FIRS EDITION First United Methodist Church,Greenwich,Connecticut The Rev. Heather A. M. Sinclair February 2015 Dear Beloved in Christ, One of the most important habits of a healthy church is prayer. (For a refresher on the other healthy habits, see page 2 and come to worship to hear the sermons!) I have three visions for enhancing the prayer life of FUMC. These have been shared with church leaders at Ad Council and in worship on February 1. For our congregation to be vital and healthy, everyone is encouraged to be a part of this vision. 1) We will precede every worship service with prayer. I will gather with worship leaders at 10:20am (or 10 minutes prior to the start of any other service) to pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire all of us as we worship together. 2) We will be making plans for a monthly mid-week prayer service to pray for the church, ourselves and our neighbors, so that all may be invited to lift their prayers and all will know that FUMC is a community that believes in the power of prayer. 3) We will be exploring the idea of a Prayer Box, posted in a convenient location(s) that will allow our neighbors to submit prayer requests to be lifted during weekly worship and the mid-week prayer service. My hope is that people will come to know that FUMC is a place that cares and prayers for the community. Please join me in praying that these visions will become reality, so that we may trust more fully on God and God’s call for us as a healthy body of Christ. Thanks to Euphemia Whylly for sharing this poem that reminds us of “The Power of Prayer” In Christ’s Service, Pastor Heather The Power of Prayer By Shirley Hile Powell; Submitted by Euphemia Whylly Where two or three are gathered, And two or three agree, God will hear your every prayer And always answer thee. Know that He is with you Through every step of life. He is your beloved comforter During your woes and strife. We must place our lives into His hands As we walk this earthly sod And always do his holy will For He is our Lord, our God. Remember what we ask in Prayer God might not grant that day But He will always answer us In His own time and way. 1 What Makes a Healthy Church? A New Years’ Sermon Series based on the video Bible Study by Rev. Chuck Ferrera “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47) Just as we make personal resolutions for our health, the church needs to make resolutions for our health and vitality. For the next five weeks, our worship will explore the need for these healthy habits. I challenge you to commit to being in worship during this series so that together we may learn and grow and bear witness to the great things that God is doing in our church. January 25—John 1:1-18 A Healthy Church Makes sure that the Bible, God's Word, is central to everything it does. February 1—Matthew 6:1, 5-14 A Healthy Church Makes Prayer a Priority February 8—Acts 2:42-47 A Healthy Church Offers Loving Fellowship and Welcomes New People into the Fellowship February 15—Mark 9:2-9, 14-29 A Healthy Church is a Church that Offers Small Groups Relationships so that Believers Walk in Unity and Favorable and Positively Impact the Community Around Them. NY/CT District Leader-to-Leader Training for new and experienced church leaders Saturday February 21, 9:30am, Fishkill UMC Workshops will include: ✰ SPRC I — Basics ✰ SPRC II — Personnel issues ✰ Parish Development ✰ Trustees ✰ Church Finance ✰ Evangelism ✰ Youth & Young Adult Ministries ✰ Meeting Basics Plenary Speaker—Rev. Dr. Derrick Noble NYAC Director, of Congregational Development and Revitalization 2 Lent Begin with Ash Wednesday on February 18 The sanctuary will be open from 8am-3pm for quiet prayer and meditation. A service with imposition of ashes will be at 12 noon. The congregations of First UMC, Diamond Hill UMC and First Church Round Hill will worship together at 7pm at First Church Round Hill, 464 Round Hill Road, Greenwich. Lenten Worship The churches of the Greenwich/Stamford United Methodist Cluster will gather for weekly Wednesday evening supper and worship for five weeks during of Lent. Our worship theme will be Wesleyan “Means of Grace.” And our weekly offerings will go towards the New York Annual Conference goal of raising $1.2 million for Imagine No Malaria. (For more information on this campaign go to FUMC will be hosting dinner (6:30pm) and worship (7:30pm) on Wednesday, February 25. Dinner will be a simple meal of soup, bread and salad. We are looking for people to bring pots of soup to share and to help with dinner set-up and clean-up. Our guest speaker that evening will be Lynda Gomi, Assistant to the Director of Connectional Ministries for the NYAC. Lynda is passionate about the Imagine No Malaria campaign. A full schedule of Lenten Services will be available shortly. 3 Mardi Gras Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 17, 6-8 pm Pancakes Sausage Bacon Fresh Fruit Coffee & Tea Juice Join your neighbors for great food and fellowship! $5 suggested donation. Kids under 10 eat free! All donations will support the mission and ministries of the First UMC of Greenwich. First United Methodist Church of Greenwich 59 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 203-629-9584 Email: [email protected] 4 Your help is needed for the pancake supper! Publicity in advance of the event. Set-up at 3:00pm Pancake flippers at 5:00pm Servers from 5:30 to 8:00pm Greeters from 6:00 to 8:00pm Clean-up from 7:30 to 9:00pm Sign-up sheets will be available on Sundays in worship or contact the church office. Car pooling will be arranged for the district meeting with Bishop Middleton. Email Pastor Heather ([email protected]), if you are interested. Donations of cash and food for Neighbor to Neighbor may be made through February 8th. Thank you for your generosity! 5 In remembrance… Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Ken Washburne, especially John Provino, at this time of grief and loss. We give thanks to God for Ken’s long life and the promise of eternal life in Christ. Funeral services will be held February 6 & 7. See calendar for details. Carol and George Stockbridge wish to advise that their new phone number is 203-698-0710. The old number no longer works. Happy Birthday Sunday School News Sunday School gathers on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. On the first Sunday, kids will spend time with Miss Hortencia before returning to worship for Holy Communion. On the third Sunday, we will all gather for family-friendly, intergenerational worship. Thanks for our January & February teachers Jeff Brown & Terry Kimball 2 Clayton Bassford 3 Alice Connolly 3 George Lowden 4 Peter Tryhane 8 Diane Tryhane And a Happy Anniversary to . . Feb. 14— Daniel and Ginny Marciano Feb. 27— David and Virginia Lentz Give a child a lasting gift—invite them to church! Please pick up your offering envelopes from the narthex. They are labeled with your name. Please do not pick up someone else’s. If your name is not there, take an unlabeled packet and contact the church office to let Ann C. know what number you got. If we’ve missed your birthday or anniversary, we’re sorry! We don’t want to leave anyone out! Please email us at churchnews@fumcgreenwich. FEBRUARY SUNDAY TEAMS GREETERS 2/1 open 2/8 George & Carol Stockbridge 2/15 Euphemia Whylly & Sarah Vorder Bruegge 2/22 open (Please speak with Pastor Heather or Julie Brown to volunteer!) USHERS 2/1 John Provino & Kenneth Washburne 2/8 Jean Cupp & Claire Horton/Julie Brown 2/15 Claire Horton & Julie Brown 2/18 Ash Weds—open 2/22 Wally Rozmus & Scott Sargeant TELLERS 2/1 2/8 tbd 2/15 tbd 2/22 tbd 6 FUMC Greenwich February 2015 Sun Mon 2 1 Tue 3 Wed 4 10:30 am Worship 8 9 10 10:30 am Worship & Sunday School 15 7pm Ad Council 16 10:30 am Family Friendly Worship 22 10:30 am Worship & Sunday School 11 23 17 18 6-8pm Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper 7pm Ash Wednesday at Round Hill 24 12pm Ash Wed Prayer Thu 6 7pm Covenant Bible Study 10-11am Visiting Hours for Ken Washburne 11am Memorial Service for Ken Washburne 12 13 14 7 20 21 27 28 7pm Covenant Bible Study 19 6-8pmGathering with Bishop Middleton at Yorktown Heights 26 6:30/7:30 Lenten Supper & Worship 8pm Trustees 7pm Covenant Bible Study 7 Sat 5 25 Church Office Hours are Tuesday and Thursday 8am-1pm. Pastor Heather’s Sermon Preparation Day is Friday and she reserves Saturdays for family and personal time. In case of a pastoral emergency, you may reach Pastor Heather at 203-913-8148. Fri First United Methodist Church of Greenwich 59 E. Putnam Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 (203) 629-9584 [email protected] First United Methodist Church of Greenwich Find hope here. Find peace here. Find joy here. Find the love of God here. Sunday Worship, 10:30 am with Sunday School and childcare for the kids. Fellowship & Coffee to follow in the narthex. Holy Communion first Sunday of the month. Lent Begin Ash Wednesday, February 18 Rev. Heather Sinclair Church Office: 203-629-9584 Parsonage Phone: 203-869-1686 [email protected] Church Office Phone: 203-629-9584 Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 8:00 AM—1:00 PM. Email: [email protected] First Edition is a monthly newsletter of the First United Methodist Church of Greenwich. First Edition welcomes your submissions and photos. Please email them to [email protected] or by regular mail by the 25th of the month. First Edition reserves the right to edit for clarity or space. 8
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