Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT A Message from the Principal Welcome to 2015 at Hunter Sports High School! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and that the year ahead is a fantastic one for you and your families. A special welcome to all our new students and families who have joined us this year. Our Year 7 students are off to a great start and are settling well into the high school routine, making new friends and learning a lot already. We are in the midst of exciting times at Hunter Sports High School and I am excited about the positive changes ahead with the launch of the Positive Behaviour for Learning program next week (see more information further in the newsletter) and continued progress on the school’s redevelopment. I continue to be involved in fortnightly redevelopment meetings and will keep you informed via the newsletter and the school website as news comes to hand. There’s no missing the new signage for our Positive Behaviour for Learning program which launches at our school next week. Hunter Sports High’s Facebook page now has close to 1500 followers. It’s a great way to keep up to date with the latest news, achievements and events from our school. If you haven’t already liked our page, just search for ‘Hunter Sports High School – NSW DEC’ and click like! Hunter Sports High School Pacific Highway Gateshead NSW 2290 T: 4943 5755 F: 4942 2565 E: [email protected] We have also launched a new sport, Girls Rugby, in the Talented Sport Program, taking us up to 15 sports programs on offer. We are working closely with the Australian Rugby Union to develop the program and look forward to seeing some great success and achievements from our girls. For those who missed the last newsletter last year, I would like to advise that our Principal, Mrs Louise Gallagher, will be continuing in her role with ‘Local Schools Local Decisions’ for another 12 months and that I will continue in the role of Relieving Principal in 2015. Mr Trent Colley is the Deputy Principal for Years 7 & 9, while Mrs Bronya Thomas (Years 8 & 10) and Mr Mark Curry (Years 11 & 12) have been reappointed as Relieving Deputy Principals for this year. Further in the newsletter you will find information regarding bell times, our uniform shop, parking and canteen etc. We will continue to provide regular communications with our school community via this fortnightly newsletter, the school website and our Facebook page. If your email address has changed or hasn’t been provided previously, please contact the school office on 4943 5755 to ensure we have the correct contact details for you to receive all school communications. th Our school Open Night is coming up on Tuesday 24 February and I encourage all families and community members with students currently in Years 5 and 6 to come along and learn all about Hunter Sports High School and the great opportunities available to students at our school. We have a big year to look forward to at Hunter Sports High School, full of exciting new projects and programs, academic and cultural opportunities, engaging teaching and learning experiences, sporting events and competitions. I look forward to working with you this year to achieve our goal of providing a challenging and broad learning environment that balances academic excellence and sporting achievement through high expectations and community collaboration. Rachel Byrne - Relieving Principal Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Upcoming Events DATE EVENT Wed 11 February PBL Launch (Periods 3 & 4), 12pm Extension 2 English Clinic @ Newcastle Grammar School Apology Anniversary Assembly School Photos Friday 13 February Tues 17 & Wed 18 February Wed 18 February Tues 24 February Tues 27 - Fri 30 Jan Girls KO Cricket Final v Wingham Open Information Night AECG Meeting 6pm @ HSHS 2015 Bell Times Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) to Launch at HSHS The Positive Behaviour for Learning program will be officially th launched at Hunter Sports High School on Wednesday 11 February. PBL is a school-wide behaviour initiative that encourages positive behaviour from students and has been shown to improve students’ self-concept and motivation to learn, increase attendance and retention, and lead to higher academic achievement. It employs a whole school approach and we are confident it will impact positively on attitudes of the school community towards behaviour and learning. At Hunter Sports High School we will be reinforcing our core values of respect, responsibility and success and will also introduce a new student reward system to acknowledge students who exemplify these values. New signage has been placed throughout the school, from the front gates and administration building, to playgrounds, classrooms, the canteen and corridors, to reinforce the school’s expected values. The signage explains what these values mean in different school settings and how students can put the values into practice. RESPECT: Think twice, say it nice Consider others Be proud RESPONSIBILITY: Make good choices Listen and follow instructions Right place, right time SUCCESS: Set goals Aim high Celebrate achievements Parents, carers and community members are invited to attend the launch, which will be held in the HSHS Bini from 12pm. Light refreshments will be served. For further th information or to RSVP (by Monday 9 February), please contact the school office on 4943 5755. We look forward to seeing the benefits of this new program and sharing it’s successes with you as the year progresses. This year we will again run on a two week timetable, with Year 7-10 sport run on Tuesday mornings, and an early finish on Wednesdays at 1.45pm. Please note that all students who remain at school after lunch on Wednesdays can access our Homework Centre from 2.10pm-3.10pm when buses arrive. Senior TSP football, cricket and rugby league squads will train on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. All other TSP squads, senior and junior, will run on Monday (Period 1) and Wednesday (Periods 1 & 2), with training commencing at 8.30am on those days. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Around the Grounds: with Mr Colley Welcome back to all students for what is anticipated to be another fantastic year at Hunter Sports High School, in particular to our Year 7 students, any new student attending HSHS for the first time, and to the families of these students. During 2015, my role will be primarily overseeing the Year 7 and Year 9 cohorts of students. In supporting the learning of every student, Kim Hulbert will be the Learning and Support Teacher assisting with Year 7 and Margarite Lock will be the Learning and Support Teacher assisting Year 9. Kim and Margarite will devise learning support for students to improve literacy and numeracy skills as well as extended students who need to be challenged more academically. Both ladies will work in consultation with the class teachers. At the end of 2014, Head Teachers met to allocate students into classes for this year. These classes were based on academic performances throughout last year. In years 7-9, the class structure will see one academic class in each year with mixed ability classes for the remainder. With ongoing professional learning in 2015 for staff in differentiating the curriculum, our teachers are well equipped to meet the learning needs of all our wonderful students. • Attendance is another priority in 2015 that I will be keeping close contact with parents about. In consultation with Miss Kellie Rose (Attendance Coordinator), I will be monitoring Year 7 and Year 9 students arriving late to school, truanting class and students with full day absences. My focus is to have students in the ‘Right Place at the Right Time’ at all times. If your son/daughter is late to school or absent for a whole day, it is expected a note will be handed into Student services to explain this absence. Looking forward to a great year of academic success, cultural excellence and sporting achievement in 2015. Mr Colley Deputy Principal Starting High School in 2016 or 2017? Some general reminders for 2015: • • Student uniform is a very important aspect of a school culture and I will be monitoring the wearing of correct school attire at all times. This includes when travelling to and from school and when representing the school. For work, health and safety reasons it is expected that all students have a leather upper shoe for school as there is a shift away from the black canvas-style shoe. Parents and students are encouraged to contact the school to make an appointment at the uniform shop to purchase uniform or contact me if you require assistance. If a student is out of uniform for any reason, they need to see a Deputy Principal before school begins and provide a note from home. Students need to be ready to learn at all times. Early in Term 1, I will be visiting classes to ensure students are exhibiting the attitude of being ready to learn at all times. This includes having appropriate equipment for every lesson (pens, books, calculators, laptop etc.). I cannot emphasise this enough within our school. HUNTER SPORTS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT For all prospective students and their parents/carers (students currently in Year 5 or 6, and those wishing to enter other years at HSHS) TUESDAY 24TH FEBRUARY 2015 6.30pm in the Binishell • Faculty displays • Big Picture Education • Targeted Sports Programs • Redevelopment Information • Student & staff presentations • Performances and more Come along and see all that Hunter Sports High School has to offer! Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Office Hours Parking The school administration office is open from 8.30am 3.30pm Monday to Friday for enquiries and payments etc. EFTPOS and credit card facilities are available. Sorry, no cash withdrawals. Due to safety and space considerations parking within the school grounds during school hours is limited to staff only. Delivery vehicles and visitors are able to enter the school for the time of their business. Students are NOT to park their vehicles within the school grounds at any time. Uniform Shop The Hunter Sports High School Uniform Shop is available for sizing and purchasing on Mondays and Tuesdays from 8.30am – 12.00pm. EFTPOS and credit card payments are accepted however, payment by cheque is not available for uniform purchases. Clinic Procedures If you receive a phone call from the clinic to pick up your child, could you please go to the front office where your child will be called to meet you. Please note that you will be asked to show proof of identification when picking up the student. Canteen The school canteen operates during lunch breaks from Monday to Friday. Lunches should be ordered by 8.50am to avoid queues. Please see the school’s website for the canteen menu and price list. Parents and carers are also welcome to volunteer in the canteen. If you have any time to spare and would like to help, please contact Canteen Supervisor Margaret Wiseman on 4942 3868. Year Advisors Year Advisors for 2015 are as follows: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Ms Ashley Wilson Mr S O’Neill Ms Karen Jubb Mr M Harrison Mr Darren Fromson Mrs Meryl Ward These teachers supervise the welfare of students in their allocated year and check on students’ progress, conduct and attendance. They can also give assistance with personal problems involving students in their year. Should any issues arise with your child their relevant Year Advisor can be contacted through the school office. Due to Occupational Health and Safety concerns, parents are not to enter the car park to drop students off at school or to park within the school grounds at any time. Please also be aware that Lake Macquarie City Council Rangers have advised that they are again patrolling School Zones as we commence the new school year. Below is a list of school zone offences. Please be mindful of these parking regulations and remember that the safety of our students is our priority. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Around the Grounds: Mathematics Around the Grounds: English 2015 sees the introduction of the new mathematics syllabus for Years 8 and 10 to complement the Year 7 and 9 Greetings and welcome to 2015 – welcome to another year of stories, poems, films, ideas, and learning and progression and all that – welcome! syllabus’ that were introduced in 2014. Students in Years 710 have been provided with course outlines that detail the units of study for each course, the outcomes being addressed and the timing and nature of assessment tasks. To support learning in class, all students in Years 7-10 will be given a personal access code for Mathletics which is an interactive online mathematics program. Teachers will tailor activities specifically for their class and students are encouraged to use the program to supplement what is learnt in class. Students in Years 11 and 12 will have access to Maths Online which has been proven to be a valuable tool for senior mathematics. All students will be provided with homework at the beginning of each topic and are encouraged to complete this work as The English faculty is actively implementing the new Australian Curriculum and the current HSC prescriptions. There is, to be sure, a raft of splendid features within the new curriculum and the existing courses. The staff is looking forward to exploring them with students throughout the year. Our Year 8 and 10 students are currently engaged in a literature study. Novels across a range of genres are being enjoyed and considered in a variety of ways. And while the students analyse and respond, compare and think about the characters and events of each book, at the heart of the work is a love for stories and the possibilities for learning in a variety of ways. Meanwhile Years 7 and 9 are busily unlocking their creative writing juices. Imaginative thinking and writing skills converge in a perfect storm of story-telling and selfexpression. This is a fun unit of work which allows the students to explore a range of possibilities within class. instructed by their teachers. A reminder, that each student is required to have a scientific calculator for each mathematics lesson as well as a designated mathematics work book and the appropriate stationary. Mrs Wendy Beckett Head Teacher - Mathematics Our returning senior students are again wrestling with the rigours of the HSC and CEC courses and we wish them well in their endeavours this year. And the English faculty will once again provide our students with opportunities for debating, drama, journalism and a coterie of other creative activities. We're looking forward to a terrific year of learning and growth for our students. Please feel free to contact the faculty if there are any questions about our programs. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT HSHS P & C Association Student Representative Council The Hunter Sports High School P & C Association held its first meeting for 2015 earlier this week and it was great to see some new faces come along to support the school. We are looking forward to forming a strong Student P & C Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month from 6pm in the school’s common room. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend. This is a great way to meet other parents and families from the Hunter Sports High School community and to contribute to the success of the school. achieved a great deal for the school last year and were rd year assemblies at the end of Week 2 and year 7 students The next meeting, the AGM, will be held on Tuesday 3 March. In this meeting Executive Members will be voted in for the next 12 months. These positions include: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. To vote in the meeting you must pay or renew your HSHS P & C Association membership fee of $1.00. Representative Council this year at Hunter Sports High School to represents all students from Years 7-12. We successful in supporting several charities, including the 40 Hour Famine and Bandana Day among others. Students from Years 8-11 were selected by their peers in will be selected in coming weeks. All successful students will be presented with their badges at an assembly in Week 4. The first SRC meeting will be held in Week 3 and will get us on the right track for the year. This meeting will involve a discussion on leadership skills and setting our goals for a If you have any questions regarding the P & C Association, please contact the school. great 2015 at Hunter Sports High School. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT In the Swim: 2015 Swimming Carnival The Hunter Sports High School swimming carnival was held rd at Charlestown Pool on Tuesday 3 February and again on th Wednesday 4 for our serious swimmers. Personal bests and records were set while students cheered each other on throughout the day and got into the carnival spirit by supporting their house teams. Congratulations to Webb House on taking out the title of 2015 Swimming Carnival Champions and to the following students who were declared age champions following their outstanding performances in the pool: 12 Years Girls: 12 Years Boys: 13 Years Girls: 13 Years Boys: 14 Years Girls: 14 Years Boys: 15 Years Girls: 15 Years Boys: 16 Years Girls: 16 Years Boys: 17+ Girls: 17+ Boys: Nakita Leard Jack Faber Emily Winpenny John Crameri Maja Deans Cohan Geelan Ashley Robottom Nick Pearce Brittany Naylor Alex Wheeler-Phillips Erin Boon Jayden Wright The Zone Swimming Carnival will be held at Swansea Pool th on Monday 16 February with many students qualifying to represent Hunter Sports High School. Please contact Mr Tull if you have any questions about the zone carnival. Good luck to all our super swimmers and thanks to all HSHS students for a fantastic day of fun and sportsmanship at our carnival this week. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT MEET THE PREFECTS: Harry Morton Did you do anything exciting during the school holidays? I went to Perth for the National Championships in the 49er class (sailing) What do you love about HSHS? The flexibility the teachers provide for us to succeed both academically and in our chosen sport. How did you feel when you were announced as a prefect? Excited. What subjects are you studying for your HSC? Maths, English, Modern History, PDHPE, Engineering. Engineering is my favourite as it has a lot of practical in it. What are you planning to do when you finish school? Hopefully join the Australian Sailing Team and do a personal training course. Your most memorable moment at HSHS (so far)? Winning the Bing Lee Sportsperson of the Year award last year. Best teacher you’ve ever had and why? Mr Staley. He is a funny guy and makes learning easy and fun. What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? Don’t hesitate, just do. Who has been the biggest role model in your life? Chris Nicholson. He is a two time Olympian and always has good advice. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Relaxing and spending time with friends. How do you think your best friend would describe you? A funny guy. What is your favourite food? Lasagne What is your favourite holiday destination (or your dream destination) and why? Krabi in Thailand would be my favourite place as it is so relaxing. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT STAFF PROFILE: Ms. Rachel Byrne Principal (Relieving) How long have you been teaching at Hunter Sports High? Two and a half years What subjects do you teach? PDHPE What were your favourite subjects at school? PDHPE How was your time in high school? I loved it – it was lots of fun! What is the best thing about teaching at HSHS? The great students and staff Your most memorable moment at HSHS? Seeing the drama production on stage last year – it was the first one the school has done in over twenty years! Do you play any sports? Not at the moment but I have represented Australia in Touch Football and NSW in rugby and cricket. What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Technological & Applied Studies is a major Key Learning Area for delivery of education at our school • • • These facilities will provide diverse learning opportunities for students to engage in curriculum pathways resulting in attainment of VET qualifications whilst still at school The TAS subjects provide effective learning opportunities and a valued pathway to further education and employment for students within our community These facilities will provide the opportunity for successful workplace transition Spending time with my family, camping and boating. Who was your childhood hero? Mark Waugh What is something you can’t live without? My family Three people you’d like to have dinner with? Barrack Obama, Don Bradman and Ellen Did you do anything exciting during the holidays? I spent lots of time with my two beautiful kids. A pearl of wisdom to share with HSHS students? “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world” – a quote from Nelson Mandela. Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Hunter Sports High Spectator 2015 TERM 1 – WEEK 2 BALANCING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE WITH SPORTING ACHIEVEMENT Disclaimer: Advertisements included in this newsletter are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way considered recommendations by the school.
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