Rosedale Presbyterian Church A Member of the St. James Town Ecumenical Coalition Statue of Isaiah, Piazza di Spagna, Rome Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany February 8, 2015 – 10:30 am 1 GATHERING PRELUDE Prelude and Fugue in D minor by J. T. Krebs WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS HYMN #287 O God whose fire lit the stars (The Book of Praise, navy blue book) CALL TO WORSHIP (standing) O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I rest and when I wake. You discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and are acquainted with all my ways. Search me, O God, and know my heart. Lead me in the way everlasting. PRAYER OF APPROACH (standing and in unison) Loving and eternal God, we praise you for the peace of this place of worship. We pray that the demands of everyday life may be set aside as we come before you this day. May we be filled with wonder at the mysteries of creation – earth, sea and sky, the beauty of life and the diversity of your people. We praise you for calling us to look beyond our own concerns – to become a community of peacemakers and bridge builders. We praise you for the prayer of Jesus that your people would be one, called to set aside pride and arrogance that we might serve your Church and your world. In our worship, may your spirit of healing and unity draw us together to know the peace that passes all understanding, through Christ our Lord. Amen. CALL TO CONFESSION (seated) Let us now with a sincere heart and humble voice, seek the forgiveness of God Lord, have mercy upon us Christ have mercy upon us Lord have mercy upon us O God, make clean our hearts within us And let thy Holy Spirit dwell in us. 2 PRAYER OF CONFESSION (seated) A MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR QUIET PRAYER ASSURANCE OF PARDON THE LORD’S PRAYER THE WORD OF GOD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION (seated and in unison) God, source of all light, by your Word you give light to the soul. Pour out upon us a spirit of wisdom and understanding, that hearing your Word we may follow your way of peace and love. Amen. OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 40:21–31 Reader: The Word of the Lord All: Thanks be to God RESPONSIVE PSALM 147:1–11 (Burgundy Book, Refrain 1) HYMN #307 God of the sparrow, God of the whale TIME WITH CHILDREN TRIO Great Lord God! Thy Kingdom Shall Endure by G. F. Handel (sung by Hannah Tarder-Stoll, Alessia Naccarato, Mikhail Shemet) Great Lord God! Thy Kingdom shall endure forever more. Lord God! Thy kingdom shall endure forever more. GOSPEL Reader: All: Luke 4:13–21 The Word of the Lord Thanks be to God HYMN #716 Pray for the wilderness SERMON The Comforting Prophet 3 THE RESPONSE TO GOD THE OFFERING ANTHEM To Thee, O Lord by Sergei Rachmaninoff arr. A. M. Henderson To Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul, My God, I trust in Thee, To Thee, O Lord, do I lift my soul, My God, I trust in Thee. Lord, to Thee do I lift up my soul. – Psalm 25: 1 PRESENTATION OF THE OFFERING (standing – Book of Praise #830) Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise him, all creatures here below Praise him above, ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. PRAYER OF DEDICATION (standing and in unison) Gracious God, may we listen to the needs and dreams of the world. May we follow Christ’s way of compassion and justice. May we be generous in body, mind and spirit to the glory of Christ our Lord. Amen. PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING AND INTERCESSION THE DISMISSAL HYMN #585 Christ you call us all to service THE COMMISSIONING & BENEDICTION (standing) CHORAL AMEN Three-Fold by Orlando Gibbons POSTLUDE The God of Abraham Praise arr. by Hal H. Hopson 4 k We invite you to remain in the sanctuary following the Benediction to listen to the Postlude. If you wish to leave, we invite you to do so quietly. Refreshments will be served in the Great Hall. Reader: Anne Donaldson-Page Greeter: Ruth Brunzema Coffee Hour Hosts: Joyce and John Morden Offering Last week’s offering & mail-in support Church Operating portion Presbyterians Sharing portion Other Last week’s Sunday worship attendance $3,982 $2,797 $ 560 $ 625 58 ANNOUNCEMENTS The violets in the sanctuary today are placed in loving memory of Violet Donaldson by her family. This morning we welcome the Reverend Dr. Charles Fensham, Knox College Professor of Systematic Theology, to lead in worship. Charles was born in Stellenbosch, South Africa. He was ordained in 1982 in South Africa and served as Pastor in Congregations in South Africa and also taught at the University of South Africa. During the 1980’s, Charles ministered in inter-cultural youth work in France, Switzerland and the South Pacific. After involvement in the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa, Charles moved to Canada in 1988 and ministered in two congregations in Southern Ontario. In 2008 Charles published, “Emerging from the Dark Age Ahead: The Future of the North American Church.” His latest book is “To the Nations for the Earth: A Missional Spirituality.” Know something about God’s love? Interested in faith formation? We need you! Share your experience with children and youth at Rosedale by volunteering to help in the nursery or Sunday school. No experience necessary and curriculum is provided. It takes a small amount of planning time during the week, and less than one hour on Sunday morning. If you have a partner that you would be more comfortable teaching with, ask them too! Contact Heather Roberts or Jen Bell at [email protected], or see us at coffee hour! 5 Name Tags Please remember to wear your nametag so that we are able to greet one another by name. If you need a new nametag, please contact Brooke Alyea in the Church Office ([email protected]). Offering Envelopes are available for pick up in the hallway outside the Lounge. If you have not previously had offering envelopes and would like a set for 2015, please contact the Church Office ([email protected]). The Bridge and Scrabble Group will meet on Thursday, February 19th. This is a casual, friendly group which welcomes newcomers. Tea and coffee will be served at 12:30 pm. Play begins at 1:00 pm. Movie Night on Friday, February 27th at 6:30 pm featuring the film “The Judge.” Hank Palmer (Robert Downey Jr) is a successful defense attorney in Chicago, who is getting a divorce. When his brother calls with the news that their mother has died, Hank returns to his childhood home to attend the funeral. Despite the brittle bond between Hank and the Judge (Robert Duvall), Hank must come to his father’s aid and defend him in court. Here, Hank discovers the truth behind the case, which binds together the dysfunctional family and reveals the struggles and secrecy of the family. There will be a showing at 4:30 pm in the Lounge followed by dinner and discussion. Sign-up sheets for dinner, or to borrow the DVD are available at Coffee Hour. Congregational Art Show and Sale – March 7-8 Calling all amateur artists! Do you love to paint or make art as a hobby? Is photography the expression of your artistic talent? Is your child a budding artist? We would love to have you share it with us at the upcoming art show at RPC in order that we may spotlight the work of all our “unknown” artists! We will be hosting an Art Show and Sale on March 7th and 8th. There will be a reception on the evening of March 7th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm, and the show will continue on Sunday, March 8th, after worship and through the afternoon. If you are interested in participating in this show, please contact the Church Office ([email protected]) or Wes Denyer (wesdenyer@ 6 k Upcoming Events k Board Meeting Tuesday, February 10, 6:30 pm The Bridge and Scrabble Group Thursday, February 19, 12:30 pm Movie Night (The Judge) Friday, February 27, 6:30 pm (Movie showing at 4:30 pm) MUSIC Handel’s majestic counterpoint is in evidence in Great Lord God! arranged for three voices and keyboard by John Carlton. It begins with a solo low voice, which is then contrasted by the two upper voices. Following this, dramatic three-part counterpoint ensues continuing to the end of the work, punctuated occasionally by powerful exclamations of “Lord, God!” and “Great, Lord God”. To Thee, O Lord (Тебе поем) is an English adaptation of the twelfth of the twenty-movement Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is the primary worship service of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Rachmaninoff composed his setting of this liturgy in July 1910, writing it in Church Slavonic, the language of Orthodox Church. Following its first performance in Moscow the piece fell into obscurity after being deemed too “modernist” for church use. Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) was the last of the great Russian Romantic composers. Although he made his name as a pianist and as a composer for the piano, his two unaccompanied choral works (The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and the All-Night Vigil) are sacred works of the highest order. To Thee, O Lord is a straight forward but representative piece, featuring rich and largely homophonic writing. The organ music today features an opening Prelude and Fugue by J. T. Krebs, (1690-1762) one of Bach’s finest organ and composition students. The Postlude is a hymn arrangement on a traditional Yigdal (a Jewish hymn) known as “Leoni”. The melody was arranged into a hymn tune (see BP 331) by Meyer Lyon in 1770. Lyon was a singer at Covent Garden until departing for Jamaica where he became the first chazzan (cantor) for the English and German Synagogue in Jamaica. Perhaps the first verse of this hymn was the inspiration for American organist Hal Hopson’s grand setting: 7 The God of Abraham praise, who reigns enthroned above; Ancient of Everlasting Days, and God of Love; Jehovah, great I AM! by earth and heaven confessed; I bow and bless the sacred name forever blest. ANNOUNCEMENTS Crieff Hills Retreat and Conference Center warmly welcomes you to join us at 10:30am on Thursday February 26th for our Manna Day, “Breaking the Holy Huddle,” with Rev. Joel Sherbino. We will explore how to reach out into our community so that church becomes more than simply a building, but a way of life. Please call ahead to register at 1-800-8841525. Cost for the day is $20.00 and includes lunch. Crieff Hills is the national conference centre of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and is located just south of Guelph. See for further information. CONTACTS Rosedale Presbyterian Church 129 Mount Pleasant Road, Toronto, Ontario M4W 2S3 • Phone: (416) 921-1931• Fax: 416-921-7497 E-mail: [email protected]• Website: Office Hours Minister Music Director Christian Education Co-ordinator Church Administrator Church Officer Wednesday to Friday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm THE REV. WES DENYER [email protected] (416) 271-2233 (cell) DR. ALLAN BEVAN [email protected] JENNIFER BELL [email protected] BROOKE ALYEA [email protected] MARC ROBERTS [email protected] (647) 770-9343 Our Mission We witness to Christ in our spiritual vitality and in our social involvement by nurturing all in the Christian life, communicating the gospel to our community, and inspiring faithful devotion & service Our Vision We seek to be a vital, growing community of faith, with a glad and generous heart, that shares the blessings of the Christian life. 8
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