St. Paul’s Announcement Sheet for February 15, 2015 ST. PAUL’S TODAY Today at St. Paul’s Children & Family Ministries Sunday, February 15th 7:30 AM Holy Eucharist Chapel Fellowship Hour Centering Prayer Parish Hall Chapel 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist Church 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 Noon 6:30 PM Rainbow Chapel Fellowship Hour Adult Confirmation Class Youth Confirmation Class Fam Min Ctr Parish Hall Meeting Room Youth Center 8:30 AM 8:30 AM Come visit the Crafts for Kids table in the Parish Hall after church! Rainbow Chapel -TODAY - 9:30am A time for Pre-K to 5th graders to engage with the story of the day through songs, crafts, games and more. NOISY MASS! -Sunday, March 8 - 8:45am A playful and sacred space for toddlers and and their families to worship together. After 10 years of coordinating Winter Nights, Leslie Dawson Ford is retiring. We are having a meeting after the 9:30 service TODAY to look at all that Leslie did so that we can break her job up into smaller pieces so that more people can do smaller jobs and get the whole job done. Many hands make light work. Please be at the Livingston Conference room at 11 if you want to help keep Winter Nights at St. Paul’s alive. We are next scheduled to host from 1/4/16-1/18/16. Hymn Sing Today! After the 9:30 am service honoring the Rev. Absalom J ones t here will be a hymn sing in the Parish Hall. Pick your favorite hymns,come gather ‘round the piano, and let’s sing! - Dwight ST. PAUL’S THIS WEEK & UPCOMING Friday, April 17 at 7 pm: Voices of St. Benedict’s Gospel Choir with Leonard Pete Saturday, May 2 at 7 pm: Classical Guitar Gala West Final Concert Friday, June 5 at 7 pm: Kirsten West Piano Trio Friday, June 26 at 7 pm: Dwight Stone & Nika Rejto Summer Send-off Concert Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! February 17, 5:30 - 7:30pm $5 per person/maximum of $20 per family Fellowship & syrup are free! KITCHEN KITS - THIS PROJECT NEEDS YOUR HELP Kitchen kits are made up and distributed under the umbrella of the Contra Costa Interfaith Coalition, of which St. Paul's is a founding member. They go to individuals and families who have been homeless and are now able to move into permanent housing. The kits consist of basic kitchen equipment, pans, dishes, bakeware, flat ware, mugs, water glasses, etc... These can be gently used. As of now we are in great need of items to fill the weekly requests. With this in mind please take this opportunity to clean out your kitchen cupboards or those boxes in your garage and do some early Spring Cleaning. Most of us have items that we might want to donate. Contact Mary Waddington for more details. SPYG This Week at St. Paul’s It’s St. Paul’s Youth Group for kids in 6th - 12th grades. At SPYG we play games, do community building activities, discuss the problems and joys of the world, worship together, and have lots of fun! SPYG will have our Progressive Dinner on 2/21. Teens should RSVP to Julia Gearhart’s email address, and if anyone’s interested in hosting a course of the meal, please let her know as well. Interested? Contact: Richard Kemink Julia Gearhart Mariko Sturgess Monday, February 16th 9:00 AM Trinity Center 7:00 PM Vestry Meeting Tuesday, February 17th 9:00 AM Trinity Center 1:00 PM Balance Training 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 5:30 PM Shrove Tuesday Pancakes! 7:30 PM Boy Scouts Fellowship House Livingston Conf Fellowship House Church Meeting Room Parish Hall Parish Hall Wednesday, February 18th - Ash Wednesday 9:00 AM 12:00 Noon Trinity Ctr Board Mtg Trinity Center Ladies Day 12:15 PM 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday ServiceChapel Ash Wednesday ServiceChurch Thursday, February 19th 9:00 AM Livingston Conf Fellowship House Trinity Center Fellowship House 12:15 PM Prayer Service Chapel Balance Training Choir Practice Church Church 1:00 PM 7:30 PM Friday, Feb 20th - PARISH OFFICE CLOSED 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Cell Phones Can Make Us Money! We don’t make much money from recycling toner cartridges and they’re getting pickier about which they’ll accept. But relatively new cell phones and laptops can be recycled for good prices. You can bring them to the Parish Office. Even mp3 players bring in $1 each. Thanks for keeping the Parish Office going! FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JANUARY INCOME EXPENSE DIFFERENCE YEAR TO DATE, $77,296.27 $56,714.87 $20,581.40 INCOME EXPENSE DIFFERENCE $77,296.27 $56,714.87 $20,581.40 AS OF 1/31/15 YTD NET OPERATING FUND $20,581.40 Kitchen Kits Trinity Center Saturday, February 21st 9:00 AM Altar Guild Youth Center Fellowship House Church, Chapel Sunday, February 22nd 7:30 AM Holy Eucharist Chapel Fellowship Hour Centering Prayer Parish Hall Chapel 9:30 AM Holy Eucharist Church 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 Noon Rainbow Chapel Fellowship Hour Adult Confirmation Class Fam Min Ctr Parish Hall Meeting Room Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 22 Feb 25-Mar 25 Mar 29 Apr 3 Apr 5 Apr 17 June 7 July 12-24 UPCOMING EVENTS Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Ash Wednesday: Lent begins 1st Sunday of Lent: Great Litany Lenten Series Palm Sunday Good Friday Easter Sunday Gospel Concert Bishop’s Visitation St. Paul’s Family CAMP 8:30 AM 8:30 AM WEATHER WATCH FOR THE HOMELESS When the temperature is predicted to go below 40 the Trinity Center will accept a limited number of overnight guests. If you are willing to help with hosting our guests, please contact Carol Lombard at [email protected]. There’s a red signup book that you might have seen on the coffee table on Sunday mornings. This is where you can sign up to host coffee hour. It’s an easy and enjoyable way to offer service to your fellow members and newcomers. We’re looking forward to seeing your name. We’re really looking forward to seeing your name SOON. If you have any questions, talk to Elizabeth Soares and she’ll fill you in on the details. THANKS! Update from the St. Paul’s Affordable Housing Workgroup The workgroup is in the very early phases of the process of creating a draft proposal for parish consideration. The first step taken was to develop a request for qualifications that was used to invite possible nonprofit developers to share their experience and qualifications to work with us on a proposal. The criteria the workgroup is utilizing to select a possible development partner are as follows: • Past experience creating affordable housing projects that are aesthetically pleasing, safe and desirable to prospective tenants and compatible with faith communities and congregational worship space. • Experience integrating program space with residential space including building and design, landscape, management and ongoing operations • A clear evidence of the organization’s secure financial resources that can be relied on to complete the building project and manage the ongoing facility, its required services and to score appropriately in competitions for affordable housing commitments. • A financial plan for the project that respects St Paul’s as the land owner and describes funding options that result in no cost to the St Paul’s Parish. LENTEN SERIES Wednesdays, February 25 to March 25 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall Soup Supper Looking for the Epistle, Rev. Sylvia’s Letter, or that one announcement? Every week, on the homepage of the St. Paul’s website (, we update the announcement sheet. This is also where you can find the most recent Epistle and Rev. Sylvia’s monthly letter. Just scroll down to the middle of the page and you can stay connected to St. Paul’s wherever you are! What’s Going on in Our Confirm not Conform Program? If you have any questions, contact Rev. Don or Julia Gearhart. 2/15: SCRIPTURE: THE BIBLE BY HEART Youth learn to use a concordance to help them select a passage of Scripture to memorize. 3/1: TEACH US TO PRAY: THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER An overview and exploration of the history and contents of The Book of Common Prayer 3/6-8: DIOCESAN CONFIRMATION RETREAT 3/15: TEACH US TO PRAY: THE SACRAMENTS Discusses the meaning of the sacraments in the Episcopal tradition. 3/29: TRADITION: THE CHURCH THROUGH THE YEAR Explores the seasons of the church year and examines some of the materials used in worship. St. Paul’s Book Groups Livingston Conference Room All are welcome Afternoon Group - 2nd Thursday at 1:00 pm Questions: Helen Greenwood Evening Group - 2nd Thursday at 7:00 pm (new meeting time) Questions: Walt & Sue Busenius One Chapter a Month Men’s Group – last Tuesday at 7:00 pm Questions: Rev. Don Adolphson February Afternoon - Me Before You by Jo Moyes Evening - Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan One Chapter a Month - Without Apology by Stanley Hauerwas COMMUNITY GROUPS & AROUND THE DIOCESE Episcopal Church will host forum on today’s critical issue: The Climate Change Crisis On March 24, The Episcopal Church will host and produce a groundbreaking forum on one of the most critical issues facing today’s world: The Climate Change Crisis. The 90-minute live webcast will originate from Campbell Hall Episcopal School, North Hollywood, CA. In partnership with Bishop J. Jon Bruno and the Diocese of Los Angeles, The Climate Change Crisis will begin 11 am on Tuesday, March 24. If you are interested in watching the webcast together contact Sean at [email protected]. Community Groups at St. Paul’s Sunday, February 15th Taize Prayer All are invited to join weekly Taize prayer at San Damiano on Wednesdays from 7-8 pm. Feb 25, March 4, 11, 18 and 25. If you are interested, please contact Nancy Burchett. 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:30 PM 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM AA Meeting Orthodox Church Service Orthodox Fellowship Open Door Community Women’s ACOA Mtg AA Meeting Monday, February 16th 9:00 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM AARP Tax Aide CoDa Meeting Diablo Choral Artists SLAA Tuesday, February 17th 9:00 AM AARP Tax Aide 1:00 PM Voice Lessons 7:00 PM OA Meeting 7:00 PM FAR Anon Meeting 7:00 PM Orthodox Book Club Wednesday, February 18th 12:00 Noon AlAnon Meeting 5:30 PM AA Meeting 7:00 PM AA Meeting 7:30 PM ACOA Meeting Thursday, February 19th 7:00 AM Le-Tip of WC 9:30 AM John Muir Health Van 1:00 PM Voice Lessons 5:00 PM MADD Meeting Friday, February 20th 5:30 PM 7:00 PM AA Meeting Orthodox Church Vespers Saturday, February 21st 8:00 AM 9:30 AM AA Meeting AA Meeting Fellowship House Church Livingston Conf Church, PH, LCR Fellowship House Fellowship House Parish Hall Fellowship House Church Fellowship House Parish Hall Music Studio Youth Center Fellowship House Chapel Youth Center Fellowship House Fellowship House Livingston Conf Livingston Conf Parking Lot Music Studio Parish Hall Fellowship House Parish Hall Fellowship House Fellowship House
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