ICAR – CENTRAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE CUTTACK – 753 006, ODISHA, INDIA Phone(PABX): 0671‐2367768‐783/FAX: (0671)2367663/2367759 E‐mail: [email protected] / [email protected] URL:http://www.crri.nic.in Open Tender No.07/Store/Eqp./2014-15 Last date for receipt of tenders: 26.02.2015 upto 2.00 P.M. Sealed tenders are invited from the Manufacturers/Authorized Dealers for procurement of the following Equipments/Instruments/Farm Implements. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of the Equipments/Instruments Quantity BOD Incubator (A) Deep Freezer (-200 C) 5 KVA UPS On-line CCTV Camera and video monitoring system with accessories Thermocycler (Tetrad) Microwave Digester and accessories Automatic N Analyzer Imaging chlorophyll Fluorescence system Cartridge Air Conditioner 2.0 ton capacity with Voltage Stabilizer 1 1 1 1 FOR Destination CRRI, Cuttack (Odisha) 1 1 1 1 9 Tender documents (Single Bid) along with tender cost of ` 1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) and Earnest Money Deposit (Bid Security) @ 2% of the estimated value of equipment as per the specification and terms & conditions as herein under should be submitted in sealed cover super-scribing the Serial Number, name of the item & Open Tender Number which should reach the Director, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-753006(Odisha) not later than 2.00 p.m. on 26.02.2015. If the office remains closed on the last date of receipt as specified hereinbefore for any reason, the immediate next working day will be treated as the last date for receipt of tenders. The tenders will be opened on the last date of receipt itself at 3.00 p.m. in the Auditorium of this Institute. The Director, CRRI, Cuttack reserves the right to reject any or all of the tender documents without assigning any reason thereof. DIRECTOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The detailed tender/quotation containing make, model with desired technical specifications should reach the Director, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-753006(Odisha) not later than 2.00 p.m. on 26.02.2015. The superfluous and non-essential features in the specification should be avoided. The tenders can also be directly dropped in the Tender Box available in Store Section of this Institute within the prescribed date and time. The envelope containing the quotation should be super-scribed as “…………(Sl.No.), TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF …………….…(Name of the Equipment/Instrument) VIDE O.T. NO.04/Store/Eqp./2014-15 DUE ON 26.02.2015”. Tenders/quotations received without this superscription will not be entertained at all. The tenders received within stipulated period and time will be opened on the last date of receipt itself at 3.00 p.m. in the Auditorium of this Institute. Tenders received after the prescribed date and time will not be considered for opening. 2. The tenderer is required to furnish the price bid specifically in the prescribed format attached herewith. 3. Tender Cost of `1000/- (Rupees One thousand only) and Earnest Money Deposit @ 2% of the estimated value of equipment towards bid security will have to be deposited in the form of Demand Draft/Fixed Deposit Receipt/Banker’s Cheque in favour of Director, CRRI, Cuttack payable at State Bank of India, Nayabazar, Cuttack-4 (Code 2094) along with the tender/quotation. Other modes of payment of Tender cost and EMD will not be accepted. 4. In the case of offered price of equipment/instrument is less than `1,00,000.00, there is no need to submit EMD (Bid Security). The farms those who are registered with the Central Purchase Organization, National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) or the concerned Ministry or Department are also exempted from the payment of Bid Security. 5. The tender cost is payable by every tenderer irrespective of its registration status. 6. The tender cost is non-refundable. However, EMD is refundable without any interest to unsuccessful tenderers after finalization of selection and to successful tenderer after receipt of performance security. 7. EMD of a tenderer will be forfeited, if the tenderer withdraws or amends its tender or impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of its tender. Further, if the successful tenderer fails to furnish the required performance security within the specified period as prescribed herein under, its EMD will be forfeited. 8. Tenderer submitting tenders for more than one item should be in separate envelope for each item along with prescribed amount of EMD separately in each case. 9. The validity of offer, delivery period, period of warranty, payment terms etc. should be clearly mentioned in the tender. 10. The rates so quoted should be on FOR destination at Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-753006(Odisha) in respect of indigenous supply. In case of imported item, the rate must be quoted in foreign currency on FOB/FCA/FAS basis. The rate quoted on CIF/CIP will not be considered as per purchase policy of the Govt. of India. However, Indian Agents offering imported items on FOR basis should quote the rate in Indian Currency only so that payment is made to the Indian Agent and not to the foreign principal. The certificate towards exemption of custom duty will be provided on request. 11. The details of equipments/instruments should support its Product Catalogue/literature with reference to specific brand. The approximate weight and size of the equipment/instrument (in case of foreign supply) should also be mentioned in the quotation. 12. If taxes, duties or any other charges like installation, demonstration etc. over and above the rate quoted are payable by the purchaser, the actual amount/percentage of such taxes/duties or charges should be separately and clearly indicated, which will be taken into account in calculating the total cost. 13. In the case of an authorized dealer of a manufacturer quoting rate or executing supply on behalf of the manufacturer, the agent/dealer should produce authorization certificate from the principal/manufacturer in support of such claim. 14. Specific statement should be mentioned as to whether delivery would be from ready stock or would have to be acquired / imported in the later dates and the time required for delivery after receipt of supply order. 15. The equipment should be warranted for satisfactory performance for a period of not less than one year covering conditions to repair or rectify defective item or to replace such item with similar item free from defect and any item repaired or replaced shall be delivered at the buyer’s premises without costs to the buyer. 16. The quotation should be complete in all respect such as specifications, brand, quantity, rate, unit, amount, period of warranty, mode of despatch etc. 17. Payment will be made by e-transfer in case of indigenous item after completion of supply and satisfactory installation for which the concerned firm shall have to provide bank details along with Bill and by FDD or Letter of Credit as agreed to in case of imported item. FDD will be drawn in advance and a photo copy will be sent before shipment and original thereof will be released after completion of supply and satisfactory installation of the equipment. Similarly, in case of Letter of Credit, 90% of contract value will be released on receipt of despatch documents and remaining 10% amount will be released only after completion of supply and satisfactory installation of the equipment OR LC for 100% of contract value will be established and released on receipt of despatch documents provided Principal or Indian Agent on behalf of Principal submits Bank Guarantee for 10% of contract value which will be returned after completion of supply and satisfactory installation of the equipment. Quotation insisting any other mode of payment including advance payment is not acceptable. 18. The successful tenderer, irrespective of its registration status, in the event of receiving award for supply for a contract value above Rs.1,00,000.00 will have to deposit performance security at the rate of 5% (five percent) of the contract value in the form of an Account Payee Demand Draft [payable at State Bank of India, Nayabazar, Cuttack-4 (Code 2094)], Fixed Deposit Receipt from a Commercial Bank or Bank Guarantee from a Commercial Bank in an acceptable form in favour of The Director, CRRI, Cuttack-6. The Performance Security shall have to be furnished within 21 days from the date of issue of the award. The performance security to be deposited in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee should remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the date of completion of warranty period. 19. No request for transfer of any other previous deposit of Earnest Money/Performance Security will be entertained. The earnest money / performance security deposit should not, on any account, fall short. 20. Enquiries regarding rate will be treated to be a disqualification for consideration of the quotation. 21. While submitting tender, tenderers should clearly indicate no. of pages of schedule, literature, diagram, papers etc. attached with the tender. Incomplete quotation is liable to be rejected. 22. A Compliance Sheet to the Specifications must be attached with the tender. 23. Tenderer should indicate (i) Permanent Account Number of Income Tax and (ii) Current Sales Tax Number & ITCC / STCC. In absence of these details the tender shall not be considered at all. 24. Quotations not complying with the above conditions are liable to be rejected. Overwriting in tender papers/rates will have the risk of cancellation. Only typed/ computer printed tenders will be accepted. 25. The Director, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack reserves the right to reject any or all of the tender documents received without assigning any reason thereof. 26. All disputes including court proceedings shall be settled within the Cuttack jurisdiction only. =0=0=0= QUESTIONNAIRE BIDDERS SHOULD FURNISH SPECIFIC ANSWERS TO ALL THE QUESTIONS GIVEN BELOW IN CASE A QUESTION DOES NOT APPLY TO A BIDDER, THE SAME SHOULD BE ANSWERED WITH THE REMARK “ NOT APPLICABLE” BIDDERS MAY PLEASE ANOTE THAT IF THE ANSWERS SO FURNISHED ARE NOT CLEAR AND/OR ARE EVASIVE, THE BID WILL BE LIABLE TO BE INGONED. 1. Bid No………………….. 2. Offer is open for acceptance 3. Brand of goods offered 4. Name & Address of manufacturer 5. Station of Manufacture 6. What is your permanent Income Tax/A/C No. 7. Confirm whether you have attached your latest/ current ITCC or certified photocopy thereof. 8. Status : : Date for bid opening on…… : ……………………………… : : : : : Are you currently registered with the Directorate General of Suppliers & Disposals (DGS &D) for the item(s) quoted? If so, indicate the date up to which you are registered and whether there is any monetary limit on your registration. Are you a small scale unit currently registered with the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) under Single Point Registration Scheme for the item(s) quoted? If so, indicate the date up to which you are registered and whether there is any monetary limit on your registration. If you are not registered either with NSIC or DGS & D, please state whether you are currently registered with Directorate of Industries of the state Govt. concerned. If so, indicate the date up to which you are registered and whether there is any monetary limit on your registration. Are you registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 or any other Act? Please attach certified copy (copies) of the relevant registration certificate(s) in confirmation to you above answer(s) 9. Please indicate:‐ Name & full address of your Banker(s) 10. Whether you are: : Manufacturer of the goods quoted; or Manufacturer’s quthorised agent for those goods. 11. State whether business dealings with you have been currently banned by any Ministry/Deptt. of Central Govt. or any State Govt. Signautre of Bidder: Signature of Witness Name & address of Witness: Full name, designation & address of the person signing above for and on behalf of Mssrs. ……………………………. (Name & Address of the bidding firm) BID FORM AND PRICE SCHEDULES Date: To (designation and address of the purchaser) Ref: Your bidding documents No…………….dated:……………… Having examined the above mentioned bidding documents, including addenda Nos…………..(if any), the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we , the undersigned, offer to supply and deliver ……………..(description of goods and services) in schedules, attached herewith and made part of this bid. We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to deliver the goods and complete the services in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of requirements after fulfilling all the applicable requirements incorporated in the above referred bidding documents. If our bid is accepted, we will provide you with performance security, as per the instruction specified in GCC clause 7 and in a form acceptabit to you in terms of GCC clause 7.5 for a sum equivalent to 10% (ten percent) of the contract price for the due performance of the contract. We agree to abide by this bid for bid validity period specified in the ITB clause 15 (read with modification, if any, in the Bid Data Sheet) or for the subsequently extended period, if any, agreed to by us and it shall remain binding up on us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid you may receive. Dated: this……………………… day of……………………….. 200…. Signature (in the capacity of) Duly authorised to sign bid for and on behalf of PRICE SCHEDULE FOR DOMESTIC GOODS OR GOODS OF FOREIGN ORIGIN LOCATED WITHIN INDIA 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sales Tax, Payable, if contract is awarded. (Price per unit) Sche dule no. Item Count descri ry of ‐ption origin Accou nting Unit & qnty. Ex factory/ex wareho use/ex showroo m off the shelf. (a) Excise Packing duty & forw‐ if any arding In land transport ations Insuranc e oth .duties & taxes. Incidental servic‐es. Over all Unit Price Total Price (b) (d) (e) (f) (a+b+c+ d+e+f) 3 x 6 © _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Total bid price in Rupees (in figures)………………. (in words)……………….. Signature of bidder Name : Business address : Place: Date: Note: 27. In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail. 28. If nothing to the contrary to this effect is mentioned under Section VII (Technical Specification and Quality Control Requirements), the bidder shall give list of spare parts for two years operation separetely indicating description, quantity, unit price and total price in the above format for those items whose scope of supply includes spare parts as per “Technical Specification” give in Section VII. PRICE SCHEDULE FOR GOODS TO BE IMPORTED FROM ABROAD 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Shipment weight and volume. (Price per unit) Sch edul e No. Item descr iptio n Countr y of origin Accounti ng unit & Qnty Unit Price FOB port of loading Unit Price CIF at port of entry Inland transportation charges, insurance & oth. Local costs incidentad to delivery if specified. Incidental services incl. supervisio n. Over all unit price Total Price Indian agents name Indian agents commission as a % of FOB price included in the quoted price. (a) (b) © (d) (b+c+d) 4 x 6 Total bid price in foreign currency : (in figures) : (in words) : Signature of bidder Name Business address Place: Date: Note : i. In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail. ii. If nothing to the contrary to this effect is mentioned under Section VII (Technical Specification and Quality Control Requirements), the bidder shall give list of spare parts for two years operation separately indicating description, quantity, unit price and total price in the above format for those items whose scope of supply includes spare parts as per “ Technical Specification” give in section VII. iii. Indian agent’s commission shall be paid in Indian Rupees only. No change due to exchange variation shall be allowed. MANUFACTURER’S AUTHORISATION FORM To (Name and address of the purchaser) Dear Sirs, Ref: Your Bidding Documents No……………….. We ……………………………………….. who are established and reputable manufacturers of ……………………….. (name and description of the goods offered in the bid) having factories at…………………………………… hereby authorise Messrs …………………………………. (name and address of the agent) to submit a bid, negotiate (as and if necessary) and conclude the contract with you against your above mentioned Bidding Documents for the above goods manufactured by us. No company or firm or individual other than Messrs ……………………………. (name and address of the above agent) is authorised to bid, negotiate and conclude the contract against this specific Bidding Documents for the above mentioned goods manufactured by us. We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as per clause 15 of the General Conditions of Contract, read with modification, if any, in the Special Conditions of Contract for the goods and services offered for supply against this Bidding Document by the above firm. Yours faithfully, ………………….. ………………….. (Signature, name and designation) for and on behalf of Messrs……………………………………….. [Name & address of the manufacturers] Note: This letter of authorisation should be on the letter head of the manufacturing firm and should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to legally bind the manufacturer. BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR PERFORMANCE SECURITY To ……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………. (Name and address of the purchaser) WHEREAS …………………………………………….. (name and address of the supplier) (hereinafter called “ the supplier” ) has taken, in pursuance of contract No………………. dated:……………. . to supply ……………………. (description of goods and services) (hereinafter called “the contract”). AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said contract that the supplier shall furnish you with a bank guarantee by a recognized bank acceptable to you, for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with its (supplier’s) obligations in accordance with the contract AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the supplier such a bank guarantee; NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the supplier, up to a total of ……………………………………. [ amount of the guarantee in words and figures], such sum being payable in the types and proportions of currencies in which the contract price is payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of (amount of guarantee) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein. We further undertake to pay you the sum so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the supplier in any suit or proceedings pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto liability under this present being absolute and univocal. We also hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said amount from the supplier before presenting us with the demand. We further agree that you shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the contract or to extend the time of performance by the supplier from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by you against the supplier and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the contract and we shall not be relieved from our liability under this guarantee. This guarantee shall be valid and shall remain in force until …………….. day of ……….. 20……. Dated the …………….day of ………….. 20 for ……………………… (name of the Bank) Signature……………………….. Name of the officer…………… (in Block letters) Designation of the Officer………. Code No………………………… Name of the Bank and full address. Specification for CC Camera and video monitoring system with accessories for CRRI,Cuttack(Odisha), RRLRRS, Gerua(Assam) and CRURRS, Hazaribag (Jharkhand) Serial No i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii Description Unit 1.3 Megapixel Network IR Nos Indoor Dome Camera Specification – Annexure I 1.3 Megapixel IP66 Network IR Outdoor Bullet Camera Nos Specification – Annexure II PoE Adapter Nos 32 Channel NVR with customizable video Nos management software Specification – Annexure III 700 TVL Resolution IR Analog Dome Camera Nos Specification – Annexure IV 700 TVL Resolution IR Analog Bullet Camera Nos Specification – Annexure V Power Supply Nos 8 Channel DVR Nos Specification – Annexure VI BNC Connector Nos 24 Port 10/100/1000Mbps Nos Gigabit LAN Switch CAT‐6 LAN Cable + RJ45 Connector with Casing Cover + Mtrs Cabling RG6 Cable + Power Cable + Mtrs PVC Pipe Desktop Computer Nos Specification – Annexure VII 1 KVA Line Interactive UPS Nos Specification – Annexure VIII 2 TB HDD Nos 32” Full HD LED Display Unit Nos Installation Charges Lumpsum Quantity 20 Rate 02 22 01 08 04 12 02 24 10 1500 1000 01 11 04 03 N.B.: Installation has to be done at Main Institute, Cuttack(Odisha) as well as it's Sub stations at RRLRRS, Gerua (Assam) and CRURRS, Hazaribag (Jharkhand). Detailed quantity of items to be installed at different places will be intimated in the Supply Order. Annexure I IP NETWORK INDOOR DOME CAMERA SPECIFICATION Product Feature Camera Type Image Sensor Lens Type Description 1.3 Megapixel Network IR Indoor Dome Camera 1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS Built‐in varifocal lens, 2.8 ‐ 12 mm @ F1.4, Angle of view: 90° Pixel 1280(H) x 960(V) Signal System PAL/NTSC (Selectable) Frame Rate 30 fps Video Compression H.264/M‐JPEG IR Range Up to 30m S/N Ratio ≥ 50dB Focus Mode Auto Bit Rate 32 Kbps ~ 16 Mbps Max. Image 1280 x 960 (Maximum) Resolution Network Storage NVR or NAS Alarm Support Tampering Alarm, IP Address conflict, Network got disconnected, Motion Detection Client Software Supports OEM and Third party Customizable Software Web Browser IE 7+, Chrome 18 +, Firefox 5.0 +, Safari 5.02 +, support multi‐language No. of 10 Users Simultaneous Users Protocols TCP/IP,ICMP,HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,DHCP,DNS,DDNS,RTP,RTS Supported P,RTCP, PPPoE,NTP,UPnP,SMTP,SNMP,IGMP,802.1X,QoS,IPv6,Bon jour(SIP optional) Communication 1 RJ45 10 / 100Mbps Ethernet Interface Interface Power Supply 12 VDC ± 10% and PoE Supported Product ISO, UL, FCC, CE Certification Service & Support 5 Days 24x7 Support with OEM existence in Odisha with Certified Engineers Warranty 3 Years Standard OEM Warranty (Parts + Labour) Complied (Yes/No) Annexure II IP NETWORK OUTDOOR BULLET CAMERA SPECIFICATION Product Feature Camera Type Image Sensor Lens Type Pixel Signal System Frame Rate Video Compression IR Range S/N Ratio Focus Mode Bit Rate Max. Image Resolution Network Storage Alarm Support Client Software Web Browser Description 1.3 Megapixel IP66 Network IR Outdoor Bullet Camera 1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS Built‐in varifocal lens, 2.8 ‐ 12 mm @ F1.4, Angle of view: 90° 1280(H) x 960(V) Maximum PAL/NTSC (Selectable) 30 fps H.264/M‐JPEG Up to 30m ≥ 50dB Auto 32 Kbps ~ 16 Mbps 1280 x 960 (Maximum) NVR or NAS Tampering Alarm, IP Address conflict, Network got disconnected, Motion Detection Supports OEM and Third party Customizable Software IE 7+, Chrome 18 +, Firefox 5.0 +, Safari 5.02 +, support multi‐language 10 Users No. of Simultaneous Users Protocols Supported TCP/IP,ICMP,HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,DHCP,DNS,DDNS,RTP,R TSP,RTCP,PPPoE,NTP,UPnP,SMTP,SNMP,IGMP,802.1X,Q oS,IPv6,Bonjour(SIP optional) Communication 1 RJ45 10/ 100 Mbps Ethernet Interface Interface Power Supply 12 VDC ± 10% and PoE Supported Weather Proof IP66 Standard, surge protection and voltage transient protection Product Certification ISO, UL, FCC, CE Service & Support 5 Days 24x7 Support with OEM existence in Odisha with Certified Engineers Warranty 3 Years Standard OEM Warranty (Parts + Labor) Complied (Yes/No) Annexure III NETWORK VIDEO RECORDER SPECIFICATION Product Feature IP Video Input Video Output Audio Output Two Way Audio Recording Resolution HDMI Output Resolution VGA Output Resolution Synchronous Playback Playback Resolution Alarm Input Alarm Output Interfaces Hard Disk Interface Type Hard Disk Capacity eSATA Interface USB Interface Power Supply Product Certification Service & Support Warranty Description Complied (Yes/No) 32 Channel 1‐ch HDMI, 1‐ch VGA, 1‐ch BNC 2 Channel 1Channel 5 Megapixel 1‐ch, resolution: 1920 × 1080P /60Hz 1‐ch, resolution: 1920×1080P/60Hz (Maximum) 16 Channel 5 Megapixel 16 Channel 4 Channel 2 RJ45 10/100/1000Mbps adaptive Ethernet Interface, 1 RS‐485 Interface; 1 RS‐485 keyboard interface 4 SATA Interfaces Up to 4 TB capacity for each disk 1 e‐SATA Interface 3 USB 2.0 Interfaces 100~240VAC, 6.3A, 50~60 Hz ISO, UL, FCC, CE 5 Days 24x7 Support with OEM existence in Odisha with Certified Engineers 3 Years Standard OEM Warranty (Parts + Labor) Annexure IV ANALOG INDOOR DOME IR CAMERA SPECIFICATION Product Feature Image Sensor Pixel Signal System Resolution White Balance Video Frame Rate Lens Day & Night Angle of View S/N Ratio IR Range Client Software Description 1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS 1280(H) x 960(V) PAL/NTSC Full HD 720P Auto 720P@30 fps 3.6 mm IR Cut Filter Auto Focus 78.8° ≥ 50dB Up to 40m Supports OEM and Third party customizable software Power Supply 12 VDC ± 10% Product Certification ISO, UL, FCC, CE Service & Support 5 Days 24x7 Support with OEM existence in Odisha with Certified Engineers Warranty 3 Years Standard OEM Warranty (Parts + Labor) Complied (Yes/No) Annexure V ANALOG OUTDOOR BULLET IR CAMERA SPECIFICATION Product Feature Image Sensor Pixel Signal System Resolution White Balance Video Frame Rate Lens Day & Night Angle of View S/N Ratio IR Range Weather Proof Description 1/3" Progressive Scan CMOS 1280(H) x 960(V) PAL/NTSC Full HD 720P Auto 720P@30 fps 2.8‐[email protected] IR Cut Filter Auto Focus 78.8° ≥ 50dB Up to 40m IP66 Standard, surge protection and voltage transient protection Client Software Supports OEM and Third party customizable software Power Supply 12 VDC ± 10% Product Certification ISO, UL, FCC, CE Service & Support 5 Days 24x7 Support with OEM existence in Odisha with Certified Engineers Warranty 3 Years Standard OEM Warranty (Parts + Labor) Complied (Yes/No) Annexure VI DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER SPECIFICATION Product Feature Video Input Video Output Audio Input Audio Output Two Way Audio Signal System Recording Resolution (All Channel) HDMI Output Resolution VGA Output Resolution Synchronous Playback Playback Resolution Alarm Input Alarm Output Interfaces Hard Disk Interface Type Hard Disk Capacity eSATA Interface USB Interface Power Supply Product Certification Service & Support Warranty Description 8 Channel, BNC 1‐ch HDMI, 1‐ch VGA, 2‐ch BNC 8 Channel 2 Channel 1Channel PAL & NTSC 720P 1‐ch, resolution: 1920 × 1080P /60Hz 1‐ch, resolution: 1920×1080P/60Hz (Maximum) 8 Channel 720P 8 Channel 4 Channel 2 RJ45 10/100/1000Mbps adaptive Ethernet Interface, 1 RS‐485 Interface; 1 RS‐ 485 keyboard interface 8 SATA Interfaces Up to 4 TB capacity for each disk 1 e‐SATA Interface 3 USB 2.0 Interfaces 12 VDC ± 10% ISO, UL, FCC, CE 5 Days 24x7 Support with OEM existence in Odisha with Certified Engineers 3 Years Standard OEM Warranty (Parts + Labor) Complied (Yes/No) Annexure VII TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR DESKTOP Processor Chipset Operating System Monitor Graphics Memory Hard Drive Optical drive Networking I/O Ports Sound/Audio Keyboard Mouse Hardware Support Intel 4th Generation Core i7 Quad Core Intel Q87 Express Chipset Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32 bit) with media 20'' Wide Screen Monitor with LED Back Light Integrated Intel HD Graphics 4600 4GB (2x2GB) Non-ECC DDR3 1600MHz SDRAM Memory 1 TB SATA 7200 rpm Super Multi DVD Burner Drive Integrated Intel Ethernet LAN 10/100/1000; supports optional PCIe 10/100/1000 network card; optional wireless 802.11n card 4 External USB 3.0 ports (2 side, 2 rear) and 4 External USB 2.0 ports; 1 RJ-45; 1 VGA; 1 HDMI; 2 PS/2; 1 Line-in (stereo/microphone), 2 Line-out (1 side for headphone/1 rear for speaker) Integrated Realtek ALC 656 Audio USB Entry Keyboard (English-International) USB Optical Mouse 5Yr Next Business Day Onsite Service & Support Annexure VIII TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR LINE INTERACTIVE UPS Output Power Capacity 600 Watts / 1000 VA Max Configurable Power 600 Watts / 0 VA Nominal Output Voltage 120V Output Frequency (sync to mains) Topology Waveform Type Output Connections 50/60Hz +/- 3 Hz Line Interactive Stepped approximation to a sine wave NEMA 5-15R (Battery Backup) NEMA 5-15R (Surge Protection) Nominal Input Voltage Input Frequency Input Connections Maximum Input Current Input Breaker Capacity Battery Type 120V 50/60 Hz +/- 3 Hz (auto sensing) NEMA 5-15P 12A 15.0 A Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid battery with suspended electrolyte : leak proof Typical recharge time Interface Port(s) Control panel 8 hour(s) USB Multi-function LCD status and control console Surge energy rating 354 Joules Data Line Protection Network line - 10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet (RJ-45 connector), Coaxial cable for CATV/SATV/modem/Audio-Video (coax connector) Standard Warranty 3 years repair or replace Specifications for Thermocycler (Tetrad) Thermocycler for accurate and precise control of all PCR protocols resulting in accurate reproducible amplification in oil free operation mode with the following specifications: 1. Universal Block : made of Silver/Aluminum 2. No of Blocks: 4 blocks in a single machine or in four independent machines, 3 blocks having 96 wells each and one block should have 384 wells 3. Volume: 10µL to 200 µL 4. Must have gradient capability and gradient range of 30ºC- 100 ºC 5. Heating and cooling technology: Peltier 6. Temperature control range: from 4 °C to 99°C 7. Temperature Control Mode: Fast, Standard and Safe 8. Block Temperature Accuracy: ± 0.10C to 0.2°C 9. Temperature uniformity of 0.2 to 0.4 °C 10. Maximum heating rate : 4ºC/s- 5 ºC/s 11. Maximum cooling rate : 3ºC/s- 5 ºC/s 12. Programmable auto heated Lid (lower range: 50 - 60 o C & upper range: ≥ 105° C) with high performance lid technology to exert optimum pressure on the tubes and plates 13. Block Temperature calibration and validation system 14. Adjustable ramp rate to meet critical amplification conditions 15. Auto Restart facility with user defined time interval when power fails and resumes 16. Instrument status should indicate the step, cycle and remaining run time during the run 17. Storage capacity of ≥500 programs 18. Real time graphical LC display of actual block temperature, cycles, time etc. 19. Facility for programming 2 step PCR, 3 Step PCR, Gradient PCR, Long Range PCR, Low volume PCR, RT-PCR, Incubation, Cycle sequencing, Touchdown PCR, Hot Start PCR, Large volume PCR, Nested cycles, etc 20. USB ports, RS232/485 serial port, Ethernet card 21. Facility for up-gradation of software 22. Power supply:220- 230 V, 50-60 Hz 23. Warranty: ≥ 24 months 24. Should provide all accessories necessary for efficient and smooth functioning of thermocycler indicating UPS of appropriate rating 25. Should provide original literature and users list along with certificates of satisfactory performance from users 26. Should provide warranty certification, authorization certification, instrument installation, demonstration and time to time service when necessary 27. Must include all the costs like of Theromcycler, installation charges, tax and any other charges (custom duty, clearing charges, etc) 28. Price should be at CRRI, Cuttack TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF MICROWAVE DIGESTION SYSTEM Specifications Parameters Microwave Features Application and Essential Scope for supply A latest model of microwave digestion system should enable rapid digestion, dissolution, extraction and drying of Agriculture, Food and Feed, Environmental, and others various types of samples. The instrument should have a superior pressure venting so as to prevent any loss of volatile metals and should have homogeneous microwave field to avoid sample burning. Microwave digestion system should have direct temperature and pressure monitoring system. The system should be software controlled. Different types of rotors available for the digestion of the different type of samples should also be quoted. Necessary consumables and maintenance parts should also be quoted to run instrument trouble free for three years. Microwave output power Maximum output level should be at least 1200 watt controlled by microprocessor with 1% output increment with magnetron frequency: ≈ 2450 MHz. Cavity Material Stainless steel with multilayer fluoropolymer (PTFE) coating, Acid resistance, corrosion resistance exhaust system. Cavity volume should be more than 50 L to accommodate various accessories. There should be minimum wire connection, electronic sockets inside the oven cavity to prevent corrosion. Vessels The vessel shall consist of maximum 3 parts and shall be HF-resistant. Vessel volume should be minimum 50 ml and it should be designed for maximum temperature capacity of 300°C or more and maximum pressure 100 Bar or more. The vessels should have automatic venting and re-sealing system in case there is excess pressure development. Reaction vessel must be ventable prior to removal and opening of the rotor to prevent chemical and pressure hazards. All vessels should have easy hand tightening closure. Temperature accuracy ±1 ºC Pressure accuracy ±0.1 bar Vessel cooling To ensure user safety during handling, vessels must be cooled inside the oven. System must have built-in high performance vessel cooling system. The airflow must be directed through air-guides around the vessels. Cooling time should be less than 10 minute. Rotor The system should hold minimum 10 numbers high pressure vessels made of high purity material. Rotor should have adjustable speed. System control Microprocessor, library of tested methods (freely expandable), storage and backup of methods and data. All the features should be in built in the software. Should have provision for manual programming storage apart from pre-installed programme. The system should be provided with in board pressure and temperature inside the closed sample vessel. Display High resolution, Illuminated LCD. Should have graphics capability to plot reaction condition in real time. System should have display for all routine operations or have connection with an external pc to view the process. Temperature sensor Should have IR temperature sensor for remote/non-invasive measurement of temperature at all the vessel positions. Automatic temperature control system) should be protected properly from any chemical attack. Exhaust The system should have inbuilt exhaust system to cool the vessels and to drive away if any fumes in the cavity. Safety measures Over-pressure venting safety interlock, the system should have good interlocking system for safety and cavity door with more than 3 safety interlock will be preferred. Compartment made of stainless steel housing with corrosion resistance material. All hardware should have protective coating for the resistance from acid/organic fumes. The system should be certified by necessary safety authority for safe operations. Installation, Commissioning Training Manufacturer/Supplier should install and successfully run the basic instrument with all accessories at CRRI. Demonstration and Training must be provided to scientists after successful installation of instrument at CRRI Lab. and Optional requirements (in addition to above) Digestion vessels – 2 sets General supply -The instrument and all its sub units should operate on 230V (±10%), 50/60 Hz power supply Condition of -All the operation and maintenance manuals, circuit diagrams, application notes and application software’s to be supplied should be in English language. -In case of breakdown of the system, the servicing to be done immediately by the supplier during the warranty period and extended period. - Manufacturer/supplier should provide a complete product Brochure having details of specification quoted. Comprehensive onsite warranty including instrument parts and labor for two years including magnetron, after successful installation of the system should be provided Warranty Spare parts Consumables and The supplier should quote all essential spares and consumable kit and peripherals, which are not covered under comprehensive warranty for basic instrument and in the opinion of the bidder, is essential for ensuring trouble free performance for the quoted system and supporting units for three years. SPECIFICATION FOR 1. AUTOMATIC NITROGEN ANALYZER Suitable for analysis of : Plants, grain, protein nitrogen, soil, food, dairy product, animal food, chemical samples 2. Test samples: solid, liquid 3. Operation Mode: Fully Automatic along with auto sampler(number 20): including sample dilution, water addition, alkali and receiver solution addition, steam generation, distillation, tube draining and waste collection. Built - in titration, calculation, reporting, storage of data.; Compatible with PC/laptop 4. Measurement range: Nitrogen-; 5. Auto-alarm and Recycling function 6. Distillation speed : 3-7 min/ sample 7. Power source: 180-220V; 50/60 Hz 8. Structure & Weight: Table top; 10-35 kg 9. Digester: 20-24 holes 10. Provision for safe removal of waste, SO2 and other harmful gases, acids fumes 11. Body: Made of alkali and acid corrosion protective materials 12. Alkali protective splash head 13. Warranty:12 months with provision for AMC after warranty 14. Installation, demonstration and on-site training 0.1 – 200 mg N Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging system 1. Specification: Measured parameters: FO, FM, FV, FO', FM', FV', FT. Provision for calculation of other parameters like FV/FM, FV'/FM', NPQ, qN, qP, Rfd, PAR‐absorptivity coefficient etc. 2. Light: Sources: Blue to red LEDs of different nm, white etc. with thermally stabilized panels Control: software based Calibration: Pre‐calibrated and pre‐aligned Irradiance: Super pulse intensity >6000 (photons)/m².s, Actinic light intensity: 3000 µmol (photons)/m².s Accuracy: 2‐3% over actinic range Light regime: dynamic Uniformity: Maximum variability of 5% within 13 cm x 9 cm area 3. Protocols: Custom defined 4. CCD Detector wavelength range: 400 to 1000 nm 5. CCD Camera and lenses: chip size (minimum 1/2”) minimum 640 x 480 pixel, maximum 2/3” 1392 x 1040 pixel with appropriate software and mounting system. 6. Imaging frequency: Minimum 50 frames per second. 7. Environmental conditions: Operating temperature: 0 to 40oC ambient Storage temperature 0 to 60oC Operating humidity: 10%‐95% non‐condensing 8. Electrical: Mains input: IEC connector or suitable adaptor Voltage: 80‐260 VAC Frequency: 47‐70 Hz Inrush Current: 40A peak maximum Fuse and other safety measures associated. Appropriate battery charger with battery. 9. Configuration: 1. Standard configuration with 96‐well microtiter plate 2. Configuration for studying potted plants 3. Standard configuration with LED‐Array and camera fixed on Mounting Stand with Eye Protection 10. Note book / Lap top with all software for processing the data 11. Warranty: 24 months 12. Onsite installation, demonstration & training. SPECIFICATIONS OF 2 TON CARTRIDGE AC (9 nos.) Supply and fixing of Split AC 2.0 TR Hitachi cassette high efficiency Model RAG424HUD (or equivalent) with connect kit to fit into 60 cm x 60 cm false ceiling frame as under: a) Copper outlet pipes 105 m b) Electric cable (2 x 6 sqmm copper) for individual ACs (Finolex/havells/polycab or equivalent) 135 m c) Power supply cable up to control panel (70 sqmm, 3.5 85 m core, aluminum armored (Finolex/havells/polycab or equivalent) 38 x 40 mm heavy duty GI pipe 3 m including GI flange 2 nos. with No.8 copper wire, charcoal, salt, nut-bolt, socket etc. for earthing DP switch & other items as per requirement 5 KVA Voltage Stabilizer (range: 90V to 280V) with wall 9 nos. hanging system Fixing of existing wall fans 15 nos. d) e) f) g)
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