`Food of love` Valentine Day meal for two

‘Food of love’ Valentine Day meal for two
Whilst a low-fat Valentine Day dinner may not sound terribly romantic, seafood IS
romantic, is low in fat and really lends itself to a fresh, light approach. It can be
expensive but is a nice way to treat someone and it is at its absolute best in the
cold winter months. It also goes very well with champagne! Below are some
suggestions for a low fat shellfish feast.
Oysters make a great starter. They need to be super fresh so buy from a reputable
fishmonger and must be opened directly before serving. Serve simply opened on a
bowl of crushed ice with tabasco and lemon juice, or small pieces of grilled chorizo.
To open, hold firmly in a tea towel and carefully work an oyster knife between the
two shells until wide enough to pop open. Discard the top (flatter) shell and loosen
the oyster from the bottom (rounded) shell by cutting through the adductor
muscle. Remove any bits of shell from the juice and eat immediately.
Scallops are my favourite shellfish. They are naturally
low in fat, and are sweet and delicious. Again these
need to be spanking fresh. They should smell of sea
water but not fishy. Scallops are delicious chargrilled
(brush lightly with walnut oil beforehand) and then
served with spinach or other greens wilted in olive oil,
toasted walnuts, crushed potatoes and the citrus
dressing below.
‘Food of love’ Valentine Day meal for two
Citrus dressing
100 ml any citrus juice, or a combination
20 ml olive oil, walnut oil or sesame oil
2g salt
Whisk together then refrigerate until needed
Crushed potatoes
200g waxy salad potatoes, washed but not peeled
25ml olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
salt and pepper to taste
chopped fresh chives or dill (optional)
Boil the potatoes for approximately 20 minutes, or until tender
Add the oil and juice and mix into the potatoes with a fork, crushing them lightly at
the same time
Add the herbs if using, then cover and set aside until needed
Toasted walnuts
walnut halves
Toast the walnut halves on a baking tray in an oven pre heated to 180C for 5 minutes
Leave to cool slightly then crumble roughly, removing any bits of skin
Add to the citrus dressing
Wilted greens
approx 100g raw greens per person such as spinach, kale, bert tops or cavolo nero
Wash greens thoroughly and dry well. If using kale or cavaolo nero, slice thinly. If
using beet tops or large spinach remove stalks.
Place the greens in a large saucepan and wilt gently over a medium heat stirring
Season to taste. Cook the greens last minute (at the same time as the scallops) as
they will lose freshness very quickly once cooked.
‘Food of love’ Valentine Day meal for two
Allow 3 medium or 4-5 small scallops per person for a
main course.
Preheat a heavy based, non-stick frying pan or a
chargrill pan
Place the scallops onto a plate and brush lightly with
walnut oil, or olive oil if you don’t have.
Place into the pan or onto the chargrill, large flat side down first, and cook for a
minute or two, until nicely coloured.
Flip over and cook on the other side for another minute or two then remove from
the heat
Season with salt and a few drops of lemon juice.
To serve
Place a couple of spoonfuls of potato and some greens onto a warm plate
Arrange the scallops on top of the vegetables then spoon over some citrus dressing
and toasted walnuts.
Await applause/proposal
Fresh fruit Eton Mess
This only takes a couple of minutes to put together, and is best done fresh anyway.
Weigh your ingredients out before dinner but keep separate, then assemble just
prior to serving. Don’t slice the banana ahead of time however as it will discolour.
serves 2
cooked meringue (shop bought is fine)
1 banana, handful of fresh fruit of your choice (berries, kiwi, passion fruit)
juice of half a lime
1/2 vanilla pod or 1 drop essence
4 tblsp low fat yoghurt
Crumble meringue into a bowl keeping some large pieces
Add sliced fruit, lime, vanilla and yoghurt and mix gently
Divide into chilled glasses and serve with some lime zest on the top