Monument Point Fellowship John C. Phillips, Pastor February 2015 Mickey C. McBrayer, Associate Pastor Valentine’s Banquet February 13 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. MPF Fellowship Hall Come enjoy a night of Christian love, great food, entertainment and awesome door prizes. $10.00 per person In this edition... Reservations are required by Sunday, February 8. Menu Childcare and dinner servers will be Lasagna or Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo provided by the MPF youth for a donation Salad, Bread, Dessert & Beverage toward Youth Summer Camp. Pastor’s Pen 2 Stewardship News 7 Sunday School 3 Upcoming Events 7,8 Adult Ministries 4 Mission Team 8 Youth Ministry 5 Nursery Schedule 9 Children Ministry 6 Church Calendar 10 MPF Birthdays 7 Saturday, March 7 Church Work Day Sunday, March 8 Dinner on the Grounds Sunday, March 28 Children’s Easter Fellowship & Egg Hunt Sunday, March 29 Palm Sunday; Lord’s Supper Page 2 TE AM W OR KS F EB RU AR Y 201 5 Dear Church Family, You have most likely heard by now that Lynne and I are officially grandparents! Our first grandchild, Piper Sloane Phillips, was born at 12:50 a.m. on Friday, January 9, to my daughter-inlaw Meghan and my son JP. Piper was 20 ¾ inches long and she weighed 9 pounds and 15 ounces. And, of course, she is beautiful. Looking back over the whole experience, I can say it has been amazing but I will admit the part related to waiting for her birth was tough. Piper’s due date was December 28; so naturally as we came to about December 20, the wait was on! I could just feel the expectancy rise as discussions centered around when she might arrive. Meg and J.P. were definitely ready and there were even signs that hinted at the possibility of an early delivery. Piper’s room was perfectly decorated and the house was all prepared for her planned home birth. Because the delivery was expected to occur during the holiday season, the family members had worked out schedules to be ready at a moment’s notice to travel to Lakeland for the celebration of Piper’s birth. As the date grew closer and closer it seemed every conversation focused on he impending arrival of the baby. I even arranged for Mickey to cover my preaching duties for Sunday, December 28, as I was sure I would be out of town for the birth. Then December 28 came and went and we waited and waited some more. Every phone call from our kids was answered with an expectancy of hearing “It’s time!” After about two weeks of this daily routine, the call finally came. It was wonderful and even surreal that it was actually happening. After waiting so long, I was even thinking on the drive over that this might be a false alarm until each progress update assured us that it was really happening. Finally, she was here! Piper was here and what a joy it was to let others know she had arrived. As I now reflect on it, I believe there are so many spiritual lessons to be learned from the experience. First off, there was an intense desire for this sweet baby’s arrival. So I found myself pondering whether I feel that same desire to see the Lord as I had to see my grandchild. Secondly, much time and energy went into planning and preparing for her arrival. I have to wonder, what plans do you and I make each day for the Lord to come and fellowship with us? Third, there was no mistaking the overwhelming joy that surrounded the birth of this child. Yet, is there a sense of overwhelming joy in my heart, or in yours, as a result of the Lord’s presence in every day life? The miracle of childbirth is truly an opportunity to see the handiwork of our God. I know Piper is a miracle of the Lord. But don’t we have that opportunity placed before us every day? I am thrilled baby Piper is here. I am so thankful she and her mom are doing well. I am also excited to see the love and care that Piper is going to receive each day of her life. But I also sincerely want to feel that same expectancy for my Savior to come. I want my heart to rejoice in His love and want the Lord to know the longing in my heart is for His presence in my daily life. I pray we live this year with such expectancy for the Lord; not only awaiting His return but, in the meantime, looking and longing for Him to be present in each day of our lives. The birth of a child is amazing but the Creator of all, including precious Piper, is even more amazing! Have a great month in the Lord. Love in Christ, Pastor John Sunday, February 8 10:30 a.m. TE AM WOR KS Page 3 Sunday Mornings 9:00 a.m. F EB RU AR Y 201 5 In America, the first national Sunday school effort began in 1824 with a stated purpose of organizing, evangelizing and civilizing. It was during the 1800’s that the Sunday School initiative was expanded to include all ages instead of the previous focus of teaching the gospel and doctrine to children. Sunday school became a primary way of assimilating members into the life of the church. And almost 200 years later, these objectives remain. At MPF we view Sunday school as a wonderful opportunity to constantly keep the gospel message fresh in our hearts and minds while increasing our understanding of biblical doctrine. Whether you are new disciple or have been in church all your life, Sunday school will be a benefit and a blessing as you hear and discuss scripture and share questions and viewpoints. Additionally, it is one of the best ways to become and stay connected to your church family. These small group settings allow for relationships to be developed, prayer requests to be shared and encouragement to take place. So come join your family in one of the classes being offered and see how the Lord can knit your heart with others, help you use your life for His good purposes, as well as bless you in the process. We look forward to seeing you there! Study of Matthew Co-ed Class I with Craig Cartwright in the Fellowship Hall This class is working verse by verse through the Gospel of Matthew. One of the purposes of Matthew is to prove to the Jews that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, which is evidenced by the frequent reference to how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament Scriptures. As the first book of the New Testament, Matthew really connects with what has gone before, showing that the Bible as a whole is a testimony about God’s promised salvation in Jesus Christ. Needless to say, this study will lay a solid foundation for your understanding of scripture and the Person and Work of Jesus Christ. with Tony & Chris Pondozzi at their Home This class meets in the home of Chris and Tony Pondozzi (14004 Fortunado Road located across the street from MPF in the Spanish Point neighborhood). The curriculum being used is adapted from the Love & Respect Marriage Conference and this study will continue through to spring 2015. We will examine the way God designed and intended the marriage relationship to be and provide practical guidance to experience it. If you have any questions or need directions, contact Tony at 294-2441. Men’s Class with Leonard Masters in Room 201 Women’s Class with Lynda Smith in Room 202 Co-ed Class II with Steve Skipper in Room 206 Co-ed Class III with the McBrayers in the Library Young Adult Class with Bobby Burnett in Room 200 Youth with Joe Meserve & Kristine Allison in the Modular The Gospel Project takes the story of Jesus — the Gospel — the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and points to the one story that infuses Scripture from cover to cover — God’s redemptive plan to rescue us from sin and death. Because the entire Bible points to Jesus, it is important to examine the theology and mission within the text, as all of it is an important part of understanding the awesome depth and power of the gospel. During February we will continue our survey of the “Seven Daily Sins” by specifically looking at gluttony, lust and wrath along with receiving helpful instruction from scripture on removing these sins from our daily lives. On February 25, we will begin a new unit that delves into the expectations that arise when we are chosen, called, converted and united with Christ. F EB RU AR Y 201 5 TE AM W OR KS Page 4 Women’s Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Monday, February 9 Fellowship Hall 6:30 p.m. Beverages are provided. Monday, February 2 & 16 Fellowship Hall 6:30 p.m. All ladies of MPF, college age and up, are welcome to join your fellow sisters in Christ this month at our monthly Bible study. We have just introduced a new study covering Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, also well known as the Beatitudes, which is led by Pastor John. There is so much to be learned (and reminded of) in this section of scripture that will help us live out our faith through our thoughts, words, and actions. What a wonderful opportunity to receive encouragement and guidance on how to live differently than the world for Christ’s sake! Let’s believe the promises set forth in these verses so we might live with a confident expectation of experiencing this true way to happiness! Hope to see you there. Thursday Morning Bible Study All ladies of MPF are welcome to join us for our Thursday morning women’s Bible study. We meet each week from 10:00–11:30 a.m. in the MPF modular building for a wonderful time of study and encouragement. We are moving through a study from the book of Exodus and newcomers are welcome to join us at any time. Contact Ruth Mack (223-5517 or [email protected]) for more details or with any questions. Join the Team! All men of MPF (college age and up) are invited to join us for Bible study and fellowship this month as we continue our study from the book of James. This will be a profitable study for all who have a heart that yearns to be not only a hearer of the Word but a doer also (or anyone that desires to develop such a heart). These meetings also allow the men to build relationships with brothers in Christ. A time of fellowship is available from 6 – 6:30 p.m. at dinner which is served for $5 per person. Choir News It’s never too late to jump in and help us sing praises to the Lord! If you are willing to serve in this ministry, we have a place for you! The following practices have been scheduled and are held in the Fellowship Hall from 4:30 - 5:40 p.m. Please see Gabe Nehemias if you have any questions. Practices Dates February 8 & 22 March 8 & 22 April 12 & 26 Performance Dates February 22 March 29 April 26 The Children’s Ministry Team is having their first meeting of 2015 and we’re looking for volunteers to help us plan events for this vital ministry. We will meet immediately following the worship service on Sunday, February 1, in the Modular. See Pastor Mickey or Johnny Ellis for more information! Page 5 TE AM W OR KS Monthly Bible Study Tuesday, February 3 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Our Bible study and dinner fellowship this month will be held at the Websters’ home on Tuesday, February 3, from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. The main dish and beverages will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. See Joe or one of the Websters if you need more info or directions. The Websters have moved and now live across the street from MPF. February Service Project The youth will be serving on Sunday, February 1, after the service to collect the Souper Bowl of Caring offering that is being held on Super Bowl Sunday to help tackle hunger in our community We will also serve during the Sunday Worship Service on Sunday, February 22. Sign up with Joe in Sunday school or on Wednesday night to participate in these service opportunities this month. Fundraiser Opportunity The youth have an opportunity to earn money for summer camp by serving at our annual Valentine’s Banquet on Friday, February 13, from 6:45 – 9:30 p.m. Help is needed with serving the dinner as well as providing childcare for the night. Sign up is required to ensure we have appropriately covered each area of service. See Joe for full details and make sure you sign up by Sunday, February 8. All youth are invited to come out for fun and games on Friday, February 20, from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. at our Youth Game Night. You are welcome to invite a friend. Bring a snack to share and any favorite games you have. Beverages will be provided. F EB RU AR Y 201 5 Summer Camp 2015 Preparations are now underway for 2015’s Youth Summer Camp. The youth will be attending MFuge, a mission based camp, Tuesday, June 23 through Saturday, June 27, at the Ridgecrest, North Carolina location. This year’s camp theme is “Alive & Free” and will include teaching on how believers are to be set apart so that people will see a difference and want to experience it for themselves. The speaker is Rob Turner (a huge favorite) and the band for the week is Rush of Fools. The camp requires a $50 non-refundable deposit by the end of January to secure each reservation. If you have signed up, please remit your $50.00 by Sunday, January 25. The total cost of the camp will be $250 per person. This camp is already sold out and we will not be able to add additional participants once we confirm the number and pay the deposit. Please see Joe Meserve or Stacy Skipper if you have any questions or need further information. YouthQuakeLive The February production for Youth Quake Live is being held on Friday, February 6, at the Potter’s House. The February show centers around the “True Love Waits” campaign and includes messages and skits about purity. All the material is presented in a biblical context, but our youth are all at various levels regarding this subject matter and many families differ on how and when they want to discuss this. Since this show is farther away and includes material of a sensitive nature, we will not attend as a group but do encourage the parents to attend with their youth or use their discernment on having their youth attend with friends. The March 6 show is being held at Southpoint Community and we will attend this one as a group. Further information will be included in the March newsletter. Page 6 TE AM WOR KS Sunday Mornings 10:30 a.m. There will be no GP4K on Sunday, February 8 due to the observance of the Lord’s Supper. We feel it is beneficial for the children to observe or participate in (if they have personally accepted Christ) this sacrament with the church family. This enables the children to witness this act of worship and provides a wonderful opportunity for the parents to share teachable moments and further instruction to their child(ren) about the privilege of partaking of the Lord’s Supper for a believer in Christ. The younger children (K & 1st grades) may join our Jr. KIDS’ Church that meets in the Orange Room if their parents discern this is the best for their child and those sitting around them. F EB RU AR Y 201 5 MPF Children’s Ministry exists to partner with parents in the biblical training of their child(ren). Our heart’s desire is to provide avenues of education and training through classes, activities and events that encourage a knowledge of and devotion to the Lord, a heart to serve others and a desire to share the Gospel. Love God Serve Others Reach the World As we look forward to 2015 we are prayerfully considering how to continue ministering to our preschoolers and elementary students. We welcome your input as we plan for this ministry in the coming year. Please see Pastor Mickey, Johnny Ellis, Brooke Sterner or Marilyn Poyner with any encouragement or suggestions you might have. Also, dates have already been set for a couple ministry events in 2015. SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendars for these dates and watch for more information in upcoming newsletters. Children’s Easter Fellowship and Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28 Join us on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. in February for Out in the Wild: Arctic Chill! Kids will go out in the wild from the swamp to the arctic as they help the Creature Commander Company test their new penguin call. Through this adventure, they will learn how God wants them to use their words. 2015 VBS - Expedition Everest July 13 - 17 Page 7 TE AM WOR KS F EB RU AR Y 201 5 Year-end Finances Praise the Lord! We closed out 2014 with a $32,000 surplus due to a 5% increase in tithes and offerings and diligent budget control efforts by all our Team Ministries. Per the approval received at our annual business meeting, we have a purchased a new copier for the church office at a cost of $9,000. The remaining $23,000 surplus was applied to the outstanding principal balance of our mortgage loan. With this lump-sum payment and the additional $1,000 that was approved to be added to our scheduled monthly payments, we will be able to pay off our debt completely by the end of 2015. If we continue to receive additional gifts over and above the tithes from our members that are designated to the Building Fund, we could potentially pay off the mortgage loan by the time we celebrate our 29th anniversary of ministry (October 15, 2015). February February February February February February February February February February February February Thanks be to God for His constant provision and care over the ministry work at MPF and also for those who have been obedient to bring their tithes and offerings to the Lord’s house. It is only through biblical and faithful giving that MPF can continue to support this local expression of Christ and fund the ministries efforts that help us to love God deeply, serve others sacrificially and reach the world with the gospel. 6 10 10 11 13 16 17 17 19 21 21 24 Pam Mortimer Johnny Pittman John Lokietek Johnny Ellis Mary Puckett PASTOR JOHN Marilyn Williams Jeanae Clark Simon Lokietek Sarah Boudreaux Ethan Lokietek Cindy Pittman Wednesday Night Dinner February 4 Year-end financial statements are now available for review by any MPF member. See Stacy Skipper if you would like to obtain a copy or have any questions regarding this information. Stewardship Update as of December 31, 2014 Budgeted Tithes and Offerings $ 456,056 Actual Tithes and Offerings $ 444,247 Overage of Actual Tithe to Budget Tithes $ Tithe and Offering Income $ 456,056 Miscellaneous & Interest Income $ Total Income $ 457,975 11,809 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. Chicken Pot Pie, Salad Dessert & Beverage Alternate Kids Menu: Chicken Nuggets & Fries 1,919 Less: MPF’s Outgoing Tithe $ Operating Expenses $ 375,792 50,165 Income over Expenses $ 32,018 $4.00 Youth/Adult $3.00 Kids Reservations are REQUIRED via envelopes in the foyer by Sunday, February 1. TE AM W OR KS Page 8 F EB RU AR Y 201 5 Mission Team News Love God, Serve Others, Reach The World At our meeting held December 14, 2014, the Missions Team selected the following ministries/ missionaries/sponsored children to support during the 2015 calendar year: Monthly Amount Florida Baptist Children’s Home $350 Florida Baptist Convention $350 Forrest Hendrix (GEM) $350 Megan & Christian Espinoza, Costa Rica $350 First Coast Women’s Center $350 Reaching & Teaching International Ministries $350 Youth Quake Live $350 IMB Lottie Moon $350 Nathan & Kristin Ching $350 Jacksonville Baptist Association Regular Budget Collegiate Ministries Port Ministries $150 $100 $100 Sponsored Children Okoa Refuge Caberet - Haiti Gospel for Asia $100 $ 75 $ 70 Beyond Benevolence Fund $105 Mission Trip Support $100 February 1, 2015 Baby Bottle Boomerang In support of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday observed on January 18, we kicked off the Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraising campaign which will continue through Sunday, February 15. This fundraiser will benefit First Coast Women’s Services, one of the ministries that MPF supports on a monthly basis through our Missions Team. Their ministry is focused on assisting women facing unplanned pregnancy through counseling and other free services. To participate, please pick up an empty baby bottle in the foyer and fill it with change or any donation you desire (make checks payable to First Coast Women’s Services). All bottles (filled or empty) are due Sunday, February 15 and it is very important to return the bottles. FCWS will have to pay about $4 per bottle to replace those that aren’t return, so please be a good steward and return the bottle if you take one. Pray about how you can support the sanctity of human life by participating in this fundraiser and by regularly uplifting this ministry in prayer. The Souper Bowl of Caring utilizes the hype of Super Bowl weekend to raise support to tackle hunger and poverty in local communities. MPF will participate in this initiative by receiving monetary donations on Sunday, February 1, at the conclusion of the service, which is Super Bowl Sunday. You can place cash or checks (CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO Arlington Community Services). 100% of the donations will be given to Arlington Community Services to assist them in their on-going efforts to fight hunger in our community. Join us as the Lord leads you and let’s bring glory to the Lord by our willingness to give and provide a blessing to those in need. Our youth will be stationed at all the exits with empty soup pots to accept your donations. Sunday Morning Nursery & Kids’ Church Sunday School February 1 Kids’ Church Babies 1&2 year olds Jr. Kids’ Church Tim Sterner Donna Cerasaro Cherri Hauser Robin Ellis Whitney Burnett Cherri Hauser Ruth Mack Lynda Smith Courtney Mack Lesson 7.1 Kristine Allison Sophia Allison Leonard Masters GP4K Mike Hauser Tony & Tessy Robbins February 8 Tim Sterner Dee Bosworth Pat Stevenson Debbie & Byron Moody Hannah Boudreaux Cindy Pittman Christian Pittman Stephen Skipper Lesson 7.2 Brooke Sterner Chris & Laurie Webster NO GP4K Lord’s Supper February 15 Ruth Mack Johnny Ellis Nicole Parker Laura West Heather Meserve Dena Guenther Cathy Maycott Samuel Skipper James West Lesson 7.2 Brooke Sterner Tony & Bonnie Moore GP4K Mike Hauser Rebecca McBrayer February 22 Tim Sterner Mike Hauser Stacy Skipper Debbie Cullen Ashlyn Cullen Amanda Cullen Pam Mortimer Daniel Moody Seth Moody Lesson 7.3 Emily Parks Riley McCool Chris Siegrist GP4K Mike Hauser Robin Hudgins March 1 Nicole Parker Dena Guenther Johnny Ellis Cindy Boetcker Pat Stevenson Betty Lueders Elizabeth Nehemias Ian Poland Jarred Lokietek Lesson 7.3 Emily Parks Riley McCool Jeff Jarvis GP4K Mike Hauser Whitney Ellis Date REMINDER All nursery volunteers are asked to report to the nursery no later than 10:15 a.m. on the morning they are scheduled. This will ensure a smooth transition from Sunday school to worship service volunteers. Wednesday Night Nursery Schedule February February February February March 4 4 11 18 25 Stacy Skipper, Steve Skipper, Amanda Cullen Emily Parks, Casey Parks, Ashlyn Cullen Debbie Miller, Sherry Oliver, Judi Della-Loggia Rhonda Johnson, Dena Guenther, Whitney Ellis Stacy Skipper, Steve Skipper, Kristine Allison SUN 1 Souper Bowl Of Caring Offering MON 2 TUE 3 WED 4 Men’s Bible Study Youth Bible Study 6:30 p.m. 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Websters’ Home Wednesday Night Dinner 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. 9 11 THU 5 FRI SAT 6 7 13 14 Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Youth Team Meeting - Noon Children’s Team Meeting - Noon 8 Lord’s Supper 10:30 a.m. 10 Women’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. 12 Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Valentine’s Banquet 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Choir Practice 4:30 p.m. 15 Baby Bottle Boomerang Return Deadline 16 Men’s Bible Study 6:30 p.m. 17 18 Newsletter Deadline 19 Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 20 21 Youth Game Night 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. PASTOR JOHN’S BIRTHDAY 22 Choir Practice 4:30 p.m. 23 24 25 26 Women’s Bible Study 10:00 a.m. 27 28 Monument Point Fellowship John C. Phillips, Pastor 13720 Mount Pleasant Road Jacksonville, FL 32225 Phone: 904-221-5035 Fax: 904-221-3230 Email: [email protected]
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