Projects for PHYS 5520 Ming Gong Email: [email protected] TA: Deng Naijing [email protected] Chap. 3 Discuss the finite T Green’s function Results at zero temperature S-matrix Gellmann-Low theorem Feynman diagrams and Wick contraction. What can I do if I do not like eqs? Most of the students for experiments do not like Eqs. It doesn’t mean that you can not understand theoretical physics. Punchline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. At Zero T, the low-order self-energies can be well reproduced by perturbation theory (Lippmann-Schwinger Eq.) The high-order terms can not be accessed by perturbation theory, but can be calculated using numerical methods. The perturbation theory is just an approximation, not a systematical/selfconsistent theory. The many-body physics is a self-consistent theory. The perturbation results maybe divergent, thus need renormalization (not discussed here). The perturbation theory can not take the temperature effect into account ( finite temperature Green’s function) How to study the finite T Green’s function? Please always remember the basic methods used in zero T Green’s functions The same methods should be used at finite Temperature (1-1 correspondence) though small modifications are required. I plan to finish this chapter in one week (at most two weeks), which is very fast. We need time to discuss the ideas in many-body physics. Many-body physics is not a theory about complex math, but instead, it is a theory about ideas. Important results in T=0 Green’s function Interaction picture Ground state wave function (at T = 0) and S-matrix, Gell- Mann-Low theorem. Wick’s contraction The operator arrays can be decoupled by 2-body contractions. The final results equal ALL the possible pairings/contractions between the operators. Linked cluster theorem and Feynman diagrams. The Green’s function is determined by ONLY the connected diagrams. Dyson Equation enables to include all the possible diagrams to infinity orders. Finite Temperature T We consider the partition function Z, instead of the ground state. Not only the ground state, but also the excited states have contributions to the final results (any physical observations). Good news because the trace is basis-independent. We do not have the Gellmann-Low theorem at finite T. Most of the results at zero temperature will fail at finite T. Physical observations A is any operator. The denominator is the partition function Z. Work in grand canonical ensemble, thus H should be replaced by Chemical potential and # of particle Omega: grand canonical potential/thermodynamic potential. The system is said to be open in the sense that the system can exchange energy and particles (N is not conserved) with a reservoir, so that various possible states of the system can differ in both their total energy and total number of particles (from wiki). Homework (Finish in 2 weeks) Please read the textbook about statistical physics carefully and answer the following questions. Why we have different statistics for fermion and boson? Why all physical observations can be derived from the partition function Z? Failure of Gell-Mann-Low theorem Two possible conditions that this theorem can fail: degeneracy of the wave function and energy level crossing. Hydrogen atoms ground state |1s> is unique. Excited states maybe degenerate. We may have this conclusion. In most of the systems, the ground state can be unique While the excited states can be degenerate. Good news: The trace is basis independent. Trace is basis independent. A standard result in quantum mechanics. We do not need to care about the Basis OR We can choose any basis. Important results in T=0 Green’s function Interaction picture Ground state wave function (at T = 0) and S-matrix, Gell- Mann-Low theorem. Wick’s contraction The operator arrays can be decoupled by 2-body contractions. The final results equal ALL the possible pairings/contractions between the operators. Linked cluster theorem and Feynman diagrams. The Green’s function is determined by ONLY the connected diagrams. Dyson Equation enables to include all the possible diagrams to infinity orders. Definition of Green’s function At zero temperature Green’s function at finite temperature (following the basic idea in Mahan’s book). Next, basic properties of these Green’s functions: Interaction pic. About time-ordering operator I did not mention the following point at zero temperature for Fermion and boson couplings. At finite temperature, the value of tau is chosen in the following regime. Time-ordering can be well-defined in this case. Wick rotation Wick’s second contribution to physics Direct connection between evolution operator and partition function. Wick’s rotation is the most important result for finite T Green’s function. Rotation of Pi/2 Without the Trace operator (Tr), we have This result is correct for any t (real/complex numbers). • Related to Feynman diagrams • The Trace can be made based on basis of H0 Because the eigenvectors of H are totally unknown. Real vs imaginary time Green Function Interaction picture Key Eqs in finite T Green’s function ' Then 0, with , ' [0, ] ' [ ,0] and ' [0, ] Boson particle: A symmetric function Fermion particle: An anti-symmetric function We only care about the physics for tau in [0, \beta]. Fourier transformations of G 2mpi and (2m+1)pi are called Matsubara frequencies (1955). A New Approach to Quantum-Statistical Mechanics, T. Matsubara, Prog. Theor. Phys. 14 (1955) 351 Two different Fourier transformations Type I, in the whole space Type II, f(t) is a periodic function f(t)=f(t+T) These waves widely happen In engineering. Periodic signals No picture for Matsubara is available 1955 Two methods to calculate the last result Standard method used in Mahan’s book. Two methods to calculate the last result Equation of motion method Can be directly determined From Wick’s rotation. The same method can be used in T=0 case, which We didn’t discuss in details. Homework (Finish in 2 weeks) Please show that the above results can also be obtained directly using Wick’s rotation. Now calculate the result in energy space. Connection between zero and finite T A direct connection between Green’s function at zero temperature and at finite temperature. An important trick used in future because is not directly related to physical observations. Homework (Finish in 2 weeks). Please explain this general relation from the Wick’s rotation viewpoint. Electron-phonon From standard definition Chemical potential of phonon = 0 We have emphasized three different tricks to get this result. Conclusion for the Green’s function for H0 at finite T In both zero and finite temperature, the Green’s functions for non-interacting particles have a simple form. 2. The Green’s function in real time and imaginary time has the following simple connection Wick’s rotation. 1. Point 1 is useful for Feynman diagrams in future and point 2 is useful for physical observations. Important results in T=0 Green’s function Interaction picture Ground state wave function (at T = 0) and S-matrix, Gell- Mann-Low theorem. Wick’s contraction The operator arrays can be decoupled by 2-body contractions. The final results equal ALL the possible pairings/contractions between the operators. Linked cluster theorem and Feynman diagrams. The Green’s function is determined by ONLY the connected diagrams. Dyson Equation enables to include all the possible diagrams to infinity orders. Dyson Equation Definition of Green’s function We hope to have the following similar result Some mathematcal background Definition of Green’s function S-matrix True for tau < 0 Homework (Finish in 2 weeks) Please verify the following result by yourself. I have only shown the result for tau < 0 and I have emphasized that this result is also correct when tau > 0. Please show this result using two different ways. (1) Wick’s rotation; and (2) Direct exact calculation. Where This result is identical to that at zero temperature The temperature effect is replaced by NO adiabatic evolution, thus do not have the arbitrary phase Adiabatic evolution at zero T Ground state is unique. This phase need to be cancelled exactly. Q: how to evaluate the following expression? At zero temperature, the operators are calculated over the ground state wave functions. Wick’s contraction. At finite temperature, Not only the ground state but also the excited states have contributions Major difference between zero and finite T. Wick’s theorem at T = 0 Because of the normal ordering ? = all possible Green’s functions YES, this theorem is correct even at finite temperature. Discussion in Mahan’s book Not sufficient, we need to explain the validity of Wick’s theorem at finite T more carefully We need to understand this result from different angles. An exact proof is also lacked in Abrikosov’s book. Exact proof can be found in Matsubara’s original paper (1955). We try to understand this result from different angles 1. From intuitive physical pictures. A carefully analysis show that is not necessary to be the ground state. For excited states we still have this conclusion. This argument is used in most of the textbooks. We try to understand this result from different angles 2. Mathematical proof Results at T = 0 Definition in this note. The most crucial observation from the above result. The above result can be obtained from the following identity. Final result for Wick’s contraction at finite T. = all possible pairs. For Boson, we do not have the minus sign. = All possible pairs. Each pair = Green’s function = all connected diagrams because the denominator can be exactly cancelled due to linked cluster theorem. Dyson Equation of course can be applied. Important results in T=0 Green’s function Normal orderings are modified Interaction picture We can have Wick contraction Ground state wave function (at T = 0)explicitly and S-matrix, Gell-the without involving Mann-Low theorem. Normal-ordering Wick’s contraction The operator arrays can be decoupled by 2-body contractions. The final results equal ALL the possible pairings/contractions between the operators. Linked cluster theorem and Feynman diagrams. The Green’s function is determined by ONLY the connected diagrams. Dyson Equation enables to include all the possible diagrams to infinity orders. Next, two major things Linked cluster theorem and Dyson Equation (Homework, finished in 2 weeks) Fourier transformation from imaginary time space to energy space. The following is the trick in Arbriksov’s book, page 70-71. (1) This trick is independent of time t; and (2) Wick’s rotation. This homework should be explained from these two angles. Next, two major things Linked cluster theorem and Dyson Equation. Fourier transformation from imaginary time space to energy space. Wick’s rotation Only consider the diagram above Convolution theorem can still be used. Conservation of energy/momentum Q: How to sum over omega? A summary for zero and finite T (please remember this table) Zero temperature Finite Temperature Interaction picture in real time Interaction picture in imaginary time (a direct wick rotation, tau = it) Gellmann-Low theorem find the ground state of H from H0. Trace is independent of basis, not necessary to find the ground state Wick contraction is FULLY based on Wick contraction, but do not need to normal ordering based on normal ordering. Feynman diagrams The Feynman diagrams at finite temperature is identical to that at zero temperature. Linked cluster theorem, denominator = exp(iL), which is exactly cancelled. G(p, E), convolution theorem Conservation of E and P. Linked cluster theorem, denominator is exactly cancelled from Wick’s rotation. G(p, iE), convolution theorem Conservation of E and P. A summary for zero and finite T (please remember this table) 1. The ground state and related normal ordering are not necessary. 2. Wick contraction need to be understood using a new way 3. All the other things can be understood based on wick rotation. Gian-Carlo Wick from wiki GIAN-CARLO WICK, 1909–1992 A Biographical Memoir by MAURICE JACOB Interested students can read the following material to get a better understanding for the contributions of Gian-Carlo Wick in physics. Frequency summations One special thing at finite temperature The most special Eq. Most of the above results can be directly verified using mathematic or other tools. DON’T WORRY. A lot of open codes can be found in internet. We need one method to obtain the above result. . Contour integration Eq. 3.219, see previous slide. Over some loop along the Im z axis. We find that the singularity of distribution functions are identical to their Matsubara frequencies. From the same reason: statistics of F/B. One simple example Construct a closed loop Homework (finish in 2 weeks). Please show Fermion case Ref: Introduction to Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics, BY Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg After summation, Take tau 0. Conditional converged series Since the summation does not converge, the result may differ by a constant upon different choice of the Matsubara weighting function About the definition of Homework(Finish in 2 weeks) Please verify the following result This result is from the note by Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg, page 174. Note that the following result for fermion is also correct for fermion. Take tau = 0+ gives the distribution function of boson. Homework (Finish in 2 weeks) Please verify the following using two basic methods. Method 1 Basic Eq. See the note by Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg, page 174 Method 2: Please verify the above result using Mathematica. Explain why this diagram is the lowest-order self-energy for phonon. Some personal comments about the Matsubara frequency summations Historically, the Matsubara frequencies and related summations are important in many-body physics. A lot of tables can be found in wiki and other open materials. ency For unknown reasons, these tables can not be found in textbooks. Now, the summation is not so important in modern physics due to the progresses in symbolic calculations using mathematic, matlab as well as maple, or other softwares. Some personal comments: Wick vs Matsubara Wick’s rotation seems to be essential in finite temperature Green’s function. But this theory is totally developed by Matsubara. Wick’s rotation maybe developed in 1954 and published in APS, while Matsubara’s theory was published in a Japan journal in 1955 (one year later), which is not well-known at that time. Matsubara is stimulated by the Wick contraction and normalordering but not stimulated by Wick rotation (his paper was not directly cited in Matsubara’s original paper). Matsubara found/developed the Wick’s rotation by himself. * The above history maybe incorrect, but is interesting and deserve to be examined more carefully in future. This short history should be remembered. End of chapter 3 for finite T GFs: Almost 1-1 correspondences between zero and finite T GFs; Remember this table. Zero temperature Finite Temperature Interaction picture in real time Interaction picture in imaginary time (a direct wick rotation, tau = it) Gellmann-Low theorem find the Trace is independent of basis, not ground state of H from H0. necessary to find the ground state Wick contraction is FULLY based on Wick contraction, but do not need to normal ordering based on normal ordering. Feynman diagrams The Feynman diagrams at finite temperature is identical to that at zero temperature. Linked cluster theorem, denominator = exp(iL), which is exactly cancelled. G(p, E), convolution theorem Conservation of E and P. Linked cluster theorem, denominator is exactly cancelled from Wick’s rotation. G(p, iE), convolution theorem Conservation of E and P. The following things will not be discussed Introduction to Many-body quantum theory in condensed matter physics, BY Henrik Bruus and Karsten Flensberg 1. Green’s function and slater determinant. The last result can be expressed using slater determinant. 2. Time evolution of Green’s function. This method is extremely useful in approximations, instead of establish an exact theory. Definiton of G(t) Not be discussed in my course. Equation of motion For G(t) Exact expression of G(t) using interaction picture Approximations Fourier transformations Maybe the same results A complete & self-consistent theory
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