The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour Holy Eucharist

The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
Holy Eucharist
The Last Sunday After the Epiphany
A Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington
and the Anglican Communion
1700 Powder Mill Road - Silver Spring, MD 20903
February 15, 2015
Welcome to the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.
We are glad that you are here with us today.
Everyone is welcome to receive Communion in our
church regardless of your denominational background. 301-439-5900 [email protected]
“ A Home for all God’s People”
Liturgy of the Word
Book of Common Prayer, p. 355
Collect of the Day
Mark 9: 2-9
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 34
O God, who before the passion of your only begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beNicene Creed
holding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened
Book of Common Prayer, p. 358
to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to
glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you
Prayers of the People
and the Holy Ghost, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
First Reading
2 Kings 2: 1-12
Pew Bible, p. 259
Psalm 50
The LORD, the God of gods, has spoken; *
he has called the earth from the rising of the
sun to its setting.
Out of Zion, perfect in its beauty,*
God reveals himself in glory.
Our God will come and will not keep silence; *
before him there is a consuming flame,
and round about him a raging storm.
He calls the heavens and the earth from above *
to witness the judgment of his people.
“Gather before me my loyal followers, *
those who have made a covenant with me
and sealed it with sacrifice.”
Let the heavens declare the rightness of his cause; *
For God himself is judge.
Second Reading
2 Corinthians 4: 3-6
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 138
The word of God calls us to see that all the places and
occasions of the world, even places like sorrow and
death, are transfigured by the presence of the glory of
God in Christ Jesus. Let us now call to mind all who are
in any need and commend them to God’s transforming
care, saying: O merciful God, hear our prayer.
For those who are alone, for widows and widowers and
orphans, O merciful God:
Hear our prayer.
For the imprisoned, for those whose only home is the
streets, and for those caught by addiction, O merciful
God: Hear our prayer.
For the hungry, for those who cannot feed their children, and for the unemployed and underemployed, O
merciful God: Hear our prayer.
For refugees, for the victims of warfare, and for those
held in poverty, O merciful God: Hear our prayer.
For the people of our nation, our city and our community, O merciful God: Hear our prayer.
For the church and its leaders, formed by the life-giving
word of Christ, O merciful God: Hear our prayer.
For this assembly, feeding on the word of Christ, O
merciful God: Hear our prayer.
For those who are sick or in need, O merciful God: Hear
our prayer.
We pray for the special needs and concerns of this community. We pray for the men and women serving in the
armed forces, especially those listed in our prayer list, that
they and their families may be sustained by grace. We pray
for our Vestry, staff and lay leaders that God may guide
them in their work and ministry.
And now, let us offer to God the names of those for
whom we pray, either silently or aloud.
Tuesday, February 17 - Shrove Tuesday
The celebrant adds a concluding collect
06:00pm - Mardi Gras Pancake Supper
With Moses and Elijah and all the people of God, with the church
throughout the ages bearing witness to the great light of God shining
in dark places, we commend to you all for whom we pray, O merciful
God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Confession of Sin and The Peace
Common Prayer, p. 360
Holy Eucharist
Book of Common Prayer, p. 367
Drive-Through “Ashes to Go” Offered at
10:00am - 12 Noon and
03:00 - 05:00pm
Ash Wednesday Service:
LENTEN STUDY Starts Monday, February 23
Continues Every Monday During Lent
Blessing and Dismissal
06:30pm - Stations of the Cross
07:00pm - Lenten Soup & Bread Supper
07:30pm - Lenten Study
Those Serving At 08:00
Wednesday, February 18 - Ash Wednesday
The Rev. Dr. Robert W. Harvey
Stephen Brushett
Audrey Austin
Join the COS Seniors TOMORROW in the
COS Common Room at 11:30am
Fr. Carlson will speak on his two assignments abroad, in Reading, UK and Flor-
ence, Italy (with slides).
Sunday, March 29 - Palm Sunday
08:00am - Palm Sunday Eucharist Rite I
10:00am - Palm Sunday Eucharist Rite II
01:00pm - Misa de Domingo de Ramos
Thursday, April 2 - Maundy Thursday
07:30pm - Maundy Thursday Service
Friday, April 3 - Good Friday
It’s also the last day to reserve your spot on the bus for the March
2015 trip to see “Moses” in Lancaster, PA. To sign up, contact Bob
Carlson (301-439-1680 or email Bob at [email protected]).
Volunteer! Colesville Meals on
Wheels Needs YOU!
Volunteer opportunities are available for Colesville Meals on Wheels
Monday - Friday from 11:00am to
01:00pm. If you are interested,
please call Becky at 240-583-0728 or visit
12:00pm - Good Friday Service
at Grace Church, Silver Spring
06:00pm - Children's Stations of the Cross
07:30pm - Good Friday Service
Sunday, April 5 - Easter Sunday
08:00am - Easter Sunday Eucharist Rite I
10:00am - Easter Sunday Eucharist Rite II
01:00pm - Misa de Domingo de Pascua
Volunteer Lay Ministers
“Ashes to Go!”
This Week’s Calendar
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)
First Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 10:30am)
Choir Practice (Choir Chancel)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)
Second Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 1:30pm)
Children’s Handchime Rehearsal (Choir Room)
Spanish Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Classroom)
Latino Lay Leadership Group (Small Conference Room)
Latino Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)
Counters (Commons Room)
Misa en Español (Sanctuary)
Tiempo de Compañerismo (Undercroft; until 3:00pm)
10:00am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
06:00pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
07:00pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)
10:00am Weekly Bible Study (Commons Room)
10:00am - 12:00pm “Ashes to Go” (Church drive)
12:15pm Ash Wednesday Service (Chancel)
03:00pm - 05:00pm “Ashes to Go” (Church drive)
06:30pm Yoga (Choir Room)
07:30pm Ash Wednesday Service
10:00am Soup for the Homeless (Kitchen)
07:30pm Choir Rehearsal (Choir Chancel)
03:00pm St. Andrews College Park Vestry Retreat (Commons Room)
09:00am - 03:00pm St. Andrews College Park Vestry Retreat
On Ash Wednesday, COS will
again join other churches in our
Diocese in an outreach to the
neighborhood. We will provide
“drive through” ashes at two
different times, 10:00am 12:00 noon, and 03:00pm - 05:00pm, giving busy people in the area a chance to participate in this Lenten tradition, and to learn about
the friendly family at COS! Father Harvey will
be on hand, but in order to facilitate the day, we
need volunteers to sign up for each 2-hour shift
to help distribute ashes . Sign-up sheets are
on the bulletin board outside the Commons. You can read more about the Ashes to
Go movement here:
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Reports Due TODAY!
(Commons Room)
09:00am - 05:00pm ECW Annual Meeting (Undercroft)
Mardi Gras/ Shrove Tuesday
Tuesday, February 17
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Adults $8.00 (18 and up) Children (0-17) $4.00
(Youth who are serving eat FREE)
If you have palms from last year’s Palm Sunday, please bring
them… we will burn them around 7:00pm.
Please bring a can of food per person for the COS Food Pantry.
If you wish to come in costume, please do so!
Join Us for Breakfast!
You are invited to join other COS members at Samaritan
Ministry’s Next Step Breakfast on Wednesday, March 4 from
07:30am to 09:00am at the National Press Club. Samaritan
Ministry’s Next Step Program provides assistance to people
who are homeless and others in need while promoting
change, dignity and self-reliance in partnership with a Samaritan Ministry mentor.
Our own bishop, Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, is the emcee, and
Episcopal COS is sponsoring a table.
The breakfast is designed to provide a “snapshot” of the
work of the Next Step program. A complimentary breakfast is
served, and guests will be invited to make a financial contribution.
For more information or to RSVP, please look for us at Sunday morning coffee or contact Kathy at
[email protected] or Steve at [email protected].
See you on March 4!
For pastoral emergencies (someone has gone into the hospital or has died) after office hours, please call the Pastoral
Care Line at 301-602-6570. Be sure to leave the name of the hospital. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
Please send all announcements or schedule changes to the church office by email at:
[email protected] or by phone at 301-439-5900. To be included in the Sunday bulletin, all announcements must be received by noon on Wednesday, unless otherwise noted.
Many thanks to those who have pledged their financial commitments to the
church for 2015. As of February 1, 2015, we have received 206 pledges for a
total of $341,212.00. Of these, 28 are new pledges totaling $23,796.00. 26
pledges from members attending the Spanish service total $7,402.00. 45
members who pledged in 2014 have not turned in a pledge card for
2015, though some are still contributing to the church, and many have received calls from members of the stewardship committee.
If you have turned in a pledge card but do not see your name here, please contact the church office at
[email protected] or 301-439-5900 or see our Givings Recorder, Kathy Staudt.
Olawale, Elizabeth, Yewande and Adeola Adegboyega-Panox~Olusyeyi & Sade Adegoroye~Yvonne Agostini~Nancy Ahmed~Verna Alexander~Bernard Alfred~Chukwudulye Amaikwu~Elsy Amava~Joshua & Estella Anderson~Odette Anderson~Perry Anderson~Pamela Artis~Naett Asgill~Audrey Austin~Margarita and Bernardo Baez~Alexander & Yaata
Bazzie~Gene and Evelyn Bean~Norma Beaton~J. Wah-Doe Bedell II~Maize Blackman~Ernestine Blango~Carolyn and
Donna Blauvelt~Martin & Geraldine Boadu~Elsa and Daniel Bobb~Victor Bondzie~Eyatunde Bowen Wright~Jonathan
G. & Carole Broadnax~Stephen Brushett and Refiloe Bam~Kate Bryant~Mary Bryant~Elizabeth Buck~Claudette Bucknor~Beverly Byron~Harriett Campbell~Malena Campos~Nora Campos~Rufus and Mildred S Cannon~Robert and Elisabeth Carlson~Leonel Castro~Charles Chiazor~Sumner Clarren~Durosemi L & Blanche E Cleeve~Modupeh
Cleeve~Melvina Coker~Rosaline Coker~Victoria Coker~Bruce & Kathryn Cole~ Christina Cole~Derek Cole~Lindell
Cole~Melrose and Hannah Cole~Ebenezer & Yvonne Collier~Michaeland Olga Collier~Amid Conteh~Rufus
Conteh~Xiomara and Jaime Contreras~Sarah Crooke~Addo & Roseline Davies~Hector Davies-Cole~Richard Davis~Bernadette Denis~Wunika Dimka~Stephen K. Doe~Kenneth Egbuna~Daniel Epps~Ivan Flores~Alex O.
Forde~Quarshe Sam and Carnell Fredericks~Juan F and Maria E Garcia~Marilin Garcia~ Athelstan (Ted) Gaskin~Deborah Gebhardt~Virginia Gonzalez~Amorette Gooding~Margaret Gordon~Idali Gotay and Miguel Mercado~Roy
and Rita Gray~Denton Guy-Williams~Olivette Guy-Williams~Sylvia Hamilton-Reubens~Helen Hanlon~Robert & Anne
Harvey~Dolores Henderson~Milagro Hercules~Antonia F Hernandez~Nancy Maisto Hewett~Wilfred Heyliger~Theodora
Hosten-Payne~Kenrick and Claire Hunte~Lawrence & Chinasa Ifeajekwu~Nnaemeka Ifeajekwu~Josephine
Isaac~Geoffrey Jackson~Dorothy Jarrett~ Mr.& Mrs. Frank Jarrett~Wilbur & Lois Jenkins~Aarona Johnson~Omoyemi
and Alfred Johnson~Vivian Kingsley Johnson and Fatmata Saui~Harry Johnston-Taylor~Angela Jones~Lauretta
Jones~Victor & Linda Jones~Amri Joyner~Ethel Kalitsi~Jonathan Kamkwalala~Thomas Kavanagh~Marion Keita~John &
Nancy Knotts~Audrey Leslie~Ernesto Luna~Norma Luna~Gloria Lyn-Burnett~Eben and Rita Ojukutu Macauley~Nancy
MacCormack~Desiree Marshall~Josfa Martinez~ Max and Maria Martinez~Laura Martinez-Garcia~Theresa Mason~Adrian
Maynard~Javier and Luz Maynard~Geoffrey McCormack~Prince Mccormack~Denise McGarrell~Nazario Membreno~Erica Mitchell~Ikenna Mogekwu~Mathias E. and Gladys O. Mogekwu~Nkechi Mogekwu~Marva Moxey-Mims~Colm
& Joan Murtagh~Olatunge and Vera Nat-Jon~Norman Nicholson~Caleb Nicol~Gloria Daphne Nicol~Willie Nicol~Gabriel Nwani~Emmanuel Nwokolo~Quintin Okon-Thomas~ Bertha Ordonez~Maria Luisa Orozco~Flor de Maria
Ortiz and Julio Flores de Flor~Evelyn & Samuel Owusu~Olanike Oyefeso-Watts~Clara Palmer~Patrick Palmer~Sandra
Pang~Varney and Beatrice Perry~Katuma Pettiquoi~Gary & Roseann Pinckney~Colin Pitt~Emile & Victoria Pitt~James
Porter~Una Prescott~Gladys Pyne-Caulker~Rosa E Ramos Diaz~Ula Ramroop~Millicent Redd~Dr. and Mrs. Philip L.
Repetto~Arnold Robinson and Lena Cole Smith~Augusta Robinson~ Ella Robinson~Victor T. and Monica V. Robinson~Cordelia G Robinson and Obidiah Moore~Gertrude Rose~Theodora Roy-Johnson~Simeona and Alejandro Salmeron~Martha Sango~Yvonne Sawyer~Blyden & Malphina Scale~Logan & Cheryl Schutz~Devin Scott~Gladys Scott~James
& Bernice Shook~Carlos Sierra~Victor Silva~Joyce Simpkins~Abdullah Skerritt~Stephen and Phyllis Barson Solomon~Donald Spicer~Kathleen & Louis Staudt~Samuel & Sally Stokes~Donald and Cynthia Sutton~ Eva Taylor~Eglah
Thomas~Glenroy Thomas~Jacqueline Threatte~Andy Umanzor~Liduvina Umanzor~Silvia Valencia~Elvia Valencio~Jesse
Velasquez~Bruce Wallace~Jacqueline & Randolph Weithers~Eldora Whitehead~Robert Wigand~Alma Williams~Emerica
Williams~I Rimisa Williams~Nellie Williams~Sam Williams~Akitoye and Sarian Wilson~Victoria Wilson~Victoria
Wleh~Agneatha Wright~
Those for Whom We Pray
Gracious God, watch over these your children. Send your healing power upon those who are sick, protect
those travelling or in danger, and guide those who have decisions to make. Make known your love to all.
We ask all this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
In Continuing Prayer
Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox ~ Patricia Alexander ~ Christina Bedell ~ Julia Bauer ~ Gene & Evelyn Bean
Clifton Braithwaite ~ Ken Brothers ~ Bev Byron ~ David Byron ~ Carol Caccitore
Laura Carbone ~ Jim Clark ~ Bud Cole ~ Jonathan and Irene Cole ~ Al Coley ~ Kathleen Collins ~ Sandy Pang
Beverly Collins and Family ~ Lee DeMulder ~ Barbara Dougherty ~ Chioma Ekechi and Family ~ Leslie Forder
Linda Francis ~ Cindy Fryer ~ Gloria Gaskill ~ Deborah Goosby ~ Carl Hammond ~ James Hammond
Chickey Henderson ~ Alisha Johnson ~ Richard Johnston ~ Reesa Jones ~ J. & M. Kent ~ Nancy MacCormack
Emerica O. Williams & Family ~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lardner & Family ~ Jenny Lay ~ Carolyn & Moncure Logan
Virginia Mahsman ~ David Sheriff ~ Bob Mann ~ Prince McCormack ~ Thelma McDowell ~ Kimberly Mott
Dorothy Murphy ~ Gagriela Navarro ~ Sandra Nylen ~ Jessica Rehn ~ Bianca Rodriguez
Cecilia Rodriguez ~ Patricia Rodriguez ~ Lee Rose ~ Joyce Simpkins ~ Fay Simpson ~ David L. Stratmon, 3rd, Teddy Jackson
Teddy Jackson ~ Elizabeth Taylor ~ Evelyn Taylor ~ Chelsea & Brandon Valentine ~ Quentin Walker ~ Karen Washington
Bob Hacker ~ Nathalie White ~ Anne Willemann ~ I. Rimisa Williams, Sr. ~ Rhodel L. Williams ~James and Ruby Young
Maeve Nguyen ~ Anna Heflin ~ Jack Roof ~ Momolu Cooper ~ Janet Hunte ~ Valerie Franklin
Christine Dawson ~ Alexis Privitiera ~ Bill Goodwin ~ Rosa Colon ~ Ludmila (Lee) Noonan ~ Francisco Luis Gotay
Princess Ado Kangay & Family ~ Nancy Barson ~ Brandon Wilson ~ Bernice Shook ~ Grace Siwajuola
Randie Siegel ~ Fran Olson ~ Michael Smith ~ Keith Kaylor and Family ~ Brandon Bell ~
The unemployed and the underemployed, and their families
Important Note:
In an effort to keep the “Short Term Needs” list as current as
possible, we will purge and renew this list every thirty days.
Persons who have need for prayer longer than thirty days
should be submitted to the “In Continuing Prayer” list.
If you find that someone has been removed from the short term
list who should instead be placed on the Continuing Prayer list,
please call or email the church office at
301-439-5900 or [email protected]
Short Term Needs
Jeremiah Davis ~ Jaylin Jones ~ Jacob Walker ~ Harry Johnston-Taylor ~ The Senior Widows Club
Raymond Vaughn ~ Terry Hunte ~ Margaret Dowding ~ Alan Benjamin ~ The Simmons Family
Marcie Burroughs ~ Hermina McCalla & Family ~ Jane Boyd ~ Harrison Dyrample ~ Michael Smith
Bernita Smith ~ GB Galyon ~ Katy Tzamaras ~ Alexi Tzamaras ~ Lynne Siegel ~ Freda Gwynn
Janet Goree & Family ~ Mary Rigney ~ Edward Thomas ~ Byron Simms ~
Doris Parker ~ Betty Nelson ~ Joan Lynn
Those Traveling
The Deceased
Members of the Armed Forces
Jake Barr ~ Jason Durkaj ~ Harrison Grimes ~ Mary Q. Jackson ~ Christopher Shy ~ Keith Foster ~ Brittany Thomas
Donald D. Valentine ~ Adam Walker ~ Mason Walker ~ Dellion Sitladin, Sr. ~ Mason Walker ~ And All Those Who Serve