R.C. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Parish Priest: - Father Jim Dunne. Address: - Sacred Heart Presbytery, Great North Road, North Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 5EB Telephone: (0191) 236 3182 Deacon: John Hawthorne: 243 2379 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.sacredheartng.org.uk Primary School: (0191) 285 2437; www.stoswalds.newcastle.sch.uk Hall Bookings: Joan Donnelly: 236 5588. North Gosforth. Bulletin 8th February 2015 This Weekend: 5th Saturday 6:30 pm Sunday 10:00 am 6:30 pm Sunday of the Year Holy Souls (U.B.) John Lea Parishioners Next Weekend: 6th Sunday of the Year Saturday 6.30 pm Dec’d, McKiernan,Coughlan+Boyd Fams Sunday 10:00 am Parishioners Sunday 6.30 pm Jim Grey (Cramlington) T. & F. B. Feasts & Mass Intentions during the Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Feb 9 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb 14 Weekday St Scholastica Our Lady of Lourdes Weekday Weekday SS Cyril, Monk & Methodius 10.00am 8:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10.00am Holy Souls Laurie Barron (SW) Agatha Anderson Holy Souls Beatrice Chilton Doreen Fitzgibbon Spiritual Programme (These events take place in the day chapel.) Monday-Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday 11:00 - 2:00 pm 7:30 - 9:00 pm 8:00 - 9:00 pm 12 noon - 1:00 pm 5:45 - 6:25 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - for specific times, see rota in porch. Bible Discussion Group, 2nd Tues each month. Next meeting - Feb 10th Prayer Group: Prayer & Praise ’True Life in God’ Prayer group, with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sacrament of Reconciliation / Confession READERS ROTAS EUCH MIN 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Anne & Claire 10am SERVERS’ TEAM C: Jessica,Rosie,Henry,Maisie THIS WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm A McKeown C Brewis D Lynn 1 CHURCH CLEANING M Child / J Jennings 10:00 am P Barton D Weddell P Fenning 3 COUNT M McKenna / C Weddell 6:30 pm A Custis C Clifford G Downey 7 GREETERS M Porteous / T Baker TEA ROTA R & J James COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: K Hawthorne READERS ROTAS 10am CHILDREN’S LIT Sonia & Natalie EUCH MIN 10am SERVERS’ TEAM A: Gabrielle,Francesca,Millie,Philippa NEXT WEEK 1st READING 2nd READING PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 6:30pm M Taylor A Plant A Rose 1 CHURCH CLEANING 10:00 am A McLeod O Dawodu J Shepherd 4 COUNT J & J Donnelly 6:30 pm M Clifford R Green P Downey 7 GREETERS C Brewis / E Henderson TEA ROTA E Henderson / H Dixon COMPOSER OF THE PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL: J Hawthorne Recently Deceased Martin Mannion of Prudhoe, ex teacher at St Cuthbert’s High School. Anniversaries Agatha Anderson Doreen Fitzgibbon Beatrice Smith Dennis Shippen Tyler McClean Florence Stoker Robert Carven Agnes Bryce Norah Morris Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them May they rest in peace. Amen. Please pray for those who are ill, and their carers: Doreen Duffy Julie Bowland Joyce Bolam Ray Carroll G Borgonuovo Tony Murtagh Brian Nolan Laura Tokell Irene Farnel Kathleen Larsen Susan Hope Steve Antcliff Julie Yoeart Pina Bell Pat White Eileen Pratt Margaret Custis Michelle Wilkinson Richard Frank Earl Baby Dominic Norman Anderson Tom Brewis Fr Richard Harriott Florence Darby John Lant Don Thomas Joseph Higgins John Harkness Jack Steele Congratulations! This weekend, we baptize into the Catholic Church: Finlay Arthur, of Brunton Lane. Last Weekend’s Collection = £ 429.08 Many thanks for your continuing support. This bulletin is also on the parish website. If you do NOT wish someone’s name to appear on the internet, please tell us as soon as possible. ‘FORWARD TOGETHER IN HOPE’ Fr Jim writes: Fr Jim O’Keefe and Mr Tony Sacco lead the project, which is to be a no-holds-barred analysis of the whole Hexham & Newcastle diocese, so that serious plans can be made for the future. They will soon ask each parish to share in a profile of what goes on in its area - both positive & negative. Of about 105 priests in parish work, more than 45 of us are aged over 65. In addition, some parishes need subsidies to keep going. This means the survey must be practical & honest. There are bound to be amalgamations at the end of it. (The questions: where? and with whom?) There MUST be more co-operation between laity & clergy, since (to quote politicians) we are all in it together. Bishop Seamus asks us to see this process as both a challenge and an opportunity. I hope & pray that we in this area can play a useful part - both as a parish where we do work together, and as a source of ideas for other areas. Ged Downey, from our parish pastoral council, has kindly volunteered to be our link with Fr Jim O’Keefe & Tony Sacco. There will soon be a meeting between them and the various parish reps. __________________________ POSH PANTOMIME “Snow White and the Four Dwarfs” Fr Jim writes: Well, I saw it last Saturday evening, and really enjoyed it. The clergy (= me) did get a mauling in the script. That said, the panto was very well written this year: the “plot” (if you can call it that..) was tightly controlled, and the audience was well entertained. At the end, Snow White got her man, and everyone (except the baddy) lived happily ever after. A novelty was the 3 witches - they were hideous (that means well made-up) - but turned out to be goodies!!! I wish to thank the writer, producer, director, actors, actresses, scriptwriters, costumers, scenery erectors, caterers, back-stage & front of house people, and everyone, for giving the parish a good laugh in the depths of winter. I’m now planning my revenge... __________________________ LOST and FOUND: Have you lost a sticker Lego book at Saturday's panto performance? Or a pair of black suede gloves with a bow on ? or a fingerless pair of black gloves with sparkles on the back? Contact Amanda Pritchard to retrieve your lost property. __________________________ 2015 1st COMMUNION PROGRAMME Fr Jim writes: Following Saturday morning’s session, there is the special liturgy at the 10am Mass this Sunday. Normal system: assemble at back of church, from 9.55am. The catechists will do material both for the 1st Communion children and the group who are usually there. Refreshments after Mass in the hall. ********** Parents’ Meeting to plan 1st Confessions will be in the hall on Monday, February 9th, 7pm. It’s essential that we meet up, to get the atmosphere for this difficult sacrament right, as there are still lots of people with the wrong idea (or no idea at all...) about it. Refreshments, as usual. 1st Confessions: Thursday, March 5, 7pm. 1st Communions: Sat., June 13, 10am. __________________________ FOOD, etc FOR ASYLUM SEEKERS We have been asked to remind you to try to continue offering tinned food, etc, in the large plastic bins in the sacristy. There are quite a few people in the Tyneside area who get little (or no) help from any authority for food & clothes. In addition, if you could offer some gent’s shoes (used, but in good condition, and wrapped in plastic bags) that would be much appreciated. Many thanks for your help __________________________ 1st COMMUNION PRAYER SPONSORS Ged Downey writes: Many thanks to everyone who volunteered for this prayer ministry. We now have enough prayer sponsors for all the children who will make their Communion this summer. __________________________ PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE. Departing 3rd May from Leeds with Jet2, 7 nights Half Board accommodation, guide and transfers for £499. Or join 50,000 young people for the Medjugorje Youth Festival departing 30th July. Contact Jonathan on 02032892627 __________________________ MISSIO-RED BOXES £180 Has bee sent to the above charity from this parish. Boxes will be emptied again in April. Thank you. __________________________ NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Next Sunday = 5th of the Year (B):Leviticus 13:1-2+45-46; 1st Cor’ians 10:31-11:1; Mark 1:40-45. __________________________ RECYCLING - WITH AMANDA PRITCHARD Please cut the stamps off your letters (with a small frame) and give them to Amanda; she deposits them at Trinity Cafe to help funds at St Oswald’s hospice. If you have gift bags, either re-use them, or give them to her; she’ll pass them on to the RVI for patients with drains after surgery. (NB: sorry, bottle-bags are NOT suitable.) __________________________ ROTAS: COUNTERS/ WELCOMERS New ones are available at the back of church. Sheila Cunningham (counters), Monica Jackson (welcomers) & the parish are grateful to you for your continuing help in these important tasks. __________________________ POPE FRANCIS SPEAKS TO US Money must serve, NOT rule! The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but he is obliged, in the name of Christ, to remind all that the rich must help, respect and promote the poor. __________________________ PPC MINUTES Minutes of the last Parish Pastoral Council are available at the back of church and on the parish website. __________________________ SVP RAFFLE Annual National SVP Raffle. Tickets 50p available at back of Church; first prize £3,000. Ticket stubs and money to be returned by 21 March 15. Please support . __________________________ LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR As many of you know Theresa & I fundraise for the Little Sisters of the Poor. We collect olf military medals (any conflict, any date, any country), old currency (foriegn or unused holiday 'shrapnel'), old broken gold & silver (earring backs, broken chains or watches) & used postage stamps from any country.We really need YOUR help to continue. To date we have raised about £3000 but more is needed.What do you get in return? A share in the prayers & Masses of the sisters. We want to carry on but cannot do it alone. Ask your friends & family to help too. PLEASE!!!!!! David & Theresa O'Neill FR JIM’S NOTES CHURCH SOUND. If you wear a hearing aid, use the “T” setting for our loop system. TAILPIECE: Geordie-land: (1) At a man’s funeral, the coffin was being taken round a corner, when the bearers banged it into a wall. A groan came from inside - he was still alive!! He lived another 10 years, then died. At the 2nd funeral, his wife said to the bearers: “Mind, you lot: keep away from that wall...” (2) A small girl was going through her grandparents’ old family bible, when a leaf fell out. It had been pressed and kept there for years. The girl said: “Nanna, I’ve just found Adam’s undies...” (3) A lazy(?) vicar used to save work by simply pressing the “replace” command on the computer for funeral service-sheet names. The last dead person had been Mary. At the next funeral, the people were saying the Creed, when they read out...”Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Betty”... (4) A man was getting ready to go out drinking. He told his wife to put her coat on. She asked: “Eeh, Billy, am I coming an’aall?” He said: “Naa, pet. I’m just turning the heating off...”
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