WELCOME TO F IRST U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH T RADITIONAL S ERVICE N OVEMBER 30, 2014 ISAIAH 2:1-5 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT Helping all people experience the love of God Discipling believers through small group ministry Relieving suffering in the name of Jesus *Please stand as you are able Welcome & Announcements Pastor John McClean No. 227-The Friendly Beasts verses 1 and 2 Dr. Daniel Cummings and Congregation Dr. Daniel Cummings, piano Prelude *Call to Worship Pastor: In the book of Isaiah, there are four passages we call the Servant Songs. They speak of the coming Messiah...the Anointed One...who will redeem Israel from their sins. In each of the four Sundays of Advent, we will use one of the Servant Songs as our Call to Worship. As Christians, we believe they foretell the coming of the Christ Child, and the various experiences of his life. Today, the first Sunday in Advent, we will focus on the first Servant Song, found in Isaiah 42: Leader: "Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen in whom my soul delights. People: I have put my Spirit upon him, he will bring forth justice to the nations. Leader: He will not cry or lift up his voice, nor make it heard in the street; People: A bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench. Leader: He will faithfully bring forth justice. People: He will not fail nor be discouraged, till he has established justice in the earth; ALL: And the coastlands wait for his law. *Invocation *Opening Hymn #203 Pastor John McClean The Lord’s Anointed *Passing the Peace of Christ Please make sure everyone is welcomed #557 Blest Be The Tie That Binds Children’s Time Hymn #191 Jesus Loves Me Children’s Message Lighting of the First Candle of the Advent Wreath ELLACOMBE Advent Wreath Carol #227 The Friendly Beasts verses 1 and 2 ORIENTIS PARTIBUS Holy is the Lord Anthem Chancel Choir Eleanor McKinnon, conductor Offering We Offer Our Prayers, Tithes, Offerings, and Special Gifts Dr. Daniel Cummings, piano Offertory *Doxology #95 Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow Prayer Joys & Concerns Choral Call to Prayer Surely The Presence Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Pastor John McClean The Scripture Interprets Us Isaiah 2:1-5 *Scripture Pew Bible, NT page 631 Message “Discover the Heart of Christmas” Sermon 1 Discover the Heart of Hope Pastor John McClean *Hymn of Commitment #196 Come Thou Long HYFRYDOL Expected Jesus *Benediction Postlude Pastor John McClean Eleanor McKinnon, organ Notes 1. Sometimes, hope means ‘TRUST’ 2. Sometimes, hope means ‘RELIANCE’ 3. Sometimes, hope means ‘EXPECTATION’ Conclusion: Hope ALWAYS means ‘PATIENCE’ and ‘COURAGE.’ Chancel flowers are given in memory of Richard Murphy from the Murphy Family. Joys and Concerns Adriana, Alice, Angelica, Anita, Berenice, Diana, Dion, Fabion, George, Gregory, Jada, Leslie, Lorne, Matthew, Melvina, Michele and Carlos, Mike, Natani, Olliver, Paul and Arlene, Robin, Rosie, Rosie, Sonja, Stephanie, Tasheena, Tia, Tracey, Trinidad, Trista, Valentin, Wendy, Willie, Wilma. Fred and Kathy Ball, Pam Barger, Mr. Baum, Tabitha Corp, Lucio Godinez and family, Marlene Golding, Marilyn Hale, Renee Hobby and family, Alice and Sage Hughes, Mr. Hunt, Harry and Doris Kovaschetz, Donna and Glenn Marsh, Petra Martinez, Linda Olert, Melissa Owens and family, Nathaniel Poindexter and family, David Purevich, Edith Purevich, Mary Ann Roope, Ken Williams, Debbie Zeedyk. In celebration of our youth Women’s Emmaus Walk The homeless, jobless and underemployed Our troops Missionaries Window Rock UMC Families and friends of the four young victims of the tragic car accident Discover the Heart of Christmas Sermon Series November 30 Discover the Heart of Hope December 7 Discover the Heart of Peace December 21 Discover the Heart of Love December 24 Discover the Heart of Christmas Welcome to First United Methodist Church Please take a moment to fill out the attendance card located in the pew pocket and return it to the offering basket when it is passed.
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