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Parshas Yisro Feb. 6 - 13, 2015 THE WESTMOUNT WEEKLY Leil Shabbos - Feb. 6th Mincha / Kabolas Shabbos / Maariv 5:17 pm Repeat Shema after 6:25 pm Shabbos Morning - Feb. 7th Class with the Rabbi - "Anna B'koach from the Chalban" 7:45 am Shacharis 8:30 am Early Kiddush 9:30 am Say Shema Before 9:59 am Alternative Class with the Rabbi ( in the Rabbi’s classroom) 9:45 am Family Minyan (in the lounge) 9:45 am Youth programs begin (programs end at 12:30 pm) 10:30 am Alternative class with the Rebbetzin (in the Rabbi's classroom) 10:30 am Dad’s class(in the lounge) cancelled Rabbi’s Drush for the entire Shul 11:20 am Junior Kiddush 11:30 am Congregational Kiddush 12:00 pm Shabbos Afternoon Talmud Class with Mordechai Michalowicz 4:00 pm Mincha 4:45 pm Shalosh Seudos 5:15 pm Shabbos ends / Maariv / Havdalah 6:26 pm Early Kiddush is sponsored by Eliezer Belne on the Yahrzeit of his grandmother Mazal Tov bas Avraham a”h Youth Kiddush is sponsored by Jaykee Romi-Babany on the Yahrzeit of his father Eliyahu ben Yaakov a”h Congregational Kiddush is sponsored by the Hoffmitz family on the 25th wedding anniversary of Martin & Liz & by Howard Starr on the Yahrzeit of Feige Chana bas Yaakov a”h SPECIAL CHINESE CUISINE KIDDUSH WITH SUSHI, WANTONS, EGG ROLLS, GENERAL TSAO, ETC. ADOPT - A - KOLLEL We will be launching the “Adopt - A - Kollel” program in our Shul this Shabbos February 7th. The goal of this project is for every shul around the world to adopt a Kollel in Eretz Yisroel and underwrite a portion of the Kollel's budget. In this way, we share their burden, show we care and help alleviate their immense financial pressures. We are very happy to welcome Rabbi Baruch Tanzer, the Rosh Kollel of “Chasdei Dovid” - one of the most prominent Kollels in Jerusalem. He will update our Shul about the financial crisis the Kollels are now facing in Israel. The objectives of this project are: 1.To give everyone in Klal Yisroel an opportunity to share in the response to the crisis. We have a tradition from the Chofetz Chaim that supporting Torah belongs to the masses of Jews and is not meant for a specific group of individuals. By asking for monthly contributions, which remain affordable for the donor, each individual in every community can claim his share in supporting Torah learning. 2.By adopting a Kollel, we give a tremendous amount of encouragement to the heads of each Kollel. Practically overnight, they were suddenly faced with huge fundraising deficits and had no idea of how to meet their monthly budget. Aside from the financial assistance, Kollel heads now have peace of mind day to day, and their trips abroad have been transformed into fulfilling, honourable and heartwarming experiences. MISHLOACH MANOS PROJECT - 2015 We are once again having our Mishloach Manos fundraiser this year. This year’s baskets are our most beautiful yet. All you have to do is fill out the form on the back of our flyer and indicate who you would like to sent to at a cost of $6 per name and we will do the rest. Please note that we require a minimum of of $36 in orders to members for you to participate in the program. For the special price of $180 you can be included in sending to all members who are participating in the program. Your participation in the program is tax receiptable. We will not be making the smaller baskets to give out to others this year, as we have found them to not be cost effective as a fundraiser. The deadline to participate is February 18th. Snowbird participation is available and appreciated as well. MAZEL TOV TO JOE & TAMAR MARKUS ON THE ENGAGEMENT OF THEIR SON EITAN TO BECKY GROSS Parshas Yisro Feb. 6 - 13, 2015 Weekday Davening Schedule Earliest time for Brocha on Talis: 6:31 - 6:26 am Sunday Shacharis 8:00 am Mincha 5:20 pm Monday - Friday Shacharis (Mon. & Thur. @ 6:15 am) 6:30 am Mincha 1:30 pm Maariv . 9:15 pm Weekday Learning Schedule ALL CLASSES ARE GIVEN BY THE RABBI UNLESS OTHERWISE MENTIONED Sunday Mishne Brura - Laws of Shabbos 7:15 am The Heart of the Mitzvah (Rabbi Eli Goldwasser) 9:00 am Rambam Laws of Lending 6:05 pm Ladies Class @ 99 Pondview - “Weekly Messages From Hashem” 8:30 pm Monday Mishne Brura Yomi - Laws of Blessings 6:00 am Talmud Ta’anis 7:20 am Ladies class @ 7460 Bathurst St. #409 - “Weekly Messages From Hashem” 1:00 pm Talmud Megilah with Mordechai Michalowicz 8:30 pm Rambam Laws of Lending 9:30 pm Tuesday Mishne Brura Yomi 6:00 am Talmud Ta’anis 7:20 am Weekly Torah Portion 9:15 am Weekly Torah Portion 8:00 pm Talmud Megilah with Mordechai Michalowicz 8:30 pm Rambam Laws of Lending 9:30 pm Wednesday Mishne Brura Yomi 6:00 am Talmud Ta’anis 7:20 am Ladies class at 180 Glenforest Cr. 1:00 pm Talmud Megilah with Mordechai Michalowicz 8:30 pm Rambam Laws of Lending 9:30 pm Thursday Mishne Brura Yomi 6:00 am Talmud Ta’anis 7:20 am Men's Kollel followed by Wings & Chulent 8:30 pm Chassidic Perspectives on the Parsha with Rabbi Tsvi Heber 9:45 pm Friday Mishne Brura Yomi 6:00 am Tanya 7:20 am Winter Calendar: SAT. / FEB. 7 ADOPT - A - KOLLEL LAUNCH MON. / FEB. 16 PROVINCIAL HOLIDAY - 8:00 AM SHACHARIS THUR. / FEB. 26 CHALLAH BAKING CLUB - MAKING HAMANTASHEN WED. / MAR. 4 FAST OF ESTHER MAR. 4 & MAR. 5 PURIM SAT. / MAR. 21 BAR MITZVAH OF DAN ORELOWITZ Challah Baking Mitzvah Opportunity B’’SD Raise some dough with challah for the hungry Westmount Women and United Chesed join together to help provide challah for the hungry This Coming Challah Bake – Feb. 25th is dedicated to helping United Chesed provide challah for the hungry You are invited to make your usual supersize batch of challah, half it, braid it, and give it to United Chesed What an incredible Mitzvah The other half is yours for your Shabbat table Join in, learn how to decorate your challah for Purim, make hamentashen and participate in this incredible mitzvah No previous challah making experience necessary- we will teach you all the tricks of the trade Date: Wednesday, February 25 Time : 8PM Where: Westmount Shul 10 Disera Drive, Thornhill Cost: $20 RSVP a must to: Shareen [email protected] Purim Mishloach Manos DEADLINE: February 18, 2014 CONTACT: Shareen 905-881-7485 [email protected] For $6 a name, you may choose to participate in sending a beautiful package to any member of the Shul Your name will be included in an e-mail prior to their package arriving. Packages will be delivered on Purim to those who live within these borders: North to Major Mac / South to Finch / West to Dufferin / East to Yonge. Those who live outside these borders will be able to pick up their packages @ the office. Ahavas Yisroel BARGAIN! For the incredible price of $180 you can send to everyone in the Westmount Membership who is participating in the project. Please fill out the form on the back & you are ready! All purchases over $36 are tax receiptable! Purim Project Order Form: Name: Please fill out the following: I wish to give Mishloach Manos to all participating members @ $180 _______ I wish to give to the following members only @ $6 per name ( You must select a minimum of 6 names to be eligible to participate in the project) 1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________ 3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________ 5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________ 7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________ 9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________ Mishloach Manos @ $180 _____ For ___ members @ $6 = _____ TOTAL _____ Form of payment: Check ___ Credit Card ____ CC# on file in office _____Yes _____No Name on Credit Card:______________________ CC #___________________ Exp. ________
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