Church of the Sacred Heart 751 Main Avenue Bay Head, New Jersey (732) 899-1398 Fax # (732) 899-2233 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 Staff: Rev. Michael O’Connor ([email protected]) James A. Lacey, Deacon([email protected]) Silverius Galvan,Deacon([email protected]) Weekend Celebrants: Fr. Paul Engel, O.F.M. Cap. Fr. Kevin P. Ashe Masses: Saturday: 5:15 PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:15AM and 11:00 AM Confessions: Saturday 4:30 to 5:00 PM Other occasions as announced. Marriages: (Registered Parishioners only) Please notify the rectory as soon as the decision to marry has been made. There is a prescribed preparation program of one year. Baptisms are held on the first and third Sunday of each month. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements as early as possible. Sick Calls: At any time. Religious Education Sunday morning Grades 1-8 10:15 AM—11:30 AM. Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM FEBRUARY 7th/8th FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, February 7, Vigil Mass 5:15 PM Anna Kopko Father Michael From Ronald & Lorraine Schulz Thomas McGlynn From Sister Sunday, February 8 8:00 AM Al Berger Father Michael From Marie & Bob Hull 9:15 AM Father Paul Dr. Jack McGeown From Peggy Fitzgerald 11:00 AM Father Paul Kevin Cassedy From Betty and John Cassedy Monday, February 9 8:30 AM John Dyuran From Claire Tuesday, February 10, St Scholastica 8:30 AM John Hanf From The Family NEXT WEEKEND FEBRUARY 14th/15th SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, February 14, Vigil Mass 5:15 PM John McEnroe Father Michael From Mr. & Mrs. Charles Geiger Paul Fuller From Mother, Betty Ann Fuller Anniversary Blessing for Couples Celebrating February Anniversaries Sunday, February 15 8:00 AM John Turley Father Paul From George & Janice Richardson 9:15 AM Father Paul Jack Olsen From Stan and Mary Niedzwiecki 11:00 AM Father Michael Frances Harrigan From John & Helene DeFilippis SACRED HEART CHURCH Daily Mass: Monday—Saturday 8:30 AM Wednesday, February 11, Our Lady of Lourdes 8:30 AM Beatrice Abatemarco From Veronica Bakunas Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:15 PM Sunday Mass: 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Thursday, February 12 8:30 AM Janet Davis From Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gunther Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of month 9:00M Confession: Saturday 4:30PM Friday, February 13 8:30 AM For Our Parishioners Saturday, February 14, Ss. Cyril, Monk, and Methodius 8:30 AM For Our Parishioners Baptismal 1st Monday of Month Preparation Class: Rosary: Before the 8:30 AM Daily Mass Respect Life: Last Thursday of month Breakfast Club: 2nd and 4th Saturday BAPTISMAL PREPARATION MEETING Our next Baptismal Preparation Session will be on Monday, March 2, 7PM in the Parish Hall. To register, please call the parish office at 732-899-1398. All families who have not attended a prior class are requested to attend and are asked to invite godparents. 7:00 PM 3:30PM 9:00 AM WEEKLY COLLECTION February 1 $6,082.00 Please remember Sacred Heart in your Last Will and Testament. Thank you for your support of Our parish. BLESSING FOR MARRIED COUPLES On Saturday, February 14, 2015 at the 5:15PM Mass we will have a special blessing for all married couples celebrating their wedding anniversary during the month of February. Please plan to attend if you are celebrating your Anniversary in February — you won’t want to miss it! SACRED HEART HOLY NAME 50/50 LOTTERY Win $500.00 or more in Sacred Heart’s Holy Name Society 50/50 cash lottery. The monthly drawing is held the 3rd Tuesday of each month. $60.00 gives you (12) chances, one per month. Make your check payable to Sacred Heart H.N. Society, complete the form below and return to the parish office at 751 Main Avenue, Bay Head, 08742. New members are welcome. Thank you very much for all who support our lottery. NAME___________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER_________________________________________ AMOUNT_________________________________________ BELMAR/LAKE COMO ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE Plans for the Belmar/Lake Como St. Patrick’s Day Parade are well underway! On Friday, February 27, 2015, the committee will host the 5th Annual Evening of Irish Culture featuring the Patricia Murphy School of Irish Dance. Music will also be provided by Round the House. The event will be held at the Waterview Pavilion, State Highway 35, Belmar from 6:30 -10:30pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance by February 16, cost $65 each, and includes cocktail hour, a four-course dinner and open bar. For questions contact [email protected]. For more information on the parade or any of the upcoming events, log on to the parade committee’s website: The Grand Marshall and Deputy Grand Marshal of the parade will be sworn in Saturday, February 28, at the Investiture Mass at St. Rose Church in Belmar at 10am. An Investiture Luncheon will follow at Doolan’s Shore Club, Route 71 in Spring Lake Hts. Luncheon donation is $30. Call Bill O’Connell at 732-280-2143 for information or tickets. ST. PATRICK’S DAY ADULT DINNER DANCE Sacred Heart’s St. Patrick’s Day Adult Dinner Dance will be held Saturday, March 7th, 6:30-9:30 PM in the Church Hall. Tickets are $20.00 Adults only and include a traditional corned beef dinner, soft drinks, beer and dessert. Entertainment by Jimmy Byrne and Jimmy Byrne 111. Come join the fun. On this night, everyone is Irish. Please fill out this form and attach a check payable to Sacred Heart Church. Mail completed form with check (no cash please) to P O Box 163, Bay Head, NJ. For more information call Art Condon at 732343-2208 or Edie Wohrmann at 732-202-6740. Name___________________________________________ Phone Number____________________________________ # of tickets__________ (20.00 Per adult) Total Enclosed____________________________________ If possible, I would like to sit with:_____________________ _________________________________________________ RETREAT DAY FOR MEN AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS Where: Maris Stella Retreat Center, Harvey Cedars, NJ Date: Saturday, February 21 — 10:00am—3:30pm Lunch included Snow date: Saturday, April 18, 2015 “Consecrated Life: The Mysticism of Encounter "Presenter: Diane Collesano SCIn honor of the Year of Consecrated Life this Retreat Day is a gift to all religious. There is no cost to attend. Limited overnight accommodations are available at a reasonable cost. Registration is required. Registration due: February 5thFor more info, contact Sr. Pat (609) 494-2917 or pdotzauer 6 WEEK SOUP & SCRIPTURE STUDY Sacred Heart Church Parish Hall, Friday, February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20 and 27. Jesus’ miracles were signs of God’s love and compassion and drew people to faith in him. He continues to work miracles today as he did 2,000 years ago. This Scripture study includes the full scripture text of a miracle performed by Jesus, a short commentary, and questions for delving deeper and applying it to daily life. Join us as we break brad and Scripture together during one of the year’s most important Liturgical Season, Lent: $11.00 to register after 2/26 $15.00. All are welcome. Call Dawn Rusinko at or 732-899-1398. FAITH TO MOVE MOUNTAINS CAMPAIGN TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Our goal of $485,000.00 to the Faith to Move Mountains Campaign has been reached thanks to the kindness of your very generous donations. May God bless you for your support of this special Diocesan Collection. “Last rites” is a persistent but pesky phrase in the Catholic lexicon, and not a particularly useful phrase since it props open the door to misunderstanding. Many Catholics presume it refers to the anointing of the sick, yet there is nothing “last” about it. Clearly, the Church desires anointing to be celebrated fairly early on in the crisis of illness, and not as a least measure. The Rites for the Dying stand apart in the Church’s plan, and include two principal rites. The first is viaticum, Latin for “food for the journey,” the reception of Holy Communion by a dying person. Even very active and aware Catholics often do not realize that this “last rite” does not require a priest’s presence, but can be conducted by a deacon or minister of Holy Communion. Father Michael BREAKFAST CLUB Perhaps you have experienced the loss of a loved one, a home, a pet or “something else important to you.” A loss is a loss that needs to be dealt with. Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month in the kitchen of the Church hall after the morning Mass for one hour with “coffee and” as we share our experiences in dealing and handling such issues. No reservation fee, or commitment is necessary. To anyone young, old, male or female, dealing with such issues, you are welcome to come in and see if you might derive any benefit from the gathering. We are not simply a bereavement support group which deals solely with the loss of a loved one, but rather a group of people who are dealing with a loss of any kind. For further information contact Doris Czarnecki at 732604-5429 or or Jack Genz at 732-4585691 or [email protected]. The next Club meeting will be Saturday, February 14th. SACRED HEART BELL CHOIR Will be playing at the 9:15 AM Mass Sunday, February, 15th. Please come and support your parish choir. The second “last right” in the pastoral plan is a prayer called “Commendation of the Dying.” Similarly, this does not require the presence of a priest, but can be led by any minister or family member. Too often, we have focused on what only a priest can do, namely anoint, and have forgotten the fullness of liturgical care that the Church desires for its dying faithful. The “last rites” are completely available to us even when a priest is not. SINGLE OR COUPLED YOUNG ADULTS If you’re single or coupled, aged 20-30 and looking for like minded people to share your faith and fellowship in a safe environment, join us, Saturday, February 21st,7PM in the Church hall. Serving light refreshments. For further information contact Dawn Rusinko at [email protected] or 732-899-1398. AARP TAX-AIDE PROGRAM ST. MARTHA CHURCH POINT PLEASANT 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS Will provide an accurate and complete federal and state income tax return for clients. Also assistance with homestead rebates and Property Tax Rebate are available. This free service is open to all taxpayers. Special emphasis, however, is given to those over the age of 60 with low or moderate incomes. Please bring copy of last year’s return, W-2 forms from employer, unemployment compensation statements, SSA-1099 form if you received Social Security, all 1099 forms showing interest/dividends, information on medical expenses. Assistance is available Tuesdays, 9AM-1PM or call 732-810-5890 for appointments. If you use Church offering envelopes and would like a statement of your contributions for 2014, please call the parish office at 732-899-1398 during business hours Monday—Friday 9AM—2PM, or email [email protected]. PARISH OFFICE The parish office will be closed Monday, February 16th, President’s day. The office will re-open Tuesday, February 17th, 9AM-2PM. FEBRUARY 8th—FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME HEALING MINISTRY— During Jesus’ ministry “he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons.” This is the case in today’s Gospel. Jesus fulfills the vision of Psalm 147: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Jesus knew, however, that he couldn’t possibly heal all the illness in the world. No matter how many people he cured or how many hours he ministered, there always would be more suffering people like Job who craved his healing touch. His primary mission was not to rid the world of all suffering. His “purpose” was to preach the coming of the reign of God that heals, yes, but ultimately transcends and transforms early suffering. With Paul, Jesus could have said, “Woe to me if I do not preach” that good news. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading—Job finds life on earth to be drudgery; he is filled with restlessness (Job 7:1-4, 6-7). Second Reading—Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel. I have become all things to all, to save at least some (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23). Gospel –Jesus cured many who were sick with various diseases (Mark 1:29-39). SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time World Marriage Day Tuesday: Saint Scholastica, Virgin Wednesday: If I were to begin life again, I would want it as it was. I would only open my eyes a little more. Our Lady of Lourdes World Day of the Sick Thursday: Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday ON LOVE Saturday: Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop Valentine’s Day BEGINNING AGAIN If you would be loved, love and be lovable. INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 511533 Sacred Heart 751 Main Avenue, Bay Head NJ 08742 PHONE 732-899-1398 CONTACT PERSON Barbara Guttenberg PRINTER Brother Laser Jet NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1-5 NUMBER OF PAGES Cover + 3 1/2 pages of text + this page (6-1-JL; 1.5 davit) Date: February 8 TRANSMISSION TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS— Please send 600 Bulletins this week. SOFTWARE Ms Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 XP Home Edition, Svc Pack 2
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