St John’s Monday Tuesday this week 8pm Induction of the Reverend Kate Blake at All Saints’ Church, Queensbury 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP) 1.15pm Little Fishers Baby and Toddler Group 2.15pm Tea & Chat Wednesday 2pm Friendship Club Thursday 8pm Ringing Practice Friday 8pm Choir Rehearsal Saturday 10am Advent Quiet Day at Edgware Abbey The Daily Office Morning Prayer: Tuesday (8:30am), Thursday (8:30am), Saturday (9am) Evening Prayer: Tuesday (4:30pm), Wednesday (5pm), Thursday (5pm) Next Sunday: 30th November 2014 8am HOLY COMMUNION President: The Rector Reader: Pauline Forsyth 9.30am PARISH COMMUNION President: The Rector Preacher: The Revd Ken Peters OT Reader: Yemi Oshunniyi NT Reader: Jenny Neve Gospel: Frances Westcott Prayers: Jean Orpwood 11am Advent Sunday (Year B) Bible Readings: Isaiah 64: 1-9 1 Cor. 1:3-9 Mark 13: 24-37 23 November St John the Evangelist Welcome to St John’s Parish Church, Great Stanmore. We are delighted you have joined us for worship this morning. If it is your first time, please speak to the Rector or Churchwardens at the end of one of the services as we would really like to meet you. Refreshments will be served in Church House after the 9.30am service. Do come across and join in. Services today 8am HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am PARISH COMMUNION 11am MATINS Bible Readings: Ephesians 1:15-23 Page in church bible: 148 (NT) Matthew 25:31-46 Page in church bible: 22 (NT) Hymns: 125, 455, 54 (257, 445, 630) and 183 Christ the King (Sunday Next Before Advent) Collect God the Father, help us to hear the call of Christ the King and to follow in his service, whose kingdom has no end; for he reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, one glory. Amen. Post Communion Prayer Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may by you be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. MATINS The Church is fitted with a loop system; hearing aids should be switched to ‘T’ St John’s Who’s who Rector: Churchwardens: Safeguarding Officer: Parish Office: (Tues, Wed & Fri) information The Revd Matthew Stone 020 8954 3876 Email: [email protected] Mrs. Sylvia Daniels Mr. Graham Denman Mr. Stuart Webster 020 8863 4080 01923 840675 07971 219918 Ms Karen Stirrup 020 8954 7064 Email: [email protected] Website: St John’s Church of England School: Headteacher - Mrs. J Hester School Office: 020 8954 3978 St John the Evangelist - Mission Statement Drawn together by Christ’s love, we seek by his grace to live out his commandments to love the Lord our God with all of our being; and to love everyone we come across as we love ourselves. Prayer Ministry is offered every Sunday in the Chapel during communion at main service. THIS WEEK PLEASE PRAY FOR: Peter Williams who picks up the rubbish in Rectory Lane/Churchyard The members of the Friendship Group Stuart Burch and Ellie Morley who were married here yesterday. Sick: Anoj Kapdee, Bob Livingstone, Christina Makhoul, Jenny McCarthy, Mark Medcalf, , Etian Petty, Brian White, Heather Williams and Baby Sophie R.I.P. Nick Nicholson St John’s Christmas Fayre Thank you very much to everyone who supported last Sunday’s Christmas Fayre and to the Fundraising Committee who organised the event. Annual Corrymeela Conference “Building a good society: Embracing difference” 29th November at 10.30am St Ethelburga’s, Bishopsgate See poster in church porch. Advent Procession at St Paul’s Cathedral (29th) If you requested a tickets to this service and have not yet received them, please speak to Matthew. St John’s Annual Gift Day Our annual Gift Day will take place on Advent Sunday (30th November) - please consider making an additional donation as an early Christmas present to St John’s. The Rector has set an ambitious target of £10,000 which is achievable if we all do our bit. Please place your donations in a separate envelope marked ‘Gift Day’ and hand them in during the collection. notices St John’s School Christmas Fair 6th December 11am-4pm Everyone welcome! Have you made a Will? Will Aid takes place every November and is a partnership between the legal profession and nine UK charities. Participating solicitors will waive their fee for writing (or updating) a basic Will. They invite clients to donate the usual fee to Will Aid. See poster in the porch for more details or visit Junior Church Movie Night 14th December 4pm-6pm We will ask for a donation of £1 which will include the movie, drink, crisps and a sweet. The movie we will be watching is Frozen. Please speak to Bev to reserve your place. Christingle 21st December 2014 at 9.30am The next All-age Service will be a Christingle Service. The Christingles will be prepared on the Saturday in Church House.
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