The Three Parishes February 2015 Your Local Newsletter for Ardley-with-Fewcott, Fritwell, Souldern and surrounding area DATES FOR YOUR DIARY THE SMALLPRINT Website: Facebook: Subscriptions: To arrange a new subscription phone 345830. Letters, comments, articles, drawings, pictures, contributions, opinions etc. are very welcome. Whilst the editors do not necessarily agree with the content of contributions and reserve the right to edit for space, all are considered equally. There is a 400 word limit on all contributions please. If your item is not time-sensitive, it will not necessarily be included in the first issue after you submit it, but you will be informed when it will appear. All contributions by email will be acknowledged. For contributions and subscriptions, e-mail is the best way to contact us: [email protected]. You can leave typed articles at any of the collection points below. Please include your name & contact details and deliver your article, or your £3 subscription money to: David Blunt Gibbs Field House, Foxhills Lane, Souldern, Madeleine Gilpin, ‘Millwood’, Water Lane, Ardley G B Wrighton and Son, East Street, Fritwell For subscription or delivery problems, please contact the editor: Vicky Hibberd. [email protected] Tel: 345830 Mob: 07788 560174 BUSINESS ADVERTS CONTACT: Penny Cummins Email: [email protected] Tel: 07833 383 563 Advertise from just £3.50 per issue: ADVERTISING RATES FOR 10 ISSUES (1 YEAR) 1/8 PAGE £35 1/4 PAGE £70 1/2 PAGE £140 (ADVERTS MAY BE PLACED IN ANY MONTH) DEADLINES FOR CONTRIBUTIONS 2014/15 Issue Deadline for copy March 2015 (Mother’s day issue) 13th February 2015 April 2015 (Easter issue) 20th March 2015 May 2015 (Spring issue) 17th April 2015 June 2015 15th May 2015 July 2015 12th June 2015 Aug/Sept (summer issue) 17th July 2015 1 Feb 7 Feb 10 Feb 13 Feb 21 Feb 21 Feb 28 Feb FEBRUARY Restoration celebration Somertonchurch [p14] Alchester RUFC play at home [p12] Fritwell Forget-me-Nots meeting [p12] Cushion Club Fritwell [p12] Alchester RUFC play away [p12] Souldern Community Market [p14] Alchester RUFC play at home [p12] 1-8 Mar 3 Mar 7 Mar 7-8 Mar 14 Mar 14 Mar 28 Mar 27 Mar 15 Apr 17 Apr 22 Aug COMING UP Care for a Cuppa week in aid of KHH [p5] AFECT meeting Ardley VH [p11] Ardley Garden Club Lunch event [p10] Ardley litter blitz [p11] Day courses at Marlborough School [p4] Cotswold Comedy Club Fritwell [p4] KHH concert, 7pm [p 5] Container Gardening event [p 10] Viridor Liaison meeting [p11] AwF Garden Club 3-day trip to Peak District [p10] Souldern Horticultural Show details tba REGULAR EVENTS Tuesdays every other week Mobile Library Ardley [p9] Wednesdays 9.15am Pilates Fritwell Village Hall Wednesdays 9.30am Tiny Turtles, Ardley Village Hall [p11] Wednesdays 10.15am Playbus Fritwell [p3] Wednesdays 4pm Kids’ Zumba Fritwell Wednesdays 5pm Tiny people’s ballet Fritwell Last Wednesday of the month 7pm BINGO Fritwell VH Thursdays 8pm ‘Thirsty Thursdays’ + quiz Fritwell VH Thursday every other week 10am Pumpkins Ardley VH [p3] Thursday every other week Mobile Library Fritwell [p9] Thursday every other week Mobile Library Souldern [p9] Fridays—monthly—Fritwell Cushion Club Movie Village Hall [p13] Sundays 4pm Tae Kwon Do Fritwell (booking essential) HAPPY NEW YEAR ! Your payments are due please Please make sure you pay your £3 for the magazine (you can give this to your deliverer, or hand in at the Post Office in Fritwell—make sure you leave your name and address too), and please pay your invoice if you are an advertiser. THANK YOU COMMUNITY WANTED Organist or Keyboard Player for Souldern Church Choir MADELEINE’S COUNTRYFILE January Here we are at the start of another year and the days are steadily (if slowly) growing longer by about 3 minutes every day. I've already seen catkins on the hazels and alders and yesterday I saw a bank at Clifton with primroses and cowslips. How's that for an uplift? But of course we usually have the three coldest months ahead of us now. Let's hope Winter 2015 will not be too severe. Madeleine Gilpin We sing regularly on Wednesday evenings and some Sunday mornings and urgently need someone to play for us. We sing for the joy of the music with mainly church music but are very keen to learn a variety of music types and maybe give concerts, sing in church festivals and celebrations. Fritwell School Happy New Year! December seems like a distant memory, as the children have been back in school for a couple of weeks, following the festive break. The season of Advent is always such a busy time in school, both for the children and the staff, but it is such a lot of fun too. Apart from the day to day learning, which still had to continue, we wanted to make December as special as possible for the children, so we began the month with a decorating day. Nicholson’s Garden centre donated a Christmas tree to us and the children spent the day decorating it and their classrooms. The children also made decorations for the large tree in St Olave’s Church which you might have seen during the Festival of Trees. A number of children gave up their Saturday to sing at the Festival. They looked wonderful in their Christmas attire and sang beautifully. We are very lucky in having a very dedicated group of parents who help to raise money for the school. One of their annual events is the Secret Present Room, where children buy a surprise gift for members of their family and have help wrapping them. The children absolutely love it and it makes present buying more special for them, as they are shopping independently. Once again the Year 3 and 4 children welcomed the older residents of our community into school and treated them to a Christmas tea and some entertainment. This has become an annual event and people from all of the parishes we cover are welcome. Just let us know if you missed out on an invitation this year. No Christmas is complete in school without a Nativity performance and a Carol Service, and once again our children did us proud. They were such confident performers and raised the roof with their singing in church. Finally, we had a very special visitor in school on the last day of term. He brought sweets to all the children during their Christmas party and was very well received before he set off for the busiest time of his year. Please contact Anne Callow via email: [email protected] or phone or text on 07796110758 ASAP. FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OF TREES & WREATHS 2014 St Olave’s would like to extend its grateful thanks to everyone who took part in this combined Christmas event: to those who generously sponsored a tree or wreath; those who gave their time before, during and after the event; and those who came and supported the event. A special thank you to Fritwell School for decorating the main church tree so beautifully and for their festive singing at the fair on 6th December. The combined net proceeds from the fair and the display of trees & wreaths totalled £2000 and will support further improvements to the church during this year. Previous fundraising and grant monies have made possible the new w.c. facility and kitchen servery, both of which ’earned their keep’ during events over the Christmas period! We are always looking for volunteers to help with events, and/or with church maintenance. There is also a vacancy to administer the web page ( If you can help in any way, please contact the Churchwarden, Mike Dockrey (tel—345178, email–[email protected]), or the PCC Secretary, Pamela Hand (tel—345632, e-mail, [email protected]). Debbie McLeod, Headteacher 2 COMMUNITY PUMPKINS Ardley w Fewcott Toddler Group Ardley Village Hall 10am - 12noon Alternate Thursdays Everyone welcome—come along for a drink & a friendly chat. Meet other mums, dads, nannies, granddads and carers. Only £2.00 per family. Please come along and support your local toddler club. Donations of good quality toys would be gratefully appreciated. For more information contact: Louise 01869 346708 Bernie 01869 345073 Oxfordshire Carers Forum Home-Start in Bicester is looking for new volunteers.... Are you a Parent/Grandparent/Carer? Are you a good listener? Do you have skills you could share with other parents? Could you spare 2-4 hours per week? We offer support, friendship and practical help to local families in their homes. Full training and support provided. You can make a difference to a family! For more information please contact: Bicester – 01869 349990 / 07918705560 or view our website Are you aware of Oxfordshire Carers’ Forum? We are a charity based in Abingdon who provide support and services to Carers all over Oxfordshire. If you or someone you know is a carer you can take advantage of this information. We provide three very special services to Carers: 1. Carers Voice We enable carers to have their voice heard and influence services by keeping them informed about changes, finding out what they think about them and making sure their views are passed on to those who can do something about them. 2. Confidence 2 Care Aimed at improving support for carers aged 18 and over, free local group sessions allow development of caring knowledge and skills. Confidence 2 Care will: Help build on strengths as a carer. Give the opportunity to share experiences and learn from others in similar situations. Provide up to date information about services available to carers. Help with decisions about changes to the caring role. 3. Telephone support and Signposting opportunities We provide a telephone support service on 01235 520440 between 09:00 and 16:00 daily. We also work in partnership with Carers Oxfordshire a newly established organisation in Oxfordshire who provide support to Carers who are new to the role or established carers when things have changed. Carers Oxfordshire can also give benefits advice and support through home visits. Contact: Michelle Evans, Oxfordshire Carers Forum. Charity No. 1032918 Tel: 01235 520440 3 COMMUNITY Police update from WPC Caroline Brown During December we have had two vehicles broken into, one in Ambrosden and one in Upper Arncott, this is an area where vehicles have been broken into before and items stolen so we are stepping up our patrols to try to prevent offences. We are continuing to have reports of oil thefts, there was an attempt theft just prior to Christmas in Duns Tew and a theft of heating oil in the village the first week of January. In Launton a van was broken into whilst parked on a private driveway and tools stolen and a shed at another location was forced open and tools stolen. Please be extra vigilant and report any suspicious incidents to Police on either 101 or 999. As we start a new year we are looking at planning and what events are taking place on the rural area. If you have any events such as fetes, coffee mornings, village fund raisers or similar and would like us to attend then please E Mail me the details at [email protected] and we will do our best to ensure someone can attend. Community Education at the Marlborough School, Woodstock Courier Fraud scam We run an extensive programme of courses for adults within the school all year round (apart from school holidays). A new type of scam is spreading across the country, which tricks people into handing over their bank cards and pin numbers. A full copy of our 2014-15 brochure is available to download on the Marlborough School website Courier fraud, which often targets the elderly and vulnerable, sees the victim receive a phone call from fraudsters who say they are from their bank or the police. They tell the victim that they are calling because there has been suspicious activity on their account and advice them to call the bank from the number on the back of their card, which helps the victim believe the call is genuine. If you would like a free printed copy of our brochure or to book a place please telephone 01993 813592 or email [email protected]. It is possible to join some of our weekly classes throughout the term - if there is still availability – please ring to check. For up to date and comprehensive information about availability on courses please see the school website (as above). As courses become full they are listed for your information. The victim disconnects the phone and dials their bank or police, however the fraudster has kept the telephone line open so even though a number is dialed, it is not connected and the victim is still on the phone to the fraudster, who then gains their trust and asks them to either say or key in their pin, before telling them their card will be collected and a replacement delivered. Once the fraudster has all the information they need, a courier is sent to collect the card from the victim, and a replacement is delivered at the same time, which is not a genuine bank card. On Saturday 14 March the following workshops are available: Patchwork for Beginners with your sewing machine 9.30am-4.30pm £38.50 + materials Bicycle Maintenance 10am-2.30pm £26 EFT/Tapping: An Introduction 10am-12.30pm £18 iPad/iPhone for Improvers 1-4pm £18 Italian for your Holidays 2 10am-1pm £18 Painting using special effects 10am-4pm £33+materials Photography with your Digital Camera for Beginners 10am-3pm £27.50 Yoga for neck and shoulder pain 10am-1pm £18 Sugarcraft for Mother’s Day and Easter 1-4pm £21+materials For more information about any of our courses or to book a space please contact me. The offender has obtained the person’s name, address, full bank details, the card itself and the PIN. The bank cards are then used fraudulently without the victim’s knowledge. Advice to protect yourself against courier fraud If you receive such a call end it immediately If you think you have received one of these calls please consider using another phone line, mobile or other method to contact your bank or the police. If you can only use the same phone, disconnect the call and wait 5 minutes before you dial. If an offender is nearby or you feel in danger dial 999. If you have handed over any details to the fraudster, inform your bank and cancel your cards immediately. Mrs Jenny Bodinham, Coordinator Marlborough C of E School, Community Education Tel: 01993 813592 4 COMMUNITY per week you might get a phone call on a Friday morning from Wendy our Lottery Administrator telling you that you’ve won £1,000- Wendy loves making that call! For more information call the Lottery Office on 01295 812161 or email [email protected] . CARE FOR A CUPPA! Sunday 1st– Sunday 8th March 2015 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HOSPICE LOTTERY FOR JUST £1 A WEEK! Brighten up the dark winter months by taking part in our Care for a Cuppa fundraiser! We would like to invite you to organise a coffee morning or afternoon tea for Katharine House between Sunday 1st – Sunday 8th March 2015. Invite your friends and family around for a cuppa, cake and chat and we will provide you with a Care for a Cuppa fundraising pack complete with invitations, posters, balloons, recipes and top tips to make your event a success. Simply ask for donations on the day for coffee and cake, or hold a raffle or sweepstake for something a little different. You can hold your Care for a Cuppa at home, at work, at school or at your local club or society – the possibilities are endless! Registered Charity No. 297099 To find out more please call the fundraising team on (01295) 812161 to order your Care for a Cuppa fundraising pack. Every penny that you raise by organising a Care for a Cuppa event will make a tremendous difference to local patients and their families. Thank you. 1ST PRIZE - £1000 2 X PRIZES - £100 2 X PRIZES - £50 5 X PRIZES - £20 10 X PRIZES - £10 EVERY WEEK Contact Fundraising BLACK DYKE BRASS BAND CONCERT Telephone : 01295 812161 Don’t miss the opportunity to see the world’s most famous brass band in concert at St. Mary’s Church, Horsefair, Banbury on Saturday 28th March. Doors open at 7pm (concert start time 7.30pm) and tickets are £20 each. Please call KHH Fundraising on (01295 812161) to purchase tickets or download an application form from our website at Due to the popularity of this event, we would urge supporters to get their tickets early, to avoid disappointment. or write : East End, Adderbury, Banbury, OX17 3NL or email : [email protected] or download a form from our website: Dogs for the Disabled Puppy Socialiser Appeal nr Banbury Dogs for the Disabled is appealing for volunteer puppy socialisers living near Banbury. Patient, dog-loving members of the public are invited to apply to care for one of our pups for more than a year, helping to prepare them for their future role as an assistance dog. Volunteers help our pups grow into confident, wellbehaved young dogs, comfortable in many different environments and ready to start formal training with Dogs for the Disabled trainers and instructors. P o t e n t i a l v ol u n t ee r s a r e a s k e d t o em a i l [email protected] with full contact details so that she can help them find out whether they meet the criteria for the role. Supervised and supported by the charity’s puppy coordinators, they will teach basic skills including walking on a lead, ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘wait’ and ‘stay’ and they will also be required to attend regular puppy classes at the charity’s Banbury centre. The pup’s food and vet costs are paid by Dogs for the Disabled. For more information visit FESTIVAL OF OPEN GARDENS 2015 We would love to hear from anyone who would like to open their garden to raise money for Katharine House this summer! Your garden would be featured, along with all the others, in a programme that will be distributed to all our supporters with our spring newsletter in late March. We already have supporters opening their gardens around Banbury and would be delighted to hear from anyone else willing to take part in our festival. For further information please telephone Sarah (01295) 812161 or email [email protected] KATHARINE HOUSE HOSPICE LOTTERY Our lottery is a vital income source for Katharine House, having raised over £1 million since May 2000. If you’re stuck for a birthday present idea, we have a variety of Lottery Gift Membership solutions. For £1 5 CHURCH NEWS Dear Friends, Happy New Year! I am writing this in the season of Epiphany, an important Christian festival which often gets overlooked as the New Year starts. At Epiphany the church considers the wider implications of the birth of Jesus Christ. Epiphany begins with the story of the wise men or ‘Magi’ who visit Jesus. They ask, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.’ The wise men probably travelled from what is now Iran to visit Jesus: a journey of perhaps 500 miles. The poet TS Eliot captured the exhaustion and discomfort of the journey well: the night-fires going out, and the lack of shelters, and the cities hostile and towns unfriendly, and the villages dirty and charging high prices: a hard time we had of it. Back home they had every pleasure and luxury. They were the highest ranking religious experts of the day, not so much kings (although we assume they were wealthy from their gifts) as part of the elite governing class of their society. They lived in one of the most sophisticated cultures of the ancient world – yet they were prepared to consider the possibility that God might reveal something, or someone, even more valuable than what they already had. The star and the news of the Jewish king drew them. God gave a sign for all to see and they had to make a decision. They decided to turn their backs on everything they had for the sake of this baby: comforts, status, family, reputation, their health and strength. The journey, though hard, was worth it because they were able to bow in worship before God himself in person. The great and unique claim of the Christian faith is that God has visited this earth as a human being. The first title given to Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel (1:23) is ‘Immanuel’ – God with us. God became one of us so that he might reach out to us and we might reach out to him. The wise men remind us that there is no journey too hard to make in order to come to worship the living God in the person of Jesus Christ. Becoming a Christian does not require us to make an arduous 500 mile journey. The Saviour and Lord of life is freely available to us – he lives throughout the world by his Spirit and is constantly knocking on the door of our lives. He will knock but he won’t break the door down. We must make the effort to go to the door and open it and let him in. Some people resist making that short journey to open the door to Jesus. Perhaps the wise men felt that way at first, believing that they had no need or space for a Saviour in their well-ordered lives. The wise men had every excuse not to make that journey, yet they couldn’t resist the call to worship God in the person of Jesus. They stand in stark contrast to King Herod whose reaction was to try to silence Jesus. He couldn’t tolerate the thought of Jesus interfering with his life and freedom. We are not told anything more about the wise men who worshipped Jesus, but we can be sure that when they returned home life was never the same again. The Epiphany reminds us that God wants the whole world, regardless of the divisions we create, to gather around the King of Love and Prince of Peace. The Epiphany is God’s invitation to all people to know Jesus Christ, not just the shepherds, angels and holy family who witnessed his birth. It was so shocking to hear on the day after Epiphany of the shootings in Paris on 7th January, another sad indication that not everybody wants the Love and Peace of Christ to rule in our world. And yet in the wake of that tragedy the Spirit of Epiphany is at work, as countless people around the world stand in solidarity against such acts of violence and hate. This solidarity was seen in peaceful gatherings in capital cities across the globe, heard in the ringing of cathedral bells across Europe, announced in government statements, silently expressed in countless prayers, and digitally recorded by the million on social media sites. Our often divided world may yet unite around the vision of hope which the birth of Jesus Christ kindles in our hearts. Happy Epiphany! Yours in the service of Jesus Christ, Stephen The Cherwell Valley Benefice in the Diocese of Oxford Rev Stephen Griffiths 01869 222572 [email protected] Rev Geoff Price 01869 346262 [email protected] Mr. John Hine (LLM) 01869 278565 Benefice Office 01869 233687 [email protected] 6 CHERWELL VALLEY SERVICES Ardley Fritwell St Mary St Olave Lower Heyford & Caulcott Somerton 8.30am 1662 HC 11am Family Worship 8-Feb 9.30am Communion 8.30am 1662 HC 9.30am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Ashes 11:00 Family Communion 15Feb 18Feb 11am 1662 Communion 11am Family Worship 11am Morning Prayer 9:30 Family Worship 6:00 Evensong 11:00 Family Communion 1-Mar 8.30am 1662 HC 11am Family Worship 11am 1662 Communion 8-Mar 9.30am Communion 8.30am 1662 HC 22Mar 29Mar 30Mar 31 Mar 9:30 Ardley United Mothering Sunday 9:30 Family Worship St Mary The Chapel 9.30am Trad lang Communion 11am Communion 9:30 Morning Prayer 9.30am Morning Prayer 11am Morning Service 11am Morning Service 11am Morning Prayer 8.30am 1662 HC 11am All Age Service 11am Matins 9.30am Trad lang Communion 11am Communion APCM 9:30 Morning Prayer 9:30 Morning Prayer 11am Morning Service 11am Morning Service 8.30am 1662 HC 11am All Age Service St James 6pm Restoration Thanksgiving 11am Matins 9:30 Sunday Club 11am Sung Communion 09:30 Matins & HC 8.30am 1662 HC 10am Ashes 22Feb 15Mar Heyford Park Annun to the BVM St Mary 1-Feb Upper Heyford Souldern 6:00 Evensong 11:00 Family Worship 11:00 Morning Prayer 11:00 Family Communion 9.30 Family Communion 9:30 Sunday Club 11am Sung Communion 09:30 Matins & HC 8.30am 1662 HC 9.30 Family Communion 11:00 Morning Prayer PALM SUNDAY BENEFICE Communion Service - 11am Fritwell 10am Communion 7pm Compline 7pm Compline 10am Communion 7pm Compline 1 Apr 10am Communion 7:30pm Communion & foot washing 10-12 childrens workshop 2-Apr 3-Apr 4pm Quiet refelection 5-Apr 8.30am 1662 HC 9:30 Family Communion 11am 1662 Communion 9:30 Family Communion 6.30am Sunrise Service 8.30am 1662 Communion 11am Communion A CELEBRATION OF THE RESTORATION OF THE GRADE 1 LISTED CHURCH OF ST JAMES THE APOSTLE SOMERTON & THE FERMOR CHAPEL With the Rt Hon Sir Tony Baldry MP second Church Estates Commissioner On Sunday 1st February 2015—6:00-8:00pm drinks & canapés Adults £10, Children 15 and under free of charge—All Welcome Pay on the door or ring Suzie Leon 01869 346814 7 CHERWELL VALLEY NEWS Our Sympathy CHERWELL VALLEY LENT SERIES A series of 6 talks illustrating how God uses our gifts to serve Him in the world goes to the family of the late Rodney Allan. May He rest in peace and rise in glory Messy Church Thursdays at 7:30 during Lent Sunday 8th February 4:00-5:30 At Fritwell Weslyan Chapel 19th Feb – St. Olave’s Fritwell Rev Andrew Foran, Bullingdon Prison Chaplin 26th Feb - St. James’ Somerton Rev Geoff and Hope Price, ‘Rowandan Challenge’ THEME: LOVE 5th March – St. Mary’s Lower Heyford William Shepherd ‘Lost in translation? The gospels in Greek and English’ Everyone welcome—just come along (Admission free– Donations welcome 12th March – ABVM Souldern Basil Eastwood ‘A life between faith and politics’ Christmas in Souldern Church THANK YOU ALL The Church looked beautiful for the Christmas & New Year Services. Thank you so much for once again finding something fresh and lovely to decorate our church. Special thanks go to Sophia, April, Lydia, Isabella, Jo and Rob for making the Nativity Scene, Christmas tree and porch so wonderful. Anne, Sophia, Di, Rosie, Dawn, Diana, Lynda, Dorothea, Barbara, and Dee created superb floral decorations throughout the church. How very lucky we are to have such a dedicated and talented flower arranging team in Souldern. Anne Callow. 19th March – Upper Heyford Reading Room Heather and Roger Burt ‘Enriching the Spirit: Poems’ 26th March – St. Mary’s Ardley Rev Stephen Griffiths 2nd April - Maundy Thursday 7.30pm Heyford Park Chapel: Communion Women’s World Day of Prayer (International & Interdenominational) Jesus said to them: ‘Do you know what I have done to you?’ LENT & EASTER Women’s World Day of Prayer is an international, interchurch, organisation which enables us to hear the voices of women, from a different part of the world each year, expressing their hopes and concerns and bringing them before the rest of the world in prayer. On Friday 6th March an estimated 3 million people, in over 170 countries, will gather to observe the day of prayer, using an order of service written by Christian women from the Bahamas and translated into over 1000 different languages and dialects. In the British Isles alone over 5,000 services will be held. The day will begin when the sun rises over the island of Samoa, and continue until it sets off the coast of Smerican Samoa some 35 hours later. The theme of the service is taken from St John’s Gospel, chapter 13 verses 1-17, ‘Jesus said to them: “Do you know what I have done to you?” and it challenges us to demonstrate the same radical, unconditional love for others that Jesus showed when he washed the feet of his disciples. Tuesday 17th February (Shrove Tuesday) 7:30 Pancakes at the Chapel Wednesday 18th February (Ash Wednesday) Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes 10am ABVM Souldern 7:30pm St Mary’s Ardley Thursdays throughout Lent Lent Course—Faith in Action (see below for details) Sunday 29th March (Palm Sunday) Benefice Service 11am St Olave’s Fritwell Thursday 2nd April (Maundy Thursday) Communion & Foot Washing 7:30 HPC 11am service Friday 3rd April (Good Friday) Children’s Easter Workshop 10-12 Heyford Park Chapel Quiet Reflection 4pm St Mary’s Ardley Followed by a light lunch men, women, young people are all welcome Friday 6th March 2015 Heyford Park Chapel 572 Brice Road Heyford Park OX25 5TE 8 CHAPEL NEWS Fritwell Chapel Souldern Chapel And the band played on over 60 people enjoyed the wonderful musical talents of the students of Brackley Magdalen College with their Brass Band at the Chapel on Friday 12th Dec it did our hearts good to se young people playing great music to entertain others. On the fourteenth of February we will be celebrating St. Valentine’s Day. It is a day when cards and flowers, tokens of secret and on-going love are declared. This may be an opportunity for young people to express interest in someone they feel they would like to get to know, and older people to declare their ongoing love and devotion to the one who is already a part of their life. Our grateful thanks go to Fritwell School for inviting our members to their party serving us with tea and delicious cakes before entertaining us with a variety of instruments and song, Once again many thanks looking forward to next year. It is very difficult to answer the question, “How do you measure love”? Think about it and see if you can come up with a good answer or description. Whatever definition you come up with will never really answer the question. We know that love between humans has to do with attraction, chemistry, protection, establishing family, supporting, and deep, lasting friendship. Our thanks to Alan for leading our Carol service. We hope you all had an enjoyable time over Christmas with friends and family but let us not forget this would not have happened if it wasn't for the love of God sending his only son JESUS CHRIST to be born in that stable at Bethlehem to be the saviour of the World, So why not come and give your thanks to him who gave so much for us. Human love has its roots in the love that God has for all people. This we cannot deny for at the heart of God is everlasting love. There is a story told about an early survey ship assigned to chart the depth of a area of the sea bed. This was long before the days of technology. The work had to be done by hand using measuring lines of fixed lengths. On a selected day the team set to work; they fixed the weight on the line and eased it overboard to begin the survey. The ocean proved to be very deep. A second line was fastened to the first line but it did not sound the depths, other lines were added but the ocean floor had not been reached. The officer in charge called for another line and was told that there were no more lines left in the locker. He was concerned how he would log his findings. In the end he recorded the numbers of lines used but added the words “and the unfathomable depths.” We shall never fully sound the depths of God’s love or define it but we can accept the love that He has declared for us in the life, death and resurrection of His beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ. St. John 3 :16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Please consider these words. Rev. John. A great service to start the new year was led by The Rev Frank Ultsch reminding us we need someone to steer us through life. Preachers for February. All at 10-30 am Feb 1st Mrs M Goulder Feb 8th Mrs V Douglas Feb 15th Mr D Gardner Feb 22nd Mr G Pearce. Wishing you all a very happy new year. God’s Blessings. Don Walker Tel 346674. Mobile Library Timetable Ardley Castle Fields every other Tue 10.15am-10.30am Dates: 3 & 17 February Fritwell King's Head every other Thur 2.35-3pm Dates: 5 & 19 February Preachers for Feb. 1st Feb @ 2.15 p.m. Rev. John Goulder. Service with Communion 8th Feb @ 2.30 pm. Mr. David & Paul Green 15th Feb @ 2.30 p.m. Mr. Alan Peters 22th Feb @ 2.30 pm. Mr. David Teckoe Fritwell May's Close every other Thur 3.05pm-3.40pm Dates: 5 & 19 February Souldern The Pond every other Thur 3.50pm-4.05pm Dates: 5 & 19 February 9 ARDLEY-WITH-FEWCOTT Ardley & Fewcott Gardening Club A Very Happy New Year to You All November 2014 saw club members and friends enjoy a wonderful Christmas meal at Rigoletto Italian Restaurant. Looking ahead 07 March Social Event 3: Home-made Soups with Table Top Sale. To be held at Bucknell Village Hall from 11.30am to 2.30pm. To book a table £7 contact Jean McGarry 345581 27 March- Spring Colour and Container Planting to be held at Preston Bissett Nurseries 4pm. Refreshment of homemade cake tea/coffee is included price £3 per-person, own transport will be required. Derbyshire & the Peaks We still have double/twin rooms available for this visit in April 17 -20th 2015 The proposed itinerary is as follows a visit to Bakewell, Private Tour of Haddon Hall and the Gardens, Height of Abrahams, Peak Rail and afternoon Cream Tea, Chatsworth with Tea/Coffee and Biscuits upon our arrival, and a visit to Lea Gardens. We will be staying at the ‘Palace Hotel in Buxton. Further details can be obtained from Jean McGarry 01869 345581 this visit is open to non-members. OBITUARY It is with great sadness that we report the death of WINIFRED MURIEL MELLERSH on 18th November 2014. Win was born on 2nd October, 1920. She sustained a fall resulting in a stay at the Horton Hospital. She felt it would be advantageous to go into Cherwood House Care Centre where she could be amongst people she met regularly at Bicester Day Care Centre, so she happily entered the Home. Unfortunately she contracted an infection which ended her life. Win led a most exciting and interesting life coming from Australia to West Drayton, Hounslow, to live with her husband, Fred, who was a fire Warden during World War II. In 1965 the couple with their two sons, Peter and Richard, built a catamaran in their garden. It took 5½ years to complete and was launched on the day Neil Armstrong walked on the moon (21st July 1969). It was called 'Blue Goose' and the Mellersh Family were justly proud of this achievement and enjoyed many wonderful trips in her. Win and Fred were great ballroom dancers and loved to indulge, being very active people. They brought up their sons very diplomatically and caringly. Fred died in 1995 and Win came to live here in Ploughley Close. Win was staunchly Christian, with a mind as sharp as a needle to the very end and she enjoyed the debates and discussions held twice monthly on various biblical topics. She regularly attended St. Mary's, at first using her 'buggy' to get there and latterly, being collected by car. Win depended greatly on Christine, her daughter-in-law who lived nearby and did much of her correspondence work. Win was thrilled by the gift of her ‘life history’ book researched by her granddaughter and by the huge TV set from her son, Peter, which enabled her to see some entertainment when her sight became poor. Her sight also prevented her reading the books from which she derived such pleasure. Win has left a gap which will be hard to fill. We send our deepest sympathies to the Mellersh Families at this sad time. 10 NEIGHBOURS: Please continue to keep an eye on lonely, poorly or elderly neighbours. Fewcott House always welcomes visitors to residents. Just call ahead on 345501. 49ERS CLUB: Would YOU like to join this membership and play this game with us? Please get in touch with Madeleine (345269) or Ian Cato (Millen Cottage, Church Street) who will be able to tell you more about the scheme. YOU could have a chance of winning £25 on a Saturday or Wednesday Bonus Ball Draw with the National Lottery. BICESTER FOOD BANK: Bicester Food Bank badly needs your continued support, and especially at this difficult time of the year when things are rather costly, so we are asking for your kindness and concern by providing one or two items a week such as soup, cereals, eggs, biscuits, cans of vegetables/meat/fish, soft drinks, packets of rice/pasta/couscous, long life milk, tea/sugar/coffee/ chocolate and other non-perishable foods. Contact Angela Chamberlain on 345332, Madeleine Horn on 346621 or Madeleine Gilpin on 345269 and they will be able to tell you more about the scheme and where you can leave your gifts. As you know access to vouchers for Food Bank help is only through a doctor, Social Services Departments, Citizen's Advice Bureau or a Church Vicar. TREE PLANTATION AND QUARRY FIELD: We have not managed to plant the whips kindly and generously donated by Nicholsons Forestry to the group and still aim to do so, probably now in the early Spring. Volunteers, therefore, to help us with this would be most welcome. Please contact Madeleine Gilpin to let her know if you can come along. The remaining young saplings are surviving and, semidormant, are facing the colder months ahead. Please remember to leave the sleeves on the young trees so that they are protected from predation by squirrels, rabbits and deer, especially now. As the trees grow so they will push against the sleeves and they fall away. MOBILITY AIDS REMINDER: A-w-F Fuel Charity has two Village wheelchairs and one walker available to all local residents if and when needed. These are held at Millwood, Water Lane (Tel: 345269). LITTER: Whilst cycling around the area (or walking as many do) it is saddening to see the amount of litter, mostly cast out of passing cars, which spoil our beautiful countryside. A tremendous amount litters Fritwell Road and the Bucknell Road. If you see fly-tipped material, you can phone CDC 01295 227001 to pick it up (which they aim to do within 48 hours) but you could carry a bag with you on your local travels and pick up a few small items as you go. THE NEW STAKE AND WIRE FENCING: You may be wondering about the hawthorn whips which appear to be blown over beside the new fencing. I am assured that this is not detrimental to their successful growth and that they will be OK, so do not despair that there are no stake fixtures holding them erect. MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO JIM AND RENEE BARBER: Guess who received a wonderful Diamond Anniversary Card from the Queen (requested by their daughter, Sharon) on 16th December 2014? What an achievement and how lovely that this wonderful couple live in OUR village! CHRISTMAS PLAY AND CAROLS SERVICES: On Sunday, 21st December in St Mary's Church a lovely Service took place with some wonderful Readers and Actors taking part. All were young people from A-w-F and everyone agreed having the benefit of Fritwell School's staging set the Tableau off splendidly. Many thanks to Debbie McLeod and Madeleine Horn for arranging this. The Service had a full congregation and, despite difficulties and setbacks and a 'couple of errors' it was a great success. Thank you EVERYONE for such magnificent reading, dressing up and acting. We loved it! CAROLS AT FEWCOTT HOUSE NURSING HOME: On 17th December 2014 a happy group of folk gathered to bring some Christmas cheer to the Residents of Fewcott House Nursing Home by telling the Christmas Story and singing some well-known carols. Thank you to Peter Bourton for accompanying the singers on his keyboard and especially to Mr. Prashant Brahmbhatt for hosting us and some lovely refreshments. VIRIDOR LIAISON MEETING: The Meeting took place in the new incinerator facility on the B430 at 4pm on 14/1/15. An amazing dinosaur, created entirely from rubbish, is in the entrance and is definitely worth seeing. Interesting to see what the development was like with the interior decorated. It was also nice and warm! 17 people representing Parish Councils, the Environment Agency, OCC, local farmers and Viridor present. Rod Lerwell (Site Manager) was Chairman, Henry Austin having sustained a skiing injury. Following ARDLEY-WITH-FEWCOTT Minutes and Matters Arising, the Operation Report explained hazardous waste was using Cell F1 with asbestos using Cell F2, but Landfill Site will be closing down end March for all domestic waste which will come to the ERF, except for bulky items, although soils and hardcore will continue to use Landfill Site. Amenity site will remain open. Rod reported several 'breaches', including early build up of waiting lorries on Highway before 7am. Most breaches considered to be unsubstantiated. However any breaches noted by public should be reported to Rod (or the EA on 0800 807060) when system acts within half an hour depending on a scale (1-4) of importance, one being most severe. Recent complaints have included smoke, smell and light pollution. Rod explained system of dimming lights to test public reaction and OCC Planning Committee meeting on 19/1/15 will debate this. OCC Rep. updated meeting on Planning issues with EA updating on Monitoring issues. Leachate was mentioned by Bucknell PC but this will reduce in time with less organic waste and closure of Landfill Site. Belgian Company has placed monitors around villages to record noise and air quality. To be reported to Liaison Meetings. Currently 20 MW of electricity being generated to National Grid with 1200 tons being taken daily. On 8/2/15 facility will shut down to clean Plant, arriving nearer time to final hand over to Viridor direct. Community issues covered Bottom Ash handling with an invitation to Browns and Smiths to attend next Liaison Meeting. AOB covered numbers of local people employed at the ERF being 60% of current staff, availability for visits to the ERF booking on website, and a Charity Viridor ERF has created to which applications for small grants from local groups can be made on line or to Victor Perez who will pass these on. Suggested this news be circulated around locally. Meetings to be quarterly from now on with next one on 15/4/15 at 4pm at the ERF. A-w-F PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: A Council Meeting took place on 12/1/15 in the Meeting Room at 7.30pm. All Councillors attended but the County and District Councillors were absent. Before-meeting items mentioned were Footpath and Village Hall Car Park Projects (where Parish Council support for the 10.2% Third Party Funding was requested), 40mph signs on B430, Litterblitz weekend (7/8 March, litter state of Fritwell Road and finally Village Gates. Following these, apologies from Catherine Fulljames and no declarations of interest. Amendments to Minutes were required. Contact with Jon O'Neill to be made. Herbley House fencing mentioned. Two planning updates. Report on Dorchester Group at Upper Heyford and Inspector's rejection of CDC plans causing uncertainty. Difficulties anticipated with increases in traffic. Importance of a Neighbourhood Plan. Dorchester/Villages Liaison Group keeping a close watch on matters. Consultation period over now. Concerns of Stoke Lyne Parish Council over possible commercial development at Baynards Green – asking for A-w-F support. Willingly given. Rural Housing meeting difficulties with those seeking this not Registering with CDC. Essential before allocation of any housing. Further leaflet drop proposed emphasising importance of this to be made. Finance covered new dog bin and siting. Renovations to Parish noticeboards. After some discussion PC agreed Precept to remain the same this year as last. Under AOB other meetings coming up with Viridor Liaison on Wednesday 14th January. Any results of Police monitoring of speed on B430 to be checked. State of guttering of bus shelter – to be repaired. Viridor's operations schedules – reports of smoke/smell particularly late evening and at night. Advertisement for new Parish Clerk to be circulated and finally research into 'Risk Assessment Strategy' for the Village to be undertaken. Meeting closed at 9.05pm. Next Meeting 9/3/15. SENIORS' CHRISTMAS PARTY: Well and did you miss that fabulous afternoon Seniors' Christmas Party on Sunday 11th December? What a shame! You missed a real treat. There was an amazing variety of hot and cold food, good company, free raffle and bingo with wonderful prizes and entertainment from some lovely child carol singers and Norman Stacey recounting (in broad Yorkshire) the amazing tale of 'Albert and the Lion'. There was a great welcome for everyone and the decorations were something else with the twinkling lights and hanging stars. Every guest had a cracker to pull and a beautifully wrapped Christmas Gift AND all for just £5. What more could you ask? A group photo was taken and may well appear in the next issue of the 3Ps. What a splendid, magnificent and exciting time we all enjoyed. Many, many thanks to everyone who organised, brought food, decorated and entertained. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Next year YOU must come. NEW RESIDENTS AND SUBSCRIBERS: A very warm welcome to STEVE and FIONA LUSH of Ardley Road and also to CAROLINE and SHANE GODIN of Ardley Road. We do hope you are enjoying being in this Village and will be able to take part in some of the activities which take place here. Welcome also to new neighbours, PAUL and JANET HODGINS, who are coming to live in Water Lane very shortly. A HUGE THANK YOU TO RENEE BARBER FROM MACMILLAN: Renee received a letter from Heather Ormsby, of MacMillan's Supporter Donations Team mid December to thank Renee and her wonderful group of supporters for raising the magnificent sum of £250 at her recent fund-raising event. Heather gave the example of 'Linda' who had given up her job to become a full time carer for a close family member and who would never have managed this without the help and support of MacMillan, so Renee's contributions help enormously and she is really grateful for everyone's encouragement in supporting her events. Thank you all so much Renee and MacMillan say. DID YOU LOSE A YOUNG CAT BY ANY CHANCE?: I was cycling along the road towards the B4100 at Fritwell and had just passed the Motorway bridge when I saw a lovely young black cat with a white bib and four white paws on the verge. Clearly it had been killed by a passing car but when I went past there again it had gone so either the owner had found it or a wild animal had taken it. If it was yours I am so sorry to pass on this news. JUST A GENTLE REMINDER: Perhaps you have forgotten that it is time to pay the £3 sub for your 10 copies of the 3Ps Newsletter now. Many subs are still outstanding and we would really be most grateful if you would put your £3 in the little brown envelope (left with your December/January edition) and post it through the letterbox of the person who usually brings you your copy or alternatively take it in to the Fritwell Post Office. We hope we will hear from you soon. AFECT MEETING: Held on 13/1/15 the Meeting covered the state of the trees on Quarry Field and the planting of Nicholsons' promised 50/60 whips, progress on the Ardley/Fritwell Footpath Project now financially supported by A-w-F Parish Council and moving steadily forward, investigation into creating a specific Charity/Trust to administer this Project and contacting Landowners, Public Footpaths around the area, replanting a lost tree down Ardley Road, and the dates of the next Meetings – 3/3/15 for the AFECT ordinary Meeting and 12/5/15 for the AGM. This last to be held in the Village Hall Meeting Room. VOLUNTEEERS PLEASE: On 7th and 8th March A-w-F will be carrying out its annual Litterblitz. At the same time volunteers are being sought to plant on the Quarry Field some 50/60 young whips. Please take note of Posters round the village with details. YOUR Ardley with Fewcott Village Hall & Recreation Ground At a recent meeting the trustees discussed the following: a plan to revise and modernise the constitution. The improving financial position of the hall. December social activities were also discussed and they had been very successful, with very many residents attending a children's party, live music event, over 60's do and a family New Year's Eve party. Plans to replace the current poor car park surface were also discussed. A calendar of events for 2015 was also agreed to include a village fete and beer festival later in the year. More details a v a i l a b l e o n F a c e b o o k o r In Search of a venue?? for your child’s birthday party that will accommodate a bouncy castle, with a great play area outside or celebrate a family occasion or even hold a fundraising event, Ardley with Fewcott village hall could be your answer. For further information visit our website (above), email [email protected] or telephone Lynne 01869 346632. Children’s Activities at the Hall Tiny Turtles,Wednesdays 9.30 to 10am, every week. New fun session for parents & toddlers aged 2 & 3 yrs. Contact Michelle 07711080615 Pumpkins (Toddler Group) alternate Thursdays, 10am-12noon dates on p3. 11 FRITWELL Fritwell Forget Me Nots Sarah and Marc Burkhalter of East Street, Fritwell are very pleased to announce the birth of The trip on the 9th December was to see the Pantomime Peter Pan in Northampton. The trip was enjoyed by all 45 who attended. The January meeting was held in Fritwell Village Hall. 43 members and non members attended. The entertainment, on this occasion, was William French, Butler to Royalty. William gave an informative, witty and funny delivery which had the audience laughing throughout. The talk was followed by tea and cakes. The Club would like to thank Mike Wheeler who provided the scrumptious carrot and chocolate fudge cakes for free. Mike, they went down a treat. William was also collecting for Leukaemia UK and £10 of the raffle monies was donated to this good cause, plus the proceedings from auctioning the remaining cakes and individual donations. Ryan Alfred. Born 16.12.2014 at 4:10am. Weighing 8lb 15oz. A gorgeous little brother for Eryn Elizabeth. ALCHESTER RUGBY CLUB NEWS New players wanted—Interested in playing rugby? We are looking for players of all ages and abilities. Alchester Rugby Club wants to improve and is always looking for new players of all ages. No experience is necessary and we welcome players of all abilities from the beginner to the seasoned vet. The February 10th meeting is the annual meal and it will be held in Fritwell Village Hall. Those who were unable to attend in January should contact Vivienne to state their meal preferences and to organise payment. The cost to members is £11 and to non members, who do attend trips, £18.50. The catering, as last year, will be provided by Cathy from Wrightons of Fritwell. We train Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 7pm. Our ground is located at: Fritwell Playing Fields, Fewcott Road, Fritwell, Oxfordshire, OX27 7QA The 1st XV are playing In southwest division, southern counties north and finished 9th last year and are looking to improve this year. The 2nd XV play in BBO north 4 If you would like further details on any of the trips and events or if you would like to find out more about the club please ring either Beryl on 01869 345334 or Vivienne on 01869 346771. Here are a few communications that you may be interested in: Community Information Network provides free advice and support for older people. Tel: 0345 450 1276. In Bicester meetings are held between 10.00am and 11.30am, at the Health and Wellbeing Centre, Launton Road, OX26 6DJ. New players are welcome to come along to Training, but if you want to give someone a call, here's the person to talk to :Daniel kimber- 1st xv captain 07716 318173 Jamie jones - Club captain 07595 667464 SUPPORTERS’ INFO February 2015 Sat 7th, 2:15pm At home to High Wycombe Sat 21st, 2:30pm Away to Marlow Sat 28th, 2:15pm At home to Milton Keynes 1st Fritwell Scout Group We would like to thank everyone who helped in any way with our recent jumble sale. We would especially like to thank everyone who came along ‘looking for a bargain’ and judging by the amount that was carried away obviously found a few! A total of £476 was raised at the sale which will really help our Group as funds are low at the moment. The left over jumble will be collected by a recycling organisation called Eco Kids who will pay us so much a sack – nothing is wasted. March 2015 Sat 7th, 3:00pm Away to Royal Wootton Bassett Sat 21st, 3:00pm At home to Stow-on-the-Wold Sat 28th, 3:00pm Away to Wallingford FRITWELL PLAYING FIELD 100 CLUB RESULT OF DRAW DATE NOVEMBER 2014 Drawn in the shop by A Leeke & D Todd 1st £15 103 G&D Barnhill 2nd £10 133 Andy Dayus 3rd £5 89 Polly Foster This has been a very difficult time for our Group, especially the leaders, as our Scout Leader Terry Benbow died very suddenly at the age of 30. The leaders had known Terry from a very young age and the Cubs and Scouts all thought the world of Terry – he was fun-loving, had a great smile and enjoyed a wonderful rapport with them. Terry leaves a widow, Mandi, his parents Angie and Dave and three sisters from Croughton. We would like to thank everyone who helped the Group with the party for Terry which was held at the Scout Hut after the funeral service. Our Scout Group has vacancies for Beavers who can now start at age 5¾ and Scouts who must be 10½. RESULT OF DRAW DATE DECEMBER 2014 Drawn in the shop by J Clare & P Reeves 1st £15 55 T Cleminson 2nd £10 70 B Baker 3rd £5 6 D Reeves Prizes awaiting collection: Helen and Steve Baker, Jane White—Please collect and sign for your prizes at the post office during office hours. It’s never too late to join or renew your membership please pay at the Post Office or contact Cath Steer on 345229. The more members we have, the better the prizes.You are only eligible to win a prize if you have paid your membership if you’re not sure just ask we can soon check for you. For further information please contact Sheila Ultsch on 01869 346665 or [email protected] 12 FRITWELL bags in the designated bins rather than ordinary litter bins! FRITWELL PARISH COUNCIL George and Dragon Site: some good news for the first report of 2015! Permission has been granted to build on the sites of the Pub and the present Village Hall and this includes a spanking new Village Hall! There is still a lot of negotiating to be done but this is huge step forward. Thanks to the Village Hall Committee and all those who have worked towards this outcome. The conditions includes ones to safeguard amenities of neighbouring properties and to promote highways safety. Emergency Plan: the Council is in the process of developing a plan for dealing with community emergencies such as heavy snowfall closing us in or lengthy utility failure. If you have any special skills to offer in such circumstances and/or would be prepared to act as a volunteer to help your neighbours please contact the Clerk (details below) Helen Metcalfe, Clerk to the Parish Council. Tel. 346697, email [email protected] Community Speedwatch: no one has yet volunteered to be a part of this joint scheme between the Police and the Parish Council. It is designed to monitor the speed of vehicles on village roads, pass the information on to the police and, hopefully, reduce incidences of speeding. It cannot be run without volunteers so if no one comes forward, the Council will be unable to pursue the initiative. If you are interested please contact the Clerk (details below). Fritwell Cushion Club Dates for 2015 Fridays—8pm start 13th Feb 13th March 10th April 22nd May 19th June 10th July Dog Waste Bags: there has been a significant improvement in the condition of the paths and pavements now that the Council provides bags and bins specially for the purpose of clearing up mess. However, there are still one or two owners who do not clean up after their dogs and they need to be aware that if they are caught on camera or by discreet surveillance they will be liable for a significant fine. Thank you to those owners who do use the bags – it would be even better if you could put the Aug – TBC 18th Sept 16th Oct 13th Nov 11th Dec SOULDERN on the windscreens of vehicles that are parked inconsiderately or dangerously. SOULDERN PARISH COUNCIL A Village Fayre will be held on Saturday 20th June for the friends and family of residents in Souldern, SAVE THE DATE! The proposed format for the day will be games in the playing field from mid-day, a treasure hunt in the heart of the village with open gardens (which will be ticketed), and a tea party in the High Street with games and stalls in the afternoon and live music at the Fox in the evening. Database: A database of residents email addresses is being compiled so that those on it can be kept informed of matters concerning the village. If you would like your address to be added please contact the Clerk Bridleway BR 351/13 – The constant use of vehicles on the bridle path means that the track is now more like a road than a lane causing water to run down it rather than in the ditches. People other than the landowners do not have vehicular right of access. Also on 20th June ‘A VISION FOR SOULDERN (Community Led Plan) will be launched when there will be an opportunity for residents to let us know about your opinions, concerns and ideas. It is important that as many residents as possible engage with this initiative in order to create a clear picture of the views and needs of the village when making decisions that affect everyone. Planning: 14/01751/PAMB – Conversion of cattle building into a single dwelling house. Foxhill Barn, Somerton Road, Souldern This has been refused although it appears that an amended application has been submitted 14/01959/F – Tennis court at Hollies Farm, The Hill – Granted 14/02119/F - Rear extension and alterations at The Old Forge in the High Street—Current Plans for applications can be viewed by contacting the Clerk or online at the CDC website Dog Litter Bins: 2 dog litter bins are being purchased and placed at the top of Mill Lane in Wharf Lane and at the bottom of Bates Lane at the junction of Ezra’s Ditch and Abernethy’s lane. A box with free litter bags will be placed at the top of the High Street and beginning of Wharf Lane in the vicinity of the grit bin. Residents are asked to only take one pack at a time. There are also free bags available in the blue box at the side of Spring Cottage near the pond. Please use them. Next meeting will be on Thursday 19th March 7:30 in the village hall. There will also be a pLanning meeting on Wednesday 11th February at 7:30 Barbara McGarry (Clerk) 01869 345931 [email protected] Parking: Small laminated parking notices will be placed 13 SOULDERN Community Market TO BOOK SOULDERN VILLAGE HALL Souldern Village Hall 9:00am-12:00noon Locally sourced, grown, produced or baked Meat, eggs, vegetables, plants, cakes & savouries Please contact Kate Green: 07812 501604 for further information [email protected] HIRE CHARGES (subject to availability) Souldern Groups £7 per hour (up to 5 hrs.) £40 per day (more than 5 Hours) Deposit £50 Hand crafted gifts, cards & jewellery etc Sausage/ Bacon/ Egg Baps Souldern residents £7 per hour (up to 5 hrs.) Deposit £60 £60 per day (more than 5 Hours) (to eat in or take out) Come and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a chat with friends Dates for 2015 Feb 21st, Mar 21st, Apr 18th, May 16th, June 20th Non-Residents Hire Costs: £13 per hour (up to 5 hrs.) £120 per day (more than 5 Hours) includes cleaning charge Deposit £100 Tel: 01869 345931 or email: [email protected] to book a stall SOULDERN PARISH COUNCIL WELCOME PACKS The pack includes a book giving details of all associations and other useful information, together with a map of Souldern, a map of footpaths, a booklet about Souldern Church, and four other useful leaflets about the library, bus services, the Health Centre, and details from Cherwell District Council about recycling. The Souldern Maps are available to all residents on request. THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who took part in the Winter Wonderland Party: The party was a great success as a community event bringing together all ages and new residents with villagers who have lived here for generations in a Christmas celebration. To receive your pack will they please contact either Ann Prescott on 345376 or Barbara McGarry on 345931. In fact, people so enjoyed the evening that we have bowed to public demand and hope to make it an annual occurrence! SOULDERN OUR VILLAGE IN OXFORDSHIRE. The Raffle Prizes were brilliant and over 1000 Raffle Tickets were sold. Thank you if you sold or bought raffle tickets! Thank you if you attended - it was great fun. With your help, we choir girls raised £2000 towards our village church funds. This new history book of Souldern is still available from Ann Prescott at Applegarth, Bates Lane, Souldern by arrangement tel. no. 345376. The price is £10 and all proceeds are divided between Souldern Church, Souldern Chapel and Souldern Village Hall. This money will help pay for the electric, heating and other essential running costs for the maintenance of the building. Carol Singing in Souldern Thank you so much to children and adults who joined us in singing around the village, all those who gave us refreshments and especially those who appreciated our singing by donations. On behalf of the organising committee – Anna Snow, Anne Large, Dee Hoodless, Gina Wright and myself I truly thank you for your generous support. £188 was raised for Saint Mary’s Church, Souldern. Anne Callow Anne Callow. 14 COMMUNITY MATTERS Councillor Calling of course, but also of £180,000 in landfill charges – not to mention fuelling the horrible incinerator at Ardley. One way is to extend the range and convenience of bring banks: as to range, they can collect textiles, shoes, batteries and small electronic equipment as well as clear, green and brown glass (it’s important to separate as this dramatically increases its value), while the council is always keen to find new sites. Another is to make it easier for blocks of flats, where there obviously isn’t the same room for separate bins. Meanwhile, expect more and more regular communication to encourage all of us to do a little more: I hope you’ll understand the financial and environmental incentives and do your best. To celebrate the New Year, let’s talk rubbish! Waste collection is being reviewed as it’s just over ten years since Cherwell introduced our blue recycling bins (I still remember the furore, being one of those who were sure it would never work…), there’s a new EU Waste Framework Directive to comply with and, most importantly, having raised recycling from 11% then to just under 60% now, it seems to have got stuck and needs reinvigorating if we are to reach the potential 80% that we could recycle. I think it’s worth talking about as it affects all 60,000 homes, not to mention all businesses, every week and costs a lot of your money. The good news is that your satisfaction keeps increasing and is now at an astonishing 88%, while the cost, which was £63 per property per year in 2009/10 has been driven down to £48 this year – less than £1 a week – and is set to fall further in 2015/16. This matters as, with an average council tax of £123.50 and central grant support continually falling, efficiencies here help protect other vital services. Joining with South Northants has helped a lot. Although, in line with our deal on joint working where each council preserves its different policies, they collect rubbish slightly differently, a single management team and identical vehicles minimise costs and, when lorries break down, there’s a lot more flexibility for back up so you don’t get let down. James Macnamara FOR SALE: Small reclaimed pine dresser. Base with 2 cupboards, drawers and shelves in centre, upper section with 2 small cupboards and plate racks/ shelves. Base is 45.5cms x 122.5cms x 79.5cms high. Upper section is 24cms x 122.5cms x 99cms high. £150 FOR SALE: Small octagonal table (1930/40s) 60cms diameter, 69cms high. £25 Contact: 346795 evenings. The cost is helped enormously by your care: less than 5% gets rejected at the recovery facility, boosting the price of recycled materials. (An interesting sign of the times: as email reduces the paper in the mix, online shopping has increased the cardboard). However, all the extra homes being imposed bring extra costs: 13,000 new homes in Bicester equate to three extra crews costing £150,000 pa plus the capital cost of the vehicles, so we need to be robust in ensuring the developers pay a fair share from their building profits and the costs don’t fall on existing residents. SONGS FOR LOVE AND LIFE A Concert By local choir “Rhythm is Life” The EU Directive now requires separate collection of recyclables, which we currently sling all together (apart from glass to “bring banks” and food/garden refuse in the brown bin) into the blue bin – “commingled” in the jargon. Luckily, there is a get-out clause if this is technically, environmentally or economically impractical – which it clearly is: In Deddington Church 7.45pm Saturday 14th February In aid of Katharine House Hospice remembering Tracey—choir member Technically, there’s the little issue of persuading 45,000 residents who have bought a blue bin to abandon them for boxes plus the safety issues of lifting and handling nonwheeled bins Environmentally, the fall in recycling is estimated at 3,000 tons as, the less easy and convenient the system, the less people bother to recycle, not to mention the environmental nuisance of wind blown litter from boxes Tickets £8 / £5 concs (Call 01869 338637) Includes soft drink and refreshments Wine will be available to buy Economically, the cost would be exorbitant, not only of writing off the current capital investment but also of implementing an elaborate new scheme. But, that leaves the question of how to rescue the estimated 12,000 tons of recyclables – 1,000 tons of glass, 4,000 of paper, plastic and metal and 7,000 tons of food – which are idly chucked in the green bins, at a cost to the environment, 15 ADVERTISEMENTS CARPETS * CARPETS * CARPETS * CARPETS Carpets - Vinyl’s - Carpet Tiles - Safety Flooring - Contract Flooring Carpet cleaning - Contract and Domestic Station Road, Launton OX26 5DX Est. 1966 Just give us a call, hundreds of samples available Choose in the comfort of your own home We move your furniture uplift and dispose of your old carpet Licensed to sell alcohol t: 01869 250861 m: 07773 853640 e: [email protected] I 01869 322514 ADVERTISEMENTS Search for your Ancestors Search For Your Ancestors provides you with a committed, experienced researcher and genealogist at a very reasonable cost. Are you interested in who your ancestors were & where they lived? Do you want to find out what they did for a living? Perhaps one of your ancestors fought for his country? Perhaps a branch of your family emigrated? Did they have a brush with law? Maybe you have done some of your own research and have got stuck...... Perhaps I can help you Contact: Sue Wyatt [email protected] II ADVERTISEMENTS Bicester Computer Centre Making I.T. work for you Est. 1999 Providing helpful, professional and friendly advice We stock most hardware from full computers to mice, wired and wireless networking components. We also repair and service all makes of desktop and laptop computer form hardware replacement to virus removal. PC running slow or overheating laptop DC jack socket or screen broken? Home visits arranged Give us a call on: 01869 600123 or mobile 07796 486508 Or pop into the shop: 50 Bucknell Road Bicester OX26 2DG Email: [email protected] Website: Local and fully independent Bullguard antivirus approved reseller with local support The Fox & Hounds at Ardley Traditional Real Ales Great Home Cooked Food Daily Specials Accommodation Excellent Sunday Roasts Function Room with Bar available to Hire May to September Hand-crafted animal houses Poultry Sheds Dog Kennels Hutches Built to last We have various models & sizes available or we can manufacture to your own specifications. Opening Hours Monday to Friday 12-3pm and 5-10:30pm Saturday Open All Day – 12 - 11pm Sunday Open All Day - 12 - 10pm Contact Adrian on: 01869 345753 or 01869 345658 or visit us at: Food Served Mon to Friday 12-3pm and 5- 9pm All day Saturday & Sunday Telephone 01869 346883 III ADVERTISEMENTS ROBERT McGARRY YOUR LOCAL PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEER Hackertys Way, Mill Lane, Souldern Telephone: 01869 345280 ROBIN JAMES YOUR LOCAL CARPENTER & JOINER Telephone: 07931 661001 A L LOAKES Oil Fired Boiler Service & Repairs Tel: 01295 269718 / 07966 533524 ACKERMAN & NIECE Purveyors of superior petroleum products Finest service & keenest prices to Three Parishes customers We look forward to your call Tel: 01869 340202 Fax: 01869 340074 PETER SOUTHAM Building & Home Maintenance Service * Roofing, guttering, chimney problems Carpentry, fencing, brick/stonework, concrete paths, drives, patios & Garage Doors * Insurance approved *For a personal service * Ring 01869 278333 or 07721 633220 IV ADVERTISEMENTS Glazed and Kiln Fused Fused Glass Workshop and other craft classes now available in Tackley. Classes available: Fused Glass Jewellery Taster Half Day Fun with Fused Glass Taster Day Kumihimo Braiding Cross Stitch Workshop Introduction to Crochet Learn to Crochet More fun with Crochet Introduction to Knitting More Fun with Knitting For more information: Web: Email: [email protected] Tel: Julie 01869 331927 Class gift vouchers also available V ADVERTISEMENTS R.SPITTLE & Sons Kenneth Ozog Your local painter and decorator PAINTERS & DECORATORS Free quotes Over 20 years experience FOR ALL YOUR DECORATIVE NEEDS The Lane, Fritwell Tel : 01869 252494 Mobile: 07850 475730 Email: [email protected] 01869 345507 or 07941 626984 e-mail: [email protected] R.J. Wakelin Painting And Decorating Specialist Private/Commercial Interior/Exterior 01869-243264 N P SMITH PAINTING, DECORATING & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Interior & Exterior Work Undertaken 25 Years Experience Local & Reliable Contact Nick on 01280 840496 or 07979 756734 VI ADVERTISEMENTS Mobile: Email: VII 07872 003149 [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS A Cohen Airport runs Travel in comfort and style in one of our luxury air-conditioned cars For the holiday maker or business traveller we ensure your journeys are relaxed Call us free on 07880 734895 for a no-obligation quote or email us at [email protected] A Cohen VIII ADVERTISEMENTS TYRES BATTERIES BULLSHEAD GARAGE (SOULDERN) LTD 01869 345281 MOT Testing Station Servicing & Repairs to most Makes of Cars & Light Commercial Vehicles Most Credit Cards accepted EXHAUSTS hga SHOCKABSORBERS Advertise Your Business Here in 2015 Architectural Consultants from just £35.00 for 10 issues Drawings for new build, alterations and extensions Planning and Building Regulations Residential and Commercial You can reach up to 500 homes in the Ardley, Fritwell, Souldern Hamilton Gould Associates Ltd Tower Fields, Souldern, Bicester OX27 7HY Tel: 01869 345156 email: [email protected] IX ADVERTISEMENTS “Your Project, our Passion” Thinking about a building project but are worried about costly legal, safety, programme and financial pitfalls? We are an independent and local Company providing practical advice for your building or civil engineering project. With over 25 years’ experience, we can advise on how you can avoid these issues and provide the project management support to give you peace of mind. For a free, no obligation chat about your project and how CPMS can help, contact: Stuart Cummins C.Eng, MICE, RMaPS Mobile: 07806 614616 Email: [email protected] Website: LOGS FOR SALE A & P BLAKE FORESTRY SERVICES Quality seasoned hardwood split logs for sale, various sizes logs & loads available. Free Local Delivery!!! 01869 277815 or 07970 258165 We have 30 years experience in delivering logs in Oxfordshire so why not try us today. X Full Diagnostic Hearing Tests ● Latest Digital Hearing Aids Troubleshooting/Reprogramming ● Servicing & Repairs Batteries ● Noise Protection ● Swimplugs Up to 60 day trial period Practice Rooms in Horton Hospital and John Radcliffe Hospital ● Home Visits available. Souldern based family business. Tel. 0845 680 1227 / 07974735811 Email: [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS DEH Payroll Services DEH Payroll Services offer a variety of payroll services for small companies. We take the hassle of Tax, NIC, Statutory payments, AE and RTI away from your day to day business and are based in Bicester. With 28 years payroll experience and qualified to Master Degree level, help is on hand. Contact: Dianne Hoodless FCIPP Msc Telephone: 07881 782423 Email: [email protected] XI ADVERTISEMENTS Seamstress Kim Steventon "A stitch in time is my line" Sewing, Alterations, Tailoring & Re-designing. Contact: Evenings - 01869 345385 Mobile - 07980 477851 XII ADVERTISEMENTS PAW Bookkeeping Bookkeeping Services for SME’s Sales & purchase ledger VAT returns Bank reconciliations Cash book Accounts to trial balance Year-end liaison with accountants Vicky Hibberd Penny Cummins AICB CB.Cert Mobile: 07703 258009 Email: [email protected] SILVERSMITH Commissions and repairs: Cleaning Restringing Redesign Personalised jewellery Find me at Deddington Create childcare: Offering Daily childcare throughout the year and during the school holidays. Based in Croughton Village offering a friendly flexible service tailored to each individual child and their family. We are qualified to level 3 in Early Years Childcare and Education and Forest School trained, offering a unique opportunity for children to learn about nature through their play in a natural outdoor environment. The setting is located on the high street with a very large secure garden full of many interesting and challenging play opportunities including A Pirate ship, Zip wire, and Bush crafts. Croughton is situated within close proximity to the M40 junction 9 and is accessible to Banbury, Buckingham, Bicester and Brackley. Since September 2014 we have been running After School Care at Fritwell Church of England School. If you are interested in finding out more please call us on 07548522835 or XIII ADVERTISEMENTS PORTWAY CATTERY NOW OPEN (formerly known as “Homecomforts”) Customers old & new welcome E: [email protected] T: 01869 345186 M: 07508 797224 XIV Souldern Community Market Saturday 21st February 9:00-12:00 in the Village Hall Your local Market providing you with locally sourced and produced Provisions Pork, sausages & bacon (local hand reared pigs) Eggs (local, fresh & free range) Fresh Organic Vegetables (sourced locally) Home baked Cakes & savouries Jams & Chutneys provided by Patrick’s Preserves (All subject to availability) Breakfasts Sausage & Bacon & Pork Baps, Tea & Coffee Plants Flower & Vegetable Plants (grown & nurtured locally) Handcrafted Gifts, Cards & Jewellery A varying range local artists & crafters providing an individual & unusual array of their work COME & SEE FOR YOURSELF 3rd Saturday of the month XV
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