Contents Section One: A Generous View of Purpose You’re more important than you think you are A simple process Purpose changes when our passions change Purpose is directly related to your life story My story Section Two: The 5-Step Process Step 1: Understand Your Identity Step 2: Explore Your Gifts Step 3: Recognize Your Passion Step 4: Choose a Pathway Step 5: Take Action 3 6 9 15 19 22 29 31 46 59 78 102 Section One: A Generous View of Purpose I believe 100% of people have a God-given purpose. Yes, that includes you. However, a few months back, I was speaking to a friend of mine on this topic, and this was her response: “God’s will has been my most major struggle ever. I don’t believe that I am serving my purpose. How can you know?” The reality is, very few people have a good grasp of what it means to live their purpose. There is a deep longing in our souls that tells us there is more to life, but something isn’t quite right. Maybe you are experiencing a similar uncertainty in your own life. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 4 Recently, I saw a study by the Barna Group that said 75% of U.S. adults “are looking for ways to live a more meaningful life.” Only 40% of practicing Christians “have a clear sense of God’s calling on their lives.” And only 20% of all adults have a “sense of what God wants them to do with their life.” 100% of people have a God-given purpose, yet only 20% have discovered it. We live in the gap between “where we are” and “where we want to be.” That’s a problem. If you are like most adults, you are frustrated with the idea of finding your purpose. But it doesn’t have to be this way. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 5 You’re More Important Than You Think You Are The Rebels have planned a strategic attack on the Death Star, the Galactic Empire’s ultimate weapon. Soldiers have given their lives to steal plans of the giant space station, revealing one small weakness. While the plan will face tragic odds, it must be attempted. As the Rebel fleet approaches their target, they quickly realize this is no surprise. The Empire was prepared for the attack, and the mission seems doomed! At the last moment, Han Solo, the rogue space cowboy, returns to the battle, clearing the way for the Rebel fighters. Our hero, Luke DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 6 Skywalker, trusts the Force and fires his proton torpedo at the small target. Moments later, the Death Star explodes, giving the underdog Rebels an epic victory! I was blown away the first time I saw Star Wars. In just two hours, we witness young Luke Skywalker transform from a lonely kid with no parents to becoming a Jedi Knight. Luke becomes the only hero that could take that fateful shot at the Death Star! George Lucas understood the recipe for a great story. Harry Potter. Katniss Everdeen. Frodo of the Shire. These epic heroes all began with very humble beginnings. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 7 Living in the cupboard under the stairs, being a poor citizen of District 12, or living a simple life of solitude blinded each character to their true destiny. They had no idea they would be the hero. Each one was more important than they thought they were. I believe the same is true for you. You may not feel like a hero right now. You may wonder if your life will ever have meaning. But I’ve learned something very important, and it has the potential to change your entire outlook on life. If you could grasp this one idea, you would view everything differently. Here it is… God has invited you into His story! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 8 Believe it or not, you have a crucial role to play. The Author of history has invited you into the story. You may feel like you’re stuck for now, but your time is coming. You are more important than you think you are. A Simple Process What would it mean if you could discover God’s calling? What if you started to live your purpose? What would it mean for your future? What would it mean for your family? If you discovered the reason you were put on Earth, it would give new DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 9 meaning to each day! Finding your purpose doesn’t just change you; it changes everything. So, how do you discover your purpose? I want to introduce you to a simple 5-step process that will get you closer than you’ve ever been to discovering God’s will for your life. But first, a word of caution. Simple doesn’t mean easy. This is not a “get rich quick” scheme or “10 easy steps to finding the life you really want.” I won’t lie to you. These steps may be simple to understand, but they will not be easy. They will require DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 10 every ounce of courage you possess. These steps are going to force you to face some deep-seated fears. You’re going to deal with some junk you’ve left unattended for a while. You must be fully resolved to see this journey through to the end! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 11 Bonus Challenge: Write it down! There is something powerful in writing down our goals. It gives us the tenacity and grit we need to face this life-changing challenge. I encourage you pull out a notebook or open up Evernote and write this down: Today, I am starting the journey to finding my purpose. I will walk through the 5 step process to the very end. I will face my fears, deal with my past, and uncover my future! I will not quit. I WILL NOT QUIT! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 12 Tweetable: Today, I’m facing my fears and starting the journey to finally discovering my purpose! [Click to tweet this out!] Ultimately, discovering your purpose comes down to one key factor: The closer you get to God, the closer you get to discovering His will for your life. "Keep your life so constantly in touch with God that His surprising power can break through at any point. Live in a constant state of expectancy, and leave room for God to come in as He decides.” -Oswald Chambers Stay in touch with God. Stay plugged into His power and wisdom. This is the only way you will ever truly find your purpose. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 14 We need to let go of the idea that there is one perfect purpose we must find. Our purpose shifts throughout our lives. It evolves over time. As we change, our purpose will change. This is a generous view of purpose. Our purpose can shift in life because of two specific areas: Our passions and our story. Purpose Changes When Our Passions Change Do you still feel strongly about the same things today that you did when you were eighteen years old? Probably not. How many college students change their majors? Is your career directly related to the major you had in college? If so, are you still happy and fulfilled in that career? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 15 We change throughout life. Our outlook on life and our worldview changes over time. If God were to reveal every passion you were going to have in life, He would be giving you too much of the plan too early. Our passion guides our purpose. My friends, Drü and Asher Collie, are a perfect example. I worked with them over a decade ago at a church we all attended. I led the creative worship team, where we served together. Asher knew how to make a scene look beautiful, and Drü was our graphic design wizard. But they knew their future held more. This wasn’t their plan forever. Several years later (after a stretch in Asheville, North Carolina), they packed up everything, including their children, and moved to Jinja, Uganda. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 16 Why did they move everything to Africa? It started when Asher watched a YouTube video from 410 Bridge on the devastating effects of jiggers. The bite of this small sand flea can lead to infection and paralysis. Her heart was broken, and God was planting a new passion in her life. For Drü, it began on their first trip to Uganda when he helped remove jiggers from a child. “Suddenly," Drü said, “it made sense that somebody had to do something about this-and we were that somebody.” Guided by this new passion, this amazing couple is living the purpose God created them to live. But God did not reveal this purpose to them ten years ago, when they were serving a small church outside of Indianapolis, Indiana. Their purpose changed when their passion changed. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 17 For more on Drü and Asher, visit Purpose is Directly Related to Your Life Story God’s grace is incredible. It allows God to look at us and say, “I know you are not perfect. I know you’re going to mess up. I know you will make mistakes. But I love you anyway. I forgive you. And I still have a plan for you.” Grace goes one step further, and God takes those mistakes, and uses them to shape His purpose in our lives! Just take a second and let that sink in. That’s love! There’s a story in the Bible about a guy named Joseph (Maybe you’ve heard of his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat). Joseph’s brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. Later, he went from one prison to DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 19 another until God finally gave him an incredible opportunity. God paved the way for Joseph to work directly for Pharaoh (i.e. the king). Joseph was in charge of all the food in the land and had the opportunity to save his family from a tragic famine! At the end of the story, Joseph looked at his brothers with forgiveness and said, “You meant to hurt me, but God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people, which is being done.” -Genesis 50:20 (New Century Version) I love this verse! God takes the mistakes, the mess, and the crap, and somehow turns it into good. And He doesn’t stop there! God takes these mistakes and uses them as the clay to form the purpose He has for our lives! That is what real forgiveness looks like! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 20 Tweetable: God turns the regrets of our past into the hope of our future! [Click to tweet this out!] My Story I have seen this in my own life. I am a screwed up person bringing hope to other screwed up people. My deepest joy is to help others overcome their past, grow deeper in their faith, and discover their God-given purpose! But why am I so focused on helping others to gain freedom from their past? Because of that day. I’ll never forget that day. It was the worst day of my life. And it was all my fault. But let’s start a few years earlier. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 22 I was ready to take my first step into life and conquer the world like any other fresh college grad. I was starting my first ministry job as a youth pastor, and I was going to marry my college sweetheart that summer! Life was good. I had it all figured out, and things were going according to plan. I could spend an entire book on how and why things went bad. But for now, I will simply say that in three short years, everything fell apart. I had been so busy doing ministry that I had stopped getting close to God. (If that doesn’t make sense to you, ask any pastor.) I tried to do everything on my own. I worked crazy hours and gave everything I had to my job. However, I never truly invested in my marriage. I thought everything would simply fall into place. I gave all I had to learning the ministry and had very little left over for my wife. Over the next three years, we grew vastly apart. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 23 During this time, an old friend contacted my wire and began to provide the emotional support she wasn’t getting from me. I was wrecked. I had no energy, my relationship with God was non-existent, and I was losing my wife. Depressed, I simply gave up. It was easier to fill the void with something false than do the hard work of fixing everything I had destroyed. I had an affair for almost six months. It was lowest point of my life, and I didn’t even realize it. It felt exhilarating at the time, yet was utterly devastating. I was a hollow version of myself. I was as far as I could be from my God-given purpose. Finally, the “other woman” confessed to her husband. The confession led to that day. In one day, I lost my job, career, ministry, and my wife, who was pregnant at the time. I lost my house because it DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 24 belonged to the church. I lost all but two of my friends because I lied to so many people. My life crumbled before my eyes. I was 25 years old. This was not how I saw my life playing out. That was over 12 years ago, and I am here to say that God is good. He is loving and kind. His grace knows no bounds, and He never gives up on His children. I am proof of that statement. It took time. Over the next five years, I slowly began to recover. I found a church that loved me in spite of my past. They helped me to discover my true identity, and gave me opportunities to use my gifts. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 25 My marriage could not recover from such devastation. But I have a fantastic relationship with my daughter. Ellie is now 11 year old, and I love her more than she’ll ever know. And the best part… I found Kristen, an amazing woman who loves me unconditionally. Her past hasn’t been perfect, either. She has also seen the amazing love and grace of God in her own life. She is my best friend and partner. (I am smiling as I sit here and think about her.) Kristen is loving and caring. She supports me and stands by my side. She is one of the great joys of my life. The other joys (besides Kristen and Ellie) are Noah and Sophia. Noah is my 6-year-old best buddy. Sophia is my five-month-old angel baby. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 26 I am a real person with a real past. But I know what it feels like to experience unconditional love from a Father who loves me. God never gave up on me. But God didn’t stop there… Not only did He forgive me. Not only did He restore me. Not only did He bless me with a family that loves me. But He took all those mistakes, all those regrets, and all of that crap… and gave me a passion for others who have experienced pain in their own lives! God gave me a purpose that is based on my past. And He’s doing the same for you! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 27 Tweetable: God uses our greatest pain as the foundation for our deepest purpose. [Click to tweet this out!] Section Two: The 5-Step Process I love the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Watching these well-trained warriors battle in the middle of the Octagon is thrilling. But before the first punch is thrown, Bruce Buffer stands at the center of the mat, and starts the action with a spirited, “It’s time!” Well, for us, it’s time! It is time to learn the 5-step process to discovering your God-given purpose. These steps are going to test you and stretch you. But if you stick it out and stay strong, then I believe you can reach your goal and discover your purpose! Right now, you are standing in the middle of the Octagon, ready to battle with your future. Are you up for the challenge? Do you have the fire in your belly you'll need to accomplish your goal? If so, there’s only one thing to say… IT’S TIME! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 30 Step 1 Understand Your Identity The rescue party bursts through the metal gate to finally find their captured friend! The leader of the group grabs his friend and they rush to the exit for a daring escape. But there’s a problem! Sheriff Woody wants to stay. Buzz Lightyear and the others are dumbfounded. But Woody is excited to go with his new friends to Japan where he will spend his days behind glass in a toy museum. At some point in the story, Woody has lost his way. He has forgotten who he is and why he exists. Buzz reminds him that only one thing matters to a toy… bringing joy to a child. As Woody looks down, he rubs the fresh paint off of the bottom of his boot and remembers his true identity. He belongs to Andy. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 32 Identity is one of the most important things we can grasp in life. There is no stronger foundation to our future than who we are. Identity is incredibly important when finding our purpose. Identity Determines Our Actions Who you are will determine how you act. As parents, we understand this. Our children haven’t been raised by our neighbors, coworkers, or church friends. My son, Noah, is going to act differently than another father’s son. He has been raised differently. He has a different set of values. He is my son. Our children carry our identity. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 33 And identity is everything. Noah’s identity determines his actions. If I have done my job right, he has a good understanding of how to act in public and how to act at home. He knows how to eat properly and where to use the restroom. He knows how to treat others and to respect adults. Sometimes, he needs correcting, and I say, “Noah, we don’t act like that.” What am I saying? I am informing him that we, as McCarricks, do not act that way. That is not who we are. In our family, we don’t go screaming down the aisles of Walmart. We don’t talk back to our mom. We don’t lie. This is not how a McCarrick acts. What am I doing? I am teaching him about his identity. He is my son, and this is how my son should act. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 34 Identity Establishes Our Worth Noah’s identity not only determine his actions, but establishes his worth as well! Noah knows everything I own is his. He lives in the same house. He rides in the same car. Noah doesn’t need his own checking account. He doesn’t go grocery shopping for himself. As a member of our family, he has clothes for every day of the week. Noah is loved. He is valued. He is cherished. He never has to question his worth. Why? Because he is my son. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 35 Heirs to the Kingdom But when the time arrived that was set by God the Father, God sent his Son, born among us of a woman, born under the conditions of the law so that he might redeem those of us who have been kidnapped by the law. Thus we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage. You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out, “Papa! Father!” Doesn’t that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you’re also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance. -Galatians 4:4-7 (The Message) DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 36 Jesus came on a dangerous recon mission to save all of humanity, and that changed everything. Because of His sacrifice, we are now sons and daughters of the Most High God! That is your true identity. And since we are children of God, we have access to a glorious inheritance! Question: How rich is the Guy who created everything? Crazy rich, right! And you have access to all of it! You are a son. You are a daughter. You are an heir to the Kingdom! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 37 Most of us still believe God is out to get us. We are hanging by a string, and He is ready to give up on us entirely at any moment. This couldn’t be further from the truth. God views you the same way I view my son, Noah. You are His child, and He loves you more than you know. Yes, you’re going to mess up. Yes, you’ll make mistakes. But your actions have no bearing on the depth of His love. God never stops caring for His children. God’s unending love is the greatest source of your identity. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 38 Tweetable: God’s unending love is the greatest source of your identity. [Click to tweet this out!] The Barrier To assist you in this journey to discover your purpose, each step concludes with two important elements: The Barrier and The Breakthrough. I believe the reason most people do not understand their purpose is because they encounter so many barriers. These obstacles are painful and can lead to failure. If we are going to be serious about discovering our purpose, we must hit these barriers head on! We cannot ignore them. That’s the quickest way to quitting. At the end of each step, we’re going to take some time to recognize a major barrier to completing that step. Then, after we determine the barrier, we are going to take action steps to break through! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 40 The Barrier to Understanding Your Identity: Believing the lies. The lies are all around us! The world is full of haters that don’t want to see other people accomplish their dreams. You’ll hear: You aren’t good enough. You will never make it. You don’t have what it takes. You don’t have enough resources. You don’t have the skills. Who do you think you are? Why are you even trying? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 41 And you know where the greatest lie comes from? Not from our enemies. The greatest lies are the ones we tell ourselves. If we are going to succeed, we have to stop believing the lies. We have to learn to turn down the volume on the voices and push ahead. Do the verses we read earlier (Galatians 4:4-7) sound anything like those lies? No! The world tells you that you’re nothing. God says you’re special. (Psalm 139:13-14) DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 42 The world says you’ll fail. God says you can do all things through Christ. (Philippians 4:13) The world tells you that you’re all alone. God says that He is with you every step of the way. (Joshua 1:9) What if we stopped believing these lies? What if we took God at His Word? What if we finally understood our true identity? How would that shape our future? How would that affect our purpose? Before we can discover our purpose, we must discover who we truly are in Christ. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 43 The Breakthrough Breakthrough Action for Step 1: Acknowledge your identity Acknowledge means “to admit to be real or true; to recognize the authority, validity, or claims of.” Many people need to acknowledge and accept the validity of their identity found in God. Here are some questions to help you understand your identity: 1. If God is a perfect Father, what would that mean for His children? 2. Do I believe I am a child of God? 3. What is holding me back from accepting God’s love as His child and becoming an heir to His blessings? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 44 If you don’t have a good grasp of your identity in Christ, I want to encourage you to pause here. This step is critical. Work on Step 1 until you are ready to move on. Rushing through the 5 Steps will not help you discover your purpose. If you are struggling in this area, I encourage you to seek out a Christian friend, pastor, or small group leader to discuss this topic further. If you don’t have a pastor or friend you feel comfortable talking to, please contact me! Seriously. I am available by email at [email protected] or phone at 317.965.5310. I would love to speak with you! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 45 Step 2 Explore Your Gifts You are special. We hear that a lot in our culture, but I think you may need to hear it one more time. It’s hard to hear, isn’t it? As a guy, I have a hard time reading that statement. Special? What does that even mean? Am I supposed to light some patchouli candles and sit on the floor in solitude while softly humming Kumbaya? Saying you’re special can sound a little corny. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. You have something that no one else has. You have something to offer that no one else can. You were made, on purpose, by a God that loves you and DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 47 thinks you are incredible! But something tells me you may not always believe that. It was hard for me (and still is at times!) to accept God’s love. Do you ever wonder if you’re the person that God simply got wrong? Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. -Psalm 139:13-16 (The Message) DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 48 These verses make it very clear: you are not a mistake. God didn’t mess up. You were handcrafted by a loving Creator. You have been given special gifts, talents, and skills to accomplish things in this world that only you can achieve! Even your personality was handcrafted by God to help you reach your purpose. You are a part of God’s plan. Spiritual Gifts If you are a follower of Christ, God has given you unique talents that He knows you will need to reach your full potential. But here is the problem: You don't realize you have these special gifts. You don’t think you’re special. You don’t think you have much to offer. Instead, you look at other people and compare yourself to them and the gifts they possess. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 49 Why is it so easy to see the talents of other people but be so blind to the gifts in our own lives? God equipped you with everything you need to accomplish your purpose. What I want to talk about now is the various ways God’s Spirit gets worked into our lives… God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit. God’s various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit. God’s various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all. Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people! The variety is wonderful: -1 Corinthians 12:1,4-6 (The Message) DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 50 “Everyone gets in on it!” Let’s make this super simple… That means you! You have been given these amazing, supernatural gifts. They empower you to go places you could never go on your own and do things you never thought possible. The Holy Spirit works in your life through these gifts! When you use your spiritual gifts, you are partnering with God to accomplish His plan for this world! You have a role to play, and He has given you exactly what you need! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 51 The Barrier The Barrier for Exploring Your Gifts: You don’t know yourself. By completing a few key assessments, you can actually visualize how you were handcrafted by God for His purposes. I have taken each of these assessments, and they have been indispensable in discovering my own purpose. The best personality assessment I have found over the years (and I have taken several) is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® or MBTI® based on the work of psychologist Carl Jung. This test gives 16 different personality types, each one designated by four letters. Examples include ISTJ and ESFJ. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 52 My personality is ENTP. Here is a summary of my personality test: “ENTPs are nothing if not unique. Brave new associations flow freely from the unconscious into the world of the living. Making, discovering and developing connections between two or more of anything is virtually automatic. ENTPs are in the business of change, improvement, experimentation. "Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best. In general, they are genial, even charming.” [From] There is something powerful about “seeing yourself” on paper. I hope I’m unique and creative. I want to experiment regularly and promote change. I think I’m kind and charming. But there is a huge difference between hoping these things are true and seeing them in black and white. Reading my personality summary is invigorating! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 53 Next, I am going to provide you with several free resources that will uncover your personality and gifts. Please DO NOT SKIP this part! If you don’t have time, take the assessments over the course of a few days. But you will be amazed at the clarity this exercise will bring! You will begin to see how God has equipped you to fulfill His purposes in your life. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 54 The Breakthrough Breakthrough Action for Step Two: Explore your gifts and personality 1. Start with your personality For you free online assessment, visit For more info on the MBTI®, click the links included in the assessment or visit the official Myers-Briggs site at DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 55 List your 4-letter type indicator here: ___ ___ ___ ___ (For example, INFJ) List 3 key characteristics of your personality type: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ [Note: I am not an affiliate of these websites, not am I being paid to endorse them. I merely think MBTI® is a great personality profile. I am not paid for any of the links in this book. I think they’re great resources, and I have used each one personally.] DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 56 2. Now discover your spiritual gifts These are the gifts that God has uniquely given you to fulfill your greatest purposes in life! Discovering your spiritual gifts is a huge step toward finding your overall purpose. For your free online assessment, visit List your top 3 or 4 spiritual gifts here: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 57 Congratulations! You have made some huge strides in your journey! Being honest about your identity and uncovering your personality and gifts can be difficult. Fear may already be creeping in, but if you stay strong, stick to your commitment, and work these steps… Well, it feels pretty good, doesn’t it? I know we have a long way to go, but I want to pause and say, “Good job!” This isn’t easy. I know it isn’t easy. But you are making progress. And that’s awesome! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 58 Step 3 Recognize Your Passion Have you ever wondered why a movie about the death of Jesus is called “The Passion of the Christ”? Isn’t that odd? Even before the movie was released, I remember growing up and seeing these musicals come out every year around Easter called The Passion Play. That blew my mind as a kid! Passion (good) + Play (even better!) = Death on a cross (Huh?) It just didn’t make sense. Yes, Christ’s sacrifice on the cross led to some pretty amazing things. However, the crucifixion didn’t sound too great. Actually, it sounded pretty horrible! So, why use the word passion? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 60 The word, passion, comes from Latin, meaning “to suffer.” So, the passion of the Christ is referring to the suffering of Christ. Usually, when we think of passion, we think of having strong emotions or desires about a topic. “I’m passionate about music.” “I'm passionate about movies.” “I’m passionate about wine.” According to the dictionary definition of the word, these would all be accurate statements. But this isn’t the type of passion we are talking about. If we are going to change our lives and make a difference in this world, then DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 61 we must look deeper. Strong emotions won’t cut it. We must embark on a quest to uncover our deepest desires. This is our “life passion.” Fortunately, there is a guide to help us on our quest. This beacon illuminates a faint, but crucial, path toward our deepest passions. What is this guide? One simple statement: Passion always involves suffering. Your “life passion” will always require some type of suffering. It won’t let you go. It will torment you. Until you fulfill your passion, it will be like a cut on the roof of your mouth that won’t heal. You won’t be able to ignore it. It’s the itch you can’t quite reach. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 62 What Keeps You Up at Night Several years ago, something odd began to happen at night. I started getting fresh ideas and dreams for my future. At that point in my life, I didn’t know how much of a future I was going to have. After my mistakes, I assumed the rest of my life would be nothing more than second best (Man, was I wrong!). And yet, here I was, having dreams of a future I wasn’t even sure existed. These dreams kept getting stronger and stronger. They began keeping me up at night! What was happening? I was discovering my passion! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 63 But if I had ignored these thoughts and pushed them deep inside, the suffering would have become unbearable! Your passion will refuse to let you sleep. It knocks, and knocks, and knocks, and knocks… until you answer. This is the torment of purpose giving passion. The question you must ask yourself is this… What keeps you up at night? What is that thing you can’t shake? What is the dream that you would do this very moment if you knew you could not fail? What is the topic of conversation that your friends are tired of hearing you talk about? What are you thinking about early in the morning? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 64 If you and I were to grab a cup of coffee, what subject would eventually come up because you wouldn’t be able to help yourself? Did you think of something? Did it come rushing to the front of your brain? Did your pulse pick up a bit? Did a faint smile come across your face? That is your path to passion. Start there and don’t give up. But there is another key to unlocking your passion that you must know: Your deepest passion will always be about other people more than yourself. Passion vs. Dreams We all have dreams at some point in our lives. Maybe as a kid, you dreamed about playing in the NBA. But at some point, you realized you were a DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 65 scrawny white kid that stopped growing at 5-foot-8. Or maybe you had a dream to be in a blockbuster movie and win an Oscar. Or maybe your dream was to win American Idol. Oh, American Idol. You have given us some of the greatest and worst moments of television over the past decade. Ok, mostly worst. I remember those first few seasons of Idol. Even if you didn’t stick around for the entire season, everyone watched the first two weeks! For many of us, those were the best episodes. Those poor kids, walking into that room filled with hopes and dreams of Grammy gold. Two minutes later, they were running from the building, tears streaming down their face, and a strategically place “American Idol” logo placed over their hand gesture toward the camera. Talk about entertainment! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 66 When Simon (back in the day) or Jennifer, or Harry Connick, Jr. are honest with these contestants, many of them have one response they feel will trump everything else… “But music is my passion!” I am sure these contestants are passionate about music. There is no doubt that they have spent hours dreaming of what it would be like to stand in front of a packed theater and sing a solo that brings down the house. But this is the difference between “being passionate” and knowing your “life passion.” DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 67 Your “life passion” is tied to your life’s purpose. It is what you were created to do. You will never be able to discover your purpose before first recognizing your deepest passion. These two are intimately connected. Passion is not simply a dream you have for your life. Passion is not merely a hobby you enjoy. When finding your passion, remember two key elements: 1. Passion is always more concerned with others. 2. Passion always involves sacrifice. Let’s dive into these two statements a bit further: DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 68 Passion is always more concerned with others It is easy to get hyper-focused on “me.” This is about “my” purpose, “my” passion, and “my” gifts, right? But if we aren’t careful, it can become a selfish activity. Helping others is always the end goal. Once we forget that, we lose the battle. This is the struggle in finding your purpose. This is where many people lose hope and fail. To discover your purpose, you must understand one important thing: Ultimately, it isn’t about you. Would you rather give your time, energy, and resources to becoming famous or healing part of the world? When you look back on your life, what would give you the greatest joy? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 69 Passion always involves sacrifice Passion means suffering, so let’s be upfront. You’re not getting out of this without putting a little skin in the game. If your goal is to have an easy life with no real problems, go ahead and quit now. Passion always involves sacrifice from you and for others. Chasing your life’s passion will require you to give something up. It may be your comfort, money, or relationships. But it will be worth it. You will also have to sacrifice for others. Our God-given purpose always requires us to love and serve others. This may stretch you more than you are willing at first. But God always sends the resources we need right when we need them. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 70 Tweetable: If you want to discover your true purpose, find a passion where the main focus is other people. [Click to tweet this out!] The Barrier The barrier to Recognizing Your Passion: You downplay your potential. Wow! This one is relentless! I know from experience. I have struggled with this time and time, again. But through my own personal struggles in this area, I have learned one thing: If you do not overcome this barrier, you will become paralyzed by it. We downplay our potential in the three ways: DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 72 1. You downplay your potential because you don’t think you can make a difference in the world. The world is broken and in need of a lot of love. Watch the news for just a few minutes, and you will see the worst of humanity. It can be overwhelming. But you can make a difference. No, you won’t fix it all. Only Jesus can do that. But you can do your part. 2. You downplay your potential because you are comparing yourself to others. No good ever comes from comparing ourselves to others. I know because this has been one of my greatest struggles in discovering my purpose. So, I am mainly preaching to myself, here. God called you to your purpose. Not them. Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s a killer. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 73 3. You downplay your potential because you think your shortcomings are bigger than God’s promises. Ouch! If you don’t think you have what it takes to live your purpose and make a difference in this world, you are saying that God isn’t big enough to overcome your faults. He created everything around you. I think God can teach you how to speak in public or how to start a business. Just trust Him. He won’t let you down. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 74 The Breakthrough Breakthrough Action for Step 3: Discover your life purpose by creating a personal vision Andy Stanley, the pastor of Northpoint Community Church and author of more than 30 books, defines vision this way: “Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be.” What bothers you about the world? What breaks your heart every time you see it on the news or read it in The Huffington Post? When did you last think, “Someone needs to do something about that?” DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 75 Your passion could be based on your story. What have you experienced in your life that you can use to help others? Maybe you have been highly successful in an area of life and want to teach people how to do the same. You are starting to have a vision for how something could be different in the future. Now, ask yourself if this is a “should be.” If this problem is not addressed in your lifetime, the deepest parts of you will be unsettled. This is how it is now. [Feeling downcast] But this is how it could be. [Feeling hopeful] No, this is how it should be! [Feeling indignant!] Actually, this is how it must be! [Feeling resolved] DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 76 So, what was your it? What did your mind, almost subconsciously, fill in for you? Well, let me be the first to make the introduction… Say hello to your passion. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 77 Step 4 Choose a Pathway You made it to Step 4! And take this from a guy that struggled for years to find my purpose… This is a big deal! I hope you haven’t rushed to this point. Have you taken the time to work through the Breakthrough Actions? If you haven’t completed the action steps, I encourage you to go back and revisit them now. Understand your identity. Explore your gifts. Recognize your passion. These three steps are critical to Step 4, so complete these before continuing. I don’t want you getting frustrated this far into the process. The Circle City A few years ago, my wife and I moved just outside of Birmingham, Alabama. Originally, we are from Indianapolis, Indiana [#GoColts]. Indianapolis is DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 79 known as the Circle City. It has this nickname for two reasons. First, Indianapolis comes down to a single point of origin. At the heart of the city is Monument Circle. The second reason Indianapolis is referred to as the Circle City is because of Interstate 465 that surrounds the city. I-465 encircles all of Indianapolis. Indianapolis is a perfect illustration for discovering our purpose. Monument Circle represents our God-given purpose. This is the ultimate goal. We want to find the center, the core, of who we were created to be. So, we pack our things and begin our journey. But many people get trapped in the outer circle. They are so close to discovering their purpose. They know their gifts, and they have passion. But just like I-465, they travel around in circles, never making it to the final destination. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 80 We have to quit running in circles and find the road that will finally get us to where we want to go. The goal of Step 4 is to get off the merry-go-round and find the pathway that will take us to our final destination. But wait! Insert record scratching sound effect That illustration is actually a horrible way to describe finding our purpose. So, why did I use it? Because that is what many of us are trying to achieve! The truth is… There is no magical center! That is why so many of us are going in circles. We’re looking for the wrong things. We’re trying to find a destination that doesn’t exist. Even Paul the Apostle didn’t have it all figured out. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 81 I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back. -Philippians 3:12-14 (The Message) Paul knew he wasn't looking for one destination. He is off and running! Here is the great secret of Step 4… Your purpose in life is not a destination you achieve, but a journey you travel. The pathway is your purpose. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 82 Tweetable: Your purpose in life is not a destination you achieve, but a journey you travel. [Click to tweet this out!] Putting it all together So far in this journey, we have understood our true identity, explored our gifts and talents, and uncovered our deepest passions. These steps are the building blocks for choosing a pathway. "The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet." -Frederick Buechner What a beautiful way to describe our purpose. What is your deep gladness? I would say that it is the combination of understanding your true identity and engaging in your greatest gifts. By finding the intersection of these critical areas, you will be able to discover your purpose! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 84 Step 4 is the most practical of the steps to this point. The first three included a lot of personal reflection and deep thinking. In this step, we are taking what we have learned and applying this knowledge to our lives. First, grab a notebook and draw a Venn diagram with three intersecting circles. Label the top circle Identity. Label the bottom left circle Gifts. Finally, label the bottom right circle Passion. Now, based on the work you have done in each of the Breakthrough Steps, fill out these circles as best you can. I will give you a little bit of help to get started. In the circle labeled, identity, write this: “I am a child of God, made in His image, and I can do anything through the power of Jesus.” That is your identity. Feel free to add comments and make it your own. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 85 In the next circle, place the gifts and talents that you discovered in Step 2. Begin your phrase with, “I am…” In the last circle, write your deepest passions that address a great need in the world. Begin this phrase with, “I will…” In the middle, you will find a small, curved triangle created by the three circles. This is where your identity, your gifts, and your passion meet. This is your pathway. This is your purpose. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 86 An Example To help you see how this all fits together, I am going to walk through this process and show you how I have discovered my purpose using these steps. Step 1: Understand Your Identity My identity is simple. “I am a child of God, made in His image, and I can do anything through the power of Jesus.” The challenge with our identity is not answering the “what.” That’s the easy part. You are a child of the one, true King. The challenge is accepting your identity and allowing it to become a part of you, directing your decisions and actions. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 87 Step 2: Explore Your Gifts Accurate and honest assessment is the greatest way to discover both your personality and your most exceptional talents. Below is a summary of my assessments. My Spiritual Gifts: Knowledge- The ability to connect Scripture to everyday life Leadership- Leads others; Visionary Teaching- Communicates clearly Evangelism- Meets others easily; Communicates the Bible in loving, non-threatening ways DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 88 These are my spiritual gifts according to the free assessment provided in Step 2. You will be given your top three gifts, but I strongly suggest looking at your actual scores. Don’t worry about what is #1. Sometimes, your top 3 or 4 gifts will shift and move a little. My Personality: E (Extraversion)- I am outgoing N (Intuition)- I interpret and add meaning to information T (Thinking)- When making decisions, I think logically P (Perceiving)- I like new information and options DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 89 According to the MBTI® Basics, I am energetic, inventive, enthusiastic, abstract, logical, theoretical, complex, verbal, change-oriented, independent, and adaptable. These are not terms I came up with on my own. These are straight from the MBTI® analysis. On the website, if you hover over the box labeled ENTP, you will see the same words I listed above. I don’t have some particular skill in determining the best aspects of my personality. I read it from a web page. This means you can do this, too! Step 3: Recognize Your Passion What keeps me up at night? What torments me and brings suffering to my soul until it gets addressed? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 90 Two things: 1. It breaks my heart that so many people have no idea what to do with their lives. For someone to be created with such potential and yet never realize it? That is a tragedy. 2. I get frustrated when I see Christians living mediocre lives and placing their faith on the back burner. I want to see their lives reignited with the passion they once had. That is what I am passionate about! Seeing people discover their God-given purpose and growing deeper in authentic faith! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 91 My purpose Now for the fun part. The next step is to overlay the circles to find the point that intersects. Here are my circles: Gift: Teaching, Leadership, Knowledge, Evangelism Personality: Energetic, Inventive, abstract, adaptable, enthusiastic, verbal, and independent Your Purpose Identity: Child of God Gifts Passion Helping others discover their purpose and ignite authentic faith DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 92 My identity has been established. I am a child of God. Even if I mess up or make mistakes, He still loves me. This is the foundation. According to Buechner, I now find where my deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. Where do my gifts and personality intersect my passion? To help with choosing a pathway, write out a statement (consisting of 1-2 sentences) that combines your gifts and passions. To further make things clear, use the descriptive words instead of the assessment’s category. For example, I am a “teacher.” We know what a teacher is. However, in this context, someone that “communicates clearly” is much more helpful. I am an “Extrovert” that is “Intuitive.” Using descriptive words like energetic, verbal, and inventive paint a much better picture of who I really am. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 93 Here is my personal purpose statement based on my gifts, personality, and passion: I am a visionary leader who uses enthusiastic energy and inventive, abstract thinking to connect Scripture to everyday life and clearly communicate the Bible to those that may not know God. I can be adaptable in just about any situation and love to connect with people, using verbal communication to promote change, ignite their faith, and help them discover God’s purpose in their lives. Wow, that felt good! Just writing that out and reading it is more exciting than I can express. It is empowering to read a statement like this about yourself. And the best part is, it’s accurate! That’s me! Ask any of my friends or family to read this statement, and they would agree, “Yep, that’s Matt!” DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 94 The statement may be a little wordy. But that’s ok. Our goal isn’t perfect grammar. We are discovering who we are and what we were created to do. So, based on my purpose statement, what pathway should I choose? Here are few ideas: I could go into ministry and be a pastor that casts vision for the future and reaches out to those outside the church. I could choose a path where I am helping others discover their careers. I could work in a high school or college placement office with opportunities to travel and speak at workshops. I could be a conference speaker, writing books to help others discover their purpose. I could start a YouTube channel to have honest and authentic conversations about faith. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 95 This process of discovery works well. Even Jim Collins, the business guru, uses a similar formula for companies and leaders. When [what you are deeply passionate about, what you can be best in the world at and what drives your economic engine] come together, not only does your work move toward greatness, but so does your life. For, in the end, it is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work. Perhaps, then, you might gain that rare tranquility that comes from knowing that you’ve had a hand in creating something of intrinsic excellence that makes a contribution. Indeed, you might even gain that deepest of all satisfactions: knowing that your short time here on this earth has been well spent, and that it mattered. -James C. Collins from Good to Great DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 96 Collins says to find the intersection of “What you are deeply passionate about, what you can be best in the world at and what drives your economic engine.” I have seen the phrase “economic engine” be converted to “what the world needs.” This process is not new. I didn’t create it. Jim Collins didn’t create it. It is a principle of life. If you haven’t discovered your purpose, do the work. Follow the process. Take the steps. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 97 The Barrier The barrier to Choosing a Pathway: Fear Fear is the serial killer of dreams, passion, and purpose. It takes no prisoners. It won’t let you go once you decide to step out into the future. Fear will put its hands around your neck and squeeze until you quit. Fear cannot be ignored, but it can be stripped of its power. How? Stop believing the lies fear tells us, and start trusting God to steer your life in the right direction. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 98 The Breakthrough Breakthrough Action for Step 4: Trust God to steer the boat If you have been to church more than once or twice, you have probably heard of a guy name Paul. He was an Apostle (not one of the 12 disciples. That’s a little different) who helped to spread the Gospel all over the ancient world. He also wrote most of the New Testament. So, he’s kind of a big deal. But in Acts 16, Paul had a problem. He was in the middle of a missionary journey, but every time he tried to spread the Gospel, he was stopped… By the Holy Spirit! Time after time this happened. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 99 They went to Phrygia, and then on through the region of Galatia. Their plan was to turn west into Asia province, but the Holy Spirit blocked that route. So they went to Mysia and tried to go north to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn’t let them go there either. Proceeding on through Mysia, they went down to the seaport Troas. That night Paul had a dream: A Macedonian stood on the far shore and called across the sea, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” The dream gave Paul his map. We went to work at once getting things ready to cross over to Macedonia. All the pieces had come together. We knew now for sure that God had called us to preach the good news to the Europeans. -Acts 16:6-10 (The Message) I love to ride Jet Skis. Speeding across the water is a blast! But if you ever ride a Jet Ski or a WaveRunner, you have to remember one important detail. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 100 If you want to turn, don’t let off the throttle! If you are headed for a buoy, don’t take your hand off that gas and try to steer. It doesn’t work. The only way to steer a Jet Ski is to have the throttle down so the water can propel you and allow you to turn. Without any movement, you can’t steer. The same is true with boats. It can be a fishing boat or a million dollar yacht, but if the boat isn’t moving, that little rudder is useless. God steers our lives like a rudder on a boat. Look back at Paul’s story from Acts 16. The Spirit blocked him over and over. What was God doing? Why would He block Paul? Because He was steering Paul where He wanted him to go. God was leading Paul toward His purpose and calling for his life. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 101 Step 5 Take Action Step 5 is the simplest of the steps. It is also the most difficult. At this point, you have all of the knowledge you need. You have wrestled with your identity; you have taken assessments to determine your personality and spiritual gifts. You have taken stock of your passions to find the one or two that truly drive you. And you have developed a purpose statement to help you best choose a pathway for your life. But now it gets interesting. It’s time to turn potential energy into effective kinetic energy. So far, you have been able to accomplish these steps while wearing a bathrobe, sitting at your dining room table with a cup of coffee. But now it’s time to get moving. It’s time to get up, get out there, and live your passion. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 103 But the voices in your head will tell you otherwise. Now that it’s time to take that first step of action, you are going to experience your largest barrier! Steven Pressfield calls this the Resistance. Resistance is the response of the frightened, petty, small-time ego to the brave, generous, magnificent impulse of the creative self… What does this mean to us, as we duel our demons? It means that, before the dragon of Resistance reared its ugly head and breathed fire into our faces, there existed within us a force so potent and so lifeaffirming that it made Resistance freak out and load up the sulfur and brimstone. Resistance isn’t the towering, all-powerful monster before whom we quake in terror. Resistance is more like the painin-the-ass schoolteacher who won’t let us climb the tree in the playground. But the urge to climb came first. -Steven Pressfield DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 104 When it comes right down to it, the Resistance is fear. Fear we will fail. Fear that we won’t achieve the dreams we have in our heads. Fear that everyone will see right through us. Fear that we will do our best work, and our best won’t be good enough. And there is only one way to fight fear. The opposite of fear is love–love of the challenge, love of the work, the pure joyous passion to take a shot at our dream and see if we can pull it off. -Steven Pressfield DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 105 If you’re reading this book, I bet this isn’t the first time you have ever thought about your purpose, God’s calling, or what you’re meant to do with your life. Instead, I’m guessing you felt the Resistance, you met barriers too large to overcome, and you gave up and quit. That was me for years. I know how it feels. As I write these sentences, I can almost feel the acid rise in my stomach as I remember the emotions I have experienced time and time again. I’ve been there. And it sucks. So, you have a choice to make. Is your passion to live your purpose finally greater than the fear and Resistance you are going to face? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 106 You have to choose. Fear is going to come. How will you respond? Decide you are going to push through. Decide you will not quit. Decide this time will be different. Decide you are going to finally live the purpose you were created to live. Step 5 is the simplest of all the steps. Take action. Get moving. Live your purpose. But this is also the most difficult step because the sacrifices begin. This is when courage is required. This is when faith is necessary. My prayer is that you will take what you have learned, choose a pathway, and break through the barriers. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 107 The Barrier The Barrier to taking action: [Fill in the blank] That’s right! The barrier to taking action is reader’s choice. You get to fill in the blank. Because the truth is, I don’t know what is going to hold you back from reaching your purpose. I don’t know what has prevented you from chasing your passion and living your dream. I don’t know what has caused you to quit in the past. Only you know that. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 108 But you will have to face it. It’s not going away. Maybe it’s fear of failure. It could be a perceived lack of resources. Maybe you don’t have the support of your family or friends. Or you just don’t believe that you have what it takes, and the task seems too large. This is your burden to bear. It will continue to plague you until you finally experience freedom. I don’t know what your burden is, but I do know it will stay with you for the rest of your life. I’m sorry. I know this isn’t the most uplifting way to wrap up a book, but I am here to help you, not make you feel all warm and gooey inside. But there is something remarkable about your burden. Once you experience freedom from it, once you finally overcome, you will experience the greatest DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 109 peace you have ever known. Once you finally take your burden from off your back, throw it to the ground, and stomp all over it, you will finally be able to experience true life. Jesus said: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. -John 10:10 (New International Version) God doesn’t want you to live under the bondage of your burden. He wants you to live according to His promises. One final story from the Old Testament before we go… DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 110 Israel was having a rough time. Their enemies, the Philistines, had been attacking them recently with great success. To add to the trouble, the Philistines had captured all of the blacksmiths in Israel so that they couldn’t make weapons. Out of the entire Jewish army, the only people to have swords were King Saul and his son, Jonathan! King Saul gave into the Resistance. It was not a good time in his reign, and he had all but given up. In our story, Saul has 600 soldiers with him, but he is doing nothing. He isn’t attacking. He isn’t defending. He isn’t trying to come up with ideas to remedy his lack of resources. Instead, he is sitting under a pomegranate tree. King Saul is a great example of how many of us respond to barriers in our lives. We give up, flop on the couch, and watch an episode of Scandal. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 111 But Jonathan has other ideas. Along with his armor-bearer, Jonathan sneaks out of the camp. He is ready to make something happen. Later that day, Jonathan, Saul’s son, said to his armor bearer, “Come on, let’s go over to the Philistine garrison patrol on the other side of the pass.” But he didn’t tell his father. -1 Samuel 14:1 (The Message) Jonathan wants to pick a fight! He doesn’t care that it’s just him and his armor-bearer. He doesn’t care that his armor-bearer doesn’t even have a sword for himself. His lack of resources isn’t a concern. He has a dream, and he is passionate. He feels he has a role to play, and he is ready to take action. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 112 Jonathan didn’t know what to expect. He didn’t know what was going to happen. He never had a vision, and God hadn’t told him to do it. This is what Jonathan said: Jonathan said to his armor bearer, “Come on now, let’s go across to these uncircumcised pagans. Maybe God will work for us. There’s no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets his mind to it.” His armor bearer said, “Go ahead. Do what you think best. I’m with you all the way.” -1 Samuel 14:6-7 (The Message) DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 113 Did you catch that? Jonathan is putting his life on the line. We find out later it will be two men, one without any weapons, against twenty well-trained and heavily armored soldiers. And what does Jonathan say? Maybe God will work for us. Does that seem crazy to you? It does to me! I am the kind of guy that wants it all to work out on paper. We have a plan; we execute the plan; the plan works. I want God to tell me that I’ll be successful before I even begin. But that isn’t how God works. Jonathan said, “Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll cross over the pass and let the men see we’re there. If they say, ‘Halt! Don’t move until we DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 114 check you out,’ we’ll stay put and not go up. But if they say, ‘Come on up,’ we’ll go right up—and we’ll know God has given them to us. That will be our sign.” -1 Samuel 14:8-10 (The Message) What was Jonathan doing? Like Paul in Acts 16, he was letting God steer the ship. Jonathan was leaning into his purpose and trusting God would lead them in the right direction. And what happened? God did show up! They defeated those 20 soldiers. Even the armor-bearer got in on it. With no weapons, he just started grabbing rocks! God supernaturally confused the entire Philistine army and sent them into a wave of panic. Through God’s help, Jonathan’s act inspired the whole Jewish army on to victory! DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 115 The Breakthrough The Breakthrough for Step 5: Embrace the wandering and take the next right step. Not all those who wander are lost. -J.R.R. Tolkien Our time together is coming to a close. Soon, you will read the last word of this book, and you are going to have to make that choice we spoke of earlier. It will be time to either quit or take action. Let me close with some final words of encouragement and advice. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 116 Embrace the wandering. The journey we are on has no paved roads, or turn-by-turn directions. We are wandering through a wilderness of options. But do not be afraid. Do not stand still. Start the adventure. If you allow yourself to embrace the wandering, you’ll soon discover it’s a wonderful journey that we get to join. Take the next right step. You aren’t going to figure it all out at once. That’s how God intended it. If you knew everything at the beginning, you would never start! Look at any story from Scripture. They never had all the answers. Abraham didn’t know how long it was going to take for him and his family to walk to the Promised Land. Moses didn’t know he was going to part the Red Sea. And Paul didn’t DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 117 know he was writing most of the New Testament. God always gives you what you need for the next step. That’s all. I know it’s scary. But, trust me, that’s all you need. But the next right step will take you further down the path to living your purpose than you have ever been before! That is all God expects. Take the next right step. Trust that He will steer you in the right direction if you’ve take a wrong step. Then take the next right step after that. If you continue along this path, you’ll suddenly look up and realize you are deeply entrenched in your purpose, living according to God’s will, and making a positive difference in the world. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 118 One final question Before we go, I have one final question for you to put this in perspective. What is at stake if I don’t follow through? If you quit and let fear take over, what is at stake? Does it mean you will never experience real joy and peace? If you quit, will the pain eventually get so great that it destroys your relationships? Your marriage? Will you struggle with depression? Will you be able to sleep at night or look at yourself in the mirror? DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 119 I don’t want to seem harsh. But while I still have a chance to speak into your life, I want to do all I can to ignite a passion within you that is finally stronger than the fear you will have to face. I want you so fired up that you will finally throw the burden from off your back. “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” -Jim Rohn You are going to face pain. That is no doubt. There is pain in facing fear. There is pain in putting yourself out there and seeing if others will accept you. There is pain in facing your demons. But the pain of regret is so much deeper. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 120 So, what is at stake if you walk away from this book and live the same life you’ve always lived? It’s time to let go of the life that others have been telling you to live, and step into the life God has created for you. There is so much more waiting for you. It’s finally time to discover your purpose. DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE | 121 I hope this experience has been encouraging, informative, challenging, and empowering for you! I want to say a quick thank you for allowing me to speak into your life and encourage you in something as personal and sensitive as your purpose and calling. I have greatly enjoyed sharing this journey with you. I hope you connect with me online or in person. I would love to hear how this book has made an impact on your life. -Matt Thank You Thank you to my breathtaking wife, Kristen. You are the most amazing woman I know. Your continued support of me over the years has been incredible. I don’t deserve you. Thank you for taking this journey with me. There is no one else I would rather share it with! This is for you. I love you. Thank you to my three spectacular children. You have taught me more about the love of God and His grace than anything else on Earth. I did not know my heart was capable of this much love. You truly make my heart happy. No matter what life holds for you, please know your daddy always, always, always loves you. About the Author I’m Matt. I am a husband, father, pastor, leader, and dreamer. I’m not perfect (not even close!) and have made a lot of mistakes in my life. But it is through these mistakes that I have experienced the incredible grace of a God who loves me deeply. Because of all this, I am on a mission to share the same Faith, Love, and Hope that I have experienced with the world. [email protected] Twitter | @mattmccarrick I started a website called the Phosphorus Project so I could connect with others with similar stories. Phosphorus Project exists to help others discover their true purpose in this world and ignite authentic faith and creativity in the lives. I’d love for you to connect with us! Visit us at This work is free to anyone who may find it helpful! Feel free to pass it along to everyone you can under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Matthew McCarrick, 2015.
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