
Core Paper I Semester
BT CT 1.4 – Cell Biology
50 Hrs
Unit 1
Cell Theory and the cell: The cell theory, Organisation of Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
plasma membrane – organization, present model and functions, Mechanisms of membrane
5 Hrs
Unit 2
Cytoskeleton: Microtubules, cilia and flagella.
2 Hrs
Unit 3
Cell organelles: Structure and functions of Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex,
Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Lysosomes and peroxisomes.
8 Hrs
Unit 4
Nucleus: Microscopic and submicroscopic organization, structure and functions of nuclear
membrane, Nucleolus-ultrastructure and role in ribosome synthesis.
4 Hrs
Unit 5
Eukaryotic chromosome: Chromatin, nucleosome structure, chromosome model,
centromeric DNA, organization of telomere. Laws of DNA consistency and C-value paradox.
Heterochromatin and its significance. Special types of chromosomes- B chromosomes,
polytene and lampbrush chromosomes, sex chromosomes and sex determination.
8 Hrs
Unit 6
Mechanism of cell division: Mitotic apparatus, cytokinesis, chromosome movement.
Regulation of eukaryotic cell cycle- overview of cell cycle, biochemical studies with
oocytes, eggs and early embryos, molecu;ar mechanism of regulating mitotic events. Cell
cycle control in mammalian cells, Mutation causing loss of cell cycle control. Meiotic
process- stages, chromosome pairing, chiasma formation, molecular mechanism of
recombination, synaptonemal complex and recombination nodules.
10 Hrs
Unit 7
Structural changes in chromosomes: Types, induction, genetics and significance.
3 Hrs
Unit 8
Numerical changes in chromosomes: Euploidy, haploidy their fundamentals and practical
significance. Polyploidy- Types induction genetic significance, Aneuploidy-Types and
genetic significance.
6 Hrs
Unit 9
Biology of cancer: The cell cycle and cancer, aneuploidy and cancer, cell to cell interaction,
cell adhesion, extra-cellular matrix, cell transformation mechanism and oncogenes.
4 Hrs
1. Cooper Geoffrey, M. 2000. The Cell – a molecular approach. 2nd Edn. ASM Press
2. Sharama AK & A Sharma. 1980. chromosome techniques – Theory and Practice.
3. Alberts A et al. 1994 Molecular biology of cell. Garland publ. New York.
4. De Robertis EDP & EMF De Robertis. 2001 Cell and Molecular biology. Lippicoot
Williams and Wilkins. Bombay.
5. Frefilder D. 1990 Molecular biology. Narosa publ. house. New Delhi.
6. Madigan, M. T., J. M. Mrtinko and J. Parker 2000 Brock Biology of Microbiology IX
Ed. Prentice Hall Inter, Inc.
7. Tobin and Morel (1997) : Asking about CELLS. Saunders college Publishing. N. Y.
8. Holly Ahren (1992) : Introduction to Experimental Cell ‘Biology Wm. C. Brown
Publishers. N. Y.
9. Garrett, R. H. and Gresham, C. M. (1995) : Molecular aspects of Cell Biology,
International Edtion Saunders College Publishing, N. Y.
10. Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipursky, S. L., Matsudaira, P., Baltimore, D. and Damell, J.,
(2000) : Molecular Cell Biology, Freeman, W. H. & Co. N. Y.
11. Karp, G. (1996) Cell and Molecular Biology concepts and Experiments John Wley
and Sons Inc. New York.
BT CP 1.6 Based on BT CT 1.2 – Microbiology
1. Safety measures in microbiology laboratory and aseptic techniques
2. Study of instruments – Autoclave, Hot air oven, Laminar airflow, Incubator, pH meter
3. Cleaning and sterilization of glasswares.
4. Preparation of nutrient broth and nutrient agar slant, and sterilization.
5. Culture of microorganisms using various methods.
6. Study of colony characters.
7. Simple and differential staining procedure- staining of Endospore, flagella, cell wall,
capsule and negative staining.
8. Biochemical tests used for identification of bacteria, fermentation of sugars, starch
hydrolysis, gelatin liquefaction, catalase test, and IMVIC and oxidase test.
9. Isolation of microorganisms from soil sample and determination of number of colony
forming units.
10. Study growth curve of E.coli cells.
11. Effect of antibiotics on bacterial growth – paper disc and cup plate, method.
12. Effect of pH on growth of microorganisms.
13. Visit to research institute/ Biotech industries
BT CP 1.8 Based on BT CT 1.4 – Cell Biology
1. Micrometry and measurement of given biological specimen.
2. Fixation of plant and animal tissues, preparation of paraffin blocks and microtomy.
Staining and microscopic observation.
3. Cytological methods, chromosome counting.
4. Analysis of polytene chromosome, bar bodies, and sex chromosomes.
5. Cytophotometric estimation of nuclear DNA.
6. Structural and numerical changes in chromosomes and chromosome banding.
7. Characterization of tumor cells.
8. Study of mitosis and meiosis in animal / plant tissue.
OEC Paper II Semester
BT ET 2.4 – Molecular Cell Biology
50 Hrs
Unit 1
Membrane structure: Fluid mosaic model. Ultra structure and functions of membrane
organelles, Plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, vacuoles, Nucleus,
Lysosomes, Chloroplast and Mitochondria.
05 Hrs
Unit 2
Cytoskeleton: Microfilaments, Microtubules and Intermediary filaments, Actin and tubulin
gene families, Dynamics, nature of actin and tubulin, Role of microtubules in intracellular
movement, mitosis and cytokinesis
05 Hrs
Unit 3
Ribosomes: Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes, riboproteins and rRNA, 3-D
modular structure, Ribosome biogenesis, important structural motifs in ribosomes and their
07 Hrs
Unit 4
Nucleus: Nuclear membrane, nuclear pore complex, transport mechanism, nuclear lamins
and their role. Composition of nuclear sap, nucleolar sap and nucleoplasm
Nucleolus: Organization, chemistry, function and biogenesis.
Chromosomal organization: Molecular organization of eukaryotic chromosome, Molecular
features of telomeres, centromere, kinetochore, euchromatin and heterochromatin,
Nucleosomes to nucleosomal thread to solenoid and coiled coils, role of scaffold and matrix
proteins (SARS and MARS), mechanism and causes for chromosomal condensation and
09 Hrs
Unit 5
Chloroplast: Genome, size, number, organization of genes, chloroplast mRNA and tRNA,
ribosomes, biogenesis of plastids, role of light and phytochrome in the developments of the
plastids, import of proteins from cytoplasm.
Mitochondria: Genome, size, number, organization of genes, mitochondrial protein synthesis,
transport of cytosolic proteins into mitochondria and the mechanism, Biogenesis of
08 Hrs
Unit 6
Cellular receptors and Signal transduction: Concept of cellular signaling, Characteristics
of signaling molecules, extra cellular and intracellular forms – paracrine, synaptic and
endocrine form of signaling, concentration and their effects, cellular status and potential
(programmed) in receiving and responding to signals, cellular receptors and their characters,
cell surface receptor proteins – ion channel linked, G-protein linked and enzyme linked,
intracellular receptors, kinds and mechanism, mechanism of biding, activation and signal
transduction, role of Inositol Phosphotidyl, diacyl-glycerol molecules and Calmodulin, cAMP
and cGMPs, kinases, phosphates in signal transduction.
06 Hrs
Unit 7
Cell cycle: Genetic regulation of cell cycle, Molecular basis of cellular checkpoints.
05 Hrs
Unit 8
Apoptosis: Programmed cell death (PCD), signals and causes for inducing apoptosis,
regulation of gene activity during apoptosis, role of cysteine-containing-aspartate specific
proteases (CASPAes), Apoptotic Protease Activating factors (APAF) mechanism of
apoptosis at biochemical, cellular and gene level, importance of apoptosis in development
and organogenesis. Programmed cell death (PCD) in plants and its relation to senescence,
senescence associated genes (SAGs), hypersensitive as a cause of apoptosis.
05 Hrs
1. Sudberry P. 2002, Human Molecular cytogenetics. Prentice hall publication
2. Knudson A.G. 1998, Anti – Oncogenes and Human cancer. Proceedings of the
National academy of sciences USA 90: 10, 0114 – 10921
3. Bishop J.A. 1982, Retroviruses and cancer genes. Advances in Cancer research
4. Lodish, H., Ber, A., Zipursky, L.S., matsudaira, P., bahimore, D and Darnell J. 2001,
Molecular Biology W. H. Freeman G Co 47
5. J. Daniel H and Lodish D 1995, molecular Cell Biology. Baltimore Scientific
American Book
6. B. Alberts. D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. raff K, Roberts and J. D. Watson 1994 Molecular
Biology of the Cell. Garland Publisher Inc., New York
7. Gerald Karp 1996, Cell and Molecular Biology. John Wiley and Sons. Inc
8. Elliot and Elliot, 2001 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Oxford University Press.
9. Celis J E (Eds) : Cell Biology : A Laboratory Hand Book . Vol II Academic & I Press.
10. Pollard J.P. and W.C. Earnshow 2002. Cell Biology, Sunders
11. Brachet J. 1985 Molecular Cytology. Academic Press New York
12. Wolfe. A. 1995 Chromatin structure and function. Academic Press New York
BT EP 2.8 Based on BT ET 2.4. Molecular Cell Biology
1) Preparation of meiotic chromosomes using Haemotoxylin / Feulgen stain –
Poecilocera picta
2) Vital staining of mitochondria
3) Isolation of mitochondrial DNA
4) Isolation of Chloroplast DNA
5) Preparation of Salivary gland chromosomes – Drosophila melanogaster
6) Biosafety and lab protocol
7) Micrometry and measurement of given biological sample
8) Fixation of plant and animal tissues, preparation of paraffin blocks and micrometry
staining and microscopic observation.
9) Sub cellular fractionation and marker enzymes.
10) Cytological methods, chromosome counting and karyotype analysis.
11) Analysis of Polytene chromosomes, bar bodies and chromosomes.
12) Detection of cell apoptosis by Comet Assay.
13) Cytophotometric estimation of nuclear DNA.
14) Structural and numerical changes in chromosomes and chromosome banding
15) Visit to research institute/ Biotech industries
OEC Paper III Semester
BT ET 3.4 – Plant and Animal Tissue Culture
50 Hrs
Unit 1
Plant tissue culture: Introduction to cell and Tissue culture. Tissue culture as a technique to
produce novel plants and hybrids
02 Hrs
Unit 2
Tissue culture media: (Composition and preparation)
02 Hrs
Unit 3
Initiation, maintenance of callus and suspension culture and single cell clones.
03 Hrs
Unit 4
Organogenesis: Somatic embryogenesis, transfer and establishment of whole plants in soil.
02 Hrs
Unit 5
Shoot tip culture: rapid clonal propagation and production of virus free plants.
02 Hrs
Unit 6
Embryo culture and Embryo rescue
01 Hrs
Unit 7
Protoplast isolation and fusion: Selection of hybrids cells and regeneration of hybrid plants,
Symmetric and asymmetric hybrids, and cybrids.
02 Hrs
Unit 8
Anther, pollen and ovary culture for production of haploid plants and homozygous lines
03 Hrs
Unit 9
Cryopreservation: slow growth and DNA banking for germ plasm conservation
02 Hrs
Unit 10
Animal cell, tissue and organ culture: Historical perspectives, development and scope.
Requirements for animal cell, tissue and organ culture – Equipments and materials for animal
cell culture technology, advantages and limitations of tissue culture, aseptic handling,
facilities, required media and cell lines.
06 Hrs
Unit 11
Initiation of cell culture: Cultivation of animal cell in mass in Bioreactors, Biology of cell
culture, evaluation of culture dynamics and maintenance of cell lines
03 Hrs
Unit 12
Primary culture: Isolation of mouse and chick embryos, human biopsies, methods for
primary culture, nomenclature of cell lines, Sub culture and propagation, immortalization of
cell lines, cell line designation, selection of cell line and routine maintenance.
03 Hrs
Unit 13
Cell separation and characterization: Density based, antibody based, magnetic and
fluorescence based cell sorting. Characterization of cells based on morphology, chromosome
analysis, DNA content, RNA and protein, enzyme activity, antigenic markers, cytotoxicity
assays, Cell quantitation and Cell culture contamination, monitoring and eradication, Cryo
03 Hrs
Unit 14
Culturing of specialized cells: Epithelial, mesenchymal, neuro, ectodermal, hematopoietiec,
gonad and tumor cell Lymphocyte preparation, culture of amniocytes, fish cells and confocal
microscopy. Stem cell culture and its applications
03 Hrs
Unit 15
Organ and embryo culture: Choice of models, organ culture, and histotypic culture Filter –
well inserts, neuronal aggregates, whole embryo culture eggs, chick and mammalian
03 Hrs
Unit 16
Cell and tissue engineering: Growth factors for in situ tissue regeneration, biomaterials in
tissue engineering, approaches for tissue engineering of skin, bone grafts, nerve grafts,
Hemoglobin based blood substitutes, bio artificial or biohybrid organs. Limitations and
possibilities of tissue engineering
04 Hrs
Unit 17
Serum and protein free defined media and their applications. Measurement of viability and
cytotoxicity Cell synchronization, Cell cloning, micromanipulation, cell transformation and
applications of animal cell culture
03 Hrs
Unit 18
Hybridoma technology and production of monoclonal antibodies
03 Hrs
1. Bhojwani, S.S., and Razdan, M.K. 1996 Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and practice.
Elsevier Publishers, Amsterdam.
2. Reinert, J.R., and Bajaj, Y.P.S. 1997: Applied Fundamental aspects of Plant cell,
tissue and organ culture, Spinger and Verlag, Berlin.
3. Anthony, R.C., Wilhelm, G., and Joseph, E. 1995. Methods in plant molecular
biology – A Laboratory course manual, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, USA.
4. Bhan 1998. Tissue culture, Mittal Publications, New Delhi.
5. Fu, T.J., G, Singh. and W.R. Curtus. 1999. Plant cell and tissue culture for the
production of food ingredients. Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Press
6. Gamborg, O., and Philip, G.C. 1998. Plant cell, tissue and organ culture. Narosa
Publishing House.
7. Gupta, P.K. 1996. Elements of Biotechnology, Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
8. Heldt 1997. Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oxford and IBH Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
9. Ian Freshney (2001) Culture of animal cells 3rd Edn Wiley Liss.
10. Shashidhar, R (2006): Animal biotechnology, MJP publishers.
11. Bal Subramanian et al 1998: Concept in Biotechnology. Hyderabad University press.
12. Prakash, M and Arora, C. K 1998: Cell and tissue culture. New Anmol Publications.
13. Harrison Maurees, Arae Ian, F 1997: General techniques of cell culture, Cambridge
University Press.
14. Bhaskar rao, Dig Marti, Harshieta, Dig Marti, Sambasiva, and Ambashiva Rao 1997:
Advanced biotechnology, New Delhi. Discovery Publishing House.
15. Butler, M and Dawson, M 1994: Cell culture lab Fax Bios Scientific Publication:
limited Oxford.
BT EP 3.8 Based on BT ET 3.4 Plant and Animal Tissue Culture
1. Sterilization and preparation of plant tissue culture media.
2. Isolation of Ex-plant, Establishment and maintenance of culture. Sub culture of callus,
Organogenesis and Transfer of plants to soil.
3. Micropropagation by Proliferation of Auxiliary buds.
4. Micropropagation by adventitious shoot proliferation.
5. Initiation and establishment of cell suspension cultures.
6. Anther culture for Haploid production.
7. Microspore culture for Haploid production.
8. Protoplast isolation and culture.
9. Embryogenesis in cultured cells/Tissue.
10. Preparation of Synthetic seeds.
11. In-vitro pollination and cultures of ovary/ovule
12. Estimation of Hormones by ELISA
13. Demonstration of bio-assay of hormones
14. Isolation of DNA from animal tissues
15. Isolation of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)
16. Demonstration of Cryo preservation and Thawing
17. Sperm counting and Sperm viability
18. Animal Cell Culture: Preparation of media (Natural and Synthetic)
19. Preparation of metaphase chromosome from selected cells
20. Role of serum in cell culture
21. Estimation of Cholesterol
22. Visit to research institute/ Biotech industries
Project Work IV Semester
Paper code No and
No of
Theory /
Duration of
exam in
nt Marks.
Theory /
at the
Courses and
Open Elective
BT CPJ 4.7
Project Work/