WORDS OF GRACE GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2015 Grace is on the Web at; www.gracelutherantoledo.org Or ‘like us’ on Facebook In This Issue From the desk of Pastor Al Swartz; pg.2-3 Women of Grace Valentine Luncheon pg. 4 Cookies Please, pg. 4 Thoughts about strangers we know, pg. 4 Assisting with Sunday Service in Feb., pg. 5 Council Member’s contact information; pg. 6 Successful Strategies for Communicating and Caring for those with memory loss, pg.7 Paraphrase Theatre presents ‘Wirnesses’ February Birthday’s & Anniversary's; pg. 9 Hymn Story, pg. 10 ASH WEDNESDAY February 18, 2015 Services at 12:00 pm, & 7:00 pm YOU ARE INVITED! LENTEN LUNCHEONS AND SOUP SUPPERS Luncheons at 11:30am Service at 12:15pm Shirley MacKinnon or Pat Eisinger for additional information Soup Suppers at 6:00 p.m. hosted by various church groups. Marilyn Lohmann for additional information. Evening Lenten Service starting at 7:00 p.m. LSS OF NORTHWEST OHIO TO: A community Conversation of Serving the Community Better Together as Lutheran Agencies and Congregations AT: Lutheran Church of the Master 28744 Simmons Road Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 DATE: February 4, 2015 Grace Lutheran winter weather policy: In the event a Level 3 Snow Emergency in Lucas County is issued for a Sunday morning or a Wednesday during Lent, worship services will automatically cancel. 5:00 p.m. Presented by Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio Light refreshments will be served Please RSVP by Feb. 2, 2015 at (419) 243-9178 (Mark) or email [email protected] 1 Lent. Return. Lent. It is returning - February 18 (Ash Wednesday), to be precise. Return. “To return” implies a leaving has occurred. Yet, may I return if I have forgotten that from which I have left? Yet, may I return if I have never known that from which I have left? While I may be able to talk about the intellectual concept of God’s compassion, do I know it deep in my soul? Do I want to know - deeply know - God’s compassion? Maybe that kind of love scares me . . . maybe I’m afraid that kind of love might change me. Maybe I do want to return home, but I’m scared to go . . . or scared to admit I don’t know how to get home. Could it be that deep down in I’m a little person, afraid that “at home” there isn’t going to be enough compassion - forgiveness that is total - there for me? Consider: Could we return together? Could we return by entering Lent together and staying all the way through with the mighty parable of God’s compassion known as “The Parable of the Prodigal Son”? In our devotional time, on Wednesdays, on Sundays . . . there’s a story about a dad and his two boys in which we might just find ourselves more than once. It is a long story, it is a deep story, and this Lent, we are going to make room for the One whose story it is - offering multiple opportunities to make room in our attention, our time, and amidst the community of Grace. During Lent, Grace is pondering returning home with the wandering son to his indignant brother and their compassionate Dad. For Private and/or Family Devotion Time and on Wednesdays (Noon & 7pm): “From Fear to Love: Lenten Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son” A devotional booklet for the Lenten season Available On Sunday, Feb. 8 Wednesdays, bring the questions, the insights, the struggles from your reading of From Fear to Love into the context of prayerful worship. All of us need help with, all of us struggle with God’s kind of forgiveness. Beloved, let us help one another (I John 4:7-8) For a deeper plowing: the Christian Ed for Thinkers Conversation (8:15am Sundays) will begin reading and discussing Henri Nouwen’s, The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming (Continued next page) 2 For the Sundays in Lent - Seeking Home? Return. Feb. 22 (1st Sunday in Lent) Psalm 25:1-10 Mark 1:9-15 Give Heed to the Spiritual Battle Behind the Temptations 1 (2nd Sunday in Lent Psalm 22:23-31 Luke 15:11-13a March The Younger Son Leaves 8 (3rd Sunday in Lent) Psalm 19 Luke 15:13-20a March The Younger Son’s Return 15 (4th Sunday in Lent) Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Luke 15:25-30 March The Elder Son Leaves 22 (5th Sunday in Lent) Psalm 119:9-16 Luke 15:28, 31-32 March The Elder Son’s Return March 29 (Palm Sunday) Psalm 31:9-16 Luke 15:20-24; 28b, 31-32 The Father Welcomes Home & Calls for a Celebration Return to the Lord your God . . . Father, gracious and merciful. Blessed Lent, Pastor Al 3 WOMEN OF GRACE VALENTINE LUNCHEON Thoughts about the Strangers We Know Bob Haaf All women of Grace are cordially invited to our ‘Women of Grace Valentine Luncheon’ To celebrate love. It will be held on Sunday, February 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. In Fellowship Hall. Great Guest Speaker Light Lunch Great Fellowship All women of Grace are invited to this free luncheon. Please RSVP to (419) 841-1043 COOKIE’S PLEASE... We are in need of cookies for the reception following the 4:00 p.m. Sunday, February 8 performance of ‘Witnesses’ here at Grace. If you are able to bake, please bring cookies to Brenner Hall Sunday morning marked ‘for 4 p.m. performance’. Call Marilyn Lohmann at 419 - 841-8160 if you have questions. 1. Every week, churches offer opportunities for individuals to connect through worship services, prayer times, Bible studies, programs and ministry—all of which are meaningful life experiences. However, those who gather often sit side by side with people they barely know or know only on the surface. Every week church buildings contain groups of familiar strangers who are trying to function as congregations. An authentic community is nowhere in sight. [Source— Authentic Community, Beth Kennett] 2. Vital congregations are places where relationships are enhanced— relationships that are deeply satisfying, challenging and exciting. When strangers visit a congregation, one of the most important things they look for is the way members relate to one another....A key to a vital congregation is people committed to becoming more effective disciples of Jesus—modeling His concern for the way people relate to each other. [Source—A. Jacobson & R. Oswald, The Lutheran, January 2015] 3. The next time you worship at Grace, look around and see how many familiar strangers you see. Then greet some of those familiar strangers and invite them to join in fellowship between services—either this week or next. One of them may be Jesus in disguise. THOSE ASSISTING WITH SERVICE IN FEBRUARY DATE ACOLYTE/ ASSISTING MINISTER READER CRUCIFER FELLOWSHIP HOUR HOSTESS’ Feb. 01, 2014 Bob Haaf Brayden Zaciewski Andrea Teague Harmon Laura Frost, Paula Cumpian, Carla Wooten Feb. 08, 2014 Peter Kramp Alex Zaciewski Ginny Lauman Debbie Johnson Nancy Johnson Feb. 15, 2014 Brianna Bee Madison Ray Harold Johnson Gretchen Hiatt, Nancy Lockard Feb. 22, 2014 Bob Haaf Megan Good Dan Holzscheiter Sue Melchert, Karen Weimer Mar. 01, 2014 Peter Kramp R.J. Kondalski TBA TBA February Ushers: Rick Wood, Sheryl Johnson, Mary Schneider, Glenn Wolfe February Greeter: Cindy Wood GOING ON AROUND TOWN… 104th Annual Meeting of Lutheran Social Services of Northwestern Ohio March 16, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. CIRCLE THE DATE! (Banquet Doors open at 5:30 Dinner at 6:00pm) LSS NEWSLETTER MAILING. FEBRUARY 19TH 9AM - DONE BRENNER HALL Hilton Garden Inn 5665 Levis Commons Blvd. Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 COME AND ENJOY SOME FELLOWSHIP and REFRESHMENTS WHILE HELPING LSS WITH THEIR QUARTERLY MAILING Keynote Speaker, Rev. Terry Cripe President , Ohio District LC - MC Tickets: $25.00 (no change from 2014) Proud of our Past… Prepared for the Present… Passionate for our Future! GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL The Grace Lutheran Church Council is responsible for being the voice of the church members. Council members hear the business of the church and are responsible for making sound decisions on the congregation's behalf, covering all necessary business of the Church in areas such as finances, ministry and staff relations. Listed below are council officers, as well as committee chairs coupled with their contact numbers. We encourage all members of Grace to provide ideas or comments to any of our council officers and/or committee chairs. The purpose of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church is to invite everyone to Grow in a relationship with Jesus Christ and to live in obedience to God’s will Council Officers: President: David Charvat, 419-471-1396 Vice President for Ministries: Marsha Schroeder, 419-243-8191 Vice President for Administration: Dan Holzscheiter, 419-474-5379 Secretary: Sara Gibson, 419-304-4378 Treasurer: Sue Melchert, 419-471-1941 Adult Education Committee: Athletic Committee: Jon Darnell, 419-754-9049 Christian Education Committee: Connie Thomas, 419-242-9340 Evangelism Committee: Dan Holzscheiter, 419-474-5379 Finance Committee: David Charvat, 419-471-1396 Global Mission Committee: Ron Hiatt, 517-486-3676 Personnel Committee: Vicki Quraishi, 419-476-7383 Policy Committee: Ron Hiatt, 517-486-3676 Property Committee: Connie Thomas, 419-242-9340 Social Concerns Committee: Cindi Charles, 419-377-3811 Stewardship Committee: Bob Haaf, 419-475-0374 Worship & Music Committee: Marilyn Lohmann, 419-841-8160 Youth Committee: Jeff Erdman, 419-474-3878 Church Office. 419-474-6403 ext.2 (Phone) 419-474-7726 (Fax) 419-376-8874 (Tammy’s Cell #) Email the office at: [email protected] 6 You are invited to attend a presentation on how to successfully communicate and care for members of our community with memory loss. The presentation “Successful Strategies for Communicating and Caring for Patients with Memory Loss” will be presented by experts from The Goerlich Center for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care. The program is being offered on three different dates, February 26, March 3, and March 11. Please RSVP for the session that best fits your schedule. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2015 - 11:00AM - NOON (Lunch provided, register by Feb. 19) TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 2015 - 8:00AM - 9:00AM (Breakfast provided, register by Feb 24) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 - 11:00AM - NOON (Lunch provided, register by March 4) Location: Auditor ium, St. Luke’s Hospital, 5901 Monclova Road, Maumee Speakers: Tara O’Rourke, LNHA, MA,CTRS, CDP, CADDCT Stacie Hertzsch, BSN, RN Katrina Bressler, BSN, RN, DON The Goerlich Center for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care Who should attend: All member s of the community ar e invited Objectives: 1. Descr ibe Alzheimer ’s disease and other for ms of dementias, including the disease stages and progression. 2. Employ successful communication techniques and positive approaches when dealing with those experiencing memory loss. You can register for one of the programs by phoning (419) 897-8484. Leave your name, phone number and the names of those attending with you. Presented by the ProMedica St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation Tickets at (419) 523-6250 or [email protected] Lost And Found 2015 FAREWELL TOUR SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 - 6:30 P.M. Doors open at 5:30 P.M. 5$ in advance - 7$ at the door Ottawa-Glandorf High School Auditorium 630 Glendale Avenue, Ottawa 7 MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW….YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! PARAPHRASE THEATRE PRESENTS WItNESSES One Actor / 8 Characters / A Fresh Look at Jesus See the performance: Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015 - 4pm Grace Lutheran Church 4441 Monroe Street Toledo, Ohio 43613 (419) 474-6403 ext.2 Meet Jonathan Swenson following the performance in Grace Lutheran Church’s Brenner Hall. Written by Curt Cloninger and performed with his permission, Witnesses is an innovative, humorous and deeply moving re-telling of the Gospel. In this dramatic and very intimate performance, Jonathan portrays eight different characters (historical and imagined) as each responds to Jesus. Through the eyes of these characters, both comedic and serious, the audience is challenged to see Jesus from fresh perspectives – not cold and distant, but as one who was intimately involved in the nitty-gritty of life. “Can’t text right now. This is really good!” – Confirmation Student’s Tweet “A home-run event for our church! People continue to talk about it, weeks later.” – Rev. Eric Hulstrand, ReaLife Church, Bloomington, MN 8 Gary & Kimberlee Sosnowicz 02/02/1991 John & Brenda Holderman 02/10/2001 Scott & Jan Pfund 02/11/1978 Jerome & Lisa Sohasky 02/14/1987 Scott & Patricia McClintic 02/20/1965 Rick & Lynn Melchert 02/21/1997 Squire & Jo Ann Lowe 02/27/1971 FEED YOUR NEIGHBOR ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2014 Our northwest Toledo pantry, located within Augsburg Lutheran Church, served bags of food and personal care items to 7,032 individuals from approximately 2800 households during 2014. Over 2500 children were involved. This performance is comparable to the numbers served in the previous 5 years. We have therefore, not experienced an improving trend in our neighborhood. Our basic poverty problems still persist. A recent survey of families with four or more members, taken within our pantry, indicated that the major causes are related to lack of job opportunities and to disabilities. Recent cuts to food stamps have not helped. Our local Feed Your Neighbor program is an important part of Toledo Area Ministries mission to ensure that no person in our neighborhood is forced to live in hunger. We still have lots of work to do, and we need your continuing support. Thank you for your donations and your many hours of volunteer assistance. In Christian love, Dick Miller, Coordinator Your FYN pantry Jalynn Slaybaugh 2/1 Cathy Holewinski 2/18 Aaron Weimer 2/2 Ian Kondalski 2/4 Patrica Hilfinger 2/19 Judy Speweike David Michael Frank Halbert Bob Schroeder Jon Corbiere Derek Schafer 2/5 Scott Fleck Jessica Mutchler 2/6 Shirley MacKinnon 2/8 Laura Sharp 2/9 Helen Beroth 2/10 Heather Arquette Keri Reau Katheryn Reau Haley Drake 2/11 Marcia Miller Alan Swartz Miranda Ogle 2/12 Sandra Weber 2/13 Robert Sherrer Zhoey Hunter Gavin Eckhart 2/14 Gavin Rinto 2/15 Benjamin Neeson Blake McGranahan 2/16 Emily Halbert 2/17 Rick Sherrer Jamie Pelfrey Nicolas Sosnowicz Lois Berning 2/20 Sherry Howard Richard Sherrer Valerie Sohasky Baily Gibson Sophie Gibson April Saville 2/21 Catherine Kramp Glenn Wendt 2/22 Betty Sattler Karen Elvey Keegan Tharin Sue McLaren Brittany Carter Ryan Pelfrey 2/23 Joe Zawierucha 2/24 Patrica McClintic Jill Mgginis Trica Murphy Doug Owczarzak Jenna Pawlaczyk Connie Thomas 2/25 Daniel Weddng II Ginny Lauman Laura Hart 2/26 Frank Konoz 2/27 Janet Moore 2/28 Mary Alice Gauthier Ray Taylor 2/29 9 Two Thoughts about Baptism Bob Haaf You’ve Been Baptism, Now What? In the gospel of Mark (Mark 1:4-11) the very first thing Jesus does is become baptized. It happens before he speaks, heals, teaches or begins his ministry in any way. But as soon as he's baptized, watch out, he's on the move. Our calling is similar. We are baptized for action. We are baptized to go out into the world and be the hands, voice and presence of Christ. Often times we think we are baptized for our own benefit, but in truth we are baptized for the sake of others and for the sake of the world. We are called to make Christ known. What will you do this day to live out your baptism? How will you proclaim, through word and deed, that you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the Cross of Christ forever? Whatever you do, may you be bold in your actions and faithful to your calling. [Source: Julie M. Blum, God Pause, from Luther Seminary, January 9, 2015] Infant Baptism in the Congregation Infant baptism is only theologically legitimate if the church-community commits to carrying the child like a mother. But this is only theologically valid if, once baptized, the child is carried by the church-community. For a congregation to baptize and not carry the child is similar to a mother birthing and then abandoning a baby. This kind of “carrying” can only be done when children are drawn deeply into the life-world of a community—when children are known, heard, and prayed for. It is here in the life-world of a community that children encounter Christ existing as the church-community. [Source: Andrew Root. Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker, 2014 (pages 54-56)] 10 Grace Lutheran Church & Toledo Area Ministries (Tuesday morning personal needs community outreach) January 6, 2015 - Cancelled due to the weather January 13, 2015 - 9 clients - +19=14, -19=11, 213 total items, 9 volunteers, 7 prayers January 20, 2015 6 clients - +19=11, -19=8, 137 total items, 8 volunteers, 4 prayers January 27, 2015 11 clients - +19=19, -19=26, 254 total items, 9 volunteers, 2 prayers Totals for month of January 604 personal needs items shared 26 Clients, 44 clients over the age of 19, 45 clients under the age of 19, 89 clients total 13 prayers shared Avg. Number of volunteers, 9 Thank you to the Grace congregation for your continued support of this much needed neighborhood ministry. Currently we are in need of laundry soap, paper towels, toilet paper, and Kleenex* Financial gifts are also appreciated. Christian Blessings, Your Toledo Area Ministry Volunteers 11 HYMN STORY On Eagles’ Wings "On Eagles' Wings" is a devotional song composed by Michael Joncas. Its words are based on Psalm 91 and Isaiah 40:31. Written in 1975-1976, for the wake and funeral of a friend and classmate's (Douglas Hall) father, it was then recorded in 1979, with Douglas Hall as producer. The song was then published by North American Liturgy Resources and was later purchased by New Dawn Music, a subsidiary of Oregon Catholic Press. It quickly proved to be quite popular as a contemplative song at Catholic Masses as well as at Protestant services. It is now sung in churches of many denominations including Pentecostal churches. It was selected as part of the 2007 funeral Mass for Luciano Pavarotti in Modena, Italy, which was broadcast internationally. Fr. Joncas has stated that his preference for the title would be "On Eagle's Wings," indicating that the wings belong to a single eagle which is metaphorically related to God, but he said he could make an argument for "On Eagles' Wings," indicating wings that belong to many eagles, since there would be many wings needed to lift up the multiple people in covenant with God. Lyrics: You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord, Who abide in His shadow for life, Say to the Lord, "My Refuge, My Rock in Whom I trust." CHORUS: And He will raise you up on eagle's wings, Bear you on the breath of dawn, Make you to shine like the sun, And hold you in the palm of His Hand. The snare of the fowler will never capture you, And famine will bring you no fear; Under His Wings your refuge, His faithfulness your shield CHORUS You need not fear the terror of the night, Nor the arrow that flies by day, Though thousands fall about you, Near you it shall not come. CHORUS For to His angels He's given a command, To guard you in all of your ways, Upon their hands they will bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. CHORUS And hold you in the palm of His Hand. 12 1 SUNDAY Adult Education 8:15-9:20 AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Sunday School 9:45?-11:15am Contemporary Service 11:30AM Child Care for infants to 2yrs Luther League Mtg. 12:30pm March 01 Adult Education 8:15-9:20 AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Sunday School 9:45?-11:15am Fellowship Hour 10:30-11:30am Contemporary Service 11:30AM Child Care for infants to 2yrs LL Mission Trip mtg. 12:30p 22 Women@Well Luncheon 2pm Child Care for infants to 2yrs 7am AA 7am AA 7pm, Worship & Music Youth BB 6-8pm 7am AA 2 Tammy’s Back Youth BB 6-8pm 7:00 -Women@Well 23 Tammy Vacation Youth BB 6-8pm 7p,Global Mission Ctte. 16 Adult Education 8:15-9:20 AM Traditional Service 9:30AM No Sunday School (3rd Sunday) Fellowship Hour 10:30-11:30am (in Brenner Hall today) Contemporary Service 11:30AM Tammy Vacation Youth BB 6-8pm 7:00p Council mtg. 7am AA 9 Pastor Al - Cont. Ed Youth BB 6-8pm 7pm, Worship & Music 7am AA MONDAY 15 Witnesses' Event 4PM Adult Education 8:15-9:20 AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Sunday School 9:45?-11:15am Fellowship Hour 10:30-11:30am Contemporary Service 11:30AM Child Care for infants to 2yrs Luther League Mtg. 12:30pm 8 Adult Education 8:15-9:20 AM Traditional Service 9:30AM Sunday School 9:45?-11:15am Fellowship Hour 10:30-11:30am Contemporary Service 11:30AM Child Care for infants to 2yrs 2 February 2015 ‘SOUPER BOWL’ SUNDAY 13 3 TUESDAY 7am AA 5:00pm, Meet – Salem Men’s BB 6-8pm 7:00p; Property Ctte. 7:00p Evangelism Ctte Personal Needs Ministry, 10a-12p 3 7am AA 1:00p,Dulcimer’s reh Men’s BB 6-8pm Personal Needs Ministry, 10a-12p 7am AA 24 1:00p,Dulcimer’s reh Men’s BB 6-8pm 6:15p,Youth Ministry Personal Needs Ministry, 10a-12p 7am AA 17 1:00p,Dulcimer’s reh 6pm,Stewardship Ctte Men’s BB 6-8pm Personal Needs Ministry, 10a-12p 10 1:00p,Dulcimer’s reh 5:00pm, Meet – Salem 7:00p; Property Ctte. 7:00p Evangelism Ctte Men’s BB 6-8pm Personal Needs Ministry, 10a-12p 7am AA THURSDAY Youth BB 6-8pm Mid-week Lenten Meals 11:30am, & 6:00pm Mid-Week Lenten Service 12:15p & 7p 7a AA 10a Bible Study 5:00p, Children’s Choir 6:30p, Bell Choir Reh. 7p Prayer Ministry 8pm, Chancel Choir 5 4 7a AA Youth BB 6-8pm 7a AA 10a Bible Study 5:00p, Children’s Choir 6:30p, Bell Choir Reh. 7p Prayer Ministry 8pm, Chancel Choir 26 7a AA LSS MAILING 9AM 10a Bible Study 5:00p, Children’s Choir 6:30p, Bell Choir Reh. 7p Prayer Ministry 7:00p Finance Ctte. 8pm, Chancel Choir 19 7a AA 10a Bible Study 5:00p, Children’s Choir 6:30p, Bell Choir Reh. 7p Prayer Ministry 7:00p Christian Ed 8pm, Chancel Choir 12 7a AA 10a Bible Study 5:00p, Children’s Choir 6:30p, Bell Choir Reh. 7p Prayer Ministry 8pm, Chancel Choir 5 7a AA Mid-week Lenten Meals 11:30am, & 6:00pm Mid-Week Lenten Service 12:15p & 7p 25 7pm, Ash Wed. Service 7:30pm, Model A Club mtg. Youth BB 6-8pm 7a AA 12 Noon, Ash Wed. Service 18 Youth BB 6-8pm 9:30am – Ruth Circle 7a AA 11 5pm, Soundboard/recording equipment Training Youth 6-8pm BB WEDNESDAY 7a AA 4 FRIDAY 11am,Womans AA 7a AA 6 7a AA 11am,Womans AA 27 [email protected] WORDS OF GRACE DEADLINE Email articles to 7a AA 11am,Womans AA 20 11am,Womans AA 7a AA 13 Pastor Al returns 11am,Womans AA 7a AA 6 7 7:30a AA 9a-1p Youth Basketball/ Brenner Hall 7:30a AA 28 Luther League Movie Night 9a-1p Youth Basketball/ Brenner Hall 7:30a AA 21 9a-1p Youth Basketball/ Brenner Hall _______________ 11a,Women@Well set-up Fellowship Hall 7:30a AA 14 9a-1p Youth Basketball/ Brenner Hall 7:30a AA 7 SATURDAY Mark your calendars now... Luther League Pasta Dinner & Silent Auction March 21, 2015 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Do you have an item to share with the Luther League for their Silent Auction? Please see Debbie Fallon, Wendy McCall, or Jeff Erdmann WOW! WHAT AN AMAZING GRACE! Contact Us GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4441 MONROE STREET TOLEDO OHIO 43613-4795 (419) 474-6403 ext. 2 Visit us on the web at www.gracelutherantoledo.org email us at: [email protected] GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4441 MONROE STREET TOLEDO OHIO 43613-4795 PLACE STAMP HERE Just folks being Grace together!
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