Lesson Plans for I Build! I Create! • Construction Terms (Week 1

Lesson Plans for I Build! I Create! • Construction Terms (Week 1)
Wonderful Word
geometric, geométrico
Vocabulary and Alliteration
English Vocabulary
Spanish Vocabulary
Greeting Circle
Moving and
Literacy (Oral
Handwriting, Read
Weekly Learning
Cooperation, Colaboración
Intentionality, Intencionalidad
English-R, r, T, t, I, i
Spanish-R, r, T, t, I, i
ABC and XYZ; Reading Buddy
Geometry and Spatial Sense
angle, circle, comparison, cooperation, geometric, hexagon, octagon, oval, position, rectangle, rhombus, shapes, slanted, spatial, square, trapezoid, triangle
ángulo, círculo, comparación, colaboración, geométrico, hexágono, octágono, óvalo, posición, rectángulo, rombo, figuras, inclinado, espacial, cuadrado, trapecio, triángulo
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
• Building community
• Unite: Use Dr. Jean's Transition Tip
(Page 14) to greet the children
• Sing "If you are clever and you know
• Explain to the children how they will
be learn about terms that describe
colors, shapes, sizes, and positions
Cooperative Musical Circle • Círculos
musicales de colaboración game- Use
masking tape to make six circles on the
floor. Divide the class into two groups
• Building community
• Unite: Teach the children to sing
"Three Straight Sides"
• Tell the children they will be learning
about triangles today. Invite the
children to look around the classroom
for triangle shapes.
• This week the children will be learning
“Three Straight Sides” • “Tres lados
rectos” ball-rolling song- Use masking
tape to make large triangles on the
floor. Have three children sit on the
floor, each taking a position at one of
the points of the triangle. Provide a ball
and have the children roll it to each
other following the lines of the triangle.
• Building community
• Unite: Sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little
• Change the word "diamond" to
"rhombus" and draw the shape in the
air as you sing the song. Explain to the
children that a rhombus is just another
word for diamond
“Rainbow Dancers” • “Bailarines de
colores” ribbon dance-Encourage
children to dance with streamers. Allow
children to choose their favorite
streamers and listen carefully to the
directions provided in the song.
• Building community
• Building community
• Introduce the shapes of the hexagon • Unite: Sing "Open, Shut Them". Point
and octagon
out the spatial and positional words in
• Sing "If You're Clever and You Know the song (open, shut, in, up)
• Disengage the stress response: Have
• Invite the children to find hexagons
the children lie on their backs to fly their
and octagons throughout the day
kites. Have them inhale and exhale as
• Disengage the stress response: Invite their kites go up and exhale as they
“Little Ants” • “Hormiguitas” action song- “Hands and Fingers” • “Manos y dedos”
Place masking tape on the floor to
action song-Invite the children to follow
create two large hexagons. Divide the the lyrics of "Hands and Fingers" and to
class in half while singing "Little Ants". listen to the story.
Invite the children to perform the
Read "Twinkle, the Little Star"
actions of the song as they walk the
perimeter of the two hexagons.
• Learn a finger play about circles
• Introduce idea circle stands for unity
• Introduce the prefix tri• Compare and describe attribute
• Identify colors in photographs
• Create lists of familiar color objects
• Form shapes with bodies
• Match oral shape name to pattern
• Develop purpose for directional words
• Follow directions that require
understanding position words
• Creativity Station-Make shape
patterns with stencils
• Language and Literacy-Retell a story
with props
• Pretend and Learn-Arrange pretend
cookies on trays
• ABC-Spell names with magnetic
• Gross Motor Area-Toss beanbags in
• Creativity Station-Draw on folded
Can You See the Shapes? • ¿Ves las
• Review geometric shapes
• Introduce hexagon and rhombus
• Photo activity #16
Hands and Fingers • Manos y dedos
• Predict story content
• Supply position words in context
• Writer's Corner-Play tic-tac-toe
• Creativity Station-Trace circles
• Writer's Corner-Do rubbings of
• Library and Listening-Listen to a story shapes
• Fine Motor-Form shapes with chenille
• Play Button Change-O
• Writer's Corner-Write color words
• Language and Literacy-Make a fruit
• Creativity Station-Create a tissue
paper collage
Can You See the Shapes? • ¿Ves las
• Discuss role of author and illustrator
• Introduce circle and square
• Use the Fanny Frog Puppet
“Song of the Kites” (Cultural Rhymes •
Rimas culturales flip book)
• Introduce rhombus • rombo
• Discuss experiences with kites
• Invite the children to play "Rainbow
Dancers" using streamers
“Tillie the Triangle” • “Tita el Triángulo”
prop story
• Associate shapes with common foods
• Recognize letter T
• Use masking tape to make large
triangles on the floor
The Button Story • El cuento del botón • Have the children sit on the floor,
each taking a position at one of the
• Use large stick on notes and chart
• Provide a ball and have children roll it
• Tell the children they will be the
to each other following the lines of the
authors of this story
• Writer's Corner-circle and square or triangle
• Writer's Corner-triangle and
círculo and cuadrado
rectangle or triángulo and
• Gross Motor Area-Play a beanbag
tossing game using a laminated circle • Gross Motor Area-Play a beanbag
and a square
tossing game using various laminated
• Construction Center-Build only with
square and circular blocks
• Construction Center-Build only with
triangular and rectangular blocks
Day 4
“Smart Cookie’s Creative Cookies” •
The Button Story • El cuento del botón “Las galletas creativas de Galletita
Lista” story folder
• Continue writing story
• Identify problem solving in story
• Recall story details
• Writer's Corner-Mix red and blue play • Writer's Corner-Trace shape stencils
• Gross Motor Area-Play a beanbag
• Gross Motor Area-Play a beanbag
tossing game using all of the shapes
tossing game using a laminated
• Construction Center-Add large and
hexagon and an octagon
small boxes for building
• Construction Center-Build only with
rectangular blocks
Day 5
Twinkle, the Little Star • Chispita la
• Note spatial words
• Recall story details
• Writer's Corner-Have children practice
marking an X in, outside on top of,
below and beside a circle
• Gross Motor Area-Describe the
location of their beanbags in
relationship to their target (on top of,
beside, below, above, near, far)
• Construction Center-Build garages
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
• Make models of squares and circles • Introduce the terms angle, obtuse,
• Find squares and circles in classroom and acute
• Make right angles with AngLegs
• Science-Experiment with straw rollers Centers
• Creativity Station-Print with jar lids
• Math-Sort cards by shapes
• Gross Motor-Make shadow angles
• Introduce term quadrilateral
• Construct models of rhombi and
Patience-Discuss with children that
sometimes it is very hard to wait. Have
children talk about times that they have
had to wait and have had to use their
Expose children to the concept of
patience, and explore benefits and
characteristics associated with people
who are patient.
Teach children to use patient words.
Example: "I will wait five minutes until
you are finished playing with that toy."
children ways in which they can
be patient: Always keep a calm voice,
never whine. Find something to keep
you occupied while you have to wait for
Activities- The Farmer in the Dell- Have
children play the game and discuss
that sometimes it is hard to wait for
your turn, but that everyone will get a
Closing Circle
• Reflecting on the day
• Check on Commitments
• Kindness Tree
• Family Connection
• Reflecting on the day
• Check on Commitments
• Kindness Tree
• Family Connection
• Reflecting on the day
• Check on Commitments
• Kindness Tree
• Family Connection
• Reflecting on the day
• Check on Commitments
• Kindness Tree
• Family Connection
• Reflecting on the day
• Check on Commitments
• Kindness Tree
• Family Connection
Outdoor Learning
• Invite children to play with Frisbees
Hula-hoops. Point out that both items
are circular. Have children stand in a
square. Ask a volunteer to count the
sides and to identify the corners
• Have the children stand in a
Ask volunteers to identify the long
sides, short sides, and angles. Count
the sides. Have children look for
rectangles on the outside of the school
• Is aware of where own body is in
• Provide colored sheets of cellophane. • Take a walk around the school,
Have children create colored shadows looking
on the playground
for street signs. Make a list of shapes
children find
Math and Science
Learning Goals
• Increasingly interacts and
communicates with peers to initiate
pretend play scenarios that share a
common plan and goal
• Produces a word that begins with the
same sound as a given pair of words
• Recognizes at least 20 letter sounds
• Uses a wide variety of words to label
and describe people, places, things,
and actions
• Combines ideas for complex
• Names common shapes
• Demonstrates understanding of terms
used in the instructional language of
the classroom
• Shows competence in initiating social
• Names at least 20 upper- and at least
20 lowercase letters
• Creates shapes
• Demonstrates use of location words
• Describes attributes
• Uses art as a form of creative selfexpression and representation
• Identifies equal and unequal sets
space, respects personal boundaries
• Increasingly interacts and
communicates with peers to initiate
pretend-play scenarios that share a
common plan and goal
• Recognizes at least 20 letter sounds
• Shows interest in books
• Asks and answers appropriate
questions about the book
• Recognizes at least 20 letter sounds
• Uses category labels to understand
how words and objects relate to each
• Provides appropriate information for
various situations
• Retells or reenacts a story after it is
read aloud
• Names common shapes
• Creates shapes
• Describes attributes
• Describes, observes, and investigates
properties and characteristics of
common objects
• Counts the sides on shapes
• Create models of octagons and
Day 5
• Math-Construct models of angles
• Writer's Corner-Trace shape stencils
• Construction-Arrange blocks to match • Math-Copy fish with pattern blocks
• Shows competence in initiating social
• Demonstrates receptive vocabulary
(three to four thousand words)
• Produces a word that begins with the
same sound as a given pair of words
• Provides appropriate information for
various situations
• Uses a wide variety of words to label
and describe people, places, things,
and actions
• Uses books and other written
materials to engage in pre-reading
• Demonstrates understanding of terms
used in the instructional language of
the classroom
• Uses a wide variety of words to label
and describe people, places, things,
and actions
• Names common shapes
• Creates shapes
• Recognizes and compares heights or
lengths of people or objects
• Shows understanding by responding
• Initiates problem-solving strategies and
seeks adult help when necessary
• Demonstrates use of location words
• Identify the numeral 0
• Place blocks following spatial
• Gross Motor Area-Race cardboard
• Creativity Station-Glue shape cutouts
into design
• Invite children to play parachute
that focus on spatial and positional
• Produces a word that begins with the • Is able to increase or decrease
same sound as a given pair of words
intensity of emotions more consistently,
• Is able to increase or decrease
although adult guidance is sometimes
intensity of emotions more consistently necessary
although adult guidance is sometimes • Demonstrates use of location words
• Produces a word that begins with the
• Shows competence in initiating social same sound as a given pair of words
• Uses category labels to understand
• Uses a wide variety of words to label how words and objects relate to each
and describe people, places, things,
and actions
• Asks and answers appropriate
• Asks and answers appropriate
questions about the book
questions about the book
• Recognizes at least 20 letter sounds
• Shows initiative in independent
• Shows understanding by responding
situations and persists in attempting to appropriately
solve problems
• Shows understanding by following two• Demonstrates receptive vocabulary
step oral directions, and usually follows
(three to four thousand words)
three-step directions
• Shows understanding by following two- • Names common shapes
step oral directions, and usually follows • Creates shapes
three-step directions
• Coordinates sequence of movements
• Creates shapes
to perform tasks
• Demonstrates understanding that
• Participates in classroom music
when counting, the items can be
chosen in any order
• Names common shapes
• Identifies and creates common
features in her immediate environment
• Collects data and organizes it in a
graphic representation