DATE TODAY th 18 Mar rd 23 Mar th 30 Mar Helen Ward Lesley Noble Frances Todd Helen Lewis Crèche Rota HELPERS Sarah Anne Mayes Patterson Gillian Katherine McBratney McCrea Katherine Dorothy Swain Porter Caitlyn Cheryl McCrea Pursglove Joanne Capper Shauna Knox Jenny McCutcheon Joanne Spence If you are unable to help on your allocated week please try to arrange for someone else to cover. Contacts: Joanne Capper (9262 2486) and Naomi Gray (9260 2339) Could all crèche volunteers please try to attend the Child Protection Training this Thursday 13th March at 7:30pm. Thank you. Congratulations to Richard Wright who has completed his training as a local preacher and was fully accredited at the Circuit Executive meeting. He will be presented with his certificate next Sunday, 16th March. Circuit Book Club The date for the next book club is 10th April @ 8pm in Trinity. Reading current book: 'Fresh Air - The Holy Spirit for an inspired Life' by Contacts: Joanne Capper (92622486) & Naomi Gray (92602339) Jack Levison. Everyone Welcome. Castlewellan Holiday Week 2nd - 9th August Theme - “Life with God on the front line” THE PRAYER PROJECT This coming week please continue to pray for those living in Llewellyn Church carforms park at- the Please notedesk. that permission has been given for some Booking welcome Avenue. members of Forthill College staff to use the car park from now until June. They will use the row of spaces at the fence at Eagle Terrace. Parkinson's U K Lisburn Branch is having a concert on Friday 21st March at 8pm in Trinity Methodist Church. Festival Brass with conductor Alan Corry will be playing along with soloist Lynne McAllister and compere Wilfie Pyper. This promises to be a very enjoyable evening. The money raised will help support services provided to our members and also help the society's Research Programme. Tickets cost £10 and can be obtained from Irene Maitland Phone 92 678483 Ladies Night - Friday 21st March 2014 @ 7.30pm. Come along and meet 'TOM' and also remember 'YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT!!! Dress is Casual!!! £5.00pp to cover expenses. If you would like to come, please give your name to Shirley Carrington, Gwen Parkinson, Adrienne Stewart or Elaine Kinghan. A night not to be missed!!! If you have any items for inclusion on next week’s News Sheet, please contact: Sam Beckett 9267 6225 [email protected] by 5pm on Thursday 13th March at the latest please. SEYMOUR STREET METHODIST CHURCH News Sheet - Sunday 9th March 2014 11.30am - Rev Brian Anderson - JMA Service All age Worship 6.30pm - Rev Brian Anderson - 1 John 2 Order of Service – JMA Service Welcome and Announcements Praise Songs Above all By Faith Walls Prayer Bible Reading Matthew 7:24-29 Story Brian Kids Song SandyLand Learn about Belize Helen and others Paula Johnston JMA Project 2014 Praise Lord it must start with me Prayers for Belize Helen and others JMA Awards Concluding Thoughts Brian Closing Praise In Christ Alone Benediction Next Sunday - 16th March 2014 11.30am - Rev Brian Anderson 6.30pm - Annual Bowlers Service – Ken Todd Urgent Prayer Contacts: Anne McBratney 9258 7295 or Joan & Harold Baird 9266 5064 [email protected] Superintendent Minister: Rev Brian Anderson, 35 Mount Royal, Lisburn. 9266 2303 Lay Pastoral Assistant: Shirley Carrington 9260 7881 Prayer Fellowship Details The Prayer Room is available whenever the Church Buildings are open. Please do drop in and spend a few quiet moments there. You will find it helpful in the midst of a busy life. Monday 3rd March Monday 10th March 8.00pm 8.00pm Monday 17th March 8.00pm Monday 24th March 8.00pm Monday 31st March 8.00pm th In the Prayer Room In the home of Ann & Raymond Brown 17 Llewellyn Avenue In the home of George & Prudence Orr 12 Clontarra Park In the home of Ken & Margaret Best 14 Braemar Crescent, Moss Road Pray for City Churches in Prayer Room Monday 7 April 15th - 18th April Monday 21st April Monday 28th April 8.00pm In the Prayer Room Circuit Holy Week Services No meeting Easter Monday 8.00pm Pray for City Churches in Prayer Room Monday 5th May 8.00pm In the Prayer Room Annual District GB Praise service today, 9th March, in Elmwood Presbyterian. All juniors, seniors, brigaders and officers should meet there at 2:45pm and be collected again at 4:15pm. Full uniform must be worn. Please make every effort to Prayer Ministry Details attend. Prayer Ministry is available at each Sunday evening service at 6.30pm. Save Date….. If youthe would like Prayer for yourselfrdor someone else, Prayer Ministry can be arranged at Congregation 23 use March a time and placeLunch to suit Sunday you. Please the Prayer Request Card in the pew and place it A Fund-raising lunch to provide multi-sensory foraZoe Rainey. in the Prayer Box at the Welcome Desk. You mayequipment also arrange prayer time by Come and enjoy Sunday lunch in our Main Hall with a choice of main courses. contacting Brian, Winston or Shirley. Booking is essential and forms are available in the pews. Please place completed forms in the offering plate. Minimum donation Adults £8, Children £5 Biblicia Bible Reading programme Reading the New Testament - We meet at 10.00am in the Prayer Room. If you would like to join the group and need a copy of “The Books of the Bible”, some are available in the porch at £5 each. BELFAST COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR CONCERT - Belfast Community Gospel Choir will be holding a concert in Shankill Parish Church, Lurgan on Saturday 22nd March at 7.30pm. The concert is being held on World Water Day to support the work of Tearfund in providing access to clean water for hundreds of individuals. Tickets cost £12/£10 concession and are available from Jane Dawson 92634803. Road Works For the next two Sundays, there will be NO access to Seymour Street Car Park from the main Belfast Road. Damask Drop In…… A “Drop In” for young people school years 8 – 14 takes place in the Church Hall each Wednesday and Thursday afternoon between 3.30pm and 5.30pm. This provides a safe environment for the young people to chat, play games and get some school work completed. The volunteer leaders would appreciate the help of other adults who could give a couple of hours from time to time to be around and offer support. No experience needed. If you can help please contact Gwen Parkinson 07703 664018. You will be given a warm welcome to Seymour Street Indoor Bowling Club 50th Anniversary Service Sunday 16th March 2014 Music by Seymour Street Men’s Choir Special Speaker - Ken Todd Retiring offering for Guide Dogs for the blind NI All welcome for supper afterwards in the Wesley Hall Coffee morning fundraiser Good morning! I’m having a coffee morning on Saturday 22 nd March to raise funds for my Exodus team trip to Poland this summer. It will be from 10am onwards at 164 Moss Road, Lambeg and everyone would be very welcome. There will be tons of buns, scones and traybakes so do come hungry! Looking forward to seeing some of you there! Thanks loads, Lauren. Damask Community Outreach…… Saturday 15 March 2014 Indoor Car Boot Sale in Seymour Street Methodist Church premises from 9.00am - 12noon. Refreshments available. CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING Child Protection Training (both initial and refresher) will take place on Thursday 13th March at 7.30pm in Seymour Street. If you are involved in any youth and children’s work, either under the auspices of Seymour Street or Damask, you need to be trained every three years. If your training has expired or will expire soon you need to attend this training. If you are not sure when you last did training, speak to Adrienne and she will let you know. Overseas Mission Service - Sunday 27th April Helen Moorhead will speak at our Church about the time she has spent in Kenya working with deaf children. She has a remarkable story to share. Rev Stephen McElhinnney (Derryvolgie Parish Church) is leading a group to Israel from 13-23 April 2015. The trip will include 4 nights in Tiberias and 6 nights in Jerusalem. There are a number of places still available. For more details contact Stephen on 9258 3634 or 07967 169577.
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