2 NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Ttmday, Attggtj 4, 1959 Falls Man Sentenced To Attica 2 Falls Wills Maternity Is First Are Filed In Hdspital Cases .Maternity is the No. 1 reason for hospitalization on Don A. Corey, assistant director of the Cortland Me- For Probate the Niagara Frontier, it was disclosed today. Cortland Man Gets Hospital Post Here * morial Hospital since 1955, has become assistant director at the Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital. , GaxtHt Lockport Burtau Blue Crosslstatisticlans made LOCKPORT—The wills of a study of- reasons for hospiHe replaces Glenn V. Bailey, two Niagara Falls residents talization in Western New York who has joined the G r a n d .. Gazette Lockport Burtau have been field here after pro- hospitals during 1958. The surV i e w Hospital, Sellarsville, LOCKPORT — A Niagara Pa., as director. bate by County Judge and Sur- vey was made among Blue Falls man will serve five to Mr. Corey, a native of Harrogate Frank J. Kronenberg. Cross contract holders. six years in Attica State Pri- risville, received a bachelor Martin Varley, who died last Maternity, while first on the of science degree from Hartson as a second felony offen- wick March 24, left an estate valued list, accounted for only 12.9 College, Oneonta, and a nominally at $1,000. The figure per cent of the total days of der. He had been returned master of o science degree in will not exceed $4,000, the peti- care paid by the hospital and administration from here from Elmira Reforma- hospital medical protection program. tion for probate said. Columbia University in 1955. tory, w h e r e he had been He later joined Cortland MeTerms of the will, dated Second on the list of reasons Mhrch 1, 1951, provided that for hospitalization was heart serving time as a first offen- morial Hospital. the estate go to s e v e r a l disease (51,108 days of patient Mr. Coreyj who is married der after pleading guilty to and nephews and riieces of a broth- care). has two daughters, served er, Michael Varley, no address Following were diseases of taking part in a series of overseas in the Army medical given. The relatives reside in the liver; gall bladder and panservice during World War II, burglaries. Ne,w York City, England and creas, p n e u m o n i a , tumors, ; 9 stomach ailments, fractures of Charles Winters, 25, of 414 Ireland. Seventh St., Niagara Falls, was Leonie Kamm, 2801 Lewiston ANOTHER FIRST fROM NEW YORK'S resentenced Monday by acting Rd., Niagara Falls, a former FAMOUS ... Niagara County Judge Phillip director of the YWCA cafeteria, left an estate valued J.-Weiss to a five to six-year nominally at $10,000 when she term at the prison as a second died last April 3. feiony offender on two felony . PHILADELPHIA OB—City ofHer will, dated Sept 1, 1955, counts and one year at Erie ficials have invited Soviet PreD O N A. COREY named as beneficiaries three County Penitentiary on two mier Nikita S. Khrushchev to sisters, Gestelle Kamm and m i s d e m e a n o r counts. The come to Philadelphia during Grace M. Kamm, both of the Car Upset Fatal terms will run concurrently. his visit to the United States LITTLE FALLS (A — Mrs Lewiston Rd. address, and Winters had been indicted Grace Mongiilo, 26, of Derby, Mabel L. Kamm, of Roslindale, by!the January grand jury with next month. Mass. two others and charged with The formal invitation draft- Conn., died in a hospital Monthird-degree burglary and sec- ed by Mayor Richardson Dil- day of injuries suffered when ond-degree grand larceny and worth and City Representative an automobile overturned on COLOR-SUDt FANS petit larceny. The other defen- Frederic R. Mann, was for- the State Thruway Sunday. MOVlf-MAKERS: dants' cases have been dis- warded to Khrushchev directly. posed of. Commenting on the invitaw" It's • factl The Lexington'* the Winters, who pleaded guilty tion, Deputy City Representa- Every Funeral first major 500-room Naw York Wo Direct Must, City hotel to gWe you (ree TV in last February to a consolida- tive Abe S. Rosen said: every room. All rooms also have tion of two indictments, had "We are suggesting that, aft- Without "Fail, outside exposure, shower, tub, Uphold Our er the official amenities in been sent to Elmira Reformaradio. On smart East Side, tory as a first felony offender. Washington, Mr. Khrushchev Reputation for blocks from Grand Central, Serving Each He was returned here recently be taken to Philadelphia to see theatres. when the State Department of where this great country of Family at a Exttnsivtly air-conditioned Just lequest "Kodak Processing" when Prica tt Can Correction discovered he had onrs got its start. you bring in your Kofochrcme Films home of the famous Afford. be&n convicted previously of "We want the Russian leader H A W A I I A N ROOM attempted third-degree burg- not only to see the Liberty LEXINGTON AVE. at 48th ST. lary in Niagara County, mak- Beli and Independence Hall, NEW YORK 17.N.Y. PLAZA S-4400 ing him a second offender and but' also how the people of Set your local travel agent or write FUNERAL SCRVICI not eligible to be kept at the Philadelphia live and just to Promotion Dept. for Brochure aeo reformatory. what we did to improve the CHAPEL 1517 MAIN • BU 5-8170 625 PIN* at 7th STREET •MCIAL FAMILY PLAN. NO chars* for diUerta under 14 tharlng room with parent* The defendant, with Harold city." Guilliams, 26, of 2460 Grand Ave., and Donald Wahl, 23, of 1155 Cleveland Ave., both Niagara Falls, had been arrested in- connection with entries at bujsiness p l a c e s in Niagara Falls, Lockport and county rural areas early this year and in. late 1958.- Nikita Asked To Visit Philly Cornell & Daggett, Inc. Delaney & Thome the lower limbs, disorders of. the urinary system and cerebral vascular accidents. Altogether, the top 10 disqrders accounted for 45.9 per cent of all in-patient days of care paid for by Blue Cross. The other 54.1 per cent was distributed among a wide variety of conditions. . . . Goodrich built the first rubber factory in Akron, Ohio, in 1870. BUSINESS MEN Has your wife been asking you to do something about your dancing? 'Well, here's the answer—make her really happy by making a date to meet her at Arthur Murray's tomorrow during your lunch hour '. . . o r come in in the evening. It's economical for couples to take lessons together because there's no added charge for your wife. So take the step that will open a whole new world of fun for both of you, and it's, so easy the Arthur Murray way. Call for an appointment or just stop in. Visitors always welcome. Open 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Courses start at $21.75. ARTHUR MURRAY 217 FALLS ST. BU 4-0435 Open 10 A . M . to 10 P.M. Saturday 10 to 6 P.M. Get satisfying flavor. 111 2 Years, Resident Dies UP Samuel Johnson, 74, of 765 Park PL, a retired supermarket meat department manager, died Monday (Aug. 3, 1959). Mr. Johnson had been in ill health for the last two years. A native of Niagara Falls, Orit, Mr. Johnson made his home in this city for the last 40 years. Prior to his retirement 10 years ago, Mr. Johnson was the meat department manager of the Danahy-Faxon Market in 18th St. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lola Johnson, and a daughter, Mrs. Jess Tollefson, both of this city. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at the Rhoney Funeral Home, with -the—Rev.— Robert - A. Rounee officiating. Burial will be in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Blue Jeang Barred . PUEBLO, Colo. OR — B1 u e jeans and slacks are fine out on the farm—but not at the Colorado State Fair, in the opinion of Manager Clyde Fugate.. He directed that women wear dresses when they attend the fair, opening Aug. 24. The only exceptions will be girls competing in a milk maid contest. CLEAN YOUR ATTIC AND SELL STORED THINGS YOU Fratello Bros. 3010 PINE AVE. USE THRU WED. SPECIALS CHASE fr SANBORN COFFEE Reg. or Drip So friendly to your taste! JACK SPRAT SLICED B^CON b.47c " . . . ARMOUR'S STAR „WHQLE- or- SLICED _ BOLOGNA ib. 4 1 * . ...•••' : NO FLAT "FltTERED-OUT" \ FLAVORI NO DRY #s -...^ • ""SMOKED-OUT" \ TASTE! ^ » BLUE BOY EMPIRE STATE SWEET PEAS 303 con ITALIAN SAUSAGE DAILY mmtmmmmmmmmm.mm ••» imm minium Outstanding.., and.heyar.Mild! HERE'S W H V SMOKE ^TRAVELED* THROUGH FINE TOBACCO TASTES BEST You get Pall Mall's famous / \ Pall Mall's famous * •"% Travels It over, under, around and through Pall Mall's length of the finest tobaccos J fcngth travels and gentles «< fine tobaccos! moneycanbuy. Cm the smoke naturally..., \J I CM.aw WANT AD Ph. BU 2-2311 * » 27c Fresti, Hot or Mild \ See how Pall Mall's famous length of fine tobacco travels and gentles the smokemakes it mild—bntdoesTiot ^filter out itisfying flavor! fW.rftf^*^H»*iko^i%^ie0^Syu9^-^ie^Uwrmyil4 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Just say "Charge It!"
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