Weekly Messenger Lutheran Church of God's Love 791 Newtown-Yardley Road, Newtown, PA 18940 215-968-4335 www.godslovenewtown.org November 2, 2014 Vol.2014, Issue 44 ALL SAINTS DAY The first Sunday of November is set aside to remember all those beloved ones who have died and who wait for the Day of Resurrection. Those we love continue to be carried in our hearts, and we give thanks for the privilege of having known and loved them. Again this year we will have a candle lighting ceremony during each worship on November 2. You are invited to light a candle and place it in the sand box to remember those you love and who are dear to you. ARTICLES INSIDE: ADULT FAITH & LIFE pg. 2 GOD’S CARING STITCHERS pg. 2 CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SOLDIERS pg. 3 Mark Your Calendars for Hunger 101 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16 The new Food Insecurity Alliance will be hosting a Hunger 101 Simulation event at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Yardley on November 16 at 2PM. Pastor Marissa will be the facilitator. Participants will be given the chance to step into the shoes of a neighbor who is a risk of hunger and to come faceto-face with the complex realities of trying to feed a family on a limited budget. The program will last approximately 2 hours. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Pr. Marissa. The next regular meeting of the Alliance will be here at God's Love on Thursday, December 4 at 7PM. ASP MISSION TRIP pg. 3 AID FOR FRIENDS COOKIN pg. 3 STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM pg. 4 RECEIVE A TEXT pg. 4 RECEIVE PASTOR PETER’S EMAILS Once every week or two, Pastor Peter writes a short devotional piece and we email it to the congregation and friends. Are you getting this email? If not, please let us know. We can add you easily to the distribution. Bible Readings for Next Weekend Nov 9 About Micah Micah 5:2-4; 6:6-8 Matthew 9:13 025GODLV-1 ADULT FAITH & LIFE SUNDAYS AT 9:30AM PRAY FOR WORSHIP LEADERS Our next session will be entitled "Advent Conspiracy" starting next Sunday, November 2. While it may seem a bit early to think about Advent and Christmas, we all know the holiday decorations and commercials are already out there! The Advent Conspiracy is a movement designed to help us all slow down and share a memorable Christmas with those in need. Each week we'll explore one of the 4 tenets of the program: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, Love All. We will tie this all in with the Container Project and the idea that "together, we CAN make a difference". All are welcome to join us at 9:30am in Room A4/A5. November 2nd: John Shultz November 9th: Larry Zetterberg FRIDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Join us Fridays at 8:30am at Moish & Itzy’s Deli in the Summit Square shopping center off the Newtown Bypass. We meet in the back of the restaurant at a reserved table – just ask the waitresses for God’s Love table. Pastor Marissa will lead us in studying the upcoming Sunday’s scripture lessons and filling in the gaps between the weekly narratives. Each person purchases their own breakfast. Come as often as you can! OUR KITCHEN REMODEL APPROVED Another thing to celebrate! At their October 20 meeting, our Church Council approved a remodel of our kitchen. The goal is to create a sanitary, functional kitchen that will meet our needs for preparing fellowship meals in the future. The old stove (which didn’t work well any more) will be replaced by a new six burner commercial Garland. The broken island will be traded in for an 8 foot stainless work table. The dishwasher (which took 90 minutes to cycle) will be changed into an under-counter sterilizing commercial one which does 22 loads per hour. We will add a tall dual convection oven and a three bay stainless sink. All this will happen soon. How are we paying for it? Through the generous allocation of several memorials, a few donations, and probably a small balance from our major maintenance fund. We also would like to re-stock the kitchen with good cookware, nice dinnerware, and serving dishes. We are seeking donations to help pay for this. We want to buy all new, commercial quality. This is exciting! Pastor Peter VOLUNTEERING CORNER COUNTING THE OFFERING November 3rd: Fran and Joan November 10th: Eileen and Ed STEWARDSHIP CORNER “. . . but they gave themselves first to the Lord.” 2 Cor 8:5 Respond gratefully to what God has first given us. All that we do is a response to God’s grace. Everything we are, have, and use comes from God. Best of all, God gives the gift of Jesus Christ and the community of believers. Our confession of faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is not of our doing. Grateful stewards put God first. PRAYER GARDEN BRICKS Have you seen the brick walkway through our Prayer Garden? Did you know that for $100 you can “purchase” a brick and have it placed in our garden? Look for the green halfsheets on the table near the Office Entrance. You may select up to 15 characters per line for a total of 3 lines (includes spaces). Bricks take up to 2 months to arrive once ordered. September was volunteering month, and the response was great! Many of you filled out your Community of Gifts survey (COGS). Thank you very much! We are now in the process of contacting our new recruits to get them placed in their new volunteer roles. If you haven’t been contacted yet, hang tight; you should be shortly. If you didn’t have a chance to fill out your COGS yet, there are copies on a table in the Commons along with a return box. Or you can go to the church website at www.godslovenewtown. org where you can use the link to complete the survey online (under the “Get Involved” tab). In November we will be contacting those folks who did not complete one. We are aiming for 100% participation to have everyone do “one new thing”. Sandy Anthony, Volunteer Coordinator 215-757-4709 or [email protected] ATTENDANCE For Sunday, October 19th Attendance186 For Sunday, October 26th Attendance305 025GODLV-2 Dear Friends, Thank you to all who have lovingly and faithfully expressed opinions on the question of same gender marriage. Thank you also to all who have patiently waited for Council to listen, to deliberate, to pray and to labor toward a decision. The following is the resolution that was proposed by a representative cross section of our Council members, discussed in detail, accepted and voted upon at our Council meeting this past Monday (October 20). Whereas same-gender couples are now permitted to marry in Pennsylvania, And whereas it is likely that the Pastors of God’s Love will receive requests to perform same-gender marriages, And whereas the Pastors have agreed to respect and reflect the stance of the congregation rather than act independently in responding to these requests, And whereas the Church Council, trusting in the Holy Spirit, made a prayerful effort to determine the stance of the congregation with the guidance of the 2009 ELCA Social Statement on Human Sexuality, And whereas the Church Council understands that the ELCA 1) acknowledges that consensus does not exist concerning how to regard same-gender committed relationships, 2) draws on the foundational Lutheran understanding that the baptized are called to discern God's love in service to the neighbor, and 3) encourages all people to live out their faith with profound respect for the conscience-bound belief of their neighbor, Therefore, be it resolved by the Church Council of God’s Love, being mindful of the opinion of an apparent majority of the congregation yet humbly respectful of the opinion of the minority, that the Pastors shall be permitted to respond positively to requests to perform same-gender marriages. Be it further resolved, that as with all marriages, the Pastors shall continue to use their normal pastoral discernment, discretion and pre-marital counseling in their decision to perform a particular marriage. The resolution was passed with a 10 to 3 majority. Council members were encouraged to vote consistent with their own faithful position, as informed by the feedback received throughout the process. The vote does reflect the proportionate input received from members and will guide the Pastors’ response to any future requests for same gender marriage that they may receive. We understand that this is welcome news to some and a source of concern to others. One of the most important things that we learned/confirmed as a Council, was that we are a welcoming community of faith, and while positions on this subject were shaded across a wide spectrum, there is one absolute… we are God’s Love, and we value diversity, differing opinions and are blessed to grow in our personal faith journey next to others who also seek God in our midst. As a Council, we pledge to continue to support and grow together, and encourage all of our friends and members in the same way. The Pastors and Council continue to be available to you on this or other concerns. GOD’S CARING STITCHERS NOVEMBER CALENDAR Our group is very busy working on all the knit and crochet items we want to give away at Christmas to the various charitable organizations. Come join us anytime. All are welcome! We will meet on Friday afternoons at 1pm at church in Room A1/A2 on November 7, 14, and 21. We will NOT meet on Friday, November 28, the day after Thanksgiving. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving everyone! If you have any questions, please call Cindy Sundstrom at 215-493-2484 or email her at [email protected]. Cindy Sundstrom, Coordinator DINE OUT Monday, November 10 November's Dine Out is unusual, because I'm proposing that we have takeout seafood that we eat at church. Dom's Seafood in Croydon has a good reputation for seafood. However, they are really a takeout place rather than a sit-down restaurant. Since there is a room at church that night that we can use, we will gather in Room A1/A2 at 7:00 pm to eat and socialize. In your RSVP, tell me what you want to order. (The menu for Dom's is on their website). A couple of days before the Dine Out, I can call in an order to the restaurant for all the diners together. I can go down to Croydon to pick up the food shortly before we eat. I’ll pay for everything and then you can each reimburse me. The RSVP deadline is the evening of Friday, November 7. Sara Wheeler, Coordinator Karen Fox, President of Church Council CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR SOLDIERS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 AT 9:30AM We will meet in the café to address Christmas cards for our soldiers. Please join us for coffee, fellowship, and sharing the Good News and cheer. If you have leftover cards or stickers from years past, please bring them. See you there. Janet Nordberg, Coordinator AID FOR FRIENDS COOKIN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3 AT 7PM This month’s menu is: beef stew, applesauce, and green beans. All volunteers please meet in the main kitchen to help us assemble meals for the clients of AFF. Kurt Nelson, Coordinator 025GODLV-3 STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM FOR 2015 You will shortly receive a mailing from the pastors. It will explain this year’s campaign and have a card to fill out. Let us know if you do not receive a packet of information. Consecration Sunday is November 16 when all of the Plan of Giving cards will be blessed at the altar. HELP US CONTACT YOU RECEIVE A TEXT ON YOUR CELL PHONE Are you interested in getting texts from God's Love? Thanks to a service called "One Call Now", we can text you with reminders about important upcoming events, changes in our schedule due to weather, or other important notifications. Want to sign up? It's easy! Well... almost. It's a two-step process. Step 1: Text the word Alert to 22300. This means in the "to:" line, where you would normally type a person's name or phone number, type 22300. Then, in the body of the text message, type the word "Alert". You'll quickly get a message that you're all signed up. But wait! There's actually more. Step 2: Email Ken ([email protected]) with your cell phone number so we can make sure you're in our system. We uploaded numbers from our directory, and many of you chose to publish your home numbers rather than your cell. Once Ken updates your number, the system will remember that you've opted-in to receive texts and you will be all set. TREASURES SALE UPDATE What a wonderful sense of “community” and cooperation we shared this year during the week of our Treasures Sale! Over fifty people were involved in the prep work and on Saturday, the day of the sale. God’s Love friends met other new friends. Perhaps a hundred people contributed something to the sale. In addition, scores of people got to see our church and experience the warmth and hospitality of our faith community. Plus we have the added benefit of raising about $1500 from the sale! Pastor Peter CAN: PROJECT KICKOFF There was a wonderful amount of energy at God's Love last Sunday (October 19) as we officially kicked off the Container Project. Our big red CAN has arrived and is gathering attention in our parking lot. Dr. Florence Muindi of Life in Abundance joined us for the day and shared wonderful news that the Luo people of Kisumu, Kenya will receive our clinic and are already preparing and praying for it! How can you help? Please spread the word about our project. A letter went out recently, including a project brochure and identifying some of our needs. Donations have already started coming in. Additional copies of the brochure and letter are available in the Commons for you to take. Also, keep an eye out for details about work crews that will be forming soon, and please keep the CAN and the Kisumu community in your prayers. - Together, we CAN make a difference.- COMMUNITY OUTREACH COLLECTION FOR OCTOBER We will collect non-perishable food for Bucks County Homeless Shelter during the month of October. All the local food banks are experiencing an increase in demand as many families are finding it difficult to feed their families. Let's do all we can to help! Gloria Nelson, Coordinator COMMUNICATION VIA EMAIL If you are not getting emails from the church and would like to, please list your email address in the Friendship Notepad at worship. Multiple members of households are welcome to list all emails. THANK YOU’S RECEIVED 1. On October 21 we received a letter from “On Eagles’ Wings” thanking us for our donation of $1500. This represents our annual gift to the organization. “Your generosity continues to express the partnership On Eagle’s Wings and God’s Love enjoy. Your care, service, prayers, and faithful financial giving make this so very obvious!” 2. On October 24, the ERA (Emergency Relief Association of Lower Bucks) thanked us for the food pantry items totaling 647 pounds during the 3rd quarter of 2014. “We truly appreciate your support. Without donations like yours, we could not succeed.” 025GODLV-4 VISION United by the Holy Spirit, we will make Christ known! MISSION We will invite all people to experience God’s love, grow in faith together, serve and care for others. GOD’S LOVE STAFF: Rev. Peter Naschke, Senior Pastor Rev. Marissa Krey, Associate Pastor Kay Rozolis, Office Manager Ken Weisensale, Office Manager Patricia Guth, Director/Organist Walt Kull, Rejoice! Co-director Nicole Masceri, Rejoice! Co-director Tom Baust, Heartsong Musician Sharon Sottung, Confirmation Administrator Josh Morales, Sexton CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS: Karen Fox, President Stacey Sottung, Vice President Norm Sundstrom, Secretary Anthony Canamucio Gayle Gunnerson Walter Kull Kathy MacDonald Susan McDonnell Earl Monk Eric Nordberg Barbara Roth John Tidd Financial Secretary: Renard Smoots Treasurer: Barbara Senft Church Council LCGL_Council@verizon. MUTUAL MINISTRY CONTACT INFO: Will Toppin [email protected] Andi Webber [email protected] Jay Roth [email protected] Gayle [email protected] Jim Gunnerson [email protected] John Bowen [email protected] SUNDAY – All Saints 8:15am Traditional Worship 9:30am Education Hour 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon Worship Meeting 5:30pm Heartsong Service 6:30pm Confirmation 8th Grade 7:30pm A.A. Meeting THIS WEEKLOCATION Mon Counters 9amA1 Aid For Friends 7pm Kitchen Boy Scouts 7pmFellowship Hall Tues Preschool Closed Wed Yoga 6:30pmFellowship Hall Bell Choir 6:30pmA1, A2 Adult Choir 7:30pmSanctuary Mutual Ministry 7:30pmOffice Thurs Fri Bible Study 8:30am Offsite Knit & Crochet 1pm A1, A2 A.A. Meeting 7pmMods Sat Newtown Chamber Orchestra Concert 7pm Sanctuary NEXT SUNDAY – Lectionary 32 8:15am Traditional Worship 9:30am Education Hour 10:45am Contemporary Worship 5:30pm Heartsong Service 6:30pm Confirmation 7th Grade 7:30pm A.A. Meeting GOD’S LOVE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL Janet Nelson, Director Pre-K: M – F 9:15-11:45am 4 yr olds: M, W, F 9:15-11:45am M, W, R, F 12:45-3:15pm 3 yr olds: T, R 9:15-11:45am T, W, R 12:45-3:15pm Telephone: 215-497-0506 Email: [email protected] E-mail General address: [email protected] Rev. Peter Naschke: [email protected] Pastor Marissa Krey: [email protected] Kay Rozolis: [email protected] Ken Weisensale: [email protected] 025GODLV-5
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