Our All Volunteer Board of Directors TOM SHAMBO President GENE WITTMANN Vice President KREG BECK Treasurer JULIE AGOZZINO Secretary Directors TOM BESTERFELDT FRANK HORSFALL BONNIE SCOTT VILLAGE CENTER 520-572-9780 Fax: 520-572-8724 General Manager, Ext. 18 Melissa Low Front Desk, Ext. 10 Bookkeeper, Ext. 17 *Website Address Sunflowerliving.com What’s Inside Board Message…………….…..7 Topics of Special Interest….......8 Committee Reports……… ….10 Cuisine Events………….….....11 Cards & Games ....................... 13 Activities & Clubs .................. 16 Health & Safety ...................... 21 Community News ................... 23 Upcoming Events…………….24 Classifieds………………….…26 Special Interest & Contacts…..27 Sunflower Community Association,, Inc. 9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 February 2015 Volume 18, Issue 2 FEBRUARY VALENTINE POTLUCK PARTY By Audrey Anderson “Traditional Potluck” Please bring homemade or ‘store’ Valentine for all seven guests at your table. Thursday, February 12, 2015 – 5:30 p.m. Hosted by: Audrey & Jim Anderson, Helen Crandall, Marcia & Jay Johnson Ticket Sales: Friday, January 23- 1 to 3 p.m. and Thursday, February 5- 10 to noon. Cost - $2. per person Only four tickets per household may be purchased. This is a huge 'RED' party... bring your Valentines for friends...and wear red... For a potluck of 120 people to be successful, you need to bring enough to serve at least 8 people. We will need main dishes, vegetable dishes, salads and desserts. Remember: If you bring a meat main dish or entrée, you will receive 2 dinner tickets free. Please: Bring your own plate and eating utensils from home. ON THE ROAD AGAIN FOR YOU, LLC Reservations 520-490-3709; 520-399-8345 > Running of the Gourds – February 6, 2015 > Arabian Horse Show February 20, 2015 > Menopause The Musical – March 14, 2015 > Barleen’s Arizona Opry-March 28, 2015 > Desert Bell Cruise-April 1, 2015 > Jour Restaurants—April 21, 2015 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SALES ● INSTALLATION ● SERVICE Cochran Heating & Air Conditioning Discount for Sunflower Residents “Expert Personalized Service” Call for a FREE ESTIMATE 631-9718 “Time for Furnace Service” N. Silverbell Rd. THE UPS7850 STORE $2 off UPS shipping (Limit 3 packages) Coupon is good through December 31, 2014. Hours: M-F 8am - 6 pm Sat. 9 am - 5 pm Sun. Closed 520.744.1999 Tel 520.744.4687 Fax Email: store3350@theupssto re.com Website: www.theupsstorelocal .com/3350 (At Cortaro & Silverbell in the Frys Shopping Center) Shipping & Packing Copying Services Freight Services Mailbox Services Shredding Services U.S. Mail Services Scanning, Emailing Notary Services Special copy discounts for all Sunflower clubs! Free (a $200 value) EXAM & X-RAYS FOR NEW PATIENTS Expires December 31,2014 Dentist Owned. Patient Centered. Dr. Kevin Mortenson, DMD Call for an appointment 520-812-7484 $49 (a $74 value) CLEANING FOR NEW PATIENTS Expires December 31,2014 www.MaranaTeeth.com • 8651 N Silverbell Rd Suite #103 Tucson, AZ 85743 • Southwest corner next to Canyon Community Bank The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only. Sunflower does not guarantee or promote any of the products or services advertised herein and assumes no responsibility for the statements made in this publication. Information regarding advertising rates, deadlines, and policy information may be obtained by contacting the Village Center Front Desk at Phone: (520) 572-9780 ● Fax: (520) 572-8724 Published monthly by Staff & Volunteers of Sunflower Community Association, Inc. 9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 SUNFLOWER VILLAGE CENTER HOURS OF OPERATION Monday – Wednesday - Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday - Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fitness Center and Swimming Pool are accessible Before and After Village Center Hours of Operation with Resident Proximity Card only, from 5:00 a.m. until Village Center opens and from Village Center closing until 11:00 p.m. daily. SUN CATCHER ADVERTISING RATES All Advertisements Printed in the Sun Catcher Are Located On Our Website OUTSIDE BACK COVER The following ads must run for 3 months with NO changes 1 /8 page $170.00 3 months 1 /4 page $320.00 3 months 1 /2 page $490.00 3 months 1 & 2 PAGES INSIDE FRONT AND BACK COVERS The following ads must run for 3 months with NO changes 1 /8 page $140.00 3 months 1 /4 page $264.00 3 months 1 /2 page $404.00 3 months AD If any changes are made in an ad on the 3-Month Rate, a Flat Charge of $15.00 will be applied for each change. This charge applies to all ads. 1-Month 3-Months 1 /8 page $45.00 $122.00 1 /4 page $85.00 $230.00 1 /2 page $130.00 $351.00 Full Page $235.00 $635.00 FLYER $75.00 – 700 May thru Dec.,900 Jan. thru April, Inserts one or two sided, prepared in bulk must be delivered to the Village Center by the 20th of the month. CLASSIFIED ADS COLUMN LINE (3/12” LINE) NEW TIME ROMAN 12PT. AVG. 40 CHARACTERS AND OR SPACES PER LINE MEMBER RATE: $3.00 PER LINE / NON-MEMBER RATE: $7.00 PER LINE DEADLINES AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS All data and payment must be received at the Sunflower Village Center by the 12 th of the month. Ads should be prepared on a disc, or submitted by email to [email protected]. (note change in email address for advertising only). Ad should be submitted with a hard copy and full payment to Sunflower Community Association, Inc. 9401 N. Sunflower Park Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 (520- 572-9780) DISCLAIMER: The acceptance of an ad or flyer by the Association does not constitute approval or endorsement by the Sunflower Community Association, Inc. and the Association reserves the right to refuse any material that is deemed to be inappropriate. The terms, conditions and rates charged are subject to change at any time without notice. All signed contracts will, of course, be honored. SUN CATCHER DEADLINE Just a reminder to everyone who submits articles for the Sun Catcher: the deadline is the 12 th of the month. This deadline was arrived at to insure that all homeowners receive the publication in a timely manner. This allows residents to plan and participate in the next month’s activities. Ideally articles would be submitted as a Word Document attachment to an email. If you aren’t able to submit it in that format, you can also submit it on a disk. Please keep the article to 250 words or less. Please email all articles to [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation BOARD MESSAGE By Tom Shambo Our next live broadcast of the Board of Directors meeting on the web will take place on Wednesday, February 11 at 10:00 a.m.. Thanks to our Technology club for the equipment and leadership and our Web Maintenance Committee for taking on yet another important role. Be sure to let the front desk know if you want to have access to the web board meeting. We will be using our new surveying tool to obtain important community direction. In the near future you’ll begin receiving emails from the association so we can gather data to help us in our first strategic plan. This plan will obtain a vision, mission, strategies, and most importantly, action plans for us to accomplish over the next year. We, the board, will be measured on our performance so you, the community, will know how we are performing as your representatives on the board. Compliance, Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity and Strategic Planning committees are seeking members. Please submit your application either online at http://sunflowerliving.com/yearly/Forms/ Form_Committee_2015.pdf or pick one up at the front desk. A few charter clubs are struggling to get new members and to have current members step up to lead. These clubs provide education, entertainment, nutrition and most importantly friendship. If you have time and interest, please consider becoming a club member. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT By Melissa Low Audit- The field work for the association’s annual financial audit was completed by HBL CPAs last month. HBL’s staff was on-site for four full days interviewing staff and testing procedures. A draft report is expected at the beginning of this month. Once the final report is completed, it will be presented to the board at the next Regular Meeting. New Fitness Instructor- Kris Harris is a certified fitness instructor referred by our previous instructor Karrie Touchette. She will be at the Sunflower fitness center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:15 to 3:15. For more information about Kris, see the article on page 22. New Committees- The board recently approved charters for several new ad hoc committees. They are: Resales Calendar year 2014 2013 2012 2011 Monthly YTD December-5 60 72 54 56 Compliance Review Committee Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Committee Village Center Kitchen Remodel Project Committee Strategic Planning Committee These new committee charters are posted on the website for anyone who may have an interest in joining and making a valuable contribution. Since they are all ad hoc committees, those currently serving on a standing committee are eligible to participate. There is no limit on the number of ad hoc committees on which a member may serve. Keep in mind also that even if you do not want to join a committee, all meetings (except the Covenants Committee and Executive Session Board meetings) are open to all Sunflower homeowners. SUNFLOWERLIVING WEBSITE A place for posting upcoming club and group events has now been added to the Announcements page on the Sunflowerliving website (What’s New> Announcements). Clubs and groups are encouraged to send their information to [email protected] and it will be posted on that page. Page 7 TOPICS OF SPECIAL INTEREST BLOCK WATCH By Elaine Thorn Upcoming bi-annual Block Captain Meeting will be February 13, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. The Marana Police K-9 Department will present our program. We can learn what a valuable asset these remarkable dogs are. Watch the handlers put these dogs through their paces. They will do a demonstration outside. Calling all block captains and residents interested in becoming a block captain, this will be an interesting presentation. The community is invited. FEBRUARY DANCE COMMITTEE EVENT By Phyllis Bowcott name (not from the Silver Bell Mine)? How is “Brazin Bill” Brazelton, the Outlaw, part of local history? Where was the local Stagecoach Station? Where was a counterfeiting operation uncovered? How long ago did Native Americans live on this site? What’s up on Rattlesnake Ridge, in addition to snakes? Please join your neighbors for answers to these questions and a lot more interesting facts of local history. Your Activity Committee Proudly Presents: THE TRISH HATLEY QUARTET By Phyllis Bowcott Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. When: Friday Evening – March 13th, 2015 Ticket Sales: Saturday, February 28th, 2015 – Only $12.00 Ready to Dance? Dick Smith’s “CLASS of 59” Band will be the evening’s entertainment Saturday, February 7th, 2015 Fiesta Room-Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bring your own munchies and beverage of choice and we will provide the FUN! There is no cost for this dance but a $5.00 donation will be appreciated. No sign up necessary so bring your friends and neighbors for an evening of good music entertainment. FASCINATING HISTORY OF THE SUNFLOWER AREA By Sherry Gartner Please do NOT miss this returning Professional Musical Quartet TRISH HATLEY SINGS THE WONDERFUL SWING MUSIC FROM THE AMERICAN SONGBOOK INCLUDING THE 1930’S AND 1940’S AND MORE!!!! LARRY HOLLOWAY is a monster talent on the upright bass. Larry has toured with The Tommy Dorsey Band. KEN FRENCH has drummed for twenty years with the United States Air Force Band. Due to numerous requests, the presentation “Fascinating History of the Sunflower Area” by Sunflower resident, Sherry Gartner, will be repeated for the third (and final) time on Tuesday, February 24th at 1:30 p.m. DARIN CLENDENIN is recognized as one of the Northwest’s finest pianists. He was the Musical director of the international Tap Festival and worked alongside Gregory Hines. You will learn about the fascinating history of this immediate area, including: What is the official name of Sombrero Peak? How did Silverbell Road get its This is as Professional as it gets!!! Do NOT miss this EVENT!!! Any Questions please Call Phyllis Bowcott – 572-1876 Page 8 VOLUNTEERS By Sam Florek Sunflower is a warm and welcoming community. In addition, we have outstanding residents who are willing to donate their time and talents back to the community. If you would like to volunteer, please call the Village Center front desk 572-9780 ext. 10. This list is not all inclusive since it doesn’t include the names of many of our Committee and Club members who perform many duties on an ongoing basis—THANK YOU ONE AND ALL! Volunteers last month were: Yvonne Magee Lois Dudych Chuck Harmon Barbara Strempek Sam Florek Marlene Spencer Mary Lou Correia Jeannette Dougherty Carol Abrahamson Harry Slingland Bev DuBois Elaine Hewitt Bob Snelson Dixie Whipple Rosie Kubiak Jim Moody Don Crandall Jerry Keehn Carol Taylor Marcia Edgeton Dave Forgue Fran Strubeck Del Gustin Janet Maloney Carol Erhardt Linda Miller Janine Douglass Jackie Slingland Frances Gauthier June Dudas Carolyn La Potin Joey Hogan Elke Armoni Donnasu Moody Helen Crandall Welcome to our newest volunteers Richard Long, Faythe Mattern and Rebecca Tinow. Thank you volunteers! NOTARY SERVICE AVAILABLE By Melissa Low Our bookkeeper, Linda Parent, is commissioned to perform notary services for our Sunflower residents. Please feel free to contact her directly at 572-9780 ext. 17 to set up an appointment. There is no charge for Sunflower residents; appointments required. Please remember to bring your government issued identification (drivers license, passport, state ID, etc.) Do not sign your document before your appointment; your signature must be verified in front of the notary. Linda cannot notarize anything that has been signed before the visit. No exceptions. VALENTINE’S KARAOKE Sunday, February 14, 2015 6:30 p.m. -8:30 p.m. Join Host Marty Freese for a night of some of the most romantic songs of all time as we celebrate Valentine's Day with songs we all love. ARTISTS GALLERY By Sam Florek We are welcoming a new artist this month, Lee Botzong. Lee sent the following information to us. “Over the years I have taken snapshots of landscapes and art forms that caught my eye of places I have traveled and a tour of duty in Europe with the U. S. Army. Upon retirement I began painting with oils and acrylics but after joining several art groups, I was inspired to try my hand at water colors where I have remained to this day. Tucson and its surroundings offer some lovely landscapes and the desert has piqued new interests, the craggy mountain peaks, the saguaros and the sunsets all offer new challenges. I enjoy interacting with other artists of all media. I admire their work and welcome suggestions and criticism. I learn from others. I am honored to display eight watercolor prints and one original watercolor painting. Thank you Sunflower.” Bob Snelson’s January exhibit was outstanding. People commented very positively about his exceptional rodeo shots. They also appreciated the wildlife photos and the beautiful snow scene. Thank you Bob for another high quality show!! Page 9 BINGO By Sam Florek The date for our next Bingo is Tuesday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m. Four days later it is Valentine’s Day so come and win some money to buy someone special in your life a little gift or treat yourself if you win. We want to thank our January volunteers. The current people covering the check in desk are Marcia Edgeton and Carol Abrahamson. Your caller for the evening is Rosie Kubiak and Yvonne Magee will be rolling the winning numbers. Irene Harvey will be selling the specials and doing the callbacks. We have a new person working with Irene this evening— welcome Faythe Mattern. The most difficult job to fill at Bingo is the selling of specials and doing the callbacks. We would like to have four people who are willing to do this so everyone can rotate. Most of the Bingo volunteers also enjoy playing Bingo. Wishing all the Bingo players a Happy Valentine’s Day!! 2015 FINE ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL By Jeanne M Collins As many of you may have noticed, the number of vendors participating in the Fine Arts and Crafts Festival was down from previous years. This year we had 26 participants, in 2013 we had 40. This is a trend that has also been noticed in other communities. This year we ran the Festival at a loss due to the decreased number of participants and the increase in advertising. In order to ensure the continuation of the Festival, we need to see the number of vendors increase. It would be a shame to discontinue the show but if the interest is not there, it’s hard to justify the time, work and money to continue sponsoring the Festival. I would like to see how many vendors are planning on coming back next year and if there are any new people that are thinking of participating. I know this may seem early in the year to know what your plans are but it takes us months of planning to put the show on. By responding to this you are not in any way bound to participate in the show. We are just trying to establish if there is enough interest to continue putting on the Fine Arts and Crafts Festival. Please send your reply by February 21, 2015 to [email protected] Thank you. Page 10 COMMITTEE REPORTS ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE By Tom Vana The Sunflower Architectural Review Committee (ARC), like all Sunflower Committees, strives to make life easier for everyone living here, while still adhering to the requirements of the CC&Rs and protecting property values. According to the Sunflower Residential Design Guidelines (Rev. “C”, dated 7-11-2012), “The Architectural Review Committee has been established to maintain the integrity of the architectural and design character established by Del Webb at Sunflower. To this end, as part of its duties, the Architectural Review Committee will review all proposed additions, improvements or alterations on developed Lots and Common Areas, and all proposed landscaping, walls and fences on any Lot or Common Area after conveyance to an Owner or the Association. It shall be the responsibility of all Lot Owners to comply with all standards and requirements of these Design Guidelines, as well as all requirements of the Declaration or any governmental authority having jurisdiction”. If all Lot Owners would take a moment to familiarize themselves with the Sunflower Residential Design Guidelines and request additional information if not clear about proposed improvements to their Lots, the Architectural Review Committee would be happy to answer any questions. The committee asks that when your project, previously submitted & approved by ARC is completed, please call the front desk (572-9780) for an inspection. When submitting an application, please turn it in no later than the Friday before the meeting date to be considered. It is the OK'd Inspection copy that goes into the permanent property file. Thanks for your cooperation. WELCOMING COMMITTEE By Liz Perry Are you a new homeowner in Sunflower? The Welcoming Committee would love to meet you and provide you with a helpful information packet that includes maps, coupons, activity/club information, emergency contact information, etc. Please contact either Lynn Haye at 520-572-6741 or Liz Perry at [email protected], to help you get connected in your new community! CUISINE EVENTS A SPECIAL EMPTY BOWLS LUNCHEON EVENT AT SUNFLOWER By Armand LaPotin Would you like to sample at least four delicious gourmet soups made by prize winning chefs from some of the major resorts in Tucson? Would you like to own a beautiful hand painted and fired bowl done by some of the artists in our community? often learn something, as well, so it’s wine-wine—er, that is, win-win! You’re welcome to join us: we usually meet at 4:30 on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the Fiesta Room. To get your name on the Bacchus Wine list so you’ll be informed of upcoming events, just phone or e-mail Mary Laurie Siebert (744 -3176 or [email protected]). We have lots of fun events planned for 2015 and would love to share them with you. Beer is made by men, wine by God. ~ Martin Luther Would you like to support the hunger challenge faced daily by your Marana neighbors? CULINARY CLUB FEBRUARY EVENT By Sam Florek If your answer is “YES” to all of the above, then join us for the Marana Community Food Bank’s EMPTY BOWLS CELEBRATION! When: Saturday, February 14th -11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Where: The Fiesta Room Cost: $15.00 per person Particulars: -All proceeds benefit your neighbors in need in the Marana Community --You will NOT be enjoying your delicious soups out of your ceramic bowls. They are yours as a gift for joining us. Our February event is CIAO BABY; the date is Saturday, February 28. We will be serving a gourmet Italian meal—tickets are only $14 per person. Tickets may be purchased at the door on the day of the event. BACCHUS WINE By Sandy Persels Some people are of the opinion that only beer or margaritas should be drunk with chili—au contraire. Bacchus begs to differ! In January Bacchus participants enjoyed wine with both of the fabulous chilis concocted by member and prize-winning chili cook-off chef, Gene Robles. Both his Chili Verde and his Chili Colorado paired nicely with wines chosen carefully just for the occasion. Delightful! Thank you for your labor of love, Gene; it is much appreciated. Bacchus is all about exploring the Wide World of Wine through creative pairings and fun tastings, either here at Sunflower or at local venues. Good conversation and lots of laughs are guaranteed. We always have a terrific time, and in the process we The first day for ticket sales is Monday, February 9 from 1 to 3 p.m. If you want tickets to this fun event, you many want to be sure you go to the ticket sales desk on Monday, February 9. If the event is not sold out on Monday, we will sell the remaining tickets on Wednesday, February 11 from 1 to 3 p.m. The evening will begin with the social hour at 5:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. FEBRUARY LADIES LUNCHEON By Margaret Zeches We are going to Carrabba’s Italian Grill for our February 10th Ladies Luncheon. Happy hour will begin at 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at noon. They are opening the restaurant for us!! There is a choice of four entrees with coffee, tea or soft drinks, tax and gratuity included for $17.00. A cash bar is in effect: there will be regular pricing for wine and cocktails. Sign up at the front desk by February 8th. Exact change only please. There is no limit to the number of guests so join us for a fun and delectable event. See you there. Ciao! Page 11 ROMEO* News *Aka: Retired Old Men Eating Out By Dave Glicksman Our Epicurean Tour continues as we celebrate The Chinese New Year (4713) which will start on February 19th. It is the ‘Year of the Sheep!! We will mark Chinese New Year on Tuesday, February 10th. We’ll carpool from the Village Center at 11:15 a.m. to keep our 11:45 a.m. lunch reservation at Cheng’s New Beijing Chinese Restaurant at 7705 N. Oracle Rd. Not a buffet, but the lunch specials include soup, appetizers, rice and the entrée. Men of Sunflower: You are cordially invited to join us for good food and friendly conversation and help us celebrate Chinese New Year. There are no age, height or weight requirements. We get separate checks and best of all, there are no dues. So we may give Cheng’s New Beijing an accurate count, sign up at the Village Center by noon, Monday, February 9th. KOMEDY KORNER From the ROMEOs At lunch, one of the ROMEO’s started laughing. We asked him what so funny. He told us that he turns 80 this week and he was thinking of when his father turned 80 in 1984. He was laughing because he remembered that his father got really excited when he started reading a magazine article entitled, “Sex in the 80s” until he realized it wasn’t referring to the age but the decade. SATURDAY MORNING COFFEE By Sam Florek Your hosts this month are Gene and Irene Wittmann. We really appreciate our dedicated volunteers. Most people know the Wittmanns since they are long term community volunteers. In addition to volunteering in our community, Irene also volunteers at Northwest Hospital. Thanks again Gene and Irene for everything you do. January was an interesting month—Helen and Don Crandall and Elke Armoni were your hosts for the first two weeks. The third week your hosts were Jerry Keehn and Jean Kelly. As this article is being prepared for the February Sun Catcher, we understand that Jerry Keehn will cover the last two weeks of the month. I’m pretty sure some other people who attend the coffee will help out. Thanks to our January volunteers. Page 12 Jean Kelly has offered to host April but she would enjoy having a co-host. Yes, we are still looking for volunteers for March. Perhaps we should have a lottery and when you come to coffee, you draw a piece of paper out of a hat which will give you a month to host. We would love some creative ideas for finding hosts for this event every month. We always invite new residents to attend Saturday morning coffee. Perhaps when a new person moves in on your block, you could invite them and bring them to a coffee. It is very casual and fun to share information and tell funny stories. You can look at it as a great way to end a week or as a positive start to the next week. MICHIGANDERS GET-TOGETHER By Sue Horsfall It’s time to get together again, meet newcomers, and share stories and memories about our time in Michigan. I think about Mackinac Island, Hartwick Pines State Park and the logging industry that lead to it, the Traverse City Symphony and shopping in TC, Camp Grayling and Lake Margrethe, the Crawford County Historical Museum, and of course the Grayling Canoe Race (Grayling to Oscoda). What do you think about? Join the rest of us and share your best (or worst) memories. Date: Sunday, February 22nd Time: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Place: Fiesta Room Who: Michiganders and Friends Bring: An appetizer or dessert (finger food please) to share and your beverage of choice Donation: $1.00 per person at the door Sign-up: At the front desk, from now ‘til then. If you forget, come anyway. If you have questions or suggestions, you can call Sue or Frank Horsfall, or Ruth or Bob Bolthouse, hosts for this event. MARCH POT LUCK: THE LUCK OF THE IRISH By Marijke Augusteijn Please help us celebrate St. Patrick's Day with a "Traditional Potluck." Please honor this special day by wearing something green. Date: Thursday, March 12, 2015 starting at 5:30 p.m. Hosted by: Marijke Augusteijn, Billy Swartz, Jan Durst, & Charlotte Schroeder Ticket Sales: Wednesday, February 25, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Monday, March 2, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Tickets are $2 per person with a limit of four if you are bringing a vegetable, salad, or dessert. However, if you are bringing a main dish with meat, you will receive two free tickets. Please keep in mind that your dish should be sufficient to feed 8 to 10 people. We will provide lemonade and water and you are free to bring anything else you would like to drink. Also, remember to bring your own plate and utensils. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND By Gretchen Hagemeier The Montana / North Dakota Party was so much fun last year that it will be happening again. Date: Sunday, March 1st Time: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Where: Fiesta Room Bring: An appetizer or dessert to share and your own beverage. Water, plates and napkins will be provided. Many people have vacationed, driven through, gone to school or lived for a time in North Dakota or Montana. This makes you eligible to attend this fun party. If you have friends or company bring them too. We will tell North Dakota / Montana jokes, discuss the winter weather there and congratulate ourselves on being in Arizona. We'll play games and eat some fantastic food! Put it on your calendar! CARDS & GAMES BILLIARDS TOURNAMENTS By Jim Damato We invite all residents to play. If you have not played pool before or maybe not for a while, come on down and we will get you started. The matches are held every Tuesday and Friday starting at 1:30, but most players show up early to play a warm up game or two. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Damato 7447031. LADIES BILLIARDS By Julie Agozzino "CHIX with STIX”, our Sunflower Ladies Billiards group, meets on Thursdays in the billiards room from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. No sign up, just show up for great fun. Ladies are welcome to use the billiards room to “perfect your techniques” any time that the room is available. SUNFLOWER 500 CARD CLUB By Carol Erhardt The 500 Card Club invites you to join us playing a fun game every Thursday morning. We welcome new members and look forward to meeting you. Where: The Village Center When: 9:00 a.m. Thursday – in the Library Why: To enjoy a morning with a fun group (we have a 25 cent per person donation which goes toward our jackpots). We are still willing to teach anyone who would like to learn the game. Call and we will set up a time to teach. Any Questions? Call: Carol Erhardt at 579-0912. BOCCE By Audree Anderson Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 1:00 p.m. you are invited to join the Sunflower Bocce games. We would love to have you come out and join in the fun. Everyone is welcome and no prior experience is necessary. Join us on a sunny afternoon and try it out. You can learn to play the game in one afternoon. If you decide you want to join our club, dues are only $5.00 a year. Any questions please call me at (360)774- 6038 See the March Sun Catcher for Senior Olympic Bocce results. Questions: Gretchen Hagemeier 744-4868 Becky Bockwoldt 701-361-8727 Page 13 BOWLING NEWS By Michele Meier MAH JONGG By Mary Laurie Another great year of bowling has passed. We had our annual banquet on January 9. Thanks to all those who worked behind the scenes to make the banquet a success. Special thanks to our committee: Linda Ottley, John Hoover, Keith Leikel and Bob Sergisson for their dedication throughout the year. We know it’s hard work but they make it look effortless. We play on Friday mornings at the center from 9:00 to 11:30. Everyone is welcome. Bring your set and your 2015 card. If you are interested in learning, call Mary Laurie Siebert 744-3176 or Shirley Lambert 744 -6575. They will make a date with you to learn the basics so that you can join the fun. Not ready to make a commitment? Come watch, we will show you how it’s done. If the bowling team had their own cover page, our “Person of the Year" would be Bob Sergisson who bowled two 300 games this year with a career high of fourteen 300 games. Yes, you read that right. Congratulations to Bob! Come join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. for some fun card games!! If you have a favorite card game or board game, come on down---we’re open to new games… We don’t play on Bingo Tuesday. At the banquet, First Place awards were given for high average to Linda Ottley (164) and Bob Sergisson (219); High Series to Janet Sergisson (545) and George Massman (700); High Game to Irene Harvey (209) and Chuck Glen (266); Most Improved to Don Meier and Michele Meier. There were many others but too many to mention here. On the day of the banquet we had some good games from Faythe Mattern 204, Julie McBirnie 170, Bert Poi 213, Bob Swanson 201, Rick Wisniewski 201. We always have room for new bowlers so if you haven’t bowled for a few years, don’t be shy. We have bowlers at all skill levels. It’s an open bowling/ no teams concept. No pressure, just fun. We bowl Friday afternoons at Fiesta Lanes. Please come by 12:30 p.m. for a 1:00 p.m. start. Call Irene Harvey (579-0139) with questions. CARDS AND GAMES By Margaret O’Connell MEN’S NINE HOLE GOLF GROUP By Bob Pelley The Men’s Nine Hole Golf group will play the Quarry Pines golf course on Wednesday afternoons. We play the front nine at 1:30 p.m. If you would like to join us, please sign up in the golf notebook located in the hallway just before you enter the fitness room. For further information, contact Bob Pelley at 5796766. LADIES NINE HOLE GOLF The Desert Ladies Nine Hole Golf Group will meet at 1:30 p.m. tee time. All lady golfers are welcome regardless of your expertise. You will find that it is an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon at the beautiful Quarry Pines. Bring a friend. Sign up at the Center in the book by the fitness room before Monday of the week that you want to play. EUCHRE By Bill Mattern PING PONG GROUP By Buzz Hoffmann Enjoy a fast, fun card game? Play euchre with us. We're always looking for new players. Forgot how to play or haven't played in a long time? Not to worry. "It's like riding a bike." It'll come back to you in no time. We play every Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please call Bill Mattern at 395-0096 or better yet, sign up in the blue notebook in the hall by the Fitness Center. Then we know how many tables to set up. Hope to see you! We would love to have new players join us for ping pong on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons. All playing levels, including beginners, are welcome for a fun time of ego-free and oftentimes aerobic ping pong. We have known for years that working crossword puzzles and listening to Mozart are good for the brain. Ping pong (table tennis) may well be the world’s best brain sport. Our playing times may vary so check the Fitness schedule in the Sun Catcher. COME ON OUT! Page 14 SUNFLOWER MEN’S GOLF CLUB By Bruce Berg PINOCHLE By Harlan Quinn The Sunflower Men’s Golf Club Net Championship Tourney is well underway with one of the six final scoring opportunities left. The club plays 2 events at three courses and the contestants use the lowest net of each for score standing. The golf club has enjoyed a very good participation rate with over half the members in the running. Starting in February, the club will begin its 17th annual match play championship tournament wherein contestants will be flighted according to their current handicaps (4 flights) with match play elimination to determine the champions. The past winners of this event (and the net champions) are memorialized on a beautifully handcrafted trophy in the glass case of the Billiards Room. The scheduling committee of the club will shortly begin its course scheduling for the period March through August. The club would be happy with anyone who has a little extra time to help call some courses to arrange some of our events. If you like to play single deck pinochle, join us from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons in the Library (Sombrero Peak Lounge). There is no cost and no reservations are needed, just show up. We play partners and/or three-handed pinochle depending on the number of players present. For information call one of the contacts listed in the back of the Sun Catcher. The club continues to play 18 hole events twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. We’re always looking to add to our membership and hope that you will consider us if you enjoy playing once or twice per week at courses scheduled six months in advance. We like to play by the rules, which our members find authenticates golf as a sport, game and exercise! FUN POKER AND TOURNAMENTS By Carol Erhardt For those of you who have not had the pleasure of joining us for an afternoon of fun poker, we play every Tuesday and Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Library. The Old West may have had their legends with Wild Bill Hickok, Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp and others, but we too have our legends and enjoy the camaraderie of being together. Our club membership is $5.00/year which is due the first of the year. First time players will not be asked to pay that for playing their first game. However, if you wish to join us on a regular basis, then becoming a member is necessary. See our site and venues at the link below. www.azgolf.golffusion.com/sunflowergolfclub This year, we are going to have an ice cream social sometime in the Fall with 2 prizes of $25 each. The names of all of the players will be put into a basket and 2 will be drawn. SUNFLOWER PICKLEBALL CLUB By Hulett Wyckoff As they use to say in the Old West....happy trails to you until we meet again! We are excited to introduce that we're now going to have 4 different Pickleball groups; Advanced, Intermediate, Gentle Play (a slow, soft style) and Beginners. Beginners will have an instructor. We'll have the schedules for each of these groups posted at court #3 and in the Sunflower Communicator. Please feel welcome to come and watch pickleball. Maybe even think about playing. Badminton is also a new consideration moving forward for our sports courts. I can't wait to play badminton! How about you? TRIVAL PURSUIT By Paula Wanted: people who enjoy interacting with others to get together to share their knowledge of sports, movies, science, literature, history, geography, and just general information. We meet in an informal and non-threatening team format and need more residents to participate. A notice is posted on the glass-enclosed board by the computer room but we meet twice a month, usually the first and third Thursdays at 6 p.m. Please check the Sun Catcher calendar as previously scheduled events can change our meeting dates. Come join us for some fun and meet new friends! Page 15 ACTIVITIES & CLUBS CASINO CLUB Margaret O’Connell Our next trip will be to Harrah’s Ak-Chin in Maricopa on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. Cost is $2 (which includes driver tip and game on the bus.) They will give us $10 in slot play and $3 discount at the buffet with your player’s club card. Bingo players---sorry no Bingo there on Tuesday. If you’ve never been to any Harrah’s before, you will receive $20 in slot play and a free buffet. We do need a minimum of 45 people to make this happen. Always bring your ID card (in case you win over $1000—or you forget your player’s card). It’s important to use the slot card so the casino can see that we use the comps they give us and continue to provide the bus transportation. **If you have signed up for a casino trip and later find you can’t go, please remember to let the people at the front desk know as soon as possible so we can accommodate people on the waiting list. Hope to see you on the bus by 9:30 on the 17th. SUNFLOWER ART CLUB By Barbara Strempek The Sunflower Art Club meets on Wednesdays in the Craft Room from 9 a.m. until noon. You can come and go any time you want. There is no instructor. We are a group of artists who enjoy painting together and helping each other. Bring whatever medium you prefer. We have plastic sheets available to cover the tables. The members range from beginning to experienced artists. Usually, one of the members is in the room at 9 a.m. If not, go ahead and start painting. Need more information...call me 572-1906. DISCUSSION GROUP By Michael T. Hertz Discussion Meetings: February 10 and 24, 2015, 7-9 p.m. Meeting Place: Sunflower Village Center, Craft Room Our group is for anyone interested in thought provoking, intellectual and stimulating conversation. The hope is to meet in a group of around 8 members to discuss a wide range of topics. We're planning on setting the topic at the end of each meeting. We'll announce the topic in the emailed Communicator. Each member can submit questions anonymously for discussion. Questions can be serious or light and can include current events, politics, personal growth, health and nutrition, science, world ideas, and anything else that is on our members' minds. (For example: “Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of [you fill in the word]?” “Should our society be more open to [you fill in the word]?”) The group philosophy is inclusiveness in a friendly and safe environment. Be always willing to listen and learn respectfully to what others say and be open to presenting new ideas. To give everyone an opportunity to speak to the topic on hand, we'll first go around the room to give everyone who wants to a chance to say something before opening to general discussion. We encourage general participation. Please RSVP at [email protected] (Tel. 3288461) to Michael Hertz. If you have questions, I'll be happy to try to answer them. If you are looking to meet like-minded intellectually stimulating thought provoking people, join us! We're the fun people. INNOVATIVE DANCE By Phyllis Bowcott and Barbara Bell Taylor Phyllis and Barbara have paired up again for a new year of innovative dance and creative exercise. Barbara teaches on Mondays and Fridays. Come and join us for a healthy and fun experience and good companionship with others who love to dance! Page 16 SUNFLOWER FITNESS CLUB By Marijke Augusteijn LINE DANCING By Phyllis Bowcott We got off to a great start this year. Our snowbirds are back and we have welcomed many new members in our classes but there is still room for many more. Our Water Aerobics class remains popular and even in the very cold temperatures that we experienced around the New Year, our hardy members were in the pool and exercising with Robin. On January 23, Violet taught us how to save ourselves in case we fall and find ourselves alone at home. Howdy Partners! Ready for some Line Dancing? Join us on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. in the Fiesta Room and enjoy the music and dancing. We offer four classes taught by certified instructors. In order to take any of these classes you need your Fitness Club membership card ($15 at the front desk) and a punch card ($22 for 20 punches). Exact change or check only please. Participation in each class takes one punch, but you can try each class twice for free. Our class schedule is as follows: Fun & Fit with Violet: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Tues/Thurs Combination of low impact dance exercise to music, plus pilates, and yoga moves. Chi Kung with Violet: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Tues/Thurs Heal and strengthen internal organs and increase circulation Stretch and Tone with Violet: 10:30 - 11:30 a. m. Tues/Thurs Build and tone muscles and increase flexibility Water Aerobics with Robin: 9:00 - 10:00 a. m. Mon/Weds/Fri Strengthen and tone muscles through water resistance exercises FAMILY HISTORY WORKSHOP By Kristin Delpane “Capturing Your Family Stories.” A monthly no-fee workshop led by resident author-personal historian Kristin Delaplane. Individual help on organizing your family history material for a manuscript or book. Topics cover crafting your memoirs, oral history recordings, tips to organizing and saving photographs, best presentations for your genealogy materials, and options for printing/publishing. We usually meet the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Craft Room. Get ready to stomp your heels and wiggle your toes to some great music. No sign up necessary and please do come. GREAT FUN is included! Questions? Call 572-1876 CRAFT CLUB By Adele Suomela January 5th was our annual meeting and officers are President Lynn Haye, Vice President Dawn Calkins, Secretary Adele Suomela, Treasurer Jeanne Collins and Project Coordinator Linda Weber. The potato bead necklaces were so popular last year that we repeated the craft; they look like real stones. Cards by Ann completed our January projects. Joins us for faux stained glass on February 2nd and 9th, a decoupage plate on Febuary 16th and bow making on February 23rd. We always welcome visitors and will provide assistance for any craft project and lots of fun too. Our group meets every Monday at 10:00 a.m. in the Craft Room. If you wish to join us, the annual fee is $5.00. SUNFLOWER DEMOCRATS AND FRIENDS By Paula Singervalt It's already 2015! Our January 22 meeting at the Urgent Care Center was attended by many. We discussed the future of our group. We had a great discussion among our members. Thanks to all that attended the meeting. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 26 at the Urgent Care Center on Silverbell Road at 3:00 p.m. As a reminder, please park in the lot behind the building. The entrance is in the rear of the building. I hope to see many of my neighbors at our February meeting. Page 17 GENEALOGY VIDEO YOUR FAMILY STORIES By Kristin Delaplane Steve Pender of Family Legacy Video will hold you spellbound with his presentation. Don’t miss this opportunity to see what you can do in video with your family stories. You will be amazed and entertained. Steve is a personal historian and video biographer. He left the corporate world in 2003 to pursue his passion helping families celebrate their stories and history in video. A video professional with over 35 years experience, he has garnered numerous awards for writing, editing, producing and directing. The meeting is Tuesday, February 17 starting at 2 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. Available to members: Need help finding your ancestors? Every Monday our work group meets in the Fitness Conference Room from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Membership dues are only $15 per family for the year. SUNFLOWER NEEDLEWORKERS By Dawn Calkins We meet every Monday afternoon from 1:00-3:00 and Wednesday mornings from 9:00-11:00 in the Sunflower Village Center. We meet from October through May, but if there are enough members here who want to keep meeting during the summer, we will. Membership is available to Sunflower Community Association members in good standing. Annual dues are $5.00 if residents are not a member of the Arts and Crafts group. If a member of the Arts and Crafts group, there is no further monetary requirement. ALL ABOARD FOR A FASCINATING PROGRAM! by Anne Lowe The Nibblers and Noshers group thanks you all for the wonderful turn-out for the Gatekeepers Concert on December 16th. It was also lovely to see so many of you at the Jewish Federation/Tucson International Jewish Film Festival in SaddleBrooke on January 11, 2015. We have another program coming up on Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 2 p.m., in the Fiesta Room. Sunflower resident Stewart Milstein will give a power Page 18 point presentation entitled: “Maritime Aspects of the Holocaust- Escaping from the Holocaust by Sea, as Documented by Postage Stamps and Philatelic Items.” This program was prepared by Phil Shreiber of New Jersey and he has given Stewart permission to present it to us. Naturally, everyone is welcome! Refreshments, too! SUNFLOWER HIKING CLUB By Marti Wyckoff Hike leaders send out an email a few days before each hike with information about the hike, meeting time at the Center and driver donation amount. Please call the hike leader with any questions. To be added to Sunflower's Hiking email list, send an email to [email protected] to make this request. The following is the link to the season's schedule and the photo albums. http://www.sunflowerliving.com/ yearly/clubs_2009/sunflower_hiking.pdf February 2015 Hiking Schedule: Tuesday Feb 3rd: ROBLES PASS (Tiny's Afterward), 4.0 miles, EASY+. Hike Leader: Roger Rainbolt 638-7166 Friday Feb 6th: BABAD DO'AG (Catalinas), 4.0 miles, MODERATE +. Hike Leader: Melba Cope 744-5095 Tuesday Feb 10th: CACTUS FOREST (SNP-East), 6.0 miles, EASY+. Hike Leader: Melba Cope 744-5095 Friday Feb 13th: RIDGELINE (Tortolitas), 10 miles, DIFFICULT. Hike Leader: Phil Hoffmann 260-3002 Tuesday Feb 17th: PIMA CANYON (First Dam), 6.4 miles, MODERATE. Hike Leaders: Nancy Peek 505-6776 Friday Feb 20th: 50 YEAR TRAIL – CATALINA STATE PARK, 5.6 miles EASY. Hike Leader: Becky Baccus 313-330-2446 Tuesday Feb 24th: TUNNEL SPRINGS LOOP (Santa Ritas), 11.4 miles DIFFICULT. Hike Leader: Melba Cope 744-5095 Friday Feb 27th: SWEETWATER PRESERVE, 5.0 miles, EASY+. Hike Leader: Becky Baccus 313-330-2446 SEE YOU ON THE TRAIL!! :-) PHOTO CLUB By Bruce Balay SINGLES AND FRIENDS By Ellen Bowlby The photo club will be meeting Tuesday, February 10th at 10 a.m. in the Craft Room of the Village Center. Our ‘show and tell’ for the meeting will be photos of objects demonstrating the use of parallel lines or any photos showing geometrical applications. If any time remains (and there always is), mini-slide shows of your trips or outings are always appreciated. We will use the overhead TV in the Craft Room, so bring those slide shows on a flash drive. Come join in the fun that Betty Dunaway and her committee have planned for the event on February 21. It will be a celebration of the “60s” and includes a music trivia game with Marty Freese. Plan to wear your best 60s costume. The dinner will be a potluck with the main dish provided by the Singles and Friends. At the time you purchase your ticket for $2.00, you will sign up to bring a vegetable, salad or dessert. Tickets will be sold Tuesday, February 3, Thursday, February 5, Tuesday, February 10 and Thursday, February12 and the hours will be 1 to 3 p.m. all four days. This is a different time than you are used to so please make a note of this. After February 12 if you are interested in buying a ticket, you may call Betty Dunaway 575-9224 or Sandi Maynard 561-6080 to see if any tickets are available. Oh, by the way, please bring your choice of beverage to wash down any Valentine goodies that may be present. SUNFLOWER QUILTERS By Carolyn LaPotin Our first meeting in February will be a business meeting and Valentine social on Thursday February 5th. Plans and a sign-up sheet will be coming from the Social Committee soon. Be sure to attend…..you don’t want to miss this fun day. Community quilt sessions will be the 6th, 12th, 13th, and 26th. Please bring fabric strips (2 ½” by the width of the fabric or whatever you have) to mix and match with others. Can’t wait to see what our newest creations will be. On the 19th, we will have a class and/or work together day as we continue to create our various Quilted Treasures for the show and sale on March 28th. No doubt the highlight of the month will be our shop hop on February 20th. We will carpool from the Center and most likely have to stop for lunch somewhere. Shopping tends to make you very hungry! All residents are welcome and encouraged to check out what we are doing or better yet….join us! Prospective and new members are welcome each Thursday or Friday morning from 9:00-noon at the Center. If you don’t have a sewing machine, we have two that are available for you to use at the Center during our quilting sessions. If you have even a basic machine, bring it along. Come and join the fun! The radio show of The Case of the Great Jewel Robberies was fun to do and the audience had a good time trying to solve the case before the detective did. We had a great membership drive in January. The club now has continuing members and quite a few new members. We are looking forward to a new year with lots of participation. SUNBIRD CAMPERS/RV CLUB By Joe Yearous I would like to take this opportunity to again invite and encourage any Sunflower community resident interested in camping or RV travel to consider joining our friendly club membership. Remember, you do not have to own an RV, trailer, truck camper, or even a tent, just have an interest in events that involve camping or RVing and enjoy casual interacting with friends that share those interests. Come to our next business meeting on February 6th at 10:30 (the first Friday of each month) at the Village Center or join us for one of the monthly social gatherings at a member’s home. Contact me if you would like more specific information. Telephone—520-744-9030 or email to [email protected] . We have a group type gathering at Patagonia Lake State Park planned for March 16th to the 21st. Information on the park is available and reservations must be made on an individual basis. Continued next page. Page 19 The information can be easily accessed by going to our club website http://www.sunbirdcampers.org for park details, contact numbers, etc. Also, don’t forget that some of our members will be attending the Camping World/Good Sam Rally in Phoenix February 26th –March 1st. Some will be attending for just a day trip and others will be staying there. Be sure to remember that special someone in your life and have a Happy Valentine’s Day! character, as revealed by his life and writings. All are welcome to come and talk about this well-written study of a fascinating man. SUNFLOWER TRAVEL CLUB By Frances Gauthier The SF Travel Club Sales Desk will be open on Wednesday February 4th and Wednesday February 18th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. SUNFLOWER TECHNOLOGY CLUB By Anita Howard Increasingly, residents are coming to the Center with laptops, tablets and phones to use Wi-Fi. You need to know the options with the available Wi-Fi. There is an information sheet at the Front Desk, with postings around the Center as well. The Sunflower Association hosts a Wi-Fi which shows up as simply “Sunflower”. They also host the “SF Fitness” for use in the Fitness room. You can get the password for both of these at the Front Desk. Once you have signed up and added the password to your device, you will connect to the Wi-Fi automatically when you come in the door with your equipment. The Sunflower network works best in the Fiesta Room and Library. It does not work well in the Craft Room or lounge area. The Sunflower Fitness works best in the Fitness Room or Conference Room The Tech Club offers Wi-Fi as a benefit of membership in the Tech Cub. It shows up as “Tech Club”. It is strong in the Lab, Craft Room, Fitness Room and the Pool Area. It is also the best one for the lounge area behind the Front Desk. An added bonus is that Tech Club members can print from their devices directly to a color laser printer housed in the lab. The Tech Club strives to meet the technology needs of all Sunflower Residents. If you haven’t joined the Tech Club, you can sign up at the Front Desk. READERS' CLUB NEWS By Elizabeth Gunn The Sunflower Readers' Club will meet as usual at 7:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday, February 3, in the Village Center. We will discuss "American Sphinx," by Joseph Ellis. Not a full-scale autobiography but an investigation of Jefferson's Page 20 We will be continuing sales for the March 14th Boyce Thompson Arboretum trip that is in conjunction with The Vintage Gardeners if seats are still available. This is an All Day trip – pack your own lunch. $38 per person. If we have enough people signed up for the Williams Train / Grand Canyon trip on April 24th through April 27th, ALL MONEY MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY MARCH 18TH. We will let you know via The Communicator if the trip is still on. Reminders for February trips: The King and I – Feb 7th. Bus leaves at 9:30 a.m. and we should be back around 7:00 p.m. Proper theatre attire please. Arabian Horse Show – Feb 20th. Bus leaves at 8:30 and we should be back around 5:30 p.m. WANTED: New Officers and Members at Large. Find out how the Board works - help out with planning - have fun suggesting new trips! Board position is for two years with summers off. We will be taking applications / volunteers and voting on our new 2015-2016 Board at the April 7th members meeting. Duties of each officer will be posted in the SFTC Bulletin Board for review. Any questions contact Nancy Hrigora: 810-923-4117 VETERANS By Dick Teugh Our January meeting on the 7th consisted of an election and a “Change in Command” ceremony. Frank Horsfall passed on the Presidential Gavel to Wes Durst and our new V. P. is Billie Swartz who will preside over the summer meeting for our “snow bird chief.” Dawn Calkins and Don Seymour were unanimously re-elected as Secretary & Treasurer respectively. Dick II was relegated to the new position of program chairman. We must meet to carpool at 9:30 a.m. from the Village Center for the field trip as there is limited parking around the garden which is in the Picture Rocks area. Sign up at the Village Center main desk by February 5 if you wish to carpool and indicate if you would be willing to drive. If you are a passenger, remember to “tip” your driver a few dollars for gas. DON'T FORGET to sign up by February 21 to join us on the Vintage Gardeners/Travel Club sponsored trip to Boyce Arboretum on Saturday, March 14. Boyce is the largest arboretum in Arizona and west of the Mississippi. Cost is $38. Our scheduled January program will be presented during our February meeting on Wednesday the 4th at 9:30 a.m. Stew Milstein had a family situation which precluded January. HEALTH & SAFETY Our annual Sunflower embroidered shirts, hats, and jacket sales continued in January and will be held again on Saturday February 7th at 9:00 a.m. after the Coffee Klatch. AA FOR CONTINENTAL RANCH The 9/11 Group of AA meets every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. at Lord of Grace Church at 7250 N. Cortaro Road in the Fellowship Hall For more information, call Helen V. at 572-9691 or Bob K. at 579-1018 To close, Jack Battaglia & Don Seymour reported 77 boxes were shipped to our overseas military this year with an astounding total of more than 2,500 pounds since inception of the project – Thanks Sunflower! AL-ANON MEETING, Silverbell Serenity Group meets Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. at Lord of Grace, 7250 N. Cortaro Road in the Fellowship Hall. For more information call Angie at 579-1574 or Diane at 572-6977 VINTAGE GARDENERS By Jan Leth Ouch!! Ooooh! Aaargh!! Are you ready for a prickly good field trip? If so, mark Monday, February 9 on your calendars and be prepared for THORNY SUBJECTS at Jeffery Moore's garden of Arid Adaptations. The Vintage Gardeners' Club members will travel by carpool to tour Moore's large and extensive nursery of cacti and succulents. We in the Southwest know that these plant groups use very little water. They are excellent choices for native, nocare gardens. Succulents are great picks, not only for your landscapes, but also for planting in patio pots. . ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT GROUP The Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Group meets twice monthly: Second Wednesday 10:30-11:30 a.m. at Continental Reserve Urgent Care 8333 N. Silverbell Road - Meeting Room. Fourth Monday 10:00-11:30 a.m. at Marana Health Center - 13395 N. Marana Main St. - Community Room A. Support groups provide a forum to share feelings, concerns, information and serve as a way of supporting and encouraging each other. For information or questions, please call 520-322-6601. Mr. Moore will be answering our questions about his plants and giving us a tour of his nursery. He will also have plants for sale. Soooo..bring some “jingle” in your pockets and come to learn about the extensive selections of arid adaptive plants. Page 21 PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP The Parkinson’s Support Group meets at 10:30 a.m. the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Village Center. The phone number for this service is 331-5520. Please allow 4 days notice to locate an available volunteer. We are not normally available to take you shopping or run errands. We share ideas and experiences, arrange for some physical therapy sessions or speakers, socialize and find other ways to support each other. If you have an emergency, remember to call 911 or a taxi to get you to the hospital or doctor. ARE YOU A SURVIVOR? By Nicole Bolt A reliable ride is a top need for some in our community. We are hoping to sign up more volunteers willing to give their time to help someone get to their appointment. You can help a friend stay connected and independent. We encourage anyone interested in finding out more about this positive, supportive group, SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORS, to become a part of this network of volunteers. Reach out to your community by joining now, you are needed. We all know someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Many of us have been touched more personally by receiving the diagnosis ourselves. Whether a person is currently in treatment, a survivor of a few months or many years, we share common issues, fears, sorrows, joys and insights. We return to our daily lives with an appreciation for survival but find a sense of shared comfort, hope and sisterhood when we meet someone who has been through the same experience. I am one of those survivors who live here in Sunflower and have led the Sunflower Breast Cancer Support Group for the past 10 years. My background is in the medical field. We are women who have survived for as little as a few months up through 22 years. Some visit us to obtain support while others serve to provide support. We are all part of a sisterhood of survivors. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the privacy of my home. P lease call Nicole at 572-3798 if you are interested. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS BY THE MARANA HEALTH CENTER Second Tuesday of each Month 9:00 a.m.—noon Village Center Lobby SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORS By Cloice Schwyn Sunflower Neighbors is a group of volunteers living in Sunflower who donate their time, transportation and understanding to those in need. A volunteer will provide a ride to a doctor, dentist or other necessary appointments when you are unable to drive yourself. Page 22 GROWING STRONGER By Marlene Spencer Tuft University research shows that a program of strength training not only improved bone density, but also reduced falls and improved arthritis symptoms. Balance, coordination, flexibility and endurance are also improved. This program is based on that research and instructors must be certified. Our program takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Please check your Sun Catcher calendar for dates and times. There is no fee. If you have any questions, please call Marlene at 5722554. SIGN UP FOR THE SUNFLOWER COMMUNICATOR ! By Melissa Low Sunflower has an excellent means of communicating with residents. The Sunflower Communicator is an electronic newsletter that is sent to your email address. The newsletter does not take the place of the Sun Catcher but it is used to notify residents of changes in schedules, progress on projects, corrections to past communication or any other item of interest to the community. To subscribe, just email [email protected]. Include your lot number and your first and last name and you will be added to the list. Every issue of the Communicator will contain information on how to subscribe and how to unsubscribe should you decide you no longer want to receive it. COMMUNITY NEWS PIMA PUBLIC LIBRARY - BOOKMOBILE The bookmobile visits our Village Center on the third Saturday of the month. They set up in the Village Center circle. Saturday, February 21 from 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE ABBETT LIBRARY? By Sharon Fuller FEBRUARY SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE WHEELER TAFT ABBETT SR. LIBRARY: FREE Tai Chi Program: Monday, February 2 at 10 a.m. U of A Museum of Art Lecture Series: Wednesday, February 11 at 2 p.m. – The Art of Watercolor AARP Tax Aide Program: Thursdays in February beginning February 5. See separate article. SENIOR MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES –Play on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the Conference Room in the Kids’ Place from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Check it out! See the bulletin board by our Fitness Center for monthly library updates and calendar of events. If you have any questions, call the friendly library staff at 594-5200. The next BIG SALE presented by the Friends of the Pima County Public Library is Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. You can also buy bargain books all year long in the back of the library near the Kids’ Place to help support the FREE programs presented by the Pima County Library. AARP TAX-AIDE PROGRAM By Peter Taussig Again, the Abbott Library is going to be the AARP Tax-aide site closest to Sunflower for help in filing your 2014 income tax returns. This service is free. Tax counselors will be available from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Thursdays, starting on February 5, 2015. First come first served. When you first arrive, you will sign in and be given an Interview Form to complete. Please bring with you: Photo ID All relevant 2014 tax documents, i.e.,1099 div, 1099 int, Social Security info, etc, Your 2013 federal and state tax return, Social Security numbers for all persons listed on the return, and Your bank routing and account number (blank check or deposit slips) for direct deposit of refunds. You do not need to be accompanied by your spouse. If you are filing a joint return, however, you will need to get your spouse’s signature before we can e-file your return. If you are planning to itemize deductions, please summarize deductable expenses into their categories, i.e., medical expenses, state and property taxes, mortgage interest, gifts to charities, and misc. deductions. If you have sold stocks or mutual funds in 2014, bring your brokerage statements that include their date of sale and purchase, selling price and cost basis. Remember that Arizona personal property tax paid when you register an automobile is tax deductible. The personal property tax is itemized on your automobile registration receipt which you keep in your car. All tax counselors are well trained and eager to help you complete your required federal and state income tax returns. Page 23 THANKS FROM THE MARANA COMMUNITY FOOD BANK (MCFB) By Armand LaPotin and Hulett Wykoff We would like to extend our heartfelt “thanks” to the members of the Sunflower Community for their enormous generosity in providing donations of food and financial support to our neighbors in need during 2014. From January to December, YOU HAVE CONTRIBUTED $1,763 IN CASH DONATIONS and over a TON (2073 POUNDS!) OF CANS, DRIED FOODS and PRODUCE! Please remember that for EVERY DOLLAR donated to our food bank here in Marana, we are able to purchase NINE DOLLARS worth of food and provide FOUR MEALS to our Marana families in need. As some of you may know, estimates are that one in five children go to bed hungry in America, and the ratio is closer to one in three in the state of Arizona. Our Marana Community Food Bank continues to serve an increasing number of clients every month (10,000 at last count!). Kindly place your food contributions in the boxes as you enter the Village Center. Monetary contributions (Make checks out to MCFB) can be given to the ladies at the front desk. Donations are brought to the Marana Community Food Bank on a weekly basis. JUST A REMINDER: We will be holding an ‘EMPTY BOWLS’ LUNCHEON in the Fiesta Room on Saturday, February 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. For additional information contact: Armand at 572-2216 or [email protected]. God bless you all for your generosity. SOME UPCOMING EVENTS Dance Club with the Class of 59—Saturday, February 7 at 6:30 p.m. Nibblers and Noshers “Maritime Aspects of the Holocaust” Sunday, February 8 at 2 p.m. Bingo—Tuesday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m. Vintage Gardners trip to Arid Adaptions Monday, February 9 at 9:30 a.m. Board Meeting—Wednesday, February 11 at 10:00 a.m. February Potluck—Thursday, February 12—Social 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:00 p.m. MCFB Empty Bowl Luncheon Saturday, February 14, 11:00 a.m. Valentine Karaoke—Saturday, February 14 with Marty Freese Michigan Party—Sunday February, 22 at 1:00 p.m. Board Study Session—Wednesday, February 25 at 10:00 a.m Culinary Club Event— Ciao Baby—Italian Dinner, Saturday, February 28 at 5:30 p.m. MARCH Montana/N Dakota Party-- Sunday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m. March Potluck-Thursday, March 12-Social 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:00 p.m. Trish Hatley Quartet-Friday, March 13 at 4:00 p.m. Page 24 WE CAN HELP YOU! By Administrative Assistants The front desk provides many services for our residents. Listed below are some of those services and the fees that we charge. PHOTO COPIES BLACK & WHITE 8-1/2 X 11 COLOR 8-1/2 X 11 BLACK & WHITE Legal COLOR LARGE PAPER $ .15 $ .75 $ .40 $1.25 CHARTER CLUB COPIES BLACK & WHITE 8 ½ X 11 $ .10 FAXES (SEND OR RECEIVE) PER EACH PAGE $1.00 OUT OF COUNTRY FAXES FIRST PAGE SECOND PAGE $6.00 $4.00 LAMINATES $ 1.00 INTRODUCING KRIS HARRIS, OUR NEW FITNESS INSTRUCTOR Kris Harris has been personal training and teaching group exercise classes since 2006. She is certified through the Aerobic and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). Kris has also taught Mat Pilates for the past six years and focuses on developing core strength as well as improving balance in the clients that she trains. She is available on Tuesdays and Thursday's from 1:15 to 3:15 to provide complimentary instruction and advice on proper use of the equipment and machines in the Fitness Center. Kris is available to residents who wish to have one-on-one personal training or want to develop a specific fitness plan. Kris can be contacted at 520-971-9355 to set up an appointment. SUNFLOWER MISSION STATEMENT, CORE VALUES & VISION MISSION STATEMENT: The Mission of Sunflower, an active adult community of 967 homes, is to be good stewards of common property and funds and to offer our residents a variety of opportunities to enrich their physical, cultural and social well being. CORE VALUES: The Core Values of Sunflower are: * Maintain the beautiful physical appearance of the community * Support a harmonious community * Respect the differences of all in the community * Nurture an environment that allows the enrichment of the lives of all in the community * Ensure the financial integrity of the association * Recognize and address the changing needs of the community VISION: To be a community that meets the needs of current and future residents FEBRUARY 9, 2015 RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY Do something nice for a loved one or a stranger! Cook dinner for a struggling neighbor, or pay for the car behind you in the drive-through. Visit randomactsofkindness.org for more ideas. Page 25 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 Bedroom, Master Bd (King), fully furnished 1.5 bath Utilities & Sat TV included Quiet Corner Lot Fenced, Shade & Citrus Trees, No smoking No Pets. For more info, email Fred: [email protected] GREAT SAN MARCOS HOUSE available April 1st 2015! 2015/2016 Snowbird Season still Available! 2 bdrm plus den & 2 bthrm: 1543sq ft, nicely furnished, 2 bikes,WI-Fi & utilities included .No pets & No smoking please. Gretchen (206)3876256 or [email protected] WANTED NEED A COMPUTER GUY? Service, Installation, Upgrades, Virus/Malware Removal, Internet, E-Mail, Networking, Wireless Rick Peterson, 520-205-2075 MyComputerGuyRick.com !!Sunflower Resident!! PLUMBER - 41+ years exp. - Sunflower Res. Reasonable, all plumbing. Al Avino 870-6141 RELAXING, HEALING MASSAGE. Hot stone, Reflexology, Reiki. Chillie R Shummon, LMT. Sunflower Res.(520) 579-7769 or (520) 3028644 (cell) Gift Certificate Available. RETIRED COUPLE SEEKS HOUSE TO RENT. January – March, 2016. Must be pet friendly. Call John at 618-304-3423. PLUMBER—If you have plumbing projects or problems call A. Plumber! I’ve been plumbing here since the beginning! Adam 401-3495 MOVING SALE TAILORING AND ALTERATIONS. Custom designed handbags. SF Resident Dottie Mowatt 579-8619 MOVING SALE, SATURDAY, 2/7 9am– 1pm 7515 W. SUNCATCHER DR. Reclining couch, chair, dining room table with 4 chairs, 52” LG Plasma TV, Entertainment unit, area rugs, Misc. household. Or call 579-4302 SERVICES PROFESSIONAL PET CARE in your Home. One on one attention for your pet. I’ll go the extra mile to ensure a safe and secure experience. Overnight care possible. Individual medical needs handled if necessary. Charge per visit, amazing rates. Available to do some light errands. Contact resident Noranita Arms (520) 579-3562 or [email protected] ALTERATIONS—For all your alterations call Diane @ 834-7186 Page 26 DOG GROOMING: One-on-one attention, discount prices, dogs up to 30 lbs only. Sunflower resident, call Shirley for appointment. 904-7478 GARAGE DOOR PROBLEMS? KEYPADS, REMOTES, Spring. Opener repair/ replacement, safety inspections and annual maintenance. Sunflower resident Mark Karwoski 30+ years Exp. 203-1948 SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS AND THEIR CONTACTS 500” CARD PLAYERS Carol Erhardt 579-0912 Mike Donahue 572-2250 DEMOCRATS AND FRIENDS Paula Singervalt 572-8383 Kathy Temple 579-0533 ART CLUB Barbara Strempek 572-1906 Pat Pion 339-6626 DINE OUT Ann Henson 744-2495 BACCHUS WINE Mary Laurie Siebert 744-3176 BASKET WEAVING WIZARDS Karen Donahue 572-2250 BILLIARDS Jim Damato 744-7031 Don Clark 579-2323 BOCCE Marty Rice 579-6451 BOOK CLUB Elizabeth Gunn 744-4875 BOWLING Irene Harvey 579-0139 BRIDGE: DUPLICATE Tom Silverness 572-2365 BRIDGE: LADIES Carolyn Hutt 419-6369 PINOCHLE Jim Damato 744-7031 Harlan Quinn 572-0355 FITNESS CLUB Sue Davis 444-5887 POTLUCK CLUB Gail Irvin 572-6931 FUN POKER Carol Erhardt 579-0912 QUILTING Carolyn La Potin 572-2216 GENEALOGY Mary Dietz 481-8894 ROMEO Dave Glicksman 579-2741 HIKING Melba Cope 744-5095 SHEEPSHEAD George Gasdaska 744-2277 HORSESHOES Irene Harvey 579-0139 INNOVATIVE DANCE Barbara Bell-Taylor 572-9091 Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 LINE & BALLROOM DANCING Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 BRIDGE: MENS Steve Burrows 419-5597 BRIDGE: MIXED Betty Stegmiller 572-3808 MARANA FOOD BANK LIAISON Marti Wyckoff 579-7171 CANASTA / HAND & FOOT Margaret O’Connell 572-1106 GOLF - Men Bruce Berg 744-4206 Mike Clapham 904-2499 CERT Dave Cobble 572-2474 CRAFTS Jeanne Collins 307-0383 CRIBBAGE Bruce Farrell 744-1776 CULINARY CLUB Carol Taylor 989-0961 Peggy Snyder 572-0700 DANCE GROUP Phyllis Bowcott 572-1876 PICKLEBALL Hulett Wyckoff 579-7171 Sharyn Fincher 665-8830 EUCHRE Bill Mattern 395-0096 MAH JONGG Mary Laurie Siebert 744-3176 Shirley Lambert 744-6575 CASINO TRIPS Margaret O’Connell 572-1106 PING PONG Buzz Hoffmann 572-4258 NINE HOLE GOLF - Men Bob Pelley 579-6766 NINE HOLE GOLF-Ladies Jackie Chappell 579-5793 NEEDLEWORKERS Dawn Calkins 744-4918 NIBBLERS & NOSHERS Barry & Debbie Gretsky 572-9309 Carrie Jacobi 744-7101 PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP Sarah Boroson 579-6852 PHOTO WORKSHOP Pat Keegstra 572-0889 SINGLES & FRIENDS Janice Wehausen 235-1758 SUNBIRD CAMPERS Joe Yearous 744-9030 SUNFLOWER CHORALE Dawn Calkins 744-4918 SUNFLOWER NEIGHBORS VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION 331-5520 TECHNOLOGY CLUB Anita Howard 404-1350 Tom Howlin 540-223-5509 TENNIS Don Sawyer 572-6790 Susan Page 742-1373 LADIES TENNIS Susan Page 742-1373 TRAVEL CLUB Nancy Hrigora 810-923-4117 VETERANS Wes Durst 402-416-6187 Billie Swartz 837-9223 VINTAGE GARDENERS Bill Leth 579-9361 WELCOME COMMITTEE Lynn Haye 572-6741 Liz Perry 215-805-1774 YOGA Barbara Strempek 572-1906 Rev. 2/15 Page 27 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS 3/5/2015 3/5/2015 Today 92% of all Home Buyers use the internet in searching for a home! For a Tech Savvy Realtor ® Who listens Mark “Duke” Schneider No one Listens better or works harder to sell your home! Call or email 520-990-1977 [email protected] All Sunflower residents Listing their home with me get a Home Warranty at My Cost (not to exceed $450.00, expires 12/31/14 “ I hired Duke Schneider to sell my Sunflower home because of his honesty and integrity. When you tell the Duke something he really listens and then delivers! He’s simply the best! -Hugh Rowley Former Sunflower Resident Professional Tree Trimming Specializing in Large Tree Removal Height Reduction Trimming Pruning Stump Grinding Includes Artistic Pruning and Thinning 20 Years of Experience Honest and Dependable Affordable Call us today at 520-551-1637 MARY ELLEN KERR Active Adult Specialist 520-869-5761 Direct Call me with ALL your real estate needs. Only fulltime Realtor currently listing and selling homes in Sunflower who has been a Homeowner/ Resident since March 1999.
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