Church of the Sacred Heart 751 Main Avenue Bay Head, New Jersey (732) 899-1398 Fax # (732) 899-2233 Website: E-mail: [email protected] First Sunday of Advent November 30, 2014 Staff: Rev. Michael O’Connor ([email protected]) James A. Lacey, Deacon([email protected]) Silverius Galvan,Deacon([email protected]) Weekend Celebrants: Fr. Paul Engel, O.F.M. Cap. Fr. Kevin P. Ashe Masses: Saturday: 5:15 PM Sunday: 8:00AM, 9:15AM and 11:00 AM Confessions: Saturday 4:30 to 5:00 PM Other occasions as announced. Marriages: (Registered Parishioners only) Please notify the rectory as soon as the decision to marry has been made. There is a prescribed preparation program of one year. Baptisms are held on the first and third Sunday of each month. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements as early as possible. Sick Calls: At any time. Religious Education Sunday morning Grades 1-8 10:15 AM—11:30 AM. Rectory Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM NOVEMBER 29th/30th FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday, November 29, Vigil Mass 5:15 PM For the Faithful Departed Father Michael Sunday, November 30 8:00 AM For the Faithful Departed Father Paul 9:15 AM Father Michael For The Faithful Departed 11:00 AM Father Kevin For The Faithful Departed Monday, December 1 8:30 AM Richard Shoop From Lynn Wiss Martha Howard-Lake From Phylis O'Brien Tuesday, December 2 8:30 AM Ruth Ann Williams From Marge and Mike Conway Wednesday, December 3, St. Francis Xavier 8:30 AM Bill and Nancy Vogel From Children and Grandchildren Thursday, December 4, St. John Damascene 8:30 AM Rose and Nick O’Hara From Pat O’Hara Friday, December 5 8:30 AM Ed Pfennig From Wife and Children Saturday, December 6, St. Nicholas 8:30 AM Hanus Family From Frank Hanus III BAPTISMAL PREPARATION MEETING Our next Baptismal Preparation Session will be on Monday, January 5, 7PM in the Parish Hall. To register, please call the parish office at 732-899-1398. All families who have not attended a prior class are requested to attend and are asked to invite godparents. NEXT WEEKEND DECEMBER 6th and 7th SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Saturday, December 6, Vigil Mass 5:15 PM Patricia Callari and Dorothy Holmes Father Michael From the Callari Family John J. Nestor, Jr. From Pam and Larry Tilli Sunday, December 7 8:00 AM Walter Sr. and Walter Jr. Sauers Louise and Maureen and Genevieve Sauers From Tom and Roberta Uber 9:15 AM June and Jess Pierce and Family Father Paul From Family John Correnti From Barbara and John 11:00 AM Michael Marino Father Kevin From Vince and Joann Marino SACRED HEART CHURCH Daily Mass: Monday—Saturday 8:30 AM Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:15 PM Sunday Mass: 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of month 9:00M Confession: Saturday 4:30PM Baptismal 1st Monday of Month Preparation Class Rosary 7:00 PM Before the 8:30 AM Daily Mass Altar Rosary and Holy Name Society Monthly Meeting 3rd Tuesday of month 7:10PM Respect Life 3:30PM Last Thursday of month Breakfast Club: 2nd and 4th Saturday 9:00 AM WEEKLY COLLECTION November 16 $5,221.00 Please remember Sacred Heart in your Last Will and Testament. Thank you for your support of our parish. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Each of the seven sacraments, like other aspects of the Church’s pastoral plan, is an attempt to be faithful to the image of Christ we discover in the Gospels. Anointing of the sick is rooted in Jesus’ saving deeds of healing and even rescue from death. What is your favorite encounter of Jesus with a sick person? Often, it seems that Jesus would go at once to the person in a crowd who was in the most pain, in the deepest need. A man born blind, Peter’s mother-in-law, a woman afflicted by years of uncontrollable hemorrhages, a little girl beloved by her soldier father, a crippled man lowered from the rafters, and even a man who lost his ear to a swinging sword in the garden of agony. This list reads like an admissions chart in an emergency room and perhaps that is the point. The whole human experience from childhood to old age, from sudden catastrophic illness to chronic debilitating conditions, is represented by those for whom Jesus has such great compassion. This we can name a treasure of tradition with a capital “T.” We are a people of compassion for our sick, who reach out in tenderness to listen, to keep vigil, to strengthen, to touch with reverence and to anoint with precious oil. 2015 MASS BOOK Is available to schedule Masses, Altar Candles, Blessed Mother and Sacred Heart Flowers. The parish office is open Monday-Friday 9AM-2PM or you may call 732-899-1398 for assistance in scheduling intentions for loved ones. MARCH FOR LIFE 2015 Thursday, January 22nd in Washington, DC. The theme for this year’s march is EVERY LIFE IS A GIFT! We will again be joining with neighboring parishes in support of God’s greatest gift to us all; life. In Washington we will join with people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds who fight for the rights of the unborn. Buses bring young people from all over the country, traveling for hours and their enthusiasm and energy are contagious! It’s a heart-warming day that everyone should experience. The bus will arrive at St. Peter’s Church, Pt. Pleasant Beach at 6:45AM sharp and depart at 7AM sharp. We will arrive in Washington at approximately 11AM. You are then able to go on your own way or stay with the group as we hear the speakers and then proceed to the march. The bus will depart at 4PM and stop at Cactus Willies Buffet for dinner on your own, arriving back at St. Peter’s about 10PM. Bring lunch, snacks and dress warmly for a cold day out. We go rain or shine. We ask that you also be able to walk and stand as there is no easy way out of the march once it begins. Cost is $10.00 payable to St. Peter’s Church. Call Ellen Conaghan at 732-899-7322 to reserve a seat. Please respond ASAP but by 12/30 at the latest. FIRST FRIDAY Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction-First Friday of each month immediately following the 8:30AM Mass. Please help to propagate this rite by remaining after Mass and telling a friend. The next celebration will be Friday, December 5th. LONGEST NIGHT SERVICE On Saturday, December 20th, a service of healing will be held at 7PM in the church. The service is intended for those who may be grieving the loss of a loved one, especially at this normally festive time of the year. Refreshments will be served following the service. All are invited and bring a friend! ST. JOSEPH BY THE SEA RETREAT HOUSE SOUTH MANTOLOKING SEEKING A MARY HEART IN A MARTHA SCHEDULE—December 9, 9:30AM-2:30PM. Have you ever desired to sit and reflect on the meaning of Advent and Christmas, but been so busy it never seemed possible? Come to a day to choose to sit at the feet of Jesus and reflect alone or join others for a talk, guided meditation and optional sharing. Lunch and Mass included. Cost is $45.00. Presenter: Paulette Cicero, M.Th. 73-899-1398.QUIET BY THE FIRESIDE– December 10, 5 -8PM. This evening will provide the busy person an opportunity to contemplate Jesus, the Incarnate Word, through reflection in a quiet and prayerful environment. Christmas sing-along and refreshments after program. Cost— donation. Presenter: Sr. Brunilda Ramos, MPF; Sr. Dolores Biacchi, MPF. COME TO THE QUIET—A SILENT RETREAT— February 6-8. Come and experience the shore in all its winter beauty! This weekend has been set aside for those desiring time alone with their God. Mass included. Cost $200.00. Please call 732-892-8494 to register and for further information about the above programs. HEALING MASS IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE AND THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY If you are suffering with an illness or experiencing the stress of life and its burdens, please join us on Saturday, December 6th, at 8:30 AM for a Mass with Healing Prayer. We will seek the intercession of Our Blessed Mother for Jesus Healing as we celebrate Her upcoming Feast Days. Light refreshments immediately following mass in the parish hall. Please come and bring a friend or family member. For further information contact [email protected] or call the parish office at 732-899-1398. GOD OF LOVE, AND LIFE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT Pope John Paul 11, at the World Youth Day in Denver, said “Do not be afraid to break out of comfortable and routine modes of living, in order to take up the challenge of making Christ known in the modern metropolis.” Thus inspired, 18 year old Lauren Mach walking cross country with other college students in order to bring about a culture of life, says: “To be pro-life means to recognize a certain understanding of the human person that includes innate value, dignity and sanctity, which transcend the authority and control of man.” Are you about to “break out of the comfortable” when it comes to life? Comments? E-mail the Respect Life Committee at [email protected]. SACRED HEART HOLY NAME 50/50 LOTTERY Win $500.00 or more in Sacred Heart’s Holy Name Society 50/50cash lottery. The monthly drawing is held the 3rd Tuesday of each month. $60.00 gives you (12) chances, one per month. Make your check payable to Sacred Heart H.N. Society, complete the form below and return to the parish office at 751 Main Avenue, Bay Head, 08742. New members are welcome. Thank you very much for all who support our lottery. This month’s winner was #197, Louis Rinaldi, and paid $492.50. Congratulations to our winner! NAME___________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER_________________________________________ AMOUNT_________________________________________ NEW YEAR’S DAY FELLOWSHIP DINNER Preparations for the annual New Year’s Day Fellowship Dinner have already begun! The dinner—which feeds almost 200 less fortunate people from this area– is served in our Church Hall. We really need your help. Volunteers and donations of cooked turkeys, hams, stuffing, mashed potatoes and vegetables are needed. Please contact Maureen Vanderspurt at:[email protected] or 732-714-6876 and tell us what you’ll be able to cook for this important community event. Donations-to help defray the cost of the dinner-are also appreciated. Make checks payable to Church of the Sacred Heart with New Year’s Dinner in the memo. Put in the collection basket or mail to the Rectory at 751 Main Avenue, Bay Head 08742. Thank you so very much for your support of this annual Dinner. FAITH TO MOVE MOUNTAINS CAMPAIGN Sacred Heart Church has reached almost 50% of our goal through your generosity. If you have been contacted by a parishioner please do the best you can in responding as soon as possible. Please pray for the success of the Campaign. ST. GREGORY’S FOOD PANTRY Toys will be needed for our clients for Christmas. After Dec.1, we will be accepting UNWRAPPED NEW toys. Through your generosity, we have been able to give 2-3 gifts per child to our needy families. Teenage gifts are especially needed —CD’s, gift cards, sweaters, hats, nail polish etc. Please leave donations in church entry-clearly marked for St. Gregory’s– or deliver to 804 Bay Avenue, Pt. Pleasant Beach. Cash donations will be used for purchases. SVdP CHRISTMAS WREATHS On Sunday, November 30th, Christmas wreaths will be available for purchase before and after Masses. (This is the only weekend that wreaths will be on sale.) All the wreaths are double sided and have red velvet bows. They are coming directly to us from Maine and will be $20.00 each. We hope that you will stop by and get a wreath or two for your home, since the wreath is the symbol of love. We will be entering into the Christmas season, when Jesus showed His love for us, by being born among us. Proceeds from the sale will be used to help the poor in our area. Thank you in advance for your support. VISITATION CHURCH—BRICK An afternoon of “Heart” prayer will be presented by Dr. J. Dennis Cadigan, Spiritual Director, Diocese of Trenton, Saturday, December 6th, 12:30-3:30PM. He will talk about how to pray for our friends, families and loved ones and show us how to enter into prayer at any notice. A light lunch will be served. The event is free, just bring some type of dessert for the sharing table and pre-register so provisions are made to supply ample food and supplies. Register at 732-477-7059 ext. 214 or email:[email protected]. ST. GREGORY’S PANTRY Wishes to thank all who so generously donated food and time for the annual Thanksgiving food baskets and dinner. Many families in our area were very grateful for your donations. Please watch up-coming bulletins for Christmas information about toys and food donations. Thank you again for your support of our Pantry. NOVEMBER 30th FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT WATCH—”Watch!” This word occurs three times in today’s Gospel passage. Moreover, it is placed at significant points: the beginning, the center, and the end. Though this is technically a parable, it is quite short (four verses). The threefold repetition of “watch” leaves no doubt as to what the story is about. We often think of Advent as a time of waiting, but it truly is a season of watchfulness, a very active form of waiting for the coming Day of the Lord. It is that day, more than Christmas day, that the Christian community faithfully expects, using all of our gifts and talent for this purpose, as Paul reminds us in the Letter to the Corinthians. When we use these gifts in faithful watching and expectation we become like the servants of the parable, set to their tasks, not waiting around idly, but engaged in the master’s work until his return. May our Advent be a time when we return or rededicate our lives and our communities to this work -the active and diligent faithfulness that the Lord will expect to find. UNWRINKLED To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent-that is the triumph over old age. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading—We are the clay and you, O Lord, are the potter; we are the work of your hands (Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7). Second Reading—God is faithful; by God you were called to fellowship with the Son. (1 Corinthians 1:3-9). Gospel—Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come (Mark 13:33-37). SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: First Sunday of Advent Monday: World AIDS Awareness Day Wednesday: St. Francis Xavier Thursday: St. John Damascene Friday: First Friday Saturday: St. Nicholas First Saturday INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 511533 Sacred Heart 751 Main Avenue, Bay Head NJ 08742 PHONE 732-899-1398 CONTACT PERSON Barbara Guttenberg PRINTER Brother Laser Jet NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1-5 NUMBER OF PAGES Cover + 3 1/2 pages of text + this page (6-1-JL; 1.5 davit) Date: November 30 TRANSMISSION TIME SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS— Please send 600 Bulletins this week. SOFTWARE Ms Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9 XP Home Edition, Svc Pack 2
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