S e n i o r S e r v i c e s , I n c . o f W i c h i t a The Compass FEBRUARY 2015 ANNOUNCING Senior Employment Program 2015 Job Fair Tuesday, March 17th 9:00 am - 11:00 am American Red Cross 1900 East Douglas The program is a valuable referral/placement service for jobseekers age 55 and better. All job fair attendees must pre-register by visiting the offices in the North building of 200 S. Walnut between the hours of 9:00am - 3:00pm. Attendees must register as a client of the program then attend an orientation. Registration deadline is Friday, March 13, 2015. There is no cost to register or attend the fair but donations to the program are encouraged. WHAT CAN THE SENIOR EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM OFFER YOU? QUALITY JOB LEADS VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES ANNUAL JOB FAIR RESUME ENHANCEMENT 32 YEARS OF PROVEN SUCCESS WEEKLY JOB CLUB COMPUTER TRAINING NETWORKING INTERVIEW STRATEGIES MUCH, MUCH MORE CALL TODAY 267 - 1771 Information Central Northeast Senior Center 2121 E. 21st Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 269-4444 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Carnesha Tucker [email protected] Downtown Senior Center 200 S. Walnut Wichita, KS 67213 (316) 267-0137 (or try him at Linwood) Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Gerald McCoy [email protected] Orchard Park Senior Center 4808 W. 9th Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 942-2293 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Diane Nutt [email protected] Linwood Senior Center 1901 S. Kansas Wichita, KS 67211 (316) 263-3703 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Cherise Langenberg [email protected] Senior Services, Inc. Administrative Offices 200 S. Walnut (316) 267 - 0302 Inside This Issue February 2015 SSI Directory................................................. 2-3 Northeast ....................................................... 4-7 Orchard Park ................................................. 8-11 Downtown ..................................................... 12-15 Linwood ........................................................ 16-19 Page 2 The Programs of Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita CAN help you or a loved one today! “LIKE” us on Facebook search for Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita “FOLLOW” us on Twitter search for SrSrvsofWichita In-Home Respite Care 267-1771 ext. 233 Info/Assistance on Aging 267-0122 ext. 201 Meals on Wheels 267-0122 Roving Pantry 267-4378 Senior Employment Program 267-1771 Senior Mentor Program 267-0302 ext. 203 CLOSINGS: All programs of Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita will be closed Monday, February 16, 2015 for Presidents’ Day. Senior Services Inc. of Wichita is not a government organization. We are a not for profit charity who relies on several funding sources, including private donations, to operate our 10 programs. Mission: Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita is dedicated to delivering services that allow older adults the opportunity to lead quality lives while continuing to make positive contributions to the community. Vision: Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita shall be the area’s premier provider of services for older adults that enhances their quality of life. SPOTLIGHT ON SENIOR CENTER EVENTS FEBRUARY 2015 VALENTINE’S DAY CELBRATIONS FEBRUARY IS AMERICAN HEART MONTH TECHNOLOGY 2015 Valentine’s Party Northeast Senior Center Friday, February 13 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Here are just a few of the presentations designed to optimize your health. For more details read each senior center section of this issue. iPAD Evening Classes Orchard Park Feb 12, 19 & 26 6:00 P.M. Love Stories Linwood Senior Center Monday, February 9 2:00 P.M - 4:00 P.M. Love is basic for the very survival of mankind…love is the only absolute ultimately; love is the highest good. He who loves has somehow discovered the meaning of ultimate reality. Martin Luther King, Jr. Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Northeast Importance of Wellness Checkups Fri. Feb 13 at 11:30 A.M. Orchard Park Medication Management Feb. 13 at 11:15 A.M. Vein Disease Feb. 23 at 11:15 A.M. Linwood Hypertension The Silent Killer Feb. 20 at 10:15 A.M. Heart Health Feb. 27 at 10:15 A.M. Beginners Computer Classes Linwood Feb. 11 & 18 9:00 A.M. Low Down on Downloads (digital pictures) Linwood March 25 9:30 A.M. 8846 West Monroe Circle, Wichita, KS 67209 www.kansastruckmobility.com SALES, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION OF STAIRLIFTS (316) 722-4291 Wheelchair vans Wheelchair/scooter lifts Accessible automotive seating Hand controls • VA Approved WWW.GOINGUPLLC.COM (316) 722-4291 Authorized for the City of Wichita License #08091 APPROVED VA PROVIDER SEE STAIRLIFT DEMO UNIT INSIDE KANSAS TRUCK MOBILITY SHOWROOM MOVE-IN SPECIAL $1000 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH RENT when you mention this ad. Learn more about how our elegant home-like environment, full range of medical services, and high staffto-resident ratio allow you to comfortably age in place with us, regardless of your needs! 551 S. Holland, Wichita, KS 67209 Office: (316) 771.7585 www.verandaseniorliving.com FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 All Roads Lead to...Northeast Senior Center FROM THE DIRECTORS’ DESK: Hello Everyone…I pray all is well. Just wanted to let you know that this is going to be a fun-filled exciting year. I am looking forward to making the center the most happening place for 55+. You can help too, by getting the word out about all the cool parties, dinners and classes that we will be Come join us for our Valentine’s Day having. If you are interested in helping Party get the word out, please let me know...Be Blessed!!! Friday, February 13th ~ FOOD FOR THOUGHT ~ Time: 2pm - 4pm $5 members/$7 nonmembers Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. ~ Maya Angelou Ongoing Activities Monday 9:30 WSU Exercise 10:30 Advisory Council (Feb. 9th) 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:30 T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) 1:30 Sing-a-long Tuesday 9:30 Keep It Moving (Exercise) 10:00 Beginner’s Crochet 10:30 Bingo 11:30 GNNP Lunch 1:00 Spanish Class Wednesday 9:30 WSU Exercise 10:00 Special Events Committee (Feb. 11th) 11:30 GNNP Lunch 1:00 Line Dance (2nd & 4thWed) Thursday 9:30 Cross-Stitching 10:30 Crochet Class 10:30 Jewelry Class 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:00 Women’s Bible Study 1:00 Spanish Class Friday 9:30 WSU Exercise 10:00 Crochet Class 11:30 GNNP Lunch 1:00 Bridge *New Classes and time changes in Bold Print Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 4 ...Northeast Senior Center Monthly Events Advisory Council: Monday, February 9th, at 10:30am Special Events Committee: Wednesday, February 11th, at 10am Blood Pressure Checks: Therapeutic Time (1st Tuesday each month at 11am) Foot Care by Michelle Steinke (First Wednesday each month by appointment) Michelle does nail trimming, corns, calluses and foot massages. Please call 946-0722 (leave a message) The Center will be CLOSED February 16th for Presidents’ Day 900 N Bayshore Dr • Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 945-3344 [email protected] Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Did you know that February is American Heart Month? So...How is your heart doing? Here are a few tips to improve your health (www.mayoclinic.org): Don’t smoke or use tobacco Exercise for 30 minutes each day · Eat a heart-healthy diet · Maintain a healthy weight · Get enough quality sleep · Get regular health screenings · · Northeast will be providing tax services again, courtesy of AARP. Call (316) 269-4444 to schedule. Taxes will be prepared on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays ~ 9am-3pm (Feb.3-Apr.9) Our residents enjoy our quiet atmosphere and beautiful lakeside view. Scheduled !"#$%$#$&'()*+#$,-'().'/$,-)!,0)1!2$34 get-togethers. Meals, laundry, housekeeping, bathing & dressing assistance, medication administration and more. Pricing is all inclusive. Support Our Advertisers Helpline 24 hours a day 7 days a week Check the ads on this page before you check the internet or yellow pages. 1-800-272-3900 www.alz.org/centralandwesternkansas FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM B 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 ...Northeast Senior Center Educational Opportunities February March Monday, Feb. 2 @ 11:45am Emilie Hagan-Nurse Practitioner, Diabetic Care Topic: “Problem Solving Diabetes” (This will be an ongoing class to help manage Diabetes) Thursday, Mar. 5 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Vein Disease & Leg Pain” (A discussion on dealing with aches and pains associated with the legs and helpful tips on coping) Thursday, Feb. 5 @ 9:30am Clay Cox, Blackbelt Topic: “Self Defense for Seniors” (This will be a 5 week series class) Thursday, Feb. 5 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Foot Problems” (A discussion on why people have problems and helpful tips and ways to care for the feet) Friday, Feb. 6 @ 11:45am Cypress Springs Topic: “Alzheimer’s & Activities” Friday, Feb. 13 @11:45am Mobile Medical Topic: “Importance of Regular Wellness Check-Ups” Thursday, Feb. 19 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Arthritis” (A discussion on Arthritis/helpful tips of managing) Thursday, Mar. 12 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Fear of Falling” (A discussion of fears associated with falling and tips to help prevent them) Thursday, Mar. 19 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Thyroid” (A discussion to help understand problems associated with thyroid disorders) Thursday, Mar. 26 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Shingles” (A discussion on Shingles and ways to treat the symptoms) Friday, Mar. 27 @ 11:45am Cynthia Ongeche-(Consumer Credit Counseling) Topic: “Tips on Budgeting” (A discussion with tips to help budget your finances) Friday, Feb. 20 @ 11:45am Tax Advocate Service Topic: “Tax Tips & Updates for 2015” Thursday, Feb. 26 @ 11:45am Hart Pharmacy Topic: “Safety in the Home” Page 6 Red Cross G.N.N.P. Offers lunch at 11:30am For reservations, call (316) 219-4020 ...Northeast Senior Center Newly Remodeled Short Term Rehab Wing offering PT, OT, Speech, & IV Therapy to help you gain your independence to return to your home Medicare & Medicaid Certified 2133 S. Elizabeth, Wichita • 316-262-4473 www.homesteadhealthcenter.org Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Mt. Hope Nursing Center & Larsen Independent Living Apts. Making “Living Longer” Better By providing compassionate care to the elders we serve. www.mounthopenursingcenter.com 316-667-2431 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM C 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 All Roads Lead to...Orchard Park Senior Center Director’s Notes: Greetings Everyone!! February is American Heart Month. During the month of February, Americans see the human heart as the symbol of love. Since February is American Heart Month, use it as a time to show yourself the love by learning about your risks for heart disease and stroke and stay “heart healthy” for yourself and loved ones. As you begin your journey to better heart health, which will last a lifetime, keep these things in mind: · Try not to become overwhelmed. Every step brings you closer to a healthier heart and every healthy choice makes a difference. · Partner up. The journey is more fun and often more successful when you have company. Ask friends and family to join you. · Don’t get discouraged. You may not be able to take all of the steps at one time. Get a good night’s sleep, which is also important for a healthy heart and do what you can tomorrow. · Reward yourself. Find fun things to do to decrease your stress. Round up some colleagues for a lunchtime walk, join a singing group, or have a healthy dinner with your family or friends. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Ongoing Activities Mondays: Wednesdays Continued: 8 & 9 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm 10:30 am Bingo for Groceries 12:00 pm Open Pool Tables 12:30 pm Party Bridge Co-ed Low Impact Aerobics Wii Bowling T.O.P.S (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) Pickleball Stretch & Tone Chair Exercise Open Pool Tables Mexican Train Dominoes Tuesdays: 8:15 am Ease into Fitness 9:00 am Restorative Dance 12:30 pm Duplicate Bridge 12:30 pm Pool Tournaments 8 ball (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) 9 ball (1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays) Wednesdays: 8 & 9 am Co-ed Low Impact Aerobics 9:45 am Wii Bowling 10:30 am Computer Lab Thursdays: 8:15 am Ease into Fitness 9:00 am Crocheting with June 9:00 am I-Pad classes, (must be a registered member) 6:00 pm ( alternating every other month) 9:00 am Movin and Groovin Senior Aerobics 12:00 pm Open Pool Tables 12:30 pm Mexican Train Dominoes 1:00-3:00 Pickleball Fridays: 8 & 9 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 pm Co-ed Low Impact Aerobics Wii Bowling Stretch & Tone Chair Exercise Open Pool Tables Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 8 ...Orchard Park Senior Center Monthly Events: Blood Pressure Checks: First Wednesday of the month, 8:30 - 10:15 am., courtesy of Sandpiper Bay Healthcare & Rehabilitation Lunch Out: Golden Corral - Tuesday - February 10 11:30 a.m. 616 S Ridge Breakfast Out: Egg Crate - Tuesday - February 24 8:30 a.m. 8606 West 13th St N Sign Language Class Monday - February 2nd - 11:15 a.m. Advisory Council: Monday - February 9th -11:30 a.m. February Educational Opportunities February 6 @ 11:15 a.m. Natalie Merten Life Care Center-The importance of end of life care February 9 @ 11:15 a.m. Caregiving step by step Journey Notebook, Bedroom Safety, Bed Mobility & Bed Transfer. February 10 @ 10:00 a.m. Clay Cox– Senior Self Defense Class-Acquire Confidence and Assurance thru Senior Self Defense February 13 @ 11:15 a.m. Golden Plains Pharmacy Services—Making it easier to manage daily meds. February 20 @ 11:15 a.m. Julie Bye Wesley Rehab - Senior Exercise February 23 @ 11:15 a.m. Robert Schmidt Hart Pharmacy – Are you fighting with leg pain or having issues with some type of vein disease? Come out and get tips to help you deal with these issues. March Educational Opportunities March 2 @ 11:15 a.m. Serenity Hospice Care Caring for Arthritis without medication The Center will be closed Monday - February 16 In observance of Presidents’ Day Red Cross Nutrition Site Red Cross Nutrition Site offers a meal served at 11:30 am. Monday thr u Fr iday. Please make reservations by Tuesday at 10:00 am. Call 219-4020 for more information March 6 @ 11:15 a.m. Terra Essential Oils Come and experience oils that can be used for food preparation, beauty treatment and health care. March 9 @ 11:15 a.m. Natalie Merten Life Care Center - Nutrition focused on Chronic Disease. March 13 @ 11:15 a.m. Officer Hallacy S.E.N.I.O.R.S. Program March 16 @ 11:15 a.m. Caregiving Step by Step Positioning & Mealtime Issues March 20 @ 11:15 a.m. Consumer Credit Counseling - Awareness & Basic Budgeting March 23 @ 11:15 a.m. Karen Kendrick-Envision Eye Diseases (Cataracts, Macular Degeneration) Page 9 ...Orchard Park Senior Center Acquire - confidence and assurance thru Seniors’ Self Defense Free classes by Former Missouri Valley Judo Champ; who taught law officers, guards, seniors, women, men and children at the Wichita Judo Club, YMCAs, WSU and McConnell AFBase. Learn Defensive Techniques It’s one investment of time that can change livesadults, kids, families; a gift of health, increased confidence - perhaps, even save a life. Knowledge for a LIFETIME. (no cost) Classes will be offered at Orchard Park Senior Center - Starting Tuesday - February 10th @ 10:00 a.m. (this is a 50 minute class. There are 5 sessions - classes will last thru March 10th) Avoid being a helpless victim - Just like businesses; muggers and thieves follow the money. Some of the worse attacks occur in the best places. Whether it is an irate driver or a car jacker - high risk Scenarios can be in your face instantly. Self-Defensive Techniques employ principles of non-resistance in nature. Thus; strength, size and age are not the prime factors in an attack. Golden Age Club Dances Every Friday 7 - 9:30 p.m. Orchard Park Recreation Center Gymnasium Call 337-9244 for information Bands 1st Friday - Kenny Pruitt Band 2nd Friday - Reno County Band 3rd Friday - Honkey Tonk 4th Friday - Country Heartbeats Page 10 Special Occasions & Memorial Tributes Gifts given in honor, memory or appreciation of someone special are a wonderful way to express admiration and esteem. When you give a tribute gift to Orchard Park Senior Center, a card is sent to the person you are recognizing or the family of someone being remembered. The amount is not mentioned Donations in any amount are appreciated iPad Classes February iPad classes will be held on Thur sday evenings at 6:00 p.m. The dates will be the 12th, 19th, & the 26th. Please call 942-2293 if you are interested in attending an iPad class. You must be a registered member to participate Foot Care Pr ovided by Michelle Steinke on Wednesday – February 18th. Please call 946-0722 for an appointment. Michelle does nail trimming, corns, calluses and foot massages. February’s Birthday Celebration Friday - February 27th - 11:15 a.m. ...Orchard Park Senior Center Happy Birthday to Orchard Park Members February Birthdays Louise Arnold 2/6 Mark Brown 2/13 Peggy Cheney 2/16 Julia Denning 2/19 Bruce Dickson 2/20 Glee Eby 2/7 Lynne Edson 2/28 Rick Gleeson 2/16 Ava Hartzler 2/2 Walter Hayes 2/13 Jutta Hudy 2/23 Lois Lofton 2/10 Judith Martin 2/17 Ginger Maxey 2/25 Tim McCloud 2/5 Cathy Orchard 2/25 Tim Paul 2/9 Betty Smith 2/2 Margaret Spiker 2/4 Betty Spriggs 2/6 Sharon Thompson 2/12 Frank Wachdorf 2/9 David Widener 2/18 Don Wolf 2/6 Vernon Wolfe 2/27 Kenneth Young 2/21 Page 11 All Roads Lead to...Downtown Senior Center Winter is upon us and I hope you are withstanding the cold temperatures that have made their annual visit to our city. I know that I have been ready for the warmth of spring for several weeks now. I am happy to report that there has been some movement on making repairs to our building. The plan is to make the project a two-step process. The first stage will be to concentrate on restoring power and thoroughly cleaning the activities areas of the building. The goal is to reopen the center for events as quickly as we can. The second phase of the process will be to make repairs in the kitchen area. This step will be a little more involved and take a little more time. We are all committed to restoring the Downtown Senior Center full operation as soon as is humanly possible. While we are on the subject of the kitchen staff, I ask you to please remember them during these very difficult times-Liz Buggs, Janet Fisher, Mike Gadbury and the entire kitchen staff who operate our MOW program. The staff and the volunteers have worked so hard to deliver meals to shut-ins. As I have said before, for many of those food recipients, Meals On Wheels is their lifeline. Simply put, if these meals aren’t delivered, then those people don’t eat. Our staff members are cold and tired and yet not a single delivery has been missed. I am proud to work with these people and they are an inspiration to all of us. I would also like to acknowledge the entire staff at the D.S.C. They have worked hours that were different than their regular schedule doing jobs that were different from their regular duties. They have shown professionalism in doing those tasks without being told and without being supervised. I really appreciate the effort they spend and the work they do. Once again, I would like to thank you, the members of the Downtown Center. I am grateful for your past participation, I miss seeing you and I anxiously await the time when we can reopen our doors and come together again. I hope you have a great month and hope to be together soon. Gerald McCoy Downtown Center Director Ongoing Activities Monday 8:00 Competitive Pickleball 9:00 Crochet Scarf Class 9:30 Wanda’s Exercises 10:00 Book club (1st Mon.) 11:00 Well Rep 11:00 Lewis Street Singers 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Beading Buddies 7:00 Round Dance Tuesday 9:00 Senior Job Club 10:30 Single SRS (eat out 2nd Tues.) 1:00 Bingo (not on 2nd Tues.) 1:00 Dominoes 1:00 Pool Tournament 2:00 Hip Hikers (1st Tues.) 2:00 Bible Study 5:30 Adventures in Writing (1st Tues.) Thursday 8:30 Foot Care (by appt.) 9:30 Gentle fitness 9:30 Drawing Class (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thur.) 10:00 Quilters’ Treasures 1:00 Pool Tournament 2:00 Sr. Financial Advisor (3rd Thurs.) 5:30 Writing Craft (1st Thurs.) Friday 8:00 Competitive Pickleball 9:30 Wanda’s Exercises 11:00 Well Rep 1:00 Party Bridge 1:00 SECA/Front Row Center (1st Fri.) 1:30 Hand and Foot Cards (2nd, 4th, and 5th Fri.) Wednesday 8:00 Competitive Pickleball 9:00 Spanish (Advanced) 9:30 Wanda’s Exercises 11:00 Well Rep noon Open Sewing 1:00 Ping Pong 1:00 Spanish (Beginning) 1:30 Sr. Legal Advisor (2nd Wed.) 1:30 Recreational Pickleball (2nd Wed. at 3:00) Daily Pool / Snooker DVD / VHS Movies Available Books / Magazines Available Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 12 ...Downtown Senior Center Lessons Learned One of the few advantages of being displaced by the fire is that I have an opportunity to visit the other Senior Centers and familiarize myself with the people and activities that happen at the other locations around town. I am very impressed with Carnesha and the Northeast Senior Center. It is a wonderful center and she manages it very well. We are temporarily using it to put together The Compass Newsletter. Her staff and volunteers are good people who will help members any way they can. The members are a fun-loving group and there is always something going on. Diane and the folks at Orchard Park were wonderful hosts when I visited with her members about my Mulvane book. I had a great time and I made some new friends. I hope I can make it back over there soon. Cherise and her staff at Linwood have been more than amazing while accommodating me on a day -to-day basis. I have met so many great people and I am sure that I have tested their patience, but they have never let it show. I think Cherise is starting to view me as that annoying teenage son who just won’t leave home. Thanks to all of you! I truly believe that each one of you makes me a better Senior Center Director and I am anxious to return to my office to take advantage of lessons learned from each one of you. Page 13 ...Downtown Senior Center Classes and Activities These are some of the regularly scheduled classes, events, and activities that normally take place at the Downtown Senior Center. We hope that you will find something that appeals to you. Education & Information Senior Financial Advisor Join Senior Financial Advisor Stan Webb each month as he leads a discussion of financial topics that are faced by senior citizens. Senior Legal Advisor Senior Legal Advisors Jennifer Stutz and Melissa Pope host a monthly meeting to talk about legal issues that confront senior citizens. Discussions are informative and invaluable. AARP “Smart Driver” The AARP Smart Driver class is a two-day event that takes place each month at the Center. Successful completion of the course results in lower insurance costs. Health & Wellness Foot Care Foot care is provided by Michelle at the Downtown Senior Center on Thursdays from 9:00AM to 3:00PM. Michelle does nail trimming, corns, calluses, and foot massage. The cost is $25 for senior center members; $30 for nonmembers. Call 946-0722 to schedule an appointment. Arts & Crafts Seniors Exploring the Cultural Arts (SECA) and Front Row Center If you love theatre and are interested in Wichita's local and professional talent, you need to join SECA and attend their monthly meeting. Call 267-0197 for more information. “Adventures in Writing” Anyone interested in discussing writing personal essays, memoirs, poetry, or fiction is welcome to join us. This group shares writing projects they’re working on, thinking about, or learning about the possibility of getting published. “Writing Craft” Basics of general writing: basic word counts and pages, writing from A to Z, writing pitfalls, confusing words, titles, sensory details, emotion and body language. If you would like to have more information on “Adventures in Writing” or “Writing Craft,” call Starla at 393-8195. She would love to hear from anyone with a passion for writing and developing writing skills. Hip Hikers You’re invited to join this group as they plan walks in and around the Wichita area. The group meets at the Downtown Senior Center once a month. Prairie Moon Book Club Our next book is “Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy” by Karen Abbott. This is the compelling true story of four women who risked everything to become spies during the Civil War. Abbott is the best selling non-fiction writer who’s previous works have included “American Rose,” which is a biography of Gypsy Rose Lee and “Sin in the Second City,” which tells the story of crime in Chicago during the first two decades of the 20th century. Senior Center Director Gerald McCoy facilitates this group. The conversations are always fun and lively and you’re invited to join the monthly meetings. Well Rep Exercise Program Our Well Rep Program is one of our most popular activities. This group meets three days each week and provides a fun way to maintain strength and stamina. Drawing class Joan Morrison leads our drawing classes. This informal group explores the fun side of creative expression. Feel free to contact us to sign up for the class, or to find out more. T.O.P.S. Take Off Pounds Sensibly with the suppor t of this group, which meets at the Downtown Senior Center once each week. This is just a small sample of the regularly scheduled activities that take place at the Downtown Senior Center. When we reopen for business, we hope that you will find something that appeals to you. Blood Pressure Check You can have your blood pressure checked at the Downtown Senior Center by members of the staff at Ancaire. Page 14 ...Downtown Senior Center Because we have been displaced by the fire and since I think a sense of humor is essential, I would like to share a fire joke with you. A fellow came home from work and found that his house was fully involved in a large fire; he was panic-stricken. He telephoned the fire department and yelled, “I need you to get over here. My house is on fire!” The dispatcher tried to calm the guy. “It will be alright, sir. Just relax and tell us how to get there.” The fellow responded, “Don’t you still have those big red fire trucks?” Gerald McCoy Downtown Senior Center Director For more than three decades Sedgwick Plaza, an Independent and Assisted Living Community, has been a tradition for area seniors. From the moment you walk in, you will be * Monthly Seminars * made to feel like part of the family. Our team is As a WWII or Korean War Veteran or widow, are you VA disability Pension eligible? dedicated to making sure our residents Contact us. feel at home right away as we work to meet and exceed your expectations. Are you a healthy 45 to 70 year old who would not want to spend $100,000 per year Call to schedule a complimentary lunch and tour. for care NOT covered by Medicare? Call us. Are you just going onto Medicare and want help deciding which plan is best for SEDGWICK PLAZA 2455 N. Woodlawn Ave., Wichita, KS 67720 you? First timers we can help find the best deal and best coverage. Call us. tel: 316-687-3741 | fax: 316-686-1265 Call David Landwehr 316-945-2011 Visit us online at sedgwickplaza.net State ID #:N087033 www.LTCareSolutions.com FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM D 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 All Roads Lead to...Linwood Senior Center Dear Friends, February is a month for love and the best way to show that is through kindness and encouragement. The best advice I have ever encountered is to “love one another” and I believe it! Loving people in this day and age certainly can be a challenge, but we can gain strength to do just that! Our lives are filled with relationships and we have the opportunity to give to others so look through the pages of our calendar and see what opportunities we have to encourage you and to help you give those gifts. There’s a craft class where you can give a “grandparent/friendship/sister gift” or you can come to our “Love Stories” program and be inspired! February is also “heart health” month! Make sur e you look at the exer cise and educational classes to find ways to love yourself! One of the BEST gifts and values around is a $10 membership to our Senior Centers. It is a gift that keeps on giving! Love, Cherise Please be our guest at our special event, “Love Stories” We have several guest speakers and an author who will share their tales of love. Let us encourage you! Special music, gifts and dessert. Please call 263-3703 to Reserve Your Spot Monday, February 9, 2015 from 2-4pm Ongoing Activities Monday 9:00 Dynabands 9:00 TOPS 9:30 Stretching 10:45 Arthritis Exercise 11:30 GNNP Lunch Tuesday 9am–3pm Michelle’s Foot Care 9:00 Brain Games 9–11 Pickleball 9:30 Fit & Balance 10:30 BINGO 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:15 WSU Well Rep 1:30 Dime Bingo! 2:00 Writing Craft (1st Tues) Wednesday 9:00 Arthritis Exercise 10:30 (1st Wed) Ancaire Blood Pressure check 11:30 GNNP Lunch 1:00 Pinochle with Henry Thursday 9–11 Pickleball 9-9:45 Beginning Line Dance 10:00 Line Dance 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:15 WSU Well Rep 1:00 Pinochle w/Henry 2:00 Mex Train Dominoes (2nd & 4th Thurs) Friday 9:00 Stronger Seniors 10:15 Presentations 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:00 Tournament 13 pt Pitch Daily/anytime Walking GNNP Lunch for reservations call 219-4020 10 pt Pitch 12:30 Monthly 10:00 Advisory Council the last Wednesday of the month Birthday Party 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10:30 The Linwood Center will be closed on Monday February 16, 2015 for Presidents’ Day. Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 16 ...Linwood Senior Center Beginning Computer Class by “Tim Paul” Scheduled for February 11 & 18, 2015 from 9-10:30am Fee $10 Membership and RSVP required. Call 263-3703 “FOOT CARE BY MICHELLE” TUESDAYS AT LINWOOD CALL 946-0722 FOR AN APPOINMENT Pat Butler 2/16 Dennie Cartwright 2/4 Patti Doll 2/18 Patsy Eichaker 2/24 Eileen Fessenden 2/22 Dennis Fimple 2/21 Jody Harris 2/8 Karen Heppler 2/17 Verna Jones 2/23 Patty Kaul 2/7 Ruth Konek 2/6 Sue Laird 2/11 Chet Leidy 2/18 Liz Long 2/7 Valetta Longhofer 2/26 Shirley Monk 2/9 Ronald Moorefield 2/15 Rose-Mary Mounts 2/24 Virgil Newhouse 2/4 Carol Noddin 2/27 Dolores Pankratz 2/1 Robert Rauz 2/25 Enna Rockwell 2/23 Linda Runer 2/20 Serena Sechser 2/13 Bud Smith 2/17 Jan Story 2/15 Myrna Straub 2/18 Linda Kay Tucker 2/8 John Wagner 2/18 Vicki Wahl 2/2 Richard Watson 2/2 Jimmy Wilson 2/11 Bill Wright 2/2 Birthday Party Celebration Wednesday, February 18, 2015 10:30am Cake & Fun When A Nursing Home Isn’t the Answer HomeCare You Can Trust And Afford 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK Call for a FREE Information Packet 316-721-6001 7348 W 21st St N., Suite 101 • Wichita, KS SKILLED NURSING Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Newly Updated Private Rooms Available Short Term Rehabilitation or Long Term Care “We serve and enhance the lives of others with caring hands” 316-265-5693 www.medicalodgeswichita.com Come visit us! Ask for Rhody and mention this ad for a free lunch! 2280 S. Minneapolis • Wichita, KS 67211 100% Employee Owned FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM E 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 ...Linwood Senior Center Educational Programs & Classes for February 2015 March 2015 Educational Programs Friday, February 6, 2015 at 10:15am “Tips to Prevent Falls in Homes” Presenter: Home Buddy Friday, March 13, 2015 10:15am “What Did You Say?” Hearing Health Meeting & Screenings Dana Brinkmeyer Ear Care Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 1:00pm “Wearable Crochet” Presenter: Robin Smith Friday, February 13, 2015 at 10:15am “Financial Fraud and Seniors” Presenter: Rebecca Carson, Intrust Bank Friday, February 20, 2015 at 10:15am “Hypertension– the Silent Killer” Presenter: Sandie Kueker Professional Pharmacy Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 8:30am “Healthy Dental Practices” Presenter: Natalie Delacruz and WSU Dental Hygiene Students Wednesday, February 25, 2015 at 1pm “Recycling—It is Good for All of Us” Presenter: Beth McDonald with Pro Kansas Recycling Center Join US! Friday, February 27, 2015 at 10:15am “Heart Health” Wesley Medical Center Physician to speak—call for more info and to reserve a space, 263-3703 Page 18 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 9:30am “The Low Down on Downloading” Learn How to Download Pictures in the Computer Gerald McCoy, presenter Kansans Optimizing Health Program “How to Manage Chronic Diseases Successfully” *6 Week Course* Starting on March 9, 2013 Alissa Rankin, presenter Sedgwick County (see back page for details) “Writing Craft” Tuesday, February 3, 2015 at 2:30pm If you love to write or are working on a project, you need to meet Starla Criser, a local author. Hone and sharpen your skills. Starla will inspire you! Call 393-8195 for More Info! BOOK CLUB We will be having Book Club the second Monday of the Month from 8am –9am. It will be an “early bird reader’s club”. Please plan on joining us on Monday, February 9, 2015 and bring along the books you have recently read to share with us! ...Linwood Senior Center “The spaces in your fingers were created so another person’s fingers could fill them in.” Special Bible Study on “Love” Monday, February 2, 2014 Please join us from 8-9am Kansans Optimizing Health Program m Do you have or care for someone with arthritis, diabetes, heart or lung disease or other chronic conditions? The Kansans Optimizing Health Program (KOHP) will get you the suppor t you need, find pr actical ways to deal with pain and fatigue, discover better nutrition and exercise choices plus so much more. KOHP is a highly interactive program where people of various chronic conditions come together to learn and practice new skills over a six week period to manage their chronic condition. The participants meet once a week for 2 ½ hours to discuss and problem solve a variety of topics relevant to coping with chronic conditions. For More Information call 263-3703. Classes to start in March! “Beloved, let us love one another...” ~ Christ “Craft Time With Barbara” Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 2pm. Come join us as we make a special “Grandparent / Friendship/ Sister Gift” that you can give your loved ones! Please RSVP at 263-3703. Class size is limited due to space. RSVP at 263-3703 (Suggested donation for supplies $3) ________________________________________ Interesting Valentine’s Day Trivia…. Meaning of the word Valentine: The name comes fr om the Latin wor d valor , meaning wor thy. Official Holiday: St. Valentine’s Day was declared an official holiday in 1537 when England’s King Henry VIII declared it for the first time. Valentine Birds: Febr uar y 14th was long associated with fertility and love even before St. Valentine lived. It was the day that birds traditionally chose their mates. Women Card Buyers: The gr eeting car d association estimates that 85% of all Valentine car ds are purchased by women. Page 19 PRESORT STANDARD US Postage PAID Permit #542 Wichita, KS Return Service Requested Top o’ The Morning to You! ANNOUNCING: The 2014 Historic Delano St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday, March 14, 2015 High NOON (meet in church parking lot no later than 10:30 a.m.) Join us again for the 8th consecutive year and walk the parade with your senior center friends, volunteers and employees of Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita. Please tell your center director if you need a motorized scooter by March 1, 2014. Check with your senior center for more details in the coming weeks
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