KC QUOTE November 2014 Mount Vernon Council #5998 Knights of Columbus www.kofc5998.org Outstanding Newsletter 2013 - 2014 Upcoming Events: Annual Mass of Remembrance Thursday, November 20, 2014 Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the Homebound Thursday, November 27, 2014 Council Meetings - First and Third Thursday of the Month 8592 Richmond Highway - Alexandria, VA 22309 Telephone: 703-360-1964 Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 2 Calendar of Events November 2014 Table of Contents 02 Table of Contents 02 Calendar of Events 03 Mount Vernon Council Directory 04 Mount Vernon KofC Club, Inc. Directory 05 November Birthdays 05 Prayer List 06 Grand Knight’s Message 07 K of C Club - President’s Message 08 4th Degree Navigator's Message 09 District Deputy Message 10 Ladies Corner 11 PRO-LIFE Report 12 REFLECTION BY CARL EIFERT 13 Knight & Family of the Month 14 Upcoming and Other Area Council Exemplifications 15 Roundtable Pancake Breakfasts 16 Upcoming Events 17 KCIC Report 18 KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction 19 50th Golden Wedding Jubilations 20 Third Degree Exemplification 21 Ladies Fall "Meet and Greet" luncheon 22 Spirit Night Fund Raiser 23-24 Polish Night 25-28 Children‘s Halloween Party 29 Stan Bonta's Message 30 Monthly Calendar The deadline for accepting articles and photos for the December 2014 KC Quote will be Tuesday, November 25, 2014. Articles received after that time, if still applicable, will appear in the January 2015 KC Quote. Saturday Sa-Su Sunday Thursday Sa-Su Sa-Su Sunday Thursday Sa-Su Sunday Thursday Sa-Su Sunday Thursday Saturday Saturday Sa-Su Sunday Tuesday November 1 Patriotic Rosary 11A 1-2 Kick off KCIC Sales 2 Skins @ Vikings Officer’s Meeting (6.45P); Rosary (7.40P); 6 Council Business Meeting (8P) 9 KCIC Sales @ GSCC & St Louis 15-16 KCIC Sales @ GSCC & St Louis 16 Skins v Buccaneers 1P 20 Memorial Mass & Social 6.30P 22-23 KCIC Sales @ GSCC & St Louis 23 Skins @ 49ers 4P 27 Thanksgiving Meal Delivery 29-30 KCIC Sales @ GSCC & St Louis 30 Skins @ Colts 1P December Officer’s Meeting (6.45P); Rosary (7.40P); 4 Council Business Meeting (8P) 6 Patriotic Rosary 11A Children’s Nativity Christmas 6 Party 6-7 KCIC Sales @ GSCC & St Louis 7 Skins v Rams 1P 9 District Deputy Meeting (6.15P) Tuesday 9 Second Degree Exemplification (7.30P) Saturday Sa-Su Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 13 13-14 14 14 21 21 28 Adult Christmas Party KCIC Sales @ GSCC & St Louis St Louis Pancake Breakfast Skins @ Giants Skins @ Eagles Time TBD GS Pancake Breakfast Skins v Cowboys 1P The KC Quote is published as a periodical, once a month, 12 times a year. It is published solely as a newsletter for the benefit of the members, their families, and friends of Mount Vernon Council #5998, Knights of Columbus. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 3 Council Directory Grand Knight SK GK PGK Michael J Murphy 703-751-5452 Chaplain Vacant Deputy Grand Knight SK Robert T Reynolds 703-799-7260 Chancellor SK PFN Lee Wallis 703-971-2393 Financial Secretary SK FDD PFN PGK Paul Townsend 703-619-9796 Recorder SK John Michals 703-587-3901 Warden SK Robert K Reynolds 703-799-2646 Treasurer Tim McCauley 703-922-7149 Lecturer John J. Daly 703-360-5812 Advocate SK Jim “Bones” Bona 703-799-4158 Outside Guard SK Kerry McCabe 03-960-3304 Inside Guard SK Joey McCracken 703-960-4546 Trustees 3 Year - SK PGK Peter J. Butler 703-780-4046 2 Year - SK PFN PGK Herbert Ray Duff 703-780-1822 1 Year - Vacant Program Director SK Robert T Reynolds Church Director Vacant Good Shepherd Roundtable SK John Michals St. Louis Roundtable SK Kerry McCabe Community Director SK Dan Rinzel Council Director 703-799-7260 703-587-3901 703-960-3304 703-360-4627 Vacant Family SK PFN PGK Thomas Fahey Youth Director SK Kerry McCabe PRO-LIFE SK Richard Hayden KOVAR SK PFN Lee Wallis KCIC SK PFN Lee Wallis Vocations 571-233-9048 703-960-3304 703-799-2646 703-971-2393 703-971-2393 Vacant Insurance Field Agent Stan Bonta 703-362-9728 Publication& Public Relations KC Quote SK PFN PGK Rich Risdon 571-244-4645 Webmaster SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546 Bar SK Jim “Bones” Bona 703-799-4158 SK John Karpovich 703-255-3053 Soccer - Vacant Chess Free Throw - Brian Bodnar 703-721-0500 1st Degree Team Captain John J. Daly 703-360-5812 Essay Bowling Snack Bar Manager Bob Botto 703-799-0332 Membership Director SK PFN PGK Herbert Ray Duff Vacant 703-780-1822 1st to 3rd Committee SK Robert T Reynolds 703-799-7260 Memorials Director SK PGK Peter J. Butler 703-780-4046 Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 4 Mount Vernon K of C Club, Inc. Officers & Directors BOARD CHAIRMAN SK GK Mike Murphy 703-751-5452 PRESIDENT SK Dan Rinzel 703-360-4627 VICE PRESIDENT SK PFN Cliff Conway 703-765-5251 SECRETARY SK Robert T Reynolds 703-799-7260 TREASURER SK Tim McCauley 703-922-7149 ASSISTANT TREASURER SK PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546 DIRECTORS Richard Hayden SK Jay Landreth Mark Busse SK Carl Eifert 703-799-2646 703-768-3111 703-597-5790 571-275-1669 FACILITIES/BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Eve Dellett Phone: 703-360-1964 Ext 1 FAX: 703-360-2457 E-mail: [email protected] Business Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM, Wed - Fri Committee Chairmen AUDIT SK PGK Peter Butler 703-780-4046 BINGO SK Larry Dietrick 703-799-4193 BUDGET & FINANCE SK PFN PGK Jim McCracken 703-960-4546 BY LAWS Richard Hayden 703-799-2646 CHARITY SK PFN Cliff Conway 703-765-5251 CONSTRUCTION SK Joseph (Joe) Selby 703-765-4061 SK PGK Ernest Graves 703-969-7333 CREDENTIALS SK Lee Wallis 703-971-2393 FACILITY MGMT & OPERATIONS Mark Busse 703-597-5790 LONG RANGE PLANNING SK Jim Bona 703-799-4158 SK Carl Eifert 571-275-1669 NOMINATIONS SK PFN PGK Ray Duff 202-253-3421 SK Kerry McCabe 703-960-3304 SPECIAL EVENTS SK Michael Guignard 703-922-6584 HOSPITALITY MANAGER/ SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR Mary Katherine Tyler (Cell) 571-233-9855 Prayer for the Canonization of Venerable Servant of God Father Michael J. McGivney God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servant Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make your request). Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. Fr. Michael J. McGivney Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 5 On Behalf of Council 5998, To Those Who Were Born in November Name Chukwuma F Obidegwu Robert J Williams Frank R Begovich John K Hamenoo John A Kay Stephen R Melvin Charles J O Neill Frank H Fannon Paul P Mehler James L Reilly Philip P Cooper Joseph A Bavaria George T Myers Kyle T Hayden Richard F Fanelli Richard L Taylor James J Mlinarcik Jr Donald M Rogan Jerome L Knittle John E Thibeau Thomas P Conway Max E Gagermeier Robert C Flick Robert H Schwenk Jose D Cruz Dr David S Hsu Rev Patrick T McMahon David E Winkler Andrew J Kiddey Joseph S Nelson Nicolas A Briers Joseph P Rubel Kim V Thompson Justin D Harper Daniel J Scheeler John B Stinson Michael N Zabych Steven K Ault Lincoln S Farish John J Kelly Jr Tevi Ekoue Birthday 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 9 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 15 16 16 18 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 Prayer List The following Brothers, relatives and close friends are in need of your prayers. Please pray for them and the other personal intentions of our Brother Knights. To be placed on the Prayer List, please contact the editor of the KC Quote, SK PGK PFN Richard Risdon at [email protected]. James Riddenour Pat Fahey—wife of SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey SK Jim "Bones" Bona John Karpovich Stan Bonta Richard D. Ferrante Charles Baumgardner - son-in-law of Mike Guignard Keith Kettell Fr Wayne Knoll Decan Declay Christine Nelson Richard Koslow Maureen Schreiner, wife of Ray Schreiner SK Jay Landreth George Simms, Honorary Life Member SK PFN PGK Richard (Dick) Bowman Lois Bowman- wife of SK PFN PGK Richard (Dick) Bowman SK PFN PGK Jim Dunn MaryAnn Dunn- Wife of SK PFN PGK Jim Dunn SK PGK Don Rogan Tom Sklopan Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 6 Grand Knight’s Message SK GK Michael J (Mike) Murphy Grand Knight By the time you read this GK Message, I will be in the remotest parts of western Nebraska. It is a place that I hold near and dear to my heart. I recall with a great deal of clarity my very first trip to this wonderful place. I was overcome with the sights and sounds of the thousands of ducks that were making their way to warmer climes. Accompanied by my grandfather, father and uncle, this previously unknown part of the world would become my oasis from the difficulties in life that all of us face at one time or another. With the exception of military deployments and permanent changes of station (PCS), I have made it every year since 1972. Sadly, Father Time has not been kind to my special place on earth. Since those halcyon days, my grandfather died, as did the patriarch of the land we hunt, the lake just five years ago dried up to an alkaline lakebed due to a severe drought, and with intense farming practices (to include the draining of numerous wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region which is the Central Flyway’s nursery for ducks), just a trickle of these winged creatures now grace the endless skies that surround this beautiful place. But, I keep coming back as the memories have such a strong grip, not only on my heart and mind, but also on my soul. For it is here that I truly get to witness the wisdom and beauty of our Creator. Hearing the coyotes singing at night, along with the countless stars in the sky (this area has no light pollution), I am always reminded of how small and insignificant I am, yet I also feel how blessed I am in our God who has made this special place, just for me. Just as my special place in this universe keeps calling me back year after year, this council keeps calling me, day after day. And, I do so willingly. My brother Knights and their families are some of the most wonderful people on this planet. They give of their time and talents in ways that defy my imagination. All I ever have to worry about is me and this council. They have, in addition to all that they do here at the council, must also maintain a household, many with lots of kids who need their time and talents as well. While I am away for the upcoming weeks, please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Believe me, it will be an easy task as I stand quietly, chest high in cold water, concealed by the swaying reeds and befriended by my bobbing decoys, marveling at all that God has created for me. For, He created you for me too, and for that, I am both blessed and grateful, and I will let Him know that, each and every day. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 7 K of C Club - President’s Message SK Dan Rinzel President Mount Vernon K of C Club, Inc. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Water leaks from the roof of Columbian Hall are proliferating. The flat roof structure of the Hall has been prone to leaks from time to time in the past, and the recent rains have resulted in water damage to some areas of the Hall. The Corporation Board has authorized a repair contract with Alexandria Roofing which hopefully will resolve the problem. If not, additional repairs may be necessary. You may have noticed the handsome large new sign over the Corporation entrance to the Hall. This sign was designed and manufactured by Corporation Vice President SK PFN Cliff Conway through his VH Sign Company at no cost to Mt. Vernon K of C Club, Inc. We are very appreciative l of Cliff’s efforts, which have greatly enhanced the appearance of the entrance . Speaking of volunteer efforts, Grand Knight and Chairman of the Corporation Board Mike Murphy recently took it upon himself to clear the drainage ditch at the rear of the parking lot. He accomplished this task by hand shoveling out more than 100 feet of dirt and debris which was threatening to block the drainage ditch. No wonder Mike is in such excellent physical condition. Many thanks to Mike for his efforts. Under the watchful eye of SK Jim “Bones” Bona, the newly installed alarm and monitoring system has been operating well. Jim can access the system remotely and he has been able to let us know promptly about any problems. The handheld microphones used for Bingo and other events have outlived their useful lives and the Board has authorized repair or replacement. Board member Bob Reynolds will be obtaining new microphones. Wednesday and Friday evenings are Bingo nights at the Knights of Columbus. We raised over $130,000 last year donated to charity from Bingo. Under the leadership of Bingo Chairman Larry Dietrick, we are on track to substantially increase that amount this year. But it takes a lot of volunteer effort to make Bingo work. If you can contribute a few hours of your time on any Wednesday or Friday evening, please contact Larry. The Corporation Board meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 PM and all members are welcome to attend. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 8 4th Degree Navigator's Message SK FN John Karpovich Faithful Navigator Potomac Assembly 2204 This is the monthly update on the status of upcoming events for the Potomac Assembly (2204). November 1st is the Fourth Degree Exemplification to be held in Richmond at the Hilton Doubletree (Koger Center). It appears that we have candidates from all three Councils and the Assembly should be well represented. Hopefully, by the time you receive The Quote, all appropriate forms and funds will have been received and hotel reservations made for all candidates, escorts and their spouses. Since Supreme has mandated that all forms and funds be received by them on the 21st of October, any forms/funds not received will disqualify those candidates from this exemplification. The second event in November is scheduled for November 9 th at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Alexandria. This memorial mass/ceremony recognizes the deceased Knights of the past year. The Assembly has been requested to provide color corps representation and our Color Corps Commander, Admiral and PFN Ray Duff [email protected] will be coordinating our Knights in regalia. The mass is scheduled for 11:00 AM and Knights in regalia will “muster” at 10:15 at St. Joseph’s to coordinate with the other members of the combined color corps. November 24th will not be a business meeting, but rather a social to be held at a place and time to be determined. Finally anyone who attended the Color Corps certification can pick up their certification cards at the Assembly meeting (October 20th) or the November social (November 24th). In the event you cannot attend either meeting contact PFN, SK, Color Corps Commander Ray Duff [email protected]. Thanks again for all your support and patience. John Karpovich [email protected] Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 9 District Deputy Message DD Kevin Palgutt District 13 My Worthy Brothers All: Seems like we’ve had a busy September with all indications “activities” will pick up in the coming months. Not only did we bring in new Knights but also had 20 advance to the 2d Degree on 9 Sep and 33 advance to the Third Degree and full Knighthood at our district exemplification on 27 Sep. I especially want to thank again all my brother Knights from Mt. Vernon Council for hosting and volunteering your time to put on a very nice Third Degree Exemplification, you all played a big part in ensuring the District exemplification was a huge success! October-November brings a new breath of a great season. Fall colors abound, both college and professional football games are almost every day fare this time of year. Major league baseball playoffs are happening and of course leading to the 2014 World Series. This season also brings fall activities like the KofC Soccer Challenge, sponsoring Oktoberfest or parish picnics, fall festivals, fraternal benefits night, annual KofC Mass of Remembrance, preparing and distributing Thanksgiving baskets in our community, and of course KCIC cards and getting ready for the upcoming Advent season. Oh, and just for kicks, Daylight Savings Time ends on 2 November and we lose an hour of sleep; not that it matters to me, I hardly ever sleep anyhow! Do not forget to do your civic duty as Tuesday, 4 November is Election Day. Exercise the right you fought for. So many people in the world do not have this right and would give anything to be able to elect their government officials yet, here many take it for granted and don't vote. Do not be one of them. Do your part and get out there and cast your ballot for those who support our values and way of life. At the October State Meeting membership and retention was stressed to all attendees. But then you probably know membership in any organization starts with you. Why did you join this outstanding organization? The only way we can grow is through active membership and participating where your schedule permits in any one of the many activities your council supports. Doing just a little goes a long way to helping new members know they joined a great fraternal organization. Talk to a friend to share your experience. Truly “socialize” by getting to know your brothers in the council. I promise you, those brothers we take care of by teaching and being welcome in our council today will continue to come back and slowly participate more and more in future council activities. I look forward to seeing and talking with you at the council soon, please don’t hesitate to give me your suggestions; I am at your service. Thanks to all for your continued tremendous support to our church, community, youth, and families – together we are making a difference! Vivat Jesus! Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 10 Ladies Corner To the Ladies of Mount Vernon Council Happy Fall Ladies. Dates to remember: 1. "Keep Christ in Christmas" (KCIC) card sale begins at St. Louis Parish after Masses October 25/26. KCIC card sale begins at Good Shepherd Parish the weekend of 9/10 November. 2. Memorial Masses: a. The Assembly Memorial Mass for departed Sir Knights at St. Joseph's Parish Alexandria, VA Sunday, November 9th at 11 AM. Breakfast served in the downstairs meeting after mass. b. The Council Memorial Mass at the Council Hall Thursday November 20th at 6:30 PM Mass will be followed by a social. 3. November 27th Thanksgiving meal deliveries from the Council. 4. The Ladies held their Fall "Meet and Greet" luncheon on Saturday October 4th. I want to thank everyone who was able to attend. The Food selection was outstanding and it was great to meet and share with each other. An upcoming event sheet was given out to all attendees to provide the dates for knights functions this year. We also had a presentation on the upcoming Polish Night by Margaret Botto and on Spirit Night by SK Kerry McCabe which was held on Oct 6th and 7th to raise money for St. Louis School PTO and the 8th Grade Spirit of St. Louis Award and the Council's annual "Outstanding Young Woman and Man Awards." SK PFN Lee Wallis spoke on KOVAR and the upcoming Keep Christ in Christmas card sale. Sign-up sheets were made available for the upcoming events which the ladies help with - The Polish Night Oct. 18; the Halloween Party on Oct. 26; Children Christmas Party December 6; Adult Christmas Party December 13; KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction March 21, 2015; Council Scrapbook; Baby Shower (May 17th). Please remember to bring some cookies for the Children's Christmas Party. A Big thank you to the following people who came and helped decorate the hall for Polish Night: Renee Duff, Eleanor Wood, Geraldine Logeais, Cassie Rogan, Emma Niemiec, Stella Melville, Tanti McCormick, Sue Bonaquisti, Cheryl Spychaj, DGK SK Robert Reynolds, SK PGK PFN Ray Duff, SK PGK Leo McCormick, SK PFN Lee Wallis, Michael McCabe and two of his younger sisters. Polish artwork and posters were displayed throughout the hall. The tables were made festive with white linen cloths, china, red & white candles and miniature Polish and American flags. The center pieces were made of red and white silk roses in tall vases. The Children's Halloween Party was a great success. I would like to thank Judy Risdon (Our fashionably dressed witch who read stories, led the parade and organized the big hit at the end - the whipped cream pie eating contest); Eleanor Wood, Dorothy Healy and Connie Genuino (who filled the children's treat bags and made lollipop ghosts), Stephanie & Emily McCormick (our face and hand painters); Janice Reilly, Sue Bonaquisti and Connie Genuino (who helped me finalize the decorating); Petronella Kayanan (who brought wonderful animal masks for the children to color and decorate with her assistance); Tanti McCormick and her daughter Emily (helped the children doing Halloween arts and crafts); Sue Bonaquisti (who was our dance leader for the chicken and the Hokey Pokey dances); and JoAnn Busse (our Monster House arts table director; Tim McCauley was the chef for the day; our Tunnel of Terror volunteers (SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey, his grandsons Patrick and Andrew Tyler; and Philip Twumasi); SK PFN PGK Bud Powers and Mark Busse who setup the fog machine. SK PGN PGK Paul Preston came in his outstanding skeleton costume); SK PFN PGK Jim Reilly in his railroad man costume manned the sign-in table. SK FDD PFN PGK Paul Townsend helped cleared away the extra chairs, and set up the tunnel of terror and brought in the Halloween spooky CD. All the children and their parents had a great time. We will be celebrating all Saints and All Souls Day soon. Some of my favorite saints are Pope John Paul II and Elizabeth Ann Seton. We have their wonderful examples of being generous with their talents, of reflecting God in their service to others. They were gracious, helpful and supportive. They stood firm and sought justice for all people regardless of ethnic background or income level. They remembered God with an everlasting reverence at mass, in prayer, in action and sacraments. They were not afraid to step forward. They lavishly gave of their time and talents to serve the poor. Their generosity and sacrifice was seen by all and their lives brought many closer to God. We pray that their examples will help us grow closer to God. Please pray for all those who are ill or in special need of prayers including Pat Fahey (wife of SK PGK PFN Tom Fahey); SK Jay Landreth; SK Jim Bona; SK PGK Bud Powers, his wife Paula and their daughter; SK PGK PFN Dick Bowman and his wife Lois; Rose Marie Barckhoff (a long time BINGO worker); Mary Preston (wife of SK PGK PFN Paul Preston); SK PGK Don Rogan; SK PGK PFN Jim Dunn and his wife MaryAnn and any that you know that I have missed and do not know about. Happy Fall. Enjoy this lovely Fall weather. We thank God for the beauty and the bounty of seasons. We have so much to be thankful for - the blessings of freedom, the joy of friends and family, the great gift of our faith and the Eucharist which we can receive daily. Joan Wallis Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 11 PRO-LIFE Report We are the Solution to the Cult of Death By BRIAN McNICOLL I do not and cannot and will not ever admire the they need services at school or food or housing or work of the Guttmacher Institute. But I do have a correctional services? Better to keep these moochgrudging respect for its tenacity. ers from ever being born. Once more unto the breach went the nation’s leading propagandist for abortion last week with a new study that showed how much we “save” from “publicly funded family planning services.” Catherine Rampell had a similar piece in the Post explaining how smart we were to spend money on preventing people from being born. The libido, she said, simply can’t be controlled. We “helped prevent an estimated 2.2 million unin- Nonsense. We used to fret about litter in the streets. tended pregnancies in 2010, which would have re- Then, we decided to do something about it, and tosulted in about 1.1 million unplanned births.” day, we have 10 percent as much as we had in 1970. At that same time, nearly 40 percent of AmeriWe also “saved taxpayers” $13.6 billion that year by can adults smoked cigarettes. Athletes were used to doling out your and my hard-earned tax dollars to advertise them. Today, that percentage is in the mid Planned Parenthood and others who provide abor- - to high-teens, and virtually no athletes still smoke. tion services and refer patients for testing for sexual- The average American’s alcohol intake in the 1800s ly transmitted infections and cervical cancer. was eight times what it is now. More of us exercise these days. Fewer drive drunk. Yippee!!! That’s 2.2 million pregnancies, which somehow would have produced just 1.1 million ba- The age cohort I am in – the babies of 1961 and bies, eliminated. People we’ll never know, people high school graduates of 1979 – was the most drugwho might have cured cancer, solved the energy and alcohol-besotted group in the history of the riddle, made us forget all about Ella Fitzgerald or world. More of us died of overdoses, sought inpasimply been hard-working, fun-loving, family- tient drug and alcohol treatment and got arrested for oriented Americans … all wiped away – with a $13.6 drug- and drink-related crimes than any age cohort billion payoff to boot. ever. This year’s high school graduates will do the fewest drugs and least amount of alcohol since recNow, nothing is free, and these “savings” have ords have been kept. some costs attached. We spent $2.2 billion on contraceptives for women to, in theory, prevent them As Catholic men, we need to get into the persuasion from getting pregnant. About 9 million women re- business and talk to others about trying to do the ceived such “services.” That’s about a third of all the right thing. We’re not animals driven solely by inbirth control pills sold in the country. stinct, and neither are the young people of today. The message should not be: Go for it; if you mess But some, of course, did not make proper use of up, we will help you kill the “mistake.” that “gift’ and did, in fact, end up pregnant. We didn’t provide funding for what happened next – The message should be: You do have control of the Hyde Amendment forbids direct federal funding your life. You confront thousands of choices every of abortions. But when you give $400 million to day. There are government handouts if you screw Planned Parenthood, it uses that money to address up. But there are men such as us who stand ready some cost that enables it to spend more on limiting to lend a helping hand, offer a wise word or attentive the growth of the species. Money is fungible. Stacks ear and encourage and celebrate good choices. famously are not kept separate. In fact, there is a group of us who meet once a It’s a depressing day when you open the paper and month to do this, figure out how to contribute to our find someone making the case for the culture of communities and exemplify our faith. And that group death. It SAVES!! It’s cheaper than bringing these is called the Knights of Columbus. people into the world. Who is going to pay when Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 12 REFLECTION BY CARL EIFERT THE WONDER ON THE ALTAR During the elevation of the chalice by the priest does the wine changed into the Blood of Christ look like blood when it cannot be seen by human eyes, and then appear as wine when again the priest can see it? On several occasions in the past, European priests and members of their congregations did see real flesh and real blood after the words of consecration were pronounced. Bishops, and sometime a pope, have affirmed miracles. In some of those cases, preservation and adoration persist to this day. 700 AD [exact year unclear], Lanciano, Italy, near the Adriatic Sea. A priest of the order of St. Basil has doubts about transubstantiation. The Host in his hands becomes flesh. Blood runs out. The abbot and congregation respond to the priest’s reaction and see for themselves. In 1970 a scientific investigation takes place. A report in 1971 finds the aged residue is that of heart tissue, the blood type AB, and proteins found are in the same proportion as fresh blood. 1247 AD, Santarem, Portugal, some 30 miles south of Fatima. A woman who fears her husband is unfaithful promises to bring a sorceress a Host. She quickly removes it from her mouth and hides it in her veil. Outside, the Host bleeds. Other people see that. She goes home and hides it in a trunk. During the night, a mysterious light emanates from the closed chest and she confesses. She and her husband adore the Host until dawn, and a priest is summoned. The Host is enclosed in wax and kept in the Church of St. Stephen (now the Church of the Holy Miracle). Later the wax broke, and delicate veins were seen, running with blood, now dried. 1310 AD, Georgenberg-Fiecht, Austria. After consecration, the wine made Blood boils in the chalice and overflows. Again, members of the congregation see what has happened. 1356 AD, Macerata, Italy. Another doubting priest breaks the Host and blood flows. Those relics are now seen at the cathedral in that city. Other instances may have occurred. These readily were found with a little Internet research. Practicing Catholics are bound to believe the True Presence of Christ’s body and blood in the Eucharist. The cited occurrences are not matters of faith. Yet, they should comfort believers and give skeptics something to contemplate. Neither celebrant nor worshipers can see in most churches, so only God knows what the wineturned--Christ’s-Blood looks like at the top of the Elevation. If one’s mind’s eye sees the Blood of Jesus at that moment such a thought could help heighten the spiritual experience upon receiving Communion, especially for communicants who receive the Eucharist in both species. Communicants, regardless of their thoughts or feelings, do receive His real body and his real blood. How wonderful is our God! Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 13 Knight of the Month October KOM—SK Robert G. ‘Bob’ Kopasz, who serves as the Outside Guard on the First Degree Exemplification Team. Without fail, Bob dutifully arrives early to fulfill his role as the Inside Guard. He is the one who escorts the candidates into the chamber. Long ago, he was the bar manager in the Lounge. And, during the monthly socials, he faithfully brings in the fried chicken from our local Roy Rogers restaurant. Recently, Bob was recognized by the Pastor of St Louis for his 50 years of faithful devotion the parish as Sacristan. In this role, Bob is charged with the care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents. SK Bob Kopasz, for his unfailing commitment to this council and his parish, has earned him the honors as our council’s Knight of the Month for October. Family of the Month October FOM—Brother Robert E. ‘Bob’ Botto Family. Bro Bob and his wife Margaret efforts for the Polish Night were nothing short of a complete and total dedication to the betterment of our council. With a limited time to plan, Bob and Margaret used their Polish connections to get first -rate entertainment by the likes of Jerzy Sapieyevski, Hanna Bondarewska and Angela Knight. This celebration of Polish culture, art and cuisine was truly a labor of love. Even daughter Sophie was there to lend a helping hand for her parents when not engaged with her studies at Thomas Jefferson High School. The Botto Family took on this laborious but fruitful task, and I applaud their efforts and all they do for Council 5998! Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 14 Upcoming Exemplifications Mt. Vernon Council 1st Degree Exemplification, Thursday, December 4, 2014, 8:00 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:30 PM) 2ndDegree Exemplification, Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 8:00 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:30 PM) Other Area Councils e- 1st Degree Exemplification, Tuesday, November 12, 2014, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM) Council #459 Fitzgerald Saint Mary's Lyceum Alexandria, VA 1st Degree Exemplification, Wednesday, November 13, 2014, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM) Council #11170 Fort Belvoir Fort Belvoir, VA US 1st Degree Exemplification, Monday, December 1, 2014, 7:30 PM (Candidates, please meet in the Council Lounge NLT 7:00 PM) Council #5750 Fr. Edwin F. Kelley Woodbridge, VA Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 15 Roundtable Pancake Breakfasts Sunday November 9, 2014 St. Louis Catholic Church (School Cafeteria) after the 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM Masses Sunday November 16, 2014 Good Shepherd Catholic Church (Creeden Hall) after the 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Masses Sunday December 14, 2014 Sunday December 21, 2014 St. Louis Catholic Church (School Cafeteria) Good Shepherd Catholic Church (Creeden Hall) after the after the 8:45 AM & 10:30 AM Masses 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Masses Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 16 Upcoming Events Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:30 PM Annual Mass of Remembrance In Honor of Our Departed Brother Knights Columbian Hall 8592 Richmond Highway Alexandria, VA 22309 Music by: The Living Water Refreshments will be served immediately following the Mass. Thursday, November 27, 2014 Thanksgiving Day Dinner for the Homebound Volunteers are needed on Wednesday, November 25, and Thursday, November 27, to help prepare the dinners. Volunteers are needed on Thursday, November 27, to package and deliver the dinners. On Thanksgiving Day, after all homebound and needy are served, all volunteers and their families will meet back at the Council Hall for our own Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings. If you can help on Wednesday, we will set a schedule based on volunteer time! The tentative schedule for Thanksgiving Day is as follows: 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Food Completed/Prepared Food Packaging Meal Delivery Dinners for Volunteers & Families If you are interested in volunteering for this most special event, please contact Dan Rinzel, [email protected] or 703-360-4627 Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 17 KCIC Report In a time when all things religious are being discouraged and swept away, it is refreshing to know that our Order sponsors the "Keep Christ in Christmas" campaign to remind people that Christmas is — above all — a holy day celebrating the birth of Christ. Keeping Christ in Christmas is keeping the very heart and meaning of the Christmas celebration alive. The money raised from selling these cards supports vocations to the priesthood and charity projects in our Council. This is a great project for new Knights to contribute to our organization and to practice the principle of Charity. One of the ways to easily promote our Catholic faith and not bow to political correctness is to send Religious Christmas cards to our family and friends. I encourage all members who are not already participating to get involved. A key tenet of this program is Evangelization, spreading the meaning of Christmas by Keeping Christ in Christmas. • Members of the Mount Vernon Council will start selling KCIC Christmas cards after all weekend Masses at St. Louis beginning October 25/26 and at Good Shepherd parish November 8/9. • Plan to buy your Christmas Cards from the Mount Vernon Council. Please consider making a donation if you already have bought your cards. • Encourage your friends and neighbors to buy KCIC Christmas cards. • Cards can be ordered in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Ukrainian & Polish. • To volunteer to sell cards or for further information, please call our Parish Roundtable Coordinators — SK Kerry A. McCabe @703-960-3304 (St. Louis) or John Edward Michals @ 703-971-7461(Good Shepherd). Promoting the KCIC Program demonstrates, in a visible way, the Knights of Columbus of Charity and Unity. Thank you again for your support of this Program. SK PFN Lee Wallis, KCIC Chairman principles Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 18 KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction KOVAR Dinner & Silent Auction is being planned for Saturday 21 March 2015. Brother Knights and ladies, I have not run any silent auction before. I need your help if the Council is to have a successful KOVAR campaign this year. This is a very worthy Virginia Knights charity fund raiser to benefit Virginia citizens with mental disabilities. We plan to have KOVAR collections taken after masses in the Spring outside church, we will need Members with the yellow KOVAR aprons to hand out tootsie rolls and collect money. Additionally we will have KOVAR collections at several Safeway stores in our designated area in the Spring, we will need members and families to help collect at those stores as well. Our State assign goal this Fraternal Year is $ 20,000. In the past the Mount Vernon Corporation has been able to provide $ 10,000 to KOVAR. As our numbers of BINGO players are decreasing, it is expected our profits at BINGO will also be shrinking. Nevertheless, we are expected to meet this year's goal. Which brings me to the Silent Auction, we need good ideas, business leads and members to approach stores/businesses for cash donation outright; gift certificates, and merchandise that can be used either on its own or combined with other donations to become an auction item. We are in the planning stage now through December 2014. We have posters, brochures to hand out to the public and stores/ companies. This is a Knights of Columbus 501(c) (3) tax exempt Charity. Beginning in January 2015, we will be in direct drive mode for collecting funds, gift certificates, merchandise. If you can help us in any way please contact me, between Now and December, so that I can coordinate our Council efforts for this year KOVAR Program. May God Bless each of you and your families. Fraternally, Lee Wallis, PFN Council Chancellor KOVAR Chair for FY 2014/2015 703-971-2393 [email protected] Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 19 Congratulations to our new 50th Golden Jubilations On Sunday October 19, 2014 four of our brother Knights and their wives were part of the Diocese of Arlington Marriage Jubilee Mass with the Principal Celebrant and Homilist Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, DD, STL. JCL Bishop of Arlington at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More. SK PFN Nathan E. & Shigeko Murray; SK Richard S. & Emma Niemiec; SK PGK PFN James & Janice Reilly; and SK PFN Thomas L. & Elizabeth J. Wallis each celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year. During the mass 114 Golden Jubilee couples and 138 Silver Jubilee couples renewed their Marriage Promises. There was a reception with Bishop Loverde downstairs in Monsignor Burke Hall following the Mass. Commemorative certificates were distributed to each of the Jubilee Couples and Bishop Loverde was available for pictures with the Jubilation's. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 20 Third Degree Exemplification On September 27, 2014, 33 2nd Degree Knights were advance to the Third Degree and full Knighthood at our district exemplification. After the Degree State Deputy Steve Burnley awarded Honoree for the 3rd Degree. The Certificate was signed by the new 33 Knights and presented to our very own SK FDD PFN PGK Jim McCracken. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 21 Ladies Fall "Meet and Greet" luncheon The Ladies of Mount Vernon Council 5998 held their first luncheon of the new fraternal year Saturday afternoon, October 4th. The gathering was presided over by Joan Wallis, wife of Chancellor SK PFN Lee Wallis. Pictures provided by SK PFN Lee Wallis. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 22 Spirit Night Fund Raiser Spirit Night Fund Raiser held on October 6th & 7th at the Council Hall. 20% of all profits of the two nights will go to St. Louis School PTO. As children from both Good Shepherd and St. Louis parish attend St. Louis Catholic School this is a Council event. The remaining 80% of the profits will go towards the 8th Grade Spirit of St. Louis Award and the Council's annual "Outstanding Young Woman and Outstanding Young Man on the Year Awards". Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 23 Polish Night Polish Night on October 18, 2014 The Program was planned and coordinated Margaret Botto through DGK Robert T. Reynolds. Dr Robert E. Botto and John Daly, Council Lecturer provide a great history of Poland, the Warsaw Uprising and the Poles who changed the World History and Science. Angela Knight, an international performing soprano with the Washington National Opera sang songs in "Mood in Polish music" while Jerzy Sapieveyevski, a award winning composer, pianist and New Century Music founder accompanied her on the Piano. Polish Folk songs were song duo by SK Paul Kayanan and Hanna Bondarewskam, Artistic Director and Founder of the Ambassador Theater.. An Outstanding Polish cuisine was served which included Polish dumplings (Pierogi), cabbage rolls (Golabki), and hunters stew with Polish sausage (Bigos), with homemade delicious desserts, and coffee. The Council Ladies prepared the tables and decorations which was coordinated by Joan Wallis. Pictures provided by SK PFN Lee Wallis. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 24 Polish Night Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 25 Children’s Halloween Party The Mount Vernon Council held its 14th annual Children’s Halloween Party and our Famous Tunnel of Fear, on Sunday afternoon, October 26st, 2014. SK PFN PGK Tom Fahey, our Chancellor SK PFN Lee Wallis and his wife Joan coordinated the event. Thanks to everyone for their help in making the party a success. Pictures Provided by Lee Wallis. Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 26 Children’s Halloween Party Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 27 Children’s Halloween Party Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 28 Children’s Halloween Party Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 29 Stan Bonta’s Message Ways to Pay for Whole Life We live in a world of options and we are constantly bombarded by choices. Some of these make our lives more complicated, but many of these choices are created with our satisfaction in mind. At the Knights of Columbus, every product we offer has been designed solely for the benefit of our members and their families. When I present an option to you, it’s because a team of experts has discussed it at length to be certain it serves your best interest. We have a few options on how you can provide and pay for the whole life coverage that your family needs. Many whole life policies call for premiums to be paid for your entire life or to age 100. But we also offer permanent life coverage with guaranteed cash values (and the potential to earn dividends, which are not guaranteed) through policies that offer a limited period of premium payments. First, we offer “10 Pay Life” and “20 Pay Life.” Consider paying premiums for 10 or 20 years, and never having to pay for the coverage again. The plan is “paid up” and no more premiums are due. The plan stays in force, the death benefit remains intact and the guaranteed cash value continues to grow. A plan with similar benefits is “Life Paid Up at 65.” The difference over 10 or 20 Pay Life plans is that this permanent product requires you to pay premiums until age 65. Then, premiums stop (just in time for retirement), but the plan remains in force. Finally, the ultimate in limited pay is our Single Premium Life product. Imagine buying life insurance — permanent life insurance — and only paying one single premium? It’s possible. To learn more about these products, our long-term care insurance, disability income or retirement products, please call me today. Stan Bonta, Jr. Field Agent 703-362-9728 cell [email protected] Mt. Vernon Council #5998 KC Quote November 2014 Page 30
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