VOL. 5 ISSUE 4 JAN 26, 2014 GREATER MT. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH • 1801 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. AUSTIN TEXAS 78702 • LEAD PASTOR GAYLON CLARK Circles of Greatness: Why should I be in a small group? By Denise Sockwell [email protected] You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. Acts 20:20 I n Acts the Bible tells us we need to be in relationships for our personal and spiritual growth. But why? Because we need to be connected to one another in our Facebook and Twitter world. We need a way and place to do as Christ modeled and taught. Are you thinking this is great but not for me? Perhaps you are like me, struggling a very busy full plate in life, a plate that is overfilled with mounds of things that you need to do and are responsible for in your life. We all struggle with the demands of our career and all of the frustrations and stress placed on us, such as goals, and deadlines. Then there are our family obligations, taking the kids to school, picking them up here and there, dealing with all of their demands and sports obligations too. Maybe you are already volunteering for something in GMZ or the community. Then you are asked, "hey, why don't you join a small group?" What? I can not possibly commit to anything else. I am overloaded and overwhelmed! Well, to be honest, you are exactly the person who needs to be in a small group the most! Why? Because, it is God's plan for you to be in quality relationships to Him and then to others within the safety of a loving community, which is also the definition of "Church." Also, we all need a place to belong and work through the issues of life. Because, we need to be loved and give our love. As a Christian our primary desire is to know and grow in Christ. How can this be accomplished when all aspects of our life are riddled with stress? By learning spiritual disciplines and receiving the discipleship, relationships and encouragement that small groups offer. I am excited to be a part of a small group for 3 years now and that small groups are a part of the vision of GMZ. We will not get much out of church if we just come to the services as good as they are, we have to get involved and small groups are the perfect place to do this! If you would like to join a group please complete a connection card or sign up on Access ACS and get yourself plugged in! All you have to do is show up. Soul Construction Update Total Capital Campaign as of Jan 19 Soul Construction Pledge Receipts: $3,437,052 15% Church Contribution: $1,825,058 Total $5,262,110 Dance & Mime Open Enrollment The Dance & Mime Ministries are having an open enrollment. If you have a desire to join either the dance or mime ministries, please reach out to the following ministry leaders. Open enrollment ends March 1. Greater Praise Dance Ministry Girls 8 years old and up Leader: Neasel Conner, [email protected] or 512.627.8450 contact before attending Epiphany Dance Ministry Adults 18 years old and up Leader: Robyn Dean [email protected] contact before attending Reflections of Change Mime Ministry Adults 18 years old and up Leader: Joanna Coatney, [email protected] SUNDAYS | CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Greater Children’s Ministry is available for children 6-months to 6th-grade in Promiseland on the second floor behind the baptismal pool. Contact: Rev. Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, Children’s Director [email protected] or call 512.633.3277. SUNDAYS|TEEN WORSHIP SERVICE Rebel Zone, a worship experience for middle and high school students to worship God freely and to filter Truth from Lies...Faith from Fantasy, is held Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Bacon Center. Contact: Student Pastor Kevin White, 512.413.0140. SUNDAYS | RIDES FROM COLLEGE TO CHURCH Pick up locations/times: UT, Jester West 9:20 a.m. and 11:20 a.m.; Texas State, LBJ Student Center (bus stop semi-circle) and Bobcat Village Apartment Clubhouse, 10:50 a.m.; St. Edwards, Pearle & Roberts Ragsdale bldg. (Loading dock), 11:20 a.m.; Huston-Tillotson, front entrance (on Chicon), 11:30 a.m. Contact: Rev. Vecente’ Coatney II, 512.584.0553. SUNDAYS | PRAYER REQUESTS Complete the Prayer Request Card located in the back of the pews, and designated areas in the balcony. Place your request in one of the white prayer boxes in the church foyer or in the front of the sanctuary. MEDIA BOOKSTORE CD's, DVD's of today's sermon, and books on spiritual living can be purchased after service in the media sales bookstore, to your left before you exit the main sanctuary. FEB 2 | SPIRIT BOWL WEEKEND Building God a Stadium Feb. 1 and 2: Wear your favorite football jersey and bring a friend. Also, we encourage you to party with a purpose and host a Super Bowl party with your friends and family. FEB 14 | MARRIAGE MINISTRY DANCE Join us Feb. 14 at 7:15 p.m., as we celebrate love and marriage at the Marrriott North. This year's event, "A Night To Remember" will include dinner, dancing and enjoying each other's company. Don't miss the opportunity to make and renew friendships in a relaxing atmosphere. This event is designed for married couples or for couples contemplating and wanting to take their relationship to the next level. Tickets are $50.00 per couple and will go on sale after the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services starting Jan. 26 until Feb. 9 or you may register and pay on Access ACS. Contact Don (512.264.4250) or Nell (512.203.3530) Walker for more informati on or by e-mail at [email protected], to RSVP and purchase tickets. AUSTIN LIFE CARE BIBLE STUDY Bible Studies are forming soon to help men and women overcome the guilt and shame of sexual abuse or an abortion. Why not start the year seeking the Lord for the healing you need? Counselors are also needed to teach these classes and will be trained if you have the desire to serve. Please contact Austin Lifecare at 512.374.0626 for more information. All inquires are kept confidential. TUES/THURS|COMMUNITY OUTREACH Opens Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 469.9020 for an appointment. SAT | FOOD & CLOTHING PANTRY Opens Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. to noon. Info: 469.9020. FEB 21 | PARENTS NIGHT OUT Children 1yr- 5th grade are welcome to this year’s first Parents’ night out from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m Feb. 21. We will spend time playing games, eating, and having FUN, FUN, FUN. Spaces are limited. Register today through Access ACS. FEB 23 | SEEDS AND WATER TEAM EVENT “Some plant seeds, and some water. But only God will cause it to grow.” The children’s team will be hosting an Open House and Volunteer Training on Feb. 23 at noon in Promise Land. Come and discover how we are planting and watering seeds of faith in the lives of our children. Meet our team and find out how you can join in on the journey. Pointer Corner Pastor Gaylon Clark Live Hungry Matthew 5:6 In the Greater@Home center, you will find more information on how to apply the Sunday messages to different areas of your life. This week’s pointers are: Discipline with young children A Difficult Team Intentional Parenting STAY CONNECTED TO THE GREATER NATION: LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE : www.facebook.com/gmzaustin FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: www.twitter.com/greatermtzion DOWNLOAD THE GREATER MT. ZION APP: Available on iTunes and Google Play OurSTAFF Gaylon Clark, Lead Pastor [email protected] Denise Sockwell, Business Manager [email protected] Kevin White, Student Pastor [email protected] Rishonna Kindred, Receptionist [email protected] Aseante Hylick, Director of Programming [email protected] Kim Walker, Database Administrator [email protected] Cynthia Sinegal-Jackson, Children’s Director [email protected] Clarence Conner, Media Director [email protected] Marcus Walker, Director of Music and Creative Arts [email protected] Vecente’ Coatney, II, Director of University Ministries [email protected] OfficeHOURS: Tuesday to Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. www.gmzaustin.org
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