February 2015 Newsletter - Carroll County Public Schools

Scorpion Scoop - February, 2015
Sykesville Middle School ● 7301 Springfield Avenue ● Sykesville, MD 21784 ● (410) 751-3545 ● (410) 751-3573 ● http://www.carrollk12.org/sml
Message from the Principal
What’s in this Newsletter!!!
• Message from the Principal
• Counselor’s Corner
- Spotlight on Character
- FBI Award
- Career Day
• Nurse’s Notes:
- New Vaccination
- Reye’s Syndrome
 Media Beat
 MP 2 Honor Roll
• SGA News
• Info for Everyone
- SMS vs. ORMS Basketball
- Talent Show
- Bus Riders
- Yearbooks
- Summer Enrichment
- CompuKids
 School Reward Programs
 2016 Grecian Odyssey
 Volunteer Training Dates
 PTO Scrip Program
 Chick-fil-A Night 2/4/15
 Bounce Around Fundraiser
 GT Musical “Pinocchio Jr.”
Dear Parents,
We are into February and beginning the second half of the school year. Students will
be challenged to remain focused on completing a successful third term. Outdoor
School will begin for our 6th grade students and run through the end of February.
Congratulations to our 7th grade students on winning the On Line Safety award from
the FBI. Students participated in cyber safety course work delivered by our school
counselors, Mrs. Sherry Brown, Mrs. Kellie Graham, and intern Ms. Kate Castle. A
test was given upon completion of the program, and Sykesville Middle School placed
first among other schools in the nation.
The following teachers from our school have been nominated by either students or
parents for the Carroll County Outstanding Teacher Award: Mrs. Amy Brown, Mrs.
Kimburly Crum-Derr, Ms. Diana Duda, Mrs. Kimmie Edwards, Mrs. Rebecca Ellis, Ms.
Amber Geiger, Ms. Amy Levine, Mr. Jon Lowe, Mr. Michael Passen, and Mrs. Carol
Schaper. Congratulations to our nominated teachers and thank you to those that
nominated them.
I appreciate all your efforts to make school attendance a priority and encouraging your
student to attend school as much as possible. Attendance is an important part of
being a successful student. Completing missed work can be difficult, while also trying
to complete the most recent assigned work. Students that attend every day tend to
stay on top of their workload and, ultimately, have better performance. This is
reflected in better grades and a successful, happier child. Hopefully, wintry weather
and the flu, like we experienced in December, won’t have too much impact as we go
through February and move closer to spring.
This month will be busy and filled with many activities. Please take a few minutes to
look at the calendar of events posted on our web page to see all that is happening at
Sykesville Middle in February.
 February Lunch Menu
Ralph K. Billings
Spotlight on Character
New this school year, Sykesville Middle will be focusing our spotlight on three specific traits Respect, Responsibility, and Resiliency. The following students were selected as “Character Ed
Students of the Month” for December and January. They will make a special appearance on our
student-run, live TV segment “Spotlight on Character”. The students will be recognized by Mr.
Billings and they will say a few words about why they were selected. Congratulations to:
Team 1
Jillian Haudenshield
Hayden Hebert
Hunter Sherman
Team 2
Megan Brennan
Kate Grimsley
Michael Good
Team 3
Het Shaw
Tyler Brady
Josh Tedesco
Team 4
Drake Hornburg
Noah Baran
Nathaniel Kitchen
Team 5
Andrew Fleming
Adrianna Wood
Emma Neiswender
Team 6
Sophie True
Lindsay Rosato
Wayne Poole
Team 7
Morgan Ditton
Jeffrey Cottman
Thomas Hagg
Team 8
Jared Lamb
Jess Mosholder
Brendan Graham
Team 9
Bennett Bodnar
Ripley Vichot
Leigha Jackson
Team 1
Naquima Padilla
Jaedon Martinsen
Nicholas Lowry
Team 2
Elise We
Meredith Lowry
Phoenix Schofield
Team 3
Tasha White
Adam Ritz
Labeed Toor
Team 4
Jenna Naumann
Kasey Rogers
Morgan Williams
Team 5
Alex Kristian
Grace Bruce
Evelyn Henriques
Team 6
Brianna Kessler
Garrett Thorpe
Shea Thayer
Team 7
Nico Panagiotopoulos
Kristin Roberts
Brianna Townsend
Team 8
Vincent Sabatino
Valentine Faway
Grace Debelius
Team 9
Jenna Winter
Jessica McClelland
Theo Johnson
Would you like to watch Spotlight on Character and Scorpion TV on your computer at home? Just go
to the SMS website at http://www.carrollk12.org/sml. Click on the Media Center tab and then the
Electronic Resources tab.
On Friday, January 23, 2015, the FBI presented Sykesville Middle School with the above
certificate for its outstanding achievement in the FBI’s Safe Online Surfing (SOS) program. Sykesville received the top score for November 2014 compared to other schools
in the nation.
Sykesville Middle School counselors Sherry Brown, Kellie Graham, and McDaniel College
intern, Kate Castle, taught a cyber-safety lesson to 7th grade students featuring the program from the FBI website. The Safe Online Surfing (SOS) program is designed to help
schools teach cyber safety. The free program, developed with help from the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children, is grade-specific and offers six “islands” with
different games geared towards various aspects of cyber security.
Topics are age-appropriate, meet state and federal internet safety mandates, and include
topics such as cyberbullying, netiquette, social media and gaming. Students also view
short videos developed around cyber security themes and discuss what they have
learned and how they can apply these lessons to their experiences online. There is an
exam for each grade level and top-scoring schools are recognized by the FBI through inclusion on the site’s leaderboard.
Career Day Presenters Wanted
We’re looking for enthusiastic adults to talk to our 8th graders about their profession during our Career Day.
Career Day will take place on Friday, March 27th from 9:30-11:30. Presenters will speak to small groups of
students for 20 minute sessions. If you’re interested in presenting, or would like to know more, please
contact Kellie Graham, 8th grade Counselor, at (410) 751-3545 or [email protected] by Tuesday,
March 17th. You may also complete and return the parent interest letter on the next page.
Below are listed some of the career fields that we would like to have represented:
Veterinary Medicine
Culinary Arts
Physical Therapy
Auto Repair
Fire & Rescue
Fashion Design
Computer Programming
Law Enforcement
Sykesville Middle School
7301 Springfield Ave
Sykesville, MD 21784
410-751-3573 (Fax)
Ralph Billings
Christopher Merson
Assistant Principal
Dear Parents:
We would like to invite you or a representative from your organization to share your knowledge and talents with our
eighth grade students during our Career Day at Sykesville Middle School on March 27, 2015.
The Career Day will give students the opportunity to become acquainted with job possibilities in a number of fields.
The Career Day will also give potential, future employers the opportunity to explain to students their expectations regarding education, training, and issues such as attendance and attitude on the job.
We will begin the day’s activities at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 11:30 p.m. Breakfast will be provided. The number of
businesses participating will determine the schedule, the number of times presenting, and how many students in the
sessions. You will be notified of these particulars.
We need to hear from you. Please return the bottom form to your child’s homeroom teacher by March 17th, 2015.
Thank you in advance for your support. We know that your presentation will be valuable.
Kellie Graham, Maria Smith, Liz Kimble, Jan Davies
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
_______________________________________will be able to participate in Sykesville Middle School’s Career Day.
The career I will be presenting is_______________________________. The e-mail or number where I can be reached
during the day is___________________________.
Nurse’s Notes:
We are about to start the second month of 2015 and I would like to help everyone try to stay healthy! There are some
basic measures that children and adults can take to make this happen. Everyone needs to cover their mouth and nose
when they cough or sneeze. If you have used your hands in this process, your hands must be washed thoroughly with
soap and water. There are plenty of cold viruses, streptococcus, and flu viruses around. Please remember not to give aspirin to your children if they have flu symptoms since it may cause Reye’s Syndrome. (See the next page for additional information on Reye’s Syndrome.). It’s not too late to get a flu shot!
I am asking for help from all of our students, parents and staff members to change the environment at Sykesville Middle
School. The use of very fragrant hand sanitizers, perfumes and deodorants is causing adults and students at our school to
develop headaches, asthma attacks and allergic reactions. I am asking everyone to be conscious of the products they use.
We cannot have any spritz (spray) or aerosol products used at school. The best way to clean hands is by washing them
with soap and water. There are plenty of bathrooms in our school where this can be accomplished.
The regulations covering school immunizations have changed for the school year 2015.
In order to begin the school year 2015-2016 all incoming 7th grade students will be required to have:
1 dose of Tdap vaccine
1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine
If your child does not have written proof of these vaccinations, they will be excluded from school. Please check with your
physician to schedule these vaccinations prior to the start of the school year. If you have any questions, please give me a
Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns about your child. I write in the agenda portion of their handbook if
they have been in to see me.
Beth Harkins, BSN
School Nurse
Battle of the Books
Mark your Calendars!
March 20, 2015
Mount Airy Middle School
The Battle of the Books will take place on March 20, 2015. Sykesville Middle School will be sending
four teams to this awesome competition and celebration of reading. Come cheer on our teams! Bring
your friends … we can’t wait to see you there!
Black-Eyed Susan Challenge Continues!
It’s not too late to participate in the Black Eyed Susan Reading Challenge! Your student can easily
join in this program. It is simple. Read a title on the nominated list below. Once a title is read,
just visit the Media Center in the morning and take an easy quiz to verify which book has been
read. Once the student has read 3 or more - he or she is invited to our celebration in April.
The following students and staff have read at least 3 of the nominated books:
Nabeeha Abbas
Daniel Arriola
Kaleigh Bishop
Haley Dickinson
Kaitlyn Evans
Everett Holcombe
Caroline Kennel
Caroline Mastria
Genevieve McClelland
Jessica McClelland
Emma Reilly *
Sabina Stanger
Bricca *
Paulsgrove *
Snead *
Whitlow *
* Congratulations to these students and staff members! They have read ALL 10 books!
2014-2015 Black-Eyed Susan Nominees “After Iris” by Natasha Farrant
“On the Day I Died” by Candace Fleming
“The Neptune Project” by Polly Holyoke
“Titanic: Voices from the Disaster” by Deborah Hopkinson
“Far Far Away” by Tom NcNeal
“Eddie’s War” by Carol Fisher Saller
“Counting by 7’s” by Holly Goldberg Thompson
“The Girl from Felony Bay” by J.E. Thompson
“Four Secrets” by Margaret Willey
“Poison” by Bridget Zinn
Congratulations to the following students who made the honor roll for the second
marking period. Way to go Scorpions!
Nabeeha Abbas
Maria Acaron
Robert Adams
Minahil Ahmad
Chidima Ahulamibe
Kelechukwu Ahulamibe
Ethan Almquist
Owen Almquist
Alyson Alter
Lexi Amerault
Alyssa Amicone
Alexis Anderson
Grace Anderson
Daniel Arriola
Ashley Asiedu
Adrian Auber
Chamarr Auber
Cole Avery
Charles Bailey
Danielle Baker
Kyleigh Baker
Andrew Baran
Nicholas Baran
Noah Baran
Jesse Barkley
Abby Barnes
Kaylee Barry
Madison Barry
Zachary Barry
Kamryn Barth
Isabella Battish
Tyler Batts
Hannah Bauer
Briannah Beall
Janine Beall
Samantha Beall-Dennell
Ashley Beheler
William Bentley
Dimitri Berry
Wiktoria Bilich
Henry Birger
Bennett Bodner
Gillian Boline
Matthew Born
Molly Born
Margaret Bornyek
Grace Bosley
Mathew Bosley
Grace Boyd
Tyler Brady
Nicholas Breden
Conner Breitenbach
Megan Brennan
Anna Bresnahan
Owen Brewer
Isabella Brothers
Kenton Brown
Rachel Brown
Grace Bruce
Landon Bruce
Chett Brunner
Cole Brunner
Angelina Bruno
Hailey Buckingham
Karine Cabrera
Matthew Cady
William Callan
Sophie Callaway
Ryan Campbell
Matthew Canedo
Matthew Capria
Summer Carbaugh
Olivia Carlile
Emily Carver
Pierce Carver
Jessica Case
Joseph Case
Aiden Cass
Cameron Ciampaglia
Mary Cimmerer
Brenden Cline
Teagan Cline
Matthew Coates
Nickolas Colby
Lauren Cole
Angelina Coleianne
Samantha Coles
Lily Conaway
Kaitlin Conway
John Coonts
Spencer Copley
Madeline Cornew
Conor Coughlin
Aiden Coyle
Ryan Cozzolino
Daniel Crognale
Joshua Cromwell
Nathan Crouse
Caroline Dallam
Hailey Daniels
Marilyn Davidson
Grace Debelius
Jack DeHart
Megan DeHart
Brennan Deibel
Jordan Deibel
Andrew DeKowski
Grace Delgado
Jackson Dellamar
Alyssa DeMeulenaere
Andrew DeShong
Madison Deutsch
Arjoneel Dhar
Wyatt Dickey
Haley Dickinson
Austin Diehl
Jacob Diehl
Ashlee Dietzel
Jessica Diorio
Hannah Dore
Hannah Duke
Ethan Durborow
Madison Eckert
Joshua Edwards
Michael Engles
Jane Evans
Kaitlyn Evans
Allison Everton
Nessa Fafard
Dylan Fair
Valentine Faway
Zachary Fenton
Charles Ferguson
Heather Ferguson
Catherine Fischer
Andrew Fleming
Noah Fondiller
Caleb Ford
Gavin Freedman
Sarah French
Mia Friz
Alexa Fucello
Lorna Gaffney
Payton Gams
Megan Gates
Courtney Gehr
Paul Geiger
Christopher Gernand
Chase Gladden
Jackson Glenn
Daniel Gokoyev
Michael Good
Tyler Gordon
William Gounaris
Austin Graham
Brendan Graham
Alexander Grasso
Samantha Grasso
Amber Greenbaum
Elise Greenwald
Congratulations to the following students who made the honor roll for the second
marking period. Way to go Scorpions!
Abigail Greffe
Connor Greffen
Kate Grimsley
Henry Grosh
Katherine Guillen
Matthew Guyer
Charles Hackett
Kevin Hackett
Andrew Hagg
Dylan Hairfield
Demma Hall
Riordan Hall
Tierney Hall
John Hallman
Hannah Ham
Cole Hamlett
Macy Hamlett
Alexis Hamrlik
Katelynn Hanson
Michael Harrigan
Hunter Harris
Olivia Harrison
Emma Hartzog
Christina Haspert
Kayla Hatmaker
Jillian Haudenshield
William Heffernan
Sophia Heller
Kayleigh Hiles
Devin Hobby
Jason Hobson
Mason Hofmeister
Everett Holcombe
Claire Hollinger
Ella Hollinger
Drake Hornburg
Rachel Hornock
Benjamin Hroblak
Christopher Hrones
Benjamin Huber
Kaitlyn Huber
Mary Huber
Matthew Huber
Stephen Hurst
Amanda Huynh
Destiny Iampieri
Eric Janyska
Thelonious Johnson
Benjamin Johnston
Chloe Jones
Christine Jones
Jacob Jones
Kailyn Jones
Kelsey Jones
Nathan Jones
Zipporah Jones-Hamlin
Isabel Kachik
Shane Kalmbach
Elizabeth Kane
Madeline Keffer
Garrett Kemp
Caroline Kennell
James Kessler
Brianna Kessler
Bryce Kessler
Vincent Kessler
Bismi Khan
Jacob Kidd
Justin Kidwell
Emily King
Samuel King
Autumn Knight
Christian Knox
Hannah Koller
Alena Kowalewski
Nicole Kowalewski
Connor Krausman
Sarah Krausman
Alexander Kristian
Andrew Kristian
Kyle Kropfelder
Brett Kropinski
Lauren Krueger-Soles
Emma Lach
Logan Lach
Jaclyn LaFever
Adam Lahr
Jared Lamb
Karalynn Lang
Madison Lansinger
Madison Laufer
Gloria Ledesma Pacheco
Amber Lee
Kendall Lee
Erika Leimkuhler
Isabelle Leimkuhler
Sophia Leiva
Madison Lester
Hunter Little
Harris Long
Brayden Loughran
Aiden Lovelace
Addison Lucas
McKenzie Lucas
Ryan Lustig
Cade MacFee
Heather MacMaster
Kacie Madron
Kaylie Magill
Samantha Malin
Bethany Malinoski
Justin Mallow
Alexander Marbut
Evan Marcinko
Meredith Marlatt
Sean Marlatt
Kellan Marriott
Gina Martin
Halle Martin
Suzanna Martin
Emma Mason
Madeleine Mason
Caroline Mastria
Emma Mathews
Destin Matthews
Kara Maurantonio
Genevieve McClelland
Jessica McClelland
Abigail McCusker
Cypress McGinty
Emma McGraw
Danielle McIltrot
Jacob McInturff
Emmaline McKinney
Alexis McLaughlin
Clare McMahon
Kyle McMahon
Aidan McNulty
Sterling Mead
Reagan Mee
Anne Messerschmidt
Ryan Miller
Evan Montgomery
Jordan Moore
Sade Moore
Jacob Morey
Thomas Morey
Dylan Morris
Summer Morrison
Jessica Mosholder
Mason Motter
Emilia Mower
Hogan Mower
Brianna Muchella-Prata
Caleigh Mullinix
Cooper Myers
Michael Napolitano
Bobby Neeley
Emma Neiswender
Alexandra Nelson
Congratulations to the following students who made the honor roll for the second
marking period. Way to go Scorpions!
HK Nguyen
Julia Noll
Angellia Norris
Juliette Norris
Shanklyn Norwood
Curtis Oliver
Paul Olson
Kylie Opatovsky
Colby Owings
Naquima Padilla Hernandez
Sean Palmer
Justin Pape
Luke Parrish
Natalie Peay
Jennifer Peck
Mapuana Pekelo
Hailey Perry
Caitlin Pfarr
Luca Piccirilli
Luke Piecewicz
Daniel Pineiro
Madeline Plank
Alistair Polk
Charleise Polk
Stephanie Poole
Andrew Porter
Katie Porter
Kayla Porter
Abigail Poulton
Madison Presley
Dylan Pruitt
Ivan Purdin
Lucas Rachlinski
Adam Radinsky
Joshua Raico
Emma Reilly
Joseph Rekus
Maria Rekus
Amelia Renehan
Connor Renehan
Blake Revay
Jared Revay
Brendon Riley
Noah Riley
Adam Ritz
Benjamin Ritz
Corey Roach
Angelina Robins
Jorja Rodgers
Kasey Rogers
Ryan Rolfes
Elizabeth Romie
Ariel Ronayne
Lindsay Rosato
Molly Rosewag
Ashlynn Rowan
Faith Rowan
Rachel Rubenstein
Brian Rusk
Emily Rusk
Tyler Rutledge
Vincent Sabatino
Josiah Samuel
Selena Sandbank
Camren Santos
Nicholas Sanzone
Anthony Sarceno
Andrew Sarver
Olivia Scesney
Joshua Schamber
Jordan Schemm
Mallory Scheurer
Matthew Scheurer
Jacob Schlaich
Phoenix Schofield
Suzanna Schofield
Jordan Seidel
Samantha Seledee
Nicholas Serio
Amelia Seufert
Het Shah
Leah Sharkey
Nikolas Shaw
Joyce Shepherd
Hunter Sherman
Andrew Sien
Devon Sikkenga
Nicholas Simon
Sarah Simon
Zachary Skiles
McKenzie Smith
Natalie Smith
Sophia Smith
Allyson Smolley
Chloe Sobchak
Hannah Sobchak
Olivia Sobchak
Maxwell Sofianek
Rachel Spera
Nalina Stallard
Nadalia Stanger
Sabina Stanger
Julia Stanley
Bayler Stewart
Camden Stewart
Paige Stewart
Emily Streett
Conor Sullivan
Devon Sutherland
Joshua Tedesco
Olivia Tedesco
Gabrielle Thorne
Garrett Thorpe
Delaney Tofil
Jena Tolley
Luke Tolley
Labeed Toor
Carter Truby
Sophie True
Myron Truesdale
Lillian Uecker
Carolyn Upshaw
Adam Usi
Nathan Usi
Ashley Vajo
Bailey Valdes
Nina Valentine
Emerson Vichot
Ripley Vichot
Grace Vincent
Alexa Vintz
Benjamin Voigt
Brittni Walter
Justin Walters
Marie Walters
Mackenzie Ward
Dylan Wardle
Elise We
Hannah We
Josh Webber
Lauren Welch
Anna Welsh
Sarah Welsh
Tasha White
Matthew Wilcox
Matthew Williams
Ellie Winson
Jenna Winter
Aaron Wolcott
Micaela Wolcott
Judith Wolf
Miles Wolfe
Lindsey Wolfsheimer
Ryan Wowkanyn
Noel Wright-Foster
Marklin Yi
Elena Yockman
Emma Yockman
Celeste Young
Cymone Young
Lindsay Young
Olivia Zepp
Ainsley Zuber
Jack Zulick
Zachary ZumBrunnen
Five Guys Fundraiser
We had a fundraiser at Five Guys in October. Anyone who said they were from Sykesville Middle, a percent
of their purchase went towards our school. We raised about $350 for the SGA.
Winter Wonder Week
The five days before winter break our school had a week where each day was assigned something related to
winter or Christmas/Hanukah. We asked the whole school to participate by wearing holiday sweaters, white
out, pajama day, holiday colors, and holiday hats. Pajama day seemed to be the favorite!
Adopt a Family
For the holiday season, our school adopted about 12 families. We asked the Sykesville students to bring in
gifts for the families such as clothing, deodorant, toiletries, and kitchen appliances. The SGA members, with
SHOUT, then took the gifts and wrapped and delivered them to the families. They were very grateful, and
would like to thank the entire student body for the donations.
Canned Food Drive
Our canned food drive has been extended to Wednesday 2/4/15. We are encouraging the entire student body
to donate items that we can then give to people who really need them. Donations will stock the food pantry
located in our school. The homeroom from each grade who donates the most products will earn a homework
Valentine’s Day
SGA will host a fundraiser and share the love in our school. Starting Feb. 5, we will be selling candy heart
rings and silk flowers. You can put a message on it and we will deliver it to your Valentine on Feb. 13. Send
one to your friends, your favorite teacher, the friendly server in the cafeteria.
SAVE the DATE – A friendly game of basketball?
Sykesville Middle’s Student Government has challenged Oklahoma Road Middle School to a basketball game. This
first annual historic event will take place on Friday, April 17 at Liberty High School. Doors will open at 5:30 pm
with food for sale. The game will begin at 6:00 pm. All in the community are invited to attend. Students from
each grade will play in one quarter of the game, with 8 th grade going twice. Who will win, the Scorpions or the
Twisters?? Cheer on your favorite classmate. Tickets can be purchased for $5 at the door or during lunch the
week before the game.
Do you sing and dance?
Can you juggle while whistling?
Get your act together!
Sykesville Middle’s annual talent show will be Saturday, May 16 at 7:00 pm at Century High School.
Auditions will take place after Spring Break, but that is not too far away. Pick your music, learn the words,
choreograph your dance moves. Or at least plan to attend this exciting school event.
Save the Date – May 16 – You will Remember me for Centuries!!
Bus Riders
ATTENTION: Students and Parents!
Students may NOT ride buses other than those to which they are regularly assigned.
Riding another bus without prior written approval by the administration will result in a Bus
Referral. In the event of an emergency, riding another bus may be permitted with prior
written approval by the administration; following a written request and notification by both sets of parents/
guardians involved.
The safety of our students remains a primary concern and it is critical that students not get on or off of
their assigned bus at any stop other than the stop designated by CCPS Transportation. This action also
warrants a Bus Referral and may result in the termination of bus riding privileges.
Yearbook sales began the last week of January.
Orders may be placed by paper order form
through school, or online. Paper order forms
were sent home the last week of January and are
due no later than March 6, 2015. Online orders
are due no later than April 10, 2015.
CCPS is now accepting registrations for our
2015 Summer Enrichment Program (SEP). We
have some great new classes in addition to
many old favorites! If you've participated
previously in the SEP program, please sign up
again. If this is your first time considering
our classes, please request a program booklet
from your student’s guidance counselor and
become a part of the 400 students who
participate each year. Questions should be
directed to Mr. Dick Thompson, Coordinator,
at [email protected]. BE A PART OF
The Carroll Technology Council (CTC) is pleased to announce its partnership with Carroll
County Public Schools (CCPS) in a joint venture to collect and distribute refurbished donated
mobile devices to students in need. This program will be used in conjunction with the CTC’s
CompuKids program and CCPS’s “Bring Your Own Mobile Device” (BYOD) program which was
approved and implemented in secondary schools and piloted in several elementary schools this
Level II Volunteers (classroom helpers, tutors, chaperones, mentors, etc.) are required to attend an annual training session at least seven
(7) school days prior to volunteering. School days are defined as days when schools are open for students. Volunteer training obtained
during the 2013-2014 school year expired September 30, 2014. Please note: Prompt arrival for training sessions is required, so please
allow adequate travel time in order to arrive before the presentation begins. Attendees must be present for the entire presentation because volunteer training is an annual compliance requirement. You will need to attend another presentation if the training session has
begun when you arrive. Any changes to this Training Schedule will be updated on the CCPS website at::
Safety and Security Requirement – Effective July 2014
Anyone planning to volunteer during the 2014-2015 school year must provide valid photo identification at the conclusion of the
training session.
Inclement Weather: If the snow emergency plan is in effect, CCPS Sponsored Activities are CANCELLED.
+ precedes a school event/activity
* follows a school event/activity
Please call the number provided to confirm the scheduled training session.
Mechanicsville Elementary
10:45 AM
# Runnymede Elementary
5:15 PM
William Winchester Elementary
9:30 AM
North Carroll High
6:00 PM
2/11/15 + Ebb Valley Elementary
6:00 PM
2/11/15 Oklahoma Road Middle
6:30 PM
2/11/15 Manchester Elementary
7:00 PM
2/12 /15 *Freedom Elementary
6:30 PM
2/19/15 Eldersburg Elementary
9:00 AM
2/19/15 Winfield Elementary
6:00 PM
2/24/15 Winters Mill High
6:00 PM
The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons
with regard to its employment practices and in the provision of services, programs, and activities. The CCPS does not discriminate on the
basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, or sexual
orientation. The CCPS provides non-discriminatory access to school facilities in accordance with its policies and regulations regarding the
community use of schools (including, but not limited to, the Boy Scouts). The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Gregory J. Bricca, Director of Research and Accountability, 125 North Court Street, Westminster,
Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3068.
The Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Office of Community and Media Relations at 410-751-3020 or [email protected], or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland
21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 7-1-1. Please contact the school system at
least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed. Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act
is available from the Director of Facilities or the Supervisor of Community and Media Relations: Raymond Prokop, Director of Facilities Management, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3177, or Carey Gaddis, Supervisor of Community and Media
Relations, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3020.
Fundraise for Sykesville Middle School while you do your shopping!!!
Great idea for Valentine Gifts!!
Scrip Fundraising is a program that enables families to raise money for SMS just by purchasing gift cards. Families
purchase gift cards at face value and SMS receives a rebate on the card - anywhere from 4% on a Martin’s card or
13% on a Bath And Body Works card. The purchaser pays only the amount of the card.
The Scrip Fundraising program offers over 300 of the country's biggest brands, including grocery stores (Martin’s,
Safeway, Shoppers), department stores (Macy’s, Nordstrom, Boscovs), gas stations, restaurants (Panera, Chili’s,
Dunkin Donuts, Dominos), hotels, home improvement, and more! Just by using Scrip to pay for your normal weekly
purchases, you can easily raise money for the school. Let's put your holiday shopping dollars to work!!
Gift cards can be purchased as a regular gift card or ScripNow! - an e-card delivered to your email address. If you
purchase a physical card from the SMS Scrip program, it can re-filled online at the Scrip Fundraising site and
Sykesville Middle will continue to receive fundraising dollars.
Here are the EASY steps to start shopping:
1. Go to www.shopwithscrip.com and click the "REGISTER" button at the top of the screen;
2. Click "Join a Scrip Program";
3. Enter the Sykesville Middle School Enrollment Code - 9ACEEFL83814L - by entering this code, your account will be
associated with the SMS program.
4. Hit "Register";
5. Fill in all the required personal information and choose two security challenge questions from the list and provide
5. Start SHOPPING!!
6. When you are finished shopping, check out, you can print your order form and submit it with a check made payable to SMS Scrip Program, or sign up for PrestoPay, and have the payment taken directly out of your checking
account. Your child can bring the payment and form to school and give it to their homeroom teacher. Orders are
automatically submitted to the coordinator for verification and submission. Because of shipping charges, orders will
be placed only when orders equal $300 or once a week, usually on Wednesday.
7. You will be notified when your cards have arrived - usually 5-7 days from placing the order - and arrangements
can be made to pick up the cards, or have them sent home with our child. If you choose the option to have the cards
sent home with your child, the SMS Scrip Program will not be responsible for lost or stolen cards.
Have fun fundraising!! If you have questions, contact the SMS Scrip Coordinator at [email protected].