The Chamberlain View United Church of Christ Chamberlain, South Dakota February 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pastor’s Column Church news Church Leadership Announcement’s & thank you’s Birthdays and Anniversaries In our Thoughts and Prayers ~The family and friends of Ellis Carr ~Diane Philen ~Gail Danhour ~Gabby Lynch ~The family & friends of Jimmi VanGerpen ~Jean Cozine ~Lois Hrabe ~Gunner Olesen ~Suzy Homan ~Rev. Don Stoebner ~Lindy Graves trustee report & bill list Calendar & Board notes February Suggested Scripture Reminder...the “Birthdays of the month” are honored at the pot luck dinners on the 3rd Sunday every month. You are always Welcome to join! CONTACT YOUR CHURCH P.O. Box 238 107 N. Merrill Street Chamberlain, SD 57325 (605) 234-5202 [email protected] Fax (605) 234-5212 Parsonage: (605) 234-4004 Feb. 1~ Deut 18:15-20, Ps 111, I Cor 8:1-13, Mk 1:21-28 Feb. 8~ Isa 40:21-31, Ps 147:1-11, 20c, I Cor 9:16-23, Mk 1:29-39 Feb. 15~ II Kings 2:1-12, Ps 50:1-6, II Cor 4:3-6, Mk 9:2-9 Feb. 22~ Gen 9:8-17, Ps 25:1-10, I Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:915 HELP WANTED The church is in need of a part-time custodian starting March 15th. The custodian works as an independent contractor paid monthly. If you are interested in this position please send a written request to: APPLICATIONS: UCC (i.c.o Trustees) PO Box 238 Chamberlain, SD 57235 Requests will be opened at the March 4th trustee meeting. If you have any questions please call Merrill Karlen at 605.730.5640 or email him at [email protected] A job description can be seen on the bulletin board. Thank you! : Times and Seasons with Pastor Jim February 2015 Greetings! February. The shortest month of the year, and the favorite of very few. Most of us are anxious for Spring, tired of Winter, looking forward to more daylight and warmer temperatures. February just seems like a holding time, waiting for all these things to begin happening. So what do we have to look forward to this month? Well, first of all, on Sunday, February 1st, our Middle School and High School youth will be leading the worship service. They are excited (and a little nervous) about doing this, and I am excited to be there. They will also be serving a baked spaghetti dinner, with bread and salad (alas, no Chianti – but there will be dessert!) after the service, so be sure stay afterwards. We promise you’ll be home in time for all the pre-game shows! Please come and enjoy the service and the food and fellowship afterward. It is a wonderful thing to see the youth in action, serving the church on this special Sunday. Ash Wednesday, the day on which the season of Lent begins, is February 18th. We will be having a service and the imposition of ashes that evening at 7 PM. I also hope to begin (with the help of the diaconate board) a Bible Study series along with a soup supper on Thursday evenings during Lent, beginning February 26. I have a couple of ideas for topics but haven’t yet made the decision which. I will get the word out as soon as I have decided. These have been a lot of fun, with lots of good eating, and I hope they have been enlightening. Before I close this article, I have to commend the Nominating Committee for all of their service in bringing us the wonderful slate of church officers who will be serving this year. This year’s committee consists of Tracy Burkhard (co-chair), Deb Rinehart (co-chair), Becky Johnson, Todd Priebe, Ruth Blum and Jona Ohm. It is a tough job, calling and sometimes (too often it seems) hearing the answer “no.” Granted, a “no” is probably better than a half-hearted commitment, and serving the church is an important commitment, but the Nominating Committee persevered, and I am so pleased not only with the current leadership but for the new leaders who have stepped forward and said yes to them and the church. It occurred to the committee that there is a little uncertainty within the congregation about what each of these boards and committees do. They thought it might be a nice idea if we could somehow share more of that information with the congregation. So to that end, in order for the congregation to be better aware of how the church operates and what our boards and committees do and are doing, this month we are inaugurating a new column in the newsletter devoted to sharing this information. Each month, a board or committee will be highlighted. This month, we will be looking at the diaconate board. A huge thank you to all who have served and are serving the church. You are truly a blessing to me and to the entire congregation! Pastor Jim There are Annual books available at church if you did not receive one. There is also a more current “Committee Member’s & Nominee’s” list sheet available and also the Financial secretary’s report (that did not get in the Annual book.) 48 member’s attended the Annual meeting on Jan. 18th following worship. The meeting was followed by a carry in dinner. Thank you for attending the meeting! Helping in February PASTORAL ACTS December The funeral for Jimmi VanGerpen was held on Dec. 27th, 2014. January The baptism of Amelia Rose Randall was held on January 25th, 2015. Coffee Fellowship The Esther circle Ushers Tim Mertz, Julie Mertz, Jeff Williamson and Cheri Williamson Chancel Arrangements Sally Madison There are a lot of bowls, pans, lids and containers in the fellowship hallway...please check to see if any are yours. Thank you! UCC at Chamberlain Church Staff and Leadership: Jim Oleson, Pastor Lynn Miller, Secretary Val Moore, Treasurer Sherry Hansen, Diaconate Merrill Karlen, Trustee Jeff Williamson, Moderator Janeen Story, M.S. youth group Karol Jo Hendrickson, Choir Director Jane Cameron, Organist Kim Phillips, Religious Education Sandi Knippling, Memorial Committee Doug Johnson, Pastoral Relations Lynn Miller, Missions Committee Patty Juhnke, H.S. youth group ATTENDENCE REPORT Just a reminder from the church office… When you charge an item at a store for the church please, please sign your name and group. Example: John Doe, Jr. Deacon You also need to turn in a receipt. This is for church records and to know where the amount is to come from. I appreciate you help in this matter. Lynn Date: Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Eve 5:30 11pm Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Attendance: 130 154 84 215 25 57 54 97 87 130 Together We can Build the Bridge for Future Generations Placerville has a campaign going where you can help! We can give as an individual. We can give as a church. Supplies and/or skilled labor can be donated. There are many ways to support. Our challenge; Placerville has many goals one is to build a Lodge that can generate additional income and to improve road access and develop a maintenance plan. Placerville began in 1920 and in 1953 became a official state camp. In 2003 the number of campers was 1343 and in 2013 the number was 713! We need camp. It is unique and special in so many ways. a time and place of connection for generations of families. Time at Placerville Camp allows each person Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays Feb. 1 Ross Graves, Jenny Meyer, Mikayla Meyer Feb. 2 Elizabeth Twamley Feb. 4 Stacey Juhnke Feb. 6 Dawson Gullickson Feb. 7 Cindy Selland Feb. 9 Lesley Burfeindt, Wanda Pickner, Andrea Schaub, David Swanson Feb. 10 Nancy McDonald Feb. 12 Carol Randall Feb. 13 Dakota Munger Feb. 15 Jean Cozine Feb. 17 Bill Hansen, Mandy Juhnke Feb. 18 Herman Kriel Feb. 19 Connie Talich Feb. 22 Mark Swanson, Brynn Schaub Feb. 23 Taylor Sharping Feb. 25 Quinn Burke, Al Renner Feb. 27 Ryan Schelske Feb. 28 Susan Carr Anniversaries Feb. 10 Bill and Sherry Hansen Feb. 19 Jay and Amy Blum The Cookie Sale Committee would like to express their thanks to all of the women who donated to the success of our annual fundraiser! $760 was made, which went to the Women’s Fellowship for future project’s. The wreath raffle was won by Amy Blum and the Christmas table runner was won by Florine Glaus. Thanks again! Renee Schaub We Are The Church! Meet the Diaconate The ancient offices of deacon and deaconess have their origin in the New Testament. In Romans 16:1, a woman named Phoebe is identified as a deaconess in the church at Cenchreae, and the story of the first deacon in the church at Jerusalem is found in Acts 6:1-6. The word deacon (and the female version deaconess) comes from the Greek word diakoneo, which means “to serve.” The Diaconate Board has twelve members (twelve is a very Biblical number – twelve disciples, twelve tribes of Israel, etc.), six women and six men. They serve for a term of three years. Our members this year are Sherry Hansen (chair), Doris Dominiack (vice chair), Trevor McDonald (secretary), Dayle Chilson (treasurer), Mike Chilson, Gary Biskeborn, Brett Brown, Louie Bergner, Kenny Heuther, Liza Oleson, Carol Randall, and Justina Springer. Two Junior Deacons (Parker Evans, Cole Schelske) and two Junior Deaconesses (currently only Brett Story – we are still looking for a second Jr. Deaconess) are also on the Board. They serve a term of two years. The Diaconate Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 6 PM. You will most often see the diaconate in action on communion Sunday, where they prepare and serve the elements to the congregation. You will also see them at our Bible Study and Soup Suppers sessions held, mostly on Thursday evenings, several times throughout the year. They also help coordinate and make happen the Easter Sunrise service and our other outdoor worship services. The Diaconate are called to “take heed to the high calling of their office to guard faithfully all the spiritual interests of the church. They shall maintain order in the House of God, visit the sick, ministering to the edification and comfort of all. They shall assist the pastor in the plans for worship, meeting the spiritual needs of the people and in the preparation and administration of the Sacraments.” The Diaconate also keep the membership rolls in order, and have their own funds which are used to aid local families who might have personal needs or to aid other people in cases of emergency. So when you see those folks preparing and serving communion, know that this is one of the duties you have called them to as members of the diaconate. Be sure to thank them for their service. If you interested in learning more about the diaconate, or would like to become a member of this board, please contact one of the members or Pastor Jim. The UCC RE Board meeting met 1/18/15 at 9:30 am. Youth Sunday is February 1st. Patty Juhnke will send a note to the youth group kids about this. There is no Sunday School on February 15th. Kim informed about when the kids will be singing. Those dates are February 22nd, March 29th, and May 3rd. May 3rd is also the last day of Sunday school and we will recognize all the teaching staff this Sunday too. This is also the Sunday we recognize our two Graduates, Colton Burke and Mandy Juhnke. Holly said she would contact their families and inform them of this recognition. May 24th has been slated for Confirmation. Chamberlain Elementary thanked our Sunday School classes for the hats and mittens we collected during our fall drive. Kim informed that spring curriculum is ordered. MiKayla Meyer took inventory of our Sunday school supplies. We are low, or out of several items and wondered if we could ask for donations from the congregation for the following. We thought an announcement in church and also including it in the newsletter would be effective: Pencil sharpener's, Pens, tape, Markers (washable,) Staples, Kleenex, Disinfecting Wipes and glue sticks. VBS: Holly has graciously agreed to HELP head up 2015 VBS. She will be asking for assistance. Janeen told the board she will assist in whatever we need and answer any questions we may have. She has also volunteered to teach one class. We talked about what VBS kit we were going to use: “Everest, Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power” and Lynn has ordered it. No date has been set for VBS, as we are discussing all possibilities and also need to see if Trinity is interested in participating again. It was discussed to approach Trinity, if they choose to participate, that they help out financially and perhaps supply more teachers. Right now, they supply the snack. Holly inquired about a stage that was once used for the Christmas program and for VBS? It helped the crowd be able to see the kids better. We discussed using it for VBS if we still have it. The meeting was adjourned. We will meet February 22nd at 9:30 in the Fireside room. Becky Rose Diaconate Board Meeting Minutes-Nov 19, 2014 Present: Jeff & Cheryl Williamson, Mike Chilson, Trevor McDonald, Doris Dominiack, Brett Brown, Pastor Oleson, Tim Pringle, and Sherry Hansen Absent: Dayle Chilson, Justina Springer, Parker Evans (Jr. Deacon) and Brett Storey (Junior Deacon) Pastor opened with prayer. The minutes of Oct 15, 2014 were read by Trevor. Mike motioned and Jeff seconded to approve motion passed. December Communion: Tim, Cheryl, Jeff and Dayle OLD BUSINESS: New popcorn for visitors is at the church and labels placed on them. Doris will present for the diaconate at the baptism of Presley Jo Dominiack. NEW BUSINESS: Donations from the Bible Study was $116. Mike mentioned Dayle can get the emails of the Junior Deacons to assist in contacting them. Setting up the Nativity set will be November 29th at 1pm. Mike motioned to adjourn Jeff seconded motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Trevor McDonald, Secretary February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sanford service at 2 pm 2 1 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Youth Worship 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 Happy Valentine’s Day! 19 20 21 11:30 youth dinner 8 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worshipofficer installation 11:30 coffee fell. 9 16 22 9:30 am Sunday school , RE meets 10:30 am worship 11:30 coffee Fellowship March 1 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worship 11:30 coffee fellowship Jr high y.g. 6:30 Confirmation 6:45, choir Youth group lock in 6:45 confirmation choir Regency services at 1:30 15 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am worship service 11:30 carry-in dinner 7 3 17 Diaconate 6 pm 18 23 24 25 Missions 5:00 Confirmation 6:45 Choir 7:30 26 27 28 2 3 4 Trustees 5:30 5 6 7 Ash Wednesday Services at 7 pm Confirmation 6:45 Choir 7:30 United Church of Christ 107 North Merrill P.O. Box 238 Chamberlain, SD 57325 (605) 234-5202 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Chamberlain, SD Permit #6 Return service requested Congratulation’s to both families! It’s A Girl! Gretchen Jaclen Was born on November 20, 2014 The proud parent’s are Grant & Jessica Christensen It’s A Girl! Amelia Rose was born on December 11, 2014 Her proud parent’s are Bart & MaKaela Randall and Amelia’s proud sister’s are Emberly & Ella Congratulation’s to both families! Jan. 7th, 2015 Trustee Meeting Notes Present: Pastor Jim, Tom Stone, Merrill Karlen, Steve Dominiack, and Chris Phillips Absent: Al Renner, John Blum, Carson Pringle & Jerad Evans Pastor began the meeting with a prayer and Merrill called the meeting to order. Motions were made by Steve and Tom to approve the Dec. meeting notes, carried. Motions were made by Tom and Chris to approve the Dec. bill list, carried. Motions were made by Chris and Steve to approve the financial report, carried. Old Business: The 2015 budget was approved with the exception of changing the CUE payment to $600 from $1200.00. Tom made the motion and Chris made the second, carried. Steve talked to Bill Shepherd about the north/south entry lights. Three lights would cost approximately $450.00. The lights are LED so they will run very efficiently. Chris made a motion to have Bill install the lights and Tom made the second, carried. The trustees wrote and approved a letter to send to the custodian giving him 60 days notice to end his contract. This was a consensus decision made by all the trustees. Further discussion was held about the endowment funds. Pastor will check with Susan Turve and see if she could travel to Chamberlain and visit with the trustees. New Business: No new business. The meeting was adjourned by Tom and seconded by Chris. The next meeting was set for Wed. Jan. 28th, 2015 at 5:30 pm in the church library. Lynn Miller, secretary 10411 James Oleson 10412 Tim Johnson 10412 Tim Johnson 1041 Jane Cameron 10414 Lynn Miller 10415 Midstate Comm. 10415 Midstate Comm. 10416 Burke Oil 10416 Burke Oil 10417 Office Products 10418 Northwest Energy 10418 Northwest Energy 10419 Servall 10420 Dakota Milestones 10421 Steckelberg's 10421 Steckelberg's 10422 CFC 10422 CFC 10423 Cedar Shore 10424 The Pension Boards 10424 The Pension Boards 10424 The Pension Boards 10424 The Pension Boards 10425 OPIE 10429 Diaconate Fund 10427 Hickey Heating 10428 SD Conference 10428 SD Conference 10428 SD Conference EFT US Treasury TOTALS Dec. payroll custodian Van Gerpen funeral organist secretary parsonage church parsonage church paper, contrat parsonage church church rugs mailing parsonage church Missions-family food church supplies diaconate-cheese plate employer dues dental life/disability health winterize sprinklers 1/2 Eve offering church furnace OCWM Placerville Vetrans of the Cross IRS deposit GENERAL 2,977.68 400.00 75.00 588.51 140.35 115.80 467.08 1,966.50 118.55 128.27 383.72 37.02 69.85 18.36 28.28 124.53 6.14 72.00 1,478.75 236.25 158.44 4,272.00 95.40 1,383.64 667.00 50.00 1,383.64 132.47 17,575.23 BUILDING MUSIC 228.58 2,296.21 2,296.21 72.84 301.42 TOTAL 2,977.68 400.00 75.00 228.58 588.51 140.35 115.80 467.08 1,966.50 118.55 128.27 383.72 37.02 69.85 18.36 28.28 124.53 6.14 72.00 1,478.75 236.25 158.44 4,272.00 95.40 1,383.64 2,296.21 667.00 50.00 1,383.64 205.31 20,172.86
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