KC QUOTE February 2015 Mount Vernon Council #5998 Knights of Columbus www.kofc5998.org Outstanding Newsletter 2013 - 2014 Upcoming Events: February 19, 2015 Social 6.30P; KOVAR and the 2015 Campaign Council Meetings - First and Third Thursday of the Month 8592 Richmond Highway - Alexandria, VA 22309 Telephone: 703-360-1964 Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 2 Calendar of Events Table of Contents 02 Table of Contents 02 Calendar of Events 03 Mount Vernon Council Directory Saturday Sunday Sunday February 2015 1 Super Bowl Party 6.30PM Officer’s Meeting (6.45P); 5 Rosary (7.40P); Council Business Meeting (8P) 7 Patriotic Rosary 11A 8 St Louis Pancake Breakfast 15 GS Pancake Breakfast Wednesday 18 Ash Wednesday Thursday 19 Sunday 22 Tuesday 24 Tuesday 24 Saturday 28 Sunday 04 Mount Vernon KofC Club, Inc. Directory 05 February Birthdays 05 Prayer List 06 Grand Knight’s Message 07 Chaplain Rev. SK Tom Ferguson 08 K of C Club - President’s Message 09 Ladies Corner 10 REFLECTION BY CARL EIFERT Thursday 11 Eleven men to the Permanent Diaconate 12 Father Frank J. Ready 13 Father Jerome A. Rinzel 14 Thank You 15 Knight & Family of the Month 16 Upcoming and Other Area Council Exemplifications 17 Roundtable Pancake Breakfasts 18 Super Bowl 2015 19 Valentine Dinner and Dance 20 Shrove Tuesday 21 February 19th Social meeting 22 Lenten Fish Fry’s 23 Super Bowl of Auto Racing 24 Nominations for Outstanding Young Man and Outstanding Young Woman of the Year 25 Father Bader Scholarship Program 26 KOVAR 2015 27 KOVAR and Amazon Smile 28 KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction 29 Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea on view December 5, 2014–April 12, 2015 30-32 Annual March for Life 33-34 Stan Bonta's Message 35 Monthly Calendar Social 6.30P; KOVAR and the 2015 Campaign Daytona 500 in the Lounge District Deputy Meeting (6.15P) Second Degree Exemplification (7.30P) State Meeting March 2015 Officer’s Meeting (6.45P); Rosary (7.40P); Council Business Meeting & First Degree Exemplification (8P) Thursday 5 Saturday Sunday Sunday 7 Patriotic Rosary 11A 8 St Louis Pancake Breakfast 15 GS Pancake Breakfast Social 6.30P; Adoption & its 19 process KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auc21 tion Thursday Saturday The deadline for accepting articles and photos for the March 2015 KC Quote will be Tuesday, February 24, 2014. Articles received after that time, if still applicable, will appear in the April 2015 KC Quote. The KC Quote is published as a periodical, once a month, 12 times a year. It is published solely as a newsletter for the benefit of the members, their families, and friends of Mount Vernon Council #5998, Knights of Columbus. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 3 Council Directory Grand Knight SK GK PGK Michael J Murphy Chaplain Rev. SK Tom Ferguson Deputy Grand Knight SK Robert T Reynolds Chancellor SK PFN Lee Wallis Financial Secretary 703-751-5452 703 780-4055 703-799-7260 703-971-2393 SK FDD PFN PGK Paul Townsend 703-619-9796 Recorder SK John Michals 703-587-3901 Warden SK Robert K Reynolds 703-799-2646 Treasurer Tim McCauley 703-922-7149 Lecturer John J. Daly 703-360-5812 Advocate SK Jim “Bones” Bona 703-799-4158 Outside Guard SK Kerry McCabe 703-960-3304 Inside Guard SK Joey McCracken 703-960-4546 Trustees 3 Year - SK PGK Peter J. Butler 703-780-4046 2 Year - SK PFN PGK Herbert Ray Duff 703-780-1822 1 Year - SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey 571-233-9048 Insurance Field Agent Stan Bonta 703-362-9728 Program Director SK Robert T Reynolds Church Director Vacant Good Shepherd Roundtable SK John Michals St. Louis Roundtable SK Kerry McCabe Community Director SK Dan Rinzel Council Director 703-799-7260 703-587-3901 703-960-3304 703-360-4627 Vacant Family SK PFN PGK Thomas Fahey Youth Director SK Kerry McCabe PRO-LIFE SK Richard Hayden KOVAR SK PFN Lee Wallis KCIC SK PFN Lee Wallis Vocations 571-233-9048 703-960-3304 703-799-2646 703-971-2393 703-971-2393 Vacant Publication& Public Relations KC Quote SK PFN PGK Rich Risdon 571-244-4645 Webmaster SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546 Bar SK Jim “Bones” Bona 703-799-4158 SK John Karpovich 703-255-3053 Soccer SK Kerry McCabe 703-960-3304 Bowling Tim McCauley 703-922-7149 703-780-1822 1st Degree Team Captain John J. Daly 703-360-5812 Membership Director SK PFN PGK Herbert Ray Duff Snack Bar Manager Bob Botto 703-799-0332 1st to 3rd Committee SK Robert T Reynolds 703-799-7260 Memorials Director SK PGK Peter J. Butler 703-780-4046 Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 4 Mount Vernon K of C Club, Inc. Officers & Directors BOARD CHAIRMAN SK GK Mike Murphy 703-751-5452 PRESIDENT SK Dan Rinzel 703-360-4627 VICE PRESIDENT SK PFN Cliff Conway 703-765-5251 SECRETARY SK Robert T Reynolds 703-799-7260 TREASURER SK Tim McCauley 703-922-7149 ASSISTANT TREASURER SK PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546 DIRECTORS Richard Hayden SK Jay Landreth Mark Busse SK Carl Eifert 703-799-2646 703-768-3111 703-597-5790 571-275-1669 FACILITIES/BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Eve Dellett Phone: 703-360-1964 Ext 1 FAX: 703-360-2457 E-mail: [email protected] Business Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM, Wed - Fri Committee Chairmen AUDIT SK PGK Peter Butler 703-780-4046 BINGO SK Larry Dietrick 703-799-4193 BUDGET & FINANCE SK PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546 BY LAWS Richard Hayden 703-799-2646 CHARITY SK PFN Cliff Conway 703-765-5251 CONSTRUCTION SK Joseph (Joe) Selby 703-765-4061 SK PGK Ernest Graves 703-969-7333 CREDENTIALS SK Lee Wallis 703-971-2393 FACILITY MGMT & OPERATIONS Mark Busse 703-597-5790 LONG RANGE PLANNING SK Jim Bona 703-799-4158 SK Carl Eifert 571-275-1669 NOMINATIONS SK PFN PGK Ray Duff 202-253-3421 SK Kerry McCabe 703-960-3304 SPECIAL EVENTS SK Michael Guignard 703-922-6584 HOSPITALITY MANAGER/ SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR Mary Katherine Tyler (Cell) 571-233-9855 Prayer for the Canonization of Venerable Servant of God Father Michael J. McGivney God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servant Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Fr. Michael J. McGivney Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 5 Prayer List On Behalf of Council 5998, To Those Who Were Born in February Name Maurice W Chau Steven G Leschnik David R Miller Lawrence D Miller Dr Brian J Bodnar Bruno Bottcher Precious J Andam David A Nutile James S Dunn Sr David P Noon Steven R Kramer Peter W Webb Richard Ziants James G McDonald Richard A Duffy Joseph G Graf Joseph A Collier Dennis J Mahafkey Gerri R Bartell Liam B McCormack John M Manzo Edward K Yellman Joseph P Ferguson J Barry Hutchison John J Niemiec Dr James J Krebs Birthday 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 9 13 14 15 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 28 The following Brothers, relatives and close friends are in need of your prayers. Please pray for them and the other personal intentions of our Brother Knights. To be placed on the Prayer List, please contact the editor of the KC Quote, SK PGK PFN Richard Risdon at [email protected]. Repose of the soul of SK Luigi Picciano Repose of the soul of Edward Winiarski Repose of the soul of Father Jerome A. Rinzel—Brother of SK Dan Rinzel Repose of the soul of Father Frank J. Ready Associate State Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus Paula Powers— wife of SK PGK Bud Powers SK FDD PFN PGK Paul Townsend Renee Duff— Wife of PFN PGK Ray Duff James Riddenour Pat Fahey—wife of SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey SK Jim "Bones" Bona John Karpovich Stan Bonta Richard D. Ferrante Charles Baumgardner - son-in-law of Keith Kettell Fr Wayne Knoll Decan Declay Christine Nelson Richard Koslow Maureen Schreiner, wife of Ray Schreiner SK Jay Landreth George Simms, Honorary Life Member SK PFN PGK Richard (Dick) Bowman Lois Bowman— wife of SK PFN PGK Richard (Dick) Bowman SK PFN PGK Jim Dunn SK PGK Don Rogan Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 6 Grand Knight’s Message SK GK Michael J (Mike) Murphy Grand Knight We have been richly blessed this month by two men who said “yes” to a council in need. As is customary, on January 5, 2015, I sent a letter to Bishop Loverde seeking his permission to allow Fr Tom Ferguson to be our council chaplain. Just two days later, I received a reply from the Bishop’s Delegate for Clergy, Fr Paul Scalia, informing me that the bishop granted his approval to my request. As some of you are aware, and for those who are not, our last chaplain, Fr Richard Mullins, was transferred in the summer of 2012. On January 17, 2015, one of our own council brothers, Patrick Ouellette, was ordained to the permanent diaconate, along with 10 other men at St. Thomas More Cathedral in Arlington, VA. After five intense years of study, and with the loving support of his family, Deacon Patrick closed one door, but only to open another to both his parish and this council. The Ouellette’s, therefore, are my selection as the Family of the Month for January. I humbly ask that you thank both of these men for saying “yes” to their calling. We are truly blessed to have them in our council. With their guidance and prayers, we can only grow stronger in faith; and, that is our purpose…to grow in faith to serve each other. Also, while on the theme of “yes”, I must thank our mothers. Indeed, the timing has not been lost on me. As I type this GK Message, Council #5998 filled 1 ½ busses with supporters who are, at this very moment, participating in the March for Life 2015 in D.C. (your GK gave up his seat for a child who had not been to a march and really, really wanted to go; so, I said “yes” too!). To our mothers of Council #5998, thank you for saying “yes”. To Fr Tom and Deacon Patrick, thank you for saying “yes”. We love you and we appreciate all that you do for us. How lucky and blessed we are to be in such awesome company. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 7 Chaplain Rev. SK Tom Ferguson Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 8 K of C Club - President’s Message SK Dan Rinzel President Mount Vernon K of C Club, Inc. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE President Dan Rinzel and PGK Peter Butler attended a December meeting chaired by the State Deputy in Richmond which will likely affect the future relationship between the Mount Vernon K of C Corporation and our Council 5998. The Corporation is organized as a tax exempt charitable organization under IRS code 501 (c) (3). The Corporation owns the building and operates bingo under the supervision of the Virginia Charitable Gaming Board. The Council is a separate entity. It appears likely that at some time in the future a more formalized relationship between the Corporation and the Council involving written agreements regarding use of the building by the Council as well as insurance may be required. The Corporation Board is proposing to paint Colombian Hall, which has not been repainted for many years. Multiple bids are being solicited. The board also approved a proposal to install lighting in the storage shed out building behind Columbian Hall at a cost not to exceed $300. The Board is in the process of reviewing the status of the Colombian Hall air conditioning system which includes four separate roof top units. We have been advised that these units will need to be replaced over the next five years at an estimated cost of $45,000. We are happy to report that the roof leaks have been successfully repaired, thanks to the effort initiated by Brother Mark Busse, and that the kitchen passed a County inspection last month with no violations noted. County inspection of our drainage system is pending. Brother Jim Bona is heading up a review of the provisions of all insurance policies now in effect for the Corporation. The New Years Day all day bingo event was a major success raising approximately $8,000 for our charity fund from some 160 bingo players present. Many thanks to Bingo Chairman Larry Dietrich and the numerous bingo volunteers and snack bar workers who made the day a success. If you are a bingo or snack bar volunteer, your 2015 Charity Designation Forms are now due. Each worker is allocated a pro-rata share of 50% of the total amount distributed by the Corporation’s Charity Committee from the earnings of our bingo operation. But you must send in your form to the Charity Committee designating your charity or charities of choice by no later than February 28, 2015. We continue to seek additional volunteers for bingo, including anyone who may be interested in assuming at least part of the duties of bingo chairman. Fraternally, SK Dan Rinzel Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 9 Ladies Corner To the Ladies of Mount Vernon Council have a specialty for baking cakes, baby sitting , pet sitting, gardening or lawn care and if you are willing to provide these services they could also be auctioned off. Please contact me if you have items to be included in the KOVAR Silent Auction. This will be followed by a lovely dinner and a brief period to finalize your bidding at the auction tables. Our wonderful Christmas Advent season has passed and we find ourselves in the New Year 2015. We all ask for God's help in discovering the ways to serve Our Lord. Lee and I have been visiting businesses The Theme for the months of January through soliciting their support. Williams Sonoma, Joe March dwells with Life - Respect for Life and Thiemann's Restaurant, Mon Cheri Spa and how precious All Life is. Primo's Restaurant were our first contributors which will be followed by many others. Each year we are called to help with the March for Life. This year the March for Life was Please remember the money raised is held on Thursday January 22. There were very important and goes to provide funding of many opportunities to help. Some helped employment and training opportunities through their prayers; some by their marching including the purchase of equipment designed in Washington, DC. ; other wrote letters to our to be operated by Persons with Intellectual Government representatives; others helped by Disabilities (ID) ; funding of group homes; setting up and serving a light breakfast at the funding of furniture and fixtures for the group Council Hall for the Marchers and those that homes; funding recreation opportunities for came to Mass at the Hall; others by attending Virginian Citizens with ID including support for mass; others by helping to prepare the Hall for Special Olympics of Virginia; funding of health the Mass; others helped by preparing and assistance; funding of transportation for serving food for the marchers when they vehicles designed with wheel chair lifts and returned to the Council. Thank you everyone safety equipment to assist Virginians with ID for all you have done in support of the March get to and from work and social events; funding for Life this year. of respite care- allowing care providers time for themselves - to go to doctor's appointments, Our Next Big effort will be fund raising shopping or just quiet time to recharge. Please for KOVAR, Knights of Columbus assisting be generous with your time and help with Virginians with Intellectual Disabilities. The collections that will be made at Good Shepherd Ladies got a jump start this year by having two and St. Louis Churches and in front of the Bake Sales last fall at Friday Night BINGO. Safeway stores in the spring. The next event will be a Kickoff Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday March 21, 2015 at the Council Hall. There will be a Meet & Greet with opportunity to visit the Auction tables and begin your bidding on business and personal donations of valued items, services, tickets, restaurant Gift Certificates etc. Some of the personal donations you might make include vacation time shares, tickets to sports events, paintings, antiques, dishes, and theme baskets composed of food, candy, snacks, wine, cheese and crackers, bath items, kitchen items and gardening items. If you or a family member Whatever we do to make Life better for God's Special Children will be a gift of love and an answer to God's calling - "Love One Another as I Have Loved You!" Joan Wallis Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 10 REFLECTION BY CARL EIFERT SO, WHAT IS REALLY NEW? No doubt, factions exist in the Catholic Church. Such has been true since the days following the Ascension. St. Paul corrected Corinthians for their drunkenness and showing off their wealth to poor congregants during early celebrations of the Eucharist, which were actual meals. Nowadays some Catholics are fond of speaking about “liberal” and “conservative” viewpoints on Church doctrine. True, most members of the hierarchy try to steer clear of those political terms. Still, some Catholics would loosely interpret the Commandments and Church law while others would tolerate nothing but strict obedience. So to find the word “progress” -- even including quotation marks -- in the Bible in the same sense as it might be used today when speaking of doctrine could considered stunning. But there in The Second Letter of John, verse 9 appears “progressive”. “Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh; such is the deceitful one and the antichrist. Look to yourselves that you do not lose what we worked for but may receive a full recompense. Anyone who is so ‘progressive’ as not to remain in the teaching of the Christ does not have God; whoever remains in the teaching has the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him in your house or even greet him; for whoever greets him shares his evil works.” Those are verses 7 through 11. The entire letter contains only 13 verses. An introduction to the letter in The New American Bible written by its editor concludes with these words: “For their protection the Presbyter [author of the original letter] forbids hospitality toward unknown or ‘progressive’ Christians to prevent their infiltration of the community. The Second Letter preserves Johannine concerns of doctrinal purity and active love in the form of pastoral advice to a threatened community.” The Christian community addressed in the letter, written around the end of the first century, is not known. The letter writer, maybe St. John the Apostle or a scribe of an apostle according to the introduction, dealt with “the false teaching . . . spiritualizing Christology that may tempt some members to discount teachings about the incarnation and death of Jesus the Christ.” In our time progressive and conservative Catholics dispute little about the divinity of Jesus, but they do disagree vehemently about moral issues. Final authority resides in Rome, particularly in the person of the pope. Lately Pope Francis is being guessed and second-guessed about his public words. Episcopal meetings on family issues he has called revolve around all aspects of that general subject. Every syllable he utters becomes fodder for the secular and religious press to chew over looking for basic revolution in Church doctrine. Secular news media are rife with speculation about whether the “conservatism” of Catholic teaching will evolve into something closer to the worldliness of current culture. So, what’s new --- really new? Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 11 11 men to the Permanent Diaconate Arlington Bishop Paul S. Loverde ordained 11 men to the permanent diaconate January 17, 2015 at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. The 11 new deacons are: Robert E. Benyo, Robert R. Gillispie, Rafael A. Goldsmith, Helio A. Gomez, Thomas H. McQuillan, Michael J. Mochel, Patrick A. Ouellette, Antonio J. Remedios, Atanacio Sandoval, James R. Van de Voorde and Michael A. Waters. Patrick A. Ouellette is from Mt. Vernon Council 5998, and is a parishioner of Good Shepherd Church in Alexandria .He has served Good Shepherd Church as an extraordinary minister of holy Communion, lector, Knight of Columbus and member of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults team Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 12 Father Frank J. Ready Father Frank J. Ready, associate state chaplain of the Knights of Columbus died Jan. 20,2015. "Father Ready served so faithfully God’s people in both the Diocese of Richmond and our own Diocese of Arlington as an associate pastor; pastor of several parishes, three of which he founded and developed: the Church of St. Thérèse in Chesapeake, Nativity in Burke, and Sacred Heart in Manassas," Bishop Loverde said. "His wise counsel and ever faithful presence strengthened the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women as their chaplain, the Knights of Columbus in Virginia as the associate state chaplain, the women and men living the consecrated life as the vicar for religious, and our entire diocesan family as a Vicar General. He was gentle, patient and unfailingly kind, reflecting the Lord Jesus in his priestly life and ministry. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 13 Father Jerome A. Rinzel Brothers, Fr. Jerome A. Rinzel, of West Bend, entered into eternal life at his home on Christmas Day, December 25, 2014. He is the brother of SK Dan Rinzel. Over the years he served as associate pastor at St. Lawrence Catholic Parish, and Our Lady of Good Hope, both in Milwaukee, then as pastor of St. Killian’s in Hartford, , St. Thomas Aquinas in Kenosha, 12 years at Holy Angels in West Bend, St. Leonard’s in Muskego, and the Tri-Parishes of Southwestern Dodge County. In his retirement he assisted in Mass at St. Peter in Slinger, Resurrection in Allenton, St. Matthias Mission Church in New Fane, St. Mary's in Mayville, St. Andrew's in LeRoy, St. Theresa in Theresa, as well as several other parishes. Fr. Rinzel had just celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ordination in July. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 14 Thank You Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 15 Knight of the Month January KOM—Darwin M Rivera, who serves as a cook in the snack bar to support BINGO patrons and volunteers. Darwin has been a reliable member of the snack bar and his efforts are truly appreciated. Working at the grill is tough duty—just ask the others who have been doing it all these years! It’s hot, you are continually on your feet, and well, there are the finicky eaters. Brother Darwin, for his unfailing commitment to this council and his parish, has earned him the honors as our council’s Knight of the Month for January. Family of the Month January FOM—Deacon Patrick A Ouellette, his wife Aletha and their daughter Annie. In the past, the Ouellette’s have not been a constant presence within the Council, but there is a good reason for that—the permanent diaconate. Patrick celebrated his ordination with family and friends on Saturday, January 17, 2015, along with 10 other deacons at St. Thomas More Cathedral in Arlington, VA. During the past five years, he participated in the Catholic Diocese of Arlington’s program that consists of spiritual, theological and pastoral formations. In addition, Aletha was an integral part of this journey, as was Annie. Now that we have a deacon in our presence, Council #5998 looks forward to having the Ouellette’s continue to serve their fellow brothers, their families, and those less fortunate. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 16 Upcoming Exemplifications Mt. Vernon Council 2nd Degree Exemplification, Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM) 1st Degree Exemplification, Thursday, March 2, 2015, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM Other Area Councils 1st Degree Exemplification, Wednesday, February 12, 2015, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM) Council #11170 Fort Belvoir Fort Belvoir, VA 1st Degree Exemplification, Thursday, March 16, 2015, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM) Council #5750 Fr. Edwin F. Kelley Woodbridge, VA Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 17 Roundtable Pancake Breakfasts Sunday February 15, 2015 Sunday February 8, 2015 St. Louis Catholic Church (School Cafeteria) Good Shepherd Catholic Church (Creeden Hall) after the after the 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM Masses 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Masses Sunday March 8, 2015 March February 15, 2015 St. Louis Catholic Church (School Cafeteria) Good Shepherd Catholic Church (Creeden Hall) after the after the 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM Masses 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Masses Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 18 Super Bowl Sunday February 1st 2015 - 6:25 Kickoff Even if your favorite team doesn't make it to Super Bowl, plan to join your brother knights watching the big game on our big screen TV in the Council Lounge. THE TICKET PRICE IS ONLY $5.00 PER PERSON!!! Beverages – Soft drinks as well as Beer & Wine - will be offered at the regular (low) bar prices! Bar Snacks (chips, pretzels, and nuts) will be served. Menu will include (but is not limited to): Hot Dogs with all the fixins Stadium Pretzels Marvin's Homemade Chili Buffalo Wings (Made with the original hot sauce(s) from The Anchor Bar in Buffalo, NY) There will be at least one (100 square) football pool, with donations at $5.00 per square. Winners will be awarded at the end of each quarter (1-3) and for the final score. Squares will be available all during January at the Lounge and at Council/Assembly functions. Doors will open early 5:00 PM (Kick-off is at 6:25 PM) to accommodate last minute football pool sign-ups and "warm-up" activities. Party will last until end of the game and award ceremony. Your Lounge Staff, Jim "Bones" Bona, and John Karpovich, are pleased to coordinate this social event for their brother knights and family members/guests. Plan on attending and let US know by voice or email the number in your party in advance for food/drink planning. Please call 703-360-1964, prompt 4 and leave a name and number in your party. All wives, widows and other ladies of the Knights are encouraged to attend. Alternative entertainment will be offered as well (for those who are not football fans). Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 19 Valentine Dinner and Dance Dear Mr. Michael Murphy and the MV Knights of Columbus, I am writing to ask for your support for our annual fundraising event at Good Shepherd parish. I remember when we first began this event; the Knights helped us to host this in an attempt to establish a parish fellowship event where both the Spanish and English speaking parishioners could come together to celebrate friendship and also raise money for a good cause. It would be nice to find a way to re-connect with your members and work together to promote friendship and community. I would like to extend the invitation for you to attend this event and I ask that you promote it within your council and support our event with your presence. Father Tom has already responded that he will attend, as well as Deacon Chris, and some of the other staff. It would be great to have a table of Knights of Columbus! Thank you for considering this request. Here is the information for the event: Good Shepherd Catholic Church's Valentine Dinner and Dance Come and Celebrate a Day of Friendship in our Community! Saturday, February 7, from 7:00pm—12:00am Good Shepherd's Creedon Hall Enjoy Latin and American music, great food, fellowship and fun! Ticket: $25 per person/ $15 for children (12 and under) Cash bar with beer and wine/ Raffle prizes available All proceeds to benefit UCM’s Progreso Literacy and Citizenship Center For more information or to volunteer please call: Leah Tenorio, at 703-780-4055 ext. 306 Sincerely, Leah -Leah Tenorio Director of Hispanic Ministry Good Shepherd Catholic Church Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 20 Shrove Tuesday On Shrove Tuesday (also known as Mardi Gras), February 17, join your brother knights at Good Shepherd for a Pancake Dinner. We need volunteers to help serve the parish community starting at 5 pm at Creedon Hall. Customers will be served from 6 to 8 pm. Of course, volunteers are needed for clean up as well. Join with your brother knights and the Good Shepherd Parish community as we partake in one of Mardi Gras most safe and enjoyable vices before Lent, PANCAKES!!! For your protein, sausage patties will be served as well. For more information please contact John Michals at 703-587-3901. ‘ Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 21 February 19th Social meeting Our February 19th Social meeting will feature a presentation on the 2015 KOVAR Programs and the work being accomplished with our Council donation. PGK Chuck Curran, KOVAR VP for Home Loans, will give us an overview of the grants, loans and organizations served through KOVAR’s programs. Learn more about the important roles each Council plays in the work of KOVAR by attaining our fund raising goal. The Social will begin with a Meet & Greet at 6:00 PM, followed by Dinner at 6:30 PM. The Council will provide an entrée. Attendees with last names beginning with A-M please bring a cold salad/side dish; attendees with last names beginning with N-Z, please bring a hot side dish. Please bring enough for 6 - 8 diners. The KOVAR presentation will follow the meal, beginning by 7:30 PM. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 22 Lenten Fish Fry’s February 20th & 27th March 6th ,13th ,20th & 27th Menu (Fried Fillet of Flounder, Fries, Cole Slaw, Potato Salad, Roll & Butter, Ice Cream, Coffee/Soda) Beer & Wine will be available for sale at Council prices! Council Lounge 8592 Richmond Highway Alexandria, Virginia 22309 5:00 - 6:30 PM $7.50 for Adults $4.00 for Children (Special Children’s Menu: fish sticks & fries and ice cream for desert ) $30.00 for Families Out of courtesy to our BINGO patrons, please park in the rear of the parking lot. Thanks!! Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 23 Super Bowl of Auto Racing Sunday February 22, 2015 at the Longue The Super Bowl of Auto Racing, The World Center of Speed, The Great American Race; all are used to describe Daytona International Speedway and the Grand-Daddy of all Auto racing The Daytona 500. The Mount Vernon Knights of Columbus Lounge will be open and televising this great race and as an added feature there will be a Daytona 500 pool (more details to come) so join your Brother Knights and guest Sunday February 22 at the Lounge Green Flag drops at approx. 1:20 Doors open at 12:00 noon if you want to get in on the NASCAR Pool. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 24 Nominations for Outstanding Young Man and Outstanding Young Woman of the Year The Mount Vernon Council of the Knights of Columbus is pleased once again to request nominations for Outstanding Young Man of the Year and Outstanding Young Woman of the Year. Nominees must: a. Be graduating from high school in 2015 b. Be a practicing Catholic c. Be a member of either Saint Louis or Good Shepherd Parish Selection criteria include: Outstanding contributions made by nominee Academic excellence Civic, religious, and/or school-related involvement Participation in extracurricular activities Special achievements, awards, and/or recognition received Participation with his/her family in performing any of the above Please submit a written nomination for each candidate that addresses the six selection criteria listed above. Up to three letters of recommendation from teachers, clergy, and friends also may be included. Photos and supporting material and copies of certificates are also welcome Written nominations and any supporting documents MUST be received at the Council office by 5:00 PM Friday, February 27, 2015. We regret that we cannot consider late submissions. Please mail or hand-carry your nomination packets to: Knights of Columbus Mount Vernon Council 8592 Richmond Highway Alexandria, VA 22309 A committee of judges will be appointed by the Grand Knight Winners will be notified by April 1, and award certificates will be presented at the Council Appreciation Dinner on Saturday June 28. (Please note that the scholarship awards will be paid directly to the recipient's college or university). For further information contact our Youth Director, SK Kerry McCabe, at 703-960-3304 or [email protected]. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 25 Father Bader Scholarship Program Virginia's Father Bader Scholarship honors the memory of Fr. Michael J. Bader, who entered the priesthood in 1989 after a long career in business and the military, at the age of 62. He was a deacon at St. James Church in Hopewell, and after ordination was assigned as parochial vicar at St. Jerome's in Newport News. He had been active for years in the Knights of Columbus, serving as Grand Knight of Bishop Russell Council 6143 and Faithful Navigator of Patrick Henry Assembly 1720, both in Danville. He died an untimely death at the age of 65. The program offers need-based scholarships for Knights, their wives and widows of Knights who reside in Virginia at death. It also offers scholarship aid to graduating high school seniors who are children of Virginia Knights in good standing. WHO IS ELIGIBLE. The children of a K of C member who is, or was in good standing at death, and who is a member of a K of C council in Virginia. Said children must be a graduating High School student and planning on entering college as a freshman. AWARDS. Made on a competitive basis with applicants throughout Virginia. Winners may attend a college of choice with their names being announced at each K of C Convention. WHAT YOU MUST DO. Application forms will be available on the web, now (http://www.vakofc.org/ scholastic-programs.html), at the Virginia State Council- Knights of Columbus (under programs), or through the Chairman (see below). The application consists of: Form BF1 FAMILY INFORMATION SHEET is to be completed by the applicant and his/her parent(s). Form BF2 MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATION is to be delivered to the Financial Secretary of your father's K of C Council, to be completed and mailed to the Scholarship Chairman. Form BF3 HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFICATION is to be delivered to the Principal's office of your High School, to be completed and mailed to the Scholarship Chairman. ALL FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN BY THE DEADLINE - MARCH 14, 2015. YOU WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED IF ANY FORM IS RECEIVED AFTER THAT DATE. CHAIRMAN CONTACT INFORMATION AS FOLLOWS: Frank Guest, 6403 Bridge Creek Court, Springfield, Va, 22153, 703-980-2526 or [email protected] Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 26 KOVAR 2015 KOVAR is the Virginia State Knights' non-profit 501(C)(3) corporation created to assist Virginians with Intellectual Disabilities (ID). KOVAR is a 100% volunteer effort of the Virginia Knights of Columbus. KOVAR has no employees and its Board of Directors take no salaries. KOVAR collects donations through the volunteer efforts of the members and families of the Knights of Columbus and distributes the funds collected in the form of grants and loans to tax-exempt organizations that serve “God’s Special People” with intellectual disabilities in Virginia. KOVAR funds are used for: Funding of Group Homes; Employment and training programs; Funding of furniture and fixtures for Group homes; Funding of Transportation for vehicles designed with wheel chair lifts and safety equipment to assist Virginians with ID to get to and from work and social events; Funding of health assistance; Funding of recreation programs; and Funding of respite care for Virginians with Intellectual Disabilities so family members can have some time to regenerate their batteries, etc. Our Council will begin our kickoff campaign with a Dinner and a Silent Auction on Saturday 21 March 2015 at our Council Hall. Please put this date on your calendar and help your Council meet our financial goals. We need your help finding and donating interesting items for our auction, coming to the dinner and then bidding on the items that we are able to bring in. Please be thinking about what you can contribute this year to the KOVAR silent auction. To make the auction interesting and successful, we should have a diverse set of items to be auctioned. These can include baskets prepared from items from several different merchants or from a single source. We have letters and pamphlets prepared that you can obtain from me that you can present to a Company, a manager of a store, for a gift certificate, a product, a service, etc. in exchange for their tax deductible contribution. Items may be Art, some Sport Memorabilia, fruit baskets, wine & cheese baskets, movie CDs & Snack baskets, Gift Certificates from local/favorite restaurants, perhaps a week or weekend at a time share that you will not be using this year, Oil Change, Car Wash, Beauty Products, Bath Products, the list is endless as your ideas. You are all so creative, so let us all see how much we can do together for God's Special Children. Charity is the First core Principle of the Knights of Columbus. Our Catholic faith teaches us to “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Members of the Knights of Columbus show love for their neighbors by conducting food drives and donating the food to local soup kitchens and food pantries, by volunteering at Special Olympics, and by supporting, both spiritually and materially, mothers who choose life for their babies. Knights recognize that our mission, and our faith in God, compels us to action. There is no better way to experience love and compassion than by helping those in need, a call we answer every day. For further information on KOVAR visit their web site: http://www.kovarva.org . Please contact me if you have items that can be used for the Silent Auction or if you would like to volunteer with the Silent Auction. Lee Wallis, KOVAR Chairman for Mt. Vernon Council 703-971-2393 [email protected] Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 27 KOVAR and Amazon Smile You can help KOVAR raise money just by shopping at Amazon and designating KOVAR as a recipient of their donations, with NO cost to you. Sign up for Amazon Smile and KOVAR will get .5% of all sales. Two easy steps: Go to http://smile.amazon.com Select KOVAR as the charity to receive funds. Then, each time you shop on Amazon go through the smile.amazon.com portal and KOVAR will get .5% of your purchases. Or you can add the Amazon Smile quick link, available when you register, and click right to Amazon Smile. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 28 KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction is being planned for Saturday 21 March 2015. Brother Knights and ladies, I have not run any silent auction before. I need your help if the Council is to have a successful KOVAR campaign this year. This is a very worthy Virginia Knights charity fund raiser to benefit Virginia citizens with mental disabilities. We plan to have KOVAR collections taken after masses in the Spring outside church, we will need Members with the yellow KOVAR aprons to hand out tootsie rolls and collect money. Additionally we will have KOVAR collections at several Safeway stores in our designated area in the Spring, we will need members and families to help collect at those stores as well. Our State assign goal this Fraternal Year is $ 20,000. In the past the Mount Vernon Corporation has been able to provide $ 10,000 to KOVAR. As our numbers of BINGO players are decreasing, it is expected our profits at BINGO will also be shrinking. Nevertheless, we are expected to meet this year's goal. Which brings me to the Silent Auction, we need good ideas, business leads and members to approach stores/businesses for cash donation outright; gift certificates, and merchandise that can be used either on its own or combined with other donations to become an auction item. We have posters, brochures to hand out to the public and stores/ companies. This is a Knights of Columbus 501(c) (3) tax exempt Charity. Beginning in January 2015, we will be in direct drive mode for collecting funds, gift certificates, merchandise. If you can help us in any way please contact me, so that I can coordinate our Council efforts for this year KOVAR Program. May God Bless each of you and your families. Fraternally, Lee Wallis, PFN Council Chancellor KOVAR Chair for FY 2014/2015 703-971-2393 [email protected] Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 29 Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea on view December 5, 2014–April 12, 2015 Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea on view December 5, 2014–April 12, 2015. Picturing Mary: Woman, Mother, Idea explores the concept of womanhood represented by the Virgin Mary as well as the social and sacred functions her image has served through time. This landmark exhibition organized by the National Museum of Women in the Arts brings together more than 60 Renaissance- and Baroque-era masterworks from the Vatican Museums, Uffizi Gallery, and other museums, churches, and private collections in Europe and the United States. Divided into six thematic sections, the exhibition presents images of Mary as a daughter, cousin, and wife; the mother of an infant; a bereaved parent; the protagonist in a rich life story developed through the centuries; a link between heaven and earth; and an active participant in the lives of those who revere her. The exhibition features works made by both female and male artists. Paintings by Sofonisba Anguissola, Artemisia Gentileschi, Orsola Maddalena Caccia (an Ursuline nun who ran a bustling painting studio in her convent in northern Italy), and Elisabetta Sirani highlight the varied ways in which women artists conceptualized the subject of Mary. These artists’ works are featured alongside treasured Marian paintings, sculptures, and drawings by Fra Filippo Lippi, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Pontormo, Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, and others. Picturing Mary is part of NMWA’s ongoing program of major historical loan exhibitions that examine humanist themes related to womankind. 1250 New York Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20005 202-783-5000 1-800-222-7270 See more at: http://nmwa.org/exhibitions/picturing-mary-woman-motheridea#sthash.LlskMkch.dpuf Admission is free on the first Sunday of each month. The museum is open from 12 to 5 p.m. on Sundays and on-street parking is free. They have paintings and sculptures from about 35 museums around the world, including the Vatican and the Uffizi Gallery. Many of the works have never been exhibited in the U.S. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 30 Annual March for Life Mount Vernon Council # 5998 sponsored a full day of activities in support of the Annual March for Life on Monday, January 22, 2015. The day began with a Mass for the Unborn in Columbian Hall celebrated by Fr. Zuberbueler (Pastor of St. Louis Catholic Church. SK FDD PFN PGK James McCracken was the altar server Following a continental breakfast, two busloads of marchers under the leadership of Rich Hayden, departed the Council building for the March. Upon their return later that afternoon, the marchers and their families were treated to a hot Dinner. We owe a very special note of thanks and gratitude to SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken for once again organizing and coordinating our Council’s support for the March for Life. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 31 Annual March for Life Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 32 Annual March for Life Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 33 Stan Bonta’s Message Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 34 Stan Bonta’s Message Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote February 2015 Page 35
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