BILL’S TANGLED WORDS In 2014 we lost a valued member of the show society, and the instigator of our annual tangled word competition. Not only do we remember the ANZACS with our puzzle, but we also remember Bill. CLUE - On the 1st November 1914 the first Australian and New Zealand troops, the largest Armada ever assembled in Australia, left to fight WW1. The tangled words relate to WW1. Can you untangle them? A prize of $25.00 will be awarded to the first two correct entries opened. Multiple entries are welcome. One entry per envelope. Please include a 50c entry fee with your entry and place the envelope in the collection box at McKay’s Fuel and Rural Supplies until 3pm Friday 17th April, or the Show Office until 2pm Show Day. 15. D O N N S L N M A A (2,4,4)…................………………………………………. 16. D F S I N R L E L A F D E S (8,6)……………………….……………………… 17. S E D N L A D R E A L………………………………….…………………..…… 18. S U G M S A T A D R (7,3)……………………………….……………………… 19. G W E N L I U S (5,3)….………………………………...………………………. 20. M C A W D L U D P R A Z T S N A Y R N A E L A N A N I O E R A S (10,3,3,7,4,5) …………………………...…………………………………..….. 1. N L Y B A A..…………………………………...………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. P E L N I E N O (2 wrds 4,4)………...………...………….…………..………… 21. I C Y D R A S M E A T I (9,3)………………………………………..….....…. 3. H S I H L O G R T E (5,5)……………..…………...………….………………… 22. T L H O C S U A H (6,3)……………………………………..………..……….. 4. U A B I T Z C N A S I C S (5,8)…………………………..……………………… 23 . E M Y T L N U S V R A R G S R A A I R E S A N C N I U I S (10,4,7,8)………………………………………………………………………… 5. L I G P L O L I A……………………..……………………………..……….…… ……………………………………………………………………………….....… 6. V C A E A Z N O C (5,4)……………………..……………………..………..…… 7. B L E R G D N I E H N I N U (10,4)……………..……………..……….………. 8. T R F N E W O S N R T E (7,5)………………………………….……….……… 24. L R R F A W D O S T I W R (5,5,3)…..……….………..……………...... 25. U I U B R A N R (3,5)………………...…………………………..………. 9. A K G S S M A (3,4)………………………………………………………..…...… Name: ……………….……………………..…………. 10. L O H K S C E H S L (5,5)…………………………………...………….………. Address: ……………….………………..……………. 11. A T K L B J E A C R A (6,5)…………………………..……………….……….. ………………………...………………….…………… 12. C E R F W A N R A E R H T (6,7)………………….………………….……….. Telephone Number: …………………….…………… 13. S P N Z P L E I..…………………………………...……………………..………. 14. E B R C Y M A N D E M A E R (11,3)……..………..………………….……… …………………………………………………………………………..……….
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