Weekly Messenger Lutheran Church of God's Love 791 Newtown-Yardley Road, Newtown, PA 18940 215-968-4335 www.godslovenewtown.org February 8, 2015 NOTE FROM SANDY ANTHONY Vol.2015, Issue 6 To my church family, Thank you to everyone who prayed for my mom’s recovery after her accident. Then at her passing prayed for us, attended her viewing/funeral, brought us dinners, sent cards, thoughts, kind words and love to me and my family. I can’t tell you how comforting it is to have your support. I wanted to extend a special thank you to the Celebration of Life Committee for the wonderful meal and to all the people who brought desserts. That gesture of kindness showed me, my family and strangers to the church what a caring community God’s Love is. You will never know how much all of you meant to her and to me. I couldn’t imagine facing this kind of devastation without having God and his people in my life. I can’t thank you enough for helping to make her life full and happy! Love, Sandy Anthony (proud daughter of Lillian Harshaw) ARTICLES INSIDE: ADULT FAITH & LIFE pg. 2 SNOW & ICE pg. 2 PRESCHOOL NEWS pg. 3 SUMMER PLANS FOR CHILDREN pg. 3 CONGREGATIONAL COOK-IN: Aid For Friends Sunday, February 8 at Noon SR HIGH YOUTH GATHERING pg. 2 We are inviting all cooks to prepare the meat entrée - your choice of: beef, meatloaf, turkey, chicken, etc. We will provide the two sides (applesauce & green beans). Choose a recipe that you personally enjoy making or eating and cook it at home. Bring the warm or refrigerated portions to church. (AFF requests that each meat portion should be at least 4 ounces in size. A pound of meat makes about four meals.) THEATER MINISTRY REHEARSAL pg. 3 We hope all those who have expressed interest will stay after the second service to help us assemble the meals. Our youth and children always report enjoying this activity - so this will be a fun, intergenerational afternoon of service. ASH WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18 We will have worship services on Wednesday, February 18 at both Noon and 7pm. The midday service is spoken, and the evening worship is led by organ and choir. The pastors will offer the imposition of ashes for those who desire it. HUNGER IN BUCKS COUNTY pg4 Bible Readings for Next Weekend Feb 15 Bearing the Cross Matthew 16:24—17:8 Psalm 41:7-10 025GODLV-1 ADULT FAITH & LIFE UPDATE We meet Sundays at 9:30 in Room A4/A5. Our next session of adult faith and life will begin on Sunday, January 11th and run for 4 weeks. We'll share in a bible study of the book of Job called "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People" led by Pastor Peter. SNOW AND ICE? WHAT TO DO IN CASE OF INCLEMENT WEATHER Wondering about the weather and its effect on an event occurring at church? The pastors will make a decision at 7am on Sunday regarding worship. Then our automated calling system (One Call Now) will be notified and will contact each person/family by the phone number on file with a recorded message. Good news - you can receive a text instead of a phone call. But so far only 25 people have signed up! Please contact Ken at [email protected] to: • see if your phone is one of them or • give him your cell phone number and let him know that you would like to finish the process of signing up. THANKS TO OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS The terms of three members of the council conclude at our Annual Congregation Meeting on January 25. We thank them for their faithful service. They are: Stacey Sottung, Kathy MacDonald, and Gayle Gunnerson. ANOTHER THANK YOU RECEIVED The Rescue Mission of Trenton recently received a $100 check that council approved to be sent from the Christmas Fund. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, please accept our sincere thank you for the recent donation. The money helps us to continue providing home and hope for our less fortunate neighbors who have no other place to turn. “ Mary Gay Abbott-Young, CEO CONGREGATIONAL ASSESSMENT TOOL (CAT) SURVEY COMING SOON! In the coming weeks, we ask that you take 15 minutes to fill out a survey that will help us determine the future directions of our church. This Congregational Assessment Tool will help us to more deeply understand our community. Our synod has gifted us with the opportunity to use this survey. It will give us a clear picture of our capacity as a whole church with our strengths, our ministry gifts and skills, and even our energy level. But it will only help us - if EVERYONE participates! We have a membership of about 700 persons... and we want to see the biggest picture of who we are. In the next 3 to 4 weeks, we will send out the link for this survey several times a week. We will also mail and hand out paper copies to those who do not use e-mail. PRAY FOR WORSHIP LEADERS February 8th: Todd & Carol Stranahan February 15th: Bob Loven COUNTING THE OFFERING February 9th: Jack and Joyce February 17th: Kathy and Ed STEWARDSHIP CORNER “. . . but they gave themselves first to the Lord.” 2 Cor 8:5 Respond gratefully to what God has first given us. All that we do is a response to God’s grace. Everything we are, have, and use comes from God. Best of all, God gives the gift of Jesus Christ and the community of believers. Our confession of faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is not of our doing. Grateful stewards put God first. ALTAR FLOWERS SLIGHT INCREASE The altar flowers for 2015 will cost $35 this year. For many years we have kept the cost to thirty dollars. But since we have not collected enough in prior years to cover the weekly cost from the florist, we find the increase necessary. If you already placed an order for a week in 2015, you are not obligated to honor this increase unless you want to. But we certainly will accept your extra five dollars, if you choose. Thanks! ATTENDANCE INFORMATION For Sunday, February 1st Attendance149 For Sunday, January 25th Attendance115 025GODLV-2 SR. HIGH YOUTH GATHERING IN FEBRUARY Pastor Marissa is looking for youth interested in attending our synod's Sr. High Youth Gathering from February 20-22. This year's theme is Dig Deep, Build Faith using Luke 6:48 as the theme verse. Youth will gather with other Lutheran high school students from the 5 county area for faith exploration and a day of service in Philadelphia on Saturday, February 21. Please contact Pastor Marissa for more information. The cost is $180 and scholarships are available. Registration closes on February 6th. MAKING SUMMER PLANS FOR CHILDREN In 2015 we are offering a VBS program led by Bear Creek Camp, a Lutheran camp for children located in the Poconos, from August 3-7. They will provide the program, music, games and crafts. We will provide the space, volunteer helpers, and snack. We will also need to provide housing and food to the 4 counselors during their 5 day stay. If you are willing to be a host family, please contact me at [email protected]. Sandy Anthony, Director GOD'S CARING STITCHERS FEBRUARY CELENDAR In a Good Housekeeping article it said, "Knitting is the perfect example of active stillness. In fact, 20 minutes of knitting can lower your heart rate, and blood pressure. The secret seems to lie in the soothing combination of rhythm and repetition." We all need to slow down more and be good to ourselves. Now is a good time to learn a new craft or brush up on some new skills, patterns and techniques. Come join fellow crafters, whether it is knitting or crocheting and create items for neighbors in our community. Let them know that we care. We will meet: Fridays afternoons at 1pm in Room A1on February 6, 13, 20 and 27 If you have any questions, please call or email Cindy Sundstrom at 215-493-2484 or [email protected]. PRESCHOOL INFO FOR FEBRUARY The preschool hallways are decorated with snowmen, polar bears and penguins -our themes for January. We played with shaving cream, painted with ice cubes and made playdoh snowmen -fun! February is “We love to Read” month when we focus on different authors. Service projects are an important part of our Valentine’s Day celebrations. The 3’s classes assemble breakfast bags for AFF and the 4’s & PreK classes have a hop-a-thon for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Sharing is an important emphasis for God’s Love Preschool! Registration is underway for the 2015-2016 school year. Please contact Janet Nelson, Director, for more information at 215-497-0506. BUY GIANT CARDS Grocery store shopping? Buy your prepaid gift cards to the Giant Food store at church. Stop by Kay’s desk Monday through Friday from 9am-2pm or call her to make other arrangements. Each card provides 5% of its value as a fundraiser for the Appalachia Service Project. MORE THANK YOU’S THEATER MINISTRY REHEARSES 1. The Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK) recently received a $100 check that council approved to be sent from our Christmas Fund. “Thank you for your recent donation. We serve a hot nutritious lunch Monday through Friday and an evening meal Monday through Thursday at our Escher Street location. We also serve dinner at satellite locations in South Trenton, West Trenton, Hightstown, and Princeton. We serve approximately 4000 meals per week. We appreciate your help! “ Dennis Micai, Executive Director We will begin rehearsing for our next play, “Willy Wonka”, on Sunday January 11 at Noon. All cast members are encouraged to be available every Sunday afternoon between noon and 2pm. Meet in the sanctuary. Pat Guth, Director 2. The Rev. Lanny Westphal, Director of ELCA Global Church Sponsorship, writes in gratitude: “Thank you for your generous gift of $1500 for two of our young adults in Global Mission (Daniel Purtell and Hannah Spahn). Your gifts help our church respond to God’s call to serve our neighbors and proclaim the gospel. We work alongside our companion churches to share God’s love far and wide. CHECK YOUR MAILBOX! Our Financial Secretary reports that the 2014 contribution statements are printed. Please check your church mailbox and take it home. 025GODLV-3 HUNGER IN BUCKS COUNTY COMMUNITY OUTREACH The Food Insecurity Alliance (which includes representatives from multiple churches – God’s Love and Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Yardley among others) is collecting food, specifically granola bars and raisins or dried cranberries. These items will help restock backpacks for families in need of food over the weekends. Our specific collection will go to St Mary's Backpack Ministry and will be distributed through our local schools. We also continue to collect nonperishable food for our Local Food Pantries. As the need for assistance has increased, these distribution groups are able to provide additional food to their clients, while food that is supplied by Government is distributed per family in limited amounts. Our donations are always needed. Chris Tidd, Coordinator PRAY FOR THE CAN God’s Love Lutheran Church is currently converting a shipping container to a medical clinic and stocking it with supplies. As a member of the Container Project team, I request that you pray for the successful completion of our clinic which will be going to the people of Kisumu, Kenya. I would also ask that you pray for the people of Kisumu to give them guidance and faith as they prepare for the arrival of the clinic which is so badly needed in an area where there is so little. DEMONSTRATE YOUR THANKFULNESS THIS SEASON Each holiday season, God’s Love anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at www.godslovenewtown. org and locate the Donate button on the bottom left. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form located in the Commons and return it to the church office. Fran Herman VOTING RESULTS OF ANNUAL MEETING HELD SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 Congratulations to those elected! Three year term on Church Council: Amy Carr Tammy Gabriel John Tidd (2nd term) Will Toppin Two year term on Church Council: Karen Hoch Three year term on Investment Committee: Eric Nordberg Nominating Committee: Bob Harman Fran Herman Kurt Nelson Eric Pannepacker YOGA So, what does Namaste mean anyway? Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The literal translation means “bow me you” or “I bow to you”. There is more to the weekly yoga class than stretching and poses. Come join us each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall and see for yourself. A free will offering is requested. Contact Linda Sartor for more information at [email protected] or (215)2081344. 025GODLV-4 VISION United by the Holy Spirit, we will make Christ known! MISSION We will invite all people to experience God’s love, grow in faith together, serve and care for others. GOD’S LOVE STAFF: Rev. Peter Naschke, Senior Pastor Rev. Marissa Krey, Associate Pastor Kay Rozolis, Office Manager Ken Weisensale, Office Manager Patricia Guth, Director/Organist Walt Kull, Rejoice! Co-director Nicole Masceri, Rejoice! Co-director Tom Baust, Heartsong Musician Sharon Sottung, Confirmation Administrator Josh Morales, Sexton CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS: Amy Carr Karen Fox Tammy Gabriel Karen Hoch Walter Kull Susan McDonnell Earl Monk Eric Nordberg Barbara Roth Norm Sundstrom John Tidd Will Toppin Financial Secretary: Patti Levenberg Treasurer: Melanie Jimenez Church Council [email protected] MUTUAL MINISTRY CONTACT INFO: Will Toppin [email protected] Andi Webber [email protected] Jay Roth [email protected] Gayle [email protected] Jim Gunnerson [email protected] John Bowen [email protected] SUNDAY – Epiphany 5 8:15am Traditional Worship 9:30am Education Hour 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon Theater Ministry rehearsal AFF Cookin 1-4pm Church Council Retreat 5:30pm Heartsong Service 6:30pm Confirmation 7th Grade 7:30pm A.A. Meeting THIS WEEKLOCATION Mon Counters 9amA1 Boy Scouts 7pmFellowship Investment Comm 6:30pm Offsite Tues Wed Yoga 6:30pmFellowship Bell Choir 6:30pmA1, A2 Adult Choir 7:30pmSanctuary Thurs Fri Bible Study 8:30am Offsite Knit & Crochet 1pm A1, A2 A.A. Meeting 7pmMods Sat CAN Work team 9am Outside NEXT SUNDAY – Epiphany 6 8:15am Traditional Worship 9:30am Education Hour Confirmation Service Project Chair Yoga 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon Theater Ministry rehearsal 5:30pm Heartsong Service 6:30pm No Confirmation 7:30pm A.A. Meeting GOD’S LOVE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL Janet Nelson, Director Pre-K: M – F 9:15-11:45am 4 yr olds: M, W, F 9:15-11:45am M, W, R, F 12:45-3:15pm 3 yr olds: T, R 9:15-11:45am T, W, R 12:45-3:15pm Telephone: 215-497-0506 Email: [email protected] E-mail Rev. Peter Naschke: [email protected] Pastor Marissa Krey: [email protected] Kay Rozolis: [email protected] Ken Weisensale: [email protected] 025GODLV-5
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