FEBRUARY 2015 The Story GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH ABERDEEN, SD (605)229-0846 Making Our Love and Mission Visible Lent 2015: Making Sense of the Cross Does the cross make sense? We’re told that God loves us. We’re told that God is all powerful. So why does anyone have to die to save us. Can’t God just make an executive decision and move ahead with us? Jesus prayed that he would be saved from this cup. Then he had to go through it and feel abandoned by everybody, including God. Does this make sense? As we wonder about these questions we are not alone. Many deep Christian thinkers have wondered how it is that the cross makes sense for an all powerful all loving God. Even C.S. Lewis questioned that this death on the cross could have any meaning for one’s life 2000 years after the fact. Is it possible that this act of the death of Christ on the cross has any impact on how we live a spiritual life today? These are the themes for our Lenten worship. Ash Wednesday is February 18 and Lenten services will continue on Wednesdays through March 25. Worship services will be on those Wednesdays at 12:05 p.m. in the chapel and at 6:15 in the sanctuary. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday on March 29. Maundy Thursday services will be at 12:05 and 7:00p.m on April 2. April 3, Good Friday worship will be at 12:00 noon and 7:00p.m. Easter is on April 5. Read more about… Little Lambs Preschool 2 Youth Page 3 GS Scholarship Applications, Women of the ELCA Upcoming Events 4 Small Groups Are Beginning 5 Loving God in Your Home 6 February Calendar 7 February Support People 8 Birthdays 9 February Serving Group, Financial Report 10 We will have simple soup dinners at 12:30p.m. and beginning at 4:45p.m. later in the day. We need donations of bread, peanut butter and jams or jellies. Page 2 Little Lambs Preschool 2015-2016 Registration We have some openings left for 2015-2016 school year. You don’t need to be a member of Good Shepherd to attend, so spread the Maggie Bruns, Director/Teacher word! If you have any questions please call the preschool at 229-3883 or email [email protected]. This month we talked about winter, weather, and seasons. 3 year olds T/Th 8:15-11:00 $80/month We learned about winter 4 & 5 year olds MWF 8:15-11:00 $110/month 4 & 5 year olds MWF 12:15-3:15 $110/month sports, changes in temperatures throughout the seasons, and different types of clouds we see in the sky. In art, the 4 and 5 year olds made snowmen out of marshmallows and *A non-refundable $50 deposit is due at the time of registration. snowflakes out of Q-tips. The three year olds made snowmen by painting with big marshmallows! Our final weeks of January we are spending some time learning about the five senses and about our health and body. Spaghetti Supper Our annual spaghetti supper is coming up! Look for posters around church in February to know the exact date! We are also hosting an art show that night at our supper. Stop by to see great artwork done by the children, as well as a night off from cooking! Receipts and Labels Thank you to everyone that has been collecting and donating their receipts and labels. It helps our preschool out a lot! We earn points and then are able to purchase new classroom supplies. We really appreciate it!! Keep collecting those receipts from Kessler’s or Ken’s and the Labels for Education! Receipts and labels for education can be placed in the containers located on the table in the Fellowship Hall. Thanks!! Check out the list of eligible products that qualify for the Labels for Education program located near the bins in the Fellowship Hall. These UPC labels are not just found on Campbell's soups!! Youth page Middle School Youth Group Page Page 33 Thank you! Calling all middle schoolers from 5th through 8th grade, we want to announce a new group forming just for you! We are beginning a new Middle School Youth Group! This group will meet once a month for lots of fun and faith building activities. We are beginning this group on Saturday, February 21st from 2:00-4:00pm here at Good Shepherd. We will be playing camp games and hanging out. There will be snacks provided. We hope you will join us! Thank you to everyone who has donated items to the Angel Brunch and the Bake Sale! We raised $462 and $914 respectively for our kids going on the National Youth Gathering, Vacation Bible School and Day Camp. Thank you for all your generous donations and your willingness to support our youth of Good Shepherd!! Family Sunday and Wednesday School Theme - Lent Thank you to all who participated in our first Family Sunday and Wednesday School in November! We have another opportunity for this coming up in February. Family Sunday School will be held February 15th and Family Wednesday School will be held on February 18th! Parents and adults please mark your calendars and remember to join your child in Sunday and Wednesday school that day as we study the season of Lent! The Newlywed Game Fundraiser Looking for a fun date night in February? Mark your calendars now for February 27th at 7:00pm. Join us for laughs and fun as we watch four couples play the Newlywed Game! There will be dessert and coffee served. All the proceeds of this fundraiser will go toward the youth attending the National Youth Gathering and our youth attending camp. Tickets will go on sale soon! High School Youth Group Schedule February 1 Super Bowl Party - Starts at 5:30pm! February 8 Movie Night in Youth Room February 15 Jam Session February 25 Service Project Page 4 GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATONS AND DOLLARSHIP SUNDAY The Good Shepherd Scholarship Committee once again is announcing the availability of applications beginning February 2, 2015 for the academic year 2015-2016. Scholarships are offered to students planning to attend any post secondary institution (college, vocational, technical or trade school). This scholarship is not available for students going into Graduate studies and above. Scholarships are awarded competitively based on the following criteria: transcript of grades, church involvement, community/volunteer activities, and quality of the fully completed application. The application also asks for a person who has been influential in developing your Christian faith walk. The applications are available in the church office or on the website: www.goodshepherdaberdeen.org and should be returned to the church office no later than NOON on March 20, 2015. All applications AND authorized, signed transcripts must be submitted to the church office to be stamped and signed by authorized staff. No applications will be accepted after the noon deadline on the 20th of March. For instructions and information regarding the scholarship applications please stop in at the office. Dollarship Sunday will be held on February 15th. Donations can also be sent to Good Shepherd, noting that it is for this purpose. Women of the ELCA Upcoming Events FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD !! As Women of the ELCA we enjoy getting together over FOOD !! There are two opportunities for Fellowship and FOOD coming in February and April: February 22nd @ 9:30am will be a Celebration Service for the 20th Anniversary of Good Shepherd’s Bell Choirs. Invite your friends! The service will include former Bell Choir Members, current Bell Choir Members, our kids Bell Choir, Brass players, Hallelujah Singers, Adult Choir and the Worship Band. Many musical configurations in Praise to God for the bounty He gives us daily!! The Worship Service will be followed by a Quiche Brunch: Quiche, breads, fruit and bars. Our Bell Choir members will be baking, but we will also need assistance from other women of the church, as we are expecting 250 or more to attend. Sign up sheets are in the Narthex. April 18th beginning with 9:30am registration is The Northern Plains WELCA Spring Gathering. We at Good Shepherd are hosting this annual event. The Theme is The Lord is My Shepherd and the theme verse is (you guessed it) Psalm 23:1. We hope to have NSU CICS (Lutheran Campus Ministry) and the Salvation Army as our speakers along with our Good Shepherd Bell Choir or quartet. We will need several women to “man” the registration table and people to bring salads and desserts for lunch. Sharon Bossert will be making a large quantity of turkey salad (recipe from past Christmas Teas). All women are welcome. We have a great deal of fun at these getting to know each other and women from other ELCA churches in our area - Pierre to Redfield to Aberdeen and to the ND border. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. Watch for more information in the March and April Newsletters. Hoping to see many of you at the worship service on Feb. 22 {remember that there is only ONE service that day at 9:30am}!! In His Service, Sharon Bossert, GS WELCA President Bells-Facts & Trivia #3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Page 5 Where have the Exultation Bells played besides Good Shepherd? a) Dacotah Prairie Museum b) Living Christmas Tree c) Lakewood Mall d) all of the above Which of these things are plucked? a) a chicken b) handbells c) eyebrows d) all of the above Name things that you shake? a) maracas b) handbells c) hands d) all of the above On February 22, there is only one worship service at 9:30 am. (True or False) Following the service on February 22, there will be a tasty brunch for ALL to enjoy! (True or False) Ringers work hard, but still have an enjoyable time of fellowship while they make music and ring praises! (True or False) (answers on Page 8) Small Groups are Beginning Small groups gather together around an interest and actively pursue a spiritual practice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Men in Mission, led by Clay Dykema, meet on the second Sunday of the month between services. The Mediterranean cooking group, led by Stephanie Mattson, will have their first meeting on Friday, February 13 at 6:00pm. The Inscribers Writing group, led by Angelia Schultz, will meet on Tuesday night, February 10 at 5:30pm. The Brain Fitness group, led by Jim Seeber, will have their first meeting on February 2 at 6:30pm. Exploring the Holy Land, led by Ed Hargens with Sharon Bossert, will have an organizational meeting on January 29. If you are reading this after January 29 you can still begin with this group. Call the church office for more details which we will have following their organizational meeting. The Photography small group, led by Denise Punt, will meet on 4th Mondays at 7:00p.m. beginning February 23. The Spiritual Direction and Practice small group will meet on the 4th Thursday at 7:00p.m. beginning February 26th. There will be an organizational meeting on February 5 at 7:00pm. HOSPICE IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT MONICA AT 622-5200. Page 6 Loving God in your Home: Taking Faith Home The fourth wave of the National Survey of Youth and Religion is hot off the press. This comprehensive study first conducted in 2002-2003 studied the beliefs and faith practices of teens 13-17 and their parents. The study continues to follow the young respondents who are now age 24 to 29 and to look at their faith practices. These most recent results show that two-thirds of teens raised by black Protestant parents and half of adolescents with conservative Protestant parents had high or moderate levels of religiousness as young adults. On the other hand 70 percent of teens raised by mainline Protestant parents had minimal or lower levels of religiousness as young adults. What makes the greatest difference in faith practice is talking about faith and God at home as well as bringing children and youth to worship. In interviews parents from mainline denominations, including Lutheran, often said that they “feel guilty if they think they are doing anything to direct their children toward their religion as opposed to any other possibility.” Further, they question if they should tell their child, “what I believe is right.” There are powerful “cultural scripts” that discourage parents from taking an active role in the spiritual lives of their teens. These cultural messages are to entrust children to the experts. Many parents consider faith formation to be the job of the clergy, Sunday schools, and youth groups. While these last resources are valuable, they are no substitute for faith sharing and worshiping as family. Yet many grew up with family devotions and remember that time as being counterproductive. But sharing faith doesn’t have to be rigid and lacking in variety along with interaction. Where do you start in sharing faith in the home? We have a helpful resource in our weekly bulletin insert, “Taking Faith Home.” When you get home from church pull it out and look over the prayers, traditions, and activities and see what works for your family. St. Dysmas Trip Moved to February 19 Youth and Family Faith Coordinator Begin Lent with a trip to Sioux Falls to worship with the inmates at St. Dysmas prison ministry. We will leave the church shortly after noon on February 19th. We need to submit the forms of those interested in this trip by February 5, so please call soon if you wish to participate. We will share a meal together in Sioux Falls, each person pays for their meal, and at 6p.m. arrive at the South Dakota Penitentiary. Following the service we will drive back to Aberdeen arriving home around mid-night. Contact Pastor Tim if interested. We are pleased to announce Amanda Black joining our staff as our new full time Youth and Family Faith Coordinator. Amanda will work with pastors to expand our ministries and reach additional people in the work of faith formation. Exultation Bells Polishing Party The Exultation Bells are having a bell polishing "party" on Monday, February 16th at 2:00 pm. Anyone is welcome to come and help. (You do not need to be able to read music to participate!) White cloths or clean rags (white only) that can be thrown away after use are needed—preferably not terry cloth. Page 7 FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday Monday 1 8:30AM Traditional Worship 9:40AM Sunday School 10:45AM Contemporary Worship 5:30PM Youth Praise Band 7:00PM Youth Group 2 6:55 AM Women at Prayer 8:15 AM-3:15 PM Preschool 9:00 AM Sarah Circle 9:30 AM Mary Circle 7:00 PM Brain Fitness Small Group 7:00 PM Esther Circle 3 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 11:00AM Table Talks @ Bethlehem 1:30PM Staff Meeting 5:30PM Worship Band 4 6:30AM-7:30AM Men at Prayer 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 3:30PM Good Vibrations 4:00PM Hallelujah Chorus 5:15PM-6:00PM Wednesday School 6:00PM Exultation Bells 6:15PM-7:15PM Worship Service in the Sanctuary 6:45PM-7:30PM 7th-9th Grade Confirmation 7:00PM Adult Choir 7:00PM Properties Bd. Mtg. 5 6 8:15AM-11:00AM 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool Preschool 9:00AM-3:00PM Quilting 1:30PM-3:00PM Hymn Selection 5:15PM Stewardship Board Meeting 7:00PM Spiritual Practice and Direction Small Group 8:00PM Youth Team Mtg. 7 8 8:30AMTraditional Worship 9:40AM Sunday School; Men in Mission 10:45AM Contemporary Worship 1:00PM Exultation Bells Rehearsal 5:30PM Youth Praise Band 7:00PM Youth Group 9 6:55 AM Women at Prayer 8:15 AM - 3:15 PM Preschool 5:00 PM Food Pantry 10 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 11:00AM Table Talks @ Bethlehem 1:30PM Staff Meeting 5:30PM Worship Band 5:30PM Inscribers Writing Small Group 11 6:30AM-7:30AM Men at Prayer 8:15AM-3:15 PM Preschool 3:30PM Good Vibrations 4:00PM Hallelujah Chorus 5:15PM-6:00PM Wednesday School 6:00PM Exultation Bells 6:15PM-7:15PM Worship Service in the Sanctuary 6:45PM-7:30PM 7th-9th Grade Confirmation 7:00PM Adult Choir 12 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 9:00AM-3:00PM Quilting 1:30PM-3:00PM Hymn Selection 6:00PM Worship Bd. Mtg. 8:00PM Youth Team Mtg. 13 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 6:00PM Mediterranean Cooking Small Group 14 15 8:30AM Traditional Worship 9:40AM Family Sunday School; Altar Guild Mtg. 10:45AM Contemporary Worship 5:30PM Youth Praise Band 7:00PM Youth Group 16 President's Day NO Preschool 6:55AM Women at Prayer 5:30PM Exultation Bells Rehearsal 17 NO Table Talks 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 1:30PM Staff Meeting 5:15PM Missions Bd. Mtg. 5:30PM Worship Band 18 Ash Wednesday NO Exultation Bells 6:30AM-7:30AM Men at Prayer 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 12:05PM Ash Wednesday Service in the Chapel 3:30PM Good Vibrations 4:00PM Hallelujah Chorus 5:15PM-6:00PM Family Wed. School 6:15PM-7:15PM Ash Wed. Worship Service in the Sanctuary 6:45PM-7:30PM 7th-9th Grade Confirmation 7:00PM Adult Choir 19 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 9:00AM-3:00PM Quilting 12:00PM St. Dysmas Trip 1:30PM-3:00PM Hymn Selection 7:00PM Church Council Mtg. 20 21 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 5:30PM Preschool Spaghetti Supper 25 6:30AM-7:30AM Men at Prayer 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 12:05PM Lenten Worship in Chapel 3:30PM Good Vibrations 4:00PM Hallelujah Chorus 5:15PM-6:00PM Wednesday School 6:00PM Exultation Bells 6:15PM-7:15PM Lenten Worship Service in the Sanctuary 7:00PM Adult Choir 26 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 9:00AM-3:00PM Quilting 1:30PM-3:00PM Hymn Selection 7:00PM Spiritual Practice and Direction Small Group 8:00PM Youth Team Mtg. 22 NO Sunday School 9:30AM-10:30AM Bell Worship Service 5:30PM Youth Praise Band 7:00PM Youth Group 23 6:55AM Women at Prayer 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 5:00PM Food Pantry 7:00PM Photography Small Group Tuesday 24 8:15AM-11:00AM Preschool 11:00AM Table Talks @ Zion 12:00PM Senior Lunch Bunch 1:30PM Staff Meeting 5:30PM Worship Band 7:00PM Hub City Brew Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 27 8:15AM-3:15PM Preschool 7:00PM The Newlywed Game Fundraiser 28 February Support People Page 8 Caller Betty Beckler Ushers Cartor Carlson (8:30-8th) Tom and Renea Wensmann (10:45-15th) Offering Tellers Diane and Gary Kost, Rosemary and Tom Eisenbeisz (1st) Jean Rahja, Doug and Evie Witlock (8th) Judy and Joe Gelling, Charlotte Kraemer (15th) Betty Beckler, Lori Krause (22nd) Fellowship Treats Peggy Serfoss, Mary Gederos (1st) Leo and Eleanor Haar, Rick and Ramona Pesek (8th) Greeters Leo and Eleanor Haar (8:30-8th); Gus and Carol Erickson (10:45-8th) Tom and Renea Wensmann (10:45-15th) Organists/Pianists Helen Heuer (1st, 18th-12:00pm, 22nd) Youth Praise Band (4th, 11th) Sheri Scott (8th, 18th-6:15pm) Monica Jacobson (15th) Kathy Harmel (25th-12:00pm) Tammy Wahl (25th-6:15pm) Scripture Readers Diane Kost (8:30-1st); Anne Holmquest (10:45-1st) Rachel Hemke (8:30-8th); Anne Holmquest (10:45-8th) Jim Seeber (8:30-15th); Anne Holmquest (10:45-15th) Curt Bossert (9:30-22nd) Head Ushers Bob and Deb Jensen (8:30); Glenn Jakober, Carl Anderson (10:45) Nursery Assistants Brenda Rook (8:30-1st); Amber Schmierer (10:45-1st) Gayle Fauth (8:30-8th) Diane Thompson (8:30-15th); Rozanna Casanova (10:45-15th) Thank you ….. Thank you so much to each of you who has helped work at funerals doing set up, clean up, and providing desserts this past year. We could not have done it without such great workers who have provided the delicious bars and cookies that have been brought for serving the family and friends of the deceased. We ask for your continued support in this next year. Also, when providing a pan of bars we ask that you bring the size of a jelly roll pan no less than a 10 x 16. We are compiling a list of people who are willing to bring bars or cookies when needed for funerals. Please contact Debbie Nerland at 225-9507 or Mona Kapfenstein at 225-0452. Thank you for your continued support. Funeral Committee Sound Board Terry Friedrichsen (8:30-1st); Mel Wockenfuss (10:45-1st) Gary Cahoy (8:30-8th); Jeff Dahlberg (10:45-8th) Bob Ohnstad (8:30-15th); Ron Isaacson (10:45-15th) Gary Cahoy (9:30-22nd) Power Point John Fritz (1st) Steve Caron (8th) John Fritz (15th) Karen Hoar (22nd) Food Pantry Peggy Serfoss, Denise Brown (1st) Leo and Eleanor Haar, Cartor and Sherry Carlson (8th) Gus and Carol Erickson, Whitney Hawkinson (15th) Altar Guild Stephanie Mattson, Peggy Serfoss MISSION OF THE MONTH The Mission of the Month offering is received on the 2nd and 4th Sunday and Wednesday with our “Noisy Offering” by passing the bread pans. In January, $286.86 was donated to St. Dysmas Prison Ministry. Answers-Bell Facts & Trivia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. d) all of the above d) all of the above d) all of the above TRUE TRUE TRUE Page 9 02/01 02/01 02/01 02/01 02/01 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/03 02/03 02/04 02/05 02/05 02/06 02/06 02/06 02/06 02/06 02/06 02/06 02/06 02/07 02/07 02/08 02/08 02/08 02/09 02/11 02/11 02/11 Howell, Ginger Anderson, Larry Schultz, Angelia Reif, Kyle Hoffman, Gregory Schumacher, Diane Zeller, Rachel Webb, Breah Aman, Linda Wilson, Jon Arment, Brittany Swenson, Jon Hanson, Geena Doerr, Erna Harmel, Donald Gelling, Judy Finnesand, Nick Hanson, Michele Mehlhoff, Meghan Eisenbeisz, Brady Lane, Gavin Zeller, Bruce Wilson, Maryah Russo, Maggie Mattson, Brett Williams, Angela Jensen, Richard Haugen, Estrid Schock, Lynn Gauer, Avery 02/12 02/12 02/12 02/13 02/13 02/14 02/14 02/14 02/14 02/14 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/15 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/17 02/17 02/17 02/17 02/17 02/18 02/18 Dufault, Darlene Hoar, Bill Cormier, Kathryn Heiser, Floyd Metzinger, Rabecka Holty, Mark Wahl, Evelyn Black, Jean Jones, Valerie Bomesberger, Jennifer Weiszhaar, Darlis Bowen, William Sersen, Tim Krogstrand, Mark Klabo, Alex Bomesberger, Evan Ahlberg, Anna Ladner, Chloe Hellwig, Cherie Jarvis, Dave Lundberg, Terry Mehlhaff, Wayne Vitense, Cordell Carlson, Cathy Bertch, Alice White, Brenda Cordie, Carrie Vining, Jarrett Geisler, Cheryl Gooding, Trevor 02/19 02/19 02/19 02/19 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/21 02/22 02/22 02/22 02/22 02/23 02/23 02/23 02/24 02/24 02/24 02/24 02/24 02/25 02/25 02/26 02/26 02/27 02/27 02/28 02/28 02/28 02/29 Wilson, Donna Weishaar, Sharon Morsching, Whitney Moser, Carter Guidice, LaVerne Steen, Jenny Vander Hoek, Gavin Weber, Lorren Eisenbeisz, Rosemary Gehrts, Barb Schaible-Heiser, Nicholas Harris, Karly Nehls, Bobby Bonn, Randy Swenson, Tyler Fischer, Stacy Pesek, Rick Boekelheide, Mark Dunlavy, Barry Beyer, Rylee Ladner, Jared Asleson, Boedy Pelton, Monica Littler, Kaylee Nilson, Amy Ellwein, Jennifer Kretchman, Bonnie Jacobs, Sandra Langbehn, Hannah Zoellner, Lana 20th Anniversary of Good Shepherd’s Handbell Choirs There will be only 1 worship service on February 22 at 9:30am. We will be Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Good Shepherd's Handbell Choirs. Our service of Praise will consist of all Good Shepherd music groups, a brass choir and Kathy Harmel on Harp. This will be followed by a Brunch and time of fellowship. There are sign up sheets in the Narthex for various foods for the Brunch. Please come to Celebrate, Praise and Fellowship. Help with the food is also greatly appreciated! Exultation Bells Quiche Recipe (use this or any you have): 8 slices of bread-cubed, 1 tsp dry mustard, 9 eggs, 3 cups milk, 2-4 cups shredded cheese (optional: meat, veggies, mushrooms). Mix all ingredients in 9X13 pan. Bake 350 degrees for about 1 hour. Please bring quiches already baked. They will be kept in our kitchen ovens on warm till needed. THANKS! Page 10 Building Up the Body of Christ February Serving Group - Shepherd Family Aman, Dale Aman, Debra 225-5780 Anderson, Sharlene 225-9332 Bergan, Chad 225-9332 Bergan, Shannon Bogue, Dorothy 262-0384* Brown, Denise 216-7094 Carlson, Cartor 216-7094 Carlson, Sherry 226-2937 Dell, David 226-3512 Erdahl, Sandra 229-1570 Erickson, Carol 229-1570 Erickson, Craig 262-0820 Flynn, Laura 229-4263 Gederos, Jim 229-4263 Gederos, Mary 226-1174 Goehring, Barbara 226-1174 Goehring, Thomas 225-8069 Haar, Eleanor 225-8069 Haar, Leo 225-6177 Hainy, Keith 225-6177 Hainy, Kristi 228-8371 226-2395 226-3480 226-1455 228-4579 225-0116 225-4953 225-4953 225-7174 225-7174 225-3341 225-3341 225-1090 225-1090 329-2643 725-0305 725-0305 228-2582 228-2582 226-0437 226-0437 Hansen, Shelley Hawkinson, Whitney Heier, Chris Heier, Karen Hoar, Irene B. Hoffman, Jennie Holmquest, Anne Holty, Mark Johnson, Ardelle Johnson, Orin Johnston, Kerry Johnston, Susan Malchow, Gina Malchow, Mark Mehlhoff, Arnold Mehlhoff, Joanne Moffenbier, David Nilson, Amy Nilson, Chad Papendick, Janene Papendick, John Pesek, Ramona Pesek, Rick 225-5161 216-0633 216-0633 229-4249 229-4249 229-1119 229-1119 229-3869 229-3869 887-3510 887-3510 228-1395 229-3612 229-3612 380-1430 380-1430 226-1669 Reszler, Bonnie Rook, Brenda Rook, Kevin Russo, Arthur Russo, Maggie Schlaht, Marianne Schlaht, Melvin Schmidt, Genevieve Serfoss, Melvin Serfoss, Peggy Skorczewski, Joe Skorczewski, Sherry Smith, Kristi Smith, Steve Wahl, Todd Weiszhaar, Boyd Weiszhaar, Desiree Wensmann, Renea Wensmann, Tom Zahalka, Diane Zahalka, Gary Zenker, Maggie GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) 1429 North Dakota Street Aberdeen SD 57401 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Phone: 605-229-0846 Fax: 605-225-7230 Email: [email protected] Website: www.goodshepherdaberdeen.org Permit # 300 Address Service Requested Staff Who Do I Ask About Board Chairs Pastors-Tim Sersen, Liz Dieseth Good Shepherd Women-Sharon Bossert Properties-Greg Adolf Visitation Pastor-Mike Jacobson Good Shepherd Men-Clay Dykema Life and Growth-Marilyn Seeber, Jill Mullis Secretary-Barb Daberkow Ushers/Communion Assistants– Randy White, Evangelism-Tom Eisenbeisz, Gary Klabo Pastoral Assistant-Charlotte Kraemer Financial Secretaries-Ron and Carla Kaaz Youth/Family Ministry Assistants-Sarah Black, Jonathan Miller, Charlie Sersen, Cody Folden Bob and Deb Jensen Reception Coordinators: Funeral-Mona Kapfenstein, Deb Nerland Wedding/Anniversary-Mary Ellen Lehr Custodian-Todd Black Library -Dorothy Brown, Darlis Weiszhaar Music Coordinator– Rachel Hemke Altar Guild - Sandy Cahoy Preschool Director/Teacher–Maggie Bruns Organists/Pianists-Sheri Scott, Kathy Harmel, Tammy Wahl, Helen Heuer Choir Directors-Adult/Rachel Hemke, Children’s Choir/Rachel Hemke, Bells/Cheryl Ulmer Accompanist– Adult and Children’s Choir/Monica Jacobson Missions-Natalie Wiedrick Stewardship-Gene Morsching Worship-Peggy Serfoss, Dusty Mattson Nominations-Rosemary Eisenbeisz Youth-Lori Tiede Executive Council Worship Schedule President-Ed Hargens September-May: Sunday 8:30am and 10:45am; President ElectTreasurer-Dale Aman Secretary- Wednesday 6:15pm (Sanctuary) June-August: Sunday 8:30am and 10:00am; Wednesday 6:15pm (Chapel)
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