JMA JMA JMA The end of February sees the completion of the second quarter of the J.M.A. year. Could all those with J.M.A. collection boxes please pass them to Janet or Phil Lymath or emptying. We should be at Church on 22nd February & 1st March. Anyone who has not got a J.M.A. collection box and would like one, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact Janet or myself. Many thanks, Phil Lymath For those involved, the first of the next round of Stewardship Meetings will take place in NEXT SUNDAY Lent 1 8th February 2015 All Age Morning Worship at 10.30am led by Rev. John Mason Steward: Liz Gordon Vestry Steward: Joan Schofield Welcoming: John and Jean Booth Hymn Books: Joan Schofield Flowers: Mrs Freda Harrington Refreshments: Sue Bean & Junior Church Counting: Glynnis Huntington & Emma Wareing Chairs: Philip Holmes ALL ARE WELCOME Church on Thursday 19th at 7.30pm Myra, Alan and Katie Wilby would like to thank all the kind people who sponsored them on their walk. We had snow blizzards, hail, mud and thunder and lightening to contend with. In spite of this we raised £1’200 for the Alzheimer’s Charity (Gift Aid to be added). We are very grateful for your support . Thanks again. WELL DONE MYRA, ALAN & KATIE. Collection: Sunday 25th January £ Sunday 1st February £ 266.56 CHURCH GROUPS & ORGANISATIONS Monday Chat…2-4pm Prayer Group 2nd+4th Monday each month 7.30-9.30pm Toddlers … …Tuesdays & Thursdays 9.30-11.00am Lunch Club 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month Youth Club …………Friday 7.30-9.30pm Railway Circle ………...….. Last Tuesday of each month Mid-Week Holy Communion...2nd Wednesday of each month 10am Girls’ Brigade ………..….Wednesday 5.45pm-7.45pm Boys’ Brigade………...….Thursday…5.50 pm-8.30pm Youth Fellowship………….Fortnightly Sunday 6.30-8pm Papercraft Plus: 1st & 3rd Fridays each month 1-3.30pm Your support is needed! As you know the Church is supporting the building of a girls’ dormitory at the Matjinge High School in Zimbabwe and aims to raise £4,000 in 2015 (currently we have already reached the £1,500 mark). There are Coffee Mornings already planned on the 3rd Saturday of each month and we are asking each Church group to organise a fund raiser during the year which I hope you will enthusiastically support. However if any member of the congregation is willing to organise a fundraiser themselves, no matter how big or small, that would be greatly appreciated. We are particularly looking for ideas that would engage a wider group of people than those within the Church so we are not asking the same people for money. In order to coordinate ideas could you please get in touch with me so events can be spread throughout the year and not duplicated. Information about the project is on display at the front of Church but I also have an information pack if that would be helpful. If you have any further questions or are simply brimming with ideas then get in touch on 0113 2866387 or email me at [email protected] Thanks Tim Contact Margaret Trueman by Wednesday 9pm ‘Phone 2866660 or e-mail: [email protected] Circuit Website: FLOWER ROTA Three dates have become available on the flower rota 26th July, 8th November and 15th November. A person has offered to do any one of the three dates so two offers are still required. Some individuals have 2 or 3 dates per year on the flowers rota so it would be appreciated if those not on the list would consider taking one of the dates. Thank you ~Joyce If you wish to change your allotted date on the flower rota, please find someone to exchange with and inform Joyce Robinson and Margaret Trueman {notices}. ~Thank You NORTH & EAST METHODIST CIRCUIT WORLD MISSIONS & MISSION IN BRITAIN ADVANCE NOTICE- Sunday 26th April please put this date in your diary. On we are holding a Safari Meal after the morning services at churches in our Circuit. "Starters" will be at 12.30pm; ‘Main Courses’ will be at 1.30pm and ‘Desserts’ will be at 2.30pm followed by tea/coffee where you have your dessert. People will travel around our Circuit to different venues and you will hopefully enjoy the event. The cost of the meal will be £6 per person. The tickets will be sold for "a car" which means that four people will travel together around the Circuit. Details of where you will be dining will be shown on the tickets. If anyone has any flower bags or wrappings I would be grateful to use/recycle them. They can be given to me or left on flower table. Thank you, Sharon Coffee Morning in aid Zimbabwe Project Saturday 21st of February 10am -12 Noon Cakes for Cake Stall or Prizes for Tombola would be gratefully received. See Sue Croll or Janice Green for any further information. FEBRUARY COLLECTION FOR MEETING POINT For the rest of February food will be collected in the Link for Meeting Point & not for the Food Bank. ~Thanks Sharon There will be no Churches Together Lunch on 18th February. Churches' Procession to Celebrate Diversity 18 February (Ash Wednesday), 1pm, St Johns, New Briggate, Leeds. After a time of prayer, we will gather at the top of Briggate and process along the pedestrian precinct and through the new Trinity Leeds shopping centre, where we open a huge banner of the flags of the nations. Rothwell Methodist Church, Butcher Lane, LS26 0DB. Saturday 7th February 2pm for 2.30pm Meet Rev Dr Liz Smith, (Chair of the Leeds District ) & Jenny Benfield of Bury St. Edmunds (Leaders of Worship & Preachers Trust National Advocate) Communion devised by Rev Andrew Atkins Light Concert by the Choir of Parkside Methodist Church Bring your own food + tea & cake provided. Come and support the LWPT. GARFORTH METHODIST CHURCH WELCOME TO WORSHIP Sunday 15th February 2015 Sunday before Lent 10.30am All Age Morning Worship led by Mr Ben Machenkanyanga Steward: Sharon Walker Vestry Steward: Jean Booth Welcoming: Pru Caswell Hymn Books: Christine Pitchfork INTROIT: ‘SINGING the FAITH’ 168 Come, Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord Jesus, come. Come, Lord Jesus, come, to this world of ours. Francesca Leftley {b. 1955} (Chosen by the Lane family) Sunday 15th February 4pm United Circuit Service @ Shadwell led by the Discipleship & Worship Priority Team Church Council Meeting Tuesday 17th February 7.30pm
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