th 10 February 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL SCHOOL CAPTAINS ELECTED Last Thursday afternoon 47 Year Six students gave speeches to an audience of the senior students, after being nominated for the position of School Captain 2015. This was a wonderful opportunity for each of the nominated students and I was so proud to see the way that they prepared their speeches and focussed on the value that they add personally to our school community. There were creative posters, raps, songs, poems and multilingual presentations. Following a Year 6 student secret ballot, preferential voting process, I am really thrilled to announce that the following students have been elected as School Captains: James Lam (C) Sulaymann Hafeez (VC) Elisha Cox (C) Kristy Arulrajah (VC) This week elections will be held for the positions of House Captains and House Vice Captains. Serpell holds democracy as a key core value and we strive to give the students who will be the leaders of tomorrow, many opportunities to develop their skills in leadership and community. The next round of elections, which will take place in each class, will be for the Junior School Council Representatives in Environment, Fund Raising and Social Action. PARENT ASSOCIATION MEETING FRIDAY This coming Friday morning at 9am, the PA will be holding its AGM in the staffroom. A key feature will be a presentation by Year 6 teacher, Jessica Lee, on “Philosophy in the Classroom”. After you drop the children off in the morning, please come in and join us for a morning of education, socialising and community sharing. If you are new to our school it is a great chance to meet others and become connected to your child’s education. PARENT HELPERS TRAINING Training for Parent Helpers in classrooms is detailed later in this newsletter. Thank you to Barbara Bell for her willingness to train parents in the most important way. This provides parents with knowledge about how children learn, the opportunity to work in the classroom as well as the ability to get to know the teacher and classmates of their children. CHINESE NEW YEAR ASSEMBLY NEXT MONDAY 2pm Next Monday afternoon at 2pm we will have a special whole school assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year. We invite parents, grandparents and friends to join us at this event, which will be presented in English and Mandarin. However, we will be watching the weather forecast carefully. If the projected temperature is more than 35 degrees, the assembly will be postponed until the following week. Notification will also be on Twitter and Facebook. WILMA CULTON FROM THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL What is going on? This year we will be communicating all of our curriculum information to you through your child’s Year Level Blog. The Term Newsletter from each year level will be placed onto the Year Level Blog for you to read and to find out about what is happening in all learning areas including English, Mathematics, the Inquiry Unit, Physical Education, Art, Library and Languages. Teachers will be using the Year Level and Class Blog to communicate important information to you. Incursions and excursions, tips for assisting with home learning, and a diary of special events will all be placed onto the Blog. It will be a MUST READ document on a regular basis. You will receive a letter from your child’s teacher which will provide you with the Blog address for your child’s Year Level Blog. This letter will be sent home to you in the very near future. We trust that you will enjoy this new way of communicating with you. PARENT LITERACY EDUCATION SESSIONS. CLASSROOM HELPER TRAINING/SUPPORTING CHILDREN IN EARLY YEARS LITERACY LEARNING. Morning and Afternoon sessions Term One. Parent training sessions for the Classroom Helpers program will be held in the morning and afternoons this term. These sessions are designed around the areas of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. If you are interested in assisting in the Foundation, year one or year two classrooms, attendance at the four training sessions is essential. If you would like to learn more about the way your child learns literacy skills, you are most welcome to attend. There are four sessions each of approximately 90 minutes duration. You must commit to the whole four sessions. The following sessions will be held this term: Mornings: 9.15 – 10.45 on Wednesday Feb. 18; Wednesday Feb 25; Wednesday March 4 and Wednesday March 11 Afternoons: 1.30– 2.45pm on Friday Feb.20; Friday Feb 27; Friday March 6 and Friday March 13. All sessions are held in the staff room. No pre-school children please. Please fill out the return slip below if you are interested in attending this Literacy Education Program and return it to the school office. We will be in contact with you before the workshops begin to confirm that we have sufficient numbers to run these classes. Sue Young Barbara Bell Assistant Principal. Reading Recovery Teacher Parent Literacy Education Sessions I will be attending the Parent Literacy Education sessions. Please circle the session you will be attending. Morning OR Afternoon (Circle One) Parent Name:___________________________________ Contact Telephone Number:_______________________ Child’s name:_______________________ Class ______ SCHOOL BANKING On behalf of the whole school we would like to give special thanks to Ophelia Hung and Lilian Ong, who for 10 years volunteered their time to process the School Banking. It is only with parent support that these programs can run, we wish them well and thank them both. PARENT’S ASSOCIATION WELCOME MORNING TEA and AGM – THIS FRIDAY 13th FEB On Friday morning after drop-off we warmly welcome families that are new to the school to join us for morning tea in the staffroom. During this time we will also have a philosophy presentation from Grade 6 teacher Jessica Lee. This will be a fantastic opportunity to hear more about this subject that our children probably know more about than us! All welcome. Following the presentation we will hold our Parents’ Association AGM and first meeting for the year. If you would like to get involved, find out some more information or just hear about the plans for the year, please come along. Young children are welcome to attend – we have an updated box of toys. If you have any questions feel free to email me on [email protected]. 2015 CLASS REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED Thank you to those who have already volunteered to be Class Rep this year for your child’s class. This is a very special, valuable and important role that will not only enable you to become more involved with your child’s class, but with the school community as a whole. Ideally we need two class reps for each class so this is perfect to do with a friend, as it is a very easy and rewarding role. Class Reps are still needed for the following classes: F: JJ, LJ, MS, RS 1: AR, KH, LM, PC, SC 2: AM, JQ, KK, KS, MR, MS, RL 3: LZ, NT, RB 4: BR, BS, JO, JR, TA 5: JT, KB, KD, KJ, NR 6: AF, CK, CN, JL, SC If you have not already volunteered and would like to do so please e-mail Dora Demos at [email protected] our Class Rep Coordinator with your name, your child’s name and class and your phone number. Natalie Lauder President, Parents’ Association FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE Absences: If your child is absent from school there is no need to ring the school, just send a note explaining their absence upon their return to school. The absence note must have the child’s full name and class on it. If you child arrives late to school, you do not need to come via the office, just take your child straight to class and let the teacher know why they are late, the class roll will be adjusted accordingly. If you wish to pick your child up early from school, you must come via the office, complete an early release slip and then take it to your child’s teacher. Messages: Please only ring the office with messages for your child if it is urgent. Sending Money: Please ensure any money sent to the office is in a sealed envelope with your child’s full name and class on it. Your assistance with this is much appreciated. SPORT Swimming Trials Following our successful School Swimming Trials held at Aquarena last Friday we now have selected 34 children from Year 4,5 and 6 to represent Serpell at our District Swimming Carnival which will be at Aquarena this Friday, 13th February from 10am – 12.30pm. Thank you to all the parents who assisted with the swimming trials which ran really smoothly in perfect sunny conditions. Hopefully the same the same will apply this Friday with warm weather predicted. Hopefully a number of children will qualify for the Divisional Carnival to be held in early March. Graham Matthews Sports Coordinator SERPELL BASKETBALL CLUB RESULTS of Games W/E 7 Feb 2015 U9 Girls U11 Girls U9 Boys U11 Boys Sunrays 6 Star Shooter 26 Coyotes 4 Spartans 21 Donvale Emeralds 0 Donvale Diamonds 0 Milgate 16 OLOP Rockets 16 U11 Boys Scorpions 14 Serpell Snipers 17 U11 Boys Snipers 17 Serpell Scorpions 14 Open Boys Cyclones 12 OLOP Piranhas 34 DIARY Tue 10th th Fri 13 Feb Feb th Feb th Feb Feb Feb Mon 16 Mon 16 th Tue 17 Wed 18th th Fri 20 School Banking resumes PA AGM & morning tea for new families – 9.00am Chinese Parent Group Meeting – 12.30pm Whole School Assembly – 2pm Walk To School Launch Classroom Helper Training – AM Session @ 9.10am in the Staffroom Classroom Helper Training – PM Session @ 1.30pm in the Staffroom Labour Day Holiday – No School School Photos School Photos Reporting Evening Reporting Eveing Feb th Mon 9 th Tue 10 Wed 11th Mon 23rd th Tue 24 Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar 2015 Camp Dates Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Mon 19th Oct – Wed 21st Oct Wed 4th Nov – Fri 6th Nov Mon 9th Nov – Wed 11th Nov Tue 17th Nov – Fri 20th Nov 2015 School Term Dates Term Term Term Term 1 – Wed 29th Jan to Fri 29th Jan 2 – Mon 13th Apr to Fri 26th Jun 3 – Mon 13 Jul to Fri 18th Sep th th 3 – Mon 5 Oct to Fri 18 Dec COMMUNITY NOTICES Sacramental Classes for Catholic Children Catholic children who attend our school are invited by St. Gregory the Great Parish, Doncaster to participate in programs to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Could parents please contact the parish office on 9848 2395 or by email on [email protected] These programs will be conducted by Sr. Carmel Krohn on Wednesday evenings. Indoor Soccer Team This is a call for expressions of interest of grade-6 boys who wish to be a member of a Serpell Primary indoor soccer team and play in a local competition starting term-2. The season will run from term-2 to 3. Games will be held on Thursday after school, at Action Indoor Sports – 350 Blackburn Rd, East Doncaster. Cost will be approximately $10 per game. Contact Pranil Chandra – 0400971083 / [email protected] The Department of Education does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Department of Education for the accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.
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