`. Greenwith Primary School Newsletter Issue Number 2 Address: 1500 Golden Grove Road Greenwith SA 5125 Thursday, 12th February 2015 Phone: 08 8289 8100 Fax: 08 8289 7555 Term 1 – Week 3 Email: [email protected] Website: www.greenwith.sa.edu.au At the start of every school year we welcome a number of new staff to Greenwith Primary School. This year we have 5 new staff members who have settled in extremely well into our school and their new roles. We would like to introduce them to our school community. Please don’t hesitate to say hello if you see them in the yard or at one of our school events. Kris Batsiokis Kris is working in 3 different classes this term for a day a week in each. Monday in 804, Wednesday in 406 and Friday in 802. Kris is a new graduate having completed his degree last year. Natalie Michael Natalie joins us from Elizabeth East Primary School where she worked for the last 10 years. Natalie is working in 307 teaching a Year 2 class. We are really pleased to have Natalie permanently appointed to Greenwith Primary School. Tash Jachmann Tash is working fulltime for 2015 teaching a Year 6 class in 407. Tash has many years of experience working at both Enfield and Northfield Primary Schools. Tash has had a really positive start to the school year. It is wonderful to have her as part of the team. Jess Prebble Jess is another new graduate appointed to Greenwith for the 2015 school year. Jess is teaching Health to all classes on a rotational basis. Jess will be working on Mondays and Tuesday and also doing some relief teaching at times in other classes. Amy Cooper Amy joins us working as an SSO with students in Room 801. Amy is studying to be a teacher and completed a highly successful placement as a student teacher with Sara Slater in 2014. Amy will be working 4 days a week, Monday to Friday. Principal: Rick Bennallack Deputy Principal: Lausanne Cheers Assistant Principal: Robyn McLachlan Assistant Principal: Jacqui Bowen Governing Council Chair: Renee Seymour Class Parent President: To be appointed __________________________________________________ The Canteen needs extra volunteers No experience necessary. School volunteer requirements apply. Times are flexible - from 1 to 5 hours a day, weekly or fortnightly. We especially need volunteers Monday after recess and any time Friday. Please phone 8289 8448 or come and see me in the Canteen. Thanks Sue Firman Thank you, Sue Firman Inside this Issue From The Principal Leadership News Parent Workshop Around the School News Governing Council Application Student Safety Information Term Planner Acquaintance Nights Dates to Remember 13 th Feb 13 th Feb th 18 Feb CASUAL DAY – RSPCA Volunteer Training @ 9am Volunteer Training @ 2:10pm th 19 Feb Finance Mtg @ 6pm 19 th Feb Parent Workshop @ 6:30pm 19 th Feb AGM @ 7pm 24 th Feb Volunteer Training @ 6:30pm 9 th Mar Adelaide Cup Holiday 10 th- 12 th Mar Yr 7 Aquatics Camp 20 th Mar SPORTS DAY 25 th Mar SCHOOL PHOTOS Term 1 Volunteer Training Sessions Each term we offer 3 training sessions for those wishing to work as a volunteer at our school. In Term 1 the dates and times are. th Friday, 13 February @ 9am th Wednesday, 18 February @ 2:10pm th Tuesday, 24 February @ 6:30pm Please contact the front office to book into a session. Please note the new Canteen Price List nd effective Monday 2 February 2015 which is available on the Greenwith website is now being used. Can you please ensure that there is no larger than a $10 note in your child’s lunch order as the Canteen does not carry large amounts of money for change. + ADVANCE NOTICE SPORTS DAY Friday, 20th March Tonight will be the final night in our series of Acquaintance Nights. Thanks to all those who have attended so far. It is hoped you gained a useful insight into the teaching and learning program as well as classroom plans and expectations for the year ahead. If you were unable to attend or would like to speak in more depth about any aspect of the school curriculum, we encourage you to arrange a meeting with your child’s teacher. Parent Workshop Next Thursday evening at 6:30pm we are holding a brief 30 minute workshop for parents. The workshop is a follow up to our Acquaintance Nights and is designed to help you help your child at home through practical hands on games and apps that you can use to support the work that teachers are doing in class. The workshop is especially suitable for parents of Reception to Year 5 students. Please see the flyer included in this newsletter. You are encouraged to book a place by contacting the school. Annual General Meeting (AGM) Sports Day Although still a few weeks away, our annual Sports Day will take th place on Friday March 20 . The day will follow a similar format to previous years with students in Years 4 – 7 grouped according to their year of birth, with separate boys and girls groups. With the support of our specialist teachers most groups will be around 20 to 25 students. The R – 3 classes will be remaining with their class groups. There will be some slight changes in activities and locations for both the early years and primary years’ classes. We acknowledge the work of our PE teachers Kylie Robinson and Kate Butler in planning the organisation of the day. They will be supported by other staff. Please watch out for the Sports Day program in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing you all there. School Photos Kind regards will be held on Wednesday 25th March 2015 Principal 0412 161 231 more information to follow th At 7:00pm next Thursday evening (February 19 ) the school will be holding its AGM in the staff room. All interested parents, relatives and community members are invited to come along and hear brief reports about the progress of our school. There will be an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. The meeting should only last for 30 minutes. Included in this newsletter is a page of information about the different ways parents can be involved in the governance of the school through participation in the Governing Council and/or one of the council’s subcommittees. I would encourage anyone interested to fill in the form and return it to school. After a number of years of being full, at this stage we still have a few vacancies left on the 2015 Governing Council. It would be great to have some new parents get involved. Parent Workshop and AGM Thursday, 19th February in the Staff Room Parent Workshop 6:30pm – 7:00pm Run by Kate Beeson – Primary Australian Curriculum Coordinator Help your child at home through practical hands on games and apps that you can use to support the work that teachers are doing in class. The workshop is especially suitable for parents of Reception to Year 5 students. If you are interested in booking a place in this free workshop please contact the front office by Monday, 16th February on 8289 8100 or emailing the school on [email protected] If you are interested in learning more about the school, the Annual General Meeting follows directly after the workshop. Annual General Meeting 7:00pm – 7:30pm Greenwith Primary School will be participating in a state wide fundraiser to raise money for animals impacted by the SA Bushfires, through the RSPCA SA. th On Friday, 13 February we will be having a Casual Clothes Day encouraging all students to come to school in fire colours (red, orange, yellow and black) and donate a gold coin. Casual clothes need to be Sunsmart and if you are not participating in the fundraising please wear your regular Greenwith school uniform. Thank you for supporting this great cause. Pupil Free Days for 2015 Term 2: (Week 1) Monday April 27th (Week 7) Tuesday June 9th Term 3: (Week 7) Friday September 4th School Closure Royal Show Term 4: (Week 2) Tuesday October 20th (Week 7) Friday November 27th School Banking Rewards now available! Term 1 These new rewards have just been released for Term 1, and are available while stocks last: ET DVD Planet Handball For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small, students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for these exclusive School Banking reward items in recognition of their continued savings behaviour. There are 2 new items to come in Term 2 as well! Remember our school earns 5% commission on every deposit made (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit). If your children are not currently involved in the School Banking program and you would like to know more, please ask for a 2015 School Banking program Information Pack from the School office. Thank you for supporting the School Banking program and don’t forget that Tuesday is School Banking day! Have you ever thought about getting more involved in the school’s decision making? Why not join the Governing Council or one of the school’s subcommittees? Nomination Form for the Election of the 2015 Greenwith Primary School Governing Council The Annual General Meeting will be held at 7.00pm on Thursday February 19th in the Staff Room All parents/carers who have children currently enrolled at our school are eligible to nominate for election as a councillor. No parent/caregiver is eligible if they are: A declared bankrupt or have applied “for the benefit of a law for the relief of insolvent debtors” Convicted of any offence prescribed by administrative instruction. Permanent employees of the Department for Education and Children’s Development (DECD) may stand for election but: must not comprise the majority of councillors are ineligible to hold the position of Chairperson I, …………………………………………….……………………………….. wish to nominate for the position of Councillor of the Greenwith Primary School Governing Council in 2015. Signed: ………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………….. If you are elected, you will have the opportunity if you so desire to be a member of one subcommittee or holding an office bearer’s position. It will be completely your decision. I am interested in serving as (provide 2 preferences by numbering 1 & 2): [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Chairperson Deputy Chairperson Treasurer & Member of Finance Advisory Subcommittee Secretary Subcommittee member for: [ ] Grounds and Facilities [ ] Finance Advisory [ ] Canteen [ ] Education [ ] ICT I am / am not a permanent employee of DECD (delete one) I would be prepared to nominate for a 1 year / 2 year term for 2015 (please delete one) NOMINATION FOR ELECTION TO JUST A SUBCOMMITTEE 2015 If you don’t want to be on the Governing Council, but want to be involved you may prefer to just nominate to join a subcommittee without joining the Governing Council. If so please complete the section below. I, …………………………………………….………. wish to nominate as a member of a Sub Committee without joining the Governing Council. Signed: ………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………….. I would like to be a subcommittee member of: [ ] Grounds and Facilities (1 meeting a term at a time to be negotiated, plus 2 working bees at year) [ ] Finance Advisory (2 meetings per term held on a Thursday at 6:00pm) [ ] Canteen (2 meetings per term held on a Monday or Tuesday at 2:00pm) [ ] Education (2 meetings a term held on a Friday at 9:00am) [ ] ICT (2 meetings a term held on a Wednesday at 3:30pm) PARKING IN THE GREENWITH CAMPUS CARPARK (AT THE FRONT OF THE SCHOOL) We would like to remind all parents and caregivers of the importance of following the correct procedures when driving around the Greenwith Campus area. We ask that when using Labernum Drive Kiss and Drop you adhere to the conditions. Parking, double parking and leaving your vehicle is not permitted. It is imperative that you drive within the speed limit when children are present. In order to ensure the safety of children and families who use the car park and to reduce the chance of an accident, Campus Management asks that all families who use the car park in front of the Parish Centre drive in though the second entrance and out through the entrance closest to the street. Below is a diagram which shows the flow of traffic that is involved in this. If there are any questions or queries about this please feel free to approach the office staff of either school. You MUST NOT park in the loading zone. This area is for commercial vehicles ONLY. Campus Administration Building STAFF Permit parking only ZONE STAFF Permit parking only Parish LOADING Disabled Kiss and Drop Area NO ENTRY to car park Park only Golden Grove Road PARKING IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE CARPARK (AT THE REAR OF THE SCHOOL) If you use the pickup zone in front of the Community Centre when picking children up after school, you are reminded that if your child/children haven’t arrived and aren’t waiting for you when you get there, you are not allowed to just park in the pickup zone and wait for them. This holds up other parents and causes a build up of traffic, which can cause safety issues. If your child/children are not there and aren’t waiting for you when you arrive, you are required to drive around the car park and come back again. This procedure needs to be repeated until your child/children arrive. SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICE All babies, children and young people under 18 years are welcome to attend the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most children. SA Dental Service participates in the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. A small fee may apply for children who are not eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. All dental care provided is FREE for preschool children. To locate your local School Dental Clinic, or for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, please visit www.sadental.sa.gov.au Do you like to sing, dance or act? Are you in Year 6/7? Want to try something new and challenging? Everyone is welcome! Then the Festival of Music Performance Troupe is for you! Audition bookings open on Monday, February 9, 2015! Audition bookings close on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. Weekly rehearsals are held at 3 locations: North - Parafield Gardens Primary on Tuesdays Central - Gilles Street Primary on Wednesdays South - Darlington Primary on Thursdays Rehearsals are from 4.15 - 5.45 pm. There will also be a few Sunday workshops. Each troupe will be involved in 4 performances accompanying the massed choirs at the Festival Theatre between the 8th and 18th September, 2015. Ask your choir, drama or dance teacher or principal for more information. Check out our website: www.festivalofmusic.org.au or call the Festival Office on 8261 5438 for more information. TERM 1 2015 27 January – 10 April Week MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 26/1 27/1 28/1 29/1 Newsletter Online 30/1 SCHOOL COMMENCES 2 3 2/2 3/2 4/2 5/2 6/2 9/2 10/2 11/2 12/2 Newsletter Online Acquaintance Night Reception-Year 1 Acquaintance Night Year 2 & 3 Acquaintance Night Year 4 & 5 Acquaintance Night Year 6 & 7 13/2 Volunteer Training Session @ 9am CASUAL DAY RSPCA, Bushfire Fundraiser 16/2 17/2 18/2 19/2 Finance Committee Mtg @ 6pm Parent Workshop @ 6:30pm Governing Council AGM @ 7pm 26/2 Whole School Assembly Newsletter Online Year 6 Aquatics 4 Volunteer Training Session @ 2:10pm 5 23/2 24/2 Class Parent Mtg @ 2pm 25/2 Volunteer Training Session @ 6:30pm 6 2/3 3/3 20/2 27/2 SAPSASA Swimming Clipsal Excursion Year 7 4/3 5/3 Yr 6 & 7 Assembly 6/3 SAPSASA Come & Try Tennis SAPSASA Come & Try Tennis 7 9/3 10/3 11/3 Adelaide Cup Day 12/3 Yr 4 & 5 Assembly 13/3 Newsletter Online 8 16/3 YEAR 7 CAMP 17/3 YEAR 7 CAMP 18/3 Road Safety Excursion R/1 9 23/3 10 Student Progress Conferences 30/3 11 6/4 EASTER MONDAY 24/3 SCHOOL PHOTOS 20/3 27/3 Newsletter Online 31/3 Year 3 – Migration Museum Excursion 1/4 Year 3 – Migration Museum Excursion 2/4 3/4 GOOD FRIDAY 7/4 8/4 9/4 Whole School Assembly Newsletter Online 10/4 SAPSASA Athletics Holidays 25/3 YEAR 7 CAMP 19/3 Yr 2 & 3 Assembly Road Safety Excursion R/1 Finance Committee Mtg @ 6pm Governing Council Mtg @ 7pm 26/3 R & Yr 1 Assembly Last day of school is Friday, 10th April 2014 School Finishes at 2:10pm
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