22 NIAGARA FAILS GAZETTf Old Boston Starts Giving Way to Wednesday. August 5, f«59 BOSTON (UPD — The demands of modern life have begun to rock this cradle of liberty with more and more vigor. Though Boston, the historic "Hub" for more, than three million persons, was slow in getting itself untracked from the past, the last two years have seen the launching of several major commercial and governI ment-alded highway and housing projects. Elevated traffic arteries, sky- scraper business developments and sprawling residential projects pose no threat as yet to such storied areas as bumpy Beacon Hill, but city planners say the day is coming when at least part of "Old Boston will have to go."Plauged by rising t a x e s , crooked, congested streets, and tremendous m a s s transportation problem, Boston has taken several preliminary steps forward. n Trend One important accomplish- the tip of Cape Cod, was comment was a 110-million-dollar pleted just in time to avoid! central artery, an elevated high- chaos when the New Haven j way providing swift, limited Railroad closed down its Old! access means of crossing the Colony line, primary commuter > city. The highway was only re- system for 10,000 Boston work-1{ cently linked to major entrance ers r e s i d i n g on the South ; routes including the 60-million- Shore. • dollar Southeast Expressway, Boston's South Short feeder j Chinook was used verbally in route. ' the Pacific Northwest, for a The Expressway, which willj century. It is a combination eventually join a divided hlgh-j of English, French and Inway from north of Boston to' dian languages. FIGLER SHIRTS ARE WASHED WHITE, m NOT Bleached White That's Why They Last LONGER It's CHEAPER in the Long Run EXTRA SPECIAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL OFFER! .vi&&.&M^r\*^<*%^:~'>~i SOME COMFORT — Domino the kitten was trying to help her friend Bambino the f a w n forget her misfortune but apparently the effort was too much. Domino sleeps while Bambino maintains a restless watch. The deer lost part of her left foreleg in farm machinery and was taken to an animal sanctuary in Shaftesbury, Dorset, England. LIMITED DAYS ONLY SAVE 40 ON THE FAMOUS I MORRES... TO DOLLAR PICKUP and DELIVERY SMITH-CORONA SILENT SUPER FREE CASH V Regularly $139.50 99 COURSE! I IM j H DOLLAR DAY USE OUR SPECIAL LAY AW AY HOLDS YOUR PURCHASE AT THIS PRICE TILL SCHOOL OPENS. FINANCE THE BALANCE THRU SMITH CORONA. 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