the latest brochure in PDF format here.

February 2015
Update from Ian Glover
CREST Panel Sessions and AGM
Getting to know you?
CRESTCon & IISP Congress
An update from the IISP
Member Focus
New Members
Training & Education
Cyber security project
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
Speakers announced for
CRESTCon & IISP Congress
Seems a long time ago now but I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas
and the New Year break. It doesn’t seem long since the last newsletter but
a lot has happened….
There has been unprecedented interest in CREST
membership with new applications increasing and
existing members applying for additional categories.
The team at CREST has done a fantastic job of
managing this and maintain the very high standards
required for membership.
The period for Grandfathered penetration testing
companies in the STAR scheme drew to a close at the
end of January and the period for threat intelligence
service suppliers ends in March. The transition from
STAR into the BoE CBEST scheme has also been working
very well. The BoE has been very happy with the
information and evidence provided by CREST, which has
allowed them to concentrate on the specific areas of
the application that relate to financial services and the
implementation of the scheme.
Existing CREST members have benefited already from
the two elements of the STAR scheme and the threat
intelligence industry is responding to the process very
well. There is significant interest in these schemes
from overseas regulators and other parts of the Critical
National Infrastructure. This will undoubtedly lead
to additional opportunities for CREST members. For
example, we were recently asked to present to a large
group of banks and the regulator in Saudi Arabia. Some
of these banks already mandate CREST or equivalent in
their ITTs and view it as a true mark of quality.
The Cyber Essentials work is gaining pace as CREST
members mature their service offerings. In addition to
including Cyber Essentials on procurement frameworks,
the UK Government has agreed a marketing strategy
for 2015, which should result in increased requirements
for certification. CREST is looking to run workshops this
year to examine the link between ISO 27001 and Cyber
Essentials and other ways of extending the scheme into
areas such as incident management.
Talking of which, the incident management maturity
model, free to download from the CREST website, is
also gaining momentum. This allows companies to
assess their own level of maturity or for CREST member
companies to build a service around the assessment.
There are already calls for anonymised results to be
collated to allow industry comparisons. CREST will review
this later in the year so any feedback on the tool would
be most welcomed. We are also creating a marketing
strategy for the Cyber Security Incident Response
scheme. We held back on this last year whilst the CREST
company membership numbers and the number of
certified individuals increased but we now feel that there
is sufficient capacity in the market to push this forward.
There is also a great deal of interest in this area from law
enforcement agencies and the finance sector, which will
help to re-enforce the offering.
The CREST Executive has put together a first class
strategy paper for internationalisation that is getting
a lot of interest. Although we have dabbled with
internationalisation before we feel strongly that this is the
right time. We have significant interest from overseas
buyers of CREST services in a surprising number of
countries; we understand the legal structures and technical
infrastructure required; we have support from in-country
professional bodies who would like to work with us and,
we have the support of member companies who want to
expand into other regions. We also have the support of
the UK Government that sees CREST as being part of the
answer to increase cyber security exports. There will be
a lot happening in this area this year. There is so much
more I would like to say but it may well fill this edition
of the Newsletter. Suffice to say we have been busy and
2015 will be a very exciting year. If you want to know
more, make sure that you get your tickets for CRESTCon
2015! Thank you for all the help and support we have
received from our member companies and others.
Ian Glover, CREST President
CRESTCon & IISP Congress takes place on 18th March at the Royal College of Surgeons. It is a unique event that
brings together leading technical and business information security professionals. Now in its third year, the
event has become a key date in the industry calendar, attracting an impressive line-up of speakers and over
300 senior delegates.
Stream 1
Stream 2
09:00 - 09:30 Registration, coffee and pastries
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 09:40 Welcome: Ian Glover & Alastair MacWillson,
09:30 - 09:40Welcome: Ian Glover & Alastair MacWillson,
09:45 - 10:15 HP: TBC
09:45 - 10:30Mark Hughes, President, BT: What does the
Future Bring?
10:20 - 11:05 Ryan Kazanciyan, Mandiant: Exploiting the
Attacker’s Dilemma
10:35 - 11:05Andrzej Kawalec, CTO, HP: Specificity: what does
this mean to you and your organisation
11:05 - 11:35 Coffee & Networking
11:40 - 12:10James Chappell, Digital Shadows: Threat Intelligence
– Marketing Hype or Innovation
12.15 – 13.00Cam Buchannan & Adrian Nish, BAE: Intelligence
led Penetration Testing - applying attack tradecraft
and tools
13.00 – 14.00Lunch
14.00 - 14:30Dave Hartley, MWR: Fracking with Hybrid Mobile
14:35 - 15:20Dor Tumarkin & Kyle Lovett, Cisco: Vulnerabilities of
Mass Disruption: How SOHO devices are shaping and
changing the landscape of information security on a
global level.
15:20 - 15:50 Coffee & Networking
11:05 - 11:35
Registration, coffee & pastries
Coffee & Networking
11:40 - 12:10 Martin Tyley, Partner, KPMG: Supply chain:
Effectively managing the increasingly complex
relationships with vendors, third parties and the
supply chain
12.15 – 13.00Member case studies: Architecture
David Frith, IA Consultant, Info-Assure Ltd: What
an IA architect can do for you
John Hughes, Consultant and Member of Faculty,
InfoSec Skills Ltd: The challenges of Training
Security Architects
13.00 – 14.00Lunch
14.00 - 14:30Hannah State Davey, Psychologist, and Natalie
Fischer, Chartered Occupational Psychologist,
Qinetiq: Understanding Human implications of
Information Security
14:35 - 15:20
Member case studies: Identity
15:50 - 16:20Ollie Whitehouse & Andy Davis, NCC: Practical
Security Assessments of IoT Devices and Systems
Paul Simmonds, CEO, Global Identity Foundation:
Build your house on rock not sand
16:25 - 16:55Steve Elliott, Context: RDP-Replay – The story
Behind the Tool
Robert Lapes, Head of Identity Advisory Services,
Capgemini - The challenges of identity in the
digital future
17.00- 17:05 Ian Glover: Closing Address
15:20 - 15:50
17:05 - 18:00CREST & IISP, Drinks and Networking: Sponsored by
15:50 - 16:20Focus on Legal, Stewart Room, Global Head of
Cyber Security and Data Protection Law, PwC
16:25 - 16:55
Coffee & Networking
Focus on Cyber Insurance, Speaker TBC
17.00- 17:10Alastair MacWilson: Closing Address &
Fellowship Awards
17:10 - 18:00CREST & IISP, Drinks and Networking: Sponsored
by Nettitude
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
CRESTCon & IISP Congress – ticket information
Tickets for CRESTCon & IISP Congress can be purchased at:
CREST member companies also have until 18th February to claim their free or discounted tickets and are urged to contact
[email protected] as soon as possible to check availability and book.
CRESTCon & IISP Congress – Sponsorship
Thank you to our headline sponsor HP and to all of our sponsors: 7Safe, Digital Shadows, CheckSec, Gotham
Digital Science, InfoSecure, Nettitude, Security Alliance and Titania.
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
Info-Assure is a leading European independent
Formed in 2001, Pentest Limited is an
provider of cyber security and information
established, independent security consultancy,
assurance services. Info-Assure provides
specialising in Web Application Testing. Pentest
information assurance, security testing and
is a trusted provider to hundreds of UK and
cyber incident response services. Our range
International organisations, across a range of
of comprehensive security testing services
sectors including banking, telecommunications,
includes application testing, infrastructure
healthcare, IT and local and national
testing, mobile application testing and
infrastructure build reviews.
Why should you sponsor?
•Unrivalled opportunity to meet high level
influencers and decision makers from
business and government
•Network with existing and potential
clients and contacts from the wider
information security industry
•Position your company as a leading
industry player within the CREST and IISP
•Showcase your products, solutions and
•Attend presentations from high level
speakers in two streams
•Benefit from PR and other marketing
opportunities throughout the year
•Access names, job titles and companies
from delegate list
For details of how you can get involved, please
contact Marc Callaway on: [email protected],
07836 381075
“Info-Assure has extensive experience of
organisations become more secure. Our
delivering cyber security services to the UK
consultants offer frank, reliable and practical
Government sector and is a member of the
advice for the sole benefit of the customer,
rather than ‘building the account’. By
CESG CTAS Schemes. Prior to becoming
developing an individual relationship with each
a CREST member, we had utilised CREST
of our clients, ensures they understand the
examination services to certify its CHECK
business drivers, technical requirements and
Security Testing staff,” said Martin Walsham,
specific sensitivities of each requirement.
Cyber Security and Information Assurance
Services at Info-Assure.
There are still a few sponsorship opportunities left for the event and CREST and IISP members are entitled to a discount
on packages.
At Pentest, we genuinely seek to help
“CREST is a widely recognised and well
respected body in the information security
He adds: “Info-Assure has long viewed CREST
industry. Much of what we do relies on
as the leading standard for the assessment of
customer trust and confidence in our technical
security penetration testing companies and
capabilities, discretion and security processes.
staff. We were then further very impressed
CREST Membership provides our customers
by the addition of the CREST CSIR and STAR
with additional assurance that the trust
schemes. At that point we decided CREST full
they place in us is justified,” said Francesca
membership was something we must be part
Bowman, Marketing Manager at Pentest.
of as an organisation.”
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
CNS Hut3
and in the excellence of our consultants that
landscape. The organisation brings expertise
permits a total focus on efficiency, effectiveness
in Information Technology Risk, Vulnerability
and risk management, independently of any
Management and Intrusion Detection from over
technological flavours.
20 years of experience in multiple sectors across
organisations from the FTSE 10 through to SMEs.
CNS Hut3 is a London-based cyber security
At INTEGRITY we provide security consulting
company specialising in the disciplines of
services, as well as world-class penetration
At JustASC, our staff comprise ex-senior Big4
services company with a proud history of
information assurance and security assessment.
testing services covering areas such as
trusted advisors and true industry experts in
technical innovation and leadership, building on
Based next door to the Gherkin in Holland
infrastructure, web applications, mobile, wifi and
specific security disciplines, allowing us to bring
over a century of research and development.
House, we hold accreditations for CESG CHECK
SCADA, performed by highly skilled consultants.
the true meaning of the issue into pure business
IBM seeks to shape the future of our industry
context for our clients. Our experts can translate
through prized research, development and
even the most technical security issue into a
technical talent around the world. At IBM,
meaningful business risk that the board can
penetration testing is just one of many security
understand and action, safe in the knowledge it
services that we offer. We monitor and manage
is doing the right thing to continue the business
15 billion events daily in real-time, in some of
on a strong path.
the most complex networks in the world. IBM
and Listed Advisor Schemes, Tiger Scheme and
CREST, to name a few, as well as SC and MV
clearances. Operating right at the bleeding edge
of the cyber security industry, we provide clients
with the newest, most thorough pen testing
We also provide a persistent penetration
testing service, KEEP-IT-SECURE24, where
our consultants perform manual penetration
testing and provide reporting through a
vulnerability management platform where
customers can monitor their risk levels,
Commenting on the company’s CREST
view vulnerability details and mitigation
The organisation offers Threat Management,
approved status, Edd Hardy, Head of Operations
recommendations, manage their testing
Secure Architecture & Incident Response services
for CNS Hut3 said, “We wanted to achieve
priorities, request re-testing and extract reports.
as a complete end-to-end package, to ensure
CREST approved status because of the respect
CREST holds in the industry both from clients
and testers. One of our abiding aims is to
contribute to helping the industry move forward
and we feel CREST is doing just that by helping
“Being a CREST Member brings trust and
recognition, as it ensures to our clients that we
have passed CREST’s rigorous assessment and
certification process to demonstrate standards
in our security testing practice,” said Rui
that our clients have the right visibility of the
issues, appropriateness of control and detection,
with a response to threats in real time. We make
the issues tangible and pride ourselves in our
ability to translate complex threats and “what
IBM is the world’s largest IT and consulting
also develops some of the most sophisticated
testing tools in the industry, which are also
used by our competitors. Teams of highly skilled
security professionals identify and analyse new
threats, often found and released to our clients
before they are known to the public. IBM
maintains the largest database of known cyber
security threats in the world.
ifs” into real world, actionable intelligence.
“As CREST is one of the schemes that operate
Since its incorporation, JustASC has developed
in the penetration testing industry, we needed
strategic partnerships with key vendors in the
to be part of the CREST organisation to get
marketplace to augment our delivery capability
more involved in the community. CREST offers
and provide the necessary connectivity between
a great opportunity to gain access to wide
the different aspects of the end-to-end process.
reaching companies and people that are part
Advanced Security Consulting Limited
“This has always been the badge we wanted
INTEGRITY has been focused on consulting,
(JustASC) is a specialist security services
to display to our clients. CREST is the best and
organisation offering consulting, managed
most respected, most rigorous qualification in
services, penetration testing, governance, risk,
the industry and it is with great personal pride
compliance and training, focussed on improving
that we have achieved it. It wasn’t easy!” – Jay
our client’s ability to manage the cyber threat
Abbott, Managing Director at JustASC.
the industry to grow up. CREST has set an
exceptionally hard standard that presents a
Shantilal, Managing Partner at INTEGRITY.
challenge for the industry to rise to.”
advisory and auditing in information security,
telecom management and IT governance since
2009. We distinguish our practice based on a
strong sense of impartiality and independence
of it. At IBM, we really feel we can not only
gain from being a member of CREST, but help
enhance its reputation, knowledge and shape
it for the future of the security industry,” said
Brian McGlone, Senior Managing Security
Consultant at IBM.
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
CREST Panel Sessions and AGM
17 March 2015, Royal College of Surgeons
CREST is holding a series of panel sessions for Members, which will be followed by the
AGM, on Tuesday 17th March 2015, the day before CRESTCon. There is no charge to attend
either the panel sessions or the AGM.
Below is the agenda for the afternoon:
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
An update
from the IISP
12.45 - 13.30 Registration and coffee
13.30 - 14.30Cyber Essentials panel discussion and Q&A
14.30 - 15.00 CSIR scheme update
15.00 - 15.30 Coffee & networking
15.30 - 16.45STAR/CBEST panel discussion and Q&A
Amanda Finch, general manager at the IISP gives a round-up of 2014
17.00 - 18.30AGM
Please register your attendance at the panel sessions and/or the AGM at:
Members’ Dinner
In response to requests and interest we are arranging a Members’ Dinner after the AGM. We have secured a
private room at a popular restaurant, which is just a few minutes walk from the Royal College of Surgeons.
17th March, 7.30pm
Bacco Italian Restaurant
25-26 Red Lion Street,
Holborn, London,
Cost: £50 per head, which includes wine and service charge
There is also an opportunity on the panel sessions and AGM booking page
- to register your interest in attending the dinner and we will be in touch very shortly with booking details.
ime does seem to fly - where did the last 12 months go? The IISP
certainly had another very busy year in 2014 and I while I catch
my breath, I would like to highlight a few facts and figures.
IISP membership has grown to over 2,000
individual members and we also welcomed
14 new corporate members in 2014,
bringing the total to 35. We have continued
to grow the CCP scheme and have now
issued over 1,000 CCP certificates; while
also working with CESG on developing the
new CCP roles to be introduced this year.
Furthermore, we have increased links with
training organisations and have a growing
portfolio of 16 accredited courses, which
we will be adding to next year. We have also
strengthened links with academia and now
have a total of 12 academic partners as well
as a significant rise in student membership.
On the events front, as well as our successful
second IISP Congress, which was run in
conjunction with CRESTCon, we held 15
branch meetings and will be looking to set
up two new branches in 2015. We were also
able to offer member discounts or free places
for over 30 industry events and our Associate
Development Programme for corporate
members goes from strength to strength
with a two-year programme now in place.
The IISP Skills Framework is increasingly
used to measure information security
capability. In addition to the work being done
by CESG to use the framework to certify
training and university courses and by e-skills
UK to build a national occupational standard,
the framework is also being used by our
corporate members to benchmark and
develop capability within their organisations.
Within the Secretariat, we have implemented
a number of internal efficiencies, relocated
the London office and added a new office
in Evesham to help us to be closer to
the membership in Central England and
welcomed new people into the team.
One thing is for sure, we expect 2015 to be
just as busy and look forward to updating
you on our progress.
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
here has been a significant increase in the demand for
Practitioner level examinations. This has not only been
driven by the requirements of Cyber Essentials, but also
because CREST members view it as being the first tangible
step on a penetration testing career. We have also started
to assess training courses against the syllabus, which are
on the CREST website. Classroom based training combined
with practical application is ideal for those operating or
aspiring to this level. All the training providers assessed by
CREST are suitable to be included in the Tech Partnership
(formally e-Skills UK) development pathways.
CREST has also been working to help define the new Trailblazer Cyber
Analyst Higher Apprenticeship scheme. This is a fantastic opportunity for
CREST member companies to employ young people, put them through a
formal development programme part funded by the Government, and for
the apprentice to come out with a CREST qualification and degree. This is a
major new initiative and has a significant amount of Government support.
Anyone wishing to know more or would be willing to take on an apprentice,
please email.
The monitoring and logging research project is going extremely well. The
attendance and enthusiasm at workshops and responses to requests for site
visits and detailed questionnaires has been overwhelming. We are already
working with other influencers on defining additional research activities which
will be announced soon.
The CREST work we have been doing on supporting careers is now part of
the UK Cyber Security Strategy and the website developed from this work will
have a Ministerial launch in the second quarter of 2015. We are still looking
for more ‘Day in the Life’ films, so if you would be willing to help and gain
significant exposure for your company please contact Allie Andrews at PRPR –
[email protected].
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
New entrant
Member focus
to know you
Name: Michael Marriott
Company: Digital Shadows
How did you first hear about CREST and what has
your involvement with CREST been?
I first came across the work of CREST whilst I was researching for
my dissertation. I was looking at the role of SMEs in cyber security
when a contact put me in touch with Ian Glover. Ian was good
enough to take the time to talk me through the current schemes
in place and how the industry was developing. It was obvious that
CREST’s work is critical to the success of the cyber security industry.
Two months later, I had finished my Masters and was hunting
for a job. A vacancy popped up at Digital Shadows and I haven’t
looked back since. What better place than an innovative cyber
security start-up that was at the forefront of defining CBEST?
My next engagement with CREST will be in March when I will be
attending the CrestCon and IISP Congress.
What is your best advice to anyone entering a career
in infosecurity?
I’d say go for it – infosec is an exciting, fast-growing industry and
there are huge opportunities.
It’s tricky to pick the right role for you, of course. There is a vast
range of companies operating in the industry, from prevention
to investigation. None of these are better or worse; they’re all
different in terms of being a job and depend on what stage of
your career you’re at and what interests you the most.
There’s the added challenge of picking which sized company
is best for you. Large companies can be great for training
opportunities and remuneration, whereas with start-up
companies give you the opportunity to shape the company
and carve your own niche. For me, the opportunity to work for
a small, agile company with an exciting offering was a huge
appeal. Since I’ve joined it’s been high-paced and I’ve had to hit
the ground running – clients are flooding in and we’ll be opening
a couple of offices in the US in the coming months.
What degree or other qualification did you do and
how did it help get you into infosecurity?
It was during my MA in Applied Security and Strategy that I first
began to consider a role in infosecurity. The course focuses on
war-gaming, scenario planning and red-teaming which are fastbecoming key analytic tools for infosecurity.
Biog: Michael joined Digital Shadows in late
2014. He holds a BA in History and MA in
Applied Security and Strategy, both from the
University of Exeter.
Job Title: Marketing and Sales Operations
Traditionally infosecurity has attracted more technical individuals
whereas threat intelligence also attracts those from a humanities
background, such as history and sociology.
What surprised you the most when you started
working in this field?
How much of a friendly community the information security
world is. There’s a growing sense that there is no silver bullet
for the range of challenges we face and each company has its
own contribution to make. Competition inevitably comes with
the territory but, importantly, there’s also a spirit of cooperation
which reminds us that we’re all on the same side.
How do you see the industry developing
in the future?
The adoption of cloud and mobile devices and the rise of
industrialised attackers is forcing the traditional infosecurity
industry to keep on its toes and embrace new disciplines such
as threat intelligence. We’ve also seen the beginning of an
intersection between cyber and physical security, and this is likely
to continue over the next five years.
Watch out for the Government’s upcoming 2015 Strategic
Defence and Security Review (SDSR), which is likely to list cyber
security as a top priority for the UK. We’ll most likely see a call
for greater collaboration and better situational awareness.
Do you have a celebrity “doppelganger”?
I’m increasingly being likened to Chris O’Dowd, which must either
mean I’m fully part of the I.T. crowd or I’ve been over-indulging.
What is your ideal holiday destination?
Krakow – I studied there for a year and absolutely love the place.
It’s a beautiful place with great people. I’d be lying if I said 60 pence
beer wasn’t a factor too.
What is your favourite film?
Depending on my mood, either Pulp Fiction (a classic) or The
Intouchables - well into the double figures for viewing both films.
Safe’s Cyber Security Team is led by Steve Bailey (M.Inst.ISP)
and with over 25 years’ experience of security work, Steve
sees his current role as the most empowering. “Leading a
team of highly capable people, from hard-core technical
experts through to strategists, delivering for a wide range of
clients across the world, means that every day is different and I am
constantly learning new things from the team,” says Steve.
One part of the 7Safe practice is focused on cyber
security, delivering technical security services
such as ethical hacking, PCI-DSS and Information
Security policy, strategy and controls. This also
increasingly includes people risk as well as threat
and risk assessments. The other team is focused
on eDiscovery and digital forensics. This expertise
led to 7Safe authoring the Good Practice Guide for
Computer Based Electronic Evidence with ACPO,
while its work with law enforcement agencies in
both education and investigations continues to
complement its growing involvement with large
Both teams have a presence in PA Consulting’s
technology labs in Cambridge in addition to offices
in London, augmented with a team of technical
security consultants in Bangalore. As well as
delivering for clients across Europe, 7Safe specialists
have recently been working as far afield as Brazil
and the Middle East, in environments diverse as
cruise ships and night clubs. Sadly, the pentest for a
Bahamas-based retailer was conducted offsite.
7Safe was acquired by PA Consulting in 2011 to
enhance its strong cyber security offering and this puts
7Safe in a unique position. “We are still very much
a boutique technical security team yet, as part
of the wider PA Consulting Group, we can reach
back into the skills of a world-class management
consulting firm,” says Steve. “‘We are increasingly
complementing our technical security testing and
forensic work with broader security consulting
work or even wider capabilities like systems
engineering or business change.”
The range of organisations that 7Safe works
with is incredibly varied and the assignments that
consultants work on range from small jobs for
retailers or law firms for a few days, to multi-year
security partnerships with multinational companies.
Training has always been at the heart of 7Safe’s
approach, with the first courses being launched
over ten years ago. These training courses are very
much hands-on and run by delivery consultants,
which is great for the students as they get taught
by professionals who are real experts very much
practising what they preach. For 7Safe’s consultants
this means that one day they can be out solving real
problems with our clients and the next day educating
others, giving them great variety and challenge.
Aleksander Gorkowienko leads the Penetration Testing
Team and you can regularly see him talking to clients,
running training courses, leading testing programmes
or meeting with one of our medical device experts in
our Technology Group to discuss how to secure them
from attack. He finds this multitude of activities not
only gives him true variety, but has also allowed him
to continuously develop his technical skills. Aleksander
says: “At 7Safe we have a unique team of
highly knowledgeable and experienced security
consultants. The key to our success is that we listen
to our customers and work with people who are
truly passionate about what they do, are eager to
learn and are tenacious when it comes to solving
problems. The research and development work we
do quite often continues at home, causing many
a sleepless night! We are experimenting, learning,
trying new tools and techniques every day and
doing everything needed to stay one step ahead
of the real hackers.”
Today the portfolio of courses extends to 13 different
standard technical courses and, as companies look
to increase their overall security awareness, 7Safe
is frequently asked for bespoke training packages
on anything from social engineering to building
secure applications. The hands-on, classroom
training courses can be used towards a Masters
Degree in Information Security under a partnership
with De Montfort University and 7Safe’s ethical
hacking courses were recently accredited by CREST.
Richard Allen, the head of training was delighted
with the CREST accreditation and looks forward
to further collaboration. ”I’m thrilled that CREST
has recognised the hard work and commitment
that goes into developing and maintaining our
market-leading training courses. Our newly
accredited courses have been developed to
enable delegates to enter or progress within this
exciting industry, tackle cyber security attacks and
prepare for their CREST exams.’ As the world we live in becomes ever more connected,
7Safe intends to continue taking the lead on helping
organisations to develop, maintain and capitalise on
their cyber security and information investigation
capabilities, increasing overall trust in the systems that
they operate and getting greater value out of the
information that they hold.
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
security monitoring
and logging project
An update from Jason Creasey, Project Manager
The final validation workshop for the cyber security monitoring and logging research project has now been completed.
This was kindly hosted by Deloitte in Reading. It was highly productive and popular, with 34 workshop participants
validating key project findings and analysing results from the 66 responses to the consumer requirements survey.
The workshop included interactive
breakout sessions that helped define best
practice for:
1. Cyber security monitoring and
logging in practice; defining pragmatic
log management and improving
situational awareness
2. The evolving role of suppliers in
cyber security monitoring and
logging; designing the next generation
of SOCs and developing services to
meet requirements
The main findings from the project are
that organisations need to:
Identify potential indicators of
compromise (IOC) at an early stage
Investigate them effectively
Take appropriate action to reduce
the frequency and impact of cyber
security incidents.
Research on the project is now complete
and the focus is now on production of
the final Cyber Security Monitoring
and Logging Guide.
This Guide will:
The objectives of this are to
help organisations to:
Become more difficult for cyber
security adversaries to attack
Reduce the frequency and impact of
cyber security incidents
Meet compliance requirements
Identify and respond to cyber security
incidents quickly and effectively
Determine what to outsource, why
and to whom.
Present details about how to monitor
and log cyber security events, many
of which are potential indicators
of compromise (IOC) that can lead
to cyber security incidents if not
addressed quickly and effectively
Provide practical advice on how
to deal with suspicious events,
use cyber security intelligence and
address the main challenges
Enable organisations to priorities and
manage myriad event logs; build an
effective cyber security monitoring
process and learn about where and
how they can get help.
The release of the final Guide is
planned for Spring 2015.
to know you
Name: Louise Pordage
Company: N
ational Cyber Crime Unit
Job Title: Industry Partnerships Manager
What is the role of the National Cyber Crime Unit
The National Cyber Crime Unit (NCCU) is part of the National
Crime Agency and has the responsibility to lead, support
and co-ordinate operational and high-impact activity against
the most significant cyber crime threats to the UK. In order
to understand the cyber crime threat and deliver a targeted
and high impact response, the NCCU has placed partnership
working at the heart of its approach. The NCCU has a
dedicated partnership team focused on developing both
strategic and tactical relationships across the community,
including: national and international policing; other national
partners, including CERT UK, and with industry and academia.
What is your role within the National Cyber
Crime Unit?
It is my role to head up our industry partnership team. My team
for the last year has been working to develop relationships
across a variety of sectors: financial, internet service providers,
retail, security and hosting providers to name a few, with
the mission to start to build a law enforcement and industry
community. There are a number of factors that have been
central to our outreach plan, but in essence the focus has
been on building trust. We have looked to achieve this
through sharing our understanding of the threat; listening and
responding to the threats that partners and their customers
are experiencing; by engaging partners in operational activity;
providing feedback to referrals; maintaining contact with
our partners; ensuring our efforts are joined up with other
government and law enforcement partners; and proactively
identifying opportunities for collaboration.
We are still at the beginning of this journey, but certainly from
my experience over the last year, the opportunities to work
together to understand and respond to cyber crime are truly
How does the NCCU work with industry partners?
I think trust is built through doing, and showing commitment
and respect to those that you partner with. These values sit at
the heart of what my team are working hard to achieve.
Over the last year we have been engaging with our partners
in a number of ways in order to support the priorities of the
NCCU, to understand the cyber crime threat, deliver a targeted
and high impact response and hear from our industry partners
about the latest threats causing harm to the UK.
To make this happen, we provide a number of routes for
engaging with the NCCU. In January 2014, we established
a cross sector industry group with the mission to work in
partnership to identify intelligence gaps; understand the
capabilities available in law enforcement and industry, and
embark on joint working. This group has placed industry
within the Cyber Crime Strategic Governance model.
We also run sector specific groups where we are looking
to encourage collaboration across the sector; engage
through other established groups, and pull together relevant
stakeholders when there is a particular threat or operation.
We have also recognised the great value of engaging 1-2-1
with partners, and although this can be resource intensive,
these meetings have been fundamental to briefing on the
NCCU: our interests, the importance of working in partnership,
identifying mutual interests and building trust.
What happens now?
The NCCU Industry team have engaged with a number of
CREST members over the last year, but we look forward to
the opportunity to further develop the relationship. We
are particularly interested in how we could collaborate on
investigations, hear about new vulnerabilities you are seeing
and collectively encourage industry to engage law enforcement
and policing partners.
The Script FEBRUARY 2015
Training Course Accreditation
CREST has now accredited a number of training courses. Information on all of them is available on the CREST
website at: All of the courses have been assessed against the CREST syllabus areas and the UK National Occupational Standards. Courses assessed by CREST are recognised by the Tech Partnership (formerly e-Skills UK) and can be included on its website
and careers pathways. They are also recognised by the IISP (Institute of Information Security Professionals) and are included
on its website. For further information on how to get a training course accredited by CREST, go to:
Working with Recruiters
Over the last few months CREST has held two workshops with representatives from technical information
security recruitment companies. These have been very well attended and positive, with participants keen to
engage with CREST to develop an industry-specific differentiator. The first meeting also included representatives from CESG, BIS and e-Skills (now Tech Partnership). The second focused on
developing a Code of Ethics and Good Practice that recruitment companies could in the future be asked to comply with, along
with the development of questions that they will need to respond to.
522 Uxbridge Road, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3PU.
CREST is a not for profit company registered in the UK with company number 06024007.