BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION FEBRUARY 2015 AKRON, OHIO Beth El’s Annual Adult Purim Party Saturday Night, February 28, 7-11 PM SHEVAT • ADAR 5775 February Table of Contents At the home of Kevin and Lori Sandel 753 Kennsington Way, 44321 (Many thanks, Kevin and Lori!) Purim Events ..................... 1 The evening’s theme is “School Colors.” Wear your hats, sweatshirts, sweatpants, headbands – anything that will show off your alma mater. You can even wear your children’s colors (after all, you paid for them) or maybe your grandchildren’s. Milestones......................... 2 We will have plenty of hors d'oeuvres and a wide variety of Adult Beverages (with red wine for Lori!). Schedule of Services ......... 2 We will have a great time playing board games (bring your favorite with you), black jack, pool in the Sandel basement, as well as a great amount of schmoozing and relaxing. In Memoriam .................... 2 Please RSVP to Erin Katz Ford ([email protected]) by February 23 so we can plan for a great evening. Thank You to ..................... 2 Anniversary ....................... 2 Severe Weather Notice ..... 2 Mark your Calendar .......... 2 K’Riat Hatorah ................... 2 Save the Date .................... 2 Yahrzeits ............................ 3 Calendar ............................ 3 Rabbi’s Message................ 4 Rabbi’s Reminders ............ 4 President’s Message ......... 5 Dinner and Purim Megillah Reading Wednesday Night, March 4 For the most fun, come as your favorite Sesame Street cartoon and/or superhero. Adults are encouraged and dared by Rabbi Grundfast to join in the costumed festivities. Cantor Berman’s CD .......... 5 Upcoming Events .............. 5 Contributions .................... 6 Passover Candy ................. 7 Education Program ........... 7 6:00 PM Dinner-Pizza, Salad bar, and Hamantachen Tu B'Shevat ....................... 7 (made by Leora Cohen & The Baking Crew) Passover Candy ................. 8 6:45 PM Interactive Megillah reading Please RSVP for the dinner no later than Friday, February 27 so we will be better able to prepare. Please email Erin at [email protected] or call the office at 330.864.2105 x118. Sisterhood News ............... 8 Page 2 BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION Thank You to… Beth El Congregation 750 White Pond Drive Akron, OH 44320 www.bethelakron.com Office: (330) 864-2105 [email protected] … Esther and Jacques Sardas for sponsoring the Bimah flowers on Dec. 20 in memory of Raphael Pesso. … Gloria and Tom Treiber for sponsoring the Bimah Flowers on Jan. 3 in memory of Morris Cohen. … Clara Berns and family for sponsoring the Bima flowers on Jan. 10 in memory of Herb Berns. Anniversary 14 Judith and Harvey Finkel ...................45 Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism The Jewish Theological Seminary of America Stephen Grundfast Rabbi [email protected] Stephen J. Stein Hazzan [email protected] Erin Katz Director of Synagogue Education [email protected] Beth El Office [email protected] Martin Oppenheimer President [email protected] Dr. Harvey Sterns President Elect Patricia Crane Vice President Michael Rabe Treasurer Jerry B. Nelson Secretary Laurel Gress Baalat Koreh Leonard Rose Editor This bulletin is published 12 times per year by Bulletin of Beth El Congregation (USPS 052-100) Vol. LXX No. 6 The Bulletin is published by Beth El Congregation 750 White Pond Dr., Akron, Ohio 44320 Periodicals postage paid at Akron, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Bulletin of Beth El Congregation, 750 White Pond Dr., Akron, Ohio 44320. FEBRUARY 2015 SHEVAT • ADAR 5775 Sunday – 8:30 AM Weekdays – 7:30 AM Friday Evening – 6:15 PM Saturday Morning – 9:15 AM Please note: • Evening services, other than Friday YEARS FEBRUARY SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Milestones Engagements Martin and Sheila Gottlieb announce the engagement of their daughter, Francine to Brian Jakicic, son of Jerry and Jean Jakicic of Pittsburgh, PA. A spring wedding is planned. Dr. Robert and Loretta Stein announce the engagement of their son, Neil to Ms. Jenny Kirsch, daughter of JoAnn and Howard (of Blessed Memory) Kirsch. The couple resides in Chicago and a fall 2015 wedding is planned. Severe Weather Notice During the winter months, please be aware that there will be no morning minyan when the Akron Public Schools are closed due to the weather. evenings, will be held only by request and special arrangement. Please call the office one week in advance to make arrangements. • There will not be a Friday Evening Service at Chambrel this month. Candle Lighting Feb. 6 ....... 5:31 PM Feb. 13 ..... 5:40 PM Feb. 20 ..... 5:48 PM Feb. 27 ..... 5:56 PM Havdalah Feb. 7 ....... 6:33 PM Feb. 14 ..... 6:41 PM Feb. 21 ..... 6:49 PM Feb. 28 ..... 6:57 PM k'riat hatorah January Steve Botnick Laurel Gress Rabbi Grundfast Janet Helfgott-Emmer Hazzan Stein Mark Your Calendar! Beth El Congregation Community Pesach Seder reading the torah Saturday, April 4, 2015, 7:00 PM Catering by Emily Schurr Seder led by Rabbi Stephen and Judy Grundfast More details to follow Beth El Congregation notes with sorrow the passing of Save the Date in memoriam Jeanette Zalob March 13 Togetherness Shabbat Save the Time 7:30 PM Hosted at Temple Israel BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION YAHRZEITS Jan. 31-Feb. 6 Sol Auerbach Abraham Belsky Samuel Botnick Hyman Desure Deborah Feingold Donald Fuchs Nathan Galin Melvin Glicksteen Nathan Gordon Harry Gross Bertha Handler Abe Helper Anna Horn Elaine Kofsky Sophie Lasoff Carolyn Lockshin Clara Londa Norman May Bessie Medvin Randy Mermelstein Kerry Migdal Betty Minkin Morris Mostov Milton Opas Bernice Rabinovitz Anna Raipstein Irene S. Sarbey Eva Schneiderman Charles E. Schwartz Thelma Sholiton Minnie Sitzkin Herbert Skall Nellie Stein Samuel Swedler Max Weinberger Pauline Zudick February 7-13 Edward Abramson Rosa Bane Evelyn Cheplowitz Marvin Gertz Edward Glass Daniel Goldstein Constance Gomberg Simon Gottlieb Clare Greenbaum Fradel Haber Karl Hacker Nancy Jo Harris Sophie Kay Ben Kodish Leo Kodish Jean Leonard Dr. Richard Leshin Margaret Levine William Loeb Anna May Gerald Millman David Moritz Cyrl Moss Ella Rein Judith Resnik Beatrice Sarlson Rebecca Sarlson Helen Savage Rae Schneier Brian Senser Jay Shulan Charles Simpson Lily Sokol Hy Weiss Max Wyant Morris Goldberg Roseline L. Kodish Sadie Levin David Lieb Herman Miller David Mirman Isadore Monosoff Harold Neiman Burton E. Portnoy Sonia Rippe Larry Rudick Raphael Leon Sardas Harold Savage Pauline Schneir Nathan Schwartz Windsor Smith Samuel H. Stone Donald Wish Bernard Zetzer February 14-20 Peter Abramson Elaine Apelbaum Alfred A. Axner Morris Berzon Nathan Borodkin Arlene Cohen Samuel Federman Randy Geller February 21-27 Jerry Bass Israel Borodkin Morris Brown Milton B. Cohen Molly Cohen William A. Dreyfuss Jeanette Emmer Mildred Federhar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Services 2 13 Shevat Fundraiser 11:30 AM 8 19 Shevat 9 Preschool 9:30-11:30 AM Talmud Class 10:30 AM 15 26 Tevet 16 3 Adar 23 Preschool 9:30-11:30 AM Talmud Class 10:30 AM 3 14 Shevat 4 15 Shevat Hebrew School Schlichim Program 7:00-8:30 PM 20 Shevat Judaism 101 7:00-8:30 PM 27 Tevet Knitzvah 9:30 AM Taste of Torah 7:00 PM Talmud Class 10:30 AM Presidents Day 22 Thursday Adar 5775 Friday Saturday Rabbi Grundfast and Cantor Stein are eager to visit congregants in the hospital, but can't go if they don't know. If you or someone you know is in the hospital or sick at home and would appreciate a pastoral visit, please let us know. Sunday........ 8:30 AM Weekdays ... 7:30 AM Friday .......... 6:15 PM Saturday ..... 9:15 AM 12 Shevat Jack Minc Morris Minster Rose G. Morris Eva Neiman Mickey Nusbaum Joe Rapport Pearl Rosen Anna Rosenthal Feb. 28-March 6 Isidor Roth Ida Apelbaum Albert Rubens Beatrice Belsky Irene Sanders Ellie Bissenger Sam Sarbey Sidney David Cheplowitz Edward Savage Morris Cohn Ronald Schneiderman Ovadiah Geller Max Aron Schuldiner Molly Heisler Ellis Schwartz Abraham Kalish Rae N. Schwartz Harry Katz Jacob Shapiro Rebecca Kaufman Rose Vigder Phillip Kropko Hannah Weinstein Richard M. Levin Aaron Weiser Fannie Levine Yetta Weissfeld Melvin Levy Fred Lieberman Jack Luck Belle Luckey Hyman Medvin Minnie Mervis Rachel Miller Let Us Know (unless otherwise noted) 1 Bob Sugerman Simon Talis Fany Weinberger Joseph Weinstein Francis Weiss Jennie Winer Minnie Wolfe February 2015 Shevat 5775 Sunday Betty Gertz Sylvia Gilbert Elnora Glicksteen Abraham Green William Heisler George J. Heller Milton Kades Edward Katz Evelyn Katz Max Leeper Sally Lesowitz Rose Leubitz Harry Levy Sam Loeb Minnie Manes Paul G. Martin Lillian Medoff Abraham Miller Max Minkin Ruth Toledano Moss Gary Nelkin Joseph S. Palazzo Jack Recht Randy Recht Harry Richman Albert H. Robbins Charles Schneir Ben Shecht Gussie Sokol Page 3 4 Adar Judaism 101 7:00-8:30 PM 10 21 Shevat 5 16 Shevat 22 Shevat 17 Shevat Jewish & Public Affairs Forum and Shabbat Dinner 6:15 PM Services 7:30 PM Tu B’Shevat 11 6 12 23 Shevat 13 24 Shevat Lunch & Learn 12:00 Noon Hebrew School Board Meeting 7:30 PM 17 28 Tevet 18 29 Shevat 19 30 Shevat Rosh Chodesh 5 Adar Hebrew School 18 Shevat Yitro Mini-Minyan 10:30 AM 14 25 Shevat Mishpatim Shabbat Shekalim Schlichim Program 7:00-8:30 24 7 25 6 Adar Sisterhood Donor 6:00 PM 26 7 Adar 20 1 Adar 21 Young Family Shabbat 5:30 PM Rosh Chodesh 27 8 Adar 2 Adar Terumah 28 9 Adar Tetsaveh Shabbat Zachor Adult Purim Party Page 4 BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION The Green Line and Tu B’shvat Stephen Grundfast, Rabbi We’ve often heard of the Green Line when it comes to the map of Israel. After the War of Independence of 1948, the 1949 Armistice Agreements between Israel and her Arab neighbors established the “border” of Israel. It was referred to as the Green Line since green ink was used to draw the line on the map. Just after New Year’s day this year I opened my e-mail from the Jewish Forward with an article titled, “Astronaut Snaps Stunning Photos of Israel: Spot the ’67 Lines from Space”. The photos are quite beautiful (to see the photos, go to the Beth El Website, www.bethel akron.com) especially the one that “really” depicts the imaginary Green Line. The photo is of Israel from below the Dead Sea all the way north to the Galil and beyond. What is striking is the dense patch of green that is within the “Green Line” of Israel. It’s even dramatic in black and white. you see dark green surrounded by brown desert. JNF since its founding in 1901 began purchasing land in Palestine for a future Jewish State. For more than 100 years JNF has not only planted most of the trees you see in Israel today (more than 250 million and counting) but also parks, dams, reservoirs, and developing over 250,000 acres of land in Israel. For those of a certain age, there are vivid memories of the JNF stamps that we purchased for 25 cents in Hebrew school and pasted them in our JNF booklets. When we reached ten stamps we were able to “purchase” a tree in Israel. Wednesday, February 4, is Tu B’shvat – the so-called Jewish Arbor Day. Many of us have had the opportunity to actually plant a tree in the soil of Israel and have purchased additional trees along the way. In ancient times Tu B’shvat was the time when farmers offered the first fruits of the trees they had planted four years earlier. The Talmud refers to Tu B’shvat as Rosh Hashanah La’Ilanot – The New Year For Trees. The mystics of the middle ages developed a Tu B’shvat Seder to highlight the seven “fruits” of the Holy Land and to consume four cups of wine. Today, Tu B’shvat is a way for us to acknowledge our responsibility to the world’s environment and that it is up to us to care for it. It also affords us an additional opportunity to strengthen our ties to Israel. So this year, purchase another tree for Israel or purchase and consume products produced in Israel. Why don’t you purchase one of Israel’s fine kosher wines and have it with your dinner. What a great way to commemorate Rosh Hashanah La’Ilanot 2015. Shalom, Rabbi Grundfast Rabbi’s Reminders Talmud Class Sundays, February 8, 15, & 22, 10:30 AM to 12 Noon We will begin studying in Talmud from the 10th chapter of Massechet Sanhedrin. The subject matter deals with the resurrection of the dead, what the days of the Messiah will be like, and other topics dealing with heaven and hell. New students are always welcome. For more information contact Rabbi Grundfast at 330.864.2105 or [email protected]. Lunch and Learn February 10, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 PM At the Law Offices of Goldman-Rosen If you want to order lunch, the cost is $11. Please contact Karen James at [email protected]. Wikipedia states, “According to Hebrew University Geographer Ilan Salomon, the Green Line can be discerned via satellite, marked by the Jewish National Fund pine forests planted to demarcate Israeli space.” When you view the photo Young Family Shabbat Program and Dinner February 20, 5:30 PM A Shabbat program for families with school age children up to fourth grade. Shabbat dinner sponsored by The Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation. Please RSVP to Erin Katz Ford at [email protected]. BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION Love is in the Air… Martin Oppenheimer, President As the Torah states, "you shall love one another as you love yourself...” Love is the glue, the nurturer, and its meaning reflects respect, working and building together and caring for our congregational family. Love means building a long term structural foundation, making adjustments for betterment, demonstrating flexibility and finding compatible solutions when change is necessary. At Beth El, we are experiencing many manageable adjustments whose benefits will be appreciated by the entire congregation. As you already know, Marsha Friedman has accepted the position of transitional consultant and will function as the interim office administrator for 90 days as of January 5, 2015 with an option for renewal. She will assist us in evaluating and determining the needs of the permanent position and will work closely with the officers and staff while reporting to me. This transitional approach is consistent with Rabbi Herring's earlier recommendations. Erin Katz Ford, Director of Synagogue Education and Programming, is an outstanding employee and will begin full time Cantor’s CD employment with us as of February 2, 2015 in the same position. Prior to this, she split her time with Beth El and the JCC. Now Erin can spend additional time in the areas of marketing, outreach and long term planning, and will provide backup to the office administrator position. This change again is consistent with Rabbi Herring's suggestions and will greatly benefit our congregation. Our long time computer volunteer, Dr. Leonard Sweet, has developed a summary recommendation on the needs of our system which would upgrade its capabilities. Dr. Sweet has been our quiet mainstay for many years and is retiring from this task. All of us are greatly indebted to him for his efforts, vision, patience, training and generosity. Our systems will continue to function while a task group will review alternatives in conjunction with Marsha's recommendations. In order to secure our future as a congregation and promote positive change, we have developed a culture to deal with each other with patience, respect and loving kindness. Loving kindness in our relationships with one another, flexibility and sharing ideas and understanding in this time of necessary change yield growth toward our future. Of course, your spirit of volunteerism is needed more than ever and is most appreciated as we evolve. Thanks for your support. Shalom. Marty Cantor Karen Berman enriched us with her participation for Sisterhood Shabbat. Anyone interested in purchasing her CD can contact Andrea Rabinovitz at 920.366.2426 or e-mail [email protected]. The price is $18 and checks can be made payable to Congregation Shalom. Page 5 March 1 4 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 13 15 15 16 17 20 21 22 22 23 24 28 29 Talmud Class Megillah Reading Services at Chambrel Mini-Minyan Preschool Talmud Class Judaism 101 Hebrew School Lunch & Learn Board Meeting Togetherness Shabbat Knitzvah Talmud Class Taste of Torah Hebrew School Young Family Shabbat Synaplex Shabbat Preschool Talmud Class Judaism 101 Hebrew School Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Sterns Talmud Class April 4 5 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 17 18 19 19 20 25 26 26 27 28 Community Seder Passover Service, 9:15 AM Office Closed Passover Service, 9:15 AM Yizkor Preschool Talmud Class Judaism 101 Lunch & Learn Hebrew School Board Meeting Young Family Shabbat Bat Mitzvah of Emma Henry Knitzvah Talmud Class Taste of Torah Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Mastrantonio Preschool Talmud Class Judaism 101 Hebrew School May 1 Jewish & Public Affairs Forum May 2 Mini Minyan Page 6 BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION Contributions ALEXANDER & LILLIAN MEDOFF MUSIC FUND LOUIS & BECKY LOCKSHIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND STEPHEN M. GROSS MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of Michelle Levin from Mr. and Mrs. Emory Michelle Levin from Susan and Jim Osherow, Lillian Gross from Sharon and Marvin Halpern Geller, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stein Linda and Michael Osherow Stephen Gross from Sharon and Marvin Dorothy Schwartz from Bernard and Charlotte In Honor of Halpern Schwartz Michelle Levin from Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gross Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson from Ruth Unger from Mr. and Mrs. Emory Geller, Ruth Unger from Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gross Susan and Jim Osherow Sedell and Bernard Kamenir Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Steinberger from SYNAGOGUE In Honor of Susan and Jim Osherow FUND 50th anniversary of Harvey and Ronni Sterns Barbara Good for her many wonderful years of from Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stein service to Beth El from Jim and Susan In Memory of In honor of the 60th anniversary of Sid and Osherow Helen Benson from the Benson family Shirley Zetzer from Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stein Herman Benson from the Benson family PRAYER BOOK Barbara Good for her many years of service to Jay Bernten from Dr. John and Patty Saks FUND Beth El Congregation from Dr. and Mrs. Robert Maurice Bleiman from Arnold Bleiman Stein Jean Broida from Laurel Gress A Prayer Book has been inscribed: In honor of Cantor Stephen Stein for his many In Memory of Francine Freedman from Ellie and Jay Minkin, years of service to Beth El Congregation from Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richman Raphael Pesso from Esther and Jacques Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stein Sarah Goldstein from Elinor Borodkin and Sardas family CANTOR’S Michelle Levin from Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Saferstein, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stone, Sid and Shirley Zetzer, Laurel Gress, Joy Epstein, In Memory of DISCRETIONARY FUND Marilyn Mirman, Hal and Greta Foster, Bill Michael Cutler from Hope Winer and family In Memory of Levenson, Kim Strausser and Michael Miller, Michelle Levin from Hope Winer Michelle Levin from JoEllen and Joe Kodish Bonnie and Randy Cohen, Rachelle Korland In Honor of CHOIR and Jerry Wolf, Shirley Snyder, Sylvia Rabbi and Mrs. Grundfast and Beth El FUND Malcmacher, Marsha Friedman, Libby Portnoy, Congregants from Kevin S. Adelstein David Sokol, Gayle Nelkin, Joyce and Martin In Memory of 55th anniversary of JoEllen and Joe Kodish Levin, Robert and Charlotte Pollock, Susan Michelle Levin from Harriet and Sherwin from Ted and Rolinda Schneiderman Kellner,Sandy and Jerry Schneier, Lynne Ruben, Ted and Rolinda Schneiderman In Appreciation Weinberger, Ellie and Jay Minkin, Sid and Helen Tucker from Kevin Tucker Many thanks for all of the Leagrams and good Shirley Zetzer, Sheila and Marty Gottlieb, th Kate Yablon from Warren and Joie Yablon wishes on our 55 wedding anniversary. Your Martha Jenkins, Patti Lampert, Phil and Livia thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated from EDUCATION Kades, Alice and Ed Schneider, Sandra JoEllen and Joe Kodish Levenson, Bob and Eileen Blattner FUND REMO 2000 Miriam Mermelstein from Sid and Andrea In Memory of Steinberger BUILDING FUND Marcus Cohen from Esther and Larry Hexter Manny Nackes from Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Michelle Levin from Carl Lieberman In Memory of Richman Sadye Mirman from Sybil Gertz Michelle Levin from Dr. John and Patty Saks, Frances Peiner from Jackie Derron Ruth Unger from John and Beth Lawton, Burt Esther and Larry Hexter Meyer Rein from Sheila and Marty Gottlieb and Lois Nobil, Carl Lieberman REVEREND PHILLIP SALZMAN Bernard Steinberger from Andrea and Sid For Recovery of Steinberger Ellen Winer from Lillian Katz SCHOLARSHIP FUND Ruth Unger from Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sanford Rose from Burt and Lois Nobil In Memory of Saferstein, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stone, David In Honor of Irving Kallick from Myrna Berzon Sokol, Andrea and Sid Steinberger, Marty and th 50 wedding anniversary of Harvey and Ronni Jeannette Kallick from Myrna Berzon Sherry Hellman, Hal and Greta Foster, Phil and Sterns from Laurel Gress Bertha Kodish from Roslyn and Gerald Livia Kades, Sandy and Jerry Schneier, Sid Thingelstad HAKOAH CLUB and Shirley Zetzer, Dick and Arlene Rossen, Ruth Unger from Charlotte Heisler and family Sheila and Marty Gottlieb, Joy Epstein, Sandra EDUCATION FUND For Recovery of Levenson For Recovery of Ellen Winer from Herb Wise Tikvah Weis from Laurel Gress Ellen Winer from JoEllen and Joe Kodish For Recovery of SIMON KOPELSON IRVING BOTNICK Steve Botnick from Sid and Andrea Steinberger, SCHOLARSHIP FUND Marty and Sherry Hellman Alice and Ed EDUCATION FUND In Memory of Schneider, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richman For Recovery of Michelle Levin from Gloria Slavin Ellen Winer from Sid and Andrea Steinberger, Steve Botnick from JoEllen and Joe Kodish BULLETIN OF BETH EL CONGREGATION Alice and Ed Schneider Debbie Zelin from Alice and Ed Schneider, Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richman In Honor of Special birthday of Berny Gertz from Maxine Gertz Special birthday of Dr. Irv Kauvar from Sid and Andrea Steinberger, Steve and Leslie Lapidus Special birthday of Bud Sabetay from Sid and Andrea Steinberger 60th anniversary of Ted and Rolinda Schneiderman from Sid and Andrea Steinberger, Steve and Leslye Lapidus, Randy Barnett Engagement of Rachel Zelin from Sid and Andrea Steinberger Marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Steinberger from Dr. John and Patty Saks 90th birthday of Lillian Katz from Edith Zwiebel Engagement of Francine Gottlieb from Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richman Birth of great grandson, Jack, to Beverly Rose from Ed and Alice Schneider Engagement of Deana Stein and Joe Page 7 Grundfast from Sid and Shirley Zetzer Special birthday of Rita Lockshin from Sid and Shirley Zetzer 55th anniversary of JoEllen and Joe Kodish from Rick and Perach Kodish Marriage of Emily and Mike Prioletti from Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richman Thank you for your generous contributions. Audrey York, Sarah Sterns, Olivia Mastrantonio, Maya Cohen, Rachel Simonton, and Sam York Education Program Notes Audrey and Sam York Join us as we celebrate Tu B'Shevat on Wednesday, Feb. 4 at 7 PM SHEMITA – DOES IT STILL HAVE MEANING IN 2015? The sabbath year (shmita Hebrew: שמיטה, literally "release") also called the sabbatical year or sheviit (Hebrew: שביעית, literally "seventh") is the seventh year of the seven-year agricultural cycle mandated by the Torah for the Land of Israel, and is still observed in contemporary Judaism. fruits which grow of their own accord are deemed hefker (ownerless) and may be picked by anyone. A variety of laws also apply to the sale, consumption and disposal of shmita produce. All debts, except those of foreigners, were to be remitted. (Wikipedia) During shmita, the land is left to lie fallow and all Our teacher for the evening will be Rabbi Eddie Sukol and agricultural activity, including plowing, planting, pruning, we will discuss: and harvesting, is forbidden by halakha (Jewish law). Other How does Israel, a modern day country deal with the Other cultivation techniques, such ancient laws of shmita? as watering, fertilizing, weeding, What lessons might we learn from the law of shmita as it spraying, trimming and mowing, relates to modern day farming and providing food for all may be performed as a of us? preventative measure only, not to And is Tu B'shvat much more than simply planting trees improve the growth of trees or in Israel? other plants. Additionally, any Rabbi Eddie Sukol founded The Shul, Cleveland's Open Synagogue, in 2007. His previous rabbinical appointments include service as the Hillel Director at Ohio University, the Director of Pastoral Care at the Montefiore Home and NCJW Hospice and as a congregational rabbi for twelve years in the Cleveland suburbs. And he loves the fresh eggs he gets from his own chickens. And there will be plenty of tu b'shvat goodies to enjoy! Judy Grundfast will liven up the evening with songs and ruach. Please RSVP to Erin at 330.864.2105 or [email protected] PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AKRON, OHIO BETH EL CONGREGATION 750 WHITE POND DRIVE AKRON, OHIO 44320 Passover Candy Fundraiser Beth El will be selling Passover Candy this year during the month of February and the beginning of March. All proceeds will go towards youth activities. Order forms are available in the office. Out of town? Want to send some Passover treats? Orders can also be completed on line at www.misschocolate.com. Visit the online store and use code 703250 along with your order so Beth El receives the credit Sisterhood News What a beautiful and inspiring Shabbat we had this year for Sisterhood Shabbat! Thank you to all of our congregants who braved the cold to come out Friday night and Saturday morning. As always the Potluck was delicious. Thank you to Andrea Rabinovitz for chairing the event and helping arrange for her sister to be our guest Cantor. I especially want to thank Cantor Karen Berman, from Congregation Shalom in Milwaukee, for sharing her gifts of music and thoughtful words of Torah. I know that many of us had the melodies singing in our heads for the rest of the weekend. It was also wonderful to hear how warmly welcomed our congregants made Cantor Berman feel. Please remember that the third Monday of the month is our Sisterhood Torah Study Group, Taste of Torah. On February 16th we are honored to have Rabbi Joan Friedman as our guest teacher. The topic is Miriam, her many gifts and challenges as a woman leader in the Torah. Please join us at 7:00 PM at the home of Julie Katz, 3869 Royal Rock Road, Copley. Looking ahead to March, we will be meeting on March 16th. Our topic will be Esther, location to be announced. Mark your calendars for our Sisterhood Donor Event on Wednesday evening, February 25th at 6:00 PM at Beth El. Please join us for a delicious dinner with a speaker. This event is open to everyone. Please support this important fundraiser for Sisterhood.
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