The Edgemere Church of Christ Bulletin

John Brooks (767-1218) Don Heyen (733-6116) Chris Pipes (704-2538)
David Darter (781-5962) Max Macon (766-1994) Tommy Pipes (322-2724)
Dick Findley (767-0280) Gil Peters (586-1182)) Ross Roberts (631-9828)
Edgeme re Ch urch of Chris t
Feb. 8
Numbers 8-10
Feb. 9
Numbers 11-13
Feb. 10 Numbers 14-18
Feb. 11 Numbers 19.21
Feb. 12 Numbers 22.24
Feb. 13 Numbers 25-27
Feb. 14 Numbers 28-30
Worship & Fellowship
A Look at our Records
Sunday Mornings
Bible Class
AM Worship
9:30 -- Bible Study
10:15 – Fellowship
10:30 – Worship
Sunday Evenings
5:30 – Bible Study
Wednesday Evenings 7 :00 – Bible Study
Called to Serve this Week
Weekly Budget
YTD Budget Difference
February 8,
$ 10,357.50
$ 8,048.00
$ 3,108.42
Sunday Morning
Tom Shanks
Opening Prayer
Jimmy McDaniel
Communion Prayer
Danny Huddleston
Offering Prayer
Dick Findley
Closing Prayer
At the Table:
Keevin Baxter
Aspen Brashear
Nathan Beaver
Korey Chandler
Dawson Carter
Logan Carter
Sound Room
Children’s Church
Riley Pipes
Max Macon
Lane & Sarah Landes
Debbie Baxter
C. Cooner & B. McCabe
Please report to the Sound Room
10 minutes prior to worship.
If you cannot serve,
please contact Terry King,
King 855-4413.
or [email protected].
Boys to pick up cards
Koltten Harris
James Kinzer
the Lord
Parker Landes
Lane McCabe
Psalm 100:2
Deacon of the Week
Deacon of the Month
Elder of the Month
Lane Landes
Barry Nichols
Dick Findley
Mission News - Wichita Falls, Texas
Ken Holsberry
Tyler Cope
Miguel Lechuga
4728 Neta Lane
Wichita Falls,
TX 76302
“I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least
important of these followers of mine, you did it for me!”
Phone: 940-766-0107
For Our Guests . . .
♦9 0 t h
CelebrationCelebration-Come and
help us celebrate Winnie
McKee’s 90th birthday,
this Sunday, February 8,
2:00—4:00 p.m. in the Fellowship
Hall. No gifts, please.
We are so glad you are here today and pray that it will be a spiritual
blessing to you. Children’s Church is for ages 2-6. The children are
dismissed during the greeting time.
Journey Groups are weekly small groups that meet in homes. If you’d like
more information on participating in a group, please see Ken Holsberry.
We Welcome Clint Jensen to God’s family at Edgemere. His
address 1711 Nunneley Pl., 76306.
♦ Sonshine House—Tuesday,
10, is Edgemere’s day to work the
pantry and clothing.
With sympathy...We
extend our sympathy to Kim Mims and her
family at the death of her sister, Donna Jones. The memorial
service was last Tuesday.
We also extend our sympathy to Jane Atkinson and her family at
the death of her brother-in-law, Charley Hall, on January 19th.
Good News! We have had 8 baptism responses in the last month at the
Allred Unit. Please keep Gene Galloway and Christ’s Prison Ministry in
your prayers.
♦ Edgemere Family Camping
Devotional Books for New Series—
Series—Pick up a Devotional Book for the series
“Finding Jesus In Mark” from the table in the foyer. Please take one copy
per person and donations are appreciated.
The Sonshine House needs brown paper bags. They also need
winter clothes for men and women.
Trip in the Wichita
Mountains National Wildlife
Refuge (Doris Campground) on April
See Don Heyen for
Folllow us on social media:
Instagram EdgemereChurch
• Dale Lobley had knee replacement surgery Tuesday at Kell West.
• Ross Roberts will have cataract surgery Tuesday.
• Dennis Cady, Sarah Landes’ dad, is in South Sudan.
• Teen Journey Group will meet February 8th—March 8th.
• We continue praying for McKenzie Grant,
Grant Jimmy McDaniel, Amanda
• Feb. 7th: Serving at Encouraging the Encourager. Meet at 11:00 a.m.
Policky Brian Stuart,
Stuart Dale Havins, Dick Leach, Brian Tweedie (Karen
Wolf’s brother), Pauline Durbin (Jerry’s
Jerry’s mother) and Waymon Holland
(the Harrington’s son-in-law), Philip Aragon.
• Feb. 27th-28th: Unite! Please sign up by February 8th.
• Spring Break: Mission Trip Opportunity—Details are in the Teen Room.
Birthdays & Anniversaries this week:
9 l Scott Findley
l Jane Fiore
10 l Winnie McKee
Marianne & Philip Wilson
12 l Jimmy McDaniel
l Karen Wolf
13 l Beverly Havins
l Julie Skipworth