye, or it can focus both eyes on one object somewhere in front of it; that usually the direction the ear is pointing will tell an observer where the eye on the same side is looking, and consequently, where the horse’s attention is focused. 10. I am advised that a horse has two blind areas around it which it cannot see. It cannot see directly behind it, nor what it is eating. This is the reason it is best to approach a horse close to the shoulder, and never to surprise a horse from the rear or to reach first for the horse’s mouth. 11. I am advised that while a horse is very sure-footed by nature, it may accidentally step on an object such as a human foot when it is balancing itself or turning around; also that if a horse is ridden or worked on unstable ground or slippery grass or footing, it could fall, injuring a rider or handler. Section C. Release WARNING: Under Colorado Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to section 13-21-120, Colorado Revised Statutes. Upon acceptance of horse and equipment, I acknowledge that the use, handling, and riding of a horse involves a risk of physical injury to any individual undertaking such activities; and that a horse, irrespective of its training and usual past behavior and characteristics, may act or react unpredictably at times, based upon instinct or fright, which, likewise, is an inherent risk assumed by a horseback rider. The abovesigned expressly assumes such risk and waives any claim whatsoever, including, but not limited to, claims for negligence, breach of any warranties, or breach of contract he/she might state against Lutheran Valley Retreat, Inc., its Officers, employees, agents, or representatives, (Indemnities) from any and all costs, medical expenses, attorneys’ fees, court costs, jury verdicts, settlement amounts, or other monetary damages incurred by or assessed against Indemnities and arising in any way from my participation or my child’s participation in any horseback riding activity, camp or clinic involving the use, handling, or riding of a horse. I further agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Indemnities against any claims, demands, or lawsuits brought by anyone, including my child, for any negligence of the Indemnities, losses, damages, or injuries arising from my participation or my child’s participation in any horseback riding activity, camp, or clinic involving the use, handling, or riding of a horse. Kansas District Camp Covenant Lutheran Valley Retreat We, the undersigned, have read and agree to uphold this covenant. Please indicate the camp you are attending: _____ June 14-19, 2015 or _____ July 19-24, 2015 Name of Camper________________________________________ Signature of Camper_____________________________________ Signature of Parent______________________________________ Date___________ In all we do at Camp, we keep this in mind: God is present; we represent God and the Church; For our own safety, we will not go out alone. We understand that illegal activity, as well as the use or possession of any alcoholic beverages or drugs, by camp participants (youth and adults) is prohibited both on and off the camp property during the camp week; For the safety of all campers, we understand that periodic searches of luggage and personal belongings may occur by staff members; We will report any illness or personal emergency to our group leader. If we cannot find our group leader, or need additional help, we will go to the Camp staff or the camp office for assistance; We understand that if we break or damage anything at Camp, we are responsible for working with the camp and fully paying for the repair; We agree to be quiet and inside our own cabins during the listed curfew time (unless we are with an Adult Leader and quiet); We agree to adhere to a dress code that is modest and appropriate. We will abide by the dress code as stated and found on the Kansas District website (see LVR Summer Camp link); We agree not to do anything that would jeopardize the enjoyment or safety of the other participants; We agree to abide by the guidelines stated above and to help one another keep this covenant; We will abide by the rules of LVR as they are explained when we arrive. We will agree to use cell phones ONLY during specific travel times – these times will be announced on the bus. Any movie/video watching will NOT be permitted on any individual electronic device at any time during the trip (cell phones do not work at camp); If we choose not to follow the covenant, we understand and accept the consequences decided upon by our Adult Leaders and/or Camp Staff. We understand and agree that if the need arises for a student to be sent home, parents are responsible for coming to camp to take him/her home and bear all expenses. SAMPLE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PRE-PARTICIPATION PHYSICAL EVALUATION Name: ______________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________ Height: ___________ Weight: ___________ Pulse: ___________ Blood Pressure: ___________________ Vision R 20/____ L 20/____ Corrected: Y N Pupils: Equal Unequal Date of recent immunizations: Td _______________ Tdap _____________ Hep B _________________ Varicella __________ HPV ______________ Meningococcal __________ Normal Abnormal Findings Initials* MEDICAL Appearance Eyes/Ears/Nose/Throat Lymph Nodes Heart Pulses Lungs Abdomen Genitalia/Hernia Skin MUSCULOSKELETAL Neck Back Shoulder/Arm Elbow/Forearm Wrist/Hand Hip/Thigh Knee Leg/Ankle Foot *Station-based Examination only CLEARANCE Cleared for all activities Not cleared for: _________________________________________________________________________________ Reason: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Recommendations: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I HEARBY CERTIFY THAT I AM QUALIFIED BY TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE TO PROPERLY PERFORM THE EXAMINATION AND MAKE THE EVALUATION REFLECTED ON THIS FORM Name of Physician (print/type)________________________________________________________Date _________________ Address ________________________________________________________________Phone (______) __________________ Signature of physician ________________________________________________________MD, DO, DC or RPA (Please Circle)
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