Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 Little Falls United Methodist Church A Welcoming Community of Faith, Hope, & Outreach — Sharing Christ’s Love Since 1825 MAY Little Falls United Methodist Church | 139 Main Street | Little Falls, NJ | 07424 | 973.256.0993 | [email protected] | www.littlefallsumc.org IN THIS ISSUE PASTOR’S PEN UMW NEWS MEETING REMINDERS DON’T FORGET UMW VICTORIAN TEA: Sat May 16th, 12noon GEMS PRESENTATION SUNDAY: Sun May 17th, 10am TREASURER’S REPORT: 1st Quarter 2015 THE PASTOR’S PEN Dear friends, I hope that all of you are staying well, safe, and warm in this spring! We had a wonderful Palm Sunday with Jireh Korean Presbyterian Church and Easter Sunday. In particular, I saw that many of you enjoyed the fellowship with each other on those days. We are further planning to work together with other churches for more inclusive ministries. I pray that all of us come and grow together in God’s love and grace! GEMS Sunday on May 17. For Mother’s Day, UMW is preparing a special presentation with carnations. I hope that this day will remind you of all the love that you got from your mothers. On May 17, our GEMS Girls’ Club is preparing a special presentation and worship dance. As you might already know, the group has been growing with the devotion of Marlaina Malek, who is a director of Little Falls GEMS. I hope that you will feel the lively and vibrant mini try of God among us on that Sunday! Sermon Series for Lent from April 12 to May 3 For four Sundays from April 12 to May 3, I share messages in a series titled, “Who Is God to You?” In your life, what aspects of God have experienced? According to the Bible, God is a friend (1 John 1:3), a parent (1 John 3:1), a shepherd (John 10:11), and the true vine (John 15:1). I pray that your belief in God will lead you to the experience of various aspects of God’s love and grace throughout your life journey. Special Prayer Request As many of you might already know, Dick and Rosemary Beck, who are our longtime church members, are at hospital due to a tragic accident on April 27. I am so grateful to all who already expressed their concern and even reached out to them for help and encouragement. Please keep them in your prayers for their healing and comfort. Mother’s Day and GEMS Sunday Among various church ministries for this May and June, I would like to introduce Mother’s Day on May 10, and “You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).” - Pastor Lee 3—Worship, 10am 3—Sunday School, 10:15am 3—Communion Sunday 3—UMW Executive Mtg, 11:15am 6—Admin Council Mtg, 7:30pm 7—Handchimes Choir, 6:30pm 7—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm 10—Worship 10—Happy Mother’s Day! 10—Sunday School 11—Trustees Meeting, 7pm 14—Handchimes, 6:30pm 14—No Choir Rehearsal 15—Unity Circle, 1:30pm 16—UMW Victorian Tea, 12noon 17—Worship, 10am 17—Gems Presentation Sunday 17—Sunday School, 10:15am 17—SPRC Meeting, 11:15am 19—Circle of Friends, 12noon 19—Finance Meeting, 7:30pm 21—Handchimes, 6:30pm 21—Choir Rehearsal 24—Worship, 10am 24—Sunday School, 10:15am 25—Memorial Day 28—Handchimes, 6:30pm 28—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm 31—Worship, 10am 31—Sunday School, 10:15am JUNE 4—Handchimes, 6:30pm 4—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm 7— Worship, 10am 7—Sunday School, 10:15am 7—Communion Sunday 8—Trustees Meeting, 7pm 11—Handchimes, 6:30pm 11—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm 14—Flag Day 14—Worship, 10am 14—Sunday School, 10:15am 16—Circle of Friends, 12noon 16—Finance Meeting, 7:30pm 18—Handchimes, 6:30pm 18—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm 19—Unity Circle, 1:30pm 21—Happy Father’s Day! 21—Worship, 10am 21—Sunday School, 10:15am 21—SPRC, 11:15am 25—Handchimes, 6:30pm 25—Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm 28—Worship, 10am 28—Sunday School, 10:15am View the Belfry online: www.littlefallsumc.org/monthly-belfry/ Page 2 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 MEMBERS UPDATE CHRISTIAN CONDOLENCES: Please continue to remember the families who have lost their loved ones: To family and friends of Fran Anderson at the passing of her husband George, 3/29. HOSPITAL/RECENT TREATMENT: Dick & Rosemary Beck (St. Joes Paterson); Evelyn Billig (Paul’s Mom); Craig Davennport (Jean Scott’s nephew); Marilyn Belding. Remember our friends in prayer, by cards, calling, and visiting the sick.” (Matt 25:39) CONTINUING RECOVERY: Bob Eissman (Home); Esther Meder (at home); Frank Crouch; Betty Caceres (at home); Jane Flannagan (Care One); Charles Flannagan; Isabelle Oxley; Al and Norma Taylor; Carolyn Breecher (Cathy Gritman’s sister); Ted Fischer; Gary Ziskin; Charlotte Wendel (PA). ALTAR OF PRAYER: Our Bishop, Rev. Dr. John Schol and his family; Our Superintendent, Rev. Manuel Sardinas; Pastor Woo Min Lee; Urban Promise in Camden & Malawi; CUMAC. For local police & fire companies; Enterprise #2, Great Notch, & Singac; Eagle Rescue Squad. HOMEBOUND: Bill Richardson; Janet Youngster; Dot Steller (Connecticut); Eleanor Schmitt (Denville); Jean Ketterer (North Bergen); Marge Gambuti; Prayers for all our senior citizens who are dealing with the challenges of aging. For all who recently lost loved ones in our church family & community. NURSING HOME/REHAB: Jane Flannagan (Care One); Mildred Dyke (PA); Fran Anderson (Cedar View). Congratulations! To Allison Smith and family, on the safe arrival of, Mikayla Marie Carrera, born April 21st. Parents are, Terri and CJ Carrera. Parents and baby are doing great! LITURGIST SCHEDULE: 3—Melissa Downing 17—Kelly Predojevic 31—Peter W. Dewes MAY MAY 10th—Marilyn Downing 24—Jeff Lewis JUNE 14—Paul Billig 28—Kathy Flannagan 7—Kathy Wilson 21—Vicky Stonebridge 1—Esther Meder 1—Emily Van Biert 2—Catherine Drake 2—Daniel Start 3—Jeffrey Hinko 5—Tom Passafaro 5—Mark Springstead 6—Matthew Billig COMMUNION STEWARDS May 3rd: Peter & Janet Dewes June 7th: Sal & Debbie Benvenuti DO YOU WANT TO SERVE? See Jeff Lewis regarding Communion Steward’s & Usher’s Schedules. See Robin Hofgesang regarding Greeter’s Schedules. See Paul Billig regarding Counter’s Schedules. See Kelly Predojevic regarding Liturgist Schedules. 6—Jean Ketterer 6—Kenny Krattiger 7—Leah Ketterer 8—Marion Start 12—Cara Iglody 15—Nancy Heinrich AFTERNOON AT THE MOVIES ************************** Summer Break— May, June & July 18—Thomas Passante 18—Al Zicker 19—Ellen Batelli 20—Fred Batelli 22—Tracy Imes 31—Robin Hofgesang Movies resume Sept 19th, 2pm JUNE 3—Mackenzie Web Taylor 4—Cooper Ryan Juhlin 6—Susan Niedjiwik 10—Frances Anderson 11—Alyssa Strippoli 11—John Santalla, Sr 11—James Venezia 12—Elaine Mostello 14—Sharen Schmitt 14—Victoria Stonebridge 15—Carol Miller 18—Elsa Stonebridge 18—Mary Gasior 18—Janis Meder 19—Kristen Callahan 20—Nicholas Bianco 22—Ryan Callahan 23—Kelly Billig-Figura 23—Becky Krattiger-Higgs 23—Connor Gleason 25—David Santalla 27—John Ketterer Jr. 28—David Downing 30—Henry Youngster 30—Kayla Roberts Page 3 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 A PRAYER FOR MOM: A young boy had been misbehaving, so his mother sent him to his room. Sometime later, he came out and told his mom he’d prayed about the matter. “That’s good,” she replied. “If you ask God for help to not misbehave, he’ll help you.” “Oh, I didn’t pray for help behaving,” said the boy. “I prayed for God to help you put up with me.” —Unknown Is it enough to think today Of all our brave, then put away The thought until a year has sped? Is this full honor for our dead? Is it enough to sing a song And deck a grave; and all year long Forget the brave who died that we Might keep our great land proud and free? A dad is someone who wants to c a t c h y o u b e f or e y o u f a l l but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and lets you try again. A dad is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt. Full service needs a greater toll, That we who live give heart and soul A dad is someone who holds you when you cry, scolds you when you break the rules, shines with pride when you succeed, and has faith in you even when you fail. To keep the land they died to save, And be ourselves, in turn, the brave! —Unknown —Annette Wynne UPCOMING EVENTS TRUSTEES MEETINGS: May 11th & June 8th, 7pm UNITY CIRCLE: May 15th, & June 19th, 1:30pm GEMS GIRLS CLUB: May 8th, 6:30pm (Rehearsal & Pizza Party) June 12th, 7pm For girls in K through 4th grade. (See the ad on pg 4 for more info.) GEMS PRESENTATION SUNDAY: Sun May 17th, 10am ADMIN COUNCIL: May 6th, 7:30pm SPRC MEETINGS: May 17th & June 21st (following worship) AFTERNOON MOVIE: On Summer Break Movies Resume Sept 19th, 2pm FINANCE MEETINGS: May 19th & June 16th, 7:30pm CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: May 19th & June 16th, 12noon (See pg 8 for more info.) UMW EXECUTIVE MTG: Sun May 3rd, following worship UMW VICTORIAN TEA: Sat May 16th, 12noon (See the ad on page 8 for more info.) SUMMER WORSHIP: Dates to be announced Watch the bulletin for info coming soon! COMMUNITY WIDE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Dates: July 20th—24th Time: 6 to 8pm Ages: 4 through 12 Location: St. Agnes Church 65 Union Avenue, Little Falls (More Info Coming Soon!) ENCOUNTER GROUPS: Ongoing in May & June Page 4 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 What is GEMS? GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. The mission of GEMS is to bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with JESUS CHRIST. Who can attend GEMS? All girls in Kindergarten through 4th grade (Invite your friends too!) What Happens at a GEMS meeting? During a meeting, girls will make new friends, foster a relationship with their leaders, study the Bible, make crafts, complete a variety of badges, sing, play group games, participate in service projects, and enjoy other special events. GEMS meet twice monthly on Friday evenings at LFUMC from 7-9pm Our Next Meetings Will Take Place: May 8th, 6:30pm (Rehearsal & Pizza Party) May 17th: Gems Presentation Sunday June 12th, 7pm Summer Break: July & August Gems resume in September. Registration is Available Online: http://littlefallsumc.org/our-ministries/gems-girls-club/ You may also download the registration form online and submit to the church office or pick up a form in the Church Narthex at the upcoming events bulletin board. If you have any questions or would like to sign up, please contact group leader, Marlaina Malek at [email protected] or by cell at (917) 841-6485. If you are interested in volunteering to help make this a great ministry, please let us know. We will be looking for special presenters, crafting ideas, and service project ideas to help the girls earn badges. For more information about GEMS Girls Clubs visit: www.gemsgc.org Page 5 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 BUY SCRIP GIFT CARDS: Thank you for your support of the Scrip Program. Through the end of April 2015, we have sold $39,130 in Scrip, which provides $1,956.00 to the church budget. Based on past history, projections are that we will reach $113,500 by the end of the year. This amount provides $5,675.00 to the church budget for the year. Sales have been down this year and we ask, if you are not already using scrip at the grocery store, please consider supporting the church budget by using the store gift cards when you shop. The church purchases the gift cards at a 5% discount and sells them at face value. If you spend $20 per week at the grocery store the church budget benefits by $52 per year. Not too bad if all you have to do is buy food. We have scrip for Shoprite, A&P and Fairway. So if you shop at these stores please consider using scrip (gift cards) to support the church budget. If you are not at worship any Sunday, please call Janet or Peter Dewes at 973-595-5765 and we will make arrangements for delivery or pick-up. Thank you, Peter and Janet Dewes Sunday School Sept through June. Meet in the sanctuary at 10am. Children will be dismissed at 10:15am, for children ages 4 and up. Nursery Care provided for children under 4 years of age. Page 6 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 LFUMC strongly supports the Center for United Methodist Aid to the Community in feeding more than 2,600 hungry neighbors per month! Suggested Food Donation for: May & June Peanut Butter & Jelly Please donate to help CUMAC replenish their supplies and continue to minister to those in need! Our church has been working hard to help support the ministries of CUMAC, a United Methodist-Affiliated Regional Food Pantry & Thrift Store in Paterson for many years. Each week, volunteers take bags of donated food, clothing, etc. to CUMAC’s warehouse. Our church is one of the top supporters of this important regional outreach ministry! Little Falls UMC Supports Local Food Pantry and CUMAC: The Little Falls UMC maintains a food pantry to serve the local community in conjunction with the food pantries at other churches in Little Falls. During 2014, the Little Falls UMC pantry distributed food for 750 meals to families in the local community. In addition, members of the Little Falls Church continue to donate food to CUMAC along with items for their Thrift Shop. During 2014, more than 1,400 pounds of food were delivered to CUMAC, to help in feeding the larger community. More than 800 bags and boxes of clothing, and household items were given to CUMAC, for the Thrift Shop. Some larger items were also donated, such as children’s toys, microwaves, travel bags, luggage, and a sewing machine. Thank you for your ongoing participation in these local outreach ministries! Page 7 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 TREASURER'S REPORT - First Quarter 2015 BALANCE ON HAND -1/01/2015 INCOME Pledges Offering - other All Rentals Flowers $38,245.22 $ $ $ $ 33,806.00 930.91 11,580.00 165.00 Scrip Profit $ 1,422.25 Kohls Profit Soup Profit Chili & Subs Profit Fish & Chips Profit $ $ $ $ 62.50 240.50 218.43 978.25 One Great Hour of Sharing $ 70.00 $ 49,473.84 $ $ $ 12,080.46 133.50 15,030.57 Trustees' Maintenance Fund Payroll Cablevision: Church & parsonnage $ $ $ 2,700.00 21,000.00 649.44 Office Supplies $ 2,528.32 Scrip Purchases (all stores) Worship $ $ 3,800.00 337.43 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 58,259.72 $ 29,459.34 Shared Ministries $ 8,539.02 UMCOR $ 1,500.00 One Great Hour of Sharing $ 70.00 AVAILABLE BALANCE $ 19,350.32 TOTAL INCOME DISBURSEMENTS Utilities: Church & Parsonage Education: Bible Study Textbooks GNJ Annual Conference -Shared Ministries BALANCE ON HAND - 3/31/2015 OWED ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Page 8 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 UMW NEWS NEXT CIRCLE OF FRIENDS' MEETING: Tues May 19th, 12noon: On May 19th, the Circle of Friends will host a program led by Heather, from our local ShopRite. She will discuss proper nutrition, and will teach us how to prepare a typical nutritious meal. Bring your lunch at 12noon, or come for the program at 1pm. All are welcome to attend. Come and bring a friend! Dessert and coffee will be provided. (June Meeting: Tues June 16th, 12noon) NEXT UMW EXECUTIVE MEETING: Sun May 3rd, 11:15am SAVE-THE-DATE UMW Victorian Tea: Sat May 16th, 12noon. Won't you please join us for this special day? Tickets: $15 each Feel free to wear such Victorian items as a hat, a shawl, or gloves to add to the Victorian experience, and bring your favorite Tea Cup!! Proceeds of the tea will be used to fund our mission projects. Last year the UMW gave over $2,000 to charity. Please help us continue our work. See Carol Miller for Tickets. (See the ad on pg 10 for more info.) Page 9 Volume 174 Issue 4 & 5 May & June 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS UMW Victorian Tea: May 16th, 12noon Won't you please join us for this special day? Tickets: $15 each Feel free to wear such Victorian items as a hat, a shawl, or gloves to add to the Victorian experience, and bring your favorite Tea Cup!! Proceeds of the tea will be used to fund our mission projects. Last year the UMW gave over $2,000 to charity. Please help us continue our work. See Carol Miller for Tickets. GEMS Presentation Sunday: Sun May 17th, 10am Club Theme this year: Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Don’t miss this exciting morning of presentation from our Gems Girls! JULY/AUG BELFRY: Please submit info to be included in the July/Aug bi-monthly Belfry by, June 24th. Submit by e-mail to: [email protected] LITTLE FALLS UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 139 Main Street, Little Falls, NJ 07424 Website: www.littlefallsumc.org Email: [email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/lfumcnj
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